Beneath the scorching sun of midsummer, a pampered, aloof sort of girl declared that there are four windows through which to view a person.
She was not the only one by his side, for he had had a wounded girl thrust upon him – a wounded girl who could not help but depend upon him, as the girl he had known for so long once had.
Now, however, that old friend of his vanishes in the dead of night to prowl where an ordinary girl should not.
The blue sky of the stadium and the filth of the city streets spread out before him; unsustainable aspirations and an unsustainable love beset him.
What in the world is he thinking as he gazes at their profiles?
AProfile.part2.rar – 199.3 MB
AProfile.part3.rar – 199.3 MB
AProfile.part4.rar – 5.8 MB
1. Change locale to japanese
2. Mount the game image
3. Install the game
4. Install the 1.01 patch
5. Install the English patch
I’ve been wondering what’s so special about this VN that I remember it fondly 9 years later despite its deceptively cliche setup and characters and just now I realize it’s from Akabei Soft. It’s unfortunate this isn’t one of their more popular works but it makes sense since it was the writer’s first attempt before G-senjou no Maou and Sharin no Kuni. While it doesn’t have nearly as much action as the latter two, it spins a good drama just as well.
Bruh that nigga Kaine look like a fuckin slug been left out in the sun too long. Melty ass nigga. Been walking around acting like he live that life, bruh stfu. Ugly ass.
I fucking HATE Miou
Works great, thanks! Patches were easy to install.
If someone… ANYONE can help me play these games i’ll be forever grateful! ok, i installed the east asian languague pack, so now i can see japanese symbols. i also downloaded applocale…and thats as far as i got. help me. oh, btw im using windows XP….ya its old, but its all i got 🙂 thank you!
nevermind! i managed to figure it out 😀
And how could you make it ?
the patch.exe doesn’t work because there is this message that pops up with japanese and says prof_patch.xp3
plz help me
Change your system local to Japanese.
the patch.exe doesn’t work because there is this message that pops up with japanese and says prof_patch.xp3
Can these be played on the PSP ?
To Akabei Soft2
This is is awesome. Even though, it is smaller i finished it in 18 Hours. I was really happy to finish the game [Well i get after every game finishes] but after finishing the Miku route in the end of the true end or even the other end . I cried and had the same feeling when anime finishes . Something Peircing the heart and poor Masayuki he has to once again redoa school year but he will have his GF [MIKU] and am sad that miou didn’t have much good of an ending .But still i am crying… 🙁 UWUWUWUWUWUAUWAWAWWAWAWWAWAWAWA.
P.S. Make Good games like this with always suspenseful story lines and routes and make more choices instead of just reading . SO , we get to have more flag events.
Whew,I just found this game now and it works well. The install instructions above is already really clear and I have no problems at all. Just in case someone having difficulties understanding the instruction, I explain it once again.
0. Make sure you’ve already changed your applocale to Japanese (refer to the FAQs)
1. Download all the files
2. Install the game (mount the ISO file using Daemon Tools, then run setup.exe)
3. Install the 1.01 patch (in case you are wondering, the patch is already included inside those 4-part files)
*to install the patch, extract the .zip folder and then run patch.exe. A window will pop out, and then select the directory where you install the game. The default directory is inside C://ProgramFilesx86/AkabeiSoft2(written in japanese)/Sonoyoko(written in japanese). Otherwise, you can just cut the “prof_patch.xp3” (or whatever is the name, I forgot, it’s also inside the .zip folder) to the directory.
4. Run the english patch
Now you can enjoy the game ^^ Have a nice play.
thanks men! you help me a lot
could you tell me how to do the savings in this game ? when i do the savings and exit from game nothing’s loaded why ? i have to wait something to do the first saving ?
I received this error during Miku’s sex scene. Can anyone help me? Thanks
ó__ò\ perfect…tanks admin…
Quite a lengthy game, took me abut 24 hours to complete. The graphics are very good 8/10, the story is captivating to the point where I got emotionally attached to it (9/10) though it did get a bit confusing on Rizu’s path. It does have H-scenes but unfortunently they are censored. Paths are easy to get and the responses from the main character are pretty much how real-life responses would go. All-in-all it is a good game, would’ve been great if it was uncensored and had more music to it but good nonetheless
For those of you who are having trouble installing this game (or any game)… I have made a quick tutorial on it!
I haven’t installed this game yet but I’ve obtained a fair idea on how to install VNs now.
First, change your locale to Japanese. To do so, you just: Control Panel -> Clock, Language and Region -> Region and Language: Change Location -> Region and Language: Administrative -> Change System Locale… and select Japanese Locale.
Second, download ALL parts of the game.
Third, extract all parts of the game in order, 1-?. You may need an extracting tool (I use winRAR) and if you have one it will probably give you the option to extract all volumes in order after you go to extract the first part. Make sure you extract when all the parts are downloaded.
Finally, if there are any patches you have to install, install those in the given order the the website tells you to do and read the readme notes they give.
some patches won’t install properly.
If this is the case for you (it always is for me) then you have to look at the files in the patch and then look for the same files in the game and manually replace the game’s original files with the patch’s files.
