Cum on down to the peaceful Bukkake Ranch, a good old farm out of the way from all the commotion and hubbub of the town, a place where you can relax and enjoy a quiet life with your four elementals: the salamander girl, Sara, the slime girl, Myil, the kobold, Korin, and the harpy, Papy. Life is good on the farm. That is, until the Demon Queen shows up your front lawn, demanding you create the legendary Slut’s Stone before she decides to wipe your farm off the map.
Why can’t I make the Year’s Supply of Boob Balls???
It needs: x20 Huge Boob Stones & Big Labia Oysters, x10 Golem Cocks, x5 Salamander Spit & 50 Jizz.
I already have: 83 Huge Boob Stones, 96 Big Labia Oysters, 44 Golem Cocks, 23 Salamander Spit & 1179 Jizz!
And said that I don’t have enough ingredients!
What am I still missing?
Is this a bug or something?
Help would really be appreciated.
How come Japanese games like this one don’t get censored but other do? Consistency please ; _ ;
(Granted I did get this one elsewhere. Is there a Japanese uncensored black market for eroge anywhere? So many good titles ruined with mosaics.)
i m use win7 64bit , and use run as windows 95
When replace “Bukkake Ranch.exe” with crack always error
it work without crack but ask activation code
help me please
damn, i dont like this type of male protagonis…
Is there an app in Google play that can run this on Android? Please tell me if you know
bukkake ranch XD
gotta love the Internet for this kind of stuff
I try to download the parts but my antivirus pops up saying that there is a threat on the website to download them. Can anyone help?
Admin, im in dire need of your help, i need the password to the archive, but i dont know what is is….!
Seems like part 3 is down? 🙁
Hey man how could i do the Pleasure Jizz, Shame Jizz and the Service Jizz?
why is the window so tiny? >.<
Nobody has replied to my above post so I thought I’d post a new one and see if that gets some attention:
“When I go to extract the .rar files, gamedata.xp3 fails and I think that’s the reason my game isn’t working. Should I re-download or is there a other / better way to fix this?”
you can just download that gamedata.xp3 file on google and put it in your game main folder..
if this doesn’t work then i suggest you re-download this game..
What are you using to extract?
I’ve been reading comments and get that I need the crack + patch to get the game to work but I don’t see any links to either of these?
You’ve been reading older comments. Current version posted here already includes crack and patch – you just extract it and play.
When I go to extract the .rar files, gamedata.xp3 fails and I think that’s the reason my game isn’t working. Should I re-download or is there a other / better way to fix this?
Thanks for quick reply btw!
^ ^ ^
Can anyone help? Still having this problem after I re-downloaded all the rar files. :'(
I’m downloading it and i hope not to have any problem ’cause i can’t see the crack and the patch on the post
Uhhh there is no crack file in the free download thing..help?
where is the crack and patch?
and the patch? I just see parts 1-4
So good
Is this game any good? I’d like a review or 2 so I can decide whether or not I want this game …
Could put the instructions to install it? I want to play, please
Here’s the way I installed it after many failed attempts and I got it to work for me.
1. Download all files (part 1-4, crack, & patch)
2. Unrar all of the files
3. In the first file you unrar’d, the game installer should be there. Click it and install it. When you’re done and it asks you to “Would you like to Run BukkakeRanch now?”, uncheck that and click yes/okay.
4. Then, double-click the patch and when it asks you to pick a folder, find the game folder the installer made (should be something like this: Windows C:>Games>Mangagamer>Bukkake Ranch. PICK THE FOLDER “Bukkake Ranch”
5. After it finishes installing its patch, copy/cut the CRACK and go to the Windows C:>Games>Mangagamer>Bukkake Ranch folder and replace the original application there with the crack
And then it will run. You’re welcome.
Could someone help me? I can’t seem to open any of the files on the projector I’m using. It says that the file is broken. Is there something I’m supposed to use to open it?
As I was playing the game, I accidentally clicked Quick Load, and the game crashed and the save data got corrupted
I believe I patched it correctly, though
I tried to re-patch the game; and looking into the game folder, it did not appear that there were any files added or changed
anyone know what files are added or changed because of the patch?
