Ever 17 is the tale of seven individuals who come to be trapped within the underwater marine theme park, LeMU, 51 meters below the surface. During an apparently normal day at the park, an incident occurs, placing almost half of the facility underwater. The path to the surface and the communication lines are cut off. In addition, LeMU is under constant assault by severe water pressure, limiting time to find a means of escape to 119 hours. Escape is not the only concern, however; many questions arise as to the legitimacy of the accident and whether or not those trapped there were brought there for a purpose.
As the situation grows more desperate, the people trapped inside LeMU grow closer. They begin to uncover the answers to mysteries about themselves, LeMU, and the situation itself. As the end of LeMU grows nearer, so too do the mysteries and relationships forged by the situation grow deeper. Ultimately, it is up to the characters not only to survive, but to discover the truth behind LeMU and themselves as well.
Ever17.part02.rar – 199.3 MB
Ever17.part03.rar – 199.3 MB
Ever17.part04.rar – 199.3 MB
Ever17.part05.rar – 199.3 MB
Ever17.part06.rar – 199.3 MB
Ever17.part07.rar – 199.3 MB
Ever17.part08.rar – 199.3 MB
Ever17.part09.rar – 199.3 MB
Ever17.part10.rar – 199.3 MB
Ever17.part11.rar – 144.9 MB
Anyone else have a problem with the game temporarily freezing and the window saying “not responding”? It’s happening repeatedly.
(Not sure why I can’t reply to other comments)
SlyCooper’s link saves lives. There is an .exe called and weighing the same, but you need to replace them. Idk if the other one is corrupt, anyway enjoy the game!
Due to the way this game is programmed, this game will not work on Win 8 or later unless you have this .exe
Credit goes to original uploader. God that took me forever to find a fix for this.
Thanks for this!! I was going mad trying to get this working but that solved it instantly.
Hey, so I’ve mounted/installed everything, replaced the script.dat and everything, but when I try to play it, it says I’m missing the chara.dat file? Help? Is there any way I could download that file, or what should I do?
Are there differences between this and the official english edition?
This IS official English edition.
Thanks, I thought it was japanese edition.
For those of you on Windows 8.1 and are crashing on startup, here’s a quick patch. Run with this exe: goo.gl/mFdncf
Thank you so much!! I was having the problem with it crashing on startup, but now it is working perfect so far! You are a life-saver~
For some reason the fix isn’t working for me. Both of my computers have 8.1 (the one came with it and the other forcibly updated from Windows 8 at some point – the game ran fine before on that one) and I still get the error message saying the game has crashed. It does get a bit farther than if I just an the original .exe (it gets to the end of SDR Project logo before cutting out) but still crashes nonetheless. Any ideas?
Did you properly put the “ever17PC_Win8.1.exe” in the installation folder ?
same, i am also having an error after starting the launcher. how to fix?? T_T
I seems to have problem where I couldn’t start the game at all… Whenever I tried to start the game, it would stop responding… Is there anything I could do to fix this… btw, I’m using 64bit Windows 8…
Thanks ^^ gosh that true end :O
The patch is cannot to download . . . . can you fix it . ?
always crash when started on win8. Any way to fix this?
3rd part was dead while im still loading
Okay, I successfully installed the game (mounting different discs when asked). Extracted and placed the patch files inside the folder where I installed the game (installed with BGM and Voice).
Whenever I open the program, the start menu appears (no problem there) then,a window of the game would appear (all white inside the window) and a message saying “Ever 17 – the out of infinity – Premium Edition has stopped working. Only choice I could do was close the program.
Please note that I am using a japanese locale windows 7 laptop (Is it becuase I’m using windows 7 and not XP?).
Anyone know how to fix this (if possible)?
I have the exact same problem and I run on windows 8 as well.
Thanks for the upload!
This game is freakin genius! GENIUS, I SAY!
Actually i over overcame that problem and i download daemon tools. I started the cd 1 and all was goin well. It then asked to insert disc 2 and i have no idea how to solve that problem
Unmount cd1 image, mount cd2 image in it’s place. Click “ok” in installer.
