This is a story of France, during the rule of Napolean. Although the Revolution brought with it new laws and some semblance of representative government, there are some places that never change: the dark hole known as prison. Into that hell a boy called Guys is sent. The crime is murder, and the sentence, life without the possibility of parole.
However, Guys is innocent of this crime. He was living his life as he always did, running through the city and stealing to survive when he was caught by a policeman. Before he knew what was happening he was accused of a crime he knew nothing about, hauled before a dishonest judge and found guilty of the heinous crime. But just who was killed, and why?
In prison, Guys is made to endure a world of violence and betrayal as he fights desperately to survive. Inside that world of fear and loathing, he endures in his quest for justice for himself. He finds help in unlikely places — from alcoholic lawyers and insane men in the prison with him. Eventually he begins to realize the scope of the diabolical plot he’s fallen into, but even as he works to uncover the truth, he despairs of that which he has lost. And every day, he struggles for dignity and survival, while the powerful interests who put him here look on with smirking amusement.
“I just want to be free…”
Will his strength and determination be enough to break through the hearts of his fellow prisoners? Will he be able to finally uncover the truth and find salvation?
Is this Jast USA version?
Hello, I have a question, Part 4 is the last to climb?, or is there more?
Can i play it on android mobile?? Thanks
No, this is a PC game.
I’m posting Windows games, but since they are rather simplistic in nature (usually just pictures+text), most work reasonably well with emulation, like Wine. Alternatively, you can just get virtual machine software, like bootcamp, and install windows inside MacOs.
Do I have to install another software to play this? I downloaded all the files, and I cant open it. After opened all the folders, there is file with .bin, so what should I do?
Anybody having problems with the music? Says it can’t open the .wav file
La part1.rar pour la version free ne marche pas…
Hey admin
I found your website & its amazing
Love your site
Thanks for games
Hi, I have a problem, I have windows 8.1, and the game doesnt start, it have a resolution 640x(idk) and it close when i try to start it, how can I resolve it?
a detailed procedure for windows 8 would help
1. Download Winrar and Daemon Tools Lite
2. Click DA free download
Click Part 1
Wait for timer to count down then type the code and enter
Part 1 will download (around 20 minutes)
Download all 4 parts
3. Right click Part 1 – extract files
Finish extracting files
4. Start Daemon Tools
Click Mount (green triangle)
Find where you saved the extracted files
To the bottom right of the window there will be a tab next
to the box where it says the file name
Click it and scroll down to the show all files option
5. Click the .bin file
6. Daemon Tools will mount the file
Click setup application
7. Done! Proceed to install the game
Thanks a bunch even though I’m like 5 years late XD
thank you, it’s been so long that I’ve since forgotten what to do with a .bin file.
BGM at this game is error playing and only voice in this game -_- how can i fix them?
i cant figure out how to download this game
Man, this game was good. I didn’t really like the x scenes and although I am a yaoi fan and I thought of dropping it, but continued playin’ because it was getting better. 8D
why I can’t download the file…. T T
help pliss…
hai yeah okay so I downloaded, mounted, and it worked absolutely fine the first time (back when it needed a password probably around a year ago) then I uninstalled deleted and moved on with my life.. now I did the exact same thing but it just doesn’t work. I mount it, the window thing opens I click on game start, hear a faint chime then it closes and nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
-Locale is set to Japanese
-Using Daemon Tools Lite
-VD is DT
-No corrupted data, it downloaded completely
-Nothing is missing, all 4 parts unzipped to give me 2 files
Please help
I just downloaded all the parts.
But when I extract them, all I have is two VLC media, and I can’t read them. Why can’t I play this game?
Please answer me, and thanks for taking the time to read this (:
I mounted the file and got the enzai “game start, direct x setup, uninstall the game, set up the game” menu but when I click on game start, I hear the chime that usually happens when you select an option but it gets cut off and nothing happens…
I keep getting a page with nothing but the words ‘wrong IP’ after I enter the code and click to get the download link?
Never mind I figured it out thanks so much. This rocks.
I only get a .bin file and a .cue file what am I supposed to do to play this game? I loved the Ovas and wanted to play the game but I don’t know what to do.
how to install this game i just download it and extract it then i open the folder Enzai – Falsely Accused bin file and
Enzai – Falsely Accused cue file what now plzzz help me
Thank you for the links . I downloaded all 4 without a problem . However, I`m not really sure about what I`m supposed to do next .