Make sure that you don’t replace entire folders because sometimes there are parts of the patches that don’t replace all the old existing files. In other words, there are some files that the patch doesn’t change and if you replace it with the entire folder in the patch, you’ll lose some other files required for the game. It shouldn’t be too hard to do so long as you have half a brain (no offense to those of you who have trouble).
This technique works for just about any game. Some you don’t need to change your locale and stuff, but I just keep mine on Japanese locale because it’s less work. 😀
Hope I helped!
Now, it’s my turn to ask for help!
Someone please tell me… does that 1.01 patch still exist?
Is it in the English patch download or something?
Or is it just outdated stuff that the admin hasn’t removed yet?
Do I even need it?
Well I downloaded everything, but I can’t for the life of me figure out what I’m supposed to do with the patch…
It’s in Japanese, how can I?
I don’t know what folder I have to pick for the patch stuff and I don’t know what the patch is saying, nor do I know what the message about the xp3 file is saying. -.-
I need to learn Japanese…
Everyone sorry to bother I know this has been ask until the point it can be annoying, but when I install the program I have no problem I already change the region to Japan and I did the same with the language. But when I try to run the program I get a blue screen and a message that tells me some signs or letters were not I identify (not sure) well I don’t know what to do so if there is any advice please it would help a lot. (Side note even though I change it all to Japanese I really don’t see a change on my computer it seems the same to me.) Well pleaseny advice I really want to play this game I don’t know why, but I will be very grateful.
Control Panel -> Clock, Language and Region -> Region and Language: Change Location -> Region and Language: Administrative -> Change System Locale… and select Japanese Locale.
There should really be video tutorials for this.
I have no idea what that patch says, therefore I have no idea what folder I’m supposed to pick (I’ve tried a lot though, it should have worked) and I have no idea if the xp3 message means the file is corrupted or something.
Video tutorials would solve everything.
Would you guys please don’t give away your incomplete weird info’s.
Those who are having problems do what i say
First. change your locale to Japanese and copy the fonts(follow faq of this site)
next.download applocale and change the language from Region and Language control panel
then extract the files.
after that mount the game image(follow the faq)using daemon tools or whatever suits you.
next install the game.and try renaming the files.
after that extract the patch 101 and copy the within files to the game directory.The patch isn’t necessary to launch the game.I did it without it.but for further reassurance please do.
then install the english patch and copy the files to the directory.try renaming the japanese.
“try renaming the japanese”
could you expain in more detail please! i don’t know what file i must renaming & what name we should put on that file.
Don’t bother its not necessary!it was just annoying!so its for making things easy!
just where are you stuck!
Put every files in the main game folder!(also the inner of the patch)
I think i may have to give up!!!one last time let me reconfirm-
first. i changed the locale
second. i extracted the files then installed it.everything is okay yet
third.the game is installed.now i don’t with the patch 101.exe
I having a hard time understanding how to do it.what is asian wineskin front thing or this applocale thing help me patch the 101.exe from abc stp bt step!!!!please
im getting the problem of others after the applocal thing I can start it
Oh one last thing when opening the sonoyoko.exe… use applocale everytime you play the game…
I don’t know how to change this Locale thing…. I was so Excited to play the game….Could someone please help me on this. Tnx..
I will tell you if you tell me how to install the game. Please
Go to control panel
go to Clock, Language, and Region
go Region and Language
After go to Administrative
Change System locale to Japanese.
Can some one help me with the neccesary steps to install this game. Is it neccesary to change the locale to japanese.
hiya, i cannot download the part 2 anyone know how to fix it or send me another link. thanks
I’m getting a problem. i downloaded all the files,installed all including patch 1.1 then english patch but when it comes to the first part where rizu wakes up i hang. game keeps going but the text doesn’t come out. how can i solve this?
the lnk of part two is not working….
it seems the english patch has a virus.
never mind, just seems that my Norton is being an idiot.
btw can anyone tell me if miou is really a prostitute because i’m now hesitating to finish miou route because if she is really a prostitute better stop playing. . pls tell me if she is or not
She is, and why stop playing? And is it in the Synopsis that said “Now, however, that old friend of his vanishes in the dead of night to prowl where an ordinary girl should not.” Is it clear? and in the vndb, it has tag about it 😀
Okay,I downloaded all parts and i put the english patch in my program file,but the game don’t start….Someone can explain to me how to make it works?? I really want to play to this game…
Has this happen to anyone where it is suppose to be the sex chene it’s like skip it. 🙁
Yeah I notice that to I play through the walkthrough and did what it said. still don’t know what the either choice thing is, and on top of that all h scene are not in all three characters storyline
yeah that’s also happpen to me. the Storyline skip the hcg. Please can somoene help fix this problem
so I got the game downloaded and the english patched but 1.01 wouldn’t install… Is the game playable without the patch?
