Is this cage hell or paradise?
They wake up in a white room remembering nothing――
The protagonist Takato Keisuke and 6 others are locked up in these hidden white rooms. His childhood friend Hokari Kanae, classmate Andou Miyako, underclassmate Makiba Rika, English teacher Aoi Natsuki, same year Byakuya Rinne, and classmate Manaka Nemu. While still confused about their unusual situation, a “mystery voice” suddenly speaks to them: “A game has now started.”
In order to escape the room, Keisuke is the “unlocker” and one heroine the “keyhole”. With an assigned act, he must “use the key”.
After hearing the unreasonable and immoral requirements to win, Miyako gets pissed and snaps on the “mystery voice”. Suddenly the lights go out. The girls scream. The lights come back on, reilluminating the white room. They can see Miyako bound to a grotesque torture device.
“Anyone who quits the game will die”
Her screaming begins in tandem with the electrical current. With eyes wide open in fear, she pisses and shits herself. Everyone else starts freaking out. However, Keisuke seemed to be getting aroused by Miyako’s appearance. That was his secret, his urge to assault and humiliate girls.
However, Nemu could see right through him and knew. Nemu takes advantage, forcing the protagonist to submit to him as she brings her lips up to his: “This is a contract kiss.”
Keisuke was surprised by Nemu’s behavior but he wants to protect Kanae and decides for the sake of escaping, he will violate the others. Can Keisuke escape the white rooms and return to his normal life? Or will he hold back his own dark urges…? ―――It is you who decides in the end.
Euphoria.part02.rar – 200.0 MB
Euphoria.part03.rar – 200.0 MB
Euphoria.part04.rar – 200.0 MB
Euphoria.part05.rar – 200.0 MB
Euphoria.part06.rar – 200.0 MB
Euphoria.part07.rar – 200.0 MB
Euphoria.part08.rar – 200.0 MB
Euphoria.part09.rar – 200.0 MB
Euphoria.part10.rar – 200.0 MB
Euphoria.part11.rar – 200.0 MB
Euphoria.part12.rar – 200.0 MB
Euphoria.part13.rar – 6.6 MB
Anyone knows any characters like Nemu Manaka?? she’s just my type lol
Uh i ran the game and everything looked fine until i play it…. there are no images, only a back screen and normal texts and stuff..
how do I fix it??
arghh why cant run the game
Is there a way to play this game in Japanese?
If so, please let me know.
is this safe to run? are there viruses?
this is gonna be my first visual novel; also i had a hard time downloading so if anyone needs help, you need to download all the 13 files in the same folder and then extract the first one, it will automatcaly extract all the 13;
specs: Windows 11 2.42 GHz; 16 GB
What do you think so far?
yeah it didn’t work for me- but uh, do you know how to fix the black image in the game?? I ran it just fine, the texts are normal and stuff but the background images are black! :(.
it wont let me extract it helpp
I finally completed downloading the game but when i try to launch the application a window pops up that says license information. The only button that showed up says “end” which is what I think and my Japanese isn’t good, when I click the button the window closes but the game won’t launch. Does anyone know how to fix this? would be very thankful.
BTW I’m using an Aspire 4830TG and my NVIDIA driver is GEFORCE GT 540M with an intel CORER i5 Idk if the problem is related to this.
y para android?
Where can I download the android version. I hope your site has 2-3 filters to search at a same time like Android, uncensored, English etc
Hi I am new here and a bit confused.
How do you download the game?
I’m new here and I’m wondering if the site is safe. Seeing a lot of comments I assume it’s not infested with viruses
This site has been running for almost 12 years. Not a single virus was ever posted.
Feel free to verify any file you download with your favorite virus scanner.
yeah thats what they all say
is there a censorship for the scat?
I mean play
How do you download this in Android?
Looking for games similar to ephoria with similar tags
Pls don’t judge my tatse 🙂
Saya no Uta
Gore Screaming Show
Swan Song
Subarashiki Hibi
Maggot Baits
Bible Black
There are some extreme yaoi/boys’ love VNs you can find on this site, not sure if you’re into that.
If you know Japanese there are more options.
Uh, if you want more of the “Battle Royale” setting there’s Killer Queen but I never finished it. There’s a second part which I heard is off-putting.
Do u know any android bl/yaoi titles like euphoria
awkwardly late reply but Kara no Shoujo might be to your liking
does anyone know if there is any way to download it for ios or if it can activate in frotz?
