Tomoyo After’s story revolves around Okazaki Tomoya and Sakagami Tomoyo. Tomoya has graduated from high school and is now employed as a garbage collector. He and Tomoyo are now seeing each other in a romantic relationship, though Tomoya lives alone in his apartment. One day it is discovered that Tomoyo has a younger half-sister named Mishima Tomo who had been living with her mother, but was recently abandoned. It is eventually decided that Tomo will live in Tomoya’s apartment for the time being.
Beside the Adventure part that makes most of the game, Tomoyo After also has RPG elements. In order to complete the game entirely, the player must finish eight of the mini RPGs games called “Dungeons & Takafumis” which are available during certain scenarios as the player continues to play the game.
can anybody help me the game text is buggy
First visual novel download ever. Still works after all this time!
whatever choice i choose I can’t seem to get to ending
No steam edition?
In case you need some help
How to install (or at least how it happened to work for me)
1. Download all parts and English patch and put all into same folder
3. Open the first one TomoyoAfter.part01
4. Double click .ISO file, it does the reading for you
5. Go back to wherever your folders are (I say this because I don’t know the Mac/not-Windows layout) and the folder should be mounted as a disc “TOMOYO” with a cute bear icon
6. Open file “setup” that is a application file type
7. First left option, then top option (choose where to install, for example a Games folder)
8. Bottom left option (you don’t really need to be able to read it since clicking the other options does self-explanatory stuff)
9. Many self explanatory options like Yes, Okay, etc
10. When that’s done, go to the folder you installed to, the game is in the folder “KEY” (by default)
11. Open the English patch file Tomoyo_After_English_v1.10
12. Navigate to where you installed the game and select Patch
13. Enjoy the game brought to us by the great communities
thank you for not deleting it ;_;
hello admin i have problem with memorial edition…. with english patch v.1.10 from doki. but when i am played it i got problem “interpreter detected failed and unable format text”… i had already so many methods and sources from internet but nothing is work , please admin if you can help me i am really apreciate it.
Is the “Tomoyo After ~It’s a Wonderful Life~”the full edition game for PC????
Thank you for the game ! ^^
i downloaded all the parts of tomoyo after and daemon tools keeps telling me that part 6 is corrupt, what should i do in this case? thank you.
I really want to play this Visual Novel. I downloaded all the parts and the english patch. For the first part I did “Extract here” and a folder appeared. Then I opened the folder and there were ISO files. I have no idea what to do. Can someone give me detailed instructions how to get this working? Much appreciated!
admin, this game is not yet listed in download list.
Admin, this one’s missing from the download list.
I’m confused. so why is there sexual content in this eroge but not in the original clannad? I mean this is based on clannad so why would the original not have sex but the spin-off/continuation does? It just doesn’t make sense.
How I can safe the game? There is no save button -_-
where can i download Tomoyo After It’s a Wonderful Life Memorial Edition?? anyone please tell me…. ONEGAI….
Links seem to matter then!
Anyone know why this isn’t on the download page? I had to hunt for it via ‘older entries’ ):
does anyone know where to download the memorial edition? please i feel bad after looking this ending.. ._.
well admin doyou the uncensored patch of this?
sorry we dont have one ill update you if we do
Damn it I don’t know what to do with this Does anyone knows the step by step process on how to install this??\\
Pls it would help a lot
have u extracted the zip file already?its the first step.after extraction u have to mount the iso file.then run it.the rest will go.but sometimes after extracting it its already to ready 2 play.after installation apply the english patch.
