This is a kill or be killed brutal and deadly love story. Can you stay alive all the way to the ending?
The girls are all violently possessive and go head over heels after sex. Every single one of them is sick!!
Please be aware that there are elements in the story that the faint of heart may find too grotesque.
Honestly, everyone says that the main character is a womanizing asshole. What I don’t understand is why, since the main character finds all the girls to be annoying, just why does he have sex with them? I’ve been rejected for having a penis that’s only 7 inches long, yet the rejection based on penis size doesn’t bother me to this day — I’m not that desperate for sex.
Maybe the common viewpoint about the main character is correct, but then I started to think about how all these women are crazy, and that the main character isn’t a womanizing asshole, he’s a fucking idiot.
I appreciate your honesty smol pee-pee man.
The fact is, you managed to court a woman. You forged a bond with her through friendship, and mutual trust. After 2 years of dating and meeting eachothers family you decided to take your relationship to the next level. As you were kissing her, making her hot and heavy. You finally pulled out your below average, seven-inch-long mini penis. And she burst into laughter. She lost all the respect for you that you built over the years. You tried to shove it in, but she blocked her pussy. “Come back when you have an average-sized foot-long schlong” she said. After that night she stopped answering your calls. She ended your friendship. And her family and friends laugh at you. But you didnt let it get you down. And for that, here’s your crown king, the one you dropped. Personally, I reccomend dating shorter women. Petite girls who are 5″2 and below. Tall girls have long vaginas, and short girls have short ones. Shorty’s gonna complain that you’re slamming her cervix. but at least to her, you’re just the right size.
For those who can’t unlock the last 3 CGs:
A. Do her
B. Go eat with Maika
C. Tell everyone to get out
D. Accompany Maika
E. Tell Saki I need to use the bathroom
F. Invite Saki to do it
G. Go to Maika as usual
H. Escape to the restroom
I. Find a way to escape
J. Hear her out
K. Just a little bit should be fine
In case anyone got stuck with the installation like me, here’s how it went for me.
What you need:
1. Download the Japan language pack on your computer.
2. Change your region to Japan. Google if you need help.
3. Locale Emulator already downloaded. Make sure the locale is already set to Japan. (May require a restart or shutdown)
4. A Virtual Driver (DAEMON Tools Lite or PowerISO) to open a .bin file
1. After downloading all the game files and english patch, extract both yandere files. The new folder will contain a .bin file and a .cue file. Extract the english patch.
2. You’re going to need a virtual driver because Windows 10 won’t mount it for you. Try DAEMON Tools Lite because it’s free. Download Daemon and make and add a drive. Uncheck the promotional software while your installing DAEMON to avoid useless downloads.
3. Go back to the .bin file and open it with DAEMON Tools. The disk should have appeared in your file manager.
4. IMPORTANT! Find the “Install” application. Right-Click on it and use Locale Emulator Run in Japanese (Admin).
5. A new window should appear in japanese font for the installation. Continue the installation by clicking the middle button. The button with a “N”. The check marks are for a desktop icon and a automatic pop up. Stop the automatic pop up by unchecking the box on the last page (When there are only to buttons left).
5. Go copy the files in the english patch.
Go to installment folder for the game application in your program files.
“C:/Program Files/NEKOMARUDOW/NEKO20/NEKO20”
Paste the files and overwrite all.
6. Right-click the Yandere application and run in Locale Emulator.
Good luck.
Heyo, so I tried what you did,except when I right clicked on the Install.exe file in UltraIso, the Locale Emulator option didn’t appear even though I installed it. Any help would do.
Disregard that, I tried to copy the files from the English Patch to the installment folder to rewrite it, but it says “There is not enough space on GAME_20. You need 197 MB to copy these files.
You install the patch in the folder within your computer (C:programfiles/nekomaru or something/NEKO20/NEKO20. Not inside the Mounted disc drive or else it’d say not enough mb.
Everyone, make sure to install using Locale Emulator and open the game with Locale Emulator. – this worked for me.
I got the game to work finally but there is no voice sound? is that normal?
Problems with the Maika glitch:
I found the location of the saves, at least in my case.
C:\Users\[your name here]\AppData\Roaming\RenPy
I’m about to see if it works
Actually nevermind, it turned out to be files from another game. I’ll keep looking
I found it, try this:
C:\Users\[you]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\NEKOMARUDOW\NEKO20\NEKO20
It won’t be there if you haven’t started the game yet. Start it then close it and delete the save. I deleted all of NEKOMARUDOW just to be safe. Now you can start the game to see if it worked.
how tf to make it work in windows 10 … when i start the game it shows me japanese writing and then crashes
Cannot get game past load screen, which gives a pop up in Japanese and then closes
I have jap locale and directx
Problem solved! I hadnt properly mounted the file in powerISO
when i download these files. i only get two vlc media files and cant do anything with them.i have tried redownloading it multiple times to see if my internet was messing up and wasnt downloading things properly. Please help.
mount the file YANDERE.cue in daemontools or power iso, then run it normaly
still not working installing is giving errors and when you try to start the game it give this little blue screen and wont start can anyone help me with this shit ? cuz i really wanna play this game
Right after i start the game, i get the disclaimer screen and then it crashes after displaying something in japanese that i obviously cant read. what to do?
i patched everything correctly
Hey, for those of you having problems having a crash after saving the game or having problems with the Maiko glitch (glitch where maiko’s sprite is stuck on screen). I’m here to help. I’m not a member here, but I’m always willing to help people and make friends. My computer IQ is pretty high. So, let me help you guys who are having problems with the game….
Ok, for the Maiko glitch, that’s because half of everyone or if not, most people made the mistake of not deleting the save folder before starting the game. This was explained on a text file from another site. I’m not sure if you guys received the text for this one. But, you have to delete the save folder before you start the game, because there’s a glitch in the original save that Maiko’s sprite ends up being stuck on. So, once she appears, she doesn’t go away. So, before starting the game, delete the save folder and then you may continue and save as many times as you want.