sooooo yeah, just finished all the routes and….damn….AB2 still manages to make me sob like a missy and scream to my screen expecting to change someting xD great game, kinda short compared to G Senjou no Maou and…well…
Miou’s route pissed me off more than any other in such a long time…to be honest I don’t think I could forgive her after doing all that…maybe because despite having dated some girls, I haven’t fallen in love, or maybe I’m just a jackass….so it kind of depresses me a little that the protagonist shows so much love xD
Well, that’s all I have to say, enough ranting from me lol everybody should give the game a chance, it’s worth it =D
The clue is somewhere in the novel : love is also about continuing to love the other even if everything go wrong… Even if you feel betrayed… Love is about being able to pardon things that should not be…
Keep in mind that love is irrationnal…
I think I lived something worse than the main protagonist in term of betrayal… and that didn’t kill the love I still feel weakly for that girl, even years after… even if I don’t see her anymore… even if I don’t have any contact anymore… even if we broke in a very ugly situation… I just can’t remove her from my mind… I can’t prevent me from wondering from time to time how she is doing now…
good game
holy shit… I thought that the aprof-r2.exe was some of the junk I downloaded before!! I’m such a retard, that’s why the game kept running in japanese (‘ °-°)
Running A Profile on my OSX Lion Mac, with Wineskin…just remember to set in “Custom Commands” to “export LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8” in Wineskin, install the Asian fonts in Winetricks…then:
a) Install game
b) as stated above, take the contents of the patch folder out of the folder…I put the patch.exe & prof_patch.xp3 in Wineskin’s “C:\Program Files\” folder, and ran it…chose the folder folder (just one level above the installed files) as my install folder…and it patched ok…
c) Ran the aprof-r2.exe
Was able to listed to the game’s background music, and speech…running it on WS8Wine1.3.37 engine…just happened to try this one, so others might work as well…as usual, I haven’t gone thru all the features of the game, but game seems to work…! Thanks!
It took me a while, but I finally got the patches working. Some of you’re having trouble, so maybe this’ll help.
After I got it installed(I used applocale on the setup file on the disc), I tried and failed with the ver 1.1 patch. Moving it outside that folder it’s created in with the weird, tweaked out name fixed that for me. Note I also ran the patch in applocale.
After that, I ran the english patch file. Note that even if you try and install the eng patch in the wrong spot, it still runs. Whatever, just copy&paste the files it makes into the folder with all the other game stuff.
Who knows if this’ll help anyone, but ya never know.
hey someone please help me!! u.u I really want to play this, but the damn patch doesn’t work for me, someone please tell me how do I get it running T____T
So I get to step 4 which is install the 1.01. I did that successfully. But when I install the English patch it goes back to 1.0 but it is in English. Any way I can fix that?
Wait, bu can you mount the image? Because I can’t. :l I extracted the file. Then, I got the sonoyoko.MDS and it says invalid…
can’t instal 1.01. patch.Anybody had the same problem? how to overvcame it?
Are you sure? I could download it fine. Did you download the MediaFire version? Because that’s the one I downloaded :3
now that’s our hero^^, way to go admin 😀
…. now sit back and watch admin do the magic to change all the download link.
i waiting for galaxy angel ml now 😀
No NTR right?
hey im having a problem with installing the game. I have extracted the file and install the patch but when i mount the imafe file and open it nothing happens and i so this to all th file and when i double click the file with the A profile image it makes me choose a file and anything i choose doesnt work. plss help 🙁 PS:ive changed my locale to japanese
having probs with installing the game i get Blue screen with error symbols alto my region n lan is jp
This art…..those eyes……is this VN from the same creators of G Senjou no Mao??? if it is…then I’m so downloading this!!! =3
The word “akabei soft2” ring any bells?
Same producer.
There’s also third game from them translated – “Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo”.
Yup, rings a bell all right xD and I also tried to download some time ago the Sharin no Kuni one….but then filesonic died……btw, do you know how to install the patch?? I already did it (or at least i think i did) but the game is still in jap T_T
more like…i don’t get the :
4. Install the 1.01 patch
5. Install the English patch….part
I installed the game, and extracted the patch 1.01 that contains patch.exe, prof_patch.xp3, and a “read me” in jap….
And when I try to instal the “patch.exe” and select the folder where I installed the game a message pops up in jap but says “prof_patch.xp3″…is the file demaged or something like that?? How do I do step 5 Install the English patch??
I get a weird blue screen..
like missing somekind of symbol.
how to fix it?? 🙁
Mediafire and Rapidshare up already huh?
Thank you for your hardworks, admin-tachi ^^
Admin what happen to filesonic?
do we need to login to filesonic?? it said like that when i want to download file
When I setup (or install) the game by mounting it, it says that voice.xp3 has something wrong. It gives the options abort, retry, and ignore. Is this normal?
got the same problem with yosuga no sora installation.
check the file to see if it say “.xp3.backup” if it has backup on the end delete it and try again
when i say delete it i mean delete “.backup” from the end of the file
erm, could you be kind enough to tell me what sotfware you’re using to start up the game? O.o i’ve got the files-however they’re ‘rar’ files so it won’t let me open them. any advice you could give me?
download winrar or winzip. to open .rar files, right click and extract here. they are compressed files.. they are used to split huge files to parts… then merge them together again. because some have unstable internet, 1 wrong move and poof restart again, atleast this will give others some ‘checkpoint’ area, so they dont start from the top
I am able to play the game but I can’t for the life of me figure out how to get it in English…The English patch doesnt seem to work…I’ve tried to install it 3 times and the program is still in Japanese…I also have my locale set to Japanese so I’m not sure what to do next. Can someone help please?
on your computer go to control panel-clock language and reginol-region and language-administrative-language for non-unicode programs-change system locale (to japanese)
I owe u 1 dude
no prob glad to help
about the installation
what do u mean by change locale to japanese?
