Toro Toro Resistance presents the 3rd act of the massive fantasy RPG adventure!
Epilogue to Monmusu Quest! Origins.
The story of being reverse-molested by sexy inhuman vixens!
Sweet monster girls seduce and pleasure you! Lose and you will be r*ped!
Not one scene of boys violating girls. Masochists rejoice!
You are the hero, a young boy.
Battle sexually with diverse characters in a world of humans and creatures.
All the creatures are sexy girls of some species or another! Find them all!
It’s an epic quest. Will your dirty dreams come true?
for the people that can’t beat archangel ranael, because they don’t have fallen angel stance:
the used save file is most likely broken
extract arc2 again
start a new game
save at a save point, then do whatever you want (unless it includes using a broken save)
Hey guys.
how to fix 099.text error:
even tho arc2.nsa is corrupted, you have to download all winrar-parts and unpack all except arc2.nsa.
After english patch, everything should be ok.
Remembert to copy arc.nsa from MGQ1 and
arc1.nsa from MGQ2 to play the whole game and complete monsterpedia.
how do i do that because I do not know how to do that with Winrar
Hey all, bit the bullet and purchased the DL site’s premium. Here’s the arc2.nsa file that isn’t corrupted like in the ones in the free split up downloads. You should only have to download parts 1-2 and 7, since parts 3-6 are just the corrupted arc2.nsa file. Before downloading, you should note that the file is 1,685,322 bytes. For the paranoid/concerned, you can verify this is the correct file size by reading Patch_Readme.txt from the english patch .rar file uwu
https://drive.google .com/open?id=1zWUKyIwB-8aVjE_qQ8_524NsFyziRM1l
Thank you for your sacrifice, good sir.
Downloaded the file, I combined the parts and now, after the first battle with Granberia, i get the 099.txt error whenever i try to use Demon Decapitation. Is it just me or it happened to somebody else? From what i heard, that means the effect for the attack is missing, where could i check it? Because i played this game a long time ago and this didn’t happen.
Arc2.NSA file is not extracting
And game crashes after that third zoom of goblin girl in new game
My monsterpedia is bugged every time I go to the title screen it shows I have no entries I don’t know how to fix this problem if anybody can tell me how to fix it that would be a great help
Whenever I try to launch it it says 0.99.txtline:304035 Effectcut mode_wave_demo exec.dll Nsfont.dll/gaji/somthing I can’t read/ system/hurt.bmp. I’ve tried checking the comments on the website and I can’t find anything that helped. If someone knows how to fix this could you please tell me I want to finish this game.
I figured it out but have more problems I’ll try to fix it
Ok so I guess I’m missing music like bun.ogg or something and a chr I guess I don’t know what to do, maybe the file didn’t exctract correctly because I had to move all the stuff from systems from MGQ2 to 3. If someone knows how to help please do.
Pressing the skip buttons at the parts where bun3.ogg and the effect plays causes it not to crash but I would like to fix this, I’ll deal with it but if anyone knows how to fix it please help.
It works in android?
No. The game has to be played on a computer due to it being an .exe files and the amount of bugs that already when on computer.
Lol. Don’t listen to the guy above, yes it can, and I only played it on android, not computer, it works perfectly fine
Just look for ONScripter on android (And have the game ready on your phone ofc)
Can i merge MGQ 1 2 3? If yes How? If no, can my saves from the merged 1 2 be used?
You can merge numbers 1 and 2 into 3 to make it into one big game, as well as use your final save from number 2 in 3. To figure out how you do this just read the readme.txt file found within the English Patch zip file for 3.
How to save the game
wait until it says “save location” on screen during the gameplay then click save and the save slot you want to save it to
Well if someone wrote an NScripter clone for Android SDK it would work. The executable is just the program with some extra.
Can’t wait for MGQ: Paradox. With its RPG elements it should be a really great game.
The gameplay blows in this. The story and character are great but the combat just sucks as its far to unbalanced 99% of the time you get 1 shot killed right off the start no matter what you do so it takes well over 80 retrys each combat to win and only then its based off luck as the creatures almost never ever miss. Glad I did not pay for this garbage.
Yeah, this is the weakest element of the series. Almost every fight has one solution, aside from the few you can cheese when you can spam moves with Salamander’s ability. You will likely die just because you guess wrong on whether to use Gnome or Undine for almost every fight after they rejoin. However, it should only be once. If you are dying more than once a fight, let alone over a dozen times, you are probably just bad at the game. It does take patience and strategy. You can’t just throw skills out every turn.
I was wondering if i needed to download the game part by part, or if theres a way to combine the multiple parts of part 3? Thanks for any help.
This game is epic. 8/10…
Sadly only 1 yuri scene but overall a good raping game lol.