(Might contain spoilers, read only if you want)
Hey, Hey guys I just wanna ask you simple question, I just downloaded this game (thanks by the way for uploading it) but I also heard that this game dosen’t have Good Ending (which was only applied to PS2 version of game) Is this really true?
admin….this game is not listed in Downloads index
I managed to download the game and the English patch but when i start the game it stays on the disclaimer at the beginning even though the music plays and it says its on the main menu it still just shows the disclaimer can anyone offer some help? iv’e already re-downloaded both the game and the patch but it didn’t solve the problem
You need to extract the ” English Patch into a different folder, then copy the content of English Patch to the game folder. You’ll have to replace the other files. 🙂
Hey, bad ass game, thanks for the upload admins. Seeding for sure, though I wanna ask, when is a walkthrough going to be available?
how do you play the game after the torrent download?
Hey admin~
Do you have the memorial edition? I know it’s still TBA for the English patch
But, It’s really leave a bad taste, without the “Good Ending”
WTH!!! Tomoyo… Why? My 2nd fave heroine of clannad ..
Thank the nice people at Doki fansubs who made the patch.
wow, thank you so much \(^^)/
how do you install the englisch patch right.
wen i install it the mein game text is still japenese.
help PLEASE!!!!
i’m afraid to download this just because of how sad the original was :'(
I know how you feel… I just finished another route on Clannad…
Wut?! SAD!!!!! Im playing clannad right now, and its really touching. . . Yeah. . . maybe it proyect the idea of being sad many times, but its always happy at the end. That hybrid feeling between nostalgia and satisfaction at some endings its just part of the experience. I wouldnt qualify it as sad.
hei anyone can help me?
i got problem with the font it just showing the symbol,,,
how to fix it???
how do you install this?
Hi, this is my first time downloading from this site and I seem to have an issue. When I extract all the files theres always one says its “broken”. Its an ISO file and I don’t know how to fix it! ><
Hey admin why can’t I find it it the downloads section?
Is there something wrong with the translation?
Nothing wrong with translation played through both bad and good endings.
This is such a touching story to the very end it kept me guessing. I do not know exactly how to feel, perhaps I feel more sadness than anything. One thing is for sure and that is I will always remember this. Maybe I am just thinking about this too much but my head hurts. Highly recommended. Thank You Admin.
Yeah.. I wanna install this very badly ): I dunno how!
how to install this game?._.a
when can you see the h-scenes? i don’t care about spoilers just need to know because i don’t want anyone to see what i’m playing :>
at the begining of the game, not the very begining.
thanks for your reply ~
Well those writers sure know how to toss your feelings in limbo. I highly recommend that anyone new should play clannad first though to understand some of the backstory relationship such as Tomoya and his Dad. :’-(
Uhm ….can I play it? I only watch anime Clannad and Clannad After Story …Is is something I’m gonna miss if I didn’t play the game?
I’ve find this game for years …hope this is possible to play when I’m only watch the Anime series ….:-s
I have seen the anime, however I think you should play Tomoyo route in VN
Why are these people so good at writing bitter sweet games.
I just beat through this entire game and it was the saddest and also extremely fun at the same time.
Of course i felt the same way when i beat Clannad to…
well . i downloaded the DA : English patch download . but i’m having problem finding the app file to click . all i got here is ‘G00’ folder , ‘MOV’ folder , ‘’ file , ‘GAMEEXE’ file, ‘readme’ file’, ‘rlBabel.dll’ file, and ‘SEEN’ file. can someone help me with this ?
in short, how to run the game . -.-
master why I download part 2 really out posts like this
You have to wait 3 minutes, 12 seconds till next download
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wait can not wait too?
plizz hlep me
y is it that the options are still in jap even after Ive install the translator
After reading in doku subs formum and finding out that is the PC verison without the extrascenes and the “happier” epilogue after the true ending, I’ve decided to wait until they release the seemingly planned patch for the ME edition.
Lately I can’t stand stories with a really depressing ending.