So how do I install this? A page called SdWrap pops up, I don’t know what the crack or the other stuff does…
help plx! >.<
when i run the game a window called SdWrap comes up and random characters come up then asks yes or no. i click yes and it leads me to a jap website which seems to me like another instaltion page, idk if this is supposed to happen… =/
You forgot to use crack.
woops thnx lol
what should i do when i get the NSIS error launching installer ?
no idea man, that’s a first for me
uh guys, just use the crack that is in the last link of the free download, and then install the 1.03 patch.
if you don´t know how to use a crack, just download it and replace the original file that should be in the installation folder.
My computer automatically removes the patch….
Ah, nvm, fixed that.
where is the link where i can download the patch and crack??
thanks in Advance
im finished the installation and everything now. its just I need an activation code. admin could you help us out?
any body know the activitation
And for those of you n00bs asking for an activation code, UR DOIN IT RONG. Close Bukakke Ranch and download the crack from here. Once it finishes downloading, copy the crack and paste it into the folder Bukakke Ranch is installed. Basically, you’re replacing the game’s .exe file with the cracked .exe file, bypassing the activation and allowing you to play this game (or something like that).
FOR THOSE OF YOU HAVING TROUBLE OBTAINING THE HOLY BIKINI, you need to download the patch and install it in your Bukakke Ranch installation directory (by default, it’s in C:\Games\Mangagamer\Bukakke Ranch\ ). It fixes many bugs and is the only way to make the Fight Back ending available as far as I know.
Sorry, I meant to say the Magical School Swimsuit. But hey, the patch should most likely fix whatever bug you encounter anyway.
The game wont go further when i made the holey bikini and go to (advanced too) pussy lake, the dialoge is suddenly untranslated and it spits an error in between, so i dont know what to do?!
Someone has a solution?
What is the activation code????? i have been dying to play this!!!!!!
when trying to download fist part says website doesn’t exist has it been removed ?
Works fine for me. Try downloading it with another browser if you’re willing some patience.
when i try to use the patch its says the folder you selected does not appear to have a valid version of the game installed what do i do?
Make sure you’re pointing it to the “Bukakke Ranch” folder and not the “Mangagamer” or “Games” folder.
just browsing through, without ever playing this game, this is the most hilarious comment page i have ever read through 😀
What should i do with the Patch? i dunno how to use it
You use the crack by copying it to the folder where you have the .exe of the same name.
anyone can help me by telling me how to use the crack?
how to use the crack i dont understand
Not sure if this was fixed in the bug, but there’s a scene where Sarah has a swimsuit on, and it’s not translated. The H-scene involves Myil and Sarah in the lake.
cant get crack to work
Does anyone have a save file that they can upload? I just finished aimed for one route and don’t want to go through all that grind-fest. -_-
What is the max of satisfaction btw? I only have that route left and I need to plan ahead and see how far back I have to load a save.
1000. Each Flat item is around 150 roughly(not sure of exact number).
I’ve only finished the Slut Stone route entirely but this is my walkthrough that I think covers it all fairly well.
I went with farming during the day and 2 breedings most nights. I rarely rested at all until later in the game when everyone was exhausted. There are 3 paths so when they branch I’ll mention it.
Far below near the end I note Sarah, Korin, Papy are all best for farming the beginner areas so to me it makes sense to unlock Myil’s Breeding first.
You can’t just start on any type of breeding, first you need to do: Sarah/Myil service, Korin/Papy Pleasure before their other types are unlocked. By that I mean Papy needs to do her Pleasure first before she can do Service/Shame, its not dependent on the other 3 at all.
The first few days I farmed the water with Sarah for items to make Castella while I trained Myil’s Service. That gave me lots of Slime Juice + some Pussy water to make the Castella. Sarah doesn’t produce much Pussy Water compared to Myil.
During the next section I’d train Sarah occasionally while the main target recovered, provided I was cautious she could still farm for me.
When Myil hit 100 Service she was worn out so I started training Korin’s Pleasure while still farming the water with Sarah.
When Korin hit 100 Pleasure Myil was partly recovered(60 for me) so I started her Pleasure training.
I got Myil’s Pleasure to 43 before she needed to recover.
At this point Myil and Korin need rest and Sarah should be still be okay to farm. So I switched to breeding Papy with Pleasure while still farming the water with Sarah. I’m still making Castella each day to replace what I give the Demon Queen and her numbers are still going up with minor plateau’s along the way.
