At this red-light district, a certain young lady buys a night with a man who won’t become anybody’s.
Because she wanted to have a child.
Because she desired love.
On this island, young men aren’t birthed.
Consequently, all the women go to Yoshiwara.
There wasn’t a single day she thought of this as abnormal or strange. However, one day…
She decided to venture to “Yoshiwara”, a nightless city that emits a dazzling light without pause.
For the first time ever in her entire life, she viewed the procession of the beautiful male courtesans.
The protagonist, Hidetomi Misawo, becomes captivated by Yoshiwara and its men.
“How about it? Why don’t we spend the night together?”
Misawo decided to step foot into Yoshiwara’s highest-class pleasure house, “Kikuya”…
This game was bought by steam? If it was the case, how can I do to share one that I bought in this same way?
Hi! Whenever i try playing, the application is always “not responding”.
Any idea what could be the problem?
Hi there! I downloaded this game before and was able to play it without any problems. Then I stopped coz I got busy. When I decided to play it again after a while, it suddenly gives me the error message “Movie init failed” then it will auto close. I haven’t had this problem before. So, I read the steam forum for the game and the fixes there won’t work. Help please if anybody had the same error message and was able to find a workaround!
Hello. Smb knows how to deal with problem “Sound Init failed” at the start of the game? I tried to install Direct X, but it doesn’t work neverless.
The Men of Yoshiwara: Ohgiya worked fine even without Direct X.
Please help!!! I’ve searched all Internet yet without any result.
I just finished playing it and I just wanna say
that you guys are damn amazing!!! (>///<)/ thank you for sharing
this and I hope you upload more Otome games~ ^^ ps: I LOVE YOU!!
Can you possibly post the sequel as well? Ohgiya? Thanks! <333
Thanks, admin! This was a great game, and it worked awesomely as usual. Could you upload the other otome game that this company releaed for PC, as well? Its called “Pub Encounter”
There is a sequel to it, Ohgiya,will you upload it as well,please?
So, I tried to go and download the part 1 of “The Men of Yoshiwara: Kikuya” but everytime I go to the page to download it, it never loads and it tells me ‘Problem Loading Page, The connection has timed out’. I don’t know if this means the link is down or what, but could you possibly provide a new link so I can download the game? Thank you very much for uploading this otome to your site, I would love to be able to play it.
Never mind, now it works, but the part 2 file is now saying ‘File not found’. Can you upload another link admin?
i love otome games.plz admin can you upload more otome games?.thanks for this game 🙂
This game doesnt work on my laptop when i try to run kikuya.exe the application crashes please help i want to play this game configuration windows 8.amd vision .direct x 11
I downloaded it but the game doesnt really works well..Like when I click on start it clicks somewhere else. I don’t know why, i think it may be because the curson configuration i dont know.. I can’t play it. I cant even save/make choices.
i mean thanks for uploading this game, you guys are really great!! but i got it and when i start it up it opens up and everything, but it doesn’t really get anywhere because MOVIE INIT FAILED and MOVIE PLAY FAILED.
do you think it’s because of my directx being DX11 and not DX9?? how can i fix that??
is there another place u can uploads these to so people who cant pay for the premium memberships can download these games too. Its not letting me go over 200mb
Second set of links (“DA-Free”) contains the same files as first one, but split into 200MB parts, allowing users without premium to download.
Oooh thank youuu!!! This really looks promising!
games that are not on the list : backstage pass !
Oh and Firefly, date warp
Blood code
Admin, please help me… I can’t find the exe file after extract ? pls help, I fly wanna play. Thx
Dear Admin,
After recheck, the exe file couldnt be found because my antivirus immediately quarantined the file due to virus detection
Any advise on what to do?
Turn it off during installation and probably during your playtime. That way you won’t have any probs…
Hello Admin, I download this game without any problems, but when i try to unzip files they pleas me to enter the password. Could you or anyone help me? I will be very grateful 🙂
OK. Now the xRar extract about 98% and then program stop working.
Thank you for this :3
By the way, are you planning to also have Blood Code on this site?
Hello Admin! Im trying to download the game, but the third link doesn’t work. Could you check if the file is still on the server, because I got =file doesnt exist= error message.
When I try to unzip the file, it works till about 99%, but then an error occurs, saying I have two files with the same names, and whether I want to replace the first with the second. I have tried both yes and no to that, but in either case, something goes wrong, and when I try to run the exe file, it says “not a valid win32 application”
Anyone else have this issue? How did you fix it?