It doesn’t work help!!!!
How to extract those parts??? Using 7 zip or Winrar???
Both of them. You just need to save all the parts at the same past and then extract the first part. The program will gather the others for ya 🙂
I’m torn on this game, so please anyone who has already finished it, help me a bit please. The basic premise of the story is really promising, I love dark tales of this kind. But, well, yaoi is not my thing. I’m not homophobic, I’m not running away screaming if I see a yaoi picture but it doesn’t arouse me or interests me at all. So my question is: how H-heavy this game is? If the focus is on the story, then I go for it. If the story is just there as an excuse for yaoi rape scenes and most of the reading time is about naked men humping each other, then I leave it promptly alone. I know, I should read a few reviews or something but I don’t want to spoil myself with those.
I was really iffy on this game because it’s apparently SO rape-y, although I admit that I’m a yaoi fan. I wasn’t up for bloody CG art – the plot was what finally made me decide to download it and give it a shot, and it’s quickly become my favorite PC game ever. (And the CGs aren’t even that graphic as far as violence, although they’re uncensored.)
It IS fairly heavy on the rape, in all honesty, but you’ll find that it doesn’t even feel that much like a yaoi game, because the sex is something the character tries to avoid, although as a part of gameplay it’s unavoidable. It’s different from the majority of yaoi games in that the main character insists that he’s HETEROsexual and DOESN’T enjoy any of the sex.
Like I said, I like yaoi, but these scenes usually leave me yelling at my computer because I made a wrong turn in the hallway and am now being gangraped (or brutally beaten or having my face ground into the floor, etc.) Nothing really sensual about it at all. I HAVEN’T finished the entire game, and I suspect there ARE some paths that could be sexual in a very different way, but I haven’t played them yet. 99% of what I’ve seen is either painful or shameful.
So even not being a yaoi fan, if the story sounds like your kind of thing, I would 100% say to go for it. I don’t play it for the yaoi, in any way. I’m all about the plot and characterization and convincingly dark and oppressive setting.
Good, then I give this a try. Thank you for your detailed reply, it really halped me!
oh nooo… my eyes hurt…. it hurt really bad…. and my ass to….XP
I get the message “CRC failed in Enzai¥Enzai- Falsely Accused.bin. The volume is corrupt.” When it gets to part two
I’ve re-downlaoded this part multiple times, with both mirrors but keep getting the same message
I’m finished with playing the game. The end did really shocked me a lot!!! This is really sad….
One of my favorite games! It’s interesting, if a bit dark. Including lots of rape. But there’s some sweet scenes that make up for it (in my mind at least since I’m not a big fan of rape scenes). My favorite path is Lusca’s, But the hidden character is ok too.
I downloaded the parts and unzipped them, but it says the file from part 2 is corrupt. Part 1 seems to be okay and I installed it and attempted to play and my screen went black. I had to restart my computer. Solutions please?
! CRC failed in Enzai¥Enzai- Falsely Accused.bin. The file is corrupt.
! Unexpected end of archive
! Packed data CRC failed in Enzai¥Enzai- Falsely Accused.bin. The volume is corrupt.
You didn’t download all parts, or the files downloaded incompletely. Redownload.
I get the message “CRC failed in Enzai¥Enzai- Falsely Accused.bin. The volume is corrupt.” When it gets to part two
I’ve re-downlaoded this part multiple times, with both mirrors but keep getting the same message
Help please?
Hey! i found a sort of solution to your problem. What you have to do is download all file rars first. Then, select all four parts using ctrl+click. Then right click and select extract files. This will extract all four parts to the one file in your downloads folder, or wherever you stored the game. Then, using Daemontools Lite (which is free), you can search for and mount the file. It will work, trust me 😀
oh crap , lol i just downloaded Yaoi >_> , ops , anyway i can take anime like no moeny or something but not h game 🙂
! C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Enzai Falsely Accused.part1.rar: CRC failed in the encrypted file Enzai Falsely Accused\Enzai – Falsely Accused.cue. Corrupt file or wrong password.