This… Disturbs me.
I won’t discriminate, play it if you want.
God knows I’m never opening it again.
ye,but i like it
i wanted to ask you guys for help this is my first time downloading a game like this. i have downloaded all 13 files but i don’t know what to do next actually. so if annyone could help that would be great.
just go to part 01 and right click, then choose extract here or extract files, either one is fine. somehow you only need to do this once and the whole game works true story
It doesn’t work…
There is no selection for extract file, only open which directs you to look for an app in the Microsoft store
I cant download part 13? help pls
This game is fucked up, yeah, because all the situations that happen and many things, but once you get a bit used it’s not that much. As disadvantage just fucked up stuff and scatologist scenes
On the other hand you have really good scenes, ambient, design and constructed game, that will grant you some good faps. I’ve never fapped twice in a row, but with this game I made 2 in a row and another 1, because the desing scenes and audio are fking godlike, and if you’re fetichist, this is your game.
That’s just the superficial stuff thought. What makes this game THE BEST I’VE EVER PLAYED HERE, is its story and development. THERE’S 5 routes, and each route have from 1 up to 5 diferent endings. Also there’s special endings that require special decisions +bonuses and you have to work your way to get everything.
IF we talk about the STORY, man. It’s better than any novel I’ve read, serious. The story only deserves the game being played, it’s 100 out 10, i’m not exagerating. I don’t want to spoil you, that’s I can’t tell more, but once you end the 5th route you will feel really amaze be sure.
At the end I’ll leave you a short guide of recommended order I would follow orders:
1. Go without focusing on any girl, so you just pick random girl, don’t pick always. 1 ending
2. Focus on the Sensei. Pick only her, all the times needed. This only has 1 ending
3. Focus on Rika, all the times. It has 2 endings.
4. Focus on Byakuya-san. There’s 2-3 endings
5. Focus on Nemu. There’s 1 ending
6. (now you can pick Kanae) Focus Kanae. There’s 6 endings, you will eventually found those picking correct answer. The only thing I can relate is that for the secret one you have to pick the options that make you see like a beast, the other 5 endings comes naturally by behave well, but you can change from beast behaving to well and comeback anyway.
There’s also bonuses, as the explanation of first fail pick, if you start again after completing one route, you will see how it explains the situation if you pick for the “Prologue”.
Finally, I will explain the kind of ends without spoiling: There’s 3:
– Good ends, those where you have a “future”
– Normal ends: that are not that clear but you can tell not something bad happen.
– Bad ends: These are the most common, and usually will get you very confused, but if you try to think sometimes and othertimes get to complete the whole game you will realise them all. At first you will feel like they’re imcomplete ends(the main character’s future not clear), but once you’re near the end of the last route, you will start realising each ending meaning and what was going to happen next.
Really misterious, well constructed, slice of life (drama one) and story. The hentai scenes are 10/10 but the weird ones
Heres a free advice.
Dont Play this game.
Why not, I love a fucked up game like this lol
Maybe I’ll dislike the other routes… Nemu is very intriguing. And I almost read Fraternite, but that one seems even worse lol.
I bit the bullet and downloaded this after reading a review on it. I thought I’d never try it out because it sounded so cruel and almost misogynistic.
I already have a bit of a problem with H scenes esp. because they’re most for dudes and I don’t fit that demographic. Yes, there is a lot of sex, but I always liked the Battle Royale setting and that’s what drew me in. It’s disturbing, gross, but also kinda cool in a way, and I’m not sadistic or anything. I can’t relate to the protag at all. However I was actually more shocked and grossed out by SubaHibi than this, in fact I stopped reading SubaHibi because Takuji was a fucking disgusting prick.
But Euphoria, at least the Nemu route (which is the one that I chose to play first, and I’m still reading it), well, it’s pretty much BDSM and she is actually consenting to it, so I don’t think it’s as bad. Although I realise the other routes might have actual abuse in them. I don’t like the rape tag.
But yes, this is quite disturbing… however it’s also entertaining, Nemu is fucking crazy… if you can stomach it, try it out. It’s like the visual novel version of Salò.
that saying something i actuly just bought wonderful everyday lol i new what i was getting myself into when i got it though but i did int realize it was more traumatizing then this would be though i haven’t play this yet ether well i did it to myself
*Maybe a bit of SPOILER, but not at all, explaining routes*
Out of the 5 routes that exist, only in 1 you actually are raping the person, and that’s the rika one. In fact if you take the good ending and save her, she accepts you. She was just a selfish child, that’s all.
