Life is like a staircase. You just gotta keep climbing. Otherwise, if you start to overthink it, you’ll have trouble taking the next step.
Shinichi wants nothing more than to lead a quiet life. Though he was once close friends with Miyuki, the most popular girl in school, his desire for normalcy now keeps them from being anything more than classmates.
Everything changes, however, one day on the roof, when the class oddball, Aoi, suddenly tries to kiss him. Miyuki appears just in time to stop her, but afterward, Shinichi feels the urge to bring some light to this friendless girl’s eyes. He enlists Miyuki’s aid, and thus, a trio is born.
The days pass, and little by little, Aoi learns what it means to be friends. But at the same time, long-dormant feelings awaken in Miyuki’s heart. As the distance between her and Shinichi shrinks, the hard-earned bonds the three share begin to fray.
Miyuki or Aoi-when the time comes, which will Shinichi choose?
YouAndMeAndHer.part02.rar – 200.0 MB
YouAndMeAndHer.part03.rar – 200.0 MB
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YouAndMeAndHer.part17.rar – 28.2 MB
Game crashes after launcher in both fullscreen and windowed. Any help?
Is this uncensored?
I have finished this game a few days ago, and I have to say…
this is a really good game.
If you like VN yet do not play this game, you are missing out.
The first route is sweet and exciting.It was fun chasing after the main girl, and I do like her till the very end of the game. Team Miyuki all the way ^_^ . The game to me has several highlights,especially the final choice, so it is best not to skip any sex scene and take your time to experience this game. Interestingly, the game do remember the date of which you complete certain events.
Now to say something about the disturbing aspects which deter some people…
The 4th wall breaking aspect by now is quite well-known so there is no point hiding it. If you are afraid of it, rest assured, it is not scary. Doki Doki Literature Club(DDLC) is much more horrifying. This game is not as aggressive. There is no jumpscare.
If you are afraid of the Netorare(NTR) aspect, well, do not be. It is part of the story and it is crucial to develop the girls and finally to make an impact to you.
In fact, I will say that for those who see the NTR scene, we deserved it. After all, we NTR the main girl. Moreover, the girl who NTR us has a valid reason, honestly, I won’t blame her. We are the monster. We do it just for cg or just to progress the game.
In the end, I had a blast playing this game even though I was frequently playing this game while being fatigue after going through my day. Yet, I just keep playing well into late-night simply due to being hooked.
Since this game leverages a lot on your preconceived notion of VN, you are likely to experience this game wildly different from mine and the others and that is fine.
Just relax and I wish you have a blast playing this game too.
I second this! Pretty unnerving but great game!
Interestingly it predates DDLC.
Once again, I want to say thank you very much to the great admin. been here since 2012 and the site has been great for all these years. thanks for all your great efforts admin 🙂
BTW please does anyone know how to extract npk and noa CG files or any programs that can do it,I really need to help with this
@Waywardreaper, This game and newer games tend to encrypt their files, you better give up on extracting this one.
For other games that have NPK with no encryption files, try GARbro
Thanks bro I’ll try it tomorrow morning
I was reading the VN, got off and later tried to go into the game but now it’s not working, I downloaded the patch and installed it and it still doesn’t work, please help…
Try deleting your common save files. I had this exact same problem and it worked after I did that. Also to prevent it from happening again make sure to properly shut down the game and your computer. But still backup your save files just in case, it’ll be a pain in the ass to have to restart the whole game when you’re already played through 80% of it
Been a whole month and no new releases on this site, I hope admin is okay 🙁
Hi and thanks for uploading this game
can you update this series i am really looking forward to it the names are
A Kiss for the Petals – Longing of an Angel
Tenshi no Akogare
Kiss for the Petals – The Angels’ Spring Romance
Tenshi-tachi no Harukoi
A Kiss for the Petals – Snow White’s Knight
Shirayuki no Kishi
A Kiss for the Petals – The Angels’ Promise
Tenshi-tachi no Yakusoku
bruh the free download doesnt work
How exactly do you get to the Aoi route? I’ve tried calling some of the numbers listed here, and the one on the manual but none of them work.