Ok, now to fix the crash. First of all, if any of you received a crash after the girl says, “you really don’t like the heat, don’t you”, that’s because there’s a save glitch. To get past that, just start up your save before that save (not the same save file) and continue the game from there and just skip all unread texts until you reach the part you need. Problem fixed!
Also, don’t forget to start the game after changing the region to Japanese locale. If not, the game wont even start. Anyways, I know a lot of good visual novels and am an enthusiast when it comes to this stuff. I’m always willing to help. Admins, you have my email, so email me if you need me. I’m not a member here, so you’ll need to email me. I enjoy helping people when I can. I’m busy a lot of the time, but when I get free time, I’ll do what I can.
For the love of god thank you my good man. (I’m too lazy to read all the damn readme’s of these eroges i try)
Even when I delete the Save folder, Maika’s glitch is still here.
Im trying to add the english patch as the readme file says but it says the drive where teh game is is full and it doesnt let me delete teh original file, what do i do?
having the same problem… i feel uninstalling now
Mount the que sheet file using Daemon Tools.
i just wanna install the game but i dont know how to. the thing is, when I extract the rar file, there’s only .bin and .cue files,so how do i install them since the other game only need the .mdf file.
I really appreciate any solution.
Ok I’m just curious, I haven’t had the time yet, but is there at least ONE ending where the main character DOESN’T die a (more or less) horrid death? I assume that there is none but it would be interesting^^
yes there is.
Is it me or there’s no sound in the game? Only background music? Is there really no voice actress?
really doesn’t.
when i extracted the files it just contains some videos and not the game
Never mind I reinstalled and it worked. I think I started the game and then patched it, instead of patching it first before starting the game. Hope this helps somebody.
Anybody getting a CG error of Maiko constantly on screen no matter what? No idea how to fix it. Thanks
it says it needs cd to play. what should i do?
anyone got a 100% walkthru?
I finish installing it and I use power ISO, but it says no CD. What should I do? Help
haha.. its not scary enough to me.. anyone can tell another game like this .. if you can … >¦-j
Check out Saya no Uta if you haven’t already. It’s also pretty nightmare inducing, but with more of a Lovecraftian theme.
My shrink is going to have a field day after this… I wonder if I should force her to watch this with me? >:D
hey im having trouble with this game i open it and it comes up with the disclaimer and the click to continue then an infomation window comes up and it doesnt let me click to continue 🙁 please help
it keeps saying “this file does not have a program associated with it” whenever i try and open in, help?
there is some Error saying something about Dist…. BTW im using ULTRAISO to unmount it… help plzz…
Do i need Daemon tools, or ISO for every of the game? Or just thing that can use rar or zip files?
This game… Omagad. Oh my fucking god. I recommend it, but it’s really painfull for us, readers. IT FOLLOWS. THESE GIRLS FOLLOWS.
mmm, your comments are just making me want to download this game..
ok i read all comments, curious about it so i’ve played
things run crazy as the characters is psychopath yandere, since i love kawai girls but shitty personality is… oh well o_o
but hey, still good games and worth to try!
Just want to make u guys know that there is one game just like this and its REALLY F*KING WORTH TO TRY the tittle says “Yandere Simulator” and the tittle does it, still beta though!! im just recommending if u love this “yandere”, worth to try that one..
I also know yandere Simulator game it’s one of the best beta games, and I download every single update, I also liked this game (I whatched a vídeo), and I will download it.
I simply love this game, thanks for uploading it.
opps i aciddently hit reply. sorry -.-
I dare say this was the BEST H Game i EVER Played…I enjoyed it thoroughly…Admin are there more games like this???
so when i try to start i get this , (syntax error, unexpected T_sYMBOL, expecting “)”)
what do i do?
After reading the comments I’m starting to think I shouldn’t download this game…
I think you should after all it’s a yandere game. Yandere is a person that can do anything for getting the one that the person loves and it can reaches one point that kills ,person that loves beacuse it isn’t on a relationship with him/her, so it should be a scary game, also sorry for my bad english :p.
when i open it, it says syntax error t-symbol. what should i do?
Play it at 2 AM with headset with maximum volume and play it alone in your room for better gaming experience until you cant sleep just like me T_T
Finish playing this game yesterday and I must say, the only time I could get to play it was at night after 11 going pass 2. It, it wasn”t that bad. Scary, mess up and wow, didn’t see that coming but still, i stayed strong and slept soundly at nights.
daemon tools doesnt see the yandere.exe so i cant mount it. help plz
Why don’t you try magic iso? Download the full cracked version, it’s a premium program, but if you download the cracked one it’s for free, hope it helps :).
I ran the cue file and I ran the install application from the virtual disk, although the game is in Japanese. Any help? I`m opening from Neko20 if that ever changes or I did something wrong.
Never mind I`m an idiot, forgot that there was a patch I needed to get. Sorry Guys.
You’re note alone. I was looking for the problem from one hour… Before notice the patch.
i want to download it, and it took forever, i extracted both parts and then i had a cue and a bin, i didnt know what to do so i just made the .bin an iso and im really confused, can anyone help me?
Bad endings… Bad endings everwhere… still… good one, Admin! Thanks!
to dowload this game which link do i press or isit all?
Hei can this game been played on android phone or it only support to PC. I want to play thos but have no PC
Yandere is a competitive team-based tactical FPS. This game is well balanced with excellent maps and voice acting. It is the best game I’ve ever played in my life. The weapons are amazing too. Every little choice you make counts towards whether you win or lose. Do not let your teammates down.
10/10 more competitive than CS:GO and DOTA combined.
Also don’t play this at 3 AM
hey my game got nosound of voice, any idea how to fix it?