Having trouble while merge previous parts 1 & 2 with the 3rd part…
I’ve already reinstall all the 3 parts and set them in english re-complete them and do as it written in readme, but it still occur…
I’ve checked the comments and tried to put the japanese local, tried also to put only the arc.nsa but it still occur
Error Message :
|lsp 701,”:a;chara\slime_h1.bmp”,0,0
>lsp 701,”:a;chara\centa_h1.bmp”,0,0
What did I’m supposed to do please ???
Gotta admit, I went into this series thinking it would be Shit, but it’s actually a pretty great game.
I just finished playing all 3 MGQ parts and it is the best game I’ve played in ages!
Seriously think it needs a sequel involving freeing the original Monster Lord and 6 ancestors or something.
I NEED MORE MGQ! I downloaded for the H-Scenes but kept playing for the story!
Anyone have the updated English patch. The 1.1 version. Its 151 mb size but any link to it is (practically) dead. Can’t even get it from the translators website
(This webpage is not available) for part 7
It’s good now thanks
Creo que tardarás menos si aprendes inglés o japonés antes de esperar que alguien te lo traduzca, hermano.
alguien lo traduce en español ?
Part 3 of the DA-Free download is broken. Every time I try to download it, it says file not found. Both Firefox and Google Chrome cannot access it, so the link is probably broken.
Having the same issue.. part 4 of this download keeps saying the web page is down temporarily but I have a feeling it’s more then just temporarily
im stili re-view anime on ma age.
I have a strange issue. Wherever i seem to download part 3 from, i use this site but i attenmpt to download from different locations, and regardless of where i am, i do not get more than 50 kbps when i do the download. Usually I should be able to do like 3 Mbps but it isnt working here. Any thoughts on issue?
So it seems I can’t download the 3rd part when I was downloading the other parts. When it’s suppose to have the icon showing that the fire is being downloaded it says the webpage is unavailable and I don’t get to download from there
it’s the third part,you need to the first and the second part for understand the storie(three partss forms one game with same save,achievment…)so aniway you better to downald the three parts.
The storyline of this game (part 1,2,3) was damn amazing..
and BGMs were stuck in my head all the time. Wish I could find another game similar to this.
I think I fall in love with Tamamo in adult form… –\
Hey I am having a problem concerning the fight with Archangel Ranael. I am unable to find the Fallen Angel Dance and I always lose to her no matter what. I read that it is a bug but I do not know how to fix it. Please help, I really want to progress in this amazing game!
I need some help, ive played part 3 but i noticed that i was under leveled so i took a look around and it seems that im missing giant parts of the game like i cant access to San illias or the port in illasburg and etc
hey guys. Sorry to ask new to these sorts of things. After downloading all the separate files how do i then get the Game working from the seven parts of the RAR?
Place all the rar files in a common area then extract it by moving the first part anywhere you want. The rest of the parts should be extracted along with the first.
In the 1st battle of this chapter there is 1 attack that can’t be recordable into monsterpedia. This battle is VS \Cupid\ (winning or losing this battle, the result is the same… there is no attack recorded). The attack with this problem is: Cupid’s Blowjob.
If you had this problem and you have solved it, please share your experience and the solution for this. Thanks!
I had all 3 parts before but my computer crashed and so i re-downloaded them but some thing is wrong with them when i try to play them its like its in fast forward. it goes through the text faster than i can read. please help
could someone explain me exactly how to do it because English is not my first language and I do not fully understand the read me file
Hello guys I just redownloaded the game after having on my old computer but I have a problem… When I start up the game every time I start a new game or open a file from the encyclopedia it freezes when the text box shows up I have my region set to Japan (applocale) and I have redownloaded twice any suggestions would be helpful thanks in advance.
same here, shit.
whenever i try to extract the game 7zip says that crc is not valid for MonsterGirlQuest part 1, and after i extracted all and start to play it crashes after sabasa castle when the illias monsters attack the gladiators
Just in case your still cant save your game I found a solution by chance:go to the game ‘s directory and add a folder and and name it save mine worked even with changing the file names
When i patch the english patch the game becomes part 1, help?
where i can find the complete walkthrough of monster quest girl 3
i am playing the game it does not have fallen angel dance powers and others too when i face Archangel Ranael in battle
please tell me how to deal with it
I love this series. I downloaded and played the first two in English, and I ended up playing this before the translation came out. Can’t read a lick of Japanese, so it was a bit of a bitch playing through and beating it but somehow I managed.
