“Dear God, I now make this, the single request of my life…”
—–The near future, Nagasaki.
Into this city, with its long and checkered past
was born a rarity: a child with wings.
I don’t know when it started, but
The school overlooking the town
came to be known as hallowed ground –
and that is where we met.
Though summer comes closer, there is nothing new, and a boring day just rolls on. But, his boring life suddenly ends. He is forced to look for a key of the observatory. He reluctantly accepts it, but gets a little bit excited. An exciting feeling…. A hunch of something will happen. Just before the summer holiday, he meets her….
Period.part02.rar – 199.3 MB
Period.part03.rar – 199.3 MB
Period.part04.rar – 199.3 MB
Period.part05.rar – 199.3 MB
Period.part06.rar – 199.3 MB
Period.part07.rar – 199.3 MB
Period.part08.rar – 199.3 MB
Period.part09.rar – 199.3 MB
Period.part10.rar – 199.3 MB
Period.part11.rar – 199.3 MB
Period.part12.rar – 64.4 MB
Win 10 install
Load Image into Daemon Tools.
Run English Installer with Applocale BOTH Japanese and Admin. Will not recognize the disc is in without both for me.
When installed run patch.
Play game. Screen should come up with the words “English Edition” under the Title.
Plays fine for me on latests Win 10 update release.
Okay, I tried all the ways on this site, but I cannot, for the love of me, install this PoS. I run the installer from the disk regularly, with Japanese locale, nothing. I do that with the patch and the English patch. Nothing. I can’t install it no matter what I try.
what is the mini story
enjoyed the game, nice art, nice storys… but yes very very very loli-like characters. I found that at some points rather disturbing. even the shape of their heads had something babyish to them. Also they all seem to suffer from an eating disorder as they are absurdly thin, looks really unhealthy.
a part from that, not a bad game.
Ty for the upload, as always!
does this game the r18 scenes?? (cause i was playing and following a guide to get one of the girls and from a moment to another it skiped to the next day, it skiped 4 choices)
Aren’t all these games basically the same face with different hair at this point?
Does anyone have a 100% save for this? I want to see the nurses route (koto?) but you need to have done every route to do hers 🙁 and i know its a short route.
I finished kohanes route and loved it but some of the other girls dont appeal much and i dont want to have to play through it 6 more times 🙁
I have come bearing the gift of an easy installation guide!
First off, there’s the 4 things you need.
1 – The Original Japanese Game
2 – The 1.1 patch for the Japanese Game
3 – The Original English patch
4 – The Engligh patch 7.1 update
(Also the optional mini story stuff)
SO, just install everything in that order!
(NOTE: don’t unzip everything all at once. Do it as needed, so you don’t start mixing up setups)
1) Make sure your locale is JAPAN, bro.
2) Mount the ISO of the original Japanese game, and run the setup executable. It’s in Japanese, but it’s really straightforward! It’s just like installation of anything else. Keep clicking the YES/continue option, which is marked with a \(Y)\ normally. Also, at the end there will be a checkbox, that I’m guessing says \Run game\, so make sure that’s unchecked. BANG. Hardest part done.
3) Run the 1.1 patch! It’s also in Japanese, but it’s even more straightforward. It’ll simply confirm the file location, and then you have to click okay/yes/confirm/DoItNOW. Once both the bars hit 100%, you can close that sonuvabitch. MAKING PROGRESS NOW, SON.
4) Run the setup for the initial English patch! It’ll ask you to confirm the file destination, and ask if it’s okay to overwrite stuff that’s in there. THE ANSWER IS DEFINITELY YES. (When I did this, a window saying \insert game disk\ came up for about 1 second, and then disappeared, so I guess it takes a moment to register what you’ve got). Now, you have a few minutes of waiting to do, so grab a snack, yo.
5) THEN, run the update for the English patch. Super easy stuff.
(Also, if you want to install the mini story disc, this is where you’d do it. But it’s super simple, so I won’t explain.)
When you’re done, in the \LittleWitch\ folder of your program files, there should be two folders. One in Japanese, and one in English. Go into the one that is IN ENGLISH, and run the \Period\ that’s in there.
I’m using Windows 7. This took me less than 10 minutes, and took only 1 try. So, if you do everything in the right order, it’s pretty easy.
Also, there’s some pretty helpful information on the wiki for the English Translation. Try reading through the release notes:
Good luck, friends! If you’ve got simple questions, or are still confused about the initial Japanese installation, feel free to reply, and I’ll try to provide further assistance!