How do I install the patch? This is my first download so I have no clue what I’m doing ;-;
O_O maiko’s ending…
nice game. little short and gets repetitive really quick (when going after all the endings) but still good fun!
How Can I Download It Cos I Dont Know How To Download It Cause The Links Dont Work Yeah It Works But It Brings Me Tho An Other Site What must i do tho have the game ? Please Help Me ?
anyone running 7zip have the problem of the part 2 file .bin file being broken?
Hey, y’all need to fuck off and die with these spoilers.
Hey can anyone help me? I go to the site for the free download and it keeps saying sending file, but nothing happens?
Does anyone know why I keep getting this error? http://oi62.tinypic.com/111jez5.jpg (Sorry if I’m bothering anyone! I hope someone replies D:)
CD not inserted?
Try playing the game with Daemon Tools Lite running the .cue file
i have question, what happened to his parent?? Don’t subaru fate will be saved if the parent come home?? or the parent already….d**d??
(O,O) this game is sick recommend not to play this around 2-3 AM
i`ve played this game… before i download this game, i read the comments and i just laughing while thinking you guys just making funny joke about this game, so i try it… but oh my god, WTF with this game?!!! i always got bad ending and i getting scare as that creepy music play….
the description is funny hahauifwhejwo laugh out loud
OMG Maiko’s bad ending. She seemed so innocent too…
There is only bad ending you know ?
Well, it didn’t even took 5 Minutes for me to start hating the main character. Guess that’s good, I won’t feel too sorry for him later on.
It is as the description says.
JESUS CHRIST! The guy manages to get hitched with a normal woman but then gets obliterated! WTF is this game?!
gah, those yandere faces, combined wiith that creepy music, plus that feeling of guilt .. its so scary i feel like either running away or pissing myself!
Do NOT play this game at 2-3 am …
I read your comment , being like “meh , can’t be so scary, its just an eroge right?”.
So i played it at 2-3am.
Damn this is scary. i’m stressed out at every choice i make… god they are creepy T_T
Play at three in mornin, ok got it, thx
Too late…
Enjoyed it:/
omg im playing it at night… im creep out af
Geez now that i read it im actualy scared too… but its still eroge game so all i have to do is turn down audio and maybe i will be safe.
Those comments still creeps me out…..
how does 4 am work then?
you are wrong no matter what yandere’s are amazing and if i could i would love to have a yandere in love with me. plus sexually attractive in blood
I was with you up until the “sexually attractive in blood” part. I still love yandere’s though.
how to install if you downloaded the parts cause the 1-click download won’t work :/
You’re gonna need winrar (or a sth similar) and Daemon Tools Lite (or sth similar)
1.) Unzip the first part with winrar. This will automatically unzip the second part as well, which will give you a folder called “Yandere” in which you can find a .bin and a .cue-file
2.) Mount the .cue-file with Daemon Tools Lite
3.) Install the game (the installer is in japanese, but you can just click to continue)
4.) Once you installed the game locate the folder where you installed the game. With the standard installation it should be in Programs (x86) -> NEKOMARUDOW -> Neko20 -> Neko20 (Note: This is NOT a mistake).
5.) Unzip the English-Patch and replace the Data.xp3 in the second Neko20 folder with the one you found in the patch folder.
6.) Now use the YANDERE.eXe to run the game. It should start now. If you get a blue window and the game won’t start you have to delete the “Save” folder within the Neko20 folder. Now it should run without a problem.
Sorry if it’s hard to follow, English isn’t my first language, but I hope this will help you or anybody who has problems.
Where is the save? I can’t see it anywhere in the neko20 folders ><
Depends on which you look for:
The regular save files of the japanese Version should be, like I already said, in the Neko20 folder. (I have to add that I’m not sure wether this folder is created with installing the game since I started the japanese Version up before installing the english patch, so it might not be there if you didn’t start the game in japanese)
If you’re looking for the English save files, they are saved somewhere else. I’m not 100% sure about the exact place, since I already finished and deleted the game, but I backed up my save files and they should be found somewhere around C-> User -> (Username) -> AppData -> and then either Roaming or Local (some of these folders are hidden, so you might have to unhide them first). In one of these folders you’ll find a folder named KillerQueen-En (something like that at least), wherein you can find the english save files.
Again, sorry for not knowing the exact spot anymore, but I hope I was able to help you. If you still don’t find what you’re looking for or it still doesn’t work, you probably did something wrong.
Argh, forgive me, I’m an idiot. I was talking about the wrong game. xD I really shouldn’t do this in the middle of the night.
But still, the YANDERE save files should be somewhere in AppData as well. ^^
The voice is missing T^T Pls help..
It’s normal. This game is unvoiced.
how do you replace files?
Did everything you told me, but I still get Error messages during Installation
And of course: Do not forget to set your system locale to “Japan”, otherwise none of this will work. If you don’t know how this works, look at the FAQ, they show it there.
Maiko is always on the screen. even on scenes she isn’t in.
Well, the protaganist kinda deserves it……kinda…
Actually, he deserved it
Admin I am having an issue, i actually just copied the entire neko folder to my HDD and then renamed it, but when i try to execute the yandere.exe it comes out a debuging window and an error comes , saying something like “unexpected T_SYMBOL expecting “)” i hope someone can help out
Ok, I’ve deleted the save folder and even reinstalled the game and yet Maika is still stuck on screen. How else can I fix this?
I can’t seem to find the save menu. I tried pressing esc and right-clicking, but it only makes the screen darker. Am I missing something here?
Man, I’m about to going crazy just by playing this game! I’ll uninstall it, I tell you. Such a heart attack game.
Well, about my last post.
The last 3CGs aren’t unlockable, but i checked the game files and found them, guess what?!
They aren’t unlockable cause they are just slightly yellow-ish version of the last unlockable CG…
Well that’s it guys, try follow every route just to check the small changes from the girl’s speech cause the CGs aren’t worth the trouble :/
Here is a link with all CG’s:
Okay, i have done everything to install to the game. It even runs fine but its in japanese. I tried to move the english patch to the file but it says i dont have enough room. What do i do?