Can sombody please help me. I cant save. Every time i want to save my game i type in a name for the data and then i get an error message, that’s basically only some signs i don’t understand.
you sure you have played this before?didnt you know that you shouldn change the data name text?oterwise it would go corrupt
“099.txt line”
So, guys, I’ve has been founded how to fix this error, okay let’s begin:
1. Make sure you’re using Japan as region
2. ONLY COPY FILE ARC.NSA!! ONLY THIS FILE! Do not copy ARC1/ARC2, this is the one who make problem <<<
3. If you already copied Arc1/2, open the .rar files, then extract the Arc1 & Arc2, then move & replace to MGQ2 Folder.
4. If with that three way you weren't fixed, re-download game, because that file you download has been corrupted.
Hopefully can fix your error 😀
Hey everyone, quick question. I seem to have it all working alright, but…..it seems one of the locations cannot be reached. Witch Hunt Village won’t appear on the map in Chapter 3. What’s up with this? Does anybody else have the same problem? I can see the gap in the encyclopaedia and the files seemingly are there, but no village tab appears on the map……any ideas how to solve this?
hi, is the patch 100% english translate?? because i download it and i only get english translated till Sylph(2) scene, after that i got japan , phew. help please
hey i keep getting an error message every time i open up the game its something like
099.txt line 305437
isp 102:c/2,0,3;system/title_start.jpg”340,380
anyone knows what wrong?
really random but this might make someone crack a small smile. The SOLVEmedia image was “It’s super effective”…
My alias is splashatack so… put two and two together…
That also happened to me a few days back when my computer also crashed, all I did was simply copied my save folder and reinsalled the game after thet just copy your save on the reinstalled game.Hope this helps 🙂
Hey guys, I have a little problem with the game. I downloaded the game, combined with part 1 & 2, imported the save file in order to begin at part 3 and everything is working well…. Except that the saves from part 1 & 2 doesn’t work anymore.
Indeed, the game recognize the save files and they appear in the load menu, but when I load one of the save file from part 1 or 2, I have a black sreen and the game crash. Because I’m really stupid, I have erased my folder with just MGQ 1 & 2, including my old save file from those two part. Of course the save file in MGQ 3 directory is the same, but I suppose he’s already different because I have combined and import the global save.
So… Does anyone know how to do in order for my save files to work again ? I would be really thanksfull if somenone can help me !
I’m pretty sure that the file I am missing most is the arc2.nsa I believe that’s what makes it not work but every rar. is corrupted when it gets to it.
I do not know if the admin did it or if it self corrected but I finally got the game to work. If that was you admin thanks so very much.
I still haven’t figured this out if someone could provide aid please do so. I downloaded each file but still something must be missing. In game I start new game and as the gobling girl is running through the forest the screen goes black and an error box pops up. its got a bunch of unreadable text til the bottom it says. >bg\bg\+$haikei+\.bmp\ so i assume its a missing file but even after redownloading every rar. even those that can’t be opened for whatever reason. and its still missing can anyone provide aid?
That seems to be a very common error message when some of your files are corrupted.
Clean the cache of your browser (how to do it change from browser to browser, but is always an option like “delete temporary internet files” or “delete/clean cache”), then re-download everything and re-install the game and the english patch.
It is also safe to use a brand new save file or an old backup if you can, since the save file you used during the bug MAY has been corrupted.
ok I’ll try to redownload it after clearing my cache thanks for the tip here’s to hoping.
Well I just cleared cache and performed a tune up/ clean up of my data and then tried redownloading it and there is still a problem with the arc2.nsa file where its still corrupted or incomplete. so I guess I’ll try to find somewhere else to buy it or something.
Are you using Tuneup Utilities?
That program is pure adware. It actually slows down your computer instead of speeding it up. I’d recommend deinstalling all It’s components and then trying again.
To some of you this may seem like an odd question:
Can someone direct me to ‘store’ page of this game’s series? I tried to throw some money at them for their good work, but I drew a blank card each result I hit.
I never thought it’d be that hard to give someone money.
The final battle for part 2 is Alice. To get her CGs let her beat you. If you beat her, you have two choices:finish her off to get Ilias CGs; keep guarding to start part 3.
I have tried repeatedly to download this but parts 3-6 continuously fail. Is there any way to get around it, I seem to only need the arc2.nsa file to be able to play. Part 1, 7 and the patch went in fine but using just those it crashes as the gnome girl goes past the forest at the beginning and I can’t figure out what is wrong other than that one file. But all the rar. files are corrupted or incomplete, or at the last stage of downloading it says failed network error. any suggestions I really want to finish this story.
