In the school the three people met. Their relation had been changed in the season, and turned into three love stories.
Makoto has been admiring a girl he has seen on the train. That girl is Kotonoha Katsura, and he even managed to take a photo of her with his cell phone. Due to new seating in his class, he ends up next to Sekai Saionji, a nosy, but sweet and sincere girl. As she snoops for his cell phone while talking to him, she discovers his crush and vows to help him until Kotonoha agrees to go out with him. When Sekai finally gets them together, she realizes her own feelings after finding out that the person Kotonoha liked was, in fact, Makoto. While waiting for her train next to Makoto, who was waiting for Kotonoha, she has him talking about how he can repay her for all of her help. Before leaving for her train, she kisses him and cries when she boards the way home. Kotonoha happily arrives for her date with Makoto shortly after. With all three main characters carrying different expressions on their faces, the story begins.
SchoolDays.part02.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part03.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part04.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part05.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part06.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part07.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part08.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part09.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part10.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part11.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part12.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part13.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part14.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part15.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part16.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part17.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part18.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part19.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part20.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part21.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part22.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part23.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part24.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part25.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part26.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part27.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part28.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part29.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part30.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part31.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part32.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part33.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part34.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part35.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part36.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part37.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part38.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part39.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part40.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part41.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part42.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part43.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part44.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part45.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part46.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part47.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part48.rar – 200.0 MB
SchoolDays.part49.rar – 4.9 MB
– Fixed bug that was causing widescreen mode to use the wrong resolution.
– Modified game to use a single CPU by default. This may significantly improve stability.
– Opening movies now play in every episode after the first.
– Fixed bug where sound disappears until you delete config.dat.
– Fixed bug where skipping scenes skips choices.
– Patched bug where skipping traps you on a blank screen. If this bug would trigger, it will now return you to the script it left instead of sending you nowhere.
– Fixed various scripting and textual issues, including missing subtitles and rogue Japanese text.
Installer seems to be fairly broken. Luckily, there is a workaround.
Start installing like normal. If it fails:
Kill the installer (task manager -> end task on uninstall.exe. yes, the installer itself is called uninstall.exe)
copy the files from the disk directly to the related folder. The exe and dll files go into the core “SCHOOLDAYS HQ” folder, and the pack folders can just be copied into there. There is also an ini file which lists the respected file structure.
Installed all 49 files. Using Daemon Tools for reference.
All seemed to be going well until it stopped at 8136MB of 11392MB and an error message popped up saying “failed to copy files”. After clicking ‘ok’, as that’s the only option given, it then tells me installation is cancelled and everything closes.
(I was able to mount both discs separately, I removed the first disc after it asked me to insert the second disc. And it kept installing after disc 2 was mounted, but only for a minute before the error message).
Any advice or way to fix this would be much appreciated ( ╥ω╥ )
So I have the download from Jast USA that I’ve purchased that I can easily upload for use if admin so desires. It isn’t corrupted as its the actual product from the site. Lemme know
Hey there I’m actually very interrested, you still up for it? And if not any admin allow you to publish it here, would it bother you uploading it to google drive and sending a link ? thank you so much :3
Looks like the dl is broken. I’ve downloaded it twice and both times it says some data in disc 1 is corrupted or some such. What a shame.
Do you recommend watching the anime first, or playing the VN? I wanted to watch the anime, but didn’t really started it because I knew about the novel. So which one would you choose?
If you know about the infamy of SchoolDays I highly recommend the anime. It shows on how the game really resembles your “choises” in game. But the game is vastly different, I recommend a guide if you want to find the endings
Can someone explain to me what to do after I download the game. I open the folder and see discs. what do I do next?
You see that link in the upper left corner of this site saying “FAQ” under Pages? Go click on that and read the Daemon Tools/mounting sections.
the anime version is ok but this is lit….uwu
How do I install the patch for it?
This was a VN? I guess you learn something new everyday.
So i tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game after a glitch but upon reinstall, it would keep asking to uninstall the program and then when I installed it would only install two blank folders. I found that the patch alters the registry data so it does not uninstall properly. you will need to delete the registry data manually. to delete the registration data you need to start by running “regedit” and going to => HKEY_CURRENT_USER => Software => Overflow => SCHOOLDAYS HQ and delete this file. this should allow to reinstall the game without any issues. if your install gets stuck then the anti virus is blocking the install and needs to be turned off. Just some FYI for those with the same problem.
You need to make sure that your region is set to japan and that you turn off your anti virus. it’s probably blocking the install and after that add it to exclude programs from scans or it will erase the packs folder.
Welp… Got the one click download since I have premium. At first I couldn’t unpack Disk 1 because it said it’s corrupted. Tried it with 7zip and it worked BUT now I get the “Failed to copy files” error while installing.
Guess I have to painfully download all 49 parts individually :/
Well, after downloading the 49 parts, I discovered I can’t install the game. I mounted the isos in Daemon Tools and everything went perfectly up until I reached disc 2. After mounting disc 2 and continuing installation, it gets stuck and just stops doing anything. No error messages or anything, it just stops reading the disc and stays stuck there.
They’re not isos, but “rar”. First, you have to download it in chrome, because mozilla will give you mistakes, I don’t know about other explorers. Second, you have to “extract here” them and that’s all.
is something wrong with 1 click download? i did that but only got disc 2 not disc 1
Found a fix to the corrupt file issue with the 1st iso. Use 7zip.
7zip did’nt work for me either, I ended up having to download the free 49 part version even though I paid for the 7 day subscription to the download service sigh.
I’ve got audio sync issues in all of the H scenes so far as well and the loops and transistions in these scenes seem kinda bad too… Is that just how they were made?
Fucking hell. Isn’t there a “normal” non-HQ version of this that doesn’t have a billion parts?
Sure, it’s in the mouth of the gift horse, but you have to look really hard.
At the end of the day, it doesn’t take that much effort to download all the parts, just fuck around with it while you watch youtube for a couple hours.
Or, just buy a premium account for ten bucks, still a pretty cheap game.
I have a problem.I have installed the game and it starts without problems until the main menu but,after I click on the button “Start”,the game,obviously,begins but there are black screens and I can only hear the voices,see the subtitles,and choose the options.How can I fix this problem?I also want to add that,to start the game,I needed to install 2 .dll files:wmvcore.dll and wmasf.dll.Sorry for my English,it’s not my native tongue.
I am having alot of issues with this game.
– When I try to installed the game, first disk is fine but when I try the second one it doesn’t work at all.
– When I just moved the files (extracted from ISO-2) to the main file, It just do the title screen over and over and over again. I need help.
admin in my antivirus keep detecting that event00 up to event03 is have a win32 malware-gen is this just a false positive pls help
DA-1 Click linked files, when extracted have a file error in Disk1.iso. Tried it twice (18 GBs). Looks like most people that downloaded the 50 parts get it to work though.
I just checked again and it extracts without problem. Make sure that the place you’re extracting to is using NTFS filesystem (many pendrives for example still use FAT32) – Disc1.iso is 8GB after unpacking and FAT32 doesn’t support such large files.
Having the same problem as Nickolia. The drive is using NTFS filesystem. WinRAR says Disc1.iso is corrupt.
I’m using 7-Zip to extract the files and right when it’s about to finish it stops and says Data Error : SchoolDays¥Disc 1.iso
i dowloaded the 1 click and i can confirm is “corrupted”, the disk is a 1 TB and File system is NTFS as reported in disk properties. I’m extracting using winrar, if you suggest any others please let me know.
Best regards and thanks in advance
Disc 1 iso in the 1 part 9gb archive is corrupted on my system too.
Can also confirm.
Confirmed 2019 it’s still corrupted
Ah, if someone have problems whit the black screen, but you can hear voices, you just need download the patch of japanese language in your computer. Then just play the game from one of the virtual disks.
Muchas gracias! no lo encontraba por ningun lado. Son unos genios!
i tried the DA-1 click download but after the download the game does not open? why is that?
I heard that this vn has tragic endings. I’m afraid a little ;__;
Any protips?
Found better instructions!
Instead of going directly to the folder, just go to the Daemon Tools and click “Quick Mount”. Then, select “Disk 1”. You should be able to install it.
After a while, a message will pop out: “Please insert Disk 2”. Just eject “Disk 1” then mount “Disk 2”. Then press “Ok” from the installation setup.
I turn Automode off but it runs in Automode all the time
I can’t install the 2nd disc. After it installs the 1st disc it asks you to insert the 2nd, then when I click okay it keeps asking me to insert it. How do I install the 2nd disc?
Ok, so if you’re using disk mounting software like deamon tools you need to make sure you mount both disk 1 and disk 2 to the same virtual drive, ex. dive J. If you mount disk one to say drive I and the disk 2 to any other drive besides I, the program wont be able to locate disk 2.
the one click download seems to be broken….when i tried extracting the files it told me that disc one file is broken, what should i do???
Is it in English? Is it english subbed only? Don’t like English dubbed but subbed is necessary
Yes, Japanese voices, English text.
That worked for me, so no more complains.
I donwloaded the 1 click thingy 3 times now and I always get an CRC Error in the first Iso at about 30%.
I just tested it and it downloaded and extracted fine. Make sure your antivirus or other software doesn’t interfere with the process. Also, are you trying to extract it to SD card or USB drive? Some of those are using FAT32 filesystem, which doesn’t support files larger than 4GB.
I downloaded it to my 3 TB Harddrive so it should have no probs with Fat32, but I just finished the Multi part one and will try that.
There’s an issue with the 1-click DL. The free version works fine though. For giggles I re-DL’ed the 1-click on another box and the same error at the same point rears its head.
still cant get past insert disk 2 part
please help both parts extract well with no error
each part will install individually just not both together
on either win 7 or 10 ….
I have attempted to download this three times. I bought the premium version of the download site and at 99% it will say Network Error. What do I need to do? The download takes 14 hours.
i cant seem to download, i try to download the parts but in the site when i click ‘free download’ I click and only shows a blank page. What should I do. LOL
all i get is ran into a problem when i open it
doesnt work for me all i get is school days hq has stopped working
Well, for you it’s 5 minutes for one file of 200 mb but for me it’s half an hour for one file of 200 mb :'(
I have the game installed on my computer and everything is running fine, but when I play the game I can not hear any of the characters talking. Male voices are on and I have character voice volume turned up so I don’t know what’s wrong. Please help me
I have the game installed on my computer and everything is running fine, but when I play the game I can not hear any of the characters talking. Male voices are on and I have character voice volume turned up so I don’t know what’s wrong. Please help
I have the game installed on my computer and everything is running fine, but when I play the game I can not hear any of the characters talking. Male voices are on and I have character voice volume turned up so I don’t know what’s wrong.
how do i get the visual novel?
Also, with Daemon Tools standard, I install disc one, I eject it and mount disc two, run teh setup and click okay, I’ve inserted disc two, and keep trying to click it away, but it refuses to accept the disc. My last option is to burn the data to actual discs and run it off of there. Is this teh best option? Or can someone find a free DL of cracked Daemon pro advanced?
So I can’t even install. Halp Admin! I tried extracting teh two discs and running from there, and when it asks for disc two, I tried everything with disc two and it won’t accept it!
I tried Daemon Tools and it’s saying it didn’t install properly when I try to run the SEtup on DIsc one, and now teh setup is stuck on my computer and wont go away.
So I found a video of someone downloading it here perfectly fine but he used a cracked version of the pro advanced edition of daemon tools. Does anyone know if this makes a difference? If so, where is a download link for it that actually works? All the ones I’ve tried lead me through a bunch of BS that I think is just selling all my fake personal info.
“Eroge rule #162: No matter how much of a douche bag the main character is, any major or minor girl character will want to have sex with him. This is known as the Itou Makoto Effect.”
That pretty much summarize the entire game.
someone can tell me if and compatible with Windows 8.1?
How can I play School Days HQ on Mac?
I don’t want to use a Windows emulator like bootcamp….
Did I have to play it on a Windows PC?
also i cannot get to install patch v1.02 it wont install after it says select folder.
i was playing the game fine until after the ending of episode 6 were the screen went straight back to the home screen.i have tried loading over my save file but it keeps happening has the route ended or somethig or technical issues because it ended abruptly.
Hi there everyone I have a very serious problem with the game and I tried to find a conclusion but after so many attempts I have failed. So the problem is, I was playing school days fine and it was working for 3 days. But after I attempted to play it. It wouldn’t lanch, I attempted to uninstall but it said ”You are attempting to start at DVD-ROM” and nothing happens. So I attempted to unintstall from the application itself. I would let me uninstall but it wouldnt actually uninstall. after it ”uninstall” I would click install and it would pop out the uninstall button again. I would uninstall and then nothing would happen. This repeats non-stop. So I decided to unmount the virtual drive and just completely delete the game from my laptop. I redownloaded it again. And when I start the application. it would lead to the same screen. I would click game start and it wouldnt do notihng. I would uninstall and same problem. I’m not sure if the game itself is still in my lap top. I went to control panel and tried to find it so i can uninstall. but it wasnt in there. If someone have any idea or solution of any kind. Please do let me know asap. Thank you very much.
hi guys just downloaded the game and install seemed to run no problem but stops at SysSe.GPK.
I read the troubleshoot/installation help and found the same problem for video files,
i just wanted to ask wether it works analogue or if any of u had a solution.
thx very much for any answers.
For the problem with SysSe.GPK file durring instalation.
Dont close the instalation.