Okay, on day 16 the following stats. Yours will be different due to randomness:
Sarah 99/100hp 20 service, 14 shame
Myil 58/100hp 43 pleasure, 100 service
Korin 62/100hp 100 pleasure
Papy 19/100hp 100 pleasure
Demon Queen is 230+ and 369L of Jizz.
I go back to Myil and getting her Pleasure to 100 and I receive the Ero of Water with her Pleasure at 91 and Service at 100. Her hps are burned out so I switch back to Korin’s(she has 82hp) service training.
Somewhere around here you should be able to unlock the Advanced section with 500 Jizz. I still keep farming water for a bit longer but here’s when there’s lots of good branching choices.
I am now alternating Korin and Sarah(Service) to let Korin rest a bit. During this time I receive the Ero of Earth.
Next I start training Papy service(0) who’s back to 89/100hps. I continued farming with Sarah during the day while letting her rest at night until Papy was drained of hps.
The Demon Queen’s satisfaction pretty much slows down in growth around the low 300’s to 350 range with Castella in this time period. Keep feeding her anyway with it.
It’s day 30 in my game. While still training Papy at night I start farming the advanced areas, the forest first with Sarah. Going into an Advance area with less than 30hps is a recipe for being forced home early, even 40 is no guarentee. This might be the best time for your first full night’s rest, I skip it for a bit longer but it can be less dangerous to rest now.
I get the Ero ore of Wind but most of the women other than Myil and Sarah are at low hps. Myil isn’t really that useful at farming but I start farming the Advanced Forest anyway and training Sarah’s service (63 atm) at night.
With Sarah’s service at 96 I switch to her Pleasure and switching in other girls to let her rest. I train Sarah 1 per night then 1 other girl.
The evening of day 33 all the girls are around 30 or so and under. It’s a good time for my first night of full rest. I have 882Litre’s of Jizz stored up, the Demon Queen is at 378 satisfaction.
It’s day 36 and I’ve receive the last Eroment(Fire). The Demon Queen’s satisfaction with Castella is dropping. Make a save or two around here. Now’s the time to choose between routes.
1) Make the Slut stone
2) Make the I won’t let them Call me Flat, Years Supply of Boob Balls to raise the Demon Queen’s Satisfaction to max.
3) Make the 4 items (Holey Bikini, Demon Slayer, Directionless Compass, Pheromone Lure) and take them to the areas to get the ingredients to make the 4 Armor/Weapons. Then you refuse the Demon Queen any gift when you have them made.
You have until day 90 I believe before you fail. From here on its just a matter of maxing your farming for ingredients. Finish a route and reload back here.
Beginner areas
Water – Sarah (Pussy water, Labia oysters, Jizz), Myil (Pussy water, Jizz), Korin (Pussy water, Labia oysters), Papy (Labia oysters)
I used Sarah mostly, Myil(gets more Pussy water) when Sarah is tired. Korin is useless here and Papy even more so.
Forest – Sarah (Penisrooms, Jizz), Myil (Womanwood), Korin (Penisrooms, Womanwood, Jizz), Papy (Penisrooms, Womanwood)
I used Korin mostly, then Papy when Korin is tired. Sarah can be a bit helpful. Myil is useless.
Mountains – Sarah (Flat chest, Big boob), Myil (Big Boob) , Korin(Flat, Jizz), Papy (Flat, Big, Jizz)
I used Papy most, Sarah when Papy was tired. Korin is useless and Myil even more so.
Advanced Areas
Water – Sarah(Labia Oysters, Thick Pussy, Jizz), Myil(Pussy Water, Thick Pussy Water, Jizz), Korin (Pussy Water, Big Labia) , Papy (Labia Oysters, Big Labia Oysters).
Sarah and Papy seem best for gathering rares.
Forest – Sarah(Penisrooms, Sexy Woman Wood, Jizz ), Myil(Woman Wood, Magical Penisrooms), Korin(Penisrooms, Woman Wood, Magic Penisrooms), Papy(Sexy Woman Wood, Jizz).
Korin and Sarah seem best for gathering rares.
Mountains – Sarah(Flat, Big, Huge), Myil(Big, Giant), Korin(Flat, Jizz), Papy(Huge, Giant, Jizz)
Sarah and Papy seem best for gathering rares.
