“This is a story of a ‘future’ I wasn’t able to save.”
A “true sequel” that takes place November 2010, β Timeline — A world line where the protagonist, Okabe Rintarou, at the end of overcoming countless hardships and sorrows, had given up on saving “her.”
Okabe is at the bottom of despair…
His friends worry for him…
And what about the “girl” he wasn’t able to save?
Learn of it through the tale of “zero” where new encounters converge.
“She,” without a shadow of a doubt, continues to exist in there…
After long journeys via world lines, Okabe returned to his daily life, albeit crushed by the regret and misery of not being able to save “her.”
While helping out in a college seminar in order to finish off what “she” had already started, he comes across Professor Alexis Leskinen and assistant Hiyajo Maho, who were both on the same team and school as “her.” There, he discovers “Amadeus,” a system still in the stages of development that can store human memories inside computers.
Okabe was told that the Amadeus had “her” memories stored inside, and was requested by Professor Leskinen to cooperate with him as an Amadeus tester by means of conversing with “her” through a monitor. The system was inputted with “her” memories before “she” had ever met Okabe.
Upon encountering “her” installed within this architecture, Okabe’s life begins to change completely…
SteinsGate0.part02.rar – 200.0 MB
SteinsGate0.part03.rar – 200.0 MB
SteinsGate0.part04.rar – 200.0 MB
SteinsGate0.part05.rar – 200.0 MB
SteinsGate0.part06.rar – 200.0 MB
SteinsGate0.part07.rar – 200.0 MB
SteinsGate0.part08.rar – 200.0 MB
SteinsGate0.part09.rar – 200.0 MB
SteinsGate0.part10.rar – 200.0 MB
SteinsGate0.part11.rar – 200.0 MB
SteinsGate0.part12.rar – 200.0 MB
SteinsGate0.part13.rar – 200.0 MB
SteinsGate0.part14.rar – 200.0 MB
SteinsGate0.part15.rar – 200.0 MB
SteinsGate0.part16.rar – 200.0 MB
SteinsGate0.part17.rar – 200.0 MB
SteinsGate0.part18.rar – 200.0 MB
SteinsGate0.part19.rar – 200.0 MB
SteinsGate0.part20.rar – 200.0 MB
SteinsGate0.part21.rar – 200.0 MB
SteinsGate0.part22.rar – 200.0 MB
SteinsGate0.part23.rar – 200.0 MB
SteinsGate0.part24.rar – 200.0 MB
SteinsGate0.part25.rar – 200.0 MB
SteinsGate0.part26.rar – 200.0 MB
SteinsGate0.part27.rar – 200.0 MB
SteinsGate0.part28.rar – 200.0 MB
SteinsGate0.part29.rar – 200.0 MB
SteinsGate0.part30.rar – 200.0 MB
SteinsGate0.part31.rar – 200.0 MB
SteinsGate0.part32.rar – 200.0 MB
SteinsGate0.part33.rar – 186.4 MB
Is this the official English translation or a patch?
This is the same as the Steam ver., right? Any censorship?
already downloaded all parts, then extracted, but won’t start “display initialized error”
Hey guys, just wanna ask some help.
After opening the launcher and clicking the top most button, something pops out that says “display initialize error”. Just wondering if you have any solution to this problem.
I selected “game start”, but the game doesn’t start. Some ideas?
Don’t mean to necro this but does this have english patch?
it better, i mean so many ppl have downloaded so i’d think so
Is anybody else getting “Data error (cyclic redundancy check) while extracting bg.mpk?
Good gay, help me please to solve the problem. I`ve downloaded all the parts, extracted the first one, dowloaded DirectX. But when I open the launcher, and press the upmost button, I get an Error: (some ununderstandable signs, and after them)Display Initialize Error. Maybe some one knows what can be done.
same problem here, are there any solutions?
is this pc version?
Thank you admin for uploading this.