Been hoping for this to be translated for a long time. Thanks.
when i complete Jusly 2 (fri) the game stops can some one please tell me how to fix this? pretty please 🙁
Can I get a little help? This is the first VN that I’m attempting to play; I’ve downloaded all 8 files, plus the English patch, extracted everything, and patched the game with the English patch. My game folder has 3 icons now, Two are named “TOMOYO” one is an ISO File, the other is a MDS File. The third icon is the English patch itself. What do I do next? I’ve tried simply clicking on both TOMOYO files to start the game, but it never works, it just changes my cursor to the ‘loading’ animation, then it goes back to normal..
well, Mr. Chris, the file that you have downloaded is supposedly an ISO file, in this case, you’ll have to download an independent application that can make the ISO file to work.. i recommend using Daemon tools. the other work is up to you as i’m really hopeless at explaining things. well good luck
Is this eroge in english?
Hmmmm, let me think………..
It’s on site where you can download English translated eroge and you can download English patch……..
What do you think?
i did evrythin but my problem now is the english translation………it works for the menu and others but the text and the speaking of the characters, thet keep showing some symbols……can anybody help plsssss?
ah i fixed it…..i m good now
Question: what did you do to fix it? i am having the same problem
hey if you ever go on here again lol how did you fix it i have the same issue D:
how can i open the game, i already download the 8 parts and extracted it, the extracted files only show 2 text documents and 1 disc image file. how can i play the game? please help me
Go into your ‘my computer’ section, and there should be CD drives, just open one of them, go to ‘setup’ and do the set up. Click the boxes until it starts setting up for you, I know you won’t be able to read any of the letters or dialogues, but that’s why you click around, hope this helps
The first time I start up the game it works, but every time after that I only get a black screen and nothing happens. Anyone know how to fix this?
For some reason, it went from failing every start up to working every time now.
SO….like many others I had the same problem with the font. Just go to the main menu, hit ‘System.’ From there select the ‘Change font’ option (its the center right area of the screen). Change the font to MSGothic-Low-Make Heavier-Shadow. and Click Ok! Tadah…and the english now works…:)
i’ve been already install it and patch it on english
but all i got when playing is “error : unable to format text” on the text subtitle box
can anyone please tell me how to fix this?
what font should i choose ?
I had the same problem with the ‘Error: Font Format.’ Just go to the main menu, hit ‘System.’ From there select the ‘Change font’ option (its the center right area of the screen). Change the font to MSGothic-Low-Make Heavier-Shadow. and Click Ok! Tadah…and the english now works…:)
where can I get that font?
in my pc theres no that font
i only have MS gothic font
is this word for wins 7 64bit ?
So far its a nice VN, tough im only at 12.August.
it has many funny moments, you could be adding the adult-comedy genre to it.
had no problems until now, downloaded, installed, patched all fine
win7 with japanese location
i liked the Clannad anime as well,
would be nice if there is more translatet stuff around it.
and yeah i hope they will have the same style of adult-comedy elements.
thanks admin 🙂
forget something,
i would like it more, if i could play it in stretched fullscreen, its a pretty small window 🙁
yeah windows7 64 bit, not a single crash.
now thaht i finished the story, i realice how much drama it has.
its almost like the anime, first most liekly comedy, and later in the story, the focus is on the drama part.
Damn… I have neve shed so many manly tears over a game before. Thanks, Admin, for uploading. Those jerks from Key do know how to tickle the heart of an innocent pervert. Now I am going to be a man and go hug a teddy bear…
finally tomoyo T.T i cant hold my tears back! FINALLY!
The part 8 is kept telling me to wait for 2 min 46 sec… or DL with premium account…
Why is that?????
Ou Come on… it is only part 8 left…..
ITS OUT!!!!! You have no idea how long I have been waiting for this game. Clannad is my favorite game ever and while Tomoyo wasnt my favorite character, i still cant wait!
Oh my gosh, I thought this was never going to be released due to being dropped by its original group.
Well I gotta say, I am very THRILLED that this patch is done! I waited a whole year for this. Now I just would to ask if anyone could give me some step by step instructions on how to properly install and activate the patch so I don’t mess up? Much appreciated. 🙂
can we play it on psp? or can the english patch be used on the psp? do tell pls!