Open packs folder copy SysSe.GPK file to desktop. Delete this file from packs folder and copy this file from desktop to packs folder.
Instalation should continue.
That solution worked for me, thanks. 🙂
Although, after following those instructions the installation didn’t continue until I clicked once on the little installation window, so I thought it hadn’t worked at first, but it did.
Thanks for the solution dude, I copied the file but I replaced the one on my instalation and didnt work, now as you said deleting the file works perfectly.
i cant get past the 2nd disk park of the install. i mount the the other disk eject the first one then click ok but the popup asking for 2nd disks just comes back again. What am i doing wrong?
So comment yeah blu
Shit! 50 parts of 200mb?! And i need to wait 5 minutes to download one by one…
Sorry if my english isn’t good, i don’t speak fluently… because i im brazil =*3*=
como instalo el juego school days para pc por fa
Wait woah!
It wont let the 0.2 movie file download for some reason!
I clicked on the trouble shooting link and It was perfectly fine!
why is it doing this! QAQ
This game just goes above and beyond fucked up -.-
I Can’t Install the Patch for 1.11 Does anyone know how?
Already at Part 3 after clicking on the download button it says that the website can’t be reached. Do you think that the link is down?
Its fine, just retry downloading again.
if you cant use the full download I suggest downloading 1 by 1.
let the nightmare begin.
Very nice, indeed.
Sorry, I really don’t mean to be a bother and I tried figuring out how to install it alone but to no luck :{. I get up to the “INSERT DISC 2” and then I don’t know what to do afterwards, tried burning the second ISO onto a blank disk and then I put that into computer but it doesn’t seem to work because it still keeps asking for disc 2.
I’ve been really looking forward to this game (especially after 49 downloads).
Just treat ISOs like game discs – you don’t put two discs into one drive. You don’t put one disc to first drive and one to second… and so on.
Basically – when asked for disc2, you unmount disc1 and mount disc2 into THE SAME drive – just like if you were installing from physical dvd’s.
Sometimes I don’t know what to do with myself lol. Thank you admin for the help, it worked like a charm. I don’t know what I was thinking before about putting it onto a blank disc but that’s in the past. Thanks for putting these games out for me to sink my teeth in to, and keep up the awesome work !!
Does anyone know if this can be downloaded on a MacBook Pro. Kinda new to this website
How do I install the game once I have downloaded all the part?
Does someone know how I get the ‘two lovers’ ending. I have search it everywhere but it doesn’t work, I can’t get the ending.
guys..i have download 49 files this game ..then i installed in my notebook .So it work fine just have a little lagg but not very serius 😀 hehe no problem when i running at my notebook :p
what is specification of your notebook???
I’m having some trouble installing the game. I’ve downloaded all the files, extracted them, then mounted the \disk 1\ file using daemontools. From there, I open the setup.exe file and it starts downloading. Then, it asks for disk 2, so I mount the disk 2 image. It contiues downloading, but then gets to 10409 MB complete, trying to install \Packs Sys.Se.GPK\ and stops there. I tried just leaving it, nothing. I tried mounting disk 1, nothing. Can someone help me here? btw, I tried searching for that file in disk 2, and i found it. It’s there. Is there just something wrong with the file? If so, holy crap, can someone please tell me which of the 49 downloads it’s in. I don’t want to have to download all of those again 🙁
The 1click link is dead…can you pls make a new one?
Anybody with performance issues, update/install your graphics drivers. I had the same problem. If the installation freezes at the end, just close it and everything will be fine. I got to complete a route of this game already.
Hello. I got School Days HQ from somewhere (not sure if it was this site). I was hoping if you could find a decent copy (without the trojan) of Cross Days (in English too, if there’s anything like that). Summer Days would be nice as well. Thank you.
Every game posted on this site is virus-free. Cross Days and Summer Days aren’t translated into English yet – if you’re looking for japanese copy, you can find clean downloads at:
ooh~ thanks admin but I think I’m only gonna take Summer Days though :3 Setsuna All the way~
try opening Control Panel>Programs and Features… Uninstall it then use the installer after you are done (never really tried it but i think it’s worth a shot)
meant for Crawlingchaos74
it doesn’t feel like an Interactive Visual Novel at all, it’s more like an Interactive Anime/Movie to me
That’s the catch. We don’t have much interactive movies so this is a nice addition to the genre.
When I start the HQ setup the only option available is uninstall and game start, even though I don’t have it installed. After I click the uninstall button, it lets me click install, which brings up that popup,but it keeps on bringing up the uninstall popup and not installing. I have installed the game before and played it, so I dont know whats the matter, help please.
HOLY S*** 9.4 GB!
the 1 click download dose not work. will this get fixed?
can someone link me to an accurate and english walkthrough? i would like to be able to do every routes…
im trying to get the ending “and with kotonoha” but for some reason it always give me the christmas ending, i did patch the game and followed the walkthrough already here, but its not working, any help please?
Awww, I couldn’t run it well because my computer sucks :/ It lags a lot.
I installed it in the game a long time ago, but then I wanted to uninstall it. Since I didn’t had the ISO files anymore and I couldn’t uninstall it via the control panel I simply deleted the folder where it was installed. Now I want to play it again but everytime I want to install it it wants me to uninstall the game which it says is located in a folder which doesn’t exist anymore because I deleted it. If I then press uninstall it says completed and it lets me press the install button. But if I then choose where to install it and I press the install button it finishes within a second and the only thing it creates are 2 folders which are empty.
How can I fix this?
Graphics good, Voice is good, animation is good, hentai scenes are decent, ending h scences are nice, plot is twisted/ dark and nerve wracking, protagonist is a(an) [insert bad word or phrases].
Rating: overall i’d give it an 6 or 6.5/10, because it did somewhat hook me in & it’s fully animated. The protagonist once again makes the game very uneasy to play, the plot is very depressing, it has it’s ups and down but overall it’s still plain bad.
I’d recommend atleast a single playthrough, the game is animated , which is rare. Unless there is a walkthrough, it’s nearly impossible to get 100%, but GL
Uhh hey its me again. Because I really like to play this so I have no choice but to download it buy parts soo.. I wanted to ask that can I download the ‘part1’ extract it and play it right away(?) or do I have to download it all and extract it then I’ll play? so which one is the best to play? 😛
anyway thanks in advance 🙂
I want the full download! I don’t want the by part download. But when I click DA-1click Download it says that the “File not Found” please FIX IT!! I REALLY WANT TO PLAY THIS GAME TT^TT
totally worth downloading the 49 files.
the game is the best.
wow, there is 49 file O.o
Here is the 100% game save for ya all the scenes unlocked
Is there a 100% accurate walkthrough out there?
I tried using the one posted on here and a couple of the endings just aren’t working.
How many of the endings if any have to be unlocked by beating other endings?
Man 49 files… 20 minutes each one.. who cares i am downloading already
Is this in English guys???
want this so much… but 49 parts T.T
0_0….. so many files……
Are there voices in this VN? because I downloaded it, installed it, and it played just fine but every time there was dialogue there were no voices. in the options it had a voice volume control and an option to turn male voices on/off so there might be but I don’t know for sure. I can hear the sound effects and background music just fine but it kinda takes some of the feeling out of the game if i cant hear the voices…
Hey i just download 49links finish…
And why he say must 2 disc??
Thank you so much for this admin, really appreciate it, for those having problem, all 49 links are fine (I dl all of them one at a time no compression problems there) I used 7zip in extracting it, and daemon when mounting. During installation if it ask u to insert disk 2 just unmount the current disk and mount disk 2 before clicking ‘ok’.
Thanx,Man.. 🙂
pleas admin make a recovery record when you make compression because it will help when the compression part corrupt. I cannot extract this game it because this corrupt problem.
Check out xluciferox’s suggestion above about removing windows update KB2803821. Tried it as well and it was a spot on fix.
Can someone help me? The game was working fine before, but now most of the scenes just show up black on the screen with the subtitles. Did the game just expire or something? I don’t know what to do.
YANDERE ALERT! ~ Despite the title and description making this out to be a cute romantic game, both the main heroines go batshit crazy if you pick the wrong path.
Not only that, your only male friend who is summarized as a ‘nice guy’ is actually a rapist waiting to pounce.
It would have been really, REALLY nice if that had been added to the tags or the description for this game before it jumps out at you halfway through the game like a punch to the face.
So I guess you didn’t see the anime?
Hehe I think most of us knows that 😛 I recommend that you also watch and read the anime and the manga of School Days 🙂
Uh… when people usually say someone is a “nice guy” they are talking about the tag that men give themselves when they think they are a ‘nice guy’ but are in fact a creepy, raping, stalker, predator.
Nice of you to paint us all with one broad brush, bitch.
hi, thanks for this game; but I have a problem with it, one time I install it and start to play( 5-6 months ago), today i want to play it but i can’t see the video but i can hear audio and see the english subs.
After this i mount disk 1 and I play setup.exe for disinstall it, but when i click install and browse the folder after click install the program required me to disinstall it in the same folder where i install it the first time, and after click dinistall the installation didn’t start.
Sorry for the trouble i cause you, if I din’t explain so well the problem is because i’m Italian and i don’t speack english so well; sorry.
I wish you can help me
Now i install correctly the game, but when i start i continue to see a blac window or an image with the english subs; sorry for the problems
im having the same the same problem.pls help admin
i am having the same problem.cant find the error.
i’m resolve it; it’s a problem of a windows update.
You must go on control panel—-> programs and function———–>on the left, search look upadate of windows(my pc is in italian, on the left the second choice for the top for me)——-> and here you can look the update and on the top-right search this update: Windows KB2803821, right click and uninstall(this is for windows 7).
THANK U _O_ SOOO MUCH MAN. U r a life saver
how did you install it???
I still have the same “uninstall problem” as xluciferox, can anyone show me how to solve it?
Thank you very very much
how did you solved your problem in installing it?
I say, that emulator to play?
digo con que se juega emulador de que?
I cant download full because i dont have premium ID ?
oh mann cant you upload at mediafire ?
put it on MF and it will die in 3 days.
then try to download each file per time there is only 49 files ^-^ arond 16 hours to download everything
HELP! Does anyone know on how to download this game? Please help! I really want this.
well, the game does not save for me! when appears to save and i clicked, it didn’t save! please help me 🙁
try to run the game as an Aministrator (right-click to the game’s shortcut or it’s executable and click “Run as Administrator”)
49 fucking files? Jesus Christ that’s a huge game.
i downloaded all the files and put them in winrar but now when i try to install the game halfway through it sais i need to insert disc two. what am i supposed to do now?
There should be more than one iso-files. i guess you loaded the first one with daemon tools or something alike right? Well when the installer asks you to insert disc two just load the second iso file. like this you should get it to work
I tried that, and it still asks for disc 2. HALP Admin-sama!
i cant download anything anymore….everytime i try to hit the download link it sits there for awhile and then tells me it cannot be found..
it game sucks!
The 45th file will not download for me and neither will the 46th file, am i doing something wrong or are they broken
also please Fix 16 thank you
lol nevermind
Okay, I’ve downloaded all 49 parts. Now what?
I’ve tried to extract all 49 parts at once using winrar, but it says it can’t handle more than 4 GB. What should I do?
my download stops at 10409/11392mb does anyone know how to fix it
Never mind I fixed it.
Don’t mean to sound like a noob but i am so, how do i install patches?? and also do need to use daemon tools, and if i do how do i do that? sorry for the noobiness but id appreciate the help soi could use this site more too 😛
can someone tell me if its subbed/dubbed in english or not?
And do i have to donwload the 49 part one or just download the DA-1 click. Sorry for the noobiness
Every game on this website is in English.
You can use da-1click if you have downloadani premium account, otherwise you have to download all 49 parts as free user.
Wasn’t expecting such a quick reply.
Thank you very much!
Still Works?
You’re the best, and yes I do feel retarded.
When I unpatch the game winrar gives me Diagnostic messages saying 1.SchoolDays.part.39.rar:you need to start extraction from a previous volume to unpack SchoolDays/Disc2.iso
2.SchoolDays.part.39.rar:Packed data CRC failed in SchoolDays/Disc2.iso. The volume is corrupt
3.SchoolDays.part.49.rar: CRC failed in SchoolDays/Disc2.iso. The file is corrupt
You only have to re-download these parts.
Summer days (Shiny days) and Cross days! please UPLOAD! I WANT TO PLAY MORE F***ED UP GAMES!!
the translation is complete or only a few chapters has been translated?
Hi ! I’ve managed to install the game and run it with Daemon Tools, everything looks to work smoothly, but unfortunately I just can’t save ! Could anyone help me, please ? I’ve got no clue what to do…
Okay you lot, gonna look stupid, but I’ve finally found a solution…dunno if it works really well, though…Anyway, time will tell !
By the way, if someone’s interested, here’s what I did (very simple, actually) : left click on the School Days HQ desktop icon, then go to the tab compatibility and check “Execute with admin rights”…it should do the trick (at least it did for me).
From what I’ve read, Windows 7 doesn’t allow you to write things on C:/, so you can’t save ’cause the game saves on its folder, or something like that.
Well, I do hope this will help you !
I need help.
Whenever I go to the setup to install the game, it believes it’s already installed and the only option I have is to uninstall. So, I do this and then the install option pops up.
When I click on install, it askes for install path and all that and when I click ok, it somehow re-routes itself to the uninstaller making it impossible for me to install the game…
Same problem, can anyone help with this?