I need desperate help setting up this game. I’m not that good with installing games and would appreciate help. I downloaded all the parts and put them on my desktop. When i open the first part a folder opens with another folder in it named Ever 17. I open it and see for ISO files named Ever 17 The out of infinity cd 1 – cd 4. When i open up the first one it a NTI CD & DVD maker and ask to insert a blank disk. I don’t kno wat to do here plz help
How do you get this game to run? I still haven’t worked that out>>
Hello everybody,
I have a big problem with this fabulous game, i wish to continue the story with the Kid but the game freeze and the screen become black, and they say there is a error,
WGLload : File load error black.cpscal_000.cps
What does that mean and how i can fix it ?
Please help me !
Yes, I’m currently having the same problem.
I was currently in the story with the Kid but suddenly the screen turned black and got stuck with the error screen,
WGLload : File load error black.cpscal_000.cps
Can anyone help please? Thank you.
3 and 4 seem to be broken. Can you fix?
Keeps asking me for disc2. Yes, I’ve mounted it with Daemon Tools and all that. I have several virtual drivers downloaded on my computer, I just don’t know what to do with them.
I’m also having a problem with Kana Little Sister.
Now it keeps asking me for Disc1.
Buy them legally then 🙂
Does this game work at all? Because I was thinking about downloading the parts for the game, and I really want to play this because its by the same guy who did Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors on the DS. Also could someone tell me the specs for the game.
Uh yeah, it works. You can get them legally and very cheap by contacting the owner of Hirameki.
Then you’ll wanna get the 3 patches, the script patch removes a story-breaking glitch, voice/sfx and music gives higher quality.
Could anyone upload the patches that will enhance this game such as the voice patch?
Thanks in advance!
I’ve installed it successfully, but i can’t seem to get any sound, help?
How do you mount the files or whatever? (sorry if it’s a dumb question, i just don’t know how haha)
Google for Deamon tools.
Usualy you get a single file something.iso (som other times it can be .bin or .cue)
You will need:
1- One program to “read that file” and make it run as an ” Artificial/Virutal/Ghost CD/DVD Driver.
(Ex: that program will creat an ” imaginary dvd/cd driver ” in your compuer. “Mount the image” is the process we call 9 run the CD/DVD in that drive(aka .iso or image you will be downloading here.)
2- Once its “mounted” (open the file u download here with the program – I recommend Deamontolls) its all set.
3- Install it like it was a real CD/DVD you just put on your PC. Instted of a Physical CD/DVD you got a “Virtual” CD/Dvd (that you downloaded here)
Part 4 has a file not found error…can you fix it?
i have the same problem , how can i fix it ??
or how can i unmount like waht you said ??
Hey could someone help me out. I downloaded the files, extracted them, and mounted them to get at the setup.exe file. But now once I open it, it allows me to set up the installation but it stops and then tells me to insert disc one. Is there anyway to circumvent this problem. Note: I am using a Linux laptop so no daemon tools.
Just install it in other PC with windows OS and copy the installation folder to your PC. Hope work, if not, maybe wine isn’t support with this VN.
unmount the 1st iso then mount the 2nd iso to the path where you mounted the 1st one
use “umount -l”if you get a unmount error
Also quick tip wine will NOT play the vids, but thatsthe only problem, so you’ll get a blank screen when it’s supposed to play. Just hammer the ESC key a few times and you’llbe laughing
I installed the game (4 CD Premium Edition) on Windows 7 Home 64bit. When I want to start the game I see two logos and then a white screen. I can’t load the main menu or go any step further.
I tried to “run as administrator” or “windows xpcompatibility mode”, but nothing worked for me.
Could the problem be a video codec (I have installed the newest K-Lite Codec pack with Haali video renderer)?
is the patch work for PSP version too?
Okay, I now wish I didn’t delete all my VNs from a long time ago. This new direct download site is so very slow. Well anyway thanks Admin, will finally read this since Cross+Channel made me like VNs again. Go KID.
Heya I seems to have some trouble on Part 10 I can see others have come by this but mine seems difrent so figured I’d post it, thing is that when I try to download it all looks good on DA but when it sends me the file it’s only a 383 byte big file that wount download, a bit off since it should be 209000000 Bytes or so from what I read, anyone that can work wonders for me or maybe just give me so guiding advice ? 🙂
Got a friend to try it out he can download it just fine, tryed it out for like 15th time and then it worked too, it seems that if you are getting trouble from the DA server you prolly hit into a maintainance or something, waiting half an hour can be the celution to the problems you might get with downloading. Well hope someone can use this info instead of getting overly frustrated like me xD and lovely game ! I so love this one 🙂
is it just me or is part9 always error, can’t be downloaded?
ah forget it, after 7th attempt, it works ^^
So I installed the game just fine, and it runs perfectly… except, for some reason, the text doesn’t show up. I’ve tried various fixes and nothing works. Help, please?