Go to the FAQ section on the left
Then you’ll see “Installing Japanese support (XP Vista 7)”
And click on one of the options
and there you go ^_^
how to change locale to japanese?
anyone can help me how to install this game??
Hey Where Do i 4. Install the 1.01 patch??
I don’t really get the point of the two different Miku endings. They seem to be exactly the same ending, except being about different periods after the last choice
It just seems so lacking. In her normal end, you only get the part of them beginning to jog after failing her 1500-run, then it says “to one year later” but it just ends there and goes to credits.
Her true ending basically skips that part and goes straight to the one year later occurence and goes from there. Having them as different endings just seem completely redundant.
I’m confused.
@admin any chance we can get some of the games from winter wolves or hanako games
there all ages but fun
Hi Admin, I know you’re busy and all but I’m just wondering when are you gonna upload new eroge(s) in this site?
read a few comments above you 🙂 shouldnt be so hard x)
admin Does Tomoyo after have 100% english patch??
they did stop translating it or still continuing??
admin ur actually buying the games to post! wow not many ppl do stuff like that…also wouldnt mind seeing some more loli’ish visual novels uploaded too 🙂
In order to post those more loli vns there have to be more translated first. As far as i know the closest loli vn release is Little Busters( no hcg version, its possible that they will translate hcg and upgrade their patch later). Progress on it today (04.11) is 94.37% translated ( little less edited and around 60% proof readed) so there is a chance that it will be done this year.
Um, Admin, pardon my rudeness in asking but whens the next game coming up??
“Conquering the Queen” will be next post. Unless someone uploads it today or tommorow, i’ll buy it on friday to post here.
Thx for being generous admin
thank you for sharing these novels, I’ve too downloaded a great deal of them
I hope it doesn’t have plot holes and annoying red herrings like g string.
I would not place my bet on it or even hope as long as it from the same developer as g string
I wonder when will be a new eroge will be posted??
when a new novel is fully translated
there is one already translated but he waits till someone uploads it and a week or so before he puts it out so the developers can make money..
Sorry for the trouble but I don’t know how to install the 1.01 patch. I can’t read Japanese instructions. It wants a folder and I keep selecting the game’s install directory but nothing happens. It gives a message but it also displays in Japanese. Please help.
Spend some time with this too, but don’t really remember what I did.
Try renaming folder (the one with patch) to something normal (like “a”), run installer with applocate (or japanese OS settings) and show path to game dir (doubleclick .exe?) if you’ll still have problems I’ll try reinstalling it and write what to do.
Admin, will you upload fate/extra when it gets released ?
Hello everyone! I realize that this probably isn’t the place to post this but the game I’m downloading has replies closed. Anyway the question I have is much more general. I have downloaded programs in parts like this before, but I’ve never been able to get them to work. I always get stuck when trying to merge the files together (I am using 7zip). Could someone please leave detailed instructions on how to do this? It would be much appreciated! I also apologize for being such a nub!
Don’t know about 7zip, but with WinRAR you just right-click first archive and select “Extract here” – it will automatically find following parts and extract content from them.
Ok thanks admin! Winrar worked just fine I guess I don’t use it primarily because I haven’t taken the time to pay for the program for use past trial. Thanks again!!
The game is okay. I didn’t liked the other AKB2 stuff, though. Too many twist where I just thought “oh pleeeaase”. They’re trying it just too hard with those crazy plot-twists. I’m just glad that they haven’t done that in this game.
well I think the story is good, and the ending really touching me… But still G Senjou no Maou is better than this
Oh, great, another AS2 eroge~
I have read a few comments and read something about rape and stuff like that. I wonder why do you guys play Akabei eroges if it’s known for its dark story? At least not very sweet.
I find just stupid blame a character just because you don’t like it in the storyline. After all, the story was made to be followed up with the characters in. What’d be the fun in changing some characters? That’s just being stupid.
For example, I didn’t like Sharin no Kuni, but I think is really great. The lovey-dovey stuff is not my thing, but is very well made.
Another good example is YMK. That’s really fucked up. I didn’t really like the first case, but it was freaking good. I mean (SPOILER), the girl is almost raped.
I just play eroges for having a good time. I don’t give a goddamn fuck if it is gore, rape or prostitution. It does only matters if as a visual novel is good (good story, art, bgm and characters). If it is, I don’t mind playing it.
So you think that this story is “dark” ? It’s just boring and stupid. I really liked G-senjou no maou and I had high expectation from this VN but… well. No comments.
totally agree with you CC specially since G-senjo no maou was pure epicness(gotta love Usami’s route)i also was expecting a better story well at least for me that was something that wasn’t really good on this VN
yes , g senjou no maou was epic , “SPOILER” i i really thought kyousuke was Maou but it was actually his nii san , i was like whattttt . But still the last chapter which involve terrorist kids did’nt meet my expectations , i thought the awesome badass Maou would thought of some better plans but it was good anyways .
Could anyone help me out here. I’m getting a Syntax error after installing and starting the game i just cant figure out what the problem is.