Breeding items (Pleasure, Service, Shame)
Sarah – Tails, spit, scales
Myil – boob jelly, juice, breast milk
Korin – used mandrake, kobold boobs, golem cocks
Papy – harpy feathers, eggs, pussy down
Pardon me but i could not open the advanced area. Could you please tell me how to open it?
500+ jizz
I really liked playing this game, though I could have asked for more of the moving animation scenes… or the spider one for some reason… can any recommend me to any other good eroge games? maybe with one with more moving animation and as good as this one?
oh and the tentacles… that too…
Here: http://erogedownload.com/downloads/sexy-demon-transformation/
admin what do u mean use the crack?
He actually means: Use your brain. When you click on DA-Free there s a link with the name “Crack”(yes, unbelievable hard to find). After you downloaded that magical Crack you just copy it and put it in your Gamefolder. Also, that question was answered several days ago, so stop being lazy for once if u dont want to pay for a game.
Does anyone know what is the activation code for this game
The game doesn’t need code; just use the crack.
Do you know game similar to this game.
Someone knows where the save game is storaged? I want back up the save file. And how i can get the scene: after harem scene (when you get all lustament and defeat maou)and before maou footjob scene (the last scene)?
I assume Admin is going to add Ruby Striker?
It might take some time to find it, since it s hardcore/tenta rape. But no worries, i think every mangagamer release was uploaded here 🙂
Man … i cant get Bushy armor of Earth … i have all the ingredients >.<
What you have provided are general guidance, not a walkthrough. 🙂
This game might be easy for you, but just saying \get x of y\ doesn’t help people that are not used to playing games like this.
What they most likely want (or need) to know is specifics. Like which girl to use to get what material in what training course.
When to rest, which girl to train, or how many times a day. Should they do only that in a day or should they gather materials and/or synthesize as well.
Specific steps in how to get all the endings without resulting to trial and error.
Details, details! 🙂
Yeah, seriously. Detailed walkthrough please!
Not sure if you know this by now since I’m replying to a months old comment but there’s a walkthrough on GameFAQs.
hmm is there a new game+ function or you gotta grind it from start again to get other ending? should have saved before went for 1 of the endings >_> well in worst case can still go and use save from somewhere close to end and grind from there
Anyone know how to get the Horny Weasel’s Horny Blade? Can’t figure out how to get that item.
Make the pheromone lure and then go to boob mountain.
Walkthrough please! ^^
I think my post is already pretty clear. Can you tell us which part you get stuck with?
how exactly DO you unlock the advanced zones?
500+ jizz and then wait for the next day.
GOD DAMN!!! I had 499 & spent 400 of it on items T_T
After reading the description and the comments, my only real thought on this is “Wat?”
Thanks man… completed the other scenes.. this is the last one and im getting a headache over it
Every time I try to instal i get:
Error launching installer??
what should i do?
try to run the installation with admin’s rights
I have completed all except the last CG & last scene.. Any help to getting that last CG/scene? The last one that I’ve missed is at the 2nd last (counting from the bottom left).
The post above explains the three endings, that pic you are missing is the demon queen ending wich you get by raising her mood to max by giving her good tributes.
Do you know what the maximum mood is, just so I can plan ahead?I tried to get all three endings in one save and failed, as I left the demon queen ending till last. When I ran out of those 100 days, I think I had about 500 mood.
is there a walkthrough???
All I know that there is 3 ending :
1st Ending is straightforward. Make the Slut Stone. this is a normal end for me.
2nd Ending is also straightforward. maximize the Demon Queen Mood. just keep synthezising the best gift and give it to her. this is a Demon Queen End for me.
3rd Ending is To make all 4 armour. Its the 4 last item in the synthesis list with ‘of (element)’ prefix. but as you recall, there are a Key ingredients for each equipment. to get that, you should synthezises all 4 items (just one is enough) after Slut Stone.
And then, you have to go to all advanced course. only after that you’ll have all key ingredient for all elemental equipments.
this is the Harem End for me.
Sorry, I forgot. to make Slut Stone, you need Eroments, which need the Ero Ores. You got the Ero ores of each element by maximizing said elements every Jizzes.
and for the Harem Ends, after you make all 4 equipment, at the Demon Queen Time, refuse to give gifts.
Aftef I got all 3 ending, I also get all CG/Scene.