The teacher at first seems like is just baring with it, but actually she’s BSDM and loves it, you can tell if you play it.
Byakuyasan doesn’t even mind getting fucked, which is more, she actually ends loving it and she actually ends raping you in one of the bad ends she has. This also includes Rika raping you.
Nemu, as you said, she loves it, and actually searches for it, so nothing.
Kanae, the unlockable route after you complete nemu (recommended play throught all those in order (random girls, focus teacher, focus rikka, focus Byakkuya), actually wants the main character to fuk her, and when you play the route realise is more than consent.
The only things that include real non-consent and suffering are in Nemu and Kanae route, and are by others, mostly (not including Rikka), so it actually has 4 times more consensed sex that raping.
The story and different endings are the best ever, so it’s really worth playing, and scenes are godlike
I ended up not finishing Euphoria at all but perhaps one day I’ll pick it up again. The thing is, after a certain part in the story – it stopped being believable to me. But it is not that bad compared to SubaHibi, like I said before. I still prefer Saya no Uta, the atmosphere in that is just incredible.
anybody experience crashes?
Played the Rinne route. and after the decision:
go back to surface
the game’s script engine crashes and my Pc deadlocked.
is this uncensored.?
I can’t save game… I save game and close so tomorrow i’ll open don’t have any loaded game… What should i do?
The saves delete themselves after opening up the game anyone got a fix for this.
This game is such a mind-fuck.
Files no.9 was not loaded in da-free
Whenever I try to save the game, I get an error that reads “Cannot modify volume”. Anyone have a solution to this?
Just saw some CG at VNDB. The NSFW scat CG shown there is a hard kind of scat to find in Visual Novels. THose kind of things are usually found in Hentais and all.
Read some comments, gotta say, I’m one of those guys who play VN for the CG. This story plot piques my interest. In a way that I want to know the story. Anyone who knows the full walkthrough please tell me.
I’ve been playing this game almost nonstop since downloading it. It’s as disturbing as it is good, haha. However, I keep running into a problem every time I reach an ending. Right about where I would assume the credits should be, the screen just goes black and hangs there, unresponsive, until I force-close the game. I don’t think it’s registering my clears because of this, which will make it difficult to progress to Kanae’s route. ; n ;
Any advice? I’ve already redownloaded it twice now and tried it in various compatibility settings with no luck (running on Windows 10). I would love to be able to get the true end of this crazy awesome VN.
I just thought I would post a walkthrough that I found and used to get 100% of the CG. I found it on otakulair.com.
Ending 1
“Head towards the door.”
Save slot 1
Rika Makiba
“Head towards the monitor in the middle of the room.”
“This room with the glass show window is interesting.”
Rika Makiba (x3)
Save slot 2
Natsuki Aoi
Rika bad end
Load slot 2
Rika Makiba
Save slot 3
Load slot 3
“I’ll never hesitate.”
“Bury her…”
Load slot 1
Natsuki Aoi
“Head towards the monitor in the middle of the room.”
“This room with the glass show window is interesting.”
Natsuki Aoi (x4)
Rinne bad end 1
Load slot 1
Rinne Byakuya
“Head towards the monitor in the middle of the room.”
“This room with the glass show window is interesting.”
Rinne Byakuya (x4)
Save slot 4
“There’s no way in hell I’m gonna have her lend me a hand!”
Rinne bad end 2
Load slot 4
“Just focus on saving Rinne.”
Save slot 5
Load slot 5
“No. I have to get back to the surface!”
Load slot 1
Nemu Manaka
“Head towards the monitor in the middle of the room.”
“This room with the glass show window is interesting.”
Nemu Manaka (x4)
“I’ll do what I have to.”
“Kill me instead if you’re going to kill her!”
Brute end (New game after Nemu ending)
“To Main Room”
Kanae Hokari
“Choose Kanae no matter what.”
“End search.”
“I’ve always wanted to.”
Kanae Hokari (x4)
“This isn’t enough.”
Save slot 6
“There’s nothing I want to do.” (Unlock CG)
Load slot 6
“…I don’t want to say.”
“Thoroughly make her realize she’s a dog.”
Save slot 7
“Torture her.”
Bad end 1
Load slot 7
“Deny it.”
“Kill me instead if you’re going to kill her!”
Save slot 8
“I guess it was just a game…”
Bad end 2
Load slot 8
“It wasn’t a game!”