NO it cannot
Another great game. Thank you for uploading it
Are there any other ways to download the English Patch?
Whenever I go to the DA site, I can never get pass the captcha part since it keep saying “Wrong ID” whenever I click on “Create Download Link”.
Doki fansubs made the patch, so go to Doki.co to get it.
hey guys, i’ve got some problem… i’ve been already install it and patch it on english… but all i got when playing is “error : unable to format text” on the text subtitle box….
do i need a necessary translator or something yhird party thing that to makes the games works?… please reply.
I’m getting the same error message, can anyone please tell us how to fix this?
Hello everyone, I too like this game since i saw Clannad and The OVA with tomoyo. when i started playing the game i made it all the way to the part when Tomoya and Tomoyo find Tomoyo’s little brother peeping on em from the closet right afther the finished doing “Echii” stuff, and thats when the game freezes and i cant do a thing after it.
i tried playing the game without the patch and then patch it after im pass that part but didnt work, i also downloaded the game again from the torrent and DA, and still i cant get pass that part, Can anyone help me with this problem PLZZZZ
Thanks in Advance to anyone who can help me with this problem.
is it just me…..or the game have no sound….???
can anyone help me…..i’m playing without sound here….T_T
OK, first time downloading. Was wondering if needed any soecial orogram in order to play?
reminds me of kana little sister
please do walkthrough so with the bad ending
Hey admin! this game crashes a few times in several situations like takafumi acting to take tomo hostage time!!!is it only mine
I tried redoing the whole installation process and now i am sure it crashes everytime!
The probability of successful launching is no 4 to 1.
but still it launches sometimes so i don’t mind but
the event of 11st july doesn’t work and crashes everytime!
somebody please give me a solution!
how do i install it? i am having problems.
excuse me, i downloaded without troubles but, i dont understand a thing 😛 and the patch need the game to be alredy installed may i ask for some help through the installation please
I am conflicted. Sounds like an interesting VN but all these comments about tragic ending makes me hesitate. I’ve seen way too many of those already. A psyche can only take so much until braking completely.
dont play it had bad/tragic ending, it had ok begining and middle part of the game, it the ending that screw up. it break my heart watching tomoyo and the ending
Does It have the happy ending from the ps2?
Lol manage to get the True ending at first go. Great game highly recommend it.
How the ending kill me inside.
The patch is done? Finally! Now I can enjoy the game in english and play some dungeons and takafumis.
this ending is literally sad and thanks again admin appreciate it also like torrents for games that you can buy so i can try them then get them
Finished it.. now I feel awful. How do you play the dungeons and Takafumis? I can’t seem to find it.
Life and death drama…?!… ok any1 got any walkthrough.. thnx in advance 😀
So I downloaded the game and it worked fine, but when i ran the patch all i got was a black screen upon start up, can anyone help :p
Just try again… Sometimes the patch just freeze… It’s descripted in the “read me” file…
About the game: I already finished in my PSP and with some translator in PC, but I always want to know what was the final message of the game (I don’t want to be any more spoiler xD)…
Thank you
Nevermind, I got it 🙂
How do you play the game as in what file do you open to play the game? I downloaded all 8 parts to it and extracted them in win rar and I have the extracted file but I cant fine whitch one you click on to open up and play the game.
is there a walk through for this novel?
Asshole.. Try to play this game without walkthrough, you’ll surely enjoy the thrill. Playing with walkthrough will destroy the fun dude. Just find a walkthrough after you finished the game to correct all of your errors.
will someone tell me the good ending that not covered in this version so i can sleep
They all lived happily ever after. The end.
Well fuck. that’s one way to finish a fucking story.
I promise myself that I wouldn´t crying, so stop damn tears =´(
Ps: Thank you soooooo much Admin Ivan n.n/
I have been waiting fot this ever since i knew of tomoyo´s existence, i´m about to cum just from writing…
Indeed words cannot express how much joy im feeling.
