Even though it’s still dark at night, my eyes opened up suddenly.
Something was touching my body, my chest.
Then, I remembered.
It was Shouta sleeping next to me today.
“Oh, what’s wrong?”
“Oh, well … with such a big boobs in front of me, like those, well … …”
“Huhuh, are you still a little baby, who needs a suckle?”
At that time, my foot has touched Shouta’s body, and the I felt something hard.
“Ooh, you’re getting so hard … … huh …”
I rubbed my chest and notices my crotch has swollen … ….
He sees me as a “woman”, not “grandmother”?
And, he’s excited as a man … ….
– Then, my hand unconsciously headed towards Shouta’s crotch,
I stroked the hardened part beneath the pajamas.
When i run it on kirikiroid2 by clicking on data
A Japanese window small pop up window pops up something like this – Cf(rest Japanese words) and when i tap on ok under it the game stops, can any1 help with this?
IamNONI, did you make sure to set your system locale to Japanese locale?
does anyone have an issue playing the game on Windows 10? I have.
whenever I try to play open the game, it just opens a blue small window, with some japanese texts.
Your face says 60 but your body says 25 so I can’t control myself lmao
Fun little nukige, just wish there had been one or two more endings. I’m usually a staunch hater of bad endings and try to stay away from them, even in light of my OCD for 100%ing games ^_~ but I wish this had at least one bad ending where they where caught and it completely destroyed the family, you could have bittersweet to happy ending depend on the person reading it where they run away to the mythical European country that allows incestuous marriage (and if they didn’t wait they could allow underage marriage as well) that I have seen in a fair few Hentai doujins lol
What the heck? This is taking the concept of MILF to another level. Downloaded it and works just fine, it was not fully translated (some of the UI are in Japanese), but that doesn’t really hinder the enjoyment of the VN.
Story is pretty straightforward, art is okay.
Overall pretty average eroge with specific fetish
Personally i only tried this game out of pure curiosity
P.S. Thanks for the upload admin
Eh… Sure, why not? Looks hot enough 😀
Wish it had more choice options though. It’s pretty straightforward.
Sounds like my cup of tea, no cruel rape is involved so that’s an IMMEDIATE plus for me. <3 (Yes, yes, it seems to have "cheating on one's husband", but not exactly "rape" since she doesn't refuse it, so yeah, not rape. ^^ )
that Grandma looks good enough… still try thou
still im gonna trie it xd
I played Hajimete no Okaa san without regrets … but this …
sometimes I feel…. maybe it’s time to stop
captcha is “no holds barred” lol. thanks admin, love me some shota
And that is why god has stopped answering prayers.
even freud did not see it going this far
ikr? That’s worth a double take.
Thanks for the game but sadly the config menu is not translated…
Time for the mini game: What does this checkbox do? 🙁
Yes!Straight shotacon
What MILFs aren’t enough?
they’re goin next level with this one