You are Kira Akishino, an ace student from one of the best universities in Boston. You are offered a tutoring job at the illustrious Gloria mansion, along with your friend Georg. The Gloria family has long been one of the wealthiest and most prominent empires, and they need you and Georg to tutor one of the five daughters. Georg is immediately taken with the eldest daughter — the strong-willed Etana Gloria, which leaves you with four others to choose from. There’s Sicile, who has the worst grades of them all; Mary, the naive golden-haired angel; Naomi, who cares about nothing else but drinking; and Charme, the most brilliant one of the Glorias. But there’s something more to it all… the Glorias are hiding some things, and it’s up to you to find out what they are. Will you be able unlock the family secrets? Or will you just be a good tutor? Who knows, you may even end up marrying one of the Glorias…
Does anyone know how to uncensored the images?
Is there anything at all I could do to please, even just a little bit, admin?
plz help i can’t mount it i did open the folder with my daemon tool but i can only mount image how do i mount the game?
I can’t seem to get Sicile ending… could someone make a guide of this VN… I always ended up Georg married Etana and become the master of the house while I’m married with Charme…
Can someone explain how install this game in Windows 7 64 bits?
okay…no idea how to install this at all lol
Hey Admin, I downloaded same game(Full)from other website(oldgames.com), there it has a file size of 67MB and also Dividead with file size of 112MB but here the file size is way too much than them(For the same game). Can you explain it why?
May I request fatal relation? I tried to find it on google, but it’s all ripped version (unvoiced).It’s old but it’s english and similar to gloria
Admin saves the day again*o*
Ok, here’s how I got it to work: Go to the crack folder and copy the gloria.dat file into your C:\windows directory and then double click on the Gloria reg file (like the readme says to do). Then go to your main Gloria folder and mount the .cue file. Now, go into the mounted cd drive and find the gloria.exe file. Right click on it and select properties, then go to the compatibility tab. Check the box that says “Run this program in compatibility for:” and then in the drop-down menu, select Windows 98 / Windows ME and then hit the Apply button. FINALLY, start the game by double clicking on the Gloria.exe in the mounted cd drive and immediately disable the bgm and voice, or else your game will soon crash. That’s how I got it to work.
Note #1: I should warn you that for me, the text was kinda messed up. It’s hard to describe, but it wouldn’t transition from one line to another well. It’s not unreadable, but annoying.
Note #2: You’re welcome to try with the voice enabled, but my game freezes up immediately when someone speaks.
Note #3: To be honest, I get pretty fed up with the text and the game itself didn’t really engage me, so I haven’t played the whole thing to see if there were any other problems. Sorry, but you’re on your own for that.
How do I disable BGM and voice. I don’t know where to go to do so.
If you move your cursor to the top of the screen while in the menu, a hidden pop up menu will suddenly show up.
thank you
i can’t play this game. can anybody show me how to install. im using window xp
Hi, love the site.
But Filesonic is not working for sharing files right now, please upload the game in another place admin.
one of the first eroge I played! would love to play it again, along with bible black….hope there is a working upload again soon
System: Win 7 64 bit
Error displayed: “Can’t load file”
Anybody know how to fix it?
Could anyone give me the step to play this game?
Using window 7.
Having error when i click on the Gloria exe. Where do you place the crack?
Manage to make it work. >_< Need to change to using window98/me version.
Nekohunter i have question
did you read the gloria crack filed as KMP-MPEG movie file?
Because of that, My KMP player always run it every time and the game is not working
Well tbh i am using windows 7 64 bit
DO i have to get window98/me ??
Thanks for your time
Hello NekoHunter, How can i play this game?
I want to ask, what is it windows directory, I was looking for window directory on my computer but not find it
i can’t get this working…
i get Abnormal program termination after playing for few seconds…
Could someone who got this working post install instructions?
Works now.
I just forgot to turn BGM off.
i was just wondering if you could or will add time stripper mako, ring out, love potion, hunt a girl, and/or nocturnal illusion? Gotta have the dos classics…
I agree with justasking!
I used to have a real copy of noctural illusion but it broke…
Anyway, please give us more classics!
Thanks for the upload Admin…
I have been looking for the game since I became a fan of C’s Wares works… which was after playing Divi Dead (which I found here…)
Thanks again for the wonderful update…
Never mind, I somehow did it but now I´m cofused, it seems the game runs without installing it. Is this OK? I just copy the files of the disk to a folder and play the game normally, but then happens the same as ryokoayekalover, it crashes and says “Runtime Error Abnormal program termination”.
But my question is, what for is the .dat file (it´s a lot smaller in sice) and the registration file are? It seems ryokoayekalover install the game.
i didn’t install,i just coped the .dat file the readme mentioned just into the directory but everything else is what i did
I see, but the main problem remains,the game craches.
Hey admin, I have a problem, when I mount to daemon tools the exe file dont appear in the autorun window and when I open the folder of the game as I try to execute the program to install, marks an error saying it can´t load the file.
Is something wrong whit the file? Both images (bin and cue) happens the same so I can´t install the game, I try whit my computer in japanese and english, I execute it as administrador and the same thing. Help please.
can’t figure out how to get this game to work..followed the instructions and put the .dat file in the windows directory and used the .reg and playing in compatibility mode but after a few seconds it crashes and says “Runtime Error Abnormal program termination” for the Gloria exe file so was wondering if anyone had any ideas how to get it to work.
well, curious about this game.
music works under windows me VBOX but voices won’t work
By the way, probably the only way to get (rather repetitive) music in this game is to play it in Windows 98 under virtualization software such as VMWare. Well, unless some other fix has been invented since these times.
(music itself is “okay” but getting all CGs in this game takes so much time so everyone will get bored of it..)
And thanks admin for working so hard on these releases!
Thank you for all these games