I downloaded part 3, merged them, given that it’s impossible for me to continue from part 1 and 2 due to the import save function does not works for me i started from scratch and then i arrived at the last part, i defeat part 2 end boss and after i should start part 3
http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg202/Kalenz/Monstergirlquestproblem_zps15cb3478.png i get that error, any ideas?
when i meant readme file, i meant the readme file that’ll tell u how to use the patch to get the english version of the game.
gawd, i hope im not being too complicated
Yes, it HAS english. Where it says “DA-free: Game Download”, on this page, is where you get the actual game, but it’s not in english. you also have to download the file under “DA: English Patch Download” and extract that to the files you get from “DA-free: Game Download”.
There will be a readme file in the patch file, so it should be easy to figure out.
THEN it will be in English.
is this english ? plz respond fast !!!!
Hi everyone, I’m having a problem with my save files.
They do not appear in the game (all load slot is empty),
but still remains in the save folder,
Could anyone please tell me how make them reappear?
Thank you in advance 😀
i also had the same problem when my computer
suddenly crashed . . .
when i opened the game again the slots were empty
but when i checked the folder where the save files is it’s still there . . .
need some here please i really appreciate it 🙂
either way more support for you guys 😀
Before anything, copy all your saved data some where else and then play the game and save on any slot, close the game and check where it got saved. Once you find it, move your saves there. It happened to me too with MGQ1, and there’s a probability that you will have the mbp and the another archive (both saves) on different folders, so it that happens. do it that way and it most probably play.
Good luck.
i have save file that doesnt work, i tried placing it in other place and then save a new one, then overwrite it with my save file. But the “new one” keeps playing instead of my save file.. please help.. this is quite frustrating specially when your halfway to the end already..
uwaa uwaa ~ !!! uwaaa uwaaa ~ !!!!!
Finally i can play Part 3!!!! i finished 1,2 about 1 weeks…
yay yay ~ !!! downloading!!! first try i was killed alice and get r*pe to illias ;_;… Eternity… forever.. ever… QwQ..
so, i regret… and finally i wasn’t kill alice ~ finish the game and also here! can’t wait!! Hue Hue ~ awesome :3…
hello there, i was wondering if a person needed the first and/or second MGQ to play this game? Thanks for the reply 🙂
yea bro iy is. its even better if u do cause your save data rolls over your level. Like from game 1, you were able to transfer ur save data to game 2 to keep your level. I assume its the same with this game. Its not NEEDED, but it would be better. and you would understand the story
what he’s saying is it’s not needed, you can play without the saved data from part 1 & 2
I recommend downloading all three parts of the game. MGQ 3 lets you combine them and you’ll have one big game with the entire story.
Not finished yet, but seen some pictures of it on Monster Girl Quest Wiki. Looks pretty amazing. Just wondering if will there every be an upload for Monster Girl Quest: Paradox. Its the next game by Torotoro Resisitence. It’s an RPG version so it will be interesting to play.
Not sure if this issue has shown up before, but once you beat the game and the title screen becomes the blue sky, the Music options in Extras makes the game crash. Which is a shame considering how good the soundtrack is. I tried resetting the gloval.sav and while it seems to fix the issue, it prevents me from fully beating the game. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Complementing the first message. While the error message is in japanese, it does say the following:
099.txt line:306397
| mov $bgmdata078,”bgm/labo2.ogg”
> mov $bgmname079,Biolabs
I’ve tried reinstalling and all, and again, the error/crash only happens once you beat the game. As a reminder,even though I put in a “fresh” gloval.sav in and load a save file after all battles just to beat the game, the error persists, so I don’t believe it’s a corrupted file.
Can i ask is there any PATCH like NG+ made by spas or something?
Anyone have full monsterpedia, record, and 100% save for this (part 3)?
the second part keeps failing half way through the download
Damn, one of the best eroge I ever play. Massive art, deep story and feature monster gils!! I play the first and second part right when it came out. Now I forgot how to fight 🙂
Anyone run into a problem when fighting as the slime girl from the 4 heavenly knights?
Whenever the enemy uses “Sonic Burst” the game just crashes. Please help!
anyone know how much of Sei Monmusu Gakuen has been translated, or if its even begun to be translated?
I got this problem when i converted the arc.nsa and arc.nsa1 into the chapter 3 folder i lost my encyclopedia data and my saved games. Instead i got some random saved game when im lvl 64 that im not even close to. I just finished the first part and thought merging all games together after would be good so im about to start the second chapter.
Nvm im stupid i figured it out ._.
New patch is out at rougue’s website for those with lingering issues.
well just read the instruction on the Patch Readme.
but always remember to only copy the arc1.nsa from MGQ2 to MGQ3
change your Region and Language to Japan. if you use windows 7
it would be like this.
Start-> Control Panel-> Clock, Language and Region-> Change Location-> Location-> Current Location. then switch it to Japan.
im .. sorry can pls someone tell me why i cant download it partially .. its says expired season ..
It’s because you’re waiting too long between opening up the download link and actually downloading it.