Save slot 9
“Kanae… please help me…”
Bad end 3
Load slot 9
“I’m… an idiot.”
Save slot 10
“This isn’t right.”
Normal end
Load slot 10
“I love you.” (x5)
Save slot 11
“So long as Nemu’s happy.”
True end
Load slot 11
“I can’t do that, Nemu.”
I hope this helps anyone that is having problems collecting the CG’s in the game.
Thanks bro.
I can’t seem to do Rika twice as it crashes every time? Know any solution for that?
Does it have a good ending for Rinne? I’m asking because she’s my fav girl of this series, and the happy ending she recieves in the sixth ending of the anime of this just really feels fulfilling to me, really. <3
Jesus Christ this game. I was disgusted by just about everything in it but I couldn’t stop reading, so I guess I’m just as sick. I just had to see how it ended and the only way to do that was to keep going and that says a lot about how well it’s written. I know that not many people are into visual novels for the story but I am and this has to be one of the better ones out there if you can get past all of the scat and gore. If you have a strong stomach and aren’t easily offended than by all means you should read this. Truthfully, I think I was more bothered by Yandere \I love you so I must kill you\, when I first read it then I was this because it was the first time I had seen blood and death in a visual novel that I can recall. I forget the names of the characters in Yandere but the childhood friend and the teacher weren’t too bad (in my opinion) but then with your kouhai at school it just got crazy. If you’ve read it then you know what I mean. Anyways I recommend this visual novel to everyone who thinks they can handle it.
Ok, I’ve downloaded all of the .rar files, but I’m having trouble extracting them all. I’ve extracted the first one into a folder titled “Euphoria”, but I’m having issues extracting the rest. Mainly because most of them have the same file names. How do I extract the rest?
Nevermind. I think I figured it out. Although I keep getting error messages about the vo.ypf file. How bad is that?
Ok, Frak everything I said before. I have no clue what I’m supposed to do. How do I extract these? Please help.
Ok. Somehow, I figured it out. Not sure how. I just did. My head hurts.
Holy shit this is brutal, still it can’t beat Starless Uncensored, that’s one of the most fucked up eroge’s i’ve ever read.
Strangely i’m ok with most of the H-scenes but gawd those SPOILERSPOILER *enema/shit scenes always tick me off. WHY
Btw rape-sex is fun (and hot)…. as long as it’s with a consentuel partner/gf. :p
Well, It’s obvious that his game/anime is freaking unique.
I’ve seen the anime, and well, aside the genre and stuff, it’s no different to movies or animes like SAW, THE CUBE or any \yandere\ game/anime, you can even say that is a mix from SAW and THE CUBE. The fact is that this specific case threats the sadic point, almost dealing with grave mental problems (as the main male character), it’s what makes you suffer the most.
Of course, a normal person would feel gross or ill even to watch this game or anime, but the main character has a mental problem (or a extreme fetish, as you wish to call it) and he has to deal between control himself and try to leave at least with Kaede (childhood friend) and all the girls or loose the rest of his screws and sucumb to his desires, destroying all his little \life\ in the process (friends, kouhais, teacher, etc).
The story seems to be pretty simple, but it’s not as you think. If a normal person would dare to even try any path without escaping (henceforth dies), try to be in the shoes of the male protagonist. For starters, they are all in a DEATH situation. Also, take in count that all the things that you do and choose will create relationships with the others in a good or bad way, depending on your interactions with every individual. \I want to escape, but I can’t hurt them at all… but if I don’t do as \the game master\ says, we will all die!! But if I end up enjoying this, I will hurt them, even kill them without noticing!!!! What can I do?? If they know that I’m a masochist rapist though the game, If we exit they might want to arrest me, even KILL ME!!!!!!!!\ Basically you are under this impressions all the freaking story (so feels the main character).
This game puts you into extreme will mode if you want to clear it, and knowing that you have seeveral ending adds for the thrill of \Where can I go following this path?\ \Should I dare to repeat the game?\
I will not say that this is a game that everybody HAS to play, but if you have the will, the guts and you can digest several extreme scenes one after the other, I reccomend you to play it, It’s certainly challenging and daring (in the \spiritual\ way, If you catch my drift)
P.D: Sorry for the little spoilers, but to make a nice argument, I had to do it. I can’t just sit here when somebody though of a story like this and the rest of the mortals only think about the \faÇade\ of this and puke over it. I agree with them that is not a story made to all the publics, even not all +18, but that’s not a motive to slander this game.