When Maika said “Could you step on me down there” or whatever she actually said, and Subaru says “…what?” I laughed so hard! Yeah, that is an appropriate response to that request, I’d say.
Wow. Subaru, you piece of shit. Most other protagonists from VNs aren’t selfish asholes, so they would first of all only pursue one girl (and wouldn’t just fuck them the first chance he got), they would TALK with these girls about their obviously serious attachment problems (amongst others), and they would try to help them! Damn, this guy deserves what he gets.
Hey people!
I’m doing a flowchart with all possible outcomes for all choices possible, just for your pleasure hahaha 🙂
Well, I’m half done, maybe in a week or two I finish it.
So, just to not make you guys bored:
-The 3 Last CGs aren’t obtained by the hidden blackjack game.
-Although may look like the texts are pretty much the same despite what you choose, in some routes, they change! Like with Yummi visit and when she tries to break into your house at past midnight, there are other things mentioned/done but they seem to happen just once.
I have problem, whenever I finish a visual novel, I usually uninstall it and put the save file on my dropbox. The problem is that I can’t fin the save file for Yandere. Help would be appreciated.
*Spoilers* “Maybe”
Their is no really good endings, you either die or get crucified to a chair. The Olympics ending that’s satisfactory is where that psycho gets hit by the car, the option to “Fight Back” is there but that works about as well as putting a fire out with gasoline. But still after all that pretty funny.
Err nevermind, I see that it doesn’t.
That’s odd. Why is there an option to adjust voice volume? Are the files just missing (like with the maid game- which I found the voice files for separately)?
Are there supposed to be voices? There is an option to adjust the voice volume but I don’t hear anything…
I played this and I didn’t find the protagonist character to be that of someone deserving death just some high school boy who wants sex. Not saying he isn’t an asshole but just not to the point where he should die, women kinda overreacted. His character kinda reminds me of Dennis Reynolds from Always sunny.
cant delete the Data.xp3 says i don’t have enough room. So i cant use the english patch. Any way to fix this?
Didn’t really have problems with installing (after changing to jap locale etc.)
It really is a … unique game.
I’m so happy that i survived with my first try. ^^ Anyway, i hated the main character but still, i played him, so i didnt want to die. In the end, the game was pretty nice but i really had my problems with the character of the ‘You’ because he is such an asshole. ._.
this is a really really messed up game… some scary shit going on i tell you
what exactly do you mean by delete your save folder? I am having this same problem but am confused by what you mean here.
On your main game directory, there is a save folder. If you have problems with characters stuck on your game, deleting this folder will help on this.
admin i download Part 1 and 2 and extract it to folder but i cnt find the exe the only i can see is Yandere.cue Yandere.bin
please help me
Wow… I died already…(searches on wiki)… -_-‘ figures…
…Maika character does not disappear after her conversation…though it doesnt bug me much….its does only when there is a cut scenes ==
If you delete your save folder, it will return to normal.
I had the same problem. Thank you very much Aaron 🙂
how do I get to the game help !
I to am having the problem where maika is stuck on my screen. help please?
mutilating the body and eating human meats and internal organs is something else under “normal” category but, get turned on and start fapping from it is under presumption you have sexuality disorder. Simply, you got screws loose in your dick.
For those of you having issues trying to download this.
1. Download the files (part 1 & 2) along with the English patch.
2. Select the two game files and extract them. When this is done you will be left with a a .bin and .cue file along with a html link.
3. Open Daemon lite tools (or go download it if you don’t already have it then open it up).
4. Create a virtual hard drive and mount the .bin onto it.
5. Open the file up from the virtual drive.
6. Try the install.exe. If you aren’t able to do this step then skip to step 8.
7. Copy everything in the English patch into the folder that you installed or copied. If successfully up to this step then you should be able to play the game. Find the YANDERE.eXe file and give it a go.
8. If you are unable to get the install.exe to work then copy the NEKO20 folder somewhere you want the game to be. Rename the folder to Yandere to match the folder with the game title. Go to step 7 after you have done this.
ain`t working for me i tried both and the yandare.EXE always dissappear. HELP please 🙁
I am having a issue, i actually just copied the entire neko folder to my HDD and then renamed it, but when i try to execute the yandere.exe it comes out a debuging window and an error comes , saying something like “unexpected T_SYMBOL expecting “)” i hope someone can help out
hola he descargado los archivos me salen en win. rar pero solo me han salido vidios uno de 1k y otro de 600k pero nada de juego a tmb me sale unlink para ir a la pagina dond estamos en este momento jejejee me podrian dar una ayuda plz gracias
Es mejor que aprendas inglés. Mira, muchas personas en los comentarios han puesto posibles soluciones a tu problema.
Aunque, después de leer bien tu comentario.. AMIGO, lo que tienes que hacer es descargar DAEMON Tools Lite. Si mal no recuerdo está en inglés el programa. Con este programa podrás ejecutar esos “videos” (en realidad sólo tienen el ícono de un disco, no son videos) o imágenes de disco (“disc images” o “CD images” en inglés) como si en verdad tuvieras el disco de instalación del juego. La información del disco real está en esas imágenes de disco. Además, no sólo podrás ejecutar este juego, sino cualquier otra imagen de disco de cualquier juego, hasta otros programas que no sean juegos. No he descargado este juego, pero estoy casi segura de que va a ser así:
Tienes que abrir las imágenes de disco del juego con el DAEMON. Primero descomprime el contenido de los dos .rar donde quieras. Abres DAEMON Tools Lite y le pones Agregar (“Add”). Tiene un ícono de un gran “más” verde. Busca la ubicación de las imágenes de disco. Primero abre el más pesado, éste es la primera parte. Luego añade o agrega el otro. Ahora los dos van a estar en la lista del menú del DAEMON. Da doble clic en el primero. Se pondrá a instalar. Cuando te pida el disco dos dale doble clic en el segundo archivo y dale en Continuar.