! C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Enzai Falsely Accused.part1.rar: CRC failed in the encrypted file Enzai Falsely Accused\Enzai – Falsely Accused.bin. Corrupt file or wrong password.
help anyone?
! C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Enzai Falsely Accused.part1.rar: CRC failed in the encrypted file Enzai Falsely Accused\Enzai – Falsely Accused.cue. Corrupt file or wrong password.
! C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Enzai Falsely Accused.part1.rar: CRC failed in the encrypted file Enzai Falsely Accused\Enzai – Falsely Accused.bin. Corrupt file or wrong password.
and this
Hello, I just installed the game but the BGM wont work please help me if you can.
Thank you, I was trying to unzip the old ones… gomen
I either find the password… T_T Help, plis…
There is no password needed for those files.
The password needed. “erogedownload.com”, I just checked the files and this is the password. Thanks again for uploading these VN.
Kind reagards
The passwords is needed*.
Kind regards*
It seems I’m not fine today… And it’s like shira-chan says below, it’s the old files we’re using. Thanks
Where did you find those files anyway – i removed all passworded archives like half a year ago…
Well… We downloaded the archives long time ago, so don’t worry about it, we found it in your website. Thanks for your concern. 🙂
Ok, this may sound stupid, but…
Why can’t I find the password? O.O
i wonder why there are almost no translated yaoi games?
i dont mean on this site just in general
I’m entirely new to this, so I’m not really sure what to do. I downloaded both parts, and in winRAR they appear as VLC media player files but VLC cannot read the file. Is there something I need to download to play these? I’m entirely confused on how to make the downloads actually work so that I can play them. Can someone please help me figure out what is wrong?
Those are not VLC video files, but disc images – you’re supposed to mount them and install the game from it. There are detailed instructions in “F.A.Q.” section of website.
i love yaoi and BL is the best ever!!!!! lol and yoai does rule
Ffff, never mind. W-why can’t I delete my own comment ;;.
Turns out, trying to unzip it in Program Files was a mistake. Downloads folder = success.
Aaah, I doubt this’ll be seen, but just in case —
I downloaded the parts, but when I try to unzip and enter in the password, these messages are returned:
! C:\Program Files (x86)\Eroge\Enzai%20Falsely%20Accused.part1.rar: Cannot create Enzai Falsely Accused\Enzai – Falsely Accused.cue
! The system cannot find the path specified.
! C:\Program Files (x86)\Eroge\Enzai%20Falsely%20Accused.part1.rar: Cannot create Enzai Falsely Accused\Enzai – Falsely Accused.bin
! The system cannot find the path specified.
! C:\Program Files (x86)\Eroge\Enzai%20Falsely%20Accused.part2.rar: Cannot create folder Enzai Falsely Accused
! Access is denied.
yaoi rules!!!
=$ i still dont know why i like yaoi
Hey, sorry, it seems the password given above only works for Enzai20Falsely20Accused.part1.rar, but doesn’t work for Enzai20Falsely20Accused.part2.rar? Thanks. ^_^
Note: For those who can’t tell (since it’s not quite stated in the description), this is male-male eroge. It’s also largely prison rape that focuses more on “ow ow oh god it hurts so much” than any sort of romance or sexiness.
So… No real plot? I’ve been looking after this since a while ago (the French revolution part got me in), but I refuse to play it, since it’s a yaoi. I have even looked for a censored version, but no luck.
Glad to know this isn’t worth more searching.
Ummmm actually there is a plot, it’s not related to the french revolution. The plot is the main character trying to prove that he is innocent, hence the “Falsely Accused!”.
It is yaoi but it does have romance, just the rapes are not romantic… So non of that “rape born of love” or “you raped me and now I love you” bullshit. Here rape is rape and love is love, they basically never meet and when they do it’s more like an unwanted eye opener than “i love you because you raped me”.
It is NOT PWP, but it is yaoi, how you searched for this game and never realized it was yaoi until now is beyond me, because this is one of the most famous yaoi games here in the west, mostly because it was the first yaoi game to be translated into english. Why they choose to translate the one filled with unavoidable rape is beyond me… I can think of quiet a few better options, but whatever, now you know.
The story is good though. The atmosphere too. Finale ala “A few good men” if you’re able to catch my drift.