Her first lesson about love started when she met you.
As you two spend time together, she gradually changes herself to match your type.
Perhaps she might call you by another name. Just by doing that, what had been normal conversations up till now would surely feel somehow more special. Hearing these whispers of love every day, whether with others or alone, will make you love her more and more.
Perhaps she might change her hairstyle. Surely it’s her way of mustering up the courage to appeal to you. How you will respond to her feelings is up to you.
Before long you will become true lovers. This is what they call ‘going steady’.
Returning from school together while holding hands.
An unexpected time alone in the classroom after school.
Exchanging presents during Christmas.
Welcoming the new year together at the temple.
Such a love story only for you is surely out there…
StudySteady.part02.rar – 500.0 MB
StudySteady.part03.rar – 500.0 MB
StudySteady.part04.rar – 500.0 MB
StudySteady.part05.rar – 500.0 MB
StudySteady.part06.rar – 500.0 MB
StudySteady.part07.rar – 500.0 MB
StudySteady.part08.rar – 500.0 MB
StudySteady.part09.rar – 414.1 MB
When more than half of the comments are about bugs and errors, I’d say that is a pretty bad sign. At least there are fixes.
I thought this would be a fun read, but unfortunately it turned out to be fairly generic. There is no sense of adventure or crisis at any point during the storyline, and the only difference between the endings is the smallest possible cosmetic kind with one extra H-scene depending on which you take. Basically, you’ve seen one route you’ve seen ’em all.
A pity.
So, my game is buggy in loads of ways. It crashes when I try to go for the settings, when I finally get to actually play the game, the sprites don’t show up and it can crash any time. My system locale is Japan, so I honestly don’t know what the hell is happening.
I got a problem on the choice between four place during the protagonist’s first week-end, the place with Yuu Omaezaki and Mai Maisaka don’t works, somebody can explain me the reason for that, Thanks.
i got a log problem, after the H-scene with Yuu senpai, on the other day while talking at the bus for some reason. It keep asking me for the log file the game crash right after. I use Locale Emulator to be able chosing her route but it seems this problem keep coming up at exact point. Try to save and load since it work before but not at this.. damn I want to finish her route….
I found the solution for the problem for those who are wondering, (about the choices being mixed up in locations) did a bit of research on which emulator works best, i used locale emulator. There is a tutorial in YT and there is also a tutorial in how use it in the site itself not sure if i am allowed to send the magic words to direct it but you can easily search it in google,
When I used Locale Emulator to try and start the .exe or the crack I got a 0xc000007b error instead. I am running Windows 10. Anything I can do? :<
I had also experienced the bug where your choice in picking the location would go to bottom or sometimes right. Tried doing windows play with the syst setting hoping to know if its has to do with the pointing but sadly no, noticed that in the 2nd and 3rd location choice likes to avoid yuuuuu-sempai for some reason
To admin and your hardwork
We love and appreciate your work~~
Just another weeb at the corner;>
had the same issue but somebody mentioned that this might be emulator related so i tried running it under japanese admin and had no issues since.
Yep, you have to run the crack through an emulator (either set your system to japanese, language, location, all that jazz, or find an emulator that will do it for you)
I almost tore my hair out trying to solve this issue, but when i opened the properties of the crack and clicked on details, the apps’ language was set to japanese.
That made me run it through an emulator (How we’re we supposed to know an officially translated game STILL needs an emulator to run properly?) and that solved it completely – I’ve already completed 2 of the 4 routes without an issue.
Hope that helps!
If you don’t know how to setup an emulator, there are tons of tutorials online (>-<(
Thank so much for the reply and help bois i really appreciate that <3ill try to look how to do that
Yuiii sempaaai wait for mee
Admin thanks for your work<3
Just another weeb at the corner<3
Thank you so much for the reply bois<3
Ill try to learn how to do either of your recommendations on how to fix it
Yuii sempaaai ill have you soon <3
To admin and your work
We really appreciate it!! <3
JUST another weeb at the corner<3
“How we’re we supposed to know an officially translated game STILL needs an emulator to run properly”
In fact it is not guaranteed that it is official version that does need an emulator, and not the crack.
It’s probably not even crack, but just an original exe and maybe some dll. (Need verification).
thanks for the super helpful tip, I was driving myself crazy with this issue as well.
Crack v2 fixed the wins7 problem.
Thanks admin for the years of service for us dumb coomers.
Crack v2
Download this file and overwrite it. It should fix it for people who are experiencing technical difficulties.
Let me know if it fixes it for you. Those are “growing pains” of new company arriving at scene with new DRM technology, and crackers need some time to learn how to bypass it properly.
(This is for people who downloaded the game before. Current links posted on site already include it)
fixed combase.dll error for me thanks
It didnt solve the problem where you need to choose location but it chooses the bottom one.