Oh dam.. DX those memories I’ve never ever wants to see again have come back.. it’s around a year ago I watched this anime ‘euphoria’. And one episode.. ONE EPISODE.. is enough for me to seal this video into the Deepest Hidden Locked folders of mine (I don’t like delete stuff)
Yet, those **** stuffs I’ve seen keep played and stayed in my minds for weeks..
I think I’ve finally free of it.. but why it comes back now in forms of Visual Novel… arrrggghh..!! DX
OK, enough of that.
So, I’ve read many people here says it have a lot of great stories.. I’m not gonna judge the story yet cause I’ve not finished it. But, listen man.. it’s not the gore nor torturing electricity that scared me from experience this..
it’s some ‘scenes’ that will came to my mind and never leave
‘I’m cold. brr’? what a fitting captcha code
Hey, stupid question, what are the censored words near the end of Nemu’s route? Is there a way to find out what was said? I don’t really NEED to know, I’m just curious. No spoilers plz, I haven’t finished all the routes yet
When i try to play the game this little grey screen pops you after a pitch black games screen that says something like fgf%[“+120 with another line like that under it with an OK button when pressed makes the game become not responding. I have tried it with both Japanese locale and not so i know it is not that wondering if anyone else knows a solution?
Like this game until now pretty much. Because of the whole \raping\ theme I didn’t want to play it at first but there is no really any raping in this game.
Small spoilers ahead:
Every partner we choose agrees to the what we are doing to them because that are the rules of the game. If they agree it is not raping no matter how violent or perverted our actions are.
With one exception (one character) and that made me realise I cannot enjoy a woman beeing raped. It’s made in a way, very realistic, that your stomach will turn upside down if you have at least a bit of a heart left in your chest.
What this games lacks is interactivity. After you made your choice who will be your companion for the next task you are practical watching a movie with subtitles. Why this lack of interactivity in the sex scenes? Or include more dialogue options. After the first playtrhough you’ll use the skip function alot because of that. Sad if compared to how great the story is.
a little theory:
I think what this game really is about is the inner conflict of how we can love a person on a emotional level and wanting to fuck her brain out in the same moment. It’s about becoming an adult and how we can deal with this conflict in the best way. And how we shouldn’t. Only making sex is no love. But love without sex is no solution either. I think that is the message. The violated bodies are metaphors for violated relations because a lack of emotion between 2 persons. The wounds of the soul become wounds of the body in this game. I stop here. There is much more going on but if you open your eyes and think about it for a moment you will find out that this is much more than only a \perv game\.
The hentai that this vn is based off of personifies this whole game
Why i can’t dl it in opera?
its stuck on 118 sec
And when i tried use IDM the download too slow…
When i play this game the none of the picture appear?
Can annybody help me
Its just all blank
For what its worth for people scared due to some comments, this is one of the greatest VNs I have had the chance to enjoy. I have bought a legit copy and fully love this game. It is dark, it is really harsh, it rewards you for sticking it out. The only thing that compares to this is grisia trilogy, and frankly, given the ending to this, I really hope this gets a sequel as well.
can this be downloaded in android phone?
What exactly you mean by download?
If you mean download and put it to your pc then it’s a go.
If playing it at your droid of course no go man
anyone have a full save?
Honestly, this isn’t a game for the cut scenes and cg collections, this is definitely a story driven work. I highly recommend you read and finish it entirely on your own.
I completed it but lost my full save :/
who the fuck playes vn for cg?
People who play to fap (me with at least 70% of the stuff on this site, exceptions are Majikoi, Saya no Uta, Katawa Shoujo, and Ef)I’ll still get this though, sounds good for both sadist faps and a Saya no Uta level of fucked up story. I like.
I advise against downloading this game. I did not enjoy it.
I never played a VN that I genuinely hate. Aside from disgusting, I found this particular game unexceptionally and needlessly cruel to its female cast. I’ve played many sick games and thought nothing of them yet this one was able to cause me to vomit. I thought I could handle anything but after this game, I was wrong. I would rather view hours of the most insufferable nukige than spend another minute on this game.
