The protagonist’s father makes a deal with a devil. Shortly thereafter, a succubus visits the hero’s home. She was there to fulfill his father’s contract. However, she falls in love with our hero at first sight, and decides to live with him and his sister-in-law instead. Soon the succubus’ mother comes knocking, and even she wants to move in on the action! Of course, being succubae, they need to get laid once in a while to keep going-might as well give them what they want!
3 cheers for admin this site is a true honor to all things Japanese 😀
Hey can anyone tell me the game that no need change our locale to Japan??
Please Help
good game but weak translation to many mistakes and sometimes pretty strange translations like sister saying swing to church…
nice game but pretty weak translation
Followed the walkthrough and got all the CGIs but somehow missed a scene with Eliza. What’s the decision path to get the scene with Eliza on Day 7, row 2, 1st box (connects up to row 1 scene 2)? Should path be followed on New Game or New Game+? Thanks. BTW considering my Reply on April 8 is long can it be deleted?
Nevermind. Finally got my MsWord working so was finally able to open the RTF file with the walkthrough on it. Thanks anyway.
In case anyone is wondering its the Mediafire link Crazyguy posted on June 23, 2011 at 5:59 am.
holy crap the translation is terrible….
altho the art for the girls is cute
all links broken
Yes, until now admin still not respond my question up there 🙁
Thanks Admin for the upload.
Although not as much as other vns, I enjoyed the game. In my opinion there is too much sex scenes and the stories are pretty shallow, which isn’t bad, and it was enjoyable to play after playing Saya no Uta and MuvLuv Alternative, holy crap. If what you’re looking for is a deep story I think other games would be best, but if you’re looking for a visual novel that’s light and fun then this game will be good.
Well that’s just my amateur review 🙂
Ppl download all 3 files, then put all 3 files into one folder and use winrar to extract the files onto you’re pc. If you extract file one file 2 should follow automatically and file 3 after that just go into the extracted files and you should be able to play the game without any problems.
There’s a problem that occurs after starting up the game. The game will say “NECEMEM.SNI is not found” and continues to do so. If anybody could post a fix to this it’d be much appreciated.
Good game so far, but the translation is definitely a bit… off.
MAN!!! nice game!!!! ^_^
I really dug this game its just a shame that it got saddled with such a piss poor translation. I mean a few mistakes here and there are nothing out of the ordinary for the genre but this game had a mind boggling number of errors it was like the localization staff never heard of spellcheck lol
huhuh…someone can give me a complete walkthough?
only can get 90% of all scene and grafics~~someone~~
I just finished both Shera and Sana’s endings.
I’m curious if there is a way to ever get Harumi.
I’ve looked for walkthroughs to see but I can’t find any anywhere…not even on here.
Anyone able to help?
for some reason the word “succubus” has been translated as “witch” in this game.
and the logo says “sakkyuba-SOON!”
Thank you for this great site! Truly saved my day!! Keep up the good work.
Hello, Admin! may I ask you a favor, I cannot download some of your games because f.serve is interrupting my downloads and cannot do anything in the process. Please upload some of your games especially this one on filesonic. Thank you very much in advance! 🙂
I’m reuploading all games, so that each gets fileserve+filesonic interchangeable mirror, but it simply takes time. Currently 53 out of 148 games are done ( not counting recent games that got both mirrors from start.)
Awesome! that was fast! Thanks for replying and so does with your efforts, Admin! +1000 Rep to you! 😀 arigatou gozaimasu!!! (^o^)
here a english walkthrough it’s writed exactly the same as in the game so all the mistake are from the game.
With this walkthrough you will get all CG and special.
dude, thanks I got bored playing this game(doesn’t know the harem route)…….I first tried the other walkthrough and its very very hard to understand.
I haven’t downloaded the game yet, but does this need a walkthrough? and if so could someone be as kind to link to a english walkthrough.
If anyone could post a fix for the “NECEMEM.SNI is not found” problem it would be much appreciated.
np, just move all installed files to a new folder outside of your install folder and name the new one to your liking
–> system cant find file cause of problem in folder naming
admin and staff
congratulations for the great work, best site ever for galge/eroge games,thx for the hard work !!!!!
ok i downkloaded the game and installed everything but when i go to to play i cant find the start button icon anywhere i checked my whole computer with no luck
is this uncensored?
hey, I just get a black screen after I hit ‘new game’, does anybody else have this problem? (And, yes, I am [sadly] using a macbook and crossover games/crossover, but neither seem to do any good, just that same shit…) “/
Admin, any help?
i’m having the same problem
Does anyone have a walkthrough for this game?
are there any alternate links?? it says the files have been deleted.. :(((
the translations could have been better ive noticed many left out lines or they’ve been simpified to far to match the voicing
wow,another one with a bunh of problem,but it seem kinda fun and the artwork is fine,so maybe i will try this next
I downloaded both parts of the game, however when I run the Application it gives me the error: NECEMEM.SNI is not found. This game failed to set NECEMEM.SNI. If anyone can let me know, that would be a great help, thanks.
I’m having the same problem…
me too, and the second .rar just seems to be empty…
try rename the folder
thanks dude !
Hello everyone,
how do i mount? i googeled it but the instructions i found were quite complicated(and different from site to site^^). i can´t belive that there are that many steps needed because whenever i hear taking somebody about mounting it sounds as if its quite easy.
Did you try to read “F.A.Q” section of this website?
thank you! i didn´t read it before but i´ll try it out now. the difficult instructions i taked about were from other sites, i just asked here because i like your site and you have always good answeres for the questions:-)
Hey I’m new to all this, and I don’t know how to play a game with more than one download. Please help? Are there instructions anywhere???
you need to download and install winzip or something similar and will need daemon tools for most of these
Guys how i can make the game exe in a icon?
when i extract, its only a white icon, with not like the other games, like Da Capo 2, that is the Icon of the game is the head of that Little Dog.
The EXE does NOT contains any icon so it looks like that.There is nothing you can do.
never mind i figured it out, just changed the resolution size of my screen, fixed it woot
so i unzipped the file and i clicked on the application lcsebody and the game seems to start up. However no matter what i try the game only remains in a small screen, and i am unable to make it fullscreen.
For future reference, you can change into fullscreen with a keyboard shortcut. I can’t remember exactly what it was, but I’m guessing Ctrl+R or Ctrl+L.
there doesn’t seem to be any discs to mount after unzipping the files.
Admin will you be my friend?
I just discovered your website, while looking for this one. Magnificent!
All u need to do is mount virtual discs.
do i need to put this on a DVD or something?
I unRARed it but there is nothing to install. the only file i can use seems to be the games soundtrack.
Thank you very much for your hard work!