I think the time it expires in is about 20 minutes.
hey i love this game but do i really have to start over from the beginning cause when i press new game it takes me to MQ1 beginning, i dont wanna play 40 hours just to start number 3 can someone help me.
The whole series is really good, this is probably one of my favorite eroge ever played, top 3 for sure: Good graphics, great plot/story line, have humor, have action, have sexy monster girls, just everything you ever wanted in a trilogy. Props to creators, thanks to translator.
I recommend this game to anyone of the legal age
9/10 [would be 10/10 if the Heroine had more Voicing done]
I am having trouble opening the .rar file. When I try to open the archive, it says \Unable to open file because some parts of multipart archive \MonsterGirlQuest3\ are missing from the folder \C:UsersMyNameDownloads\. If I try to open the folders individually, parts 3-6 contain only arc2.nsa
Can anybody shed some light on this issue?
Omg. This was so good. My save data did something weird half way through where it changed the place it checks for my save, sadly by the time I figured out where to move my files to I had overwritten my system data, so I don’t have about 80% of my monsterpedia. But the story was so worth it. The endings are all great (Technically there is only one ending just in case you’re worried about this, just little failures that get you another ending). Though as in the earlier parts all you have to do to win EVERY battle is use up your skills, use salamander, use up your skills. But It was still fun.
For the record Hit by all requestable second chapter techniques, does Doppleganger counting ? strange but I had done this extra in part 2 but not it has not reappared in monsterpedia chap 3 after all save transferts…
and the record is missing but all monsters in chap 2 are 100% done, rapes scenes, attacks etc…
don’t understand…
sorry for bad English thanks
What’s up with the English patch? Everything’s good but the save locations are in Japanese, and when I save I get an error message followed by a crash.
Anyone have complete monsterpedia from monster girl quest 2 for share?
Anyone knows how i can fix this error?
099.txt line:292944
okie I done goofed and lost my ARC1.nsa and ARC.nsa by dropping them into MGQ3s folder but i did the patch install wrong and deleted the files and redid the unpacking of MGQ3 and welp deleted my trash with those files…..Anyone care to give me theirs? I would really like to have all my stuff from MGQ 1 and 2…
You can download them directly from this site:
Just grab the 2 regular games, the .arc files take around 90% of the whole winrar archive anyway… faster then ask someone else to upload the 2 files ^^
Someone can help me? So i inherit the save game from part 2, but after goblin girl talk with vamp girl and start running, the game crash and back to desktop. How i can fix?
gears of dragoon looks great…cant wait for it to be fully patched ^^
Who want my save game file ? i already finished this game (but my CG is not complete because i was to lazy to see luka getting R4ped :v), so if you want the file i will upload it,
My computer is especially prone to crashing and whenever it happens I lose all my saved data, if anyone has a save file download with a save in each area (I got to succubus village on the last reset so anything close to there would be great), I’d really appreciate it.
I managed to get a save file from a friend, but I’m missing all my old monsterpedia entries. If anyone can post a 100% complete monsterpedia file that’d be great
I used a 100% save file from eps 1 and 2 (lost mine a while ago), the weird thing is that I’m pretty sure I got it here, it was a mediafire link that someone posted in the comments.
Was it modded, deleted or something?
’cause I could probably dig it up from my history and repost the link, but I wouldn’t want to break some rule that I’m not aware of >_>
The conversion was successful, and the parts are merged, but the Monster Encyclopedia entries didn’t carry over, so now I just have 10 blank pages of encyclopedia entries. Is that supposed to happen?
I had the same thing at first, then randomly tried the conversion a second time after doing the save transfer, and it somehow worked, all the Monterpedia from eps 1-2 were added. So you might as well try it, who knows.
Woohoo, it worked! My Monsterpedia’s back to what it was before!
Thank goodness, I really didn’t want to have to purposely lose a lot of those same battles again. Some of those scenes were a real hassle to get.
Thank you SO MUCH, Kuroi!
So I downloaded the game and installed the English patch. Everything was working fine until I got to a save location, which was in Japanese. I knew it was a save location. When I tried to save it, it crashed.
Anyone experience this?
I have an issue were i don’t get to start the game with the English patch and only a error note pops up, anyone know what i must do to make the English patch work?
