Kazuki’s family run on café shop. However recently their customers started leaving to newly open maid café shop in neighborhood. Thus Kazuki’s father decided: “We must compete and start cosplaying as well.”
Luckily for him his wife and daughter were quite beautiful and had no problem start wearing various costumes while serving customers.
Thus he went and buyed pile of costumes and ordered Kazuki to help his mother and sister with training of their new roles and take over their new management.
What the password?
How do you download on mobile
You don’t. This is a PC game, not a mobile game.
It doesn’t work! It’s saying something in Japanese, and doesn’t start the install or the eroge
How do you combine the part one and part two files
just extract the 2 files into one.
Is there any walkthrough, i cannot get the last 2 scene. Pls help. Thank you
did you find one? i have the same problem.
There are 2 Endings= 1 Normal End + 1 Pregnant End
(choices during h scenes don’t matter)
choose satomi
choose satomi
choose satomi
choose sarah
choose sarah
choose sarah
Got this off japanese walkthrough, can’t test it out myself at the moment but i think it’s good. let me know if there are any issues.
There are 2 Endings= 1 Normal End + 1 Pregnant End
(choices during h scenes don’t matter)
(save 1)
choose satomi
choose satomi
(save 2)
choose satomi
(load save 1)
choose sarah
choose sarah
(load save 2)
choose sarah
sorry previous version appeared to have issues showing up with some lines so i had to redo them.
I cannot get this game to fullscreen for the life of me. It just goes black and I’m forced to close the game through the task manager
Jose williams
Why is it Japanese ? is there any English patch admin ?
config page is all in Japanese. cant figure anything out in there. is there a patch for that somewhere?
@admin uncensored version for Nekomiko came out on mangagamer for a while now, I would be very grateful if you could upload it.