Any suggestions admin?
gahh thanks adminn c’: saved me searching all over for it~~
Same problem.
Hey admin when I open the game it says “Movie init failed and movie play failed. Please help.
Cant open. its says”Hard ware disk not found”
To fix the dvd issue all I had to do was repeatedly double click on the \start\ application in the koi folder. It will fail a bunch but eventually it will let you through.
Thanks for the upload!
Just a heads up that there is definitely sexual content in this game, so maybe remove the no sexual content tag?
Well, it’s kinda hard to define it, as there are various cultural and legal differences across countries. Generally, I use system similar to ESRB guidelines, with titles that would get “AO/18+” rating due to actual h-scenes being shown, which earns them “sexual content” tag on this website. Anything “milder” ( rating up to, and including “Mature/17+” ) – kissing scenes, partial nudity, baths&saunas etc. – means “No sexual content”. Sorry for confusion, but I’m from Europe, and we don’t freak out at the sight of nipple over here.
i’m pretty sure you guys have a “Text Only Sexual Content” tag. i don’t know about europe, but foreplay, nipple fondling, and very heavily implied intercourse falls under sexual content for me.
Do I have to run this on steam or just a desktop?
for some reason it keeps saying movie fail and error 🙁 Admin what do i do ?
thank you very very much ..
Thank you so much Admin! I was really looking for try this game together with ‘The Amazing Shinsengumi’~ You made my day ^O^
Oh, just out of curiosity, it would be possible to wait for ‘The Amazing Shinsengumi’ in the future? °w°
Thanks again! You’re magic!
They’re prostitutes… too bad there’s no 18 content or that it’s not BL
It’s appearing ‘sound init failed’ error 🙁 please help..
Link 2 is not working for me 🙁
Admin, i got the same problem like the other too. Please helppp :”
eeeh, i got problem here.. the application not work on me, i don’t know but it just fuckin’ loading on the screen, it’s not even opened yet. someone can help me pleaseee?
sorry for ma bad english :p
hey i got the same problem like you.Have you figure out how to solve the problem?i you know ,tell me please.
gahhhh!!!i’m seriously pissed off!
Hello,can somebody help me?When i run the game,it say that a problem has occurred and the game window was closed.Does anybody here have the same problem like me?
kyaaaaa thanks admin! you are the best 😀
i’ve tried every method i know to run the game but it just won’t work out.You’re my last hope admin….Pleaseeee.I’m about to tear up over here.If i can’t play this game then i downloaded it for nothing then.
admin,helllllppppp me pleaseeee.i’ve tried every method i know to run the game but it won’t work out.you’re my last hope admin.
says it is not a valid win32 application? ):
Hey,i extracted everything completely but when i open the game,the screen is white and then it says that it is not responding.Care to help me anyone?Our beloved admin?Help me?
Anyone else having problems downloading part 3 & part 4?
I tried downloading part 3 & part 4 but it kept saying the files couldn’t be downloaded. Please fix it. I really want to play this game.
I just downloaded all the parts and the game is running smoothly on my end. Perhaps try again?
what version of window did you use?Mine is window 8.It says that the game is incompatible.Uwaaah what should i do?
Dear Admin, I think there’s something wrong with the part 1, It said that part 1 is corrupt… It’s not working on my pc… Can you fix that (:T^T:)? I really want to play this so much TAT)
Download it again. I just downloaded all the parts and am running the game right now. It works perfectly, so your download probably got interrupted or something.
Yeah… I did that. But another problem appear ._.”
When i run the game, it closed suddenly TAT)/ There’s a virus in that game (My antivirus told me so)
How about you? you can run the game right? How could T^T”
I downloaded all parts from the post, and the game runs fine. There’s no virus.
Download all parts again on another computer. One with a different antivirus (I use Avast and it has no problems with the game). See how that goes.
For reference, I am running Windows 7 32x.
(It’s a shitty laptop that will hopefully soon be replaced by one that can actually run bloody youtube without crashing).
Thank you very much for uploading this ;;w;; ive been dying for playing this game
Hope you guys gonna upload Norn9 & Code Realize too ;;w;; please
Norn9 and Code Realize are PS Vita games. Since there’s no emulator for PS Vita, you can’t play them on a PC and uploading them onto this site wouldn’t do much for anyone. So, admin will likely not be uploading those games.
(jesus, I hope this goes through as a proper reply to zen. so many times, I click “reply” and this site just posts it as a normal comment.)
also, my capitcha is “push harder” so there’s that.