All thats left in my life is win the lottery.
From the bottom of my hearth thank you so much.
thx a lot for putting this game up, Im waiting for it since ages! My love for you I cannot express in words, but I love you!
You’re gay. Go away from here. I don’t want your love.
oh, don’t say that…
you must have love your father at least.
hey guys i have a little question. What is a DA . . .can anyone please tall me about it ?? and how to download it . .
DA is Download Anime you fucking moronic penis lover. It’s a name of website where you can download your fap material for god sake
MR.Rage tnx a lot ^^
Im not entirely sure after Mr Rages response, but out of curiosity: Do you still have some questions regarding the download of this game?
Judging by the comments, this game is really that good huh.
Yeah, no one really cares what he says
How do you play the game as in what file do you open to play the game? I downloaded all 8 parts to it and extracted them in win rar and I have the extracted file but I cant fine whitch one you click on to open up and play the game. I want to know which file to click on soI can play the game.
how can i open the game, i already download the 8 parts and extracted it, the extracted files only show 2 text documents and 1 disc image file. how can i play the game?
You fucking idiot. Just fucking click the first fucking file you fucking downloaded and then you know the fucking rest. It’s in a fucking ZIP file? Then I think that’s the fucking way. I just fucking finished the fucking game but what’s with the fucking ending. I’m not gonna fucking say it because I will be a fucking spoiler. Well, I fucking like Majikoi more even though this is also a fucking good game, and I’m fucking amazed on how the fucking word fucking can be fucking put to any fucking words. Well fuck, thank you very fucking much for the fucking game and the fucking translation.
Thx but I’ll prefer waiting for a future official version u.u
just hate KEY for always making me cry
Finally, got the it to work. Hell yeah can’t wait to play it.
Can u teach me how u got it to work? plz
The setup has wierd “letters” because its in japanese.
Just press the button on the bottom left to install, it will install it to C:/Key/’q‘ãƒAƒtƒ^[/
After just download the DA english patch and run that setup and it will install the english patch to the correct position automaticly.
PS. You dont have to do anything with the MDS file. Just run the ISO file with deamon tools or alchol 120% or whatever program you mount with 🙂
Thanks! But then i cant download anything from DA cuz i always get the ‘Wrong IP’ error when i try to dl there 🙁
if you can not download the english patch from DA, then why don
t you hover to the translator site and grab it from there.
the admin didn’t mention the translator site but you can always ask our great father ‘google’
For those who have troubles with DA links, go here to get the english patch: doki.co/visual-novels/clannad-tomoyo-after/
english walkthrough mediafire.com/download.php?5ei2989r7267mf0
i kinda wonder why do people still need walkthrough for this? its quite short and the number of choices aren’t anywhere like clannad.
Thank you so much so the link! 😀
Loving it <3
whenever i try to start the game it downloads but the folder isn’t found anywhere on my computer. i’ve done it multiple times hoping that it messed up. even was able to do the english patch but again i got nothing. Won’t even start or show the game exists cep for the Rars that i have and the iso.Would love some help on the subject. been at this for hours. i want tomoyo D’:
is the English patch in the torrent? if so wut the name of the file?
No it doesnt follow with the torrent, you have to download the DA: english patch download
hey i got a diferent problem
the game asks me for font selection but no matter what font i use i still get same thing: error
the text says it cant display it any tips on what to do?
Erm, can any1 help me plz. I download the game from torrent and then i extract, i get an ISO file and a 5kb MDS file. When i mount the ISO, I get weird characters when i run the setup and when running the game. :'(
Solve the above problem by changing the local. Still cant change to game to eng 🙁 wats is the use of the file ‘TOMOYO.MDS’ ?
I am having the same problem. =(
Thanks ivan
Need translated walkthrough for this game T_T
english walkthrough mediafire.com/download.php?5ei2989r7267mf0
thx for the walkthrough…. ^_^
Admin can u upload the eng patch via torrent thanks!