I think part 10 is broken
Umm… Do you download everything and then mount them in whole 1 CD?
Weird… Is the movie file for Sora’s ending in HIMMEL missing? Or did my download just skip a beat? Anyone else having this problem?
Nevermind, I just hadn’t extracted the file. My bad! ^_^;
Admin, you might want to add these tweaks: mediafire.com/?j7f4d2l6kckijdr BGM patch
mediafire.com/?q6uabdvcu8vysqh script patch
there’s also a 1GB voice patch which improves quality and removes some hissing and background noise, it can be found in the russian translation torrents.
YU-NO also has a BGM patch that could be added to the site if you have the time (can be found on tlwiki). Either way thanks for the continuous work on the site, I among many others are grateful. Keep it up!
Yeah, uhh.. I’m having a lot of trouble installing and mounting this. It’s saying something about the file being corrupted or something when I try to extract the files from Part 2.. and.. I’m just confused in general.
I doubt anyone will read these, but yeah.. any help would be appreciated.
I have a question… I’ve been trying to install the game, but 1) the setup asks to insert “Disc 2″ and 2) when trying to read the .rar files, WinRAR seems to find some sort of error… Could anyone please advise me on how to solve this? ^_^”
Hi, I downloaded+installed this game on my computer, but other people use my computer and I don’t want them to see this game. But, every time I turn on my computer and open a documents window, it shows EVER17 to be in my BD drive! Do I have to manually hit “Eject” so no one sees the game or is there some way to hide it?? >_< I don't want my boyfriend or mom, or friends to know I play visual novels yet, LOL 😛
You should promote this particular piece of greatness instead of hiding imo but it sounds like you just have the cd image mounted in daemon tools (or some other disc image tool)
Just unmount it and it will go away, you don’t need the disc after installing anyway. For backup and sharing purposes copying the game folder as it is seem to work just fine too.
Help me please…
I play the game, everything seems alright until a message pop up that says :
WGL load error
WGL load : File load error ‘C017ADM.cps’
and the game crash
I dont know what to do, it happen when i follow Tsugumi route when You and Coco talk in the Kiosk, thanks for the help
Can someone help me? I downloaded Daemon tools, I’ve dowloaded the Ever_17_-_The_Out_of_Infinity_CD1->4. But Im stuck here I try to mount, (The iso called Ever_17_-_The_Out_of_Infinity_CD1) when it opens to so i can install I click ‘start installation’ as its intralling something pops up and says ‘Please inser [Ever -the out of infinity- premium edition disc 2] in [f:\] (with options of ‘Retry’ and ‘Cancel’)
What did I do wrong?
You have to keep the window with the 4 discs open. when it asks for part 2, go back to the window (don’t close it til you’re done) and install/mount part 2, then click retry on the window for disc 1 that asks for disc 2 🙂 Hope I helped
Thaanks Leah, you saved me! ;*
I never played this game but the brown haired guy(?) has that sleepy black hair girl in a headlock LOL 🙂
Can someone give me a short review of this so I can decide whether it’s worth playing?
Just play it, it’s so worth it! Seriously, just look up some reviews of this game (Gamefaqs, blogs, etc.) and everyone says it’s great. That’s because it is. Play iiiit 😀
My problem is that it sounds rather postmodern in style, and I don’t like that very much. I want a thrilling plot that at least moves faster than at a snail’s pace and likable characters. Does this game have that?
Yes, the plot is very full of twists and turns and moves along nicely. The characters are very cool and likable as well!
Also if you have a DS (or even if you don’t, just emulate it) please check out 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors, made by the same writer as this game, epic plot and very awesome “science” twists 🙂 It’s actually a slightly better game imo (because I like the art and style better :P)
I can’t seems to download from DA 🙁
Can you upload it via mediafire please (sorry for the trouble)
whatever the problem was it is now fixed!
Wish they would add these things to Steam or something so you could support the creators in less roundabout ways.
