Umineko no Naku Koro ni takes place in the year 1986 during the time frame of October 4 and October 5 on a secluded island named Rokkenjima (六軒島). The head of a wealthy family named Kinzō Ushiromiya, who lives on and owns Rokkenjima, is near death, and eleven of his family members arrive on the island to discuss how Kinzō’s assets will be divided once he is dead. Also on the island are five of Kinzō’s servants, and his personal physician. After the eleven family members arrive, a typhoon traps them on the island and shortly after people start to get mysteriously murdered.
Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru is the second set (EP5-EP8) of stories, the “Breakdown” episodes.
UminekoChiru.part02.rar – 199.3 MB
UminekoChiru.part03.rar – 199.3 MB
UminekoChiru.part04.rar – 199.3 MB
UminekoChiru.part05.rar – 199.3 MB
UminekoChiru.part06.rar – 199.3 MB
UminekoChiru.part07.rar – 199.3 MB
UminekoChiru.part08.rar – 199.3 MB
UminekoChiru.part09.rar – 199.3 MB
UminekoChiru.part10.rar – 199.3 MB
UminekoChiru.part11.rar – 199.3 MB
UminekoChiru.part12.rar – 45.2 MB
is there any where that i can download the new images?
It seems that part 2 of the file is broken because whenever i try to extract all files it says Data error : UminekoChiru.iso, i thihk that part 2 is kinda broken, not sure really
Its not broken, i think you should download the part that you think broken…
Because when I want to extract the files after downloading all the parts, some of it are broken, so I recognize the part that was broken, and download it again.
That’s how I solve the problem, try it first… Not sure if this can helped… 😀
I am with a problem, the installer stops in the part o .exe and don’t go foward, i have download all the parts without errors i have mount the image, but still in .exe.
This is the best VN i have played. Thoroughly satisfied.
About the ps3 sprites / audio voice
This is the original japanese game + english translation. For the ps3 sprites and audio voice is necessary download a patch named “umineko tweak” (search at googgle). Warning: The tweak is not the game itself, is necesssary download this game, firstly, then, download the tweak (I think the size is +/- 4Gb). Game withour errors, running 100% on my PC.
And in case anyone was wondering,the patch doesn’t require a lot of RAM memory,it works perfectly on my compuyer with 512 RAM.
Does this also Umineko No Naku Koro Ni work inside the windows 8.1 environment?
As a warning to others, when I downloaded this, I noticed that many of the game’s sound effects were missing from the SE file. While this is just a minor bother, if you want to play the game with the full array of sound effects it was meant to have, you can copy them from the first game’s (Umineko no Naku Koro ni) SE file and it will run just fine.
omg thanks you’re a genius
Hello, can you guys help me?
It’s not that I’m achieving Install game Umineko Chiru, hangs every time to load the EXE game!
Who can help me?
is this the version that adds PS3 Sprites + Voices from the PS3 game into the PC version?
and i’ve tried tried to run it with Microsoft applocate, but it doesn’t work
don’t use applocale. Follow the steps to set japanese for non-unicode programs(mentioned in FAQ in this site). Applocale often causes problems
‘Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru is the second set (EP5-EP8) of stories, the “Breakdown” episodes.’
Do I have to find/read the previous episodes to fully enjoy this one?
Yes, You have to watch the first ones or you’ll be completely lost
Can anyone help me? im downloaded all 12 part and im already extract, when im open launcher im stoped at files07th expansion umineko exe. sorry for my bad english
Have you tried you tried to run it with applocate? It happens to me with the first half of the game, I use applocate and then it works perfectly.
Can someone please help me? I need help with the installation, I downloaded everything and suddenly after extracting all the files from the folder, it became Umineko Chiru then when I click it, it goes to nero! Please help!
I can’t download anymore the captcha doesn’t apear anymore.
Does anyone nows what the problem is ?
Where can i find a walkthrough? Do I even need one?
Thanks admin, I just finished the Question Arc ^_^
Thank you for the quick fix, admin. You’re a hero the internet deserves.
Thank You!!! awesome game/story
Hey I downloded all 12 and extracted and it starts up find so then I rememberd I had to install the patch and when I tried it said that ALL fils were to small help!!!XC
i have all 12 part. i have extract this and the new one extract, too. and then ???? can one person say me, what i make step for step. my english is bad.
darkerfan22, if you still need help you need to extract the files to a empty folder. Then you have to run the installer and chose the right file in the folder you extracted the files to and run it. However for it to work you need to go into your controlpanel, press change keyboard, then internaltional settings, then administrative settings, then change systems country standard to japan. Then it should work
Good luck
Forgot to send the first as a reply
Can you please tell me how to install the english patch?
I need to locate the installer but since it’s all in one rar; how do I do that…? Thank you.
Thanks very much for the MF links!
Do you have to burn it to a cd? When I use mine it says I have to.