For anyone wondering how to install:
1. Download all parts
2. Extract with winrar (right click on SteinsGate0.part01.rar -> click extract here)
3. Open folder SteinsGate0
4. Run Launcher.exe
5. Press the topmost button (ã²ã¼ã ã¹ã¿ã¼ã) it says “game start”
6. The game window will open
Troubleshooting (I don’t know which one was required or which one wasn’t but I have done them all and successfully working):
1. Check if you have all parts (total 33 parts)
2. Check if you need DirectX
3. Check if you have changed system locale to Japanese
4. Check if you have the file bink2w32.dll in game folder
I have all of them correctly but its still not working
The same as others, doesn’t work even after checking your points.
Some more ideas ?
Don’t mean to necro this but does this have english patch?
Hello I have a problem, when selecting on the screen menu or in game the box which let you select goes up and down rapidly making me unable to select soething properly. Any fix to this?
Hey, I have this problem too. Did you figure out what was wrong?
nevermind, figured it out. (disconnect all controllers)
really? 33 different downloads, 120 second wait time, plus 6 minutes between downloads?
couldn’t you pick, like, a legitimate hosting site
Help! I manage to successfully install and load the game but my controls on my computer won’t register in-game
nevermind, I solved the issue
Sorry for the ignorant question but how do I install this? I’ve downloaded all the parts.
put all the parts in one folder open part 01 and extract delete all the parts now enter the steinsgate0 folder (make sure you have directx) and press launcher dont mind the japanese just press the very top options and the game will start press go to the options to set fulscreen and resolution and enjoy
thank you
however, I have another question. You said to extract just part 1. Don’t I need to extract the rest of the files?
no if all the parts are in the same folder you only need to extract part 1 the rest will be extracted with it
okay thanks again
is this the official translation or a fan one?
Thanks a lot for the upload admin. I’ve been trying to find this for a while.
What do i do after i’ve downloaded all the parts?
Great VN so far! Saw the anime back in summer 2011 and this game brings back all the the good memories. Soundtrack is a masterpiece. Was expecting some more, more “normal” decision making but that’s typical Steins Gate from what I have read.
Man this will take a year 33 parts… 10 min each +6 hours But IT’S F*CKING WORTH IT HELL YEAH STEINS GATE BABY
wow. this is every bot as good as the first game, of not better. Truely thank you for this.
Are there any other VNs by this writers? This is a masterpiece.
Thank you. From+Colombia.
So I cant play Steins;Gate 0 while i could play Steins;Gate.. it says display initialization error..
Man after I downloaded this I went and finally watched the deja vu movie that I’ve been moving around for about 2 years cause I was too lazy to watch it and the sheer epicness of that movie had me crying.
That movie was just the perfect closure to the series and now IO have to deal with this shit? God Dammit NitroPlus stop toying with my heart.
I need time to rest and heal.
To anyone who reads this make sure you watch the deja vu movie and the alternate release of episode 23.
Now if you’ll excuse me I’m gonna go put this in my backlog folder
And if you like the series(or any) support the author by buying the game
Lastly thx admin for making this and so many other games available to English speaking people.
Not to mention now that I already finished the game, I will not spoil anytbing but only speculate from seeing the true ending, probably there gonna be a sequel for this, or at least some ova, drama cd, or movie in the future.
Is there any walk-through or flowchart for this one?
Nevermind, found it.
How do I register it with regsvr32? Put it into Windows/System32 folder?
Get XAudio2_7.dll from somewhere then register it with regsvr32
How do I register it with regsvr32? Put it into Windows/System32 folder?
So I found how to register it with regsvr32, but it said
The module “xaudio2_7.dll” was loaded but the call to DllRegisterServer failed with error code 0x80070005.
So I figured that problem out, and registered it properly but it still doesn’t work. I also searched the original error up and people suggested installing Direct X 9.0c, so I did that, but I still get the same error.
What else can I try?
I got the same error, have you figured out how to fix this? 🙁
Hey guys do you know where to locate/find the save path/save location/ save data for this!! Pls help!! Planning on continue this from another PC !! By the way thanks for the gamr Admin!!!
my infinite thanks to the admin.
Thank you, thank you admin XD. This is the greatest surprise ever. I came looking for jewelric knights and find this here. You are the best.