Nvm, check page 20 of troubleshooting link above.
Stops at 9866MB after i run it in daemon tool
Alright, here’s my problem.
Whenever I go to the setup to install the game, it believes it’s already installed and the only option I have is to uninstall. So, I do this and then the install option pops up.
When I click on install, it askes for install path and all that and when I click ok, it somehow re-routes itself to the uninstaller making it impossible for me to install the game…
Okay I got that part working again, registry problem.
My new problem is that I can’t get it to work in English. I tried the patch but it didn’t do anything.
could you please tell me how you did it? I have the same problem.
Is there a download for Cross Days or Summer Days?
can someone answer my goddamn question already? i downloaded this and it tells me disc 1 or 2 is corrupt.
re-download man, or try to use DAEMON
–i cant download. im usin premium acc but it keep tells me wrong ip
stuck at 9730mb…
tried packing but it doesn’t work
how to fix?
I can’t installed this game on windows 8.
It’s always freezes at 10409/11392. – -”
Please help me ;_;
NVM, I manual installed it and it’s works now. 🙂
how did you do it?
I’m also on Windows 8, and am having the same problem, getting stuck at 10409/11392 MB.
I tried manually installing (double-clicking the SetUp file in the disk), but that hasn’t worked either. Has anyone found a solution?
i think this game is a full version because its 10gb. my only question is, is this english subbed? thanks for the answers.
It worked excellent. I had no problems with the installation. The patch solved a little bugs (in example: the “eternal mute”…). So, I recommend to download it. I downloaded it yesterday and all the links are OK.
Funcionó excelente. No tuve problemas con la instalación. El parche solucionó algunos pequeños bugs (por ejemplo el “muteo eterno” del sonido…). Así que, recomiendo que lo descarguen. Lo descargué ayer y todos los links funcionaban perfecto.
Can you upload some of OverFlow games like Summer days, Cross days and Shine days.. thank you very much 😀
oh god. oh god. the anime……oh god. it was….it…it fucked me up bad.
anime took the harem endings, but i’ll take the kotonoha happy endings :3
Kotonoha is a real lover. Good Choice!
Anyone else can download part 49 ? The link is not getting through for me.
9 Gb this download will need long long download.
It stops at Packs.Se00.gpk (9730MB) </3 Please tell me what's wrong!
you need to mount Disc 1 and 2 (with Daemon Tools) and find a folder called “packs”, copy (and overwrite them if needed) what’s inside that folder to – C:\Overflow\SchoolDays HQ\packs (that’s the default installation path, it will be located somewhere else if you choose to install the game in some other location).
it worked for me hopefully it will work for ya
i’ve tried your method and it did not work for me
anyone else know how to solve this?
do this need jap locale?
ummm….how do i finishly install the patch download?
i have no sound 🙁 can anyone help me?
A heads up. Daemon Tools will not mount at all for me but Ultra ISO works perfect. If anyone else still has installation problems try a different program.
why am I not getting saved?
is this the English version and how do you work this torrent its weird???
Okay, I’m having a frustrating problem. So, this goes out to anyone who had been able to get the game to run.
I downloaded, and got Disk 1 and 2. No big deal. Used daemon tools, mounted second disk onto first, and it WAS going fine, but then it stopped at 9866 MB. I looked back in comments to see how to fix the problem, but someone said to download this ISO program. I did. And as they said, put both Disk 1 and 2 into one folder. Then, tried to click the start up, but nothing is happening. I’m sure this can be solved easily, so any suggestions I will take. Please, I need help.
hey guys when i try loading the game i get this error.
“GraphicBase initialisation error.
Failed to load display adapter information.”
can someone please help me? i really want to play it. its driving me nuts
I’ve got the same problem as Lanfest. Can someone help me with that
@kin : I have solve this problem, when you build img of disk 2 with Deamon Tools, open it. Then copy the folder “packs” and merge with the folder “packs” who is on your computer (were you’re downloading the game). For me it’s “C:\Overflow\SCHOOLDAYS HQ”
But now the game is running normaly, but I can’t save my progression (I click on “save” and I put a comment, but nothing happens). Can someone help me please?
wew! 9.38gb! hahaha too much for a game
error when installing (movie3.gpk instalation error) help me!!someone!!
I need me some help with the disk one and two thing because I don’t understand so can someone help I really want to play this game so badly PLEASE REPLY BACK >.<
Well, you should use daemon tools lite first off. Mount the first CD, then install the first CD. When it says to insert the second CD, go back to daemon tools lite. Add new VT virtual drive and mount the second CD. Click on the CD after it has been mounted, and mount it onto the first CD, it will then resume the download. Also, set your locale to Japanese.
I don’t have Daemon Tools but I have PowerISO. Can you tell me how to install it? Reply ASAP
49 parts!? F*CK DAT! *Facepunch*
And then I don’t understand torrents…
just download utorrent then download the torrent file. torrents are really not that difficult to understand and once you get used to it, you’ll love them!^^
digitalboyDamn, that makes me want to watch it, lol. Anywho, I can see comparing it to Elfen Lied but I’m not sure the cocninteon runs so deep with Higurashi. The latter felt more like a mystery show which just so happened to have cute girls as characters just cuz it’s anime, rather than trying to toy with you.
Is this a different game from Crossday rite?
Yeah. But I believe you dont want to play that Cross Days after all
Is this the one with the now-legendary BAD ENDING?
I think you mean MULTIPLE bad endings.
I try to install the game and it asks to insert disk 2.
But whenever i go to mount Disc 2 there is just nothing there to mount no ISO or anything i tried mounting every single file in the Disk 2 folder but nothing works.
Could someone please explain to me what i am doing wrong…
Hey, Please can someone tell me How to Extract this game(All 49 files). I have tried every possible way.
Use Daemon Tool
No, I’m asking about extracting them from zip file actually I’m having same problem with kohime Musuo also its main file of 1GB lscebody is not extracting and winrar is reporting an error in 2,3 parts out of total 6(In Kohime) and in school days I was wondering should I just extract like before with option extract here or there is some trick in it.
I’m not a Noob, I’ve downloaded and played 75 percent games of this website. So Please Help!!
Basically you must use the ‘repair’ function. the data has become corrupt.
In winrar, select option, repair archive, treat archive as .rar, then go ahead with the repair.
Do this for all .parts that are damaged. new ones will be created. remember to rename them, or, just repair all, and then extract from the repaired files.
Ensure you don’t mix the damaged files back in with the repaired ones, or you’ll just be generating a nightmare from which you shall never awaken.
Credits and Intro after every freaking chapter is this game fucking with me?
You can skip them…
Thank you very very much. My favourite eroge ever. Do you plan translate any other Overflow game ? Thank you for answer.
Admin does not do the translating, he simply uploads the translated games so that it’s more convenient to download.
niiiiice, finnaly the hq version! thanks man! =3
So this is a non-animated version? Or are you referring to the actual anime?
I certainly hope this is a non animated version, cause……just….argh…..
The anime version is a total nightmare.
Hopefully this one worth play.
Just a quick question: where do I install the patch? In Disc 1 or something?
And in which folder? Jeez, I’m such a noob at this Dx
Awwww, Sekai looks so cute when she’s pushing Kotonoha in front of a moving train…
^ Nevermind, they appear to be available again. Could’ve been just me beeing impatient. It was probably just some random 404, happens.
It appears the DA-Free files are down, also the 102 Patch. Re-uploading would be appreciated.
Hey, my installation is stuck at 9866 of 11392 mb. Does anyone know how to fix this or have the same problem?
same problem here
does the per part download work properly? im only at part 10 so if theres anyproblem with it i hope you can tell me sooner so that i can stop or download on the other options, i chose the per part because its better that the whole game even if the download stopped its only 200mb so it’ll be easy to redownload it, i got experience on downloading a whole 10GB but it failed on 90% so tell me if there any problem with the per part download thanks 🙂
I loaded the 200 MB parts all and got not problems with the game. So the single parts are working.
I’ll say, this was interesting as it was very close to an actual anime for a VN, on the other hand, it has a terribly bad story and main character is about the biggest asshole I ever encountered. Depending on which yroute you choose he cheats on both girls when they are his girlfriend, becomes something like a male whore, lies and deceives even his best friend.
Hello everyone. Could anyone help me with my problem? It seems that I can’t save, even after updating to 1.02. Is there a fix?
When i play this game i get a black bos that doesnt go away am i doing something wrong i used winrar to extract the files what did i do wrong???
The box will not close it is just a black box help?
Guys, please, help me! I installed the torrent but the disk 2 don’t initialize. ):
Oh, forget it! I’ve solved my problem. By the way, awesome site for us, VN’s fans. I’ve been waiting School Days for like 3 years and now I can play it. <3 Ty.
Can you help me with this problem DVD2?
and a black screen appears before that lol
hmm ok i got it installed but its saying exemodule, soundbase initialization error failed to load properties information , please help lol
nvm about the last message but how do you change the disks ? kinda new to downloading them this way lol
yea im having patch issues no matter what i do its saying the folder where the game is doesnt have enough space im guessing since it wont let me click next i tried putting it in a different folder but that doesnt seem to work anybody know what to do ?
why everytime I try to dl the patch it says wrong IP?
The torrent link doesn’t work.
i got to say i like the game specially the normal and good endings but the bad ending are mestup the make me feel drepress luckly i had my copy of darksiders 2 next to me
How do I save, even though I save it, it still restart from the beginning when I load it????
when I am installing it need disc 2, but when I extract disc 2 it will overlap disc one and still ask for disc 2.
anyone know how to install PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!
thanks for this game~ I will try it. I hope it works x3 thank you!!
What does automode do? I don’t notice any different whether I have it on or off.
More seeders
Thanks for the installation tutorial I managed to get it work under Win7 x64.
Because I have seen the original Anime series some time ago, I felt the game as somewhat boring experience. I think the main reason for this was the voice actors (and the fact that I’ve already seen the anime).
In School Days anime series Hirakawa Daisuke did a great job being the voice of Makoto — vibrant and exciting voice filled with energy. Unfortunately I can’t say the same with the game where Makoto’s voice was phlegmatic, whimpy-like and boring. It felt like if I’d suddenly shout “BOOOOO!!” he would pee in he’s pants.
Any ways the game itself was really confusing. While playing the game, I felt that some scenes skipped illogically from one to another. To pick up few things:
1) From the start (in my first gameplay) I tried to avoid unnecessary contact / relationship with Sekai. When the story was nearing the end, Sekai was having a self-conversation where she evaluates Makoto’s love confession to her — which never happened during my gameplay.
2) Sekai, Kotonoha, Taisuke and Makoto arrived to the swimming pool. Out of nowhere Sakai is suddenly patching Makoto’s injury.
Well, for a conclusion to my post, the game ain’t bad – on the contrary: it’s well done and the aspect of being a visual novel with real anime scenes it is something you should at least try.
Thank you so much for the game!
I enjoyed it!
i can’t save is there a problem please help
I keep getting an error when decompressing the direct download parts. Concretely, the 1st disc doesn’t decompress correctly and consequently, the intalation fails when I try to do it.
Nice boat.
I’m new at this can anyone help me? How do i download and install this? Please and Thank you.
Ey dude, when i’m installing it, it says “please insert disk 2” . What disk 2? I installed all 49 parts
Well, you need to use DAEMON. When extracting the game, you have two ISOs that are as copies of original DVDs. Then you use DAEMON program, which serves to emulate the ISOs, first DISC 1. When asking the DISC 2, use Daemon on DISC 2. Do not forget to install Patch 1.2, which must be downloaded.
The program DAEMON must be downloaded on the internet, search in google.
when I am installing it need disc 2, but when I extract disc 2 it will overlap disc one and still ask for disc 2.
This is a big ass VN…
Ow, Thank you very much!!! It’s a wonderful game.
That game was a disappointment … There is a love triangle inevitable, even with 100% dedication to a girl …
Even without betraying the girl throughout the game, yet the end leaves a taste depressive.
PS: Makoto sucks!
well the two lovers ending it’s great IMO 😀
This game is really addicting, but it also make me pretty worried that I’ll get a bad ending. Kotonoha started playing with her knife saying she’ll kill whoever’s stealing Makoto from her, so I was sure someone was gonna die. Luckily I still got a good end.
Whoa, with the new patch there are bugs everywhere, it’s impossible get three or four choices before the game stops. I can’t get a few endings, for example:If I want ”And with Kotonoha” I get ”Christmas”. The walkrought is mistaken in a lot of endings.
Okay, so I’ve downloaded the game and installed both it and the latest patch. However, whenever I attempt to start said game, I only get to what I assume to be the background of the main menu with music playing. Beyond that, nothing happens and I have to use Ctrl+Alt+Delete to close the game.
Any help availible?
what the heck!
this game tragic endings are all insane in every way, who the hell want to have a girlfriend can kill in the gruesome way like cut her rival in love neck, push someone toward a train, stab her love one, disembowel a girl to prove that girl pregnant or not, and cut her love one head to make it easy to carries. Both heroines are maniac bitches!!! It make my breakfast have a bad taste.
For anyone who still playing or downloading if you don’t like the gruesome scene read a walkthrough and avoid tragic ending.
PS: For someone who think that I’m naive: I already known it used to happened in real life but give me a break! This is eroge not real life. Eroge make people feeling relax not feeling want to vomit.
