This isn’t your soft rape story.
This is a gripping story about fiery vengeance and a sinister revenge plot.
Experience the brutality that unfolds and evil deeds taken to the extreme!
Our beautiful maidens are waiting; don’t resist the temptation to participate in a unique sexual fantasy.
It seems no change in locale settings is required. I’ve tried the Locale Emulator program and it worked. Link: https://github.com/xupefei/Locale-Emulator/releases
How? Can you explain step by step?
The game never works. Every time I attempt to open it, I just get a window that is just what looks to be a bunch of code on a blue screen.
Thanks a lot! It worked on windows 10 v1709
couldn’t play three different windows pop up do anyone has a fix
1st endung: what the fuck michiru chick’s crazy!
2nd ending: double what the fuck michiru is insane!!
3rd ending: what is sad ending. T-T
…… no happy end……. sad…….
where can i find a game that have “soft rape story”?
Rance series would be a good start. Personally, I’d recommend Sengoku Rance
This is my first time playing this kind of game and man, this game is so intense. Did they really sell these kind of game in store in Japan @@
The first 2 ending is so crazy, the last one i thought for a moment that it is going to be a happy ending but no, it turn out to be a heartbreaking ending @@ well these kind of game don’t have such thing as “happy ending” i think 😛
And what with the warning “all characters are above 20 years old”. Those high school students don’t seem to be above 20 years old to me lol 😀 or did “characters” mean the voice actress?
Does this have a English patch?
This website just post games in English (“Downloads” list), or partially translated (“Partially translated downloads”). This one is in the downloads. If there’s no patch, it’s because it’s already in English.
admin, cant play this game it says elle_1.exe cant run, help i want to play this game
admin, i can’t open the game. after extracting the file and open the app an error warning appears, what should i do.
I’m a little too scared to try this one… sounds like a mind fcuk.
Decent story, but I’ve seen better.
do tell us where so we can go fap!
Do not really like the art design for the characters.
This game blowed my mind.
I had experienced a Big Bang inside my Head.
I loved the storyline and Michiru’s design :3
I keep getting the blue screened window and it crashes. I tried changing my location, and even language to Japan, but neither work. I’m on a Windows 7.
This left me slightly disturbed. Never gonna look at rape the same way again O_o
Oh My God!!!
In the beginning I just thougt she was completely crazy, but the last story (The one you have to unlock by getting both \psycho\ ends) is just heartbreaking.
I´d recommend this one to anyone hwo isn´t afraid of a little madness or just loves rape and semen.
Believe me, this story is not for the weak.
looking for something to shock yourself out of something or r@ping your mind as punishment for something then look no further for Maiden Rape Assault – Violent Semen Inferno is all you need
1st playthrough in which you are forced to rape your sister and mother then choosing which to finally rape and get an ending associated with either the mother or the sister but in the end everyone is murdered
2nd playthrough it’s pretty much the same as the first but you choose the ending you missed so you can unlock the final ending
3rd playthrough this one is the most “pure” ending out of the three since you won’t rape anyone but remember what happened to your “Mistress” and try to heal here but in the end she kills herself and like the loyal dog you are you follow her to the grave
—————————-End of spoiler——————-
It’s a good game for self torture or mind rape but in no mean is this game just that; the “dark” story is compelling and adds layers to characters that in the first and second playthrough was completely dampened (then again I like broken character or maybe the braking of characters because my favorite characters so far are Shu from guilty crown, and Lelouch from code geass both of which at some point they became mentally wrong to do the right thing)
————————-THE END—————————–
In the end most of just skipped the blob of text so to sum it up play it and you will have a new understanding of the equivalent exchange theory
Is there really such thing as “soft rape”?
If so, can anyone tell me what games are like that?
“Rance” series would be prime example.
There’s such a thing as a ‘soft rape story’?
But since this is an INFERNO…of Semen
uhh I get how there’s a huge gap between what soft and hardcore might mean.
Well, it’s not just hardcore in terms of sex but also the story is so…… that I wouldn’t want to touch it again.
Same here, it just crashes
change your system locale to japan. control panel > region and language > administrative > change system locale
you sir are a genius, i downloaded four games and they all did the same thing, frickin blue screen, but after i followed your instruction all of them are playing now. thank you much bro 😀
that’s not genius, it’s logic cus this game’s for Japanese fapers
thank you
I don’t know why the game don’t rule.. when i open the .exe it appears a blue window with some errors i don’t understand… ??
Change your PC location to Japan.