That is a fix to a completely different issue, I’ll copy my reply to another user here. This fixes the script issues completely!
Yep, you have to run the crack through an emulator (either set your system to japanese, language, location, all that jazz, or find an emulator that will do it for you)
I almost tore my hair out trying to solve this issue, but when i opened the properties of the crack and clicked on details, the apps’ language was set to japanese.
That made me run it through an emulator (How we’re we supposed to know an officially translated game STILL needs an emulator to run properly?) and that solved it completely – I’ve already completed 2 of the 4 routes without an issue.
Hope that helps!
If you don’t know how to setup an emulator, there are tons of tutorials online (>-<(
Yes, it’s working.
Is it working on Windows 7?
Or is there a “combase.dll” error?
When I tried to run it, windows quarantined the exe saying it was a trogan for some reason, didn’t make me feel the most confident.
This game originally used Denuvo DRM protection – due to way how it works (decrypting game asset files, realtime memory patching), pretty much all cracks for games using this system get flagged by antivirus. This is a false positive, but you can send the file to your antivirus vendor for manual verification.
Nah I’ll take your word for it, appreciate the response.
Doesn’t seem to work on Windows 7, though maybe just my pc. Can anyone else give a look?
I’m on Windows 7 and mine doesn’t work either. What error message did you get? Mine first stays that it needs the combase.dll file, but after I download it, it just gives me a 0xc000007b error
I’m having the same “combase.dll” problem.
So… I got a bit of a problem.
Every time i encounter a menu where i’m supposed to select where i want to go (What heroine i want to focus on), it always leads to the bottom option no matter which i choose. It’s really frustrating tbh…
If anyone shares the same bug, finds some kind of fix or solution, please let me know (>-<(
Ok, it just got worse…
Now, after the opening movie, the game plays chapters from different routes at random and its obvious that there’s something very wrong.
Please, I fell i love with this game just from the prologue alone, but now its simply unplayable. I really don’t know what’s wrong… Anyone knows where this game saves it’s progress? I might try to delete it completely (I’ve tried re-downloading the game, from different sites even, but I’m encountering the same problem on all of them… I’m not a technical guy)
Huh, so… for anyone encountering this problem in the future, running the crack through a different emulator than i normally use seems to have fixed it… I don’t know why an officially translated game needs an emulator at all (might be the cracks’ fault, idk) but I’m just glad it works OK now
which kind of emulator?
i have the same problem but i dont use an emulator, i dont know how to fix it
Yep, you have to run the crack through an emulator (either set your system to japanese, language, location, all that jazz, or find an emulator that will do it for you)
I almost tore my hair out trying to solve this issue, but when i opened the properties of the crack and clicked on details, the apps’ language was set to japanese.
That made me run it through an emulator (How we’re we supposed to know an officially translated game STILL needs an emulator to run properly?) and that solved it completely – I’ve already completed 2 of the 4 routes without an issue.
Hope that helps!
If you don’t know how to setup an emulator, there are tons of tutorials online (>-<(
wow i fixed it, thanks dude
Btw since i bought this game i was interested how you got around the DRM and activation key thing for this game.
Since i wanna save the game for reread i was a bit worried should anything happen so would be nice to know if the game will work without probs.
the way they sugar up the description almost gives you the feeling that this is actually a horror game.
getting ddlc vibes here.
Thanks for the upload! looks great!
Oh man! ikr. I had to double check VNDB to see if this wasn’t a hardcore NTR or something. “Perhaps she might call you by another name” heavily made me suspicious…
*Sigh* I miss my innocent mind sometimes…
I thought you were the guy that actively dislikes vanilla/moe type eroge? Surprised to see you hyped about this one, looks like a standard fare ‘pure love story’ to me.
nah i don’t dislike vanilla in general if the writing is quality. Might even have some tolerance for a little moe. What i dislike are superficial heroines only build around the idea of “pretty girl is nice to you” without any more depth of character.
I have no idea if this is one of those games, but on first impression i have some hopes that it is not. Those games usually have the cheapest most generic art style out there. games from “smee” come to mind.
>says he doesn’t dislike vanilla if the writing has quality
>blames “most generic at style”
>names a company that has some of the more interesting vanilla writing with older heroines and not moe trash like sekai project
>most of what this site uploads is vanilla
bro if you hate vanilla just say you hate vanilla and stop talking out of your ass for months lmao.
glad you enjoy my posts and are an avid reader.
Sorry to hear you identifying with these cheap dramas to such a degree, that somebody not liking them feels like an personal insult to you.
Indeed he is. What’s more, his standards are too high for his own good, and he’s someone who’s obviously burned out on the majority of VNs, but can’t bring himself to admit it.
I can tell you from direct experience: don’t bother wasting your time on this guy, he’s a lost cause.