(Im a Vietnamese so my grammar is very bad)
ah..the maniac type bad ending in this game is the one that make this title famous you know? you can say that’s the selling point for this game.
please enlighten me! I don’t know why someone want to play a eroge with heroine can kill like a maniac just because jealousy. In my opinion, I never ever ever want to have a girlfriend can to something like that. If you want to experience something like that do it in the REAL-LIFE. In some way both heroine and protagonist can be considered as friend but they can butcher each other like that. It’s nut, totally nut!!!
I play eroge to enjoy something like joy, romance, sympathy and every positive emotion I barely can have it in the real-life, and this game give us something shitty and bloody like that. answer me Crunchy do you want you or your girlfriend be killed like that.
Dude Chill. Calm Down Seriously. Personally I Enjoy This Game For Having Them Endings, It Makes It Much More Of A Challenge. And I’m personally Okay when a Eroge/Visual Novel Does Something With A Real Life Standards/Rules (Because It Get Quite Boring When Its Just Joy And Etc. Not Saying Them Games Aren’t Okay Or Boring. I’m Just Saying Its Pretty Meh And Blandish When Your Playing Too Much Of One Type. That is Why I Mix It Up A Bit Oftentimes.) It’s Understandable If You Do It To Escape Life (I Pretty Much Do It Because I Love The Stories And Artwork And Would Like To Do My Own One day.) Alright I am going to be honest. I got a good ending on my first try. (No saving, No Walk through. ) So you have to be pretty bad, don’t have any sense or rational judgement and be blind of a girl’s feeling, doing it out of curiosity or for fun or too 100% it to get a bad end in this game really. So if you had reached a part where the characters are butchering each other and etc blame yourself not the Eroge/Visual Novel. Because This Is A Pretty Good One. The Story Is Decent, The Art Is Just Fine And Cute, The Flow Of Events Are Well Done, The Music Is Just Great, And It Must Of Have Been A Really Hard To Animate Most Of This.
Men!!! i know everything you said is true I play it 10 times and I get all good ending but due to curiosity I use walkthrough to unlock all CG faster and after tried 2 tragic endings it make me want to think: like hell I’m gonna date that kind of girls(both heroine). I fast-forward 3 another tragic ending and it make me a urge to vomit. before that I already have 5 good endings but after saw all tragic ending, it make me lost my will to finish all ending. Personally, when I’m 7 years old I already seen a girl butchering her friend because of jealousy like that in front of my eyes and it give me a trauma until now. I very upset when I saw that screen again in eroge where i escape a real life. And I just hate the part that friend butcher other friend and even the one who survives their life are all ruin.
Ahh I See Trauma. Thats Understandable. I Just Don’t Like It When Someone Say They Don’t Like It For No Good Reason Or Haven’t even bother to play it. Anyway hope you find some way to fix your trauma.
Is this game in englsih please reply.
Yes, every game on this site is in English.
Not rly. I saw one game (second reproduction) is not translated. Tried to find a solution, but it didn’t help.
UH… yes it is? The translation patch is like RIGHT THERE ON THE PAGE dude. Bottom link. Not that hard to see genius.
i lol’d
Been wanting to play this, Hope they do the other spin offs as well. Really want to do Kokoros route.
you probably already know, but the Majikoi S partial patch with monshiro route translated is out, could you upload majikoi S to erogegames, i got the game on the internet but i couldn’t find a no dvd patch for it.
lanselot, the endings of the game are very fore, too much than anime//
Very fore? What do you mean?
Just a question…why are there games like this one that are not showing on the downloads listing of this site? Does that mean this isn’t fully translated?
I’m so unsure abour dling this VN…
I mean, does it have in common with the anime the possibility to get extremely gore endings? Or is it a normal VN?
I’m certainly scared, and that’s keeping me off from dling it T_T
It has endings where people die but it is very unlikely you’d get one without doing it on purpose.
Ah, I see. Mostly cuz I have seen the anime endings and, well… don’t wanna play a VN where suddenly the main characters might end up killing themselves @_@
Still working through the game, cleared a few routes so to speak, just wanted to say I really enjoyed the game so far.
so downloaded the game via torrent and disk one installs fine but when i try to install disk two the installation freezes at 9866 of 11392 mb
with installation freezes at 9866 of 11392 mb i used power iso to extract both disc 1&2 into the same folder and then launched the game from the file called overflow. the game icon should be in the overflow folder. so far the game is working
Please seed. My torrent has completely stopped because nobodies seeding.
wtf are you talking about? this site doesn’t offer a torrent.
i get stuck when install this game in movie01.gpk(5718MB/11392mb) . can someone tell me how to respond this problem
does this game have h scenes?
Plenty. 🙂
Can anyone tell me if this is the 1.11 version or 1.0? I can’t apply the 1.11 patch either, possibly because it’s been translated.
Huh, could somebody please give me a link to a 100% walkthrough with all endings? The one given here clearly doesnt work, and others that I have found don’t have all of the endings and/or are completely unreadable. -.- I really want to do Otome’s path, but I just can’t seem to be able to get it. Any help would be appreciated.
these guides are bullshit
ok i fix the black screen thing and problem of failed to install just copy SCHOOLDAYS HQ files of the exe., sound, voices, and movies into a location where you want and play the game.
Hey admin, can you upload STARLESS (if not a problem) and splendid work uploadidng this game, only waiting for the bugfix patch to be released.
Hm, trying to download this game now but looks like my DA-1 premium didn’t renew and I can’t renew it, is the service down anyone know?
i have a few` questions…(btw the game is working great i have no problems at all :D)) so the questions are:
1:what does the route map mean? how do i read it or understand those lines and dots
2:the walkthrough for the game is all wrong…ive tried to use them for the tragic endings as well as other endings but i get a completely different thing and the choices i am presented with dont match up to what is posted there (for example if it says 1, 2, 1, 2 i am only presented with 1, [x], [x], 2 )
i downloaded the torrent a few days ago….so if anyone can clear this up i’d be glad
ahah ok.
The map route shows you how many endings you’ve cleared, and scenes you haven’t seen yet.
It’s pretty useful to go back if in your route if you need it (but cant step forward so dont screw it going back without saving)
aaaand well the walkthrough does not work since its meant for the original version and this one is the HQ.
BUT read the comments at the bottom of the walkthrough page and you’ll find comments with complete walkthrough to follow.
(i used the one posted by “SirHenry” at the page 2 in the comments and i can say that is 110% accurate)
well that’s it right?
if you have any problems with the game check the trouble shooting page below the walkthrough link.
have fun and make Saionji happy first lol.
C’mon anybody please seed the torrent
can someone post this to usenet?
seems Ef just came out but im on the fence to dl from you guy when you get it or buy from mangagamer with their censor of the h-scenes its just like how koihime musou came out with no voices had to patch it to get voices i want a full game not bits and pieces
You do realize that the original Japanese release (as with all eroge) has mosaics over the naughty bits. Japanese law forbids “naughty bits” to be displayed, as such even in adult materials mosaics are present.
MG’s release has “reduced” mosaics because minori, the Japanese company did not want the mosaics removed. You can’t compare this to Koihime Musou having the voices removed.
For now, someone might be reported the file on Mediafire. And yea. Torrenting is the best way.
are you going to upload yosuga no sora as well? since the english patch should be complete.
Cant save does anyone knows how to solve this?
Ok, I ‘ve downloaded the game and it’s working but there is no sound, why? I’d really appreciate an answer.
Check the “School Days installation help/problem troubleshooting” link on the top of this page.
I am kinda confused. I downloaded the torrent and it has both Disc 1 and 2. But the problem is, I don’t know if its okay to use standard CD-r’s or should I be using DVD? Its also pretty huge amount of data on both. I know I can get a 4.7 GB CD-R, but the disc 1 data size is about over 8gb. Do I just merely download it onto those CD’s?
Much appreciated.
use Daemon tools. check the “FAQ” section on how to use it.
how i can download patch school day
There is no patch for this.
Can someone upload a 100% route map along with all the galleries and scene unlock.
For some strange reason I completed the whole set but my route map is stuck at 45% and I am missing 2 scene but yes.
If someone can upload a completed saved version for me to over-right my it would be very helpful
thank you
Can you play visual novels like this one on Linux Ubuntu?
Route A
First Story
Second Story
Sekai Should Come after all
I’ll take it
Not Really
You mean the kiss?
I’ll tell her next time
I’m sorry!
Third Story
We should tell her
We don’t have to tell her after all
We have something to tell you
Let’s go home together
Fourth Story
Not Bad
That outfit is so cute
Fifth Story
Not Sure
Sixth Story
She’s not my girlfriend
Push her away
I Love You END
Loaded From Save 4
Episode 6
Forever END
Loaded From Save 3
Fourth Story
I’ll think about it
Fifth Story
Shall we Watch?
This is arousing
Kuruda and I…
I Love you too!
Sixth Story
Do I Love Her?
Call her over
I’m glad you did
Call out to Kotonoha
I spoke with Sekai on the phone
All Hers END
Loaded from save 6
Fifth Story
Sixth Story
Come Outside
Everyone’s Makoto END
Loaded from save 6
Sixth Story
Sex friend END
Loaded From Save 5
Fifth Story
give up
Sixth Story
Goodbye Sekai END
Loaded From Save 8
Sixth Story
Setsuna’s Feelings END
Route B
Loaded From Save 2
Third Story
Am I afraid that Kotonoha will hate me?
Fourth Story
Shall I do it
So long as you’ve got me
We couldn’t’t kiss
Good night
I had nothing better to do
not really
I can’t come today
Want to eat together
Hold the meeting
Have an idea
The committee
Help Kotonoha
I should move my hand
It’s just a little while longer
A little more
keep going
I want to touch you more
【Save9】(Used 2 times)
I don’t know anymore
Fifth Story
Explain the situation
I’ll tell just Sekai
we’ll all go together
Sixth Story
Bavarois END
Loaded From Save 10
Sixth Story
Loaded From Save 9
Fourth Story
Fifth Story
You sure have big breasts
Let me use your breasts
Sixth Story
I’m glad you did
Call out Kotonoha
After The Kiss END
Route C
Load from Save 1
Second Story
Triangle Love
Third Story
Now you won’t be cold
You smell nice
I love you
Don’t worry about it
You should have done that today
【Save11】(Used 2 times)
In that case…
I still don’t really understand
Fourth Story
Squeeze Back
It’s from Kotonoha
I can’t
Help him out
【Save12】(Used 2 times)
It can’t be helped
Fifth Story
You sure are beautiful
Let me use your breasts
I should stop
Sixth Story
Call out to Kotonoha
It Begins with the first kiss END
Load from save 12
Fourth Story
Don’t say stuff like that
Fifth Story
Not really…
Sixth Story
Two Lovers END
Load from save 13
Sixth Story
To My Children END
Route D
Load From Save 11
Third Story
This isn’t right
Fourth Story
Regretting what happened
Ask for advice?
That’s not true!
I’m in love with Sekai
That’s right
I love you after all
You sure are perverted
Ask Kotonoha to put it on
Shall I help you choose?
Hold her hand
Kiss her
【Save16】(Used 2 times)
You don’t suit each other
Fifth Story
Not really
Forget it
Call Katou
It’s a secret
Sixth Story
I’m glad you did
Call out to Kotonoha
To Kotonoha END
Load from save 17
Fifth Story
Sixth Story
That’s enough
【Save18】(Used 2 times)
I don’t mind
Earnest Feelings Requited END
Load From Save 18
Sixth Story
It does bother me
Love Fulfilled END
Load from save 18
Sixth Story
It does bother me
With Kotonoha END
Load From Save 16
Fourth Story
That Kotonoha…
Fifth Story
Hug her
Sixth Story
We should break up
【Save19】(Used 2 times)
Please understand.
With Honesty END
Load from save 19
Sixth Story
I was just kidding
Christmas Eve END
Load from save 19
Sixth Story
Please Understand
Bloody End END
Load from save 16
Fourth Story
Fifth Story
Hug her
Sixth Story
No thanks
Pushed Too Far END
Load From Save 9
Fourth Story
Fifth Story
Hang in there
You sure are beautiful
Let me use your breasts
Scene Collection
Load from save 12
Fourth Story
It can’t be helped
Fifth Story
I’m here for you
You sure have big breasts
Let me use your breasts
It’s okay
Scene Collection
Load from save 11
Third Story
It’s just for a little while…
just a little more…
Keep going
In that case…
I still don’t really understand
Fourth Story
Squeeze back
It’s form Kotonoha
Class 3’s store
There’s no helping it
You sure are perverted
Scene Collection
Load From save 21
Fourth story
I can’t
Help him out
Don’t say stuff like that
Fifth Story
Not really
Scene Collection
Load from save 15
Fourth Story
Are you a virgin??
I’ll guide you through it
Scene Collection
Load from save 14
Fourth Story
That’s right
Pick up
That’s right
I love you after all
You sure are perverted
Ask Kotonoha to put it on
Scene Collection
Load from save 22
Fourth Story
Are you a virgin?
I’ll guide you through it
Scene Collection
Load from save 20
Fourth Story
It’s not mine
Let’s break up
Scene Collection
I am a little confused. The translation says it requires 1.11 to be applied. The SCHOOLDAYS HQ.exe says it is 1.0, but due to the installed translation in the image you cannot apply the 1.11 original patch.
Is the 1.11 patch included anyway and just the SCHOOLDAYS HQ.exe doesn’t reflect it?
someone could seed for this game please ?
umm guys how does the Bar of the 2 girls works?? any hint will be really helpful
Shin Koihime Musou Moeshouden when willit be translated?