How do the creampies count? Just the current game, or the creampies from the Miyuki route do too?
Oh my god… My instinct saved my ass so much this time. I hate netorare, and I hate complexity in VNs, such as putting in some code from god knows where, and I haven’t been in the right mental state to play a meta game like DDLC for a while now. I had no info about this game, the tags seem okay (no Netorare), and summary seems okay, and girls look cute, but for some reason, every time I came here, I just backed out, even after reading the summaries and tags and thinking it might be something I’m interested in. It’s not like my hard drive had no space, or I was too busy, I just didn’t feel like downloading this one game out of all the others. Today I saw a youtube video about reviewing this game, and I realized that this was the same game that I was wondering if I should play all this time, and never did for reasons I could not fathom, and then I looked at the comments for the first time (I don’t usually look at comments until I finish the game to avoid spoilers) and I was like ‘Oh…. I’m SO glad I didn’t play this game.’ This sort of game just makes me feel bad and frustrated and even queasy if they go to extremes in any of them
I can’t play the game. It doesn’t start and all I get is a “error code 139”
Hey if anyone is having a black screen and the game crashes as soon as it starts go to the website of the game And download the patch It Worked for me.
Do replace the orginaa files with the path dudes
Game crashes after launcher in both fullscreen and windowed. Any help?
Any chance of getting the Steam DLC patch?
god = 99993167824
pdf manual (page 1) = 29197057
creampies (mine is 23. this will vary.)
what is that?
God’s number varies too.
Interestingly security answer varies too
This one, yes this one. I haven’t played it yet, but it’s rather famous. I’m glad it has a translation but it’s going to be weird playing this when I already know the twist. Still, it should prove to be an enjoyable experience, NTR aside.
HI admin~ is Yumeutsutsu gon’ come out soon? :3
Ima DL this game while waiting~
One of the most beautiful VNs I have ever played. Admin thx for putting this for us to download, now I will try to support more JAST and nitro+
PD: This is not really a NTR game, just enjoy this masterpiece
The game doesn’t start I can press the button but a black screen appears and it closes while saying the app crashed or something so what should I do
This is one STRANGE game. I finally got one of the 2 possible good ends. You will know when you get there. The trick is breaking out of the loop. I did enjoy it but several time I wanted to punch the screen. Dare I play another Nitro game?
Try these codes if nothing else is working
In case you forgot the game tells you how to obtain the code but you gotta carefully read.
Where to get the god’s number?
Aoi Mukou is the NTR heroine.
Cucks need to be gassed
admin any news about Nora to Oujo to Noraneko?
I cannot fathom how you can enjoy meta stories if you go into them without the knowledge, though this one doesn’t keep it a secret for very long; or maybe it does in one way and doesn’t in another.
At the very least I would give it an 8/10 before the shift; maybe 7.5 after shift, the way that handled that was really annoying and I don’t care about the ending; the fact they try to make you care about the ending at all is the dumbest part, you cannot mix these story elements.
Side note about H Scenes
4/5 I suppose, the decensoring job seems pretty high quality,
And I think they don’t go on for too long, I appreciate that when I skip most of them.
~The code ramblings~
The code I used was from the user manual; I doubt the game has the ability to modify the PDF itself so I don’t think that code can change (bottom right page 1).
I tried for an hour in cheat engine to brute force it but either I’m really bad at it or it’s calculated in a different way.
There’s also logic that determines which of the secret codes you used.
There are probably multiple valid codes so there are multiple valid answers; I would assume it adds all valid secret code values to determine which code was used (thought it might just be a farce and there could be just one code?)
I really liked Aoi… unfortunatly, she is the NTR heroine
tks for spoiler of the code, this is fcking hard, i’ve stuck in this loopy for 4 hours…
will you upload summer pockets?
I’ll skip this because the art is not for me…
even though the story and review are great, it’s just not for me…
I’m just the guy who’s searching for great art and a great story (good story at the minimum).