Though it sounds a bit much but someone should make a full walkthrough on how to get each ending effectively and show what to do on each day to make sure each ending meets their certain requirements. Again, a bit much I know but at least one wouldn’t need to worry about not meeting each endings requirements. ^^;
Just wonder Admin, bukkake ranch you share is already without bug or do i still need find a update patch?
how are you supoosed to install this everytime i click the installer it just doesn’t install and the window with the installer just freezes can am i doing something wrong?
try to run the installation with admin’s rights
Am I the only one that thinks that ‘Bukkake Ranch’ sounds like the worst flavor of salad dressing ever?
oh dear god, you have just ruined salad for me! i hope you are proud of yourself!
That reminds me of a story my college buddy told me, about how some kid got caught jacking off into the cafeteria bottle of ranch during high school…
And hey, I’m sure some people would enjoy “Bukkake Ranch” dressing.
Very thx,one more time ^^
this game already translate to english???….
protip: EVERY game posted on this site in translated to english.
admin is rename the launcher or the installation?
Hi guys!
I had a little problem with a scene where some japanese came and came crashed. Saw comments and it got fixed with the patch update.
Wanted to know if there is any walkthrough for the game, can’t seem to get some things like items of higher level for those swords and armours etc.
Where do you got the patch update? i still cant do the holey bikini thing…
someone has the patch ?
thats the thing. when i get the downloaded file and i try to open it it shows
i dont what to do.. 🙁
Maybe you need to change the your OS system locale language into Japanese to work.
like said in another post, you have to replace the original .exe by the crack
Does anyone know how to unlock the other areas?
Um i know alot of people are having trouble activating the game and i’ve seen alot of posts about this, but my problem is when i download the crack and try to activate it (run it) i get ??????????????????????/???????????????????krdevuill???????????????????????????????? i have pretty old computer and im not sure if its my settings or something else, any help?
Did you put the crack file inside installed game folder, overwriting original one?
so what do you mean with the file? could you please help me from the begining?
I don’t even understand how to play this game lol.
Is there any walkthrough for this?
hmmm sry to have bothered you with previous post >_>
after google translating it seems i need some program to run it but after cracking the game it seems it is not necessary anymore… weird
Its not weird brother, its pretty normal if you not using crack you will be directing to the site to purchase, maybe like an activation code, lol
lol yeah i know that but that site was not game site but some random program site where you are supposed to download some program that is “supposed” to let you run the game
(clicked download and firefox asked if want to download some file… didnt do it thou cuz downloading random shit isnt rly my hobby >_> well either way it doesnt rly matter as long as game works now)
This program is DRM system for original game. Why they make users download it separately, not included in release is beyond me, but like already said – you don’t need it if you use cracked executable.
ohh i see now so thats how it is…. thx admin 🙂
whats the activation code?
download and copy the crack to the game directory, okay.
when i download bukkake ranch,i dont know activation code
How can I get pleasure, service and shame jizz? Normal is easy to get but those 3…
when i make the swimsuit and go to pussy lake for the h scene to get the special item for the armor/weapons the text is not in English and a box that says information on it with not readable text on it appears then my only options are to load a different save because it wont continue the scene i tried un-installing it and re-installing it but nothing is anyone else having the same problem
I got the japanese text, but I got the item just fine after the scene finished.
How did you unlocked the other areas?
It was stated here when I asked in comments.. Get Jizz up to 500 than the other areas are unlocked.
Change the local configuration to japanesse, or use app locale on the game .exe (it works with almost all games here)
You need to download the patch, run it, and point it to your copy of Bukakke Ranch’s installation directory. It fixed this bug for me just fine.
any body know the activitation code for this game ???
*goes to cry in a corner*
i stand up from chair~~~
walk straight to my window~~~
i face myself upon a bright sky~~~
and question myself~~~~
“why people like this ask the most obvious answer”
and slam my fist to the wall~~~~
I can’t make the Bushy Armor of Earth.. even I have all the ingredients… Is it because of the patch or do I need somethings else… The ingredients was: Giant boobs stone x30 Pussy water x50 Sexy woman wood x30 Golem coks x15 and I already got the Roper-chan slap… please help.. if anyone knows anythings about this problem !
looks like the FAQ needs activation code section :p
First time installing an eroge?
First time installing anything, I suppose.