Never…. Who the heck said it was going to be in the first place? There’s been absolutely no announcements on it and I highly doubt it will get translated.
Is it completely in English? If not, how much is transated?
Can someone explain what exactly automode does in this game? I know that in normal VNs it relieves you from the burden of constant clicking to advance the text, but I have no clue what the function is for an animated visual novel such as this one. Any ideas?
hey I need some seeders. Mine isn’t downloading at all
Is this worth downloading?
I think it is.
I have not actually played the game but it’s infamous and it has so many cool features like it’s fully animated and there’s a lot of choices.
I heard there’s a lot of h-scenes.
If I were you, I would download it.
There’s also a shitload of endings. You could check some out on Youtube.
Is this a remastered version of School Days? I mean, would it be okay to play this without having played the original one?
The HQ stands for High Quality, so yes, this is indeed just a remastered version of the original.
I downloaded the torrent.. its been 6 hours it hasn’t moved a bit. WHAT IS WRONG HERE?!?
Strange, check your firewall settings maybe? i’ve got pretty mediocre internet connection, but i’m getting a steady 200-300 KB/s
I have the same exact problem (but I’ve had the torrent open for 23 hours). and it doesn’t seem tat turning off the firewall helped. Anny other ideas?
Thanks for the game! Though i must say, even in the best routes i could never quite squash the desire to throttle Makoto to death. His level of stupidity is so damn high it makes playing the game very very frustrating.
i downloaded it form the torret twice, but evry time after i unpacked this happens:
1) click on 1st fisc setup “stranger erro, something failed cannot install”
2) if i reclick on the setup the game will start installing but at a certain point it stops. Any idea?
anyone care to seed this atm?
much appreciated
I’ve been uploading from the 6th with about 27:1 Ratio (257GB’s upload so far for the torrent)…
I know i should’t ask this here but I don’t know where to ask, so I’ll do it here (sry):
is there any chances to see Rewrite of Key Studios translated?
The admin doesn’t translate the games.. he/she just uploads them.
someone is already working on that title… just pray that he wont drop it
While I enjoyed this… is it expected that admin would upload Koihime Musou?
It’s already on here, friend.
How to save the game during a choice option.Because every time there’s a choice option i can’t save it.So can anybody how i can do that?
hey guys, does anyone here have a 100% save file? I’m missing 3 replay scene and I’m not sure how to get it.
I tried the walkthrough and such but still can’t get the 3 missing scene
@admin : Please fix the MF file 🙂
Currently downloading 4 parts a day, I will play this eventually! No matter what!
Acount suspended on MF. Can you upload them back? It downloads faster on MF then on DA
Downloaded it but when i try to install it goes to 5718MB of 11392 and stops. Doesn’t ask for second disk or anything just stops. Tryed to install it normaly and with aplocale
I’ve downloaded the torrent version. I unzipped the file and when I am installing it gives me an error saying that the file copy failed. It happens when it asks for Disk 2. Maybe the file download corrupted it. I’ll unzipping the whole thing and if that doesn’t work, re-download everything. It’ll be a pain but I ll have to deal with it.
somthing wrong with part 28. i can’t download
You are absolutley fantastic!! It really works and its completly with eng subs!! OMG you made me really happy 😀
I’m really glad i’m not japanese, cause I didnt have to pay to play this slapdash game (sorry if the expresssion is wrong, I’m french).
Because they put animation in this game, they must have thougth it was okay to make it so ugly you can barely watch it. The characters’ movements lack far too much realism; their expression NEVER go accordingly to the situation (nearly all tear-jerking moment are failure cause there is no change of expresssion).
Futhermore, the voice-acting is really bad.
All those thing make the game not so enjoyable, especially on scene charged with emotions and sex scenes,cause they are real mood-killers.
I begun the game, so I’ll finish it, but I really dont recommend it to other. Downloading this messed up game is just a waste of time and computer memory.
Good day to all of you
nah i just download it for the sake completeting my english list VN. actually i have and finish playing the JAP version of this game long time ago, even the SQ version.
official english vn is considered rare because how few they are, so not downloading it because you already have the another version is just lame :P, and i have all the eng vn that ever comes out so it’s another reason for me to get this game @@. heh.
if you want vn that have nice cg and awesomeness try “Full Metal Daemon Muramasa”
i’m not even japs but i can read it RAW.
I agree with your views on the facial expressions of the characters, they all look so unnatural. Moreover their expressions never change throughout the scene. I also would prefer a text eroge over this garbage.
admin upload the game ==> MF detect violation then suspend the account => admin create another id and reup the game => get detected and got suspended again.
lately any game that reup in MF always get on this cycle.
fortunately the DA’s link never got suspended 🙁
Um… is it just me or does this game display wrong scenes at times? Like while going out with Kotonoha, Sekai has a flash back of Makoto saying I love you to her. That never happened though and suddenly everyone thinks I’m her boyfriend even though it “had become common knowledge” that Makoto was dating Kotonoha.
Totally agree with you. Something is definitely not working well with the plot: there are too many routes and the pieces of the mosaic do not fit together.
I don’t like this game: the only good thing are Kotonoha’s breasts.
I had the exact same thing happen to me.
Did you use the scene back function at all? I figure it messed something up when using that for me.
that happened to me as well. I choose not to call to Kotonoha, the next day she thanks me for calling her. the shit?
I guess it depends on what walk-through you’re using.
The one linked to on this page
is for the non-HQ version.
I had a similar problem on my first playthrough
I just checked the site of sekaiproject.net and no surprised finding they are a lot of complains about bugs everywere and untranslated text. It´s obvious there will be a bug patch or another release.
Woohoo. Was about darn time this got fully translated and up on the site. Thanks, admin!
I seem to have a problem. I downloaded and installed the game fine, but when I click the icon it gives me an error message. The message says: “This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect reinstalling this application may fix this problem”
I’m using Windows XP Service Pack 2. Could anyone help? I’ve uninstalled and installed multiple times now.
Konohata & Otome ftw
go screw yourself sekai
You like kotonoha AND otome?
I figure if you like the first, you hate the second? :/
(not going further into that since I don’t want to spoil it, but if you’ve gotten far enough I really don’t get how you can like both)
Don’t believe that bullshit, it won’t last…
I don’t really like Kotonoha due to her excessively fragile Character so when i wanted to go through one of her paths just when hurted Sekai, I hesitated and changed my mind… So ended up with 6 Sekai endings and just 2 with Kotonoha… I was thinking “bah i’m done with this, i’m losing interest” BUT i just got the “Two Lovers” ending and it was so fucking EPIC I still can’t believe it.
Once you understand Both girls you can’t hate none.
i can’t really make me like sekai, i prefer hikari she is much cuter than any others even if i haven’t played otome yet
whatever you guys said… I gonna for setsuna first that may even be my last X3
lol i guess there is no arguing about taste…
Fuck you all!
Kotonoha Is My Favorite Girl!!! But my second favorite is Setsuna (even if she was kinda a bitch but that was for the sake of her friend so I understand) I don’t like Sekai that much that’s why every time I go near her route I end up cheating on her XD. The ending with both girls though were AWESOME!
It freezes a lot in ramdom places, it´s a bug or it´s the font?
freezes are caused when its played in full screen mode. Switch to windowed mode and you won’t have anymore problems.
I updated my graphic card and seems the problem is solved, anyway thanks for your help.
MediaFire links broken
part 23 to 27
part 30 32 33 35 36 37 40 42 43 44 45 46 47
jDownloader shows me all as “unknown FileSize”, checking the first it is “invalid or deleted”, so I guess the complete mirror is down. 🙁
Sorry if this isn’t the place to ask about the game, but I can’t find any active forum for it.
But is this game’s story broken?
I ask this because there’s so many things that are wrong when I’m playing.
I focused 100% on katsura, being normal friends with sekai, never even once giving a reply that hinted that makoto had feelings for sekai.
Now in episode 5, sekai’s getting really depressed, and in a scene she says to herself: “I’m such an idiot. He told me that he loved me… And I love him too…” and so on.
That never happened O.O
The game just keeps assuming makoto is cheating on sekai when I never made a single choice towards her.
So is the game just glitched like that for everyone?
LOL something like that happened to me!
I was on route C (where Makoto starts these “gentle approaching classes” with Sekai) and well… they just make their way and enjoy themselves but around Chapter 5 there’s a scene where makoto is talking with Sekai and she says something like “so you would never cheat Kotonoha with another girl even if this girl ask you to have sex with her?” and he’s like “no i wan’t my first time with the person i love” (well something like that)and she answers “so you still haven’t done it yet…”
just read that and think LOL! WTF?! but he already lost his virginity Sekay… WITH YOU!! are you fucking kidding me?! you two had sex who knows how many times! seriously WTF? you both got mutual amnesia or something?! maybe they came so hard their brain just burned i dont know…
but yea this kind of nonsense lines are everywhere, someone says that did something and that thing never happened on that route.
I guess it’s helpless.
please help! when I install the first part goes ok but when the installer request to insert disk 2 I mount the image of the disk 2 but the installer doesnt’t recognizes the disk and I can’t continue with the installation
You have to mount on the same driver
thanks (:
mf fix
But my torrent freezes at 99,67% lol
Wow it works perfectly in my netbook! That long days of download marathon has finally paid off
As always, thanks Admin!
Uhm Part 45-49 links aren’t working aren’t working.
Just curious regarding the openings when exactly do the start ? I’ve play through one route of the game and no opening has even played yet
stupid question. but I’m guessing this is blue ray? i mounted it onto my phantom drive using deamon tools but when i try to open it says it doesn’t know how. So either something is wrong with it or it was bluray. i’ve only got dvd capabilities. is there a way to know what’s required before the download? i saw nothing relevant on the post. i’d hate to waste my time on trying to get other things only to run into the same problem
omg. nm i am the stupidest person on the planet. just realized it was compressed. wow. STUPID
ok I looked at the comments and see that I need an ISO disc file but I don’t have one. I downloaded the torrent and just don’t have one. Can anyone help?
ok I think I’m an idiot but how do I install this? When it says to put disc 2 in I have no idea what to do. I click on the set up file for it but it does nothing. Please help
i asked befor but ill ask again can anyone post a 100% save file / unlocker or a save file close to 100%
This SHOULD be able to get you every replay scene and more or less 100%.
there are seeders ive seeded 92.1GB with average upload speed of 472KB/s and will be seeding for a few more days
Good guy krag, thank you. Seriously, I probably was able to download thanks to you
mf problem
watched the anime so decided to get this… its torrenting right now… Is it in english though?
Yay I’ve been waiting for this for some time now. I’ve had the Japanese version for a while and have played through all endings, but now I’ll finally be able to play a translated version, and be able to get a better understanding. hoorah! Luckily since School Days is full voice and all animated, it was much easier to understand the Japanese version than a game like Sukisho, in which it’s all text and no voice. I know J-List is probably all upset about how fast this got pirated, but don’t worry J-List, I love you guys and once I have the funds, I will be buying this for real.
oh my gooooooood
they have been removed!
please i need the all the parts above 26 :C
this game..
english version or not..??
warning “File Belongs to Suspended Account. “
Is it just me or do a lot of the h scenes glitch.
I have every scene unlocked except one and its driving me mad.
In the H-Scene replay menu it is on the second page bottom left scene i need it.
Does anyone know the scene i am missing and do you have a guide so i can unlock this scene?
So this is all in english already??
Hello, What happened to the sound? all of a sudden i can’t hear anything
see the older comments, theres a guy who posted a link for what you need (like that sound problem, i got it too, but i could fix it easily with that info)
Thank you.
is there somwewhere a guide how to install it when it stops at certain files
can’t download in MF
can you repair it?
can’t download in mf
can you repair?
I figured out what the problem is(I think).
I’m fairly sure it occurs when you try to
download 3 or 4 files @ a time through DA,
despite the fact there’s no limit.
(There’s a 4 min. wait before you can start a new one though)
Finally someone is starting to realize these things.
please fix mf links
@ googlr
Part 45 has the problem too
I’m not sure what’s going on, but part 44 has the same 383 byte file prob that seems to be occuring a lot.
Hopefully admin will upload the fixed versions
@ googlr
I ran into that same problem with part 46
part 48 has same prob as the others trtt keeps going n’about.
Is someone even seeding torrent?
hello admin ! ur mediafire link has been suspended.. can u revive it? coz i cant download it and the torrent have a low seeds..plzz admin and tnx in advance, ur d best! ^_^
just use DA.
the maximum # you can safely DL is 2
(free) and will wake approx. 30-45 minutes per 200mb file
I just want to ask since the title is not the same, does this means that this game has a different story than in the anime?
There’s many different routes in this game, there’s even happy endings.
It’s more like anime shows only one of ways the game might end – there are many more possible endings in this game, depending on player actions.
Finally finished one route and found this ‘Route Map’ on the load screen. Was kinda hard to read with all those ups and downs, so took the trouble of making it into an image.
So, if anyone needs it, here it is-
It’s good, but which color represents which character/scenario?
Ok, if I have the SP partially translated version of the game do I have to re download all of these files or is there a certain file part that I can start from?
You have to download it all
keep getting a runtime error any suggestions
file belongs to suspended account!
ah.. MF is so mean theese days.
they just do not want to end up like another megaupload or what ever the name of that site was that the feds raided and shut down ^_^
cant say i blame them to be honest
Just use the torrent people, go SEED!!
it was the right decision when i decided to try first with the torrent, started yesterday and today its done. I’ll seed from now on.