The main menu is still in Japanese, and some of the text aren’t translated properly. Is it supposed to be like this?
it cannot be read….what should i do?
Damn, that was crazy.
It is literally an inferno of semen.
Let that sink in for a second.
Da fuck is this name.
I’m so LOL here.
it keeps on giving me a red x sign owoll wth is going on?
I wanna torture and kill the step-father >:O
Downloaded the game. Unzipped the RAR file. Went to it in Daemon tool lite. No Image files. I got exe. files, dll. files, & something called an xp3. file. But no cd image files, and the exe file just crashes when try to run it; so I’m out of ideas. Did I miss something? was there a second Download?
Oh God. i feel sorry for Michiru, even though i was so angry on her at the first 2 endings. but the third ripped my heart. man,this game is so depressing. DAMN YOU STEP-FATHER!
I knew there would never be a “happy” ending in a game like this… but the third ending was like a punch in the gut. It wasn’t really what I thought it would be, being an H game and all, but I guess being a hopeless romantic myself I was rooting for a “good” ending and I’m not ashamed to say it tugged at my heart strings a bit.
Well this game is different from what i thought it would have been and it sure is a dark one at that. If there is any who gets this, hoping for happy ending, then it may be better not to play it since you will certainly be disappointed.
Well I don’t know if I’m just screwed up or something but it really isn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I was expecting something way way worse after reading the title and description, but when I played it, the game was very disappointing. No matter how disappointing the game was, I appreciate all the work you do. In the past I wouldn’t have been able to find any of these so I’m really grateful for easy to use site.
Thanks for all!
Can someone please tell us how to get this to work. I put the files in their own folder into Program Files, but nothing changes. I get an error and a small window with buttons and a blue window with gibberish. Please help.
Whoa, I was able to skim through the first time, but the third path is SO heartbreaking, caught me completely off guard.
the file is corrupted please check it..even when i download it again 3x it’s still the same ..
how do you get this to work? reading posts and i cant figure out what change locale means or how to do it. if someone could tell me how to get it to run that would be nice
on a side note for the past few months i actually havent been able to get any of these to work…
ok, locale changed to japanese, posted files in program folder………..it plays, YAY—–its all in japanese
I though this would give me the english translation (text-wise, anyway)
The menu buttons are in japanese, but it’ll show the translation if you hold the mouse over one for a second, after that the whole thing is traslated just fine.
ok, I downloaded and extracted the game……but it JUST wont work! PLEASE help me figure out how to make it work right!
Never mind now. This story is tragic. I understand why she did it.
The main characters in these games are punks. I would have killed her in order to protect the others. It’s always assumed that killing is wrong. It’s only wrong if you kill for the wrong reasons. I think killing a dark one such as herself is highly justified.
Hmm… akward moment when you accidently hit the like button then 15 minutes later your friend asks you what the f*ck is Maiden Rape Assault – Violent Semen Inferno
how come i cant run the gmae?
Anyway what so fun about this game?? the story is too short and no harem ending. Choices you are just rape either one of the two mature girls and give love to broken gal then commit suicide. I wish the protagonist were a beast that rape all the the girl he sees then scream SEMEN INFERNO!!! after bang the girls and not controlled by some broken gal.
The point is; it’s not supposed to be a long (or serious) game. If they added a harem end they’d lose a lot of money on sales and besides, a harem end wouldn’t fit a game like this (tho I haven’t seen a single game that was made better cuz it had a harem ending, on the contrary, it USUALLY makes them worse).
P.S. I’m not trying to troll, and I don’t hate harem (endings) – I just haven’t seen a single instance where it had actually fit the story let along made it better
As a few people here have told us/you… when I run the game (from programs, with Japanese local) I get a blank error msg with an “OK” button. I have tried running as admin, in compat mode, I do have japanese local set… I dont know what the problem is. I am running win 7 ult 64 by the way… any help would be hot.
Strange… I run win 7 too but didn’t encounter any problem as you did… Did you extract it with winRaR? or have you change your unicode to japaness?
What a title…….
Im not sure if its the translation or the plot but the protagonist goes from being average school boy to willing rapist in about 3 lines. Amazing moral backbone…
Needless to say the only character(s) worse than him is probably the step-father and/or the (anti?) heroine
Yeah, I know what everyone is thinking… Utter SHOCK that this game doesn’t have an “All-Ages” tag… 😉
==…..what the hell this game is about..