Thank you so much for new otome game, i really love this type game..
love you so much min..
great job
Oh, I have been waiting for this to show up here since it was released on PC. God bless you, Admin. May you have a plentiful harvest.
Thank You Sooooo much again!
You are the best!! Really, thank you for sharing these Otome game with us! 🙂
Have a lovely week!
I didn’t knw this was on pc until my bro showed me.. I almost paid for it on my phone its in playstore by d3 publisher and whenever i see a d3 pub game i gotta get it bc they arent making anymore storm lover series and i love storm lover so.. Thx u saved me 5 bucks and admin can u get glass heart princess thx again
If Glass Heart gets an English translator then maybe…
Also when Ozmafia comes out I’ll hope you can upload it here soon. Thanks Admin
OMG OMG are you for real?! You really ARE the BEST Admin!! I really can’t thank you enough for all these awesome games. Keep up your awesome work!
Admin plz help, i dont know how to join all parties! What i do to play all the game?
If you have WinRAR installed, just right-click on first part and select “extract here” – software will open following parts automatically.
Hey Admin, mind getting Roommates? It looks like a fun game.
is this game for pc?
Finally this game is here! I have been trying to find it since it came out in Steam! You Uploaded so many games today! Some of them are quite rare too! Thanks a lot for all you have been doing for us!
Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much admin ! I really wanted to play this game !!! 😀 🙂
OMG! thank you soooooooooooooooo much, I’ve been waiting for this game a long time ago, you’re the best <3
THANK YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH ! LIKE THANK YOU SO MUCH VERY MUCH ! I never expected this at all ! this is just the best ! THANK YOU SO MUCH ! with all my heart, please please i hope you will be updated to otome uploads too, as much i love eroge i love also otome too and this is just the site that give so much perfection! thank you so much again! ADMIN and everyone! this just surprised me !
THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!! I thought that I’ll never play this game for the rest in my life! But now I finally found it! You’re the best! I hope you could post more otome games!! X3
Do you know more Otome Games in English that are not on this site? If so could you give us some names?
Not OP, but Code:Realize is one.
Well… Code : Realize is only for the Vita… And… The Vita is not hacked yet…
Starry Sky AFTER Spring
Cafe 0 of the Drowned Mermaid Deluxe
All the mobile games from Voltage, NTT Solmare, etc.
Duplicity ~Beyond the Lies~
(Other RoseVerte stuff)
Heart no Kuni no Alice for Android
Tennis no Ouji-sama 1 AND 2 for the DS
Reunion of Angel
and those are all the ones just from Japan
These two are coreans but are awesome *_*
Uhm… both are already posted here. Actually those two were the ones that started the trend in posting more otome games – they were out for over a year, but no pirate version was available anywhere. Two guys got together and made it happen in comments section of different game. I noticed huge interest in those, so I looked around what other games are missing and tried to get everything that isn’t Twilight-fanfiction level of tosh and post it.
Thank you so much for those, btw! When I saw you post them I was so incredibly happy. You’re a lifesaver for those of us who can’t afford these games.
If you’re still looking for english translated otome games to post, the other Dot Kareshi games aren’t one the site. The first one is, but there are 3 Dot Kareshi games that are out and have been translated into English.
Anyway, thanks for this. ^^
I didn’t want to buy a non-voiced game either, so this is awesome.
Omg thank you so much admin! I’ve been waiting for this all along. *w*
Thank you so much for this. Sounds bad but I heard the translation wasn’t great on some routes and that they didn’t use the voices they had on the vita version and that stopped me paying the over £20 price for this game on Steam. (Also that it appears to be a direct mobile port which hurts my heart) But I heard this otome game actually goes a little beyond kissing so I’m hype for that. So again thank you!
It’s not a “direct” mobile port. It’s a mobile port that they added the Vita graphics too and then sold.
Still pretty shit that they wanted $30 for this thing, did they not see what their competitors offered? (Idea Factory with Amnesia which IS a direct Vita port with voices)
But if you play on phone it cost around 5 bucks for each character + the second season of Iroha, then 3 bucks for the epilogue and 2 bucks for the dating scenario, so it’s kinda cheaper to buy the one on PC LOL, but I’m happy I can download it for free now
Thank you for this SOOOOOOOOOO much admin. This makes up for the fact that I couldn’t get Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate to work at all. Not your fault I think, since everyone with Windows 7 64-bit was having the DVD issue.