Crack my son 🙂
error ????/??????????????????krdevui.dll??????????????????/?????????. = open crack
that happened to me to
Rofl i wont complain about u asking stupid questions because ppl like u make me think there is hope for me. thx admin this game looks hilarious.
Looks like you have a cracks in your skull mate -_-“a
first time is everything for everyone, don’t bother him my friend
Great. You made the Admin cry. Now we’re gonna have to fix this
I keep having this Issue where the game makes my mouse move to the side of the screen is this an issue from the crack provided or just me?
my own save all complete free to use it =D
This seems interesting!
Dragon girls slime girls and demon queen girl. Many thanks admin!
hmmm question…. well i didnt crack the game so this might be causing problem but i doubt it:
when i try to run the game something pops up on top of the window it says sdwrap with option yes or no if i click no nothing happens and if i click yes i get redirected to this site:
(seems there is possible to download something from this site)
and idea what that is?
a part of this is actually untranslated. just a single scene though… If you are not in Japanese locale while playing and come across it, you will see gibberish and if you keep going it will crash.
Hey can someone make or find the item list guide please? i got so confused on who to use to gather at which place to find the specific items. Thanks in advance.
Ye i need a guide at some point that devil aint gonna be satisfied with just cheap crap and alot of items haven’t been seen yet so all the expensive /hard to make stuff are undoable …
Another nukige that needs no crack. Original “Bukkake Ranch.exe” launches main.exe once the game is activated and doesn’t do much else of interest.
Running the game from main.exe works fine.
MangaGamer’s 1.02e patch works fine as well.
Sir, the part three is corrupted. And I couldn’t repair it
Oh really? thanks for the heads up…Can you tell me some good ones that i can download that work please?
Every game posted on this site works. If you have corrupted downloads etc, then it’s on your end (over 4000 people downloaded this one already and wiredlord is only one reporting problems (not counting usual folks who forget to put crack and ask for product id)).
I got it to work! I just put the cracked one in the folder with the game and it worked xD i feel stupid
So this is my first time ever downloading a eroge and i see from the comments that this works for some people and im just having trouble i downloaded every but theres a code for it what should i do in order for me to play this game
Can anyone post clear save for this? I got bored halfway through making slutstone. Share good people, share 🙂
hey Admin, will you upload Rose Guns Days Season 2? cos the patch is already out 😀
Yeah admin, When the English version of Imouto Paradise comes out, is it going to be on this site? because i don’t really have $45 to spend on it…
Not going to answer this one. I’ll ask you a question instead – is there any game translated by Mangagamer that is not posted on this site yet?…
as far as to my knowledge, you don’t have Fading Hearts.
and also when I play this game, my mouse starts acting weird and keeps flying up towards the top of my screen, is there any way to fix that?
Mangagamer didnt publish fading hearts, so I dont see how that pertains to the conversation lol
Proffesor Patrick, huh?
You just like Patrick from Spongebob Squarepants, lol
Just so you know, Fading Hearts was not translated by Mangagamer.
how you find the hidden main… I reinstalled it and it turned into 112k Application B… Rank
the game look’s great, but the 3º lins is broken, fixed pliss
I created the suit, slayer, compass, and lure but do not seem to have any purpose in the items as nothing happens even after creating them.
you have to go to some areas after it to get h-scenes
More monster girl xD…
Thx admin xD
second links not working for me it says i have 1 min 13 secs remaining before next DL!
The link works, you just can’t download more then one file at a time and at certain intervalls. Pay up if you want them to remove those restrictions.
The patch does not work it seems with the crack it still reports 1.00e and not 1.01. Secondly has anyone figured out how the fuck to get the advanced areas? I made the demon queen fall in love with me but I could never create a Vegema at all because I could never get any of the advanced areas for the advanced components! I even started a new game thinking they would be unlocked but they were not! How the fuck do you get anywhere in this game! I am so sick of trying to get the advanced unlocked!
I had 100 on all 3 jizz’s on all 4 girls and got 999 mood to get ending 4 but I can’t figure out for the life of me how to get to the damn advanced areas! Can’t even find a damn walkthru anywhere’s for this game!
advanced area can be unlocked after you have 500 jizz
Thanks for that piece of information.