Your MF account has been suspended..
MF links not working
Hey new to this site, excited to download and play eroge ^^, but unfortunately i don’t know how it works. I’ve downloaded School Play, i got the Disc 1 and Disc 2, but what do i do? Do I need to download any tools or anything? Thanks for any help.
download daemon tools and emulate the CDs
you must be really newbie in IT, then
I just took a nap a bit and the whole MF account is dead. I was so looking forward to it too, wtf
Your MF downloads don’t work..
MF links have been wiped out too 🙁
not just wiped out the whole account is dead
Anyways, I’ll try the non working ones
using IE instead of Mozilla
The problem ones work with IE better than Mozi
part 32 comes up as part_32_rar and is 383 bytes
through DLA
part 41 has this problem too
The DA link for part 39 seems to be having problems.
(every time I try using it, I get an error message)
The others seem to be fine though
Download starts fine for me, just checked it out.
I’m adding 42 to the list as well.
some seem to work(like 38), but others do not.
I keep getting the same message each time for
the non working ones too.
I torrented it so it came in one part and it works perfectly. Great game. in a game with that many parts, it’s likely that one’ll got corrupted or a downloads gonna fail, just try using the torrent.
I did try the torrent first, before the parts were uploaded to MF. BTW, the walk-through isn’t helpful.
I tried the and with Kotonoha end, but even though I followed it correctly, it gave me the X-Mas Eve end and the plot didn’t make sense(I never chose Sekai, so why’d everyone think Itou was dating her?!)
could U tell us what the error message says
file not found
using IE, it downloads as a 383 byte file.
this problem occurs with 32, 33, 42 and 43 so far
could you please reupload admin?
you can change all your filenames with code. By changing some filename with code and save the meaning of the code on dropbox. You no need to do that if you can memorize all (^^). If you have suspended notification from Mediafire, and don’t report it MF will deleted your files! Just wait 3-4 days until the files come back to you.
Please change file name into code Admin
Admin, File Belongs to Suspended Account- for mediafire link,
You need to trick mediafire by “CHANGING THE FILE NAME” that it is not is copyright infridged.
mediafire link not working, if reupload please renamed it in abbreviations/ initials to avoid deletion by mediafire
eg (S.D.HQ/SDHQ etc) for the file name.
They already took down all parts ):
Anyone know how to increase your upload speed? I’m the only one seeding right now and I was uploading far faster back when I was downloading as well.
Has anyone gotten 100% completion on the route map? Despite getting all the endings and H-scenes ive only seen 85% of the game.
I am crying tears of joy.
I promise to seed for one week.
To share this AWESOMENESS.
People who are too late to notice, people who don’t visit this website on daily basis, should just blame themselves when the torrent died one day.
am i the only one that’s having problem with the Walkthrough? i mean i’ve tried 3 or 4 ending (supposing 1 is up 2 is down) but often you can’t make the choice that the walkthrough tells you (for example the walkthrough says 1 or 2 but you only options are 0 or X)
thanks for the MF links. Hope they’ll stay up for a long time lol
Does this game actually need dotnet to run?
9Gb is a lot to download before finding out if it’s useless or not 🙁
Hooray for Mediafire links! More power to erogedownload!
thanks for the mediafire links the other one is slower then molasses.
i thought the game was supposed to be around 12 Gbs >.>
It is. I just compressed it so it takes less space/faster to download. After unpacking it’s like 12,5GB.
very very thx ADMIN!!!
thanks for this XD so much win ^_^
MF!!! thank you very much admin! wew… this will lighten the work…
Is it fine to continue downloading from the new uploaded files? I’m afraid it is from another archive. (not the same .rar files with the old ones)
Yes, those are exactly the same files. I always keep a copy stored in case they will come… uhm, handy.
Thanks admin! You’re the best!
Gonna ask this again, is it true JAST USA removed some of the h-scene, especially setsuna and kokoro?
There’s no kokoro scene in school days.
Sorry to tell you this bro but the only way to see a kokoro scene it to play “Summer days” i’m not sure if it’s the prequel or sequel either way kokoro is an option (I’m pretty sure she is anyways)
part 27 is not working 🙁 please fix im halfway done T.T
so fast. Already 7 part uploaded o.o
I’m storing files on dedicated server in Spain ( where sharing is legal ). I’m using 100Mbit upload line – over 20 files done.
admin, the links seem to be broken again.. not sure if it’s just the site, but thought i’d let you know since it just happened
Uh oh. Looks like the links for the direct download are down…
i like that you do this but being a jerk about this isn’t helping
the part 7 has been deleted ):
please put back the files 🙁
torrent is too slow
the files… are deleted already….. ==”
mediafire please!
Check out this site. All of the sollutions are there and are working 🙂
direct download files got pulled x.x I’m at part 44 of 49 toos D:
links are dead, please reupload (i know it’s big…) =x
links has been deleted
Gahhh the file was deleted and I was in part 27….!!
It’s okay. This was bound to happen, given how jast was butthurt over this release getting pirated faster before some people who pre-ordered even got their boxes. I’ll post new links later today.
I see, thanks for the hard work Admin-san…!
That just proves how much the internet has been waiting for an English release. (Ponders a Kickstarter for those who liked this to give back to JAST)
yeah, i totally agree, i have already seen the endings and yet my preorder still has not shipped. damn they’re slow
@Admin well i can kinda see why JAST would be a little butthurt….
Was to lazy to continue walkthrough i am like 95% finished with it but here is the otome route
Episode 1 Skip (Right click)
Episode 2 Skip
Sekai Should come after all
Ill take it
Not Really
You mean the kiss
Ill tell her next time
Im sorry
Triangel Love
Episode 3 Now you wont be cold
you smell nice
I love you
Dont worry about it
you should have done that today
this isnt right
Episode 4 (skip)
Regretting what happen
Ask for my advice
Thats not true
im in love with sekai
thats right
i love you after all
you sure are perverted
ask kotonoha to put it on
shall i help you choose
Hold her hand
kiss her
you dont suit each other
Episode 5 Not realy
Forgett it
Call katou
Episode 6 Yes
thats enough
i dont mind
The Earnest Feelings are Rewarded END (Otome Katou END)
walkthrough by getaway280
walkthrough of otmome is 100%
Why is this game so big?
Whats so special that this game hast to be 4x bigger than a normal Visual Novel?
whats the different do other Visual Novels and Eroges?
It’s entirely animated. It’s not just static images. It’s more like an interactive anime/hentai than a visual novel.
Assuming your not using an IP that peer-block is blocking (Such as a known attack/botnet/trap/”School”, which there’s a lot of them trying…) your averaging 50kb/s from me (out of 2.7mb/s total). Will seed for another 2 weeks [^.^] b
Hey the walkthrough you guys provided seems wrong…under the kotonoha happy ending it feels like im on sekai’s route so please make it more clear as to what choices to make.
To clarify im going on kotonoha’s route but my points for sekai are way higher and im almost at the h scenes so maybe im reading the walkthrough wrong? any help would be appreciated
please seed my friends… im downloading it at less than 0.1 kb per second… please seed… i must play this. the animes ending was too sad.
10gb file , looks like its gonna be a mission impossible to download it alone >_<
che <.<
i think they took the sex scenes with setsuna out.
somebody there who can confirm it?
I got H scenes with setsuna
Keep up the seeding, everyone
well might just have to buy this. taking to long.
Finished Kotonoha’s route with a happy end, so much better than the anime…
Yea i agree with Rexxar on this one, it feels like i’m trying to torrent crysis 2…
i got a problem with the sound.
after i installed the game and run it the sound worked just fine.
i closed it, deinstalled the normal school days version and the english setup thing from sekai project, then restarted HQ again, …. and there was no sound ._.
anyone got an idea why?
okay, just found the answer -.-
if you rename the shortcut on the desktop and then start the game there’s no sound, strange thing, but well ^^
does anyone have a unlocker/100% save file
i’m interested in that too
anyone get “soundbase initialization error” when starting? I can’t even start the game.
I made sure that everything is up to date on my machine (latest K-lite codecs, DX, .NET 3.5, sound drivers, etc.). I’ve also tried reinstalling a number of times, restarting comp after install, checking my registry, etc. And I still get the error. Anyone had this problem/fixed it yet?
I should say I’ve also tried running in different compatibility modes, as administrator and all that jazz. No luck.
I’m on Win7 x64 in Jap Locale
The game installed smoothly and running perfectly.Thank you Admin for providing this great eroge.
YAh seed plz! We have to help each other out we all are here for some *shared* eroge so we share a common interest and goal lets help our fellow men and girl out!
Suddenly all seeders are gone, please seed some more, i’m already near finish.
Really really please.
is there a download for just the translation, because i still have the raw japanese version
Seeding now… ~250 kB/s
Does anyone know ehether this game runs w/o CD or not?
Sorry to be a bother, but whenever im installing the game at 9866Mb done out of 11392Mb (the file “packsSE01.GPK”) my install just freezes and doesnt carry on. Just seeing here if anyone else has had the problem and has found a fix for it.
thanks admin
heard good things bout the game hope there true
thanks for the game admin
Gotta say I’m loving the animation, so refreshing from still-frame VNs 🙂
Has anyone figured out how to get Otome’s ending yet? I’ve already tried a lot of times and can’t seem to be able to get it. I’d appreciate any help in this matter(or at least a hint). Thank you.
Umm i dont recall exact choices, but in episode 5 (indecision) makoto will say he doesnt know which person he loves.
In episode 6 respond positively to Otome and regardless of the relationship bar you will end up with otome.
2.7ish mb/s…. enjoy my upload speed ^.^, it will slow when I hit a 3000% ratio
Okay, it’s official; I freaking love admin. The game’s working great for me. There were only a few minor annoyances I had to figure a solution for. I feel obliged to share my discovery, in case someone else hasn’t fixed you guys’ problems already. If your game freezes, this is what worked for me:
1. Always delete the CONFIG.dat file before launching the game. If you want to play full screen, that works, but you’ll have to change the settings every time you start the game (it’s windowed by default), since you delete the config file over and over again. My game freezes if I don’t delete the config file, so this step is necessary.
2. If you play on full screen and want to save the game, pause, then window the screen and save. After you’ve saved, you can go back to full screen. This prevents freezing. Saving on full screen works sometimes, but I wouldn’t take the risk.
I hope this helps. Also, as I mentioned, these are only minor annoyances, and are easy to live with, since the game’s so damn good. Thank you again, admin, for letting us enjoy this masterpiece.
my automode is broken, whether its on or off, it plays by itself and clicking doesn’t skip to next line
I will be seeding too.. just a little more speed in my net and maybe I’ll be done by Thursday or Friday. I’m currently downloading in a speed that fluctuate in 30kpbs to 40kpbs in the day and 100kpbs to 250kpbs in night
I am only getting a disc 1 ISO Image. Where is Disc 2?
I tried posting yesterday but didn’t post, so here it goes again.
Thank you very much for this and all the games you have posted. I know I’m not the only one who appreciates it. Thank you very much!
I can’t seem to download part 5. keeps saying file not found. Anyone else having this problem?
I am sedding ~ Come on people, open your hearts for all eroge’s lovers :<
to: getaway280
who is route a and who is route b? also what are the bad ends so if people want they can avoid them.
its a little confusing.
Last Question…..why is the game so fucking huge?????
It’s not an ordinary visual novel with just static characters, voice-over and one route per heroine. It’s fully animated, has long, branching routes, and over 20 different endings. I don’t know much about what specifically contributes to the file size, but as far as I’m concerned, School Days is beyond any VN in regards to quality and number of possible scenes per route.
Its basically a Interactive Movie, that you can mess up if you fail to choose answers in time. also, its only 9.8 gigs to DL, 13 gigs unzipped, then another 12 gigs installed. The Sims 3 is a lot larger with all the expansions…
Thank you very very very very much admin.
I just finish download with torrent (It’s fastest way right now) and luckily I can install and play without any problem.
game itself run very smoothly and of cause, very high Quality graphic.
this is one of ‘must have’ game.
@mathsdebater, this happened because the walkthrough is not 100% correct. To avoid this, swap some of the choices and make sure that the loyalty meter is always maxed out towards the girl of your choice. This method has worked for me so far, I’ll have to figure out the extra routes though…
can you please upload to mediafire?
for a walkthrough getaway280 walkthrough is perfect it has all choices you should replace the walkthrough of getaway with the current one
I have a question. In walkthrough is said that choises are left or right but they are on the top and bottom. Is anyone know how it works ??
I have a question…how many chapters in school days HQ? did all of them are translated to the end?…plz repz
Six episodes, full translation.
Were the loli endings/scenes removed? just curious, I am assuming yes since this is released in english. But unsure.
There are no loli scenes in School Days. You must be talking about Makoto x Kokoro scenes from Summer Days. It’s a spinoff game with the same characters as School Days.
seed pleaseeeeeeeee :3
Just finished downloading from the torrent.
Disc1.iso damaged. Ohh, my luck…
Could you please Upload this to MF?
Hi is this version fully translated? Is this version the same as the one in the Partially Translated?
Full Trans.
