Kei agrees to take a part-time job at his brother Iori’s cafe. Then he learns that it’s a maid cafe run by crossdressers, and his cute coworkers are actually boys. He doesn’t understand why men would want to wear women’s clothing, but he’s about to learn.
This sounds fascinating! I love the blend of cute aesthetics and engaging gameplay. Can’t wait to check out Otomaid @ Cafe and explore its features. Thanks for sharing!
Games started dull as ditchwater. Enter first sex scene, I was like: Thisis a force to be reckoned with! Lol, also funny was, that though I wanted to go for aoi I ended up with tsukasa whom I hated at first(tho was later treated to her(his) b*tthole and my buddy here was more than pleased 🙂 ). A good nukige really that lets you take the active role or be at the receiving end with Aoikun..
I dunno I’ll get reply but my game always crash when it reach the opening video. anyone can help ? I use win 10. Tried the compaitibility and localization but nothing happen
How do I fix the maxregen thing? i’m on win 10.
How do I fix the maxregen thing i’m on win 7
can i get link to ntleas044_x64 software download
.-. is this compatible with Mac?
kind of. but it’s just my opinion..
If one is into futas would traps be like futas then?
It depends. Futa is women with male parts, traps are boys who dress as women.
If you are into loli-futa, then trap-shota is almost the same. However, if you are into josou seme, futanaris or Yaoi, it’s a lot different
1. Go to Control Panel (May have a other name if not on XP)
2. Look for “Regional and Language Options”
3. Once in that go to “Advanced” tap
4. Set “Language for non-Unicode programs” to Japanese and your done. I Did this and i shit you not it worked perfectly fine on my windows 10 give it a try and i love these games and hope you do as well good gaming my friends hope this helps out alot.
too late 🙁
I found a way to solve Otomaid @ Cafe’s blue screen problem. click ok when the “error of unmatched came up”. Unclick away the blue screen and you will see a small rectangular tab. click the yellow arrow and click the “X” which is exit the game on the top right corner of the game screen. When the system asked “close the screen ?” select no, then u can continue your game.
Trap is good :3 :3 :3
Btw, there’s a new one coming up this year(hopefully) called ‘School Idol QT Cool’. Of course, it’s heavily focus on traps!
I changed the locale but I’m still getting the error on windows 10 🙁
is there any way to remove censoring?
Can’t download the game D: When I click the button that says ‘Free’ on the site, a pop-up ad opens and the button becomes unclickable.
Okay, I was being stupid and didn’t realize I just had to select ‘Save as…’, but now it says that the downloaded file is damaged and I can’t open it?
This game actually convinced me that trap hentai can be hot… even though I usually hate yaoi.
Too bad there aren’t any more good trap games that are translated like this one.
:3 Love it >.< Most of it :3 except for 2 scences
For everyone have the \max regex search depth exceeded\ problem!
I think is because we don’t have, on our pc, the japanese language pack!
You can find it on the microsoft windows site!
anyone find an alternate fix to the max regex error?
hai irfan
hai muaimin
To fix the blue screen issue
Download ntleas044_x64 (First link)
Run ntleaswin.exe
Under Apppath navigate to the games .exe
Save & run
Credit to din for the ntleas044_x64
I’ve tried it, but still can’t open it maybe because my pc is windows 7 32bit? How to fix this? >.<
thanks for the answer helped me a lot
Traps make me sad too…
I mean if it’s gonna be yaoi at least make them all look like hot men!
ikr :p
Hey, i downloaded the game but a Blue Screen saying something appear, what should i do to play this game? lots of people have the same problem.
I really would love to play this game but i can’t thanks to that Screen. Tried changing the Compability (even to win 98 / im using Win 8) but nothing, region… nothing.
Any Patch or something please admin?
his walk not on when I windows7 but its my blue screen there is a way to repair her ?
Had fun playing it. Can’t seem to get one of the last CG’s though!
thank you very much admin if thoese game translated please put in site for download
hi please put Yin-Yang X-change Ex and Yin-Yang X-Change Alternative 2 games download links in site and I have problem with this game it doesn’t work I mean Otomaid Café in my windows 8.1 please help me thank you
http://erogedownload.com/downloads/yin-yang-x-change-alternative/ ? I posted it 5 years ago…
2nd one isn’t translated – I’m posting only English games here.