I just finished the game with harem end,
anyone knows the guide to the other end I think it is 5 more
The game has three endings:
1. Create the slut stone (duh)
2. Create the full elemantal armor
3. Get muma’s mood to 999.
thanks I know how to get the end but a problem arose when I manufactured the bikini is no way to fix it?
Thanks admin, this looks like a good one!
anyone know how you get the second h-scene from the right on the botom row?
That plot is lol but it sounds like it has gameplay so that might be nice
Oh tnx admin u save me again from loneliness……….
I was checking again on Dracu-Riot but i never thought that
they just released only Elina route =((
Man….i felt empty so inside i was totally waiting for the game to be translated completely or with just 2-3 routes….
But can i ask 1 thing? the staicase sub are they still alive?
are they gonna release the other routes except for Miu?
“sori for the long post just kinda wanted to be sure if they still gonna release or complete some routes/release if not im gonna give up on Dracu-Riot and hoping someone will continue translating it”
looks interesting not sure about the item stuff
ok, problem solved, just download the patch, its posted on this site, thanks admin for this game and thanks nenawisk for the patch
Not sure if bug, but when I create the Holy bikini and go to get the H-scene, the text is untranslated and the program freezes at that screen so I can’t see the actual H-scene.
same problem here, well i do not care for the h scene (they have far to big breast), but i need the item for the 4 weapons.
Lack of tutorial so general help:
You go to breeding barn for ingredients.
Each type (Pleasure/Service/Shame) have 3 tiers, each consequent tier giving you more materials (3, 5, 7).
To unlock a new area, just keep gathering materials. It just unlocks after a certain amount of times you visit anywhere. (From what I’ve seen, not sure)
You can choose to either get the Slut’s stone or the four weapons, but don’t bother getting both.
The game will give you a bad end if you hit 100 days.
Best of luck.
How do I get the advanced materials? I guess from the advanced areas but how do I get into them in the first place if the items that unlock them require the advanced materials too?
guys, i have a problem, how to fix nsis error-error writing temporary file.. help will be appreciated !
either a bug on my end or the translation is off.
i was able to synthesize an important item (directionless compass) without actually having any “thick pussy water” lol.
—spoiler from here down—
i then got a random h scene in the woods and recieved item “roper chans sap” used to synthezise “bushy armor of earth”
can anyone confirm if its problem with game or on my end?
maybe synthesize directionless compass without thick pussy water is bug. But the H scene is part of game that appear after synthesize directionless compass
anyone know how to use cheat engine with this? I can’t figure it out.
Thank you for your prompt work, Admin. As always we appreciate it.
Hard to believe that horribly written crap like this sells better than actually good VNs like ones made by Key, Nitroplus, 07th Expansion and 0verdrive… Oh well, to each his own.
Hmhm, hard to believe, right?
But, unfortunately, I also one of them who don’t like Overdrive games, and Nitroplus games, except Phantom of Inferno.
Great… Another nukige… Are those seriously selling better than the story driven VN ?
Well maybe not, but they ARE cheaper to make. So there is a bigger profit from them compared to story driven serious stuff.
I got it to work using old patches and a iscebody exe from a different game. you have to go to where the game is located to open main.exe and it is invisible to change your settings
btw….. what happened to picture lol XD
I saw the title and immediately lauched
wow ! i love farm frenzy and farmville, maybe I should give it a try .. tnx admin! fast as always 🙂
Anyone can tell me something about this game? gameplaywise? Story/Grafic/sound
luckily nukiges are my favorite VNs so please keep em coming admin
You will get tired of fapping and start to appreciate better VNs, like everyone.
I’m not sure if you’re being sarcastic or not, but admin does a good job of it.
no sarcasm, ive downloaded some eroges from here and really apreciate all the work the admin puts on alowing people like me to read them.
prefer eroges by far over nukige but this one at least has a chance to be fun…. perhaps more than from fap to fap with nothing worth reading in between
will try it out
hope we will get to see more titles like Kamidori and Yumina thou
Me too. XD Want more titles like Alchemy Meister,Yumina aswell. 😛
Crack download link added to main post.
Great game for sure, but I wonder if there is a game trainer for this i.e. max jizz load, max items, full health etc. You can use Cheat Engine and Artmoney to a degree but the game crashes if you mess with the items or the elementals health overly much 🙁
While I agree nukige sucks for someone wanting a real VN, I must disagree that translating them is a bad choice. Quite a few of the users of this site comes for a good fap. Nukige deliver that, much faster than most eroges.
