Tag: Drama
Irotoridori No Sekai – The Colorful World
Our story follows Kanoue Yuuma, an amnesiac boy with a special power, and Nikaidou Shinku, a translucent girl only visible to Yuuma who gave him that power. With it, he can heal any and all wounds. But it comes at the cost of the memories he’s made. He lives a simple life: going to school and being scolded by his…
Lupercalia of the Silent Accord
“There is only one method to equal gods. It’s to become cruel like gods.” Salvador Dali A prodigious young actress passed away. At the end of the magnificent play, the highly esteemed girl found a kernel of truth. Years pass and spring arrives. In a freshman welcoming party, a certain program will catch the protagonist Sewa Tamaki’s eye. “Welcome to…
Cerulean Days
2016. Inre Island. A seemingly idyllic, modern island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. A constant tranquil breeze along a mild climate, and a well-off society embracing a harmonious way of life. Its citizens often refer to the island as their very own miracle, counting themselves lucky to have been born on it. Tourism is low despite Inre being…
Only You -Re Cross-
One day an evil mark appears on Magami Yuuji’s right arm. To protect the earth from the ancient, world-destroying evil which is honing in on it, the governments send assassins after Yuuji. To protect eight precious girls, and on advice from his Master Tiger Joe, he decides to fight – against the entire world, if necessary.
Snow ~Plus Edition~
The story of Snow starts when the main protagonist Izumo Kanata visits a small village called Ryujinmura (village of the dragon god) to help his cousin Tsugumi manage a local hotel with hot springs. In the village there is an old legend: In ancient times, the village is protected by the dragon goddess. However, one day the dragon goddesses fell…
Take me in and I’ll love and serve you ~Sweet and sexy life with a demi-human girl~
Demi-humans are treated as the lowest out of all races. In a small village away from human settlements, Mia and her mother, who barely scraped by, were attacked by human traffickers to be sold as slaves. “At least my daughter could be spared”, as Mia’s mother handed her a photo and allowed Mia to escape. One day, Mia ran into…
Hatsumira -from the future undying-
Just as Mimori Ichirou, a non-commissioned officer serving as a Zero fighter pilot during the Pacific War, was about to launch a kamikaze attack against an enemy warship, he instead found himself crash-landing in the middle of an unfamiliar desert. However, before he could perish from aimlessly wandering the sand-covered wastes, he was saved by a princess capable of transforming…
Hello Lady! – Complete Edition
It’s the Dawn of a New Age– The 21st century has brought about its own slew of problems for society at large. As a result, the most promising youths from around the world have been gathered and enrolled in Amakawa Noble Academy. The curriculum at The Academy is designed to teach students how to use their talents to lead humanity…
The city of afforestation, Kazamatsuri. In this city built upon the ideal coexistence of civilization and the environment, Tennouji Kotarou spends his days with his friends, Kanbe Kotori and Yoshino Haruhiko. In this peaceful city, a tumultuous event shakes the foundations of Kazamatsuri once a year. The Harvest Festival. Within this immense scale event, Kotarou collects all sorts of information….
Ninki Seiyuu: How to Make a Pop Voice Actress
Production Bloom, a mid-sized voice acting agency, is chronically short on staff. To help out, Keito Nagakura, a family friend of the manager, is asked to work part-time, collecting scripts from the various studios and bringing them back to Bloom’s office. But when his mother is hospitalized over her slipped disc (yet again) and has to take time off to…
On Miyajima Island, known for its mythical history, a phantom thief has arrived. Ura, known throughout the world as a cunning trickster, has his name is tarnished by an unknown foe masquerading as him. But on this island reside the Three Great families, descended from some of legend’s most storied heroes; Momotarou, Kintaro, and Otohime. These families work together to…
Fantasy Tavern Sextet Vol. 2: Adventurer’s Days
One day, several days after our protagonist the young cook in the back of an Akihabara maid cafe got transported to another world, our hero gets paid a visit by the lady knight Dahlia at Lupine’s tavern. Dahlia proclaims to the hero, “I want you to make me a woman,” which leads to all kinds of misunderstandings with Lupine and…
Love Bakudan
LOVE BAKUDAN is an 18+ erotic yuri dramedy, focusing on the life of Haruka Mishima. When she returns to her coastal hometown of Akiyama after a long time away, she finds that there’s much more waiting for her than just inheriting her family’s erotic bookstore, Bakudan Books. But between romancing girls and selling erotica to the locals, Haruka finds that…
Fantasy Tavern Sextet Vol. 1: New World Days
One day without warning, a young cook working behind the scenes at an Akihabara maid cafe suddenly gets spirited away to another world! The new world he finds himself in is one of fantasy, where magic exists and monsters run wild. Without a way to return to his own world and at a total loss, a monster appears out of…
9-nine- Episode 3
9-nine- Episode 3 is the third volume in a series of supernatural mystery games, with Episode 3 telling a story centered around Haruka Kosaka. The entries in the the 9-nine- series share the same setting and world, but each entry focuses on a different heroine. 9-nine- is a tale of the town of Shiromitsugawa, host to mysterious Artifacts and the…
White Wings
At Shoba Senior Middle School in Shizuoka Prefecture, the stress and tension of preparing for Shoba Senior Middle School entrance examinations affects those in their later teenage years. They might encounter a life of separation from each other. Some of them may meet again, while others may never see other again. Secrets that are covered by rapidly falling snow are…
Kara no Shoujo – FULL VOICE HD
March 1956. Tokyo; a metropolis finally starting to recover ten long years after Japan’s defeat in the War. Private eye Tokisaka Reiji accepts a strange request from a girl in Inokashira Park. “I want you to look for something. Me. My true self.” Meanwhile, a series of bizarre murders is plaguing the area, one where young women are disappearing, only…
Oral Lessons With Chii-chan
“Hey, Kou-chin. Sorry to bug you but, will you help me study?” It was a Saturday. There was still a month of summer vacation to go. Due to complicated family circumstances, Kouta – “Kou-chin” – who lives alone meet Chieri – “Chi-chan” – a classmate of Kouta’s at the conbini near his house. Chi-chan oozed sex. Her big tits and…
Bokuten – Why I Became an Angel
Nestled between the mountains and the ocean somewhere sits the harbor town of Inogo City, a prosperous place with an atmosphere of the exotic. It is this city, watched over by the church at the summit of the highest mountain, where a boy and a girl first meet. The boy’s name is Kirinokojima Tomoe. A lonely young man, who believes…
Nanairo Reincarnation
Kagami Makoto is in his 3rd year of college when he inherits the estate of his late grandfather and starts planning out what he’s going to do with his newfound home. However, his plans are foiled when his childhood friend Iyo, who turns out to be a zashiki-warashi, introduces herself, looking exactly the same as he remembers her from over…