Er… Disturbing… And heartbreaking
Specialy the third ending
hey was just wondering if you can help me download this game i have no idea how ta do it O_o
Kinda weird, the word I had to put in to start the download was cockburn….. XD
all bad endings?
and i can’t wait for school days
So, do i download both mirrors? or just 1?
help please~
Any of you guys figure out how to play gangrape club or prison battle ship because i had the same issue where it wouldnt unpack all the way or the format was way to weird.
don’t work
“Violent Semen Inferno” … … … call me immature, but for some reason i keep giggling every time i read it. Just imagine the final, epic fight in a movie or a game, where the hero suddenly shouts “VIOLENT SEMEN INFERNO!” and starts unzipping his pants. The enemy will flee, feeling utterly ashamed to be in the same room as this guy. It will be the most awkward victory-celebration-party ever. Total comedy gold.
btw. it seems like some people think “all ages” means that characters of “all ages” are getting some. Either this, or someone is trying hard to be ironic …
haha, nice
XDDD. I kinda wanna see that now
meh..any1 got elle01_exe? mine got corrupt while download…dont wanna redown..-.-
With a name like Maiden Rape Assault – Violent Semen Inferno, why WOULDN’T you download it?
Game is full of meh, plot is kinda stupid, just a little better that Rapelay’s plot, which is saying something. Art style didn’t really cut it for me, music is short loop and even ero-scenes aren’t that well done.
Only positive thing I can say is that playing it again changes the story pretty drasticly, at least parts of it, but if you didn’t enjoy it first play through, the second will be like playing the game on hardcore, if you get what I’m saying ^^.
So overall it’s kinda enjoyable for the plot as you think you can get some “deep” reasons for Michiru’s behavior, but it gets dull after the half point.
Ps. I hate both FSs so fuck.. Can’t complain though since I’m getting this awesome site for free, thanks for that.
I tried to play gang rape club and it wouldnt unpack cause its in a weird form and i have a rar extracter. And the prison space ship wouldnt unpack all the files so when i tried to start it i got an errot
So being very curious…. “Is this game good so far for you guys??”
after i extact it and i open it but it only shows a little front part and a lot of japanese word come out and then it become all black and not functionable,please help me to fix this
If the game doesn’t run try to paste it into your program files and then run it with app-locale.
This game will not play, I get a blank error message box. I’ve tried running under japanese locale, but same problem. It’s the only game I’ve gotten from here that doesn’t work.
….I don’t feel comfortable downloading this…
skimmed through it, and it didn’t seem that fucked up to me. i think things like prison battleship or something takes the cake.
wow… this is one seriously fucked up game. If you want to be shocked this is the game for you. Its short thankfully. Im not sure i could have finished a longer version lol
wall of text guy is an asshole also the game dosent work
2. Thanks i was trying to get this
hmm, why can’t i play this?
everytime i start it only show me error log
this is the error log
You don’t have japanese locale set up (search this site for instructions)
Where can i make the japanese set up?
Read the F.A.Q.
Not to be an ass, but I used your site’s search function to look up how to run games in Japanese locale, but it just brings up some random games. Someone should upload a WALKTHROUGH for using Applocale or switching locales for those who don’t know. (I don’t think I can even run games using applocale because I don’t have Japanese fonts installed… so… yeah)
Errr… okay, I found the FAQs section. Please, when you have the time Admin, delete these posts.
nope. everyone will get to see how much of an idiot you are. forever. and ever.
you will be remembered…..FOREVER
Oh look!
It’s that idiot guy!
Oh the moron who’s to dumb to look up the FAQ
Oh look, “superior” people 😐
Oh, look. A passive-aggressive “superior” bitch.
… Dear Lord, you weren’t joking.
What a fucked up game. Almost as bad as twins raping each other. At least the one with the doctor experimenting on women was more far fetched.
Need more of these games, though perhaps with slightly less shitty endings.
Omg lol when i read your posts on gang rape club about this game i totally thought you were just playing with us… Can’t believe it actually exist.
When I see this title all I can do is O_O
Honestly lol’d when I read it.
Me too
Omg…so am I right now…it’s just too damn epic…the cover must be too amazing for us mortals to lay witness to, and that’s why the site took it down.
You can joke about this all you want, but i want to make this website safe for browsing in work/school. I temporarly removed all NSFW images until i get a code to show them for interested people only. You can see the image here: http://erogedownload.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/The-Maiden-Rape-Assault.jpg
Thank you so much admin for not showing that pic! I was just to curious…and that is one intense cover0_0! Do they have it in stores like that?
Having the cover optionaly shown is a good idea. In no way is it an inconvenience to have to click one more link if you want to see it.
that is ONE BRUTAL COVER~~ 8~8