The note says:
exec_dll \NSFont.dll/gaiji,YZ,system/hurt.bmp\
i think i remember this problem from when i added part 2 to my computer god knows how long ago. if i remember correctly, you need to put the .rar file for the english patch into the main folder of MGQ3 and extract it there. it’ll ask if you want to overwrite some files, click yes to all and it should work. thats how i did it with part 2 when it didnt work
Lol, i already finished the game :v
Can’t Save and load, when I try to load, the game shows me a message and crashes. Please somebody help :C
Save only when it say “Save Location”. Also, do not rename the save file when it promt you to do it.
somehow…. after i finished the part 3 few days ago just couldnt say goodbye to MGQ >_< so decided to replay first 2 parts since its been quite a while (more than a year thats for sure) and even thou i am playing it for 2nd time its still damn fun XD
We all know that felling bro. This series will be missed
Holy shit i thought ill wait for a more years to play these one T_T
got it done today XD way longer than expected 😀 still am a bit sad though…poor Alice will never be satisfied with such a weakling…
Trying to do the little mini stories under the “extras” menu, and I get an error no matter which one I try. Are these not patched?
Do you NEED the first 2 games to play this one? B/c last time I played was like 1 year ago, and I deleted both games D:
Not really, you can play the story normally, although your monsterpedia you will be incomplete.
For the people getting a .bmp error early in the game this might help.
My problem was I was copying over all the arc files from each game but your not suppose to.
From monster girl quest copy just the acr file.
From monster girl quest 2 copy just the arc2 file.
That fixed my problem hope it fixes yours.
thanks for the tip but it didn’t work out for me
You got it wrong man, In MGQ2 copy the arc1.nsa NOT ‘arc2.nsa’
hi can anyone help me, whenever i start the “mon_que” or “old_mon_que_NOWORDWRAP”, i get an error saying
exec_dll(some japanese writing DLL)
099.txt line:304035
| effectcut
| mode_wave_demo
> exec_dll “NSFont.dll/gaiji/system/hurt.bmp”
Same for me I get the same error :((((
does anyone found a walkthrough
Holy hell. Just finished it last night. That ending fight was amazing. I seriously want to shove this lowly porn game in the Mass Effect 3 writers’ faces and say “This is how you end a fucking trilogy, idiots!”
“Lowly”, he says…
I like the captcha. “Try higher.”
I mean “lowly” as in the common conception so many have about adult-themed games of any sort, as this game definitely tops over quite a few of the AAA bestsellers I’ve played in the past few years.
Dude, the ending to ME3 would have always been bad. It’s not what anyone would’ve wanted. And while I’m sure MGQ3’s ending is “better” then ME3’s ending, you CANNOT say Monster Girl Quest is a better game then ME3.
That’s like saying an upcoming fighter is better than the 10-year champ.
It’s..It’s just dumb. You literally cannot compare the insane amount of dialogue choices, different conversations, and overarching consequences ME1 and 2 have on ME3.
It’s just not possible. You would be shitting upon so many incredibly well developed characters, specifically Liara and Garrus, and even Mordin.
Seriously, dude. ME3 was an amazing game.
I will disagree, based on the fact I’d have preferred ME3 to end with text description of what came after compared to having zero closure whatsoever. It actually has nothing to do with making sure every possible permeation of dialogue through the three games, so much as it is providing a little blasted closure, not to mention a decent finale, a grand battle, compared to the horde mode swarm that marked the last real part of the game before the quick-time-event walk began. See, I’m one of those crazy people who has lost all interest in Mass Effect as a series because of the last ten minutes of ME3. I can’t even enjoy the first two games anymore. ME3’s ending isn’t simply bad, it’s an example of the writers/director/whoever just giving up and throwing up random trash because they backed themselves into a corner and didn’t want to delay the game to make a real conclusion. You can justify it all you want with any myriad of excuses of why it happened, but it doesn’t change the reality of the situation, and the reality is that MGQ’s ending was written by someone who not only cared about the finish, also wanted to provide absolute closure, going to the effort of the game going on nearly an additional half-hour if you follow absolutely everything.
tldr version: MGQ’s writing still has a heart and soul put into it, and ME3 is soulless.
Hey,is this MGQ 3 has relation with the previous version? Like the story from MGQ 1 continued to MGQ 2 and so after?
Sorry if i’m asking a weird question
yes they are all continuations of each other. the story continues with each part so it’s basically one visual novel put into 3 parts
Does anyone have arc1.nsa of MGQ 2?
I really need it but i don’t want to download MGQ 2 again @@!
damn, was not expecting this so quickly, i check the front page then bam MQ 3 as the first on the list….loving it!
Is there a guide on how to merge the games into one bundle? i remember reading about this somewhere. if there are please make a post on forum or direct to the page.
There is a readme in the map which contains the game, but i can share it here anyway :P, copied from the readme stands:
3. Combining all parts.
To combine Part 1, 2 and 3, copy the “arc.nsa” file from your MGQ Part 1 folder. Paste this
arc.nsa file into Part 3’s folder, choosing “Yes” to overwrite the current file. Then copy the “arc1.nsa”
file from Part 2’s into Part 3’s folder, choose “Yes” to overwrite the current file.