I still can’t use the English patch. It keeps saying “insert disk”
so those who want the last CG in the corner.
At one point you will get 3 options: go to library, infirmary, or class.
Pick library and stay inside after talking to rin, then pick the Erotica option.
Thanks for the reply. 🙂
Wait, Hatsumi-chan?!?!?!?!
Lol, conquering god.
I got the iso and mds from part one and win 7 and have exact same problem…. and I’m goood at this sort of thing… most of the time. Help @**@
Did you extract all 12 files at the same time (only an iso and mds appears, I think)? and mount the iso extracted?
Okay, so I don’t know what the problem is. I’ve spent a long time scrutinizing this page for anything that might help me, but to no avail. Let me inform you on the things that I HAVE right now:
I’ve download the ISO and MDS files. I’ve mounted them both.
I’ve got all these English Patch updates and I have the installer.
I’ve got AppLocale.
(Unrelated: I’ve got the special disc and the Summer Sky installer.)
After mounting both the ISO and MDS files, when I run them, I get a window that asks me if I would like to allow the program to make changes to my computer. I click yes. I can’t read anything on the installer, possibly due to the language it was written in, but at any rate it gives me strange symbols in the place of words. After the installation finishes, I get a message that I assume is telling me that it went smoothly.
After mounting these files, I go and try to install the English patch. It tells me that I need to insert the disc into any drive. Okay, so since I’ve already mounted the files, I don’t know what to do.
After this, I read this page, and deduce that I A)Need to demount the files and remount them, this time without running the installer, and B)Need to run the English patch installer using AppLocale with it set to Japanese.
Performing both of these shows no results.
I really want to play this, could someone please directly reply? No solution on this page has worked so far.
Also, I’m not able to run the game in Japanese either, why could that be?
Okay. I’ll try to help. But, I already deleted the RARs from mine.
-Could you tell me what files you got after extracting the RARs?
-Which windows version do you have?
(I use Windows 7 so we might have different version.)
Also my files are in 12, should I extact and mount them all?
Hey guys, Just finished playing all the routes (enjoyed each and every one even the extra story). However, I seem to be missing 1 cg picture in the others tab. It’s on the upper right part. Anyone know how to get it?
hello, does anyone know where the save files are stored on windows 7?
Hi, just found where the save files are located.
My computer\local disk C\Users\your username\saved games\ Littlewitch\ピリオド\UserData
Example directory:
C:\Users\Gamerz\Saved Games\Littlewitch\ピリオド\UserData
fuck those guys who didn’t play this just because they said that they can’t stand the art (no offense, but my friend said the exact thing)…
drama bomb with crowning music of awesome? count me in!
don’t forget to listen to Baroque, and other musics in this VN…
oh, and as an added bonus for those who love Little Busters (like me :p), you’ll get ‘Komari MAX!!!’ as a heroine here, you’ll know it when you hear her voice…
does anyone what to do with the 1.1 patch? cause it’s not downloading for me.
I can’t really say that the art style is up my alley, but the bgms and songs are great, and the UI is by far the best out of all the VNs I’ve played.
Hey Admin, can u upload the MINI STORY DISC? are only 13mb and is translated btw.
Well Thx Anyway for the upload, Cya.
Okay, first of I’ve no problem with the usual 1 or 2 loli characters in a game, but this one really is a bit too much.
There are two older characters, but one of them looks the youngest of all and the other, when it comes to sex, not to spoil it, but that is jinxed as well.
I liked the previous game, Quartett and especially the nice watercolour look of the graphics (sadly only the characters in period are drawn like that, not the backgrounds).
Yet the look leads to extremely childish looking characters, which was fine in Quartett, because two of the girls definitely had a mature body. In Period all possible relationships are little girls, not in age, but in look. Most of them are like flatchested 10-11 year old, the oldest one like maybe 12-13 years with a small yet visible bust. Two are looking like really small children when the protagonist has sex with them.
I found myself skipping all of the h scenes after the first 2, except for Aoi’s (the only girl in the game witha body that looks at least a bit womanly) because it really was too much loli for me.
So, if you are into Loli this definitely is the game for you, if not you’ll probably really feel a detraction from the otherwise well written and funny game, because the sex scenes will make you feel uncomfortable.
You just don’t like loli characters that’s why. Of course the only girl that interested you was the non-loli one lol.
Anyone know the name of the song that plays in the ending of asahi?