Creo que eso es todo porque hace tiempo que no lo uso. Yo también me hacía bolas la primera vez que quise ejecutar las imágenes de disco en el DAEMON Tools Lite. No te preocupes, sólo ejecuta la primera parte y todo lo demás va salir fácil.
From the title is too awesome!!!!!!!!
This is going to be awesome.
Umm is there really cannibalism in this? I know this game is F***ing crazy but seriously, cannibalism?
can we play this using windows XP
The game runs fine on windows 8 except there is no voices. music words fine. volume is up i checked the settings. i tried both the original and english data.xp3 s. not sure what is wrong.
This game doesn’t have voices.
Here’s the full walkthrough for those who need it:
hello i am new in here so im a noob so i have follow all the instruction and when i install it there’s a somewhat blue back ground note pad and some errors too can someone help me out and also it say something about unrecognised symbols.
how to change japanese local?
I love This Game!!!!!
in cases like these you need to download DAEMON Tools Lite then mount the CCD file
when I open up the game it says I need to put the CD in does this mean I need to buy the game because I thought all the files could be downloaded from here?
download Daemon tools lite, and mount the file that says Disc Image File. That should take care of that problem
does the game have voice sounds? ’cause a friend of mine played it but he said that this game has no voice sounds…
spoiler moar faggot fuck you hard
is there a walkthrough? i cant complete the CG set at all please help! i fisnished all their gruesome endings and the part where he kills yuumi ,and accidentaly kills saki but i cant get to make him to kill maika. plus i cant get the part where saki pushes him into the street too..
yeah me too after installing it and try to play it theres only a little box when I click it theres a blue window that has ha writting of a box and a question mark then there says that it cannot be played
Set your local system to japan and see if that works.
I have a question – does this game have character voices?
There is character voices, but it’s only on the last scenes of the route. I can remember one of them is Saki saying “Subaru-chan DAISUKI” while she was giving him a blowjob on a chair (P.S. His arms were nailed to the chair)
Where it says “I love you, so I want to []ill you” in the main menu, if you press that small square you’ll get a mini game, fully voice acted with all characters which makes you wonder if that was their original idea and the VN was done afterwards since it contains no voice acting.
The small square can be hard to hit at times but you do get a sound notification when you hover over the right place to press
What is this mini game the way people only vaguely mention it makes me slightly afraid to even try and play it
its a blackjack game where u have to win to unlock the last 3 cgs i think. i have yet to beat any of them >.<
I beat all 3 and each one gave me a Game Over. So I have no idea how to unlock the last ones.
you can either be nailed to a chair, eaten, chainsawed in your sleep, repeatedly stabbed while having anal sex with a chick insane enough to sew her Yahoo shut or you end up accidentally(and intentionally) killing one of the three \heroines\. Yeah, there’s no way out. He should’ve kept it in his pants even though he may have ended up badly anyways.
I am fairly certain that your missing a few endings as, if I’m not mistaken, there are 9(?) endings with at least 5 of them being considered bad.
Hey any tips on how to install, as in step by step, since the process starts in whatever the hecknese I’m kinda lost
hey i can’t run this game -_-
Yandere visual novels tend not to have a translation, in fact I can’t think of any really. This is a first. I’ve already played this as I am a fan of the genre. The story is basically about a guy who is a womanizing asshole. I presume the author does this so you don’t feel sorry for him when things go horrible for him. To be honest, I hate playing games where the main character is an unlike-able asshole; but, this is worth playing, if only, for the yandere-ness and guro scenes. Should you bother, downloading this then? Hell yes! I’m 90% sure it’s way different from what most of you guys play.
I’m pretty sure keade from shuffle is a yandere
Kaede is only a yandere in the anime to get more views
Man, I don’t know, really… After reading some of the comments I am like “I shouldn’t play this” Then there’s the Cannibalism tag there… I’ve already downloaded everything though… So I’ll take my chances, any last minute advice before playing?
Just my opinion..you should play it.
The graphic not really nice but the starting of the game makes you wanna see how ‘You’ in the game get killed in everyway you could think of….’You’ is a total jerk =.=
MaineCharacter is such a dick that he deserves every ending in this game ;P
I dunno, I kind of like him. I haven’t met another rapey pervert who’s more of a cunt than Rance before. At least Rance treats his ladies well.
the cannibalism tag is for yuumi so dont cuz i got that TT^TT
Why does maika always stuck in my screen?
Maika is stuck for me too! It’s really frustrating…
you need daemon tools or try opening it with winrar and extract the content so you wont need to install it
im done downloading it and extracting it but the only ones that came out are 2 BIN files and a website
wait…this isnt voiced… then whats the purpose ofthe oice config in the menu? yeesh and iwas even expecting their yandere-dere voices too
Damn, not even 5 minutes in and I already dislike mc.
well when im installing the game some data missing and at last error with blue screen
i need help
None of the CGs in the last page(page 6) appear even though i think i finished all the routes. what to do :(?
For the last 3 CGs to appear you have to make it so that Saki appears at the end of Maika route just like she does in Yuumi’s.
When I try to move the patch into the instalation folder it says that \There is not enough space on GAME_20. You need an aditional 20 megabytes to copy\. I tried deleting the file I’m replacing first to make room but it wont let me delete it.
could a kind soul Please Help?
Read older comments, answer is somewhere there
Alright, I was trying to avoid the spoilerific comments but I’ll try and find it. Thanks for the direction
And I just read through the comments and as far as I can see there isn’t an explanation to my problem anyway
I need to figure that out too, Im having a dickens of a time figuring this out and Ive been doing everything I can think of ALL day. Someone help ;~;
I’ve had that problem with installing English VN patches before and the only way I could figure out how to do it is to edit the ISO file using MagicISO. The free version lets you output ISOs less than 300MB, which this is. Basically, you’ll have to open both the game files and the patch files in MagicISO, then combine them to create a new ISO, which you can then mount. Hope this helps a little.