It’s not often they manage to keep the underlying story hidden as good as they do in this game and the way it’s done is nothing short of genius, can’t say anything more without risk of giving it away. I’m even willing to forgive them for pulling THAT card, more than I can say for a recent AAA title.
Hey admin, all I need to do is download the files and extract them to play, correct? 🙂
Admin, I love you for posting this game!! Buying Ever17 is basically impossible now since it’s so rare and expensive ($400 on ebay I believe). I’m the kind of person who buys games to support the creators, but buying it on ebay is completely pointless since all that money just goes to the buyer. :/ Anyway, thank you! And everyone else: if you love this game, PLEASE CHECK OUT 999! Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors is a DS visual novel also written by Kotaro Ushikoshi, and it even has a 3DS sequel being localized soon! It’s a fantastic game- please check it out! 🙂
I agree. 999 is a fantastic game!!! Everyone, please play it if you like this (I played 999 first actually).
part 5 says its corrupt
Seems like part 10 broken.. Admin can you check it? i can’t download it now..
Whoa, its good now… thx a lot admin..
Excuse me admin but although I’ve got the setup going I don’t know what image needs to be mounted. I figured it’d come with a crack folder or something but when extracted I’m not giving any thing of the sort. Or maybe I am but I’m just confused on which it is. So would you be able to clarify for me? Sorry and thanks in advance if you can help
Never mind admin I’m retarded lol. Sorry
part 4 is dead
Is this game voiced or do i have to download a voice patch or something?
it is voiced
hey admin, can you state if the games are iso or not in the downloads directory? example: Bazooka Cafe (iso)
Cuz I don’t wanna download iso’s, i downloaded Moero Downhill Night 2, it wasn’t iso, could you make all the games(if possible) into binary files after extraction?
Kuso, it’s all ages, I just realized. :/ Well it’s okay so far but.. the german parts in this game are really sad, you know?
I nearly cried when I read: “Leiblich Medizin: Mulitverfahren Intelligent Hirn System.” It’s like they translated every single word directly via a dictionary. Or it sounds just like some basic school learnt german. xD Missing nearly every word ending or using not quit fitting words. Well, the problem lies with the creators of course. They should ask a native to read it through, it wouldn’t even take an hour for something like that..
I just wanted to ask.
I found a savefile wich opens the true route. I’ve already finished Tsugumi route, but I don’t think i could handle three other endings to accomplish True route access, so I wanted to download save file and read only Coco’s route.
How much of enjoyment would I lose if I’ll read only True Coco’s route? How important other routes for full plot understanding?
DO NOT start directly with coco’s route (true end) until you have done each of the good ends.
You will not enjoy the final end as much, and you will miss out on some things.
At the most, use a walkthrough to go through the good endings of each character.
The true ending is worth the time to beat the good endings on the other ones.
How do I save this game?
Anyone knows how to play this game with 64 bit Windows? Becouse I try to launch it, but it says, that I need 32 bit OS.
hmm.. just a question, what are the related links for? are they required downloads? or something like free goodies, in addition to the already free game.. XD
Yes, you can conisder them “goodies” – it’s soundtrack from the game and graphics set.
when using daemon tools
mount disc 1 then click retry
etc 😀
Hello, I’ve downloaded the game without any problems and then unzipped it and mounted it. When I tried to install it there was always this annoying message popping up but if I hit retry the installation would progress ‘normally’- meaning that a file that would normally be copied in 1 minute in windows took about 2 hours in the installer. I’m not kidding, I checked- the whole process took about 9 hours to install the game. And I wouldn’t even care but now when I try to run it the installation mode opens up fine (the box where you choose the screen mode and whatnot) the game creates a save folder but then there’s this message,
“‘chara.DAT’ is not found” and the whole thing crashes without even opening the game window. I checked the folder and the file (chara.dat) is there and it is the right size- the same as the one on the CD.
So now is my question- can anybody help me with this, please? Admin, user, Santa Clouse, Boogieman, as long as you know the answer I will welcome your help.
was your system set to use japanese for non-unicode processes when you installed it?
Ok, I know how to set it to japanese and it was but how do I set the Unicode settings?
This is english release by Hirameki – you shouldn’t have to change locale to japanese for it to install.
I didn’t change it- I just had it set after playing some Japanese game. Should I change it to English?