I am getting this error as well, if possible could you help us?
just change your system locale to japanese
ano , is the partial patch for yosuga no sora continuing or halted like for good? and dang.. they should have translated sora’s route or akira’s ( loli miko ftw)
wow lol. just after downloading, i find out that it’s ntr. well, can only blame myself, but when i saw it’s an AB2 game, i just had to get it. but well, not like ntr is gonna stop me from reading this right now.
still, is the ntr worse in this one then let’s say, it was in Crescendo? (if i’m not mistaken) read that long ago, that had some similar issues with one girl (and if i’m not mistaken again, it showed when the girl was with some random dude while protag was looking)
and as always, thanks admin for the upload
Conquering The Queen, from mangagamer will be out the 28th of October, will it be out on your website too Admin ?
One of the worst VN’s I ever played…
It was not that bad. The story was entertaining enough and there are worse VNs like Katahane or some random Nukige.
But from nukige I don’t expect the same things like from Akabei Soft2, right?
Install the 1.01 patch??
what is this patch?? where to get it…
It’s included in game download links.
i only see the game download links and the english patch link….nothing like a 1.01 patch, is it in the game files? i didnt find it…. ~_~
(sorry for being a bother!)
Ahhh sorry found it….thanx for the reply, its working gr8 =D
Admin, do u no of any projects going onw ith fate/hollow?
TLWiki is working on it
When the Japanese make drama, it shouldn’t be seen as what Hollywood would make. You should be prepared for strong emotions, not by the actors, but on the part of the viewer.
Now a days, including ML Alternative, I’m always looking forward to the challenge of seeing how much can they offer me and how much will it affect me. For a person with a low control over their emotions and lacking in life experience to moderate certain ideas/thoughts, drama can be too intense and upsetting. For those of us that like to explore the limits of human tolerances, what the Japanese have done with these dramas in visual novels, are very enlightening and entertaining.
Drama doesn’t need to be upsetting. For example, you can go play a VN like Clannad and the drama there is never upsetting, yet it can be life-changing due to how tragic some parts are. On the other hand, there are VN that abuse the drama factor and they make you RAGE, like NTR. In both cases the drama is very intense, but drama itself doesn’t need to upset the reader to be effective.
But I agree in that Hollywood would never make drama as good as the Japanese. I think it’s because in Japan when you create stories you don’t need to be politically correct about everything you create. Fucking Political correctiveness has completely ruined the art of storytelling in the West.
To bash Hollywood is quite the incorrect method of behavioral action. Hollywood has produced excruciatingly serious/dramatic stories that are comparable – if not a direct influence – to most of the plotlines and scores of character development found in most Japanese Visual Novels today. In all truth, Japanese Visual Novels are a blessing. Stories that are able to go beyond the boundary of conventional storytelling – tales that bring about a strong sense of establishment in the genre of DRAMA – are painfully apparent in Japanese Visual Novels. Any story that inflames a particular sentiment from its audience – be it euphoria, depression, contemplative serenity, unstable rage, inflicted illness, etc. – should be considered the result of great effort and power. Of course, a matter of taste and opinion allows for the audience to seek a good story. And if “Profile” is your cup of tea, the thoroughly enjoy the wonderful world of the Japanese Visual Novel.
Admin, can I request Guilty Crown : Lost Christmas game?
How can you request a game that hasn’t even been released yet?
I mean, when it have been translated in English
I liked the 2 other girls (Miou and Miku). I find Rizu quite annoying, if I am the MC, I wouldnt have given a shit about her in the first place.
This game is pretty good I think it should be make into an anime.
i don’t there will be any anime unless they make it into a manga
I was reading all the posts and I can say that it depends of the type of personality of each person, how much you submerge in the story and how much you get involved whit the heroines, so it´s not recommended to extremely jealous people.
hey what is ntr?
“NTR/netorare” refers to the situation and feelings of the person whose love interest has been taken/seduced.
Originally ten year ago the term Netorare meant – your wife/lover being stolen by someone else. However the term grew wider and that was the reason why it also grew in popularity. NTR became very wide, because instead of staying upon a specific type of cheating it turned into a genre that tags the basic principle of all raging situations regarding love affairs.
If you want examples, read the following mangas to better understand what the NTR genre means:
[Nagare Ippon] Confession From Beyond the Mirror
[Takenoko Seijin] When you let go of my hands
[Yuzuki N Dash] Another World
If you don’t read manga, then watch the anime “Triangle Blue.” That will teach you what this genre means.
“don’t judge book by it’s cover”
this game is good and have deep psychology, the NTR is never showed though. the H scene is always with protagonist.
but well, the protagonist sometimes can pissing me off.
So is this game NTR? what a shame, I really wanted to play a new VN but NTR really get on my nerves. I’ve personally never understood why some people can get to love this genre, tbh.
Overall, it was a surprinsingly good game.
The ntr don’t bother me (in this game) because, miou isn’t beyond salvation.
There’s a lot of psychological issues inside ^_^’
Disliked the ending prologue for rizu, the ending theme song annoyed me as well. Other routes +
anyone know if they might translate “Kimi ga Aruji de Shitsuji ga Ore de” just play majikoi and i t make me wanna play Kimi ga Aruji de Shitsuji ga Ore de
Admin, would you kind enough to tell me which was the first Visual Novel you posted in this website?