Actually I think Maika’s route was the best. I loved that ending of hers, the one she kills the protagonist.
oh, i forgot, how can i change my sistem to japanese local? its giving me some bugs and they said it could fix them.
wow,,,, im already downloading it cuz im a sadist but all those coments,,,,,, this will be good
OMFG Ive been trying to add the english patch this whole freaking day and no luck. The game works fine except that it has kanji instead of english. PLZ HELP!!!
HAH!!! UR ALL A BUNCH A SISIES. i’m definately trying this. after saya no uta nothing could possibly faze me now.
according to every comment here… guuhh… i don’t have the guts to try it out 🙁
Damn the MC is shuch a dick…
It’s almost frightening how stupid the MC is. They must have intentionally made the protagonist this much of a moronic dick in order to draw out every opportunity for yandere reactions.
My computer treats the file as Dvd-R, so I’m unable to replace the data.xp3 for the English patch. Any sudgestions?
I got blue screen when i click “Yandere.exe”… What should i do to fix thix problem?
omfg i got too fired up to play this after reading all those comments
When i try to install it… There is malware virus detected(my antivir is avira).. so there is no “yandere.exe” do you have a solution for this problem?
Avira sux, it detects most .exe’s as virus
just deactivate it and install it, or make an exception on a rute and install it there.
strange why is the english patch is so big?
I thought I could take any kind of Mindfuck but Maika’s route was……Shiver….
the only good ending is when Saki gets *** from the *** and then the *******-chan runs
I don’t get it ~
i think the best (still bad) ending is Saki end, the one MC couldn’t escape from the house -3- at least both of them still alive (a little punishment for MC for being such a dick). and it was mentioned that his parents will be back on Sunday, the ending was happened on Saturday night, so a little hope that he can be save~
It won’t let me replace the file to patch in :\ it says there not enough room. Can I get some help?
How can you fill up the CG on page 6?
I got all the ends but page 6 is still blank and when I play the game over from the start I do not see any new choices popping up.
They each have 2 endings that branch from the very last decision and there are 3 general endings.
There are only bad endings, so if you’re in it for a lovey-dovey happy ending, no touchy this game.
Saw at vndb, no good endings whatever you try…
but the girls are so hot…..
You still alive?
I can’t get the last 6 cg, please help.
This freak me out a while -_-
But stil good @_@
I finished all route according to guide, and all got all CGs.. However i saw that there are still 3 blank boxes at CG page 6. Did i left an ending out, or was it just intentional? 😐
and damn.. Maika route is just…. she was my fav char too
OMG, she just….. I cant believe someone would just…. wow I quit. I thought Saya was pretty fucked up; well,nothing beats saya but still, this is up there in the Saya category
Is this comparable to Saya no uta?
are you my hero
Dammit, i should not have play this. Just finish Saki’s route and still no happy ending. I know S&M is crazy but this is worst. You kill the person because you \love\ them. I too don’t recommend for those who’s not familiar with this type of game. Download if you dare.
Okay guys, I must warn you… I gagged and almost barfed after I played this, the Maiki thing was too much for me, I advise you guys stay away from this if you have a weak stomach, actually i thought I didn’t but I was wrong(you are going to download it anyway just because I said that)because quite honestly I almost regret downloading and playing it… meh, at least I now know my limits… Thanks, I guess… heh
Agree @_@
hello i am new in here so im a noob so i have follow all the instruction and when i install it there’s a somewhat blue back ground note pad and some errors too can someone help me out and also it say something about unrecognised symbols.
Change it to Japanese Locale, should fix most of your issues.
Change your system’s locale to Japanese I meant.
So from all the fuckin spoils above, you die either way….. I will take my chance anyway,
For all of you having problems. Install the game like normal by mounting the .bin with daemon tools. After that just switch out the file in your folder with the patch. Simple. BUT I don’t have voices in my version either and it would be sooo nice to hear all the creepy things Saki says =]
Yeah, I’m not getting any voices either, is that normal?
yeah its normal,
ya know the game its ust 200MB
so voice its not the content in this game
the voice in option is kinda useless
but there is a voice character in every end (or some end doesnt require? i have played all end except subaru end)
Someone should make a video tutorial for these. Q_Q
A lot of people would be happy then.
I Can’t play it,it says that i need permission from everyone
can anyone help me?
I give u permission. Now go on !
LMAO that was a good response
Saw the title and the description and became quite interested. Saw the cannibalism tag and I am STILL deliberating if I should click that download button.
I’m getting music and effects, but not any voices. Is this normal?
same here.
i don’t get it.. there’s even a voice level slider in the options
where r the voices then? o.O
I don’t think 260mb will be full voiced…
I NEED HELP!!! im done downloading it and extracting it but the only ones that came out are 2 BIN files and a website PLS HELP!!
I have the same problem can someone help
Mount the BIN file with either Daemon tools or Virtual Clone Drive. That’s what I did.
Hope this helps.
How many endings are there?
I played through it once and ended up using 5 save files but only got 3 endings
The one where Saki pushes you in front of a car
The one where Saki Kills you in your sleep
The one where Saki chainsaws you and the chick in the Kimono
You didn’t get Maiki ending?… I am going to have nightmares for weeks thanks to that… my god…
what happened with that one?
*shivered in fear*
and yes, I developed yandere-phobia, so I won’t play this game.
Maikas a closet Masochist, but turns into an extremist
Maika isn’t a yandere ~ (I think)
but better stay away from Maika route. Maika last scene is the gruesomest, sickest scene i have even watched in my history of watching Japanese goods .
Don’t tell me that’s the one where that one girl get’s her eyes and mouth and shit sewed?