Does anyone know any similar VN? With traps I mean…
Oh my freaking god….. Why am I doing this…. xD
That was my first trap VN. I am not sure what happened, but it seems that I developed a liking for the genre…
I am a 16 years old boy, I knew this game will be full of traps but I wanted to try it, then after I played it, I got interested in it, what happened to me anyway :v
sorry i can’t play this game after download.. when i open the aplication have a blue screen script on new windows… i so sad,,,
I’m missing one scene, no idea how to get it -_-
it might be one scene with the older brother, but no idea how to get to it.
If anyone needs to change locale but doesn’t want it to affect their machine just run a virtual machine. That’s what I did
I keep getting regex error too 🙁 Din where did you get this software when I search google the only places it is used (a total of two) is on this form and and on virscan
Does anyone knows how to fix extrans.dll error? I can’t even open the game. There is a blue screen, some japanese words and the only thing i could understand in error box is extrans.dll
Whatever floats ones boat!
I think i will try it out
Someone found a walkthrough guide for getting the routes?
I get this error max regex search depht exceeded why ?
i got the solution ^_^
I’ve got the same problem, what is the solution?
you have 2 download this software ntleas044_x64
Its would nice if u can give a download link for that software?
when I try to play it appears (?????????????????Krdvui.dll????????????)
I can’t do it! I tried many times to open the files, but it just can’t! I’m so sad…
I saw the picture really quickly, saw maids. Was very happy.
Then I read the summary, looked at the picture again, saw their bulges. Was very sad.
Traps make me sad. 🙁
is this game can play at window 8 ?
yah I have W8 and it works
i read at the notepad
and it said
2) Select the [Otokonokokurabu] from the [Program]
3) Select the [sound] maidcafe
4) Select the [sound] maidcafe
where you found it or you don`t need 2 click ?
A yaoi game where the men are voiced by women? Talk about a trap lol. Pass for me.
First, are you the dom in this game? Second, How to I change to Japanese locale? ;o and third, what exactly changes when you do? Ive done it before long ago but I remember stuff being in Japanese and I cant read Japanese. 8D Oh I have Windows 8
Admiral Ackbar would be so proud. 🙂 I might check this one out.
Thnx, Admin!
i have prob when play this game
it popup like blue screen and it said max regex search depth exceeded
why is that?
i already change to japan language but nothing happen
Same here!
Try right-clicking and running as administrator.
not happen..still same
Did anyone ever figure this out? I really need to know why this is happening
not happen..still same
omg i need this game.
For those who can’t even open the game since something keeps popping up, try running the application in japanese with some form of applocale.
Can’t guarantee it’ll work but it does for me.
Thank you! I forgot about having to do that with some of these games.
I’ve seen other people getting some kind of text box saying no regen or whatever. When I click on the game a box pops up with a bunch of japanese characters and when I click okay all I have left is a little bar that doesn’t really do anything. Can someone help?
traps :3
Uhm, was it me but when i played this game, it suddenly get crashed and get stuck already. Is there anyone face this kind of problem. I am using Window 7.
same here….
when app just clicked, some script come out…
btw, ms. appo-some-thing doesnt work at my W7.
Thank you admin!
when i download it in 2 parts, what do I do? I put it all together in a same folder?
No, if you have Winrar, you can just extract one file and they automatically extracts from the other downloads, otherwise you would get a message saying something about missing files. Or you can extract all of them in one folder.
No bueno.
thanks a lot for this admin!
I need more trap Visual Novels to be translated. I downloaded this a while ago for the H-scenes, really happy to see it translated.
it is pretty awsome if is say so for my self
Traps are not male or female but an entirely different existence altogether.
Can’t run it, I’d been trying to running with apploc and didn’t work, somebody knows the solution in windows 8?