(I have been thinking about this for a while, sorry to bother)
No idea – site used different engine at start, and when i moved posts over all earlier posts have the same date.
Just played through this game and I can say that I enjoyed it. I give it a 8/10.
It seems that people are concerned about the prostitution in this VN, but in my opinion its not that heart-wrenching. It doesn’t explicitly show scenes where the “prostitute” makes dirty love with other people. It doesn’t even describe the sex in detail either. So people, DON’T BE AFRAID TO PLAY THIS.
i wish they could put up all of Akabeisoft2 games they are my fav eroge makers
Ok…..tnx for telling and….can i request a walkthrough on Little Buster….admin…..
Since prostitution is in this, Imma just skip it… The art looks good, but anime girls and prostitution together? It makes me wanna cry, in all seriouness, im a wimp >.<
BTW, des anyone know when the next translation of monster girl quest is comin? I want to know the rest of the story!!! XD
Rofl, prostitution and anime makes you squeamish but rape is fine? p:0 not to mention Vore scenes.. your a weird one
Not that odd really, rape fetishes are a purely physical interaction focussed interest, shutting out the emotional part of sex and using imagery as a way to relieve lust
This avoiding of emotional engagement (and honestly, emotionally engaging in another’s love-life would be far more “odd”) contradicts anything found in NTR or some other lovey dovey story, the separation of emotion and sex is actually quite common, and you will find that most people that do it are a lot nicer than people that dont (in fact, the “real” rapists are the ones that dont/cant do this)
I could write pages full of this, but I think I’ve already said too much 😉
Can i ask something admin?….
Does Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru have a eroge or VN?
There is a VN, but it’s not translated.
Probably because it has an anime and loss of interest, stuff like that
admin, can i request chrono belt and bullet butler crossover??
it hard to find it even thought have nice story. thnx
Nice job again ^^
by the way admin, if the “partially translated downloads” is completed, will you post it on the main board(home)?
thank you ^^
Relatively short, but pretty good. Thanks for the add admin.
as I go on to keep playing this game, I want to slap the living shit out of the male protagonist and his sibling rizu. both of you are too much of a bitch/ignorant even for storyplay
Rizu was the path that mentioned some of the prostitution of another character.
Miku’s Path was clean of mentioning it.
The third girls path who’s name is escaping me, ah Miou(I think) was the one selling herself. Again I didn’t go down the path far enough to see how bad it got, but it was enough to break my tolerance(Which is pretty weak)
Miou path is just too sad =(
I manage to beat the two paths with out directly encountering the NTR. Its mentioned in one of the paths but nothing too obstructive to playing it.
I started down the path that had it, sadly I chose to quit before getting to far into it as plots with rape/prostitution/NTR just don’t set well with me.
If you are on the fence, I’d say play it and give it a shot at least. The other two paths were worth a play through.
i don’t know i’m waiting for a spoiler of her ending till then i’m on the fence
It’s understandable why people don’t like NTR, but personally I think it’s great. It’s akin to an acquired taste, and once you understand it, you’ll find feelings of jealousy to be extremely exhilarating. Quite amazing how there’s all sorts of categories to instill you with exact emotion you’re looking for.
Bloody right mate
Simple, we feel for the poor bastard who has to watch his/her significant other be fucked in front of him. That and it utterly infuriates me that the significant other just goes, “Oh well, it feels good.” Stupid hussies…
for me it pushed my “rage” button.. and i feel like killing something, and one of these days i may end up doing it. So I would rather not have that rage button pushed too much. And yes I have broken a frame of an old CRT monitor from getting too pissed off, funny enough it still worked.
I hate NTR,but only because I find it more depressing than anything else and there’s barely any games in which you can exact even a tiny bit of revenge.
me too in all aspects, i feel like killing everyone of them right off the bat but i held in my anger until i could hit people when sparing as hard as i could and i get’s me really depressed but also gives me more passion to get stronger so that that wouldn’t ever happen to me
who the fuck cares if its netorare. its akabeisoft2. they wont make it that harsh on us
thanks for the upload, I got like 20 vns now that is slowly being built upon
Thanks so much me love Akebeisoft2 <3
Well after having gone through that route the NTR bit really isn’t that bad and I’m saying that as someone who’s normally very turned off by NTR crap. I won’t say any more beyond that cause I don’t want to spoil it but if your not trying it because your concerned about the NTR bit then I’d advise you not to let that stop you.
It’s only in Miou’s route too so there’s two other routes without any at all.
Don’t know what to expect. But art seems good enoght to give it a try,
Is one of the heroines a prostitute?
i dont get what ntr is .. so basically it’s your girlfriend cheating on u?
No, that’s simply cheating.
NTR is more like a frustration of being played with your feelings (in love relationship) of having your lover or potential lover stolen.
Netorare does not have to be consensual that’s why we have the Netorare Types of A, B and C – they are ranked by the level of consensus.
But the center of focus is still a frustration of being cheated, it doesn’t mean that you had to be cheated, just feel like it.
So cheating/adultery its still a word going hand in hand with Netorare its just that netorare stretches further than that meaning.