Yuumi ENDING is sick she eats you that gives me nightmares.
me too, i love yandere girl ^_^
I only like yandere girls cause of yuno.
After reading those comment it’s really chilled me out but i’m still gonna try this yandere though :I
Fuck. This is one creepy VN.
These bitches are crazy lol…
How to Install this please..? I have any problem 🙁
Maika…that route….*shudders*
pro tip: don’t eat during that route :/
I was all game for this gore and probable death aside, then I saw cannibalism in the tag…… yea think ill save myself the mindfuck this will surely bring down on me
It did`n work every time i run the app there`s always pop out ??????? (syntax error,unexpected T_Symbol,expecting\)\)
anyone who gets a syntax error should play with app locale or japanise locale.
Honestly at some point these games just need to admit defeat. If it were me I would’ve happily gone into some crazy sex addiction life with the teacher, and for all appearances sake that’s what happened in the game. Until one scripted line, yes one line, set her off on a murderous rampage.
I 100% agree. i liked the teacher and when she knocked i was like “F*** man. give me a choice to open the door. the girl clearly needs me”. i am sure that,if i opened,nothing bad would of happened and she would become my official gf and protect me from that crazy girl :(.
guys please help me after i installed the i cant play it it says syntax error….
and I have no idea what you mean.
\Stay the iso inside the virtual DT\
Put the iso, maybe? I don’t know what DT is anyway. :/
I tried installing the stuff with in the same location as the ISO files and in separate folders to see if something would change, but I didn’t expect anything to change and nothing did change.
that was supposed to be a reply to Fixing Guru.
And wdf is wrong with Firefox? O.O
“Firefox prevented this site from opening 85 pop-up windows.”
One last thing, forgot to say, that unlike Nathan Walker’s issue the game is in English for me. Same error though.
Hello, I have a problem, can someone help me solving it?
I do have AppLocale and I did set my computer’s location to Japan, however always when I try to open the game a blue screen appears… can someone tell me what to do?
Helo me please, i’ve installed this and when i try to play it i got syntax error. Anybody got this problem?
me too, i have the same problem like that ==
I just have to say that, after finishing all of Saki’s route, that the so-called ‘worst end’ seems to be the best end instead. In that the male lead doesn’t get nailed to a chair.
Even though he deserves it for being such a selfish prick.
the makers of the game should’ve taken a bit more time polishing it and maybe get a bit more voice acting.. i only remember there being a single voiced word for the masochist girl (Senpai!!!).
Yet another VN that could’ve been more *sigh* u_u
still somewhat enjoyable though.
at first i was a bit worried to play this game because i hate for a good guy male lead to be killed in the end (i dont mind a heroic death) but after playing two minutes i felt way better cuz the main character is kind of a prick so i dont mind watching the h scenes and then seeing him get whats coming to him. Thx for another game admin keep up the great work^_^
Yanderes? YANDERES? I am so happy right now~ Gonna play this, and test out Razhell’s paste of a walk through if no one has.
Let’s see how fast I can turn around and dash.
then how about contest with me who can run faster
I played through Saya no uta. There’s no way this could be worse than that. I got this.
That’s what I thought. Unfortunately i played the timid girls route first. Mind you its not going to stop me from playing the others but ya its pretty fucked up.
Yeah, but saya no uta is a good (great) VN, this one is not.
whatever you do, do not give those girls the kitchen knives
i’m too scared to play >.<
That’s definitely a nightmare made into a game.
Yummi’s route seems to be the best one in terms of not showing you how you horribly die.
this is one messed up eroge..
I cant set up the english patch,it says to take the data.xp3 file in the patch folder and have it replace the data.xp3 in the game folder but when I try to it just says there is no room and I can’t delete the old file nor can I replace it
I second what Leather said, I have the same problem.
NVM Figured it out, replace the file in your directory (program files NEKOMARUDOW) It should work there not in the mounted disk
works like a charm
They are all pretty fucked up. I got more entertainment out of Welp, what idiocy has our hero committed this time?
Obviously, the \hero’s\ dick is cursed to bring the inner crazy out of any girl.
Doesn’t help that I have seen Mirai Nikki. Yuuuuki…
Tbh, Yuno is relatively sane compared to these people.
Welp finished the teacher route.
That was fucked up.
finally, some eroge games with yandere girls inside
that what i want :v
why i can’t play this game..
insert a cd rom
English Yandere Walkthrough
Original Walkthrough from Foolmaker.net
Translated (and altered to best fit the English release) by Computerlove
Day 1:
-Do her
Day 2:
[SAVE 01]
-Eat with Saki
-It’s a home visit, so I boot Saki and Maika out
Day 3:
[SAVE 02]
-Lie and go eat lunch with Maika
-Invite Saki
Day 4:
-Go to Yuumi
[SAVE 03]
-Stay like Yuumi told me to
Bad End 01
Day 4:
-Go home with Saki
Day 5:
-Remain in the classroom
Day 6:
-Prepare, just in case
[SAVE 04]
-Fight back with the box cutter
Saki End
Day 6:
-Cut the tape with the box cutter and run
Saki Worst End
Day 3:
-Tell Saki I need to use the bathroom
Day 4:
-Go to Yuumi
-Stay like Yuumi told me to
Day 5:
-Escape to the restroom
-Have sex with Yuumi
Day 6:
[SAVE 05]
-Don’t push her away
Yuumi End
Day 6:
-Push her away
Yuumi Worst End
Day 2:
-Go eat with Maika
-Tell everyone to get out
-Accompany Maika
Day 3:
-Tell Saki I need to use the bathroom
-Invite Saki to do it
Day 4:
[SAVE 06]
-Go to Maika as usual
Day 5:
-Escape to the restroom
-Find a way to escape
-Hear her out
Day 6:
[SAVE 07]
-That’s just too much after all
Maika End
Day 6:
-Just a little bit should be fine
Maika Worst End
Day 4:
-Go to Yuumi
-Stay like Yuumi told me to
Day 5:
-Escape to the restroom
-Find a way to escape
[SAVE 08]
-Hear her out
Bad End 02
Day 5:
Subaru End
I’d say confirmed. I followed the guide and got 100% CG completion. Not so sure about text completion but I would say that’s probably cleared too.