I tried to download part 7 from mediafire but the link was kinda…Broken (i think thats the right word for it) So if there is any other free link to it pls help me. Im REALLY desperate to finish reading this T_T
I also have a problem regarding on one of the parts in the game. It seems that part 2 (I think..) is corrupted. Please fix it immediately. I AM DYING TO READ THIS.
Andrea you have mounted rigt so all you have to do now is instal the english pach
Ok, so, I’ve download all the files and all I’ve got is one .iso image. I’ve mounted it using daemon tools and know I don’t know what to DO. I click on the UminekoChiru image and it opens Nero Burning dunnotwhatelse… PLEASE, HELP ME! Sorry for my poor english but I’m freaking out right know. I want to play this game so much and I don’t know anything about mounting images…
Andrea, you just must to install the english patch. Are you italian?(Andrea is an italian name, or not? xD) ‘Cause there’s an italian site where you can find an italian patch too, with all the istructions in the pack. I haven’t alredy try it, but i think that it goes. ^^ But I have a question: the patch goes if I use the game downloaded in differents parts? o.o I wonder yes, but I don’t know, this is the first time that I download a pc game. xD Please, reply!
P.s.:sorry 4 my bad English, but I’m italian, you know. xD
I too seem to have an issue with part 2 from mediafire being corrupt. I can’t even use rapidshare because it’s super slow on my computer and often just gives me an error page about not being able to load the page, or the request timing out.
The part 2 in the Mediafire link keeps ssaying the file is corrupted.
you need all 12 parts and then select every part at the same time, right click, then “Extract to UminekoChiru/”. I had no problem with part 2. If you did have all 12 parts and did that, check the file size and make sure it’s 199MB. Just in case the download didn’t complete or something.
Whenever I try to unpack it gives:! C: \ Users \ RAFAEL \ Downloads \ UminekoChiru.part02.rar: CRC failed in UminekoChiru.iso. The file is. corrupted
uhh, i’ve got some problems with the installation. please somebody give me a guidance??
thank you very much
please help me admin :(..
we can’t help you if you don’t explain what’s your problem
Hey , I was wondering if you could upload some trap games , I can’t seem to find any good ones?
Thank you so much for all of your hard work on this site, Admin 😀
Thanks for the quick re-up, admin!
Could you please re-upload the previus chapter when you have time.
that was awesome, I came here this afternoon but it was still filesonic links, then like a minute later, it was here. but my computer has speed issues so it takes me 2 hours to download one part. Well, at least it’ll get done. if I can manage another 2 or 3 files tonight, then I might finish by the end of tomorrow. then I’ll be so happy to finally see the conclusion to this amazing story.
I tried downloading the last two parts… but it kept on saying that I can’t access the files. I tried explorer and chrome… and it’s still the same. I tried clearing my browser, but to no avail. How could I download the parts?
Hey, sorry to bother. I’m trying to download the last two parts but I can’t: it says plug-in error :/
currently waiting to download part 8. So excited!!! finally got broadband instead of dial up. probably just about 2 more hours and I’ll finally be able to start the conclusion to this amazing story.
being able to download is like a bday present for me. two decades old in two more days lol. that weird in between age where you’re not a teen anymore, but still not adult enough for certain things.
Thankees! 😀
admin, is there an english patch that works on the full voiced version of Sekien no Inganock ? i tried to look on amaterasu but the site is down… 🙁
Great game 😀 Thanks
whoa, the front page refreshed right after I posted my comment, sorry.
when is deardrops coming? 😉
urm are u gona post my girlfriend is the president from jast?
Lol it’s already posted, nice. For some reason the page didn’t refreshed correctly and didn’t see the newly added games :p
Thanks admin
Hey.. what happened to that other game after this one? I wanted to download it but it suddenly just disappeared…
I remember asking about Umineko CH’s 5-8 once. Never thought I’d see the day, awesome ^^
Will you (Admin) be posting up Katawa Shoujo?
Umineko is a good worth the time downloading.
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!! but I’m in a place with dial up so I can’t play yet :sadface: but once I can get to a place with fast internet I am so downloading!!!! I just finished the first four episodes in November, so I’ve been super excited for this to be completely translated. thanks to admin for uploading and the witch hunt for translating!!! Yeah, I’m a super hyper excited fangirl now.
admin, what exactly is the extension you use to compress the game? .rar or .zip?
i’ve downloaded 2 part and it say ‘unexpected end of archive’, or like ‘the archive is in unknown format or damaged’
i cant use recovery winrar to fix those too..
tried redownload but the problem still occur..
does any group translating the muv luv altered fable or the total eclipse?
Sorry!Can someone help me? I try to play it but i get missing or unreadable music or something like this.Please i really want to play it!!
Awesome to finally get this! The thrills are just lovely.
Admin, do you happen to have a pre-order of My girlfriend is the President? I just read that it finally started shipping, so I was hoping to be able to play it within a few days.