How was it? Is it worth playing/reading? What about the NTR thing? Is it there?
Yea it’s definitely worth playing. Not a bad storline but it’s a short one at that. I didn’t get the NTR thing though. I got to the end with Miku’s ending and the Rizu’s ending without any problems. Rizu’s path did sorta show that Miao (I forgot her name) was sorta a prostitute though. Other than that, nothing else.
i dont get it! at miku’s ending theres a statement “go to one year later” whats that all about?
Probably meant 1 year later. Haha.
The sudden change at that part was abit weird though.
Damnit.. I really stayed up all night and now it’s 1 p.m. Just because I HAD TO read Mikus story. My eyes hurt. x.x But it was worth it, I like the storys. But I’ll leave the third heroine, I don’t like her.
Thanks for this one! But I just cannot install that patch. The game installs ok but the patch always gives me some error message…
Any help would be nice…
hey jess, honestly i think you throwing out the word netorare much too casually, if it only happens once or twice or the situation is one that is part of a bigger conflict the netorare feeling of rage and betrayal just isnt strong enough compared to the feeling of savage rape or other emotions that take place in such scenes.
Like a classic ntr situation is finding a random guy with no redeming qualities is having sex with your woman.
“am i not better than him?! am i worse than garbage!?”
“how dare she betray me, but i cant live without her, but she is no longer mine, she is gone and now another person altogether..”
these are staple feelings of a despair NTR. in my opinion, if the end result of the rape or cheating doesnt evoke strong emotions its not worthy of being called NTR. to give a reference lets say there a sex scene between sex friends, they are having sex but in this case they dont love eachother so the word love plays no part in this situation,in NTR lets say your girlfriend has sex with differnt partners, but at the end of the day shes still with you (this happens in RL anyway) so less NTR effect gets generated.
sorry i am very wordy arent i
im willin to try it aslong as it has 2 things one of their is NTR in the end the hero get the girl and brutaly kicks some ass who ever is the people that raped/forces his chick into fucking them and 2 aslong as it ant mindfuck ntr like that hentai manga “behind the mirror” that shit fucked me up for a week
I just came on in a boredom streak to find that this had just been uploaded. Needless to say, I fanboyed like hell.
i can’t seem to install the patch still, keep seeing the word fail in kaiji, any help? i installed the game with Japanese locale soo
at VNDB yes there is a NTR tag for this one but only with 1.0 score so I think it’s not very influential.
wait how did u guys install the patch again? I straight up dragged the patch and prof_patch.xp3 file to the game directory but the text is still in japanese. Everything else is fine; the voices are there and I can play the game. Did I mess up somewhere?
i love u admin!!!
wow from the debate so far i’m kinda leaning toward no but i’m interested to but i hate NTR so i think i’ll heck back later on this
I’m wondering what I did wrong since I got no voice audio. I have installed the 1.01 patch.
Alrighty! I ve been waiting to read this VN for a while. Thx for upload! I guess I am also curious about the NTR content in this game 😛
I cant say NTR is fit for this novel
the word in my mind is tragedy
it’s not an act out of jealousy but just to release/forget their guilt and pain
The plots are short but well done, I mean not everything are as simple as they first seem.
People would just lump the genre into “Tragedy”, but I think Jealousy, Revenge, “Self-destroy” are similar good themes that can be associated with that specific NTR context.
Although the storyline was short, I believe it was well worth the play.(I love playing games for their storylines)* Gotta love Miku’s route. Took me 3hrs to complete the first run. Other than that, Skipped all the way XD
Just saw the reply to my post. okay i understood the reason to the patch and thanks to jeff for continuing my question and thanks to admin for answering. Good Job XD
alright thanks for responding so fast. If you had a face i’d kiss it.
Yes i choose the x86 one, the 32 bit, i know all you need to know to install it, it simply won’t but can i install the English patch without the 1.01 patch ?
I think you can. Just try it out.
Yeah what shinn said.. and admin can you tell me how you installed 1.01 patch exactly? i have windows 7 x64 too so i don’t get it. i know how to install patches so idk,,,
x64 has two “Program Files” folders – one for 64bit apps and one for 32bit – patcher by default selects the x64 one, while the game installs to 32bit one by default.
just wanted to ask, what happens if i install english patch without the 1.01 update, will there b any problem? cos i installed englisd patch b4 updating n it works.
yes it is in Japanese locale. the whole computer.
No idea then. It works fine for me on Windows7 Business x64.
For some reason I can’t get this to insteall. What am I doing wrong? =( I unpacked it and mounted the image, and it’s in Japanese, so I try to just click the ones I think would install it, and it goes through the installation process, but at the end it comes up with a blue screen and says “Syntax Error”.
You need to change locale to japanese before you start installation (no, applocale won’t work acording to translators)
I’m having trouble installing the 1.01 Patch. I try to install it in the game directory/where i installed “a profile”, but it always comes up with a message with a bunch of Japanese and then “prof.patch.xp3” in it so im guessing im doing something wrong with the 1.01 patch.. i copy prof.patch.xp3 to the game directory then install the patch but it always comes with this message. help would really be appreciated !