You should then have 6 .nsa files, with the following filesizes:
arc.nsa 692,203KB
arc1.nsa 861,980KB
arc2.nsa 1,685,322
arc3.nsa 14,883KB
arc4.nsa 9,034KB
arc5.nsa 5,717KB
Once copied over, launch MGQ Part 3, and go to the “Extra” Menu. In there, choose “Convert”.
If you copied over the .nsa files, it will complete successfully. Once combined,
monsters from part 1 and 2 are available to view in the encyclopedia. “New Game” will also now start
from Part 1, at the very start.
Hope it gives enough info 😛
only arc.nsa(s)?
my arc3.nsa file is the wrong size any ideas as to why?
well to be precise copy only arc1.nsa from MGQ2 to MGQ3.
then click: Extra -> Convert. then its done.
anyway there is some issues on the sound effects thou?
any advice on that?
Great game to finish the story.. did anyone else laugh to the “arrow to the knee” joke and the “unfortunate friends”?
not nearly as good as the first two. Too many giant chimeraish things and things that look incredibly wierd, not enough loli. Still a great story though
This got up so fast! i was just checking after a few weeks and im lucky it came out today! thanks alot 😀
Anyone having the issue of being unable to get into Iliasburg after helping out Enrika? I can get to Sentora, but Iliasburg just won’t load no matter how many times I click it
Start new game without loading from MQ2
I also have the same problem and this help
sorry for my bad Eng
So you have to play through the whole game again to get past this bug?
Holy sh–
I didn’t realize December 6 was today… I’m quite amazed by the speed you put up the links 😀 Many thanks~~
Whoa, how the hell did you upload this so fast? I thought that I might find a free version from here since I don’t have any monies but I didn’t think it would be this fast.
Thx btw admin.
Well ithink its because Rogue finished the final patch on the 5th I was wondering why they didn’t have it up yet,sadly I hear he’s quitting well props to him for translatings such an epic series
sry when i try to play it it suddenly working when the dullahan and cerberus part. what should i do?
Admin, I think you should repack and reupload this trilogy as one game and thanks for the upload <3
For do that you need the largest files from Part 1 and 2 + all the files from part 3; you can just download the 3 separate parts here on this site and merge them together, the dimension is pretty much the same as downloading a single ful pack (the full merged game is 4.15 GB extracted).
Yes that’s what I mean. Add the arc.nsa from pt1 and arc1.nsa from pt2 to pt3 then remove the entries MGQ1&2.
Removing entirely MQ1&2 can be a hassle for who want to play the games separately or doesn’t have enough space for all 3 of them together.
The actual way is good for all circustances, since who want the three-merged game would have to download pretty much the same amount of data anyway (only around 200MB from MQ1 and 300MB from MQ2 are not used in MQ3…) while who only want 1 of the games will easily download only the required files.
The data merging require only 10 seconds, after all.
You seem to be missing the point of what he’s saying.
It would simply be a quicker alternate for those who either don’t know how to merge the games or are simply too lazy to download all the games and merge them.
Not every one is smart enough to realize there’s instructions, surprisingly.
lololol agree with what he said XD
besides can also do it just for the respect(not rly correct word here but whatever) for game and make a option to download entire trilogy as a single game for those fans that are yet to come
Random question. Does anyone have a complete (100%) save file from parts 1 and 2?
PC wiped, so I’m having to download everything again in order to play this… And I’m a completionist.
Also was there a guide somewhere for importing part 1 / 2 into part 3 so it’s one big glorious game? Forgotten how.
The instructions are in the text file inside the english patch archive, it include both how to import the save file and how to fuse the 3 games together.
just finished the game….. it was very nice ^^
and no problems ever appeared here
last 2 bosses were quite fu…ehem…. kinda hard and ending was enjoyable 🙂
My mouse automatically moves around on the menus and in the game the text automatically keeps advancing even though I didn’t press anything. Does this only happen to me? Is it a known problem with a solution?
I keep getting a message that says:
C:UsersOwnerDownloadsMonsterGirlQuest3.part01.rar.part could not be saved, because the source file could not be read.
Try again later, or contact the server administrator.
What should I do?
Just to say, I had personally issues converting the first 2 parts into the third game. Then I realized that if you converted the first 2 games together, you have to convert the “arc.nsa” and “arc1.nsa” from the monster girl quest 2 folder. Just here for those who also have the issue.
Awwwwwwww yusss~~
Been waiting for this one for ages!
Thanks you so much admin!
Thank you Admin! I was utterly hoping for this to get uploaded on here soon. I got the first two from this site and I’ve had a horrible time trying to get it anywhere else.