Having issues trying to download part 4, always ending up having in the internet fail on me? Just curious about that. I got part 1-3 fine till now. Could anyone give me advice or assist me, please????
I downloaded this, loaded it on to daemon tools, my pc is set to japan regional (always set to this), installed……comes up with a error everytime. So I downloaded the english patch tryed setting up it with that, still the same error :S.
I never had any issues isntalled games from here but this is the first having any issues. 🙁
can someone please tell me the name of miyu’s voice actor for the love of god i know the voice but i cant remember the name!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
anyone want download from mf ? i can upload 🙂
Before I download, did they remove the mosaics or are they still there. (is it uncen?)
hi, I cannot install this, I did exactly as gurusame said, mounting the .mds file using daemon tools lite did not work, when i try to run the english installer it gives me an error message saying “please insert period cd” even though it is already mounted, I also tried to do it with the .iso file and no dice. Anyone knows what can I do to get it to run?
Does anyone know when to apply the 1.1 update?
Don’t bother with it.
Torrent download is already patched in english or i need to download the english patch DA and intall it qith it ???
hey i was wondering if someone could please help me out here. i downloade the torrent and the english patch, i extracted the english patch and the contents of the part 1 folder(only the part 1 folder, no other parts) i mounted the iso file and then tried to run the english installer, i keep getting a message saying to put the disc in, the iso is mountede already at this point. what am i doing wrong?
Is this yuri?
Even if you and I wished for it, it won’t happen. 😛
Anyone have the OST of this game?
ok i got the patch to work. What i did was change the folder name. i did not use spaces, you could try but i don’t know. I also ran it with Japanese local with administrator. That’s what worked for me.
Thanks Admin.
The art in this vn is unique.
can’t download part 3, eror??, can u check it, please..
Installing the game is unconventional.
To those who are asking and who will ask…
*note* at least, this is how I did it
1. Download the GAME and ENGLISH PATCH
2. Extract both files, they need not be in the same folder.
3. Mount the MD5 file using DAEMON TOOLS LITE
(this is what I use, if you prefer another mounting tool then you can skip this part.)
5. While the cd image is mounted, lunch the SETUP.EXE that the english patch should contain. It will run the installation setup.
6. Choose your installation options and after its installation, ALAS! You can now run it in english 🙂
I wasn’t able to install the patch. If anyone has inquiries or comments regarding this “installation guide” please reply. or if you were able to install the friggin update which you could have probably done by changing the folder address, please post it also for I got my eyes blistered by all the japanese characters in the setup.
ok so i mo0unt the disc and it asks me to start the setup, i go and run the english setup i downloaded from here. it tells me to put in the disc. i click ok, it says u didnt put the disc in then turns off.
where do i go form here?
ps i only extracted the part 1 download to get the iso, do i need to extract the others as well?
Same problem. Even though I mounted it. It still asks for the disk
hi I seem to have solved the issue, you just need to change your computers locale to japanese or use applocale to run the english patch, it will still ask you to insert the disc but this time it will install. Just be sure to mount the disc first and do not run the istall.exe
thanks man really appreciate it, (and to those as technologically inept as myself the japanese option on applocale is the very last language option)
Thank you so much, this is exactly what I needed 🙂
I don’t get how to mount the disk when theres no disk
Thanks so much. Finally got it started. Anyone know what the “mini story” is for? I played this before so I think it might be related to that last girl? Her route is kinda short trying not to post spoilers.
I played period for like a week and it was walking fine and then one day whenever i try to start it, after the system check thing, it just gives me white screen.I tried reinstalling, no luck. Really enjoying the game and the Yukine route just got interesting and now this… WHY GOD?!?
So I’ve completed all the prereq’s to Asahi’s route (miyu’s + tsuzumi, aoi, as well as kohane on top of that) yet I for some reason can’t get her flag to come up. Anyone else having this problem/know how to fix it?
I was wondering about it too. Turns out, you have to do the common route over again to trigger the flag after you meet the prereqs (thank goodness for the skip function 😉 ).
done that several time and i have complete all routes except asahi and koto and still can’t trigger asahi.
I dunno but the art reminds me of CROSS†CHANNEL or Quartet i think…
Is it worth it?
I mean…The files are huge…So..I need a little push before DL it…
Is it reccomended??
Tell me a little about the story…
Quartett is earlier work by same company.
hey how do i install this game
Anyone else have the DirectDraw Error? Or know how to fix it? It was working fine earlier.