Try Fraternite
that was nice one, really
I disagree with this quite a bit. I will admit, its very cruel and harsh and you are going to literally sit through some hours of REALLY fucked up stuff (unless you totally skip over it) but it made the true ending pretty epic in my opinion. Its a very cruel and heart wrenching game at a lot of points, but there is truly a bright side when you are willing to work for it, its not named euphoria just for the sake of it. I know some people over glorify this game, I’m tempted to as well, but I know a lot of people can’t stomach this stuff (it gets very intense) but again, if you can hold out for the true ending, it just brings together the insanity and mental anguish really lovely.
If you read vn to fap than yes. But guess what, apart from pitiful virgins others read vn for story. Sex ether a bonus or plot device. Here its second. Its a nice alternative to usa soft gore. Even most violent phychological thrillers like saw or others actually too soft. In worst case you will see some blood and thats it.
Here characters actually suffer. Each death hits you hard. Main character is powerless and he can only watch how everyone dies around him.
I dont know about main character suffer though.
Havent play it. But watch the anime already.
As far as i know MC is not suffering in fact he is actually enjoying it.
watch that as well can’t believe I actually fap to that well I am a sadist so yeah.
Yeah, he suffers. Anime typically take one route or none at all and just do an adaption in their own idea of it, the MC goes through quite a lot. I won’t spoil anything, but this story is one you have to explore to its fullest to really appreciate just where it goes.
You must be one of a big faggot then, my man. Asides from the scat and other over-the-line scenes during the Unlocking Game arc all the other H-scenes are pretty fucking average/semi-rough unless you completed the Rika route first and just came here to complain as how she yelled like a crazy bitch. Anyone that is at least into doujins/hentai/nukiges/eroges should be able to endure Euphoria, plus, it has a good plot(Except for Rinne’s route, who was written by some other artist, so it doesnt kinda connect to the other main routes) and I’ll repeat myself, unless you’re some fag that scares over some gangbang and humilliation, when you shouldn’t even be playing a BDSM related game, cause you’ll find this content or similar, everywhere.
you have said it yourself:
“Aside from the scat and other over-the-line scenes”
^ just that is enough to make people sick! They do some pretty sick SCAT!
Now can you handle everything
Try maggot baits
Kei Chan…
parameter in incorrect. what I supposed to do
@Street The downloadani links just bug out if you try to download them to fast. Just keep trying and each link should eventually work.
is the part 10 having a problem?? i cant seem to dl that part. it always send me an error msg.
Is this the English translated version ???
Yes, all games on here are english translated.
Saw Scat in Tags, so no dice
…My first reaction to seeing this on the first-page:
\Holy shit, this thing has a VN!?\
I downloaded Dustmania Grotesque for shit and giggles, but this one would be a bit over the top. Especially seeing as the hentai adaptation to this ‘story’, seems to try to be cruel and grotesque in a pretty dumb and stupid manner.
Maybe it’s just the hentai that was way over the top at how stupid it was, someone will have to verify~
Don’t skip this just because it may be outside your wheelhouse. It has a compelling story and good characters across the board.
If you plan to do every route, I recommend Natsuki -> Rika – > Rinne -> Nemu -> Kanae
I guess the generally preferred order switches the first two, but I feel like the character development and the story in general builds up much better if you do Natsuki’s route first. It’s not a big deal if you just go in whatever order you feel like, though.
I can’t download part 9 =/
why cant we just punch nemu from the start? she’s literally ruining the game for me ( i just played 2 routes; teacher n nemu) im halfway and i feel pissed already.
I thought this was just going to be some rape fantasy VN, but it turned out to be so much more than that. The true ending nearly put me to tears. Amazing stuff.
This game is the wall between real gamers and weaboos.
Thanks Admin!
I can’t play there is something pop out someone can help me?
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Hello, I’need some help. When I try to launch the game with the .exe nothing happen. I try without my firewall and antivirus. I try admin mode and compatibility mode. Nothing.
I’ve download the game twice from two different websites.
got the true end so yay me i guess
So how intense is the scat in this game? I try to avoid VNs that have these like the plague, or at least try it out if it’s minimal, but given how this VN can be pretty fucked up (According to the VNDB tags), I’d like to ask what I’ll be expecting?
Indeed there is a lot of scat in the “Game” portion.But that is only the first layer of the VN.If you are susceptible to scat and intense torture you may Ctrl through it.
But PLEASE complete the Nemu route+ Kanae route(true route).
It is simply MINDBLOWING.
So Kanade’s route is the true end? if so I’ll do that last.