So, yeah, ill skip this.
whelp that was a crazy ride. Really happy with the ending I got. This visual novel takes you through so many emotions but it was worth it in the end. not going to spoil it for other but word of advise, all that you need to complete the game is already provided you just have to find it. google searching is not going to help. if your still in the loop, just keep at it lol:)
spoilers maybe again
Edit, not gods number, the other number from outside the game
spoilers maybe?
What is gods number? kinda hard to finish the game without it
can’t install: “The application was unable to start correctly (0xc00007b).” anyone know how to fix this?
Okay whatever about spoilers, someone please tell us which heroine has NTR already.
alright not a walkthrough but better than stuck:
route 1:pick everything lean toward Miyuki, you get a pretty normal ending.
route 2:pick everything toward Aoi, at the end there is a choice between “Aoi is lying” and another choice i dont remember because the game deleted my saves. But it is a crucial choice to get into “route 3”. you pick wrong choice if AOI talk to YOU the player and game end, you pick right if “NTR” start and Miyuki go yandere after.
route 3: i am still on this, loopy, 4th wall and basically Monika if u played DDLC, but you get to choose choices leaning toward Miyuki or Aoi, i picked Miyuki so far and got a few CGs, and just got enough Miyuki affection points for the story to move forward, dont know what happen yet.
is this 18+ version?
is it?
i love this kind of game…
i have downloaded the game but every time i open it closes right after what could be causing this?
So im stuck in a time loop with the childhood friend heroine, and no matter what i try i can’t escape it(there are 2 repeatable H-scenes if that helps). Did i fck up with the phone? Is that why? I called 999-0523-0523 cuz aoi said to remember it but it didn’t work. Or is this the end?(if it is im going be pissed)
ohhh this is giving me ddlc vibes! getting tingly!
loving it so far!
It’s genre shift meaning from romance to horror and psychological.
Is Gender shift means gender bender or smtg close to bisexual?
it is the NTR scene avoidable ? xd
Yup, nope, nope and nope, this is not for me.
No walkthrough exists as the answers to escape are randomized. IIRC, you had to read the H-scenes carefully, but if you didn’t then jokes on you.
One of the heroines NTR the MC in her route, that’s it.
But, I mean, if you don’t like “that” girl, the NTR will be, -welp- at best.
Because only ONE of the girls has that tag, and she has a “reason” for it, the other heroine is faithfull to MC from start to end.
So yeah, don’t back down because NTR if you happen to like the faithfull heroine… if you like the other one, well…
Does anybody have a walkthrough? I’m being a dumbass and now stuck in eternity with Miyuki in the loop. I press to skip and now there is not a choice to choose anymore. What should I do?
Wait since when did DDLC have gangbang?
Tried JAST USA’s twitter posted patch and still doesn’t work, anyone got any other ideas?
Game crashes after launcher in both fullscreen and windowed. Any help?
NTR is life !
To those having problems, try to look up JAST USA’s twitter account for a patch download.
Also not able to move past start screen (where you set screen resolution and choose windowed/full).
Tried the usual things for VNs, nothing worked.
so anyone else have an issue where it wont even start? i get the first window asking full/windowed, then it blacks out and says it cant run. anyone know how to fix this?
NTR is actually not so bad here, at least with reason behind it,not so traumatical,duh. And not both girls, plot itself is ok and it’s pretty hard to complete if u dont google
Thanks for the warning Jorges & Sword!
Not downloading this one for sure.
Who exactly gets NTRed here? I have seen some CGs but still don´t know.
i remember this one, ready yourself and brace for impact.
This is a pretty unconventional VN, best go into it blind without looking anything about it.
You could say the girl is a slut. and the MC kinda of your average nice guy but to me he’s a dick to participate in Gangb****. But that just the tip of the iceberg.
It’s like doki doki literature club but with ga****ng
Does NTR mean MC is a cuck or the girls are sleeping around?
Oh yes, a nitroplus emotional trainwreck, i will (not) enjoy every second of it.
Arghhh! Arhhh ARGGGHHHH!!!
THIS Game destroyed my mental health.
NTR type A (willingly), gangbang, scum mc, and yandere girl.
Help!!, need Slice of life to heal
Many thanks !
Remember guys this game has NTR so if it’s not your cup of tea don’t download this.