Has someone tried playing this on a laptop or netbook? I remember seeing some guy say something about this game not working to well with laptops, maybe cause its animated? I mean I have a netbook with decent specs and the only time I’ve really ever had a problem playing eroge on this thing was with kamidori, and thats only when I play on a big map with a lot of enemies, but when I turn off the fighting animation its still a little laggy but not too bad. I just don’t want to go and download all of this just to find that its so laggy that I can’t even play it lol
runs smoothly on my 5 years old laptop (core 2 duo, intel graphic card)
Thanks for the reply, now that I know itll play nicely I can finally start downloading it
It’s here!!! Thanks admin! but wow 9gb huh
The torrent works perfectly. Thanks so much for this. I screamed when I saw it uploaded. I will continue to seed as long as I can.
I believe the walkthrough is completely different, no? There are more options/path in HQ, than the original version, it seems. Trying to start off with all of Kotonoha’s routes, nothing is the same, and there are more options, even when the walkthrough shows the act to be finished.
Damn, I should have rode the seed wave while I had the chance. Was getting 500kbs-1mbs earlier today but then I had to leave for work, so I turned off my computer. Now it’s downloading at 1kbs again.
Can someone please seed again?
while I download this via torrent, the upload rate suddently much higher than download rate.. and the speed is only 1kbps –“
Thanks for all your hard work. It is appreciated by all of us
Fast the first 2 hours after released the torrent, then it was slow as hell, right now is 20-50 kbs, XD
Does anyone have a link to the HQ walkthrough?
I used the “normal” school days one and things went well(?) but the ending was different to the one listed by walkthrough.
I remained 100% faithful to kotonoha yet i got the “christmas eve” ending which is apparently one of the least faithful ones????
@mathsdebater, this happened because the walkthrough is not 100% correct. To avoid this, swap some of the choices and make sure that the loyalty meter is always maxed out towards the girl of your choice. This method has worked for me so far, I’ll have to figure out the extra routes though..
Lolz my installer installed more than there was to install…
Seeding ahahahahah im at 50 kb/s as well. Oh well better than nothing
only one question admin how can i add my picture to my comment
Here is a little demo Prais me of the walkthrough
Route A
Episode 1 Skip (Right click)
Episode 2 Skip
Sekai Should come after all
I´ll take it
Not Really
You mean the kiss
I´ll tell you next time
I´m sorry
(SAVE 1) Save here save before you chose skip
Episode 3 We should tell her
We don´t have to tell her after all
We have something to tell you
Let´s go home together
(Save 2)
Episode 4 Not bad
That outfit is so cute
(Save 3)
Episode 5 Not sure
Episode 6 Skip
She´s not my girlfriend
Save 4
Push her away
i will try my best to continue
Route A
Full route A Route B will come out tonight by 8 pm germany timer
Episode 1 Skip (Right click)
Episode 2 Skip
Sekai Should come after all
I´ll take it
Not Really
You mean the kiss
I´ll tell you next time
I´m sorry
(SAVE 1) Save here save before you chose skip
Episode 3 We should tell her
We don´t have to tell her after all
We have something to tell you
Let´s go home together
(Save 2)
Episode 4 Not bad
That outfit is so cute
(Save 3)
Episode 5 Not sure
Episode 6 Skip
She´s not my girlfriend
Save 4
Push her away
Loade from save 4
Episode 6 Skip
Eternaly End
Loade from Save 3
Episode 4 I´ll Think about it
Episode 5 Skip
(Save 5)
Shall we watch ?
This is arousing
Kuruda and I…
(Save 6)
I love you too!
Episode 6 Do i love her ?
Call her over
I´m glad you did
Call out to Kotonoha
I spoke with Sekai on the phone
The Him Only for Her END
Loade from Save 6
Episode 5 Skip
Episode 6 Skip
(Save 7)
Come outside
Mina and Makoto END
Loade from 7
Episode 6 Skip
Sex friend END
Loade from 5
Episode 5 Skip
Give Up
Episode 6 (Save 8)
Sekai End
Loade frome Save 8
Episode 6 Yes
Setsuna´s Wish End
Walkthrough by getaway280
I just finished installing the game but every time I try to start it the window doesn’t pop up. When I check my running processes it says it’s running but I still can’t find it.
What’s the difference between this and the other, just animation quality?
I’m not 100% sure but i think the difference is the full english translation whereas until this was released there it was just partial. Also i think there isn’t censoring during the h-scenes while i think there was in the original. I haven’t played the game yet and I’m in the process of downloading it but i think those are the differences that i’ve read
Extra routes too for the HD version
how many routes are there?
Don’t know which routes but there’s 20 endings apparently, side characters included.
full game?
49 parts or a one click download. What to do…
torrent’s ur only choice :p
ok , I just finished my first route.
A perfect ending kotonoha route 😀 ( well atleast as perfect as school days routes can be haha ).
So far i’m really liking the game , as usual thanks admin for bringing such great games to us.
Tommorow im starting my second route.
game freezes every min any way to fix? i cant find any solutions anywhere that work
“Someone said that it’s because of the .NET Framework 3.5 . You can find it on Disc 1 and install it, but there should be much need to do it on Windows 7 since it has it installed by default (unless you turned it off for some reason. If you did, go to Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> on the left side click “Turn Windows features on and off” and see if Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 is checked). After that, delete the config.dat file inside your game folder, run it again and see if it freezes in full screen again.”
Taken from School Days installation help/problem troubleshooting
It fixed my screen freezing problem for me
Also from my experience you have to delete your config.dat everytime you launch the game again
thats kind of annoying, but aaawhell.
after much trial and error i uninstalled all my previous codecs and installed CoreAVC and i no longer freeze up game works great now hope this helps someone els
does this visual novel work? i meant, posters above mentioned that they have saving problems… since this game is around 9gb, i have limited quota though… 🙁
It works. The game may freeze occasionally but you can fix this by restarting and playing past that point in windowed mode. Also the main reason for freezing is fast-forwarding – DON’T DO IT!
okay.. thx Disky. i’ll be starting to download now. hope the rar files work. 🙂
This is…..too big but i will still download it *troll face*
Am I the only one getting different endings from the walkthrough? Do I need to clear some endings first to unlock the others?
walkthrough is for original version of game….its not working for HQ
Some endings are right, some are wrong, because there are new choices in some routes. Tested only a few, but these are to 100 % correct 🙂
At the end of July there should be a release of an english walkthrough from sekaiproject.com
Bavarois 1 (Sekai)
Act I – 0 0
Act II – 1 2 [X] 1 0 2 0 1 0 2 2 1 2
Act III – 2 2 0 [X] 1 [X] 0 2 [X] 2
Act IV – 1 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 2 2 0
Act V – 2 [X] 0 1 1 [X] 1
Act VI – 2 [X]
Bavarois 2 (Sekai)
Act I – 0 0
Act II – 1 2 [X] 1 0 2 0 1 0 2 2 1 2
Act III – 2 2 0 [X] 1 [X] 0 2 [X] 2
Act IV – 1 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 2 2 0
Act V – 1 [X] 2 2 1 1 2 2
Act VI – 2 [X]
Setsuna’s Feeling’s (Sekai, however, Setsuna is also a main character in this route)
Act I – 0 0
Act II – 1 2 [X] 1 0 2 0 1 0 2 2 1 2
Act III – 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 1
Act IV – 1 [X] 2 1 1 0
Act V – [X] 0 [X]
Act VI – 1
Bloody End (Bad End)
Act I – 0 0
Act II – 0 1 2 2 1 [X] 1 2 1 1 1 2
Act III – 1 2 2 1 0 2 2 1 2 [X]
Act IV – 1 0 2 2 2 2 2 [X] 2 1 [X]
Act V – 0 2 [X]
Act VI – 1 [X] 1 [X]
I Love You (Sekai)
Act I – 0 0
Act II – 1 2 [X] 1 0 2 0 1 0 2 2 1 2
Act III – 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 1
Act IV – 1 [X] 2 2 1 [X]
Act V – 2 1 1
Act VI – 2 1 1 [X]
love you
Man I wish there was a non-lesbian happy ending with Kotonaha, because I swear the main character grows a massive vagina in her route…
if you’re all complaining about the torrent DL speed, you might want to try out zbigz.com it took less than 10 secs to DL the torrent to their servers an direct download it from them all the way. hope that helped
That’s a great idea and I would have used zbigz for this but they have a 8GB limit and this is a 9GB torrent. Maybe it will come in handy for something else, this is my first time hearing about that site.
it’s handy alright. yeah you have a 8GB limit now if you’re a free user. but if you’re premium its unlimited. dont quite know about its max DL speed for premium though cause im only in a 3.6mbps plan and im maxing it at 350~400 KBps but it limits free to only 150KBps
Thank you for this release!
I’ve had a few problems with the install (it kept freezing at ~9000 mbs so I simply copied the files.
The game works (sound, subtitles, music etc) and I save it. But when I try to load the save, it says: “script version doesn’t match” and it boots me at the start screen.
What should I do?
Why I do not have a sound in this game ?
Hi, is there another way to get the torrent ? (I trust this site but not the other random ones i might find looking for it)
But i can’t seem to download the torrent, it gets me on that adfly page that 9/10 times gets stuck on “loading the page” forever and if it manages to open correctly i end up stuck in the page that only lets me download some download manager crap and i can’t skip the add or anything like it was said in some earlier comment.
Downloading 50parts is a pain :(…
Just click on the torrent link here. Wait 10 seconds on the adfly page and click “skip ads”. Your torrent file is now downloaded. The speed for this torrent is really picking up, I’m at 2.0 MB/s at the moment and the ETA is less than an hour.
Or if you continue doing something wrong, just google it. Try setting the results to ‘last 24 hours’. But I’m not sure if the torrent sites you will come across will appear more ‘reliable’ to you.
Thanks but my problem is i don’t get any “skip adds” button anywhere on the page even if i wait 15m =/.
I guess I’ll just have to download the 50 parts or try my luck with some googled torrent…
Is the anime ending available in the VN? I like demented Higurashi like things and would be very disappointed if that isn’t part of this game :O
I don’t know if that particular ending is in the VN,but don’t worry anyway, even if it isn’t you won’t be disappointed by the bad endings that are there, as they are quite violent and disturbing.
Thank you very much for the hard work with uploading this so quickly, thank you for this website and keeping it running for us leechers!
I clicked on the DA-free download and I was like “Whaaaaaaa-t”. Someday.
Soooo ummmm, there a walkthrough? I heard that the HQ version doesn’t match up with the walkthrough for the regular one because of the new added stuff and it seems pretty hard to go for the path you want if there’s 21 endings 😛 just saying
The walkthrough provided is a placemarker until the HQ version is made. You can try using the flowchart ingame if you aren’t getting the correct ending.
Holy crap 13GB unpacked…
I think I’ll have to play this one off my external HD lol.
That is of course, assuming I can even play it. I have a horrible horrible sinking feeling that I’m going to have to mount discs, and that’s a pain in the ass to do on a mac.
Bah I probably won’t be able to play this one :'(
Thank you anyway admin 🙂
is it just me or there’s a problem with the downloadani.me links?
Are you getting a problem with all the links, or just specific links? And are you trying to download multiple files at the same time without an account, or do you have an account?
I didn’t have an account and not multi-downloading.
I’ve downloaded part 1, and after that, failed to download part 2-6 (i’ve put the right captcha and click download file). But after that i got an error message.
Currently i’m downloading part 7 (in progress) and will try part 2-6 again. Perhaps it’s only my problem :p
Give it a while. So many downloaders and not enough uploaders are causing the speed to be slow for everyone. Hopefully as more people finish they keep uploading for everyone.
mkay, thanks
Well I’m seeding but at 50kb/s I’m not helping much lol.
It may not seem like much but it still helps and i apreciate it. Keep it up lol :p
anyone else getting like 85kbs to 45 kbs on the torrent
nvm i rmber this anime.. horror/drama aint my type..
Not sure about the horror part except the bad ends, but there are only 3-4 bad ends. The anime was based off the bad end. There are, I think, around 20 good ends.
this any good?
its finally finished! this looks so awesome, especially as a visual novel, very unique. btw, i dont know if can take another dose of School Days since watching the anime left a bad memory… but since you guys say there is like 20 endings im “gonna try” to get the ending i actually wanted in the anime, Kotonoha FTW! oh is it me or are there new voices for the characters bcuz they dont sound like the anime versions?
Just load all the links into jdownloader and it will automatically download and combine the isos together.
Does anybody have any alternative download links? No way in hell am I getting this from a dead torrent or those 50 part rar files on that awful host.
Just get the torrent, it shouldn’t be too dead, I alone have uploaded over 2TB for it.
It’s a new torrent rather than a dead one. The download speed has and will improve over time as the number of seeds increases and the number of leechers decrease proportionately.
The game being soo large doesn’t help speed this process up, so it may still take quite some time to download, but just have some patience.
My install keeps getting to 9866MB (Packs.SE01.GPK) and just randomly stopping. Help please?
While this isn’t exactly your problem, could you try doing the method described with your error as described below. Just switch the error pack in this post to the one you are having trouble with. Would like to see if that works.
“people are telling me they get stuck on installing the Movie02.gpk and Movie03.gpk. if it happens to you just extract the files from the disc named “packs” itself into the installation folder Overflow\SchoolDaysHQ\packs. its ok to overwrite it. and just copy the packs folder contents from disc 2 into the packs folder.”
Thanks strom. I can’t find the instillation folder in my program lists though. I’m guessing it won’t appear until install is finished but as install isn’t finishing I can’t see it?
Try to manually create the folders in the installation directory. First create the Overflow folder, then inside that one create a SCHOOLDAYS HQ FOLDER, and lastly in that folder create a Packs folder. Then move the packs that you are having trouble with into the Packs folder and try the installation again.