Don’t copy anything, just install the game, then run the patch and select the directory (the first one with the japanese name, not the second in which most of the files are). Then run the english patch. It should be OK but you must use japanese locale.
thanks. I dont even understand wth they are saying from the preview.
eh ill just read it and see for myself lol, if i get to an ntr scene, im gona…try to finish it lol
Crescendo had a similar sounding situation for one girl and as far as I know that wasn’t labelled NTR. In fact it was my favourite route and ending, so don’t write it off just yet.
Thanks admin.
Hey, that’s odd… Didn’t that Crescendo girl engage in group sex while she was technically dating the protagonist? It was forced but I think she got paid in the end… maybe that cancels out the NTR effect?
I’ll play through real quick to see if there are any actual NTR scenes… I kinda feel bad about saying it has NTR without actual proof. If there really is no NTR I’ll commit seppuku for having made the mistake about eroge. Most mistakes are tolerable but not ones involving eroge…
Not really…
In Crescendo case the girl was selling herself before she met the protagonist. Once she started going out with him, she stopped, but one of old “clients” didn’t take “no” for an answer, abducted her and gang-raped, throwing the money she usually charged on her after they were done.
This scene (and her whole arc) was very strong, but without it the game would have much more impact – it’s arguably the most remembered scene in the game.
Wouldn’t that count as NTR? Maybe I’m just using NTR and heroine’s being raped by other people interchangeably… Sometimes I fail to see the difference (if there actually is any)… Strange it wasn’t labelled so in vndb… Oh, but this is really off-track. 😛
Its kind of a “Mileage varies” And i have already gone past my personal event horison when it comes to stories…. Its going to be a seriously bitter story, with a happy or somewhat happy ending…..
Yep, that’s NTR. More specifically, Netorare type C.
currently debating whether to get this visual novel or not…
seeing from what earlier posted, it supposedly has ntr stuff, and i really dislike that (family project has that somewhat, for an arc, and i stopped reading it when it happened lol)
so…i think ill most likely get a profile,but it’ll be on my to read list i guess
is this voiced?
Well this one was a surprise. And yes the visual novel database doesn’t label this with the netorare tag and while the database isn’t foolproof I don’t see a reason to assume it’s there. Unless of course you’ve played it.
The NTR is there, but NTR (typical non-graphical NTR) is overwhelmed by other more serious themes and interactions.
Most people who hate NTR (like me) should not be getting butt-hurt over this.
Thanks for the upload admin. BTW does anyone know where I can find a guide for this game?
The visual novel database doesn’t say anything about this being a ntr kind of game http://vndb.org/v1894 and i usually trust there info on that site because they are rather thorough with there tags.
Huh… it was there but apparently somebody voted against it so it’s not displayed anymore. If you click the ‘Modify Tags’ tab you can see one person had put up the NTR tag (and his history of edits make him look dependable) but someone else got rid of it (and he also has a seemingly good track record…). I may have been wrong and if so greatly apologize for my fake warning… I guess I’ll play through it to make sure.
No, the NTR tag should be there, it is major to the plot.
But what extent should “it be determined as NTR” depends on how much you emphases with the characters in the VN.
I guess the person who took away the NTR either sees that NTR is as a subset of prostitution, or the NTR is basically overwhelmed by other more serious interactions between the characters.
Anything more will be considered spoilers.
so what is NTR?im still new to this world of galge~,care to explain?
It means protagonist gets his girl stolen by someone else.
so admin that mean i cant get any girls? and all the girl going to be take by someone else? also did this game all story without click something out of 3,something like that,sory hard to explain it,lol,sory again
I think thats only for the so called ‘Prostitute’ they were talking about in the earlier post. Just downloaded but not installed yet. Gonna do it later since I’m busy. Lol
Thanks admin, you rocks!
How is the main dude, can someone spoil me? I’m guessing more perverted jerks…
how do u install this?? im having trouble. .
I downloaded this but it won’t unpack everything
i seem to be unable to get this working have downloaded all the zip files and the patch i have tried to install the game however it seems to been in Japanese i install it then add the English patch and i get critical error message and fails to load.
Surprisingly enough, more NTR… one of the heroines is a prostitute so I’m guessing that’s where the NTR comes into play. I’m surprisingly fine with it though… maybe because I know what to expect… or at least think I do. Once more it’s just a friendly warning.
Thanks for this Admin. Also thanks to the Amaterasu translation team.
Oh, also… If anyone else has been following Yandere’s ‘Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai!’ translation they released Momoyo’s route patch.
Thanks for the warning, I would never touch a game with NTR content..
author did not write NTR for you to never touch it
you spoiled the novel….
How so? The description says “Now, however, that old friend of his vanishes in the dead of night to prowl where an ordinary girl should not.” so it’s not exactly hiding the fact… I guess you’d assume she’s fighting demons but this is a drama not a supernatural story. Plus it’s only one route. A real spoiler would be saying how everything gets resolved.
*Cough* I’m assuming it’s one route. Plus I have no clue which of the girls it is… It could be one or all of them for all I know.
will try it out. thanks admin
new upload!!must try this. keep up the great work,admin
I was thinking something to download and you post this one. great job admin ^^
Wow, I didn’t even knew that this was translated. Thanks for the upload, Admin.
I have not a clue what to really expect from this. But, considering it is Akebei Soft, I’m sure it is good.