The fandisc consists of the following: Houzuki’s chapter, the epilogues for the original game’s heroines, and a hidden omake.
For starters, Houzuki’s chapter will probably tie everything that was left unanswered in Himawari no Shoujo. Therefore, it is really a step that any reader shouldn’t skip, considering how it is canonically ending everything so far.
Houzuki’s chapter sets the timeframe many years before the events of Himawari, at the very same location. Akutsu Masaomi and Higuchi Saburou, the 2 protagonists of the story managed to survive from the hellish SHCP trial and enter in the final part of their examination.
They soon meet the current SHCP in charge of the town, Ari Ruruliant Houzuki. Cunning and often plotting behind their back, Ari will monitor them as the two will be in charge of Saika Miina, the only student with an obligation at that given time.
Masaomi progressively realize that Miina’s situation is completely irrational, but many obstacles will arise before him.
Is there anyone here have a walkthrough or guide for this game?
I removed the yukyu_patch.xp3 from the installation folder and i can see all the routes, i just started Sachi’s and the first phrases are in english, although when selecting a heroine their names are written in japanese, and system/options are also in japanese.
The patch was replaced with a new one, download it and all routes should be unlocked and English.
How do I unlock the heroine epilogues? I got the patches (patch.xp3, yukyu_patch.xp3) in the same folder, and the Hozuki route runs fine. However, I cannot see the heroines’ epilogues even after playing through the Hozuki route.
Facing the same problem, can someone please help out? Thanks.
Download links keep saying that the connection has timed out etc.. Makes me sad because I just finished Himawari no Shoujo and still have a lot of unanswered questions.. I’d like to see Hozuki’s chapter etc. It looks very interesting. I hope this can be fixed as soon as possible. Thank you in advance.
Never mind, I got it working. I was putting in the wrong patch. I put in the v1 patch in twice. …..I’m embarrassed…..
How do I unlock the extended epilouges from the first game? I tried Installing the patch from here, that didn’t work. I tried installing the patch from TLwiki, that didnt work. Do I have to comlete the game first or are there other things I have to do?
Hey admin, a lot of people seem to be downloading an old patch with a lot of errors. You should upload the “newest” patch.
Houzuki route is so Damn epic….. Thanks for game….. ^^
Finished Akutsu’s route, but upon completing it no other routes opened up in the scenario select screen. I got all my files from this page and followed the instructions in the post above this one by altux. I’m playing in Japaneses locale.
Just experienced the same issue there but if you download the patch link given from a previous comment on October 24th 2012, the patch unlocks all the side-stories. You just move and replace the downloaded patch with the current patch that is in the game file folder. Enjoy.
Thank you bud. I feel like I scrolled up and down these comments 20 times. Can’t believe I missed that.
1.unpack the archieve (use winrar)
2.Use daemon tools or Alcohol 120% or other software to open the iso file and mount it into the virtual drive
3.open setup exe and next2 (click anything, if you got out, then you’re wrong. try again)
4. unpack the patch archieve and Copas only the patch.xp3 into your game folder (default is C:\Program Files\あかべぇそふとつぅ\車輪の国、悠久の少年少女)
then play
Sorry for the stupid question but how do I install this and get it to run, I’m new to this
I quite don’t understand this edition.
Does it contain the original game Himawari no Shoujo and the above mentioned stuff? So do I need both games or does this Edition suffice?
No, this is kind of “expansion pack”. Separate game, telling (mostly) the story of events that happened before original game.
Ah ok, thanks for the clarification.
Thx dude, much appreciated
I’m an idiot.. I just realized I could’ve clicked “reply”
Geez, the guy above, since there is a new patch, post the god damn link then.
Here’s the mediafire link for the new patch
Hope the admins actually update this page
Thanks a lot for this.
Is the site dead? or rather unattended already?
Much thanks. Seems to work so far
“A little feedback.”
Sorry admin but the path here is outdated, there is a path version 2.0 of 2.5MB already that fixes the problem of the other routes not available from the start of the game.
Which one has the longer gameplay, sequel or prequel?
Hallo Admin.!
Can you please give me the walkthrough – because at the tail Eri I can not lead to the end, just that I lack. So since I can perhaps help? Then I’ll wait for your answer – until then, thanks a lot!
I can’t run the game,i mean wen i run it,there a Blue Board Come out it say some thing like:This program cannot be run in DOS mode.and i use window 7,Plz help !!!!!
Thank you for the reupload!
Please reupload Sharin no Kuni, Yuukyuu no Shounenshoujo
Reupload please. Links are down.
Admin can u re upload the file because i cant download it, the site says ivalid or deleted file onegai 😀 tnx admin
Hi admin thanks for your hard work
Like Godoffire and aaaaaa says the part one is corrupted. always reuses to start the download.
Part one seems to be corrupted admin
no matter what it stoppes the download early or it even refuses to start
can u check it?
Same here. Looks like both links don’t work for part one. A reupload would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I cant extract it
Thank you for reuploading this.
The english patch doesn’t seem to work. I downloaded the english patch here and pasted it into the game folder, but the game is still in Japanese.
I’m having the same problem patch wise. The first game worked perfectly fine and the patch worked. I installed this game the same way, following all the instructions and putting the patch in the directory folder after installing the game but the game is still in Japanese for me. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Is it possible to reuplod it?
I’ve finished himawari no shoujo just a bit ago and i’m curious to see how is this.
nvm i found somewhere else to dl it.
All the file on fileserve are out
FileSonic links are stuffed too…
Can someone upload it on like mediafire please
this story touched me as well.
(lol we’ve been touched)
it feels so damn awkward to play as houzoki himself,that i might skip his route 🙁
can someone tell me if it is worth it to play his route?
i just cant stand thinking of him because of what he did in himawari no shoujo
Houzuki’s route is AMAZING, you have to play it