So, figured it out. For me, I cant run it on full screen so I had to strain my weak knowledge of the Japanese language and find the “Run Full Screen” drop box and select something else.
how do u install this? plz help
call me stupid, but I have no idea how to download this, anybody want to help?
This really could use a massive “loli” tag, even the more “legal” looking characters get magically turned into loli’s
The story isn’t bad but really, this is too loli for my tasted, what a shame ;/
lol, have you not seen the notices on “loli” based games. Everyone is 18+, even if they are in their 1st/2nd year of high school (like in school days, for example) so everyone is “legal” >.<
Nothing wrong with lolis. They’re so much more awesome than those overused gentle big-boobed chicks who have the personality of a cardboard.
to each his own never been into loli chicks sicken’s me alittle its like im fucking my 13 yr old niece
Well if the story is good, then skip the H scenes 😛
Hello! Can you put up a guide for how to download this game. I’ve been getting a error message.
Heh, even Rena weird hands are cute for me. So… why not…? I think the art is pretty good and refreshing as well.
Great art, even if everyone has the same face with different hair. Love the stories too.
Miu, Rin, Tsuzumi and Asahi all done.
Very enjoiable game, Asahi’s story was tearish too.
Don’t miss Yukina. She’s a hottie. Moreover, she is a swindler just like a beautiful pussycat.
thanks for the torrent 😀
Wanted to ask, just to be sure:
I downloaded the iso file, english patch, and the 1.1 patch, but when I installed the game using english patch, then tried to use the 1.1 patch, the installation patch’s bar don’t move at all. I check the game’s current version (installed with the english patch) and it said version 1.1.
Does that mean the 1.1 patch is unneeded if the game is installed with english patch?
English patch includes the 1.1 patch.
DA links just keep telling me wrong ip after I’ve entered the captcha
Not sure if Win7 64bit hangs the English patch, but I when I switched to Win XP the English patch runs fine. (I have to move the files and correct shortcuts as the drive I want to save to is unreadable in XP) Until someone finds a solution to this, I suggest those having the same problems try using another OS to install. (Make sure your problems is not forgetting to change system local)
It doesn’t
I’m running win 7 64bit.
Install as I suggested above.
To those having trouble installing, I’ve found a better solution.
Even though it makes absolutely no sense what-so-ever, run the ENGLISH installer under applocale and set the language to Japanese.
It will still complain about not finding the cd, but it will let you install anyway. This is a lot quicker and simplier than manually changing the system locale, restarting, installing, and then restarting again to switch everything back to english.
I didn’t install the 1.1 update, I’m not sure if it’s needed.
i cant instal its says……… somthing in japanese setup.exe…………
my my my.. art was weird at first but yea got pretty natural as it flowed on. nice vn all round thx admin
Ok… played it a bit to see whatsup and i have to say… its pretty good once you get used to the art xD
Like many others, having issues with the english patch. Japanese Locale is in, the disc is currently mounted on my virtual drive (using Daemon Tools). I’ve tried reinstalling it as well. I got the 1.01 patch done as well. Weird thing though, all the menus and junk are in English, it’s just the all-important story/plot text that isn’t.
I played it and i’ll give it a perfect score ;D Even if the art is unique you can say that the history isn’t trash. I really enjoyed it tnx admin.
Another user with the English patch problem.
I can start the game in Japanese with the update, but somehow the English patch hangs after showing the please insert disk popup.
Anyone have any solution?
I’m also having issues getting the english patch to work. All it says is to insert the CD and well I figured it would pick up Power ISO or even Daemon Tools but it didn’t. What do I do to get this english patch to work? It would be great if someone could help me figure this out 🙂
First hour played,
had no problems with dl or installing.
so far nice background artwork,
funny entertaining intro story.
i hope i will enjoy it the next hours as well 🙂
It’s like i’m seeing the eroge Seiken no Fairies, is the same producer?
Yes! More of Littlewitch’s work! Thank you so much!
This art style is so lovely ; A; !
Okay I mount the image.. Then run the setup but then there is an error “1115: (Then some words I dont understand that looks something like this”Š‰eŒ^ƒeƒŒƒr‚ðŽg—p‚³‚ê‚Ü‚·‚ÆA‰æ–ÊÄ‚¯‚ª¶‚¶‚é‰Â”\«‚ª‚ ‚è‚Ü‚·B
How do I properly install this game…Help please anyone?