Thanks pal ! I cant download through torrent or irc. But i knew i could count on ya.
Is the patch fully translate the game?
Or is it only a partial patch…?
Oh my god! Yes! I just checked this game 3 days ago. I Wasn’t expecting it to be out all of a sudden. Thanks for this!
It’s really strange to play KEY’s novel with sex scene.
Feel completely different from the others I’ve played.
Can’t get the english patch to work. Can someone help me?
Works just fine for me. Downloaded the game and patch via the torrent links, went to the downloaded folder, extracted archives, went inside the extracted folder, mount the iso, install the game, run the patch installer as admin and should work fine
Hmmm I did that but I can’t get it to work still so I don’t know what I did wrong.
Dang admin your fast, although i’ve been watching this patch for a awhile and i only just found out about it over at doki
from here on out i shall now release my manly tears sniff* sniff* cheers admin once again u have outdone yourself ;_;
Please someone translate a Walkthrough for this game ?
I’m thinking that without this site Earth would spontaneously Implode. A BIG thank you Admin.
Good game but it’s far too sad for my taste. I remember having felt depressed for about a week after finish this game in Japanese T_T.
is the ending same as manga or different endings?
its bassicly same i think…
We’r gonna need a walkthrough for this.
Do my eyes deceive me? its so late right now. I cant tell if I’m dreaming. a fully translated ver. of wonderful life!
I thank you. SOOOOoooo Much!
i always got “wrong ip” from DA….
i’ve known the ending since i read the manga (i thought the VN won’t be finished –“)
makes me feel hesitate to download this…
scared to feel sad all over again –“
There is a happy ending to this game 🙂 the mangaka just thought that it would be better to end it with the sad ending
Not quite. There IS a happy ending in the all-ages PS2 version and the Memorial Edition on the PC. Dokisubs will also translate that but the current patch does not covers it (afaik at least). Also this ending wasn’t part of the original VN, Key decided to add it because of the massive amount of rage they get after releasing the VN. It worked somewhat like the Last Episode ending for Saber in Fate/Stay Night.
I keep getting a something problem with direct X when I try finish the installation. I already checked to see if my Direct X is up to date, any tips?
Damn, I don’t have enough free space on my computer to download this yet. 🙁
I just went crazy and downloaded like 12 VNs, 4 anime movies, and 14 animes in HD, so I guess that’s to be expected. Guess I’ll have to finish some of those first. (I believe finishing Umineko question arcs and then deleting the game files would buy me a good amount of space, since that game is so damn long).
Oh, what a pleasant surprise! I didn’t expect this to get fully translated so soon. Thanks Admin!
Thanks Admin!!!
about time its here thnks
I’d like to ask if you guys have black screen after the start scenes? I am thinking the game window turn black going into the mini games. any suggestions?
Dang that surly fast XD
This is an H game right?
Is That The Full English Translaion?
It is
Holy $@#!
I hope they did a good job
This is life.
Do i need to read Clannad to read Tomoyo After?
For the best experience, I would say yeah. Clannad is a great VN and should be read in it’s entirety, but if you just want to play this VN I would at least read Tomoyo’s route.
No seriously? SERIOUSLY THIS GAME IS OUT NOW? omg…. this is a shock. Thank you so much , thank you so much!
let me correct the game already out in 2005, the english patch out yesterday September 21, 2012
lol so true what a time gap
Wooooo been waiting for this englich patch for so long Thank you Doki!
Wow waited for this for a long time.
By the way what ver is this?
since this first from doki.co of course is v1.00
At last this one is translated…. I’ve already held the game for 3 years waiting for the english patch… T_T
Holy shieet!
It’s finally here!
yes i want it to play it.
Damn, I have been waiting for this for so long! Finally!
Thanks admin!
thanks alot
thank you admin for posting this. It took a while since they sorted some bugs on the mini game.
Love it. Thank you!
Thanks admin.