It has been available on this site for 1,5year already 🙂
You can download it here: http://erogedownload.com/downloads/osananajimi-wa-daitouryou/
I meant the fully translated version of it, not the partial one.
im having trouble with the english patch. i tried running it as admin but it keeps telling em i do not have sufficient privs to install the program. is anyone else having this problem?
thanks for uploading Chiru! I finished EP8 last night and it was fucking awesome!
Thanks!I love this VN!
Just have a little more time during these holidays to finally try a couple more games on my Mac running OSX 10.7.2…using the highly wrapperized implementation of Wine, called WINESKIN (v.2.5.3) for OSX, and Wine WS8WineCXG10.0.0 engine, this game seems to work (mouse, sounds, etc)…so that’s really exciting! 🙂
Hi admin, was just wondering if you could provide us with torrents? Thanks for viewing.
Thank you admin you are the best. Love you!!!!
Hello Admin. Can you post Koisuru Otome to Shugo no Tate – The Code Name is “Shield 9 in Partial translate download as well Lamento -Beyond the Void whit English Patch v0.1.5?
I’m having the same issue a few others seem to be having with the website (and only this website, every other one I’ve visited works fine) as some others are, if I try to post a comment it’ll temporarily refresh that page but no others and, as I said, it’s temporary. I’ve read what comments I could on this and other posts and couldn’t seem to find a solution. Does anyone have any idea on how to fix this? I’ve tried re-installing my browser and control F5, but neither one worked.
I accidently posted my previous comment as a reply because clicking that refreshes the page and I forgot I did that way, sorry about that.
well it helps newbies to actually install the game and get english without applying any patch manually..
Brave Soul
Castle Fantasy 2 Renewal
Farland Symphony
Kingdom (Kingdom of Love)
Lightning Warrior Raidy 1 and 2 (Yuri… but still RPG)
Men at Work 2!
Rance 2
Sengoku Rance
Tears to Tiara
Eien no Aselia (very very good!)
Thx a lot Reynaldo ^^
Don’t forget monster girl quest :V
And Koihime Musou
Thanks for being so on top of the new translations as always, admin! Between this and Little Busters, who needs Xmas :)?
thanks, finish the whole umineko series. A masterpiece. So long. We will meet again, when something else cries. ahahaha.
FINALLY!! thanks for work,I was like crazy when I finished the 7 episode, DUDE THIS WILL BE THE BEST GIFT I WILL GET THIS YEAR, THANK YOU ADMIN.
There’s no strategy guide for this game as there is pretty much no strategy. You watch, and read. Until the last episode there’s absolutely no branching or choices to be made whatsoever.
The “strategy” is/was discussing what’s going on behind the scenes with other fans and forming your own interpretations as to the goings-on.
It’s an exploration of the mystery genre with fantasy providing the backings. Lots of murder, as every cycle involves the same people dying in new and interesting ways and in different orders (yes, the order matters a bit).
While I wouldn’t call it horror myself, I probably wouldn’t read/watch it in a darkened room in the middle of the night with nothing but the glow of the keyboard, as there are a couple startling bits (although your mileage may vary on that).
I’ve played through Episode 7 myself, and waiting until after Christmas to buy the 8th.
is this a horror visual novel??? cause i dont want to see bishoujos get brutally killed
It’s part horror, part fantasy, part mystery, part what-the-hell-I-don’t-even… you don’t see many images of cute girls getting killed but it does happen and there’s some unpleasant descriptions. Also you’ll want to kill at least one of the characters with your bare hands by the end.
is this a strategy game or sum thing i want to know because i already watch the anime and i feel like if there is a game you have to solve mystery and fight the witch
yeah can someone answer bcoz i can’t seem to find the walkthrough.
There isn’t one. This series isn’t a VN like the ones you’re used to, where you select an option at a point in time and that decides how the story goes. This is basically a linear story with sound and visuals. If you want to actually play something then this isn’t it, but the story is definitely a very interesting one much the same as Higurashi.
well there goes the chirstmas with the family
And I just finished reading the manga of this .. xD
Lol the story kinda reminds me of ”And then there were none!” XD
I’ve just finish downloading umineko naku koro ni and now there’s this… X3~~
Thanks, greatly appreciated!
Admin will you be doing the ps3 graphics patch when its done with the original umineko? i cant get into the original graphics on this
does the image really matter?
I thought people playing when they cry series for the stories?
Thank You! Admin! and does anyone know where i can find out what novels are being patched please.
sounds great! thanks as always, admin!
some quick questions: it says this is the second set of episodes. under what title is the first four episodes? are they translated? and is the narrative a direction continuation of the previous ones (as in, will I be totally lost if I haven’t played the earlier stuff)?
Yes. You WON’T get anything, since it’s basically like Higurashi’s answer chapters – it tries to answer any kind of questions the first 4 chapters posed while continuing the story.
The first 4 chapters can be found here: http://erogedownload.com/downloads/umineko-no-naku-koro-ni/
thanks a lot.
WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! IT’S FINISHED! best. christmas. ever. thanks admin
oh yeah! thanks for this admin.. finally
wow nice and thank you 🙂