Same here only i got it to work by putting all the file of the iso (daemon tools) in a map. I just can’t get the english patch to work every time it says please put cd in driver. If I mount ISO it just doesn’t seem to be able to find it. Please can some help us people who are not familiar with this kind of thing?
idioTic dumbass
Well before you start slagging people asking valid questions you should actually read the whole post first.
I got the same problem and the patch cant find the game disc even tho its mounted and im in japan locale.
Im also using daemon tools and i used applocale just to be certain im doing everything right.
I have been playing loads of stuff – not only downloaded from this site but also with the original japanese language and i never had a problem like this before.
Stop pointlessly linking all that shit before reading you retarded autistic kid.
Best regards.
Then read the posting again. Appcrap doesn’t fucking count moron.
Only idiot use applocale. This kind of text
Š‰eŒ^ƒeƒŒƒr‚ðŽg—p‚³‚ê‚Ü‚·‚ÆA‰æ–ÊÄ‚¯‚ª¶‚¶‚é‰Â”\«‚ª‚ ‚è‚Ü‚·B
Its a sign that your system CANNOT READ THE JAPANESE CHARACTERS. Follow the tutorial I posted above, or you can just have fun fucking shit with your not working game. ;v
Found the answer here doods
Hope it helps.
How do I install this thing.. Please I need your help!
I usually don’t have prob installing game but this one give me trouble. I would like a simple explanation on how to install this game step-by step.
So far I’ve extracted all parts, that gave me a MDS Gamedisc and another rar file also called Gamedisc. Tried to mount the MDS then doubleclick on Setup, it say the setup isnt a valid Win32. Tried to extract further thus have all folders on my computer instead on the virtual disc. thank you in advance.
I have completed 120/121 99% from the section of graphics gallery. How can unlock the last 5 picture in “other” (the upper-right)?
I’m repeating myself 🙂
“When Mitsuki has to choose whether to stay in the classroom, go to the infirmary or skip into the library, you have to choose the library. Now you should face a new choice which is available only if you made all of the routes: choose to check.”
most likely you didn’t choose to stay and check…
I have correctly installed period and its corresponding official update.
However, when I open up the TL patch, the installer fails to recognize that I have the disk loaded in my virtual drive.
I get an error saying ‘error: game disc not detected.’
Ok, solved it.
Had to reinstall while running daemon tools in the japanese locale.
So…I downloaded the game, installed it. Installed the updater patch, then installed the English patch. When I go to open the English version of it, I just get a white screen, nothing happens. Help?
This game have beautiful BGM, is there way to extract bgm.dat ? I already tried few programs but thy didnt work, can someone help ?
Damn, just when we get a 18+ eroge with a loli heroine (at least according to VNDB) it’s a game with retarded looking characters. No offense to anyone who likes this, but it looks like it was made by a doujinshi group. Thanks anyway, admin.
someone just got butthurt
You’re…having trouble finding VNs with loli heroines?
I don’t know whether to be confused or proud.
Yes. I enjoy well-written VNs like Umineko and Fate/Stay Night, but due to my loli fetish I also would like to find a VN with good story and a cute loli heroine. The only good eroges fitting that description that I’ve found so far are Kamidori Alchemy Meister, Hoshizora No Memoria and Hinata Bokko. Little Busters is also great, but the English version doesn’t have H-scenes sadly (and the characters aren’t really loli, they just look young). I didn’t really like Wanko to Kurasou, because the one girl I liked was not a heroine with a route (can’t remember her name, but she was the blonde student with the gray haired male dog).
Anyway, I’d really love to know what other actually good English-translated VNs with loli heroines and H-scenes there are (and by good I mean it has to have a story and not just sex). A serious reply would be really appreciated.
Flyable Hearts was good, as long as you don’t mind a few wtf moments in the more serious plot lines.
Just to clarify, do you also avoid all other choices save for choices that lead to Aoi’s route? Since you need to stack up points to have the summer sequence with the highest number of flags set…
Get into Aoi/Kohane/Koto’s summer. Just collect Koto’s flags.
Enter Aoi/Kohane/Koto’s summer as you did before, then collect Koto’s points.
No. After you unlocked Koto’s route by seeing the new scene in the school library, just follow the walkthrough on TLWiki.
Thanks for the help!
the art is good its quite unique
Oh before I forget, thank you as always. This site ROCKS
Hey Admin, why don’t you upload Higanbana to your collection. The patch 4 the first part is already out quite a while ago isn’t it
oh god please no. the art in that looks 10x worse than this..