All in all, awesome speed at which we got a download. Admin, do you buy them then upload them or what?
What I don’t understand is why the people who just want to fap don’t watch hentai instead. Nukiges are not story-driven, but they still have a lot of text that you need to click through to get to the ‘good stuff’. And the h-scenes aren’t even animated, so I really don’t see why anyone would prefer nukige over hentai. :/
Different strokes for different folks, I guess. Some people like erotica in the written form, others like it visual and animated (with sound).
That said many nukige generally lack a good plotline and the narrative isn’t exactly top quality. I have yet to see a nukige as good as Monmosu Quest.
I agree. But I’ll play this one, the name is funny and the “girls” look kawaii too.
I can’t speak for everyone, but for me the reason I prefer nukige to hentai is that just still-images are kind of boring. It’s nice to have porn with a little plot, nothing too complex, but enough to at least create some kind of emotion to attach to the sex act itself, and nukige have higher production values than doujin, which makes them appealing.
I respect people who like the non-h type of eroge, but they’re not for me. the medium isn’t interactive enough to hold my attention without the promise of nudity.
tldr, I suppose: the world takes all kinds of people. XD
Downloaded the file, installed it.
There’s a hidden file labelled “main”, which seems to run the program without any problems.
(Running the Bukkake Rance application doesn’t work ofc)
“Okay, another smoking hot release – game came out 13 hours ago. You probably know the drill by now, but just a reminder – it’s not cracked yet. .exe’s from older releases might or might not work – i didn’t have time to check yet.”
Found it a bit trickier than I expected (given it’s a nukige).
Endings List:
1) Fight back! Get all of the four weapons. Don’t bother building the Eroments. (You’ll get a lot of events through this one, so it’d probably be the best first playthrough)
2) Obedience. Get all of four Eroments and then build the stone. Moderately difficult, would recommend doing 1) first.
3) Seduction. Increase the queen’s mood until you win the game. Very easy.
This is a silly question, but how do you unlock the advanced areas?
Valid question! I believe you just need to gather materials a certain amount of times. (I usually just spammed the lake one, as it gives a good amount of jizz (currency) and ingredients).
To unlock the advanced areas you need over 500 jizz.
y’know, somehow what you just said feels really wrong in many places…
Possibly a stupid question, but how do I get the Ero Ores necessary for the Eroments? Just keep training the girls?
ok i need someone to tell me how to get around the activation code anyone willing to tell me
Same here, i cant figure it out how to get the f*cking code
some people are just f*cking idiot.
Another nukige, where are all the great story eroges?
Great work as always administrator
Nukiges are cheaper to translate ( license fees, less text ) and sell better than most story-driven ones. Out of 16-ish titles that are upcomming from mangagamer, only 4 are not nukiges.
Really? only 4 Titles?
Lets see…
Kara no Shoujo 2, Cartagra, Chou Dengeki Stryker, Da Capo 3, Shuffle Really Really, Princess Evangile and d2b VS DEARDROPS
Chou Dengeki Stryker wasn’t one of the 16, so you are wrong too.
till more than 4
You both have misinformation, so drop it.
what? chou dengeki are Nukige? Dengeki Stryker was a good story eroge thou.. Why it’s expansion become a nukige?
I cant wait for Kara no Shoujo 2 and Cartagra. I want an eroge with decent plot.
why? it’s beyond me.. but oh well
source for nukiges selling better? Because I don’t believe it.
thats like saying a book with no plot sells better than a book with a plot. If you just want straight porn there’s easier ways than playing a game like this. The whole point of playing a game like this is that you get H-scenes with a story, instead of just generic H-scene pictures.
There probably sell better and faster because they are cheap and designed for that sort of things do you know how any erotic novels there are created each year with about as much of a fancy plot as this?
Hmm,hmm.. not to mention if you are looking back at this industries that when one translator corporation, Hirameki International that releases many good translated VN’s with good story went bankrupt because they also deleted H-scenes in their games, meaning this type of game more selling when they have erotic scenes, more so if it is nukige type. I’am myself not to fond of H-scenes, more not if it’s nukige type, but I prefer VN that have H-scenes fuck with the woman of your choice rather than VN without any H-scenes at all, best just watch romance genre animes then. Sorry for bad grammar.