(This comment is sponsored by umbrella corporation)
Every time I get to the second day of this game, right after the protagonist leaves his house, the game goes completely white and I can’t see anything. I can still hear the voices of the characters, but have no visuals. I am playing this on Windows 8. Does anyone have any idea what’s happening?
I accept this path of Hideyoshi. >_>
cool, thx admin
If everyone’s the same (trap in maid clothes), what’s the point?
How could there be any replay value?
Because they’re not the same? They have different personalities and stories.
Would you say the same about a high school VN? ‘Everyone is a teenage girl in a school uniform, what’s the point?’
And “Horny Bunnies” if I may add~
Damn its yaoi, but they look so good. >_> Friggin A my own mind is starting to scare me!
To those new to these novels:
Whenever you can’t find the save button, move your mouse to the edges of the screen, each game engine is different, so it may be left, right or upper corner, some you have to click the screen with the right mouse button, others have the menu button right on top of dialog screen.
Careful with antivirus, they might see a crack as an infected file, due to its manipulated nature, but (at least from here) its not, so you either gotta disable it, or tell it to ignore the file forever.
One easy way to see if you got all routes is to check the CG screen, usually the last confirm wether or not you got all endings(since ALL VN’s I’ve ever played have ending scenes).
Remember to be appreciative of sites Admins (XP) and cracking/translating groups, and try not to be too demanding with the speed of those, remember, they got lives as well as each of you(or most of you anyways…).
Best Regards – Kawaidesu
P.S. Don’t complain about other people’s fetishes, it’s ugly, and we like making erogedownload a nice and peaceful place of happiness… Sweet, Sweet fapping happiness… XD
It’s dangerous landmine, made by Yaoi army to kill careless people.
Totally not gay but I will play this and jack off to it. No HOMO
I get an error that says “Max regex search exceeded” when I tried to open the application. Anyone know what I should do about it?
oh come off it guys. It’s not a zero-sum game where somehow adding BL and Otome games will destroy or reduce the amount of Het games already out there, it’s adding options for those who want those kinds of games. Seriously, BL games make for less then 1% of the games on this site, and Otome games maybe 3% max
If it’s not to your liking then move on, no need to throw hissy fits.
well~ traps are different than actual gay… as long as I think of it as Futanari instead and only the traps characters doing it with each other…
Don’t suppose this is uncensored?
As a bisexual guy, I laugh at the anti-gay comments at this…it’s obvious from the picture, ladies.
On that note, dominant trap in a VN…Fulfilled <3
As a straight guy who is open minded to the point of being slightly creepy, I admire your proud gay spirit.
If its cute, who gives a rats ass!
*fap* *fap* *fap* *fap*
@Gino I’m not gay. I can’t get turned on by anybody looking the slightest masculine, and am much too fond of boobs and eating a girl out for that lol.
I’m simply very fond of futa, trans, and dominant traps, being submissive in the bed~
The dark side is calling my brothers. Answer it and you shall be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams!
yaoi? meh…
beautifull (not handsome) traps? I’m in
thx admin for this game
I normally don’t care for yaoi, but for some reason I LOVE traps, especially when they’re so cute! 😀
With all due respect sir, I would still hit that.
I don’t know if this is the place, but shouldn’t there be a image in the rar archive? there is only a .exe that crashes on startup, can someone help a nub?
fundanshi here, i was waiting for some stuff since i finished hadaka shitsuji and i met t
OMG, please let this be the yaoi trap game I’ve always wanted!
Don’t care, can fap
*fap* *fap* *fap*
Rather, it looked like FUTANARI instead coz of the good looking Hideyoshis~
….. I’m starting to regret doing this… But… It’s nice to try new stuffs everyday so.. Might as well finish what I’ve started….
Walkthrough anyone? I can’t find the harem route.
Rather, I can’t find all the scenes. I managed to find the harem route.