Hope it works.
just wondering, does anyone know what that SOMCON stuff is in the options?
If you really want to know click the link(NSFW!!!!!):
OMG! I laughed so hard! XD
that looks like it could be painful, actually.
Download Speed slower than upload speed..oi..lol
framework 3.5 xD
for the guy that have problem and the game freezes in fullscreens, is because this game need framework 3.2 , in the CD1 u have a folder named runtime, press the ejecutable inside this folder and install framework, you will see that is japanesse but dont mind and install it, after it delete de config inside of your game schooldays and play the game now, this work for me…. i hope this work for you all too.
Also, as I wrote on the forum, if you don’t get any sound or music after restarting the game, make sure you remove the config file in the installation folder. You’ll need to do this each time you quit the game if you actually have this problem. Once the config file is removed, start the game and the sound should be back. You’ll need to change settings again, but there aren’t many settings to begin with anyway so it’s not a big deal.
Thanks to Zind on the forum for this alternate solution to the config/sound problem that may happen for you:
“Open config.dat with notepad, delete all the text, save, then set the file as read only. That way it will always be blank. It won’t save your settings but at least you won’t have to delete it everytime you want to play.”
Gosh… This is an excellent release right here.
Definately the most drama-filled VN I’ve personally ever played. Even when you think things might settle down, it doesn’t. It never ever stops with the drama. If you somehow “resolve” one problem, another pops up the next second. HOWEVER, that’s not a bad thing, because it’s the main course for this game. The drama is its purpose, and it definately has quality drama.
It has certainly disturbed me so far, but that’s a good thing, no? Just like how a scary game/movie is supposed to scare you, this drama is supposed to worry/disturb you.
By the way, this is coming from someone who hasn’t played the normal VN or seen the anime, so I never knew what to expect.
That walkthrou is for Original Shooldays not HQ it dont match in many choices
True, it’s from the original School Days, but it worked on the Sekai routes for me. Haven’t tried any others atm, because I can’t load my save files anymore -_-
You have to use a japanese walkthrough, or you wait until end of July, where Kanna (from sekaiproject.net) should release an english walkthrough 🙂
Had been absent from home for almost two months and when i came i found these…
Now there is just one thing to say
Can I ask how is this different from the other school days?
Well is HQ… kidding.
This version has some extra scenes and endings. Other tha that there isn’t too much different.
Hm, for some reason the installs stops at 5718MB of 11392MB.
Might be a dumb question, but are you mounting both discs?
installing game with more than one disc is quite tricky after all,what you must to do is,don’t mount both disc on the same time, only the first one, then when the installer ask for disc two,unmount the disc one and replace it with disc two, and voilla it’s work. the tricks is same when i tried install rewrite and cross channel
I tried with both 1 and 2 discs mounted, but it didn’t work. I just copied all the files from the discs and it seems to work now.
That is, until I save a game and want to load that one. Then I get bugged with an error again.
I tried with both iso files mounted and it won’t install that way. You have to mount disc 1, start the install, wait until it says insert disc 2, unmount disc 1 and mount disc 2, and then finish the install. Don’t know anything about failed saves yet.
For some reason I can’t decipher, it’s a local problem. This pc simply keeps borking on the install, while my other did it flawlessly. O, well… Guess I’ll play/watch it on my other system then.
so is it work? did everyone had already try it?
Correction for previous post. All links are actually working. I just had to switch computers.
the most waited eroge of the year!!!!
Very thx,it’s an most waited release for this year *o*
Thanks admin. I have put this up on my seedbox, so i will keep it on for a while.
I was curious if any of the files from the japanese version could be used at all?
And if so how would that be possible, since the video files make up the bulk of the installation how could they decensor them for this release with just small edit files?
Alot of the files do not work. parts 3 4 10 11 12 etc.
Hey, quick question: which download will be faster, download .rar files or download torrent?
Nice Boat
ah! what a lovely show that was… with the way they put it back then, I can’t help but wonder if this game will cause more murders. since, well you know games, movies, and music cause people to murder and NOT your own judgement.
Does anyone have save file?
Hey, to those with the freezing issue, it seems to happen only when it runs in full screen, in windows doesn’t appear to have a problem untilnow. Confirmed from some guys in Nihonomaru.
Sorry for my bad english.
Thanks for upload this game.
It freezes for me in full screen, windowed, wide, and standard. I can’t seem to get past the part where you’re told you’ll be eating lunch with the two girls. Sometimes it freezes up before then. And it always freezes when I try to load a save.
Another option that seems to word are replace some files in the original folder. The guy that upload the game in Nohonomaru upload those files too, but for now they are all down, sorry. But after that seems to work perfectly. There are also rumors that the freeze comes from troubles of compatibility, and they are working way to pass this in others sites.
So has anyone found a fix for the freezing? Started freezing after I saved the game – now it won’t let me pass that point even when I start a new game.
Try following: Uninstall all your Codecs (K-Lite, CCCP, …) and install another one. Codecs are often the problem for animated eroges to freeze up.
I have a problem.
When I installed the JAST USA release of School Days HQ everything worked perfect.
Sound and all.
But as soon as I exit the game and restart it, the sound is gone!
I’ve tried installing the game on two different computers, but still the same result.
Anyone else with the same problem? Is there a solution?
Someone had this same problem on the forum. Try what they did to fix it:
“For some reason, I need to delete the config file after I quit playing. Because if I don’t, there’s no sound or music at all the next time I start the game. Doesn’t matter if I actually change the settings or not either, once that config file gets created, there’s no sound the next time I start playing. Not sure what that’s all about…”
Downloading now. If it works fine, I’m buying the original hard copy as well!
So I’m guessing this doesn’t have english translation, as Sekai project hasn’t finished yet? Or is there? tell me quick, because I don’t want to waste any time downloading a game that has no english translation.
This would be the English release from Jast USA, so it should be fine. Also, as many people tend to need to say repeatedly here, all downloads on this site have been translated to English.
oh awesome thank you! I just thought that this was a special occasion, being probably the greatest game this century, but anyway, DOWNLOADING TIME!!!!
A note, Sekai Project merged with Jast USA for this project, so they’re the same thing, SP just did most of the work pretty much.
on another note, I’m glad to see the project has been finished. Been on SP’s forums since 2007 when the project started, its beena wild ride.
umm guys does School days have any happy Ending at all?? didnt look like it from the Anime..
It has happy endings, and even a harem ending, but there are also multiple bad endings, so I’m sure you won’t get bored.
Don’t worry, there are only a few bad endings which involves one of the main characters getting killed 😉
There are also some good endings 😀
School Days actually has a total of 15 good endings, with only 3 bad endings. The only reason the anime went with a bad ending is because they are much more (in)famous than the good ones, due to their brutality and overall disturbiness.
Anyway, thanks for the upload, although it will take me like 5 days to download since I’ve reached my download cap already:/
Nice boat.
yahooooooooo ,finally, i have waited this for so long 🙂
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU Admin!!!!
Lucky Bastards….. I can’t downloaded or put files over 4gb on my external (it’s a FAT32 system) , I gotta download all 50ish rar files. oh well, hopefully won’t take as long as it seems it will
Why don´t you use NTFS instead?
Fat32 is so obsolete and unreliable…
cause I can’t back up the 800 gb of stuff on it so I can switch it to NTFS
yeah thx, i found out about that about 5 minutes after my last post, lol
1 kB/s lol.. More seeders plz! ^^
seriously i cant thank u enough admin for all that u have done for us seriously u r incredible
Expecting this to be way overrated. Hope to be proved wrong.
It’s not overrated. It’s really one of a kind. Besides the spinoffs, it’s the only fully animated eroge that I know of. Also, it’s unusually dark for a h-game with school setting. It’s really one of the best games of this industry if you ask me.
thanks a lot man i have been waiting for this game since they announced it to be translated. i love your site and hope you can keep up the wonderful work.
Is this the first School Days game, or some sequel game?
It’s the original School Days, but with remastered graphics and new scenes. Also, it’s totally uncensored. 🙂
LEEECHERS!…um what?
Woo, going back to school for the summer. School Days that is XD Been waiting for this one, thanks Admin.
my game always crashes… please help me i want to play!!
i can’t hear any sound in this game ,anyone have this problem ?
Help! The torrent’s not working and I really don’t want to download 50 .rar files. Is there a problem with the upload or am I just being stupid?
The torrent is working, must be something on your end.
I figured it out. It had to do with my security settings.
LOL torrent speed = 8 kB/s More seeds plz! 🙂
wtf!!! its because you leech all the time!!! try to seed it and the speed will catch up!!!!!
lol. don’t you know? when you leech, you seed at the same time. unless you mean, stop leeching and just seed so the upload speed faster?
Thanks GodLikeAdmin!
i cant hear and sound
This is the game I’ve been waiting for and I can’t wait to play it. However, the torrent link sends me to some suspicious adfly website that wants me to download a dl manager. I try to skip it, but the SD torrents don’t seem to be actual torrents, because they don’t have the icon, and won’t open in any program.
I know this site is reliable, and I’m super grateful that you got this awesome game here so fast, but recently you’ve been putting torrent links that are nice and easy to use. That’s not the case now. Can you do something here or tell me if downloading the dl manager is really necessary?
same here……….
Just wait some seconds and skip the adfly ad, in the top right of the page. Torrent should begin downloading as soon as you skip it.
Thank you! But damn, this torrent has an unusually bad seeder/leecher rate. Oh well, I guess it’ll have to do, because I really don’t want to download such a huge game part by part.
This torrent is literally few hours old. You can wait till tomorrow and it’ll be good to go. Torrents posted over here are always very fast.
you dont need to dl the dl manager
just wait 5 seconds then skip the ad
is it just me or its just i couldn’t download either the torrent or the rar file?
admin, if u can, could u split the 9.4 GB file into many smaller files so it wud be easy to download? ^^
thanks a lot 🙂
My Body…is ready!
Does this got adult scenes?
I mean I heard the US version wasn’t going to have adult scenes?
NOTE: I want H-scenes 😛
Yeah It does. I went to the game’s site for whatever reason and the screenshots they had had pictures from the H-scenes. So don’t worry about that.
Hi admin!
Thanks a lot for your hard work as always.
Appreciate it a lot.
None of the sites in the whole internet does have so great admin. Dear Admin (with capital A) – shall the Great Spirit of Eroges and VNS’ protect you for your whole life. ^_^
thax admin i been waithing for this for soo much time haa im gona cry tnx
Thank you admin. Thank you for being such a bro. Thank you for always doing this.
I wish you the best in life, you are a true bro.
I had the original game that had the partial translation so it’s nice to finally get this edition. Apparently there is better resolution and added bad ends for this version so it’s all gravy. I’ll have it in 3 hours, can’t wait. A long night of pursuing Setsuna awaits =D
T-T I’m crying right now, for real o.O, 10xs admin…
Walkthrough please… thanks.. More nice boat. :3
Great! I’ve been waiting for this VN! After seeing the size, maybe takes 3 weeks or more for me to play this VN -_-
Thanks, erogedownload 😀
Agreed^. 9GB Thats amazing xD. The anime was good so the visual novel is bound to be even more good 😛
I thank our lord and masters at erogedownload for uploading this.
Sunlight… i will see you next weekend
Is it precracked or is the crack in the files or is it without any kind of security thingy? thx in advance and thx alot for all the hard work
i do not believe there is some sorta anti-piracy method since it is DRM free but don’t hold me to my word
jeah u were right runs without any crack or something thx for the reply ^^
Thank you admin!
Been waiting this ! 😀
I’ve been looking forward to this too… mainly since it’s a fully animated VN. The sound of it sounds awesome. I have no idea how the anime goes. Anyways waiting for the torrent!
If you haven’t hear about the anime, you should, umm, prepare yourself a little. Some parts of this game may be a little, uh, shocking.
イヴァンさん、 we can’t thank you enough for all the work you do, all the time you expend, so that we can play epic visual novels like this.
You have my most gratitude, I admire you man.
You people are really fast, thanks Ivan.
Why 9.4 GB? I thought it was supposed to be ~13 GB
It’s ~9gb unpacked. After you extract and install it, it’ll be 12-13gb.
Yup…I do believe I’m having a heart attack now.
tnx admin.. but one question…. pixelized or not?
Uncensored, if that’s what you mean.
thank you xD
Yahoo! No better way to start the summmer break, thank you so much!
So is it possible for the main character not to be a total dick in the game depending on the route you take? Cause in the anime he was just horrible.
Yes, game is very different from anime.
Thanks admin
wow nice one admin, i watched the anime and it made me depressed lol
i assume theres a good ending 🙂
Actually, this is common misconception – this game has over 20 endings, out of which only 4 are “bad”.
Over 20?! Wow, who’d have thought? How “good” they’d be will depend on perspective… and for who. Following that, those 4 “bad” endings would be considered to worse ones. Looking forward to seeing if Makoto can play the cool or decent guy. I’ll be looking for that “good” harem route, if there is one…
Anyway, thanks for the upload admin!
Oh god… bad memories from watching the series are awakening…
i’ve been waiting for this
i didnt like the ending of the anime
this time i want a happy ending with kotonoha
thanks admin….
YES, nice boat awaits.
Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss finnaly can i play this game soon, I have wait long time for to play this game.
Thanks admin! Going to wait for the torrent ~
School Days!!!
Can’t wait for this one XD