No one cares about the art in Ryukishi’s work. looks like you don’t like Higurashi and Umineko then.
You’re aware they are visual novels, correct? Like, you know, novels with visuals. Please don’t tell me you honestly think the art aspect is more important than the novel.
Can anyone recommend this game? If so, why? I want to play it, and for its size, it should be decent length.. However the character art kinda puts me off :/ haha.
It has a nice story, and you’ll get used to the art eventually
Not a fan of the art, but I’m still gonna try this. Thanks Admin!
Yes! It’s good to see more Littlewitch game!
the update file says its only 383 bytes when i try to download it
same with the english installer
Don’t try to download more than 2 files at a time.
Thank you so much for this, and for Quartett. I love Oyari Ashito’s art, and it’s great to see more Littlewitch games being translated. I’m sure I’ll enjoy this one, too!
sorry just wondering would u be doing starless? been looking for an english version of it and was wondering if this site will be doing it?
Starless hasn’t been translated yet. Once it is translated, it will be on this site.
You asked on the wrong place. The one who translates VN stuff is not this site. This site is only PROVIDING it, not translating it.
Starless was picked up by JAST a while back (well, Peach Princess, which is JAST).
They’re not really transparent about their progress on any projects, so nothing to do but wait.
torrent pls admin
Yes! I’ve been waiting for this to be completed since I got wind of it being translated. It’s by the same people that made Quartett. And Quartett is a unique and fantastic kinetic, visual novel. Of course, that’s just my opinion, but if you haven’t tried Quartett, then go try it now. You’ll find it at this very site. So if Quartett is any indicator then Period will be a great entry to anyone’s collection!
thanks for up admin
is this yuri stuff??
no. there is a lesbian relationship in the game, but the protagonist is male and all the h-scenes are straight.
Thanks… =D
finannly 100% complete translation ,thnks
Even though I played all of the other routes, I can’t unlock Koto’s: it always redirects me to Aoi’s one.
Any ideas?
Found it myself! 😉
How did you do it? I keep trying but it keeps going to Aoi… What there specific choices for sensei?
Play all of the routes. Restart from the beginning: when Mitsuki has to choose whether to stay in the classroom, go to the infirmary or skip into the library, you have to choose the library. Now you should face a new choice which is available only if you made all of the routes: choose to check (spicy new scene!). Now Koto’s route is finally available.
Hey, thanks man!
Lol… art… I’m gonna try this out just curiosity’s sake xD
I’ll come back later with opinions on this game 😛
I’ll add another voice in for a torrent. Normally I don’t mind too much downloading all the parts for these, but the captcha’s for downloadani really suck. I had to go through 10+ to get one that was readable enough to download the patch and didn’t have any better luck with the english translation. I don’t think my sanity can hold out looking through 120+ unreadable catcha’s while trying to download the game. 🙁
The art is quite unique and will take a while to get use to. Especially the sharp contours of the face,
This eroge art may seem a bit different from others but ull get used to it And besides the art the storyline and game is awesome!!!! Definetly try it out!
hmmm , I haven’t played this game yet and it looks decent.
The art is unique but ive noticed with other games that have weird art that it really is something easy to get used to.
I’ll be sure to download this game later, thanks as always admin.
Is this the Ero-Patch or Non-Ero Patch?
it’s the ero patch
the non-ero patch is called summer sky, and it’s available on the tlwiki site
Are you sure? It’s not very “ero” as the scene I got is just a collage of Miyu’s room. Is there something else I have to do?
non-ero: http://tlwiki.org/images/0/04/Period_Summer_Sky_Installer_7.0.zip
lol this game looks so horrible
Torrent maybe?
where is the torrent?
the art looks…. a bit… i mean the face…. xD thanks for the upload anyways admin
I personally think it’s better than Clannad. I can’t stand Clannad’s artwork…
What are you talking about? Clannads artwork is a million times better than this.
It’s an opinion dude, so calm yourself. I don’t like Clannad’s artwork therefore I do not agree with you.
True the art for Clannad sucks in the VN but still the storylines are so good which in my opinion is the most important aspect of visual novels.
Nope. Disney crap like from Liarshit does have the worst artwork I have ever seen. I don’t know if the artists are disabled themselves or if they just have a disgusting fetish for mutation caused deformed faces or feces how I call it in regards to this defunct company.
“Disney crap like from Liarshit”
Please just come out with it if you need help. I can recommend several eye doctors.
Think of it like this: It could be Higurashi’s artwork
^ dat comment…