1. Yes please
2. I’d better not
1. I don’t intend to do this forever, but…
2. I’d better not
2. Got it, I’ll try
1. I’ll buy a bouquet
2. That’s a little…
2. Refrain
1. That’s bad
2. I’ll try to do it myself
2. I’d better not
=>Aoi bad end
1. …Yeah
2. Refrain
2. If it’s just a little…
1. Then I’ll take you up on that
1. I’ll go with you
=>Aoi good end
1. …Yeah
1. Lend a hand
2. If it’s just a little…
=>Aoi threesome end
2. Th-that’s okay!
1. Earlier I accidentally tripped you, huh
2. Have you decided to trap forever?
1. I’ll check
1. It’s impossible
1. Yeah, okay
2. We met here by chance
2. I shouldn’t…
1. What’re you talking about?
2. I should give up
=>Tsukasa bad end
2. Uhm…
1. We went to see a movie
1. Reach out your hand
2. How do you know that?
1. Even so, I…
=>Tsukasa good end
1. Yes please
1. Earlier I accidentally tripped you, huh
2. Have you decided to trap forever?
2. I’d better not
1. It’s impossible
1. Yeah, okay
1. We went to see a movie
2. I shouldn’t…
1. What’re you talking about?
=>Tsukasa threesome end
has anyone find out how to get the harem end ?
I cant hear the older brothers voice but the others work
The game is only partially voiced. Not all characters have voices.
ever since that I played Eroge! ~H mo Game mo Kaihatsu Zanmai~ I’ve been ok with trap… part of me wishes i’ve never delved into the world of hentai and VN’s. (lol the captcha in order to post this was “sausages”)
If it’s pretty, fuck it. There is no gay.
Amen bro, they look like chicks so… anything goes~
YES!! I’ve been looking for a yaoi/trap game to play ^_^ Thanks for the upload guys!
Someday, every man has to walk an unknown path, make his way to the unknown and maybe, just maybe, he will find fulfillment. Gentlemen, here a new journey begins form me, pray for my success and if i die, remember my name. RANDOM_HERO
Good luck on your path, random hero…. may you will find your happiness in this thorny path called adolescent…. from just a passing guy.
Thanks for the fast uploads, admin!
Do you happen to have “World End Economica”?
I heard it has a great story!
I for one welcome our new trap ovelords.
Goddamn traps!
… Why is it not working for me?
Whenever I click the ” Otomaid.exe ” it opens 3 windows and one of them says ” Max regex search depth exceeded. ”
Halp… >~<" I wanna play this….
I’m having the same problem with “regex search depth”, but I have Windows XP. What do I do?
Can’t seem to find my Windows CD. Is there anything else I can do to make this work?
why would you want to change your computer language to Japanese
im having the same max regen search problem
It doesn’t change your computer’s “language” – it’s only used to determine how your computer handles certain non-latin alphabet characters. The only difference you’ll see after this change is your slash (“/”) character in directory paths will look like Japanese yen symbol. It’s not a permanent change, you can always switch back to English locale.
The reason you need this change is because game uses those characters “internally” and without proper encoding it’s unable to find required files, like sprites, scripts etc.
….Well, at least the fujoshi crowd is happy, right?
Yaoi is for fujoshi, traps are for anyone who likes traps
Traps is fine for me IF there are some of my fetish in it, HAHAHAHAHAHA
I’m not really happy with this even though I’m a fujoshi. xD
I want some real men not a guy that looks like a girl with a dick. -__-
It’s better than nothing tnx admin!
But still trap huh i can’t wait to play it i REALLY LOVE TRAPS!
I’m straight and I approve of this. It’s not gay if it’s a Hideyoshi.
Everyone is Hideyoshi-sexual
Hideyoshi is a gender apart after all XD
Damn, I’m getting exited about this. That makes me quite sad. :s
Thanks a lot for this game admin. There are barley any trap eroges translated into English.
Welp, I know how I’m spending my weekend
IT’S A TRAP! Straight men! Evasive action!
thank you….had a good laugh when I read your comment 😀
It’s okey to be gay, as long as ‘she’ looks cute
You think a gay man would find this attractive?
Oh, honey.
dammit dude. thought it looked like a amazing game and then it
turned out to be some yaoi shit. ugh!
That just makes it even better.
Ugh this looked fun at the first sight..but then i saw the tags. I think I’ll pass on this one after all.
it’s a trap… a trap I tell you….