If you don’t like the scat in the game. their is the option to turn the scat content off in the game.
yahhhh I should have read your comments first but too late no turning point from playing it ,,, >@<
It’s just me or… the female chara look alike K-on! chara
sorry for the spam computer did it twice
To all those who are hesitating to play this game:
Do it. I’ve just finished the true route, and gotta say, it’s really amazing. As someone who felt disgusted rather than turned on by most of the sex scenes, I must still say the plot contained in the true ending is seriously impressive. I actually cried.
If you’re afraid of the gore/extreme stuff, remember that there’s a skip function. The CGs themselves aren’t that bad; just skip the gory details. You won’t regret playing this game (so long as you finish the Kanae route).
>If you’re afraid of the gore/extreme stuff, remember that there’s a skip function.
I’ll just say that those can be turned off in “settings” menu.
Lol! Never realized. Still, I wouldn’t have. Unpleasant or not, they add atmosphere to the game.
how did u get true ending
how did u get true ending for
any Walkthroughs
How do you unlock the last scene for natsuki
While you’re in the white room game arc, after finished either the Kanae or Nemu route (not sure which), there’s a choice with Nemu where you can either admit your hidden desires to Nemu(and yourself). Admit it, and from then on, random choices will pop up. Always choose the darker ones.
Lastly. Always choose Kanae for the choice.
Hello Admin,
Firstly, thank you for all of the effort! Secondly, um, I’m getting a \file not found\ on part03 of the download.
Sorry, it’s me again. Please disregard the previous post. I figured out why I was getting the “file not found” error. I’m a doofus. Thanks again for all of your hard work with the site!
Thanks Admin.
Dang for some weird reasons it reminds of Tsukiyama Shuu’s Euphoria and Harmony lol
I miss two scenes which are Nemu’s keyhole and Natsuki’s keyhole? I still don’t know how to unlock them
Oh my fucking god. I didn’t know that this hentai has an Eroge. xD
Time to play.
Does any1 know how to reach the true ending? I finished Nemu route and continued on to Kanae route which was supposed to be true ending from what i’ve heard. But at the end, ur given two choices.”i love you” or “this isn’t right”. If i choose “i love you” it keep looping the same scene over and over again.If i choose “this isn’t right”, the game cuts off right there
how did you reach Nemu route?
keep chosen 4 or 5 time i love you
just choose love over and over and you will end up progressing you can tell its not a loop since the game counts it as new text
Can someone post a walkthrough to get the true end?
Is this the uncensored version?
Anyone else getting an audio bug, voices cutting out for a split second with a bit of static? Thank you admin for the hard work.
itssssss heeeeerrrrrreeeeeeee!!!!!!!! thank you soo much admin aisteruuuuu!!
Fellows, this is the moment we have been waiting for. No more using creepy translation programs to placate our dark desires!
Just a small PSA.
Some of you may be coming into this knowing about the anime, which is basically just a huge collection of the really fucked up sex that’ll happen throughout the game.
If you avoid this game, thinking it’s some extreme fetish nukige (which it obviously looks like on the surface), you’ll be doing yourself an extreme disservice. This visual novel excels in creating a compelling plot, with a lot of really incredible twists and reveals throughout. Every character is well fleshed out, and contribute greatly to the overarching story, comparable to Ever17.
I’m not pretending this is for everyone. This is not for the weak of stomach. But I’m recommending this as someone who has downloaded almost every non 18+ game on this site, and avoids obvious nukige like the plague. Try it yourself, and you may find that below it’s nasty ass surface, you’ll find an amazing game with almost nothing like it.
The anime already had an intriguing plot, but the Visual Novels usually have a lot more content in regards to story. The same goes for another Collaboration Works adaptation, H-Game something something.
I was really excited for this because I really wanted to see what a Nemu route would be like. She always felt like the most complex character, next to Byakuya.
Actually, yeah, even in the anime, you could already feel the depth of each of them, from the spoiled loli to the stoic chic. The childhood friend strikes me as a little TOO devoted though… like she’d be the most liable to become a yandere type.
Every character except Natsuki, you mean. That entire route just felt like a random asspull. The mostly passive teacher suddenly becomes super comforting and reliable, and when they get out she just suddenly becomes some OP char that gets things done FAST. The actual route felt like it was shorter than the time I spent skipping through the generic bits of the first half, lol…and we never learned how exactly she pulled all that stuff off, knowing martial arts and the passport stuff. Nothing. (I haven’t done the true route yet, maybe its told to us there?)