After almost 40h of playing this game without that much sleep I can say with my hand placed on my heart that this game was amazing . If you think about it all of these hours of playing are exactly what happens between episodes 23 and 24 and when you realise this and the ‘ ending song ‘ of the game appears you can only be dumbfounded of how awesome this game was . The only regret I have is that , now comes a spoiler , we didn’t see how he saved Kurisu once again , because I for one love her character and the the chemistry between Okabe and her .
Anyway thx for the upload , this was perfect , I don’t know if they can make another game with these characters , but if it were possible I would love to play it .
Thx for the upload .
If we relate it to the true ending, there’s probably a sequel for this, or at least a movie, and also maybe some ovas too after deja vu as Maho Hiyajo not appear before but eventually will, in steins gate world line. Well hopefully all cast will appear in Steins Gate world line when the anime, movie or ova come out.
Thanks Admin!
“…………is not a valid win 32 application”
Heart….broken…..after all that downloading, wont be able to play it. What a fitting caption ’leave me alone’
All you have to do is run with applocal or something similar if your running windows 8 or 10.
Sadly…..I’m running windows xp. I’ll just have to get a newer system or a console/portable to play it in the future.
Admin, may you know eternal joy.
Admin. You are a Christmas Savior 🙂
Thank you so much for the early Christmas present admin! Btw, anyone having their game sometimes flickers with light screen or smth (idk the screen just flickers in the beginning, haven’t gone too far yet), just wondering if anyone else is having this, wanted to know whether this is intentional or just on my end.
This made my day, litererally just cried of joy a little, thank you very much.
At last!
el psy congroo!
Hey, just wanted to ask – is there some sort of bandwidth limit for the free downloads on this site? Always downloaded each part hella slow, and I don’t know if its me or the server.
AAAGHH, FINALLY, after the hiatus(probably) of the manga, its finally came out in english! How had i been in agony waiting the manga, then the anime(actually something like ova, maybe a promotion of the game probably), then this visual novel but still in japanese, uuooooaand finally it came out in english in pc.
Thank you very much, Admin!
BTW ANYONE, maybe its still to early, have anyone found the walkthrough yet?
Hail ya! thanks a ton admin!
Admin I will totally give you my virginity for this, not that it is worth a lot mind you.
I don’t usually post anywhere but I fucking loved the first game so thank you for this upload <3
Thanks really, really a lot !
Hello. Is this an official English version or a fan sub version?
so how does this work? Was the ps4 translations brought over onto the japanese pc copy of steins gate 0?
Pretty much yes. Guy ripped scripts from PS Vita official release and backported them to PC engine. It still says “Don’t remove your memory card” while saving, but apart from that, it’s as good as it gets, considering no official PC port localization is planned.
Stains gate was one of the best VNs i ever played, delighted to see a sequel, even though it sounds rather grim.
Thanks a lot!!
Are there… suggestive themes similar to the Suzuha Ending from the first game?
I never thought I would be able to play this on pc. Thanks a lot admin for posting this
I can just tell by the picture that i wont like this game lol
I’ve only booted up the game and went through the first few lines of dialogue, but so far the graphics seem to be the same as the first game. And by that I mean,they’re still awesome :3
…ahh, the concentric circle eyes
this might be a really great year for us weebs.
new season of code geass is finally coming new steins;gate i don’t see how it can get any better.
Is it the english translation? Just want to make sure. 😀
Yes. Every game I’m posting here is English.
Better start downloading then. Thanks admin.
Thank you so so much, and hope you have a blasting Christmas Admin ^-^
finally a good release!
Mr. Admin:
You are the man, the myth, the legend.
Thank you.
damn so tempted to Dl this but its so large and im not sure if i wanna or to wait for the uncut grisia part 2
Wait the what? Grisaia part 2 is coming out here?!
Wait what* (too excited and too hyped about too much)
Grisaia was already released here, just not uncensored. Only the kiddie friendly version was released.
That is, Grisaia’s second part.
The first part is, naturally, uncensored.
I was going to get this for PS4, but not for $60…
Thx admin for the upload. Might as well start playing this, looks really good.