Thank you so much!
Can someone upload the arc.nsa from part1 and arc1.nsa from part 2 for me please. I format my pc sometime ago and the files is gone.
good XDDD it finall came out :3 thx admin XDDD
where the code…JK man. XD
Thanks for the links as always… just a suggestion… why don’t you switch to mediafire or any download service but this one… it’s a bit cumbersome and the wait time is long.
If admin put this up on mf, it would be taken down quickly by bots/etc. The reason should be obvious.
Xmas is early!!!! am beyond happy!! thx aloT! for the release!! XD
Thank you so much ! I was replaying the 1st and 2nd to remember the plot, after i learned the patch is out, but i didn’t expect the game to be here this quick ! 🙂
thanks Admin
been waiting for this one :3
YAYA its OUT!!!
Somehow… i cant download them…. the countdown timer isnt moving .-.
Its kind of sad is Grisaia is the best vn this year. It is a fine game but best vn of the year…
Grisaia is an amazing VN.
I personally find MGQ better though. For something that’s seemingly a joke game at first glance, it did a great job at making me tear up. No animation nor live action has accomplished that yet.
Grisaia’s getting an anime adaptation too. But I doubt that’s gonna turn out well.
Trying to turn Grisaia into successful is gonna be hard. I’m almost certain the animation’s gonna be shit. It would take some genius producers to pull it off.
WHY Grisaia’s getting an adaptation while G-Senjou no Maou is still waiting I dunno, because G-Senjou no Maou would be far easier to make an animated adaptation of successfully. Follow the true route and everything would end well.
I still haven’t finish the MQ2 XD
But still a nice gift for christmans lawl XD
Tnx as Always!
You are my Hero, Ivan 😀 . Thanks for the hard and fast work, as usual. Pun not intended.
Can anyone upload a completed part 2 file? All my data got wiped
can I safely delete MGQ 1 and 2 game folder AFTER I combined them along w/ part 3?
nice! its quite fast and thanks for the quick upload ~
First of all, TY once again for the fast upload.
Is anyone having a stupid glitch when fighting Daitenshi Ranael in which stupid Fallen Angel Dance just does not show up in the skills menu? Cause she is surelly kicking my ass without it
RogueTranslator you will be forever remembered for this! T_T
As soon as I saw MGQ3 I felt a tear roll down my face. I can’t wait till its done downloading!
I hardly know enough languages to say thankyou with…
But I really, truly appreciate this admin.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Hooray! It’s finally here! Ty admin :p
Well at last and another fast pace thanks admin
Does anyone have the complete savefiles for 1 and 2 im too lazy to copy it from my hdd…
Thank you for this in between 2 and 3 my HDD fried and I never got around to completing 2 again(redid 1) so this will allow me to play 3 right away 🙂
holy hell! are you some kind of magician admin? this is way fast, man.
thanks a lot.
Decided to check the site if anything new came up, almost pissed myself seconds later.
Real quick, with the wordwrap thing, is there any way to change the size? thing’s like 5 pixels a letter on my screen.
Are you using Applocale or Japanese locale? It is required for play the game properly.
Anyway, try both exe as different setup with different operative systems will perform different results. I am playing with Applocale and the regular exe on Windows XP just fine.
I know a good thing will happen if u say I love U. > <.
Arrigato Admin -san. Lets Love fill the world.Lol :3
So how to tombine this one to the same folder of MonQue 1-2?
Just paste this to the same folder?
Never mind
Just read the txt in patch rar
Off to the beat the angel and goddess now
GAME OF THE YEAR 2013/2014 !!!!
That’s…definitely Grisaia no Kajitsu. MGQ3 gets second place though, no questions asked.
I am now waiting for the two sequel of Grisaia no Kajitsu.. for translation of course.. hopefully
I was waiting for this one
I really thank you, admin.
just checking since my game is downloading at a slow pace but can you still carry your progress over from the previous game and how?
hmmm not sure but if i remember right rogue (translator) said on his page that there should be instructions for that in readme file together with patch… so try looking around a bit there….. well that answers your question about if its possible too XD
What I did was copy my save folderin MGQ 2 in MGQ 3 directory..Hope it Helps
thx now i just have to dig out where i stored MGQ 1 and 2 save files
Ohh. Good one.
Thank you so much admin!!
Thank you. Been waiting for this 😀
I love you admin. Admin for best admin 2013
I knew the admin was waiting for Rogue to finish the patch lol
this comment made my day
Agree. >.<):b
Damn quick. thanks admin
all hail admin thanks
thx you admmin
wow FAST! just found out about translation 15 mins ago >_<
thx a lot admin for this… been waiting forever (forever= since MGQ 2 translation came out XD)
so was I! XD