Hi Dacara,
I had the exact same error as you until 10 minutes ago. Turns out something was going wrong with the install each time as the installed chara.dat file was corrupted. You need to copy across the file manually from CD 2 into your install folder.
where is the install folder?
Wow! since you guys said it is that good, i might try it myself
Firstly thanks for the game. I’m having a problem though. Everything works fine until I get onto the true ending, and at one point it comes up with the error: Runtime Error, Program: C:\KID\ever17PC_us\ever17PC_us.exe, abnormal program termination.
Is there any way I can solve this? (I’m using Windows Vista)
wth is with this bs survey, i dont want to do IT!! D:
I use w7 ultimate + this version of ever 17 and it works fine, thx to admin.
I just tried to install the game (I downloaded through a torrent) [4 CDs Premium English Edition] on Windows7 Home, and it won’t even load at all. It just crashes as soon as the game starts to load (I see a white screen, no logos, and then instant crash). xD
I tried all sorts of options, including ‘run as administrator’ or ‘windows xp’ compatibility mode, all to no avail.
The funny thing is, I got the Japanese DVD version of the game and it runs fine. It loads the logos, voices, and everything without a problem. Is it something to do with the files from that version I downloaded or something else?
Any of you guys got the same problem on Win7?
Ugh! The same thing happened to me too >w<
I also did the exact thing you did. I don't know how to fix it though DX
just downloaded and installed but game freezes right after showing the names kid and hirameki.
I started it with admin rights and i tried every options but it continues being blank…
any solutions?
(and i’m sorry if my grammar is wrong lol)
Wait a few moments, then press the space bar – it worked for me! 🙂
Nope, pressing the space bar doesn’t help.
While I believe I’m having the same issue as described above, I’ll explain it in greater details just to be sure. After the two logos flash up, the screen turns white for a second and then turns green and the window freezes. If try to close the window quickly enough, a dialog will pop up asking if I want to save the system data, but regardless of what I choose, closing it this way leaves the process running even though the window closes. If I try to move the window around, the green rectangle will stay in place while black will be shown in the “background.” After a couple seconds or a click, the window will no longer respond to either dragging it or closing it. Changing settings (compatibility modes, admin rights, the Ever17 ‘Start Menu’) do not do anything to fix it.
I’m wondering if the problem is that I’m missing a codec or DirectX or something like that.
get the DirectX 9 Redist, sounds like your lacking certain DLLs
great game……
it’s best one VN i ever played…..
hope admin will add more like this one….
Because I am new to this site, I have no idea how to install this, please help! Thank you very much
Great story, nice to have a game that doesn’t have h-scenes
btw, use daemon tools to mount and install the game 🙂
OMG i finally found it…tnx a lot
Sorry I just fixed it if anyone ever has this problem try downloading the cccp file here:http://www.cccp-project.net/ this is what I did. And thanks for this amazing game!!
I need help the game keeps freezing usually in the opening but always when I complete Sora’s route in the credits. Is there anything I can do About this?
Great game thanks
Best VN i’ve ever played, waiting to find one that can match this
How to install Ever 17: the Out of infinity?
This archive contains game images – just mount or burn them ( check out “FAQ” section for detailed instructions about doing this if you have problems ) and follow instructions.
Just went to this page to say that this game was the best visual novel i’ve played, well maybe second to Umineko
Umineko is my favorite sound novel/visual novel of all time, I’m going to have to give this a look if it was almost as good!!
😀 Plus since I don’t have much to do this summer after finishing Umineko I’ve been hunting for new visual novels for a bit now.
Clannad was awesome and I must give my recomendation breifly. I’ve also read a little of Katawa Shojou with the adult content turned off and it was enterntaining
I am shocked nobody ever refers to Fate/Stay night when discussing good visual novels, or is it because it’s pretty much the poster-child of Visual novels? either way, it’s a VN I whole heartily recommend if one of ye pips haven’t tried it.
One of the best games ever made.
XD It can’t be considered a game,its a light novel (not to light though) but evryone have their opinions right?
Well, I would say it very well should be considered a videogame (since it could be considered a sub-genre of Adventure games), and it’s a Visual Novel, not a Light Novel.
I agree. If you wanna consider any game to be more a light novel rather then a VN, “When They Cry” is a better example.
Actually the when they cry series were sound novels not visual novels. Either way the Game is still considered an eroge even though the genre in general is different. and a Visual Novel is what they are refereed to by most foreigners.