I’m pretty sure there’s another Maika end which is a short version of the one you call “Maika End”. It doesn’t give you the final three CGs. But you helped me get full completion~
holy fuck a game full of yandere? oowwhh how i will like this ahhaha
Although I’m curious and would probably like it, I find that “cannibalism” tag rather disturbing…
Worth my sanity or not?
Yeah, that tag made me O.o as well. But.. delicious yandere. Can’t resist.
just the name alone makes me want to play this xD
For those who love this. I would love to see you get one in real life and say the same thing.
Is it an harem game or could we sleep just with one girl ???
only single routes, no harem endings… although you do the do with each of them before it starts to split. I think a harem end would’ve been a blood bath.
Don’t download its a waste of time
Is there a walk-through for this game? Are there any good endings at all?
the only “good endings” are the ones where they don’t kill you or where you… can’t spoil it xD
I’m having no problem with saving and loading, but I’m having an issue with characters not disappearing when they’re supposed to. The result? Possibly the most annoying censorship I’ve ever seen in an eroge: http://i.imgur.com/YQzDThX.png
Anyone have an idea as to how to fix this?
oh wow
have the same problem 🙁
Delicious yandere
I’m having a problem where characters are on stage that should not be at the time and are not disappearing when the scene ends. Does anyone else get this issue?
yeh, same thing here. Give me some tips if you or anybody manages to fix this bug.
Same problem with me here. If I find out how to fix it ill post a solution.
Try to run it as admin, if that alone doesn’t work, delete the “savesu.ksd” file from the save folder and then try running it as admin.
omg its happen its really happening a harem full of yanderes i died and gone to yandere heaven pls for the love of Yuno don’t pinch me
Nice tags.
This is the one with no voices and only bad endings right?
Could anyone confirm, that this release has fixed ‘save load’ issue? On previous release there was a bug, you could not save, or load.
Regarding audio. As far as I know, there is audio only in one scene or so, so this is expected..
Could anyone confirm, that this release has fixed ‘save load’ issue? On previous release there was a bug, you could not save, or load.
Regarding audio. As far as I know, there is audio only in one scene or so, so this is expected.
The save and load works fine for my but there is an ingame issue. When any of the girls shift to the right or left of the screen they stay there even when they clearly left the scene. They do get removed if and only if they are made to go to the middle of the screen and then leave. Anyhone else stumble into this issue and solved it?
A harem of yandere girls. What could possibly go wrong!
Is it just me or dose anyone else have this problem, I seem to not have any Voice audio? Is it not included in this or dose it not work?
Anon there is no problem with voices because there are no voices in this game. I think that each heroine has only one voiced sentence.
this feels like a harem full of yandere girls
U wont want it in real life unless u want to die soon. OMG.
Yandere?!?!?! OMG, yesss!!!!! I never expected one of these to exist, this made my day just by the description alone :’D
awww yeeaa an all yandere cast gimme the good stuff
i dont’t get yandere but looks good to me…
Think again man, would you like to be killed brutally at the end of every route?
Totally agree. But I dont think they are Yandere like what the game’s title says. They are just some girls obsessed by sex.
VNDB, look up Yandere, go to screenshot, click show NSFW. The one picture that almost gave me nightmare
Well, I got a nightmare after finish Maika’s route. At first I thought it’s the best route but … ugh … Dont even want to remember it ==.
idk bout you but i think maika was the hottest off them all
Lets be honest.. Yandere’s aren’t that limited. And I’m pretty sure that they’re supposed to be the opposite of ”tsundere”, where they actually are OVERLY attached. The murder is an extreme, which most reasonable yandere’s wouldn’t go.
Imagine a girl who’s extremely in love with you and wants to spend all of her time with you.. Is that a bad thing? Not really.
Which is why I say that yandere itself isn’t a bad thing, but when it’s pictured with it’s most extreme form, which is being mental, and attatched.. Than I would say that they aren’t yandere, just some psycopaths.
A yandere being the opposite of a tsundere is a common misconception which is entirely false. The psychopathic tendencies are part of what identify a yandere, while murder may be extreme, violence and mental instability is the normal, which usually leads to murder regardless.
Yandere (ヤンデレ) a Japanese term for a person who is initially very loving and gentle to someone before their devotion becomes destructive in nature, often through violence.
Violence and mental instability are the normal, rather.
Surely Yangire? Haven’t played yet, but according to everyone here they’re obsessed with sex, not you. That’s Yangire as opposed to Yandere.
The thing about yanderes is that they are mentally ill, displaying abnormal attachment to someone with extreme obsessive or possessive behavior. Yes, they can be nice, but they are unstable and thus dangerous, not necessarily to the object of the affections. (Depends on the specific mindset of the yandere and the situation)
That would be deredere, I think? Yandere have that tendencies to go psychopath due to their unstable mental state.
Tsundere is a mixture between the Deredere and Tsuntsun character archtypes -deredere being a very warm lovely character and tsuntsun being a very cold character. Now Tsundere is a cold from the outside but warm on the inside character. Yandere is composed out of being sick/mad and deredere (worm lovely flirty) – so it’s one overly attached mad character as opposed to a Seemingly cold but in fact loving character -not opposites but completely different types with one thing in common -they in fact love the protagonist, but have problems with properly expressing it or with overcoming unfair -in their eyes- treatment by that very person. 😀
I think that should clear it up.
You die in the end anyways… Just go down in a blaze of glorious yanderes!
so basically, you’re getting murdered by the Yandere regardless of your ending? I-I’ll pass….