This is a fun little game where our hero, Mery, and her maid, Maria go out and try to discover a valuable artifact in Cipangu (the old Portuguese name for Japan). I felt a strong relation to our heroines here when I came to Japan for the first time myself!
But why are they going? Mery is about to graduate from her magic academy and needs to prove to her worth! And her trusty SUPER MAID Mary isn’t going to let her go alone!
In Hinaya village, they find an old ruined shrine and explore its depths together! However, it’s hard for our two girls to get through their quest without running into some troubles along the way! Many dangerous men and monsters lay deep in the shrine, and they’re going to need and an ample amount of battle prowess and sexual prowess in order to survive!
ok. ADD TAGS PLEASE!! here there’s unavoidable rape. I couldn’t continue this game after only about fifteen minutes 🙁
I’m sorry because I know you guys work to let us play these games; but some of us read \yuri\ tag and do not expect certain things. Please, understand.
If anyone who has already finished the game would be kind enough to upload a save (around 50kb) it would be much appreciated. Also, you would get an imaginery cookie. So…pretty please?
An issue I am having with the cleared save data is that it has no benefit. After clearing the game it says you can use the treasure to enter a room with all the CG, however when you make your 100% save data, it sends you back to before you cleared the game and the item is not in your inventory. So there is no actual reward in the game based on what has happened to me.
Leaves you with a punch in the gut for trying to beat the game.
Well, as far as i have seen there should be the option do see all the CGs. After entering the Shrine you should go on the circle and be able to teleport into some kind of room. There ought to be all the CGs. That s what i ve read at least.
The game is nice. I like this kind of blond female protagonist but game as for me is crude. e.g. after finish I would like access to memory album with H scene but I didn’t get any additional options. Interface should have more convenients options. If you prefer better game i propose Warrior Raidy series – this is also dungeon crowler with female protagonist but with bigger boobs and much better graphics.
Then I’m going with Bunny Black. Granted the protag is a generally terrible person, almost as much as rance, but still fun game, lots of content, and you definitely see character improvement. Plus it’s fun playing a bad guy.
Personally I think that famale cast in Bunny Black is unattractive but in Sengoku Rance thay were much more beatiful.
Can somebody can post link to more games done by RPG Maker, translated on english which have H scenes?
Female protag = shit
very much not true. A game with a protagonist of any gender might be bad. Doesn’t make them all bad. I’m sorry you lack that much intellect.
Very much true. Female protags are utter shit.
Saber is a Female Protagonist, The Angel Brigade are Female Protagonists, Merry, Ati and Kia are female Protagonists, Yuella is a Female Protagonist. the only way they suck is either your only into Yaoi or you some sort of sexist dick head who should never get a girlfriend because you see women as pieces of meat that you can fuck
We want to have x with the girls not seeing the girl get raped, ok?
Most JP H rpg makers seem to have the opposite idea though… sad*
I for one am quite excited about seeing an rpg maker game on this site and I hope that we will be seeing more of them in the future :).
Honestly its more of the fact someone’s trying to charge for this. Not trying to advertise for another site, but if you checkout Lok Creative Corner, there are a bunch of good RPG Maker projects, people usually release updates so you typically get to play the games as they’re being developed.
Yeah, I feel the same way too, just the forced bad end straight off the bat ticked me off. Thanks for the awesome work admin, as always you deserve more props than I can give
Okay time for an actual review/beginner tips.
I’ve only been playing this game for a couple of hours and personally I would give it a meh. It’s alright, but honestly I wouldn’t pay for it. I’ll just start off by saying the people who made this have very mediocre skills at using RPG Maker. I used it once, for the hell of it, out of boredom and honestly I figured out how to map better than this. Everything that seems solid is and everything that doesn’t isn’t. There is no depth, you can’t go under things, and stuff that looks like a path often isn’t. Seriously the person who mapped this could have made much better map by watching a 20 min tutorial first, so yeah just had to rant on that now for the actual game.
So this is a dungeon crawler, pure and simple. You start at the top you work your way down and you kill things. As implementation goes I give it a solid meh. It’s okay, It’s average, It’s something someone would make out of boredom, honestly it can be improved, but probably won’t be changed. The game doesn’t really explain much and honestly that can be a serious flaw, considering you have to figure out how to level on your own.
Okay so here’s basic shit to do at the beginning, and some info.
-On the eastern side of the northern part of the village is the lake, you can learn magic from the demon there, it’s seems hidden.
-Go to the dojo for skills for the Maid, honestly just pouring stats into her strength and attacking just works.
-You can upgrade most of Mery’s starting gear right at the beginning, for free, you just need to unequip it first.
-Get Anima Conversion, it’s the only way to regen MP without items.
-DO NOT learn the healing spell, it needs 100 mp to work and that will take a while to get.
-To level you need to go to the private home in the southern part of town on the eastern side, interact with the statue and distribute stats.
If I get around to it I’ll hack this a bit for anyone who doesn’t care enough to actually play this, I sure as hell don’t.
Oh and by a couple of hours I mean like 10 minutes. Honestly I’ve uninstalled it. If you want a quick hack for it feel free to reply and I’ll build it quick, other than that It’s really just not worth it, in my own opinion.
Can u give me that hack Please:)
As much as i love the Art of a lot of the RPG-Maker scenes, the gameplay is mostly horrible and/or timeconsuming. So please, i would take a hack aswell 🙂
I can’t find the demon on the eastern side of the north end. Where do I upgrade for free? For some reason, monsters don’t even give exp, so it’s kind of annoying navigating and having to fight with beginner gear since apparently, mobs don’t drop items worth selling in this game.
The demon is supposed to be at the lake to the right of the first town screen (left leads to the western mansion). Every monster you kill gives you points you can use at a buddha statue in one of the private houses that lets you raise one by one, the levels are mostly for show since you can only level every time a boss is killed.
I may also add that giving the beggar 500 coins is neccessary for some helm equipment and there’s upgrades you can synthetize fairly easy with items found in treasure chests around the dungeon and with no cost to boot. You’ll get extra coins in chests as well and a particular part of the game lets you earn some money so it’s not like you’re in a particular drought of cash. The game is fairly simple seeing as there’s no penalty for dying as far as I know. You can just keep killing monsters and then raising your stats when you get killed until you’re satisfied. Only real pain was the second boss IMO.
I meant to say that the buddha statue lets you raise your stats manually. Just noticed I forgot to write the “stats” part.
The issue I have is with gold, I can’t buy the magic skills required for the maid and MC. Outside of this, I just spam green pots and make blue pots while having 100 attack and 150 or so mp.
Cheat Engine
Please tag this with “unavoidable rape”, I like these kinds of games but I play them while keeping a “clean” save and watching all of the scenes then loading back. Being unable to do that is pretty annoying
Heads up to everyone, this is RPG Maker. I have a love hate relationship with the program, but just something everyone should know.
Thanks for the heads up. I won’t be downloading this. The CG looks pretty mediocre, too.
RPG Maker + Female protagonist + H scenes = WIN