After enduring countless years of ascetic training to inherit his parent’s shrine, our protagonist is surrounded by a parade of cuties with a surprise!
Despairing over not being able to enjoy a “normal” love, he seeks the aid of his local enshrined deity. And as if the heavens themselves heard his plight, the Goddess manifests in front of him.
But fate would deem that the Goddess he unsealed was… a trap Goddess!
“Come, let us be united in marriage!”
“I want a normal girl, thank you very much!”
The shrine will become the stage where the legend of trap conception will be born!
traps are like full grown lolis hauaaaaa~<3
this game is funny with actual characterization. better than i thought it'd be that's for sure.
Did anyone else have issues downloading the second file?
its been a while already that an uncensored version by FAKKU was released, can you share it?
Nevermind, I found the assets without the mosaics, kudos to an anonymous on boards.fireden.net/vg.
just put the file in the game folder: https://mega.nz/#!a9RCxAKS!UhvDvtTxoy6Kg8by3h7QGZbAolluj5rs8n5SV5e_r7I
is this the uncensored version?
thought it is good but it is gay. nope, nah uh. this goes to the bin and permanently deleted from my comp ad my memories, and i will buy the physical one to bur it to satisfy my need to destroy it.
The Homophobia is strong in this one ..
Lmao. what a waste of money and resources
You say you’ll buy it just to sate your obsessive desire to destroy it?
Thou dost protest too much, methinks.
i have downloaded all the rar files but i don’t know how to install and play the game please help.
i think the part 2 link is broken
My satisfaction is immeasurable and my day is saved.
Tysm to whomever cracked this man. I have 100% respect for u
really wish this had route options and not a harem end only
hated the “sister” trap’s character and the sex scenes with the fox goddess were a lot hotter
Keep going with the traps games pls
I love how we are getting more games from that company translated! bless whoever decided to focus on these games, traps FTW
Well, well, well… Here we go again. When traps are cuter than girls =v
First trap-focused game I have purchased.
Well, well,well…
Looks like even wishes made to Gods can bite you in the ass huh? No pun intended.