Oh, and every character is important? Naw, not Rika. The single character I hate the most, an annoying, uncute, spoiled brat. Did her route just to see if it redeems her but…no, not really. Still hated her at the end. Could have done without Rika in this game.
Yeah i hate Rika, i did her route there were some good points there, but she is so FUCKING ANNOYING in the other routes i still hate her.
PS.: I totally agree with the Natsuki thing too, its basically “Lets run away” – “OK”. The End.
I take it you can’t change the resolution on this? The default resolution is terrible.
Duh? This is HD-remastered version. Graphics shouldn’t be that bad…
Btw, I actually was going to purchase the game in the first day of release despite its exorbitant price and my tight financial situation – since I really wanted to play it ASAP. But not now, of course – I am grateful for chance to save money. RL needs is more important for me, in the end. Still, I can’t help but feel somewhat guilty – I mean the free version of game was released too fast – just in the moment before I was going to purchase.. It’s not good situation from supporting Clock Up perspective. Maybe it would be better idea to stall release for couple of days – most people were not expecting it so soon anyway, but by rushing it – it can confuse potential buyers, ruin possible profit and, therefore, prospect of future translations of clock up’s titles.
My stance was always – “If you can afford it, you should buy the game legally.”. Most of this site users come from “poorer” countries, like Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines, and they simply can’t justify spending half of monthly salary for 20 hours of entertainment. However, without people actually buying those games, none would get translated in first place. Back when I started reading visual novels, there were only 3-4 English releases/year. I don’t want those times to return.
Thanks for the upload. You are exactly right, I’d buy a game I like it if it were affordable, but prices are silly when compared the wages you get aorund here.
Thank goodness Steam now charges “localized” prices for some games, and I manage to own a few VNs which are now making their way to Steam, albeit stripped of their ero-goodness.
There are two reasons why I’m not buying these games..
One is as you’ve said, I’ve hard times dealing with the prices as my earnings is barely manage to survive my days.
And the other reason is I don’t even know how.. to make a credit card nor doing online purchases.. I wish I could..
~Indonesia, 20 Y.O~
Admin how do you make the cracks?, i wanna support the devs by buying the games but i dont like their drm policy.
Downloads dont work for me, some parts stop at end when downloading some says they dont exist.
hello this game is uncensored ?
yeah, uncensored.
Though I kinda wish, it wasnt – ’cause some things cannot be unseen 😀
Hey guys do why when i try to move the exe file out for the icon, the icon doesnt want to open the game
Getting this just because the anime didn’t cover the Nemu route.
Real nice
You really are a God among men, Admin-sama.
Admin you’re the best (y)
Too scared to try this after watching the hentai :/
hahaha!! me too!
i want to play it but the anime version is making me think twice!! XD
Thank you admin
Does this cracked already? Does the crack properly work?
Yes, it is cracked and yes, it works.
I hope there’ll not be any crack-related bugs later 0_0 I mean, the game was cracked suspiciously fast 0_0
WOW, that was one swift upload!
Thanks admin. Much much appreciated.
Oh damn, this came up really quickly. Thanks, admin!
is it normal for these fake critical errors to pop up when i click a link? I dont remember those being there before.
I’ve been getting popups when I click on the download links for a while now, it’s kind of tiresome :\ for a while my popup blocker was taking care of them, but some have still been getting through. Then it stopped for a while! Then it started again. Not sure what’s up with that.
I knew that I wasn’t the only one experiencing that… for a few months now at that.
They pop up occasionally for me as well. Best solution I found for them is to “x’ out the popup windows as soon as you see them. If you do it quickly enough, the window that may have been an error will close quietly. If it was an error and you were too slow, open up your task manager and force the window close
If you are using chrome, go in to settings, advanced settings, content settings. Turn java script off, then add exceptions for this site and downloadani.me under manage exceptions. Takes care of all pop up issues. then just reenable java scripts when done downloading
That sure was a swift upload, thx admin.
Personally I am really not fond of the story but expect good H. With the huge price tag and the possibility that I might not read everything/certain routes, I really would like to “test” it first and maybe even wait for Hardcopies.
this is one recommend game to play at my list, you guys really need to play this game…*evil grin*
agreed, epic story full of love and happiness 🙂
BTW: captcha phrase I got for this comment “nose bleed” , fits so much, LOL
*remembers to anime* -_-…
Definitely a certain type of VN for a certain type of reader.
As usual thx for your work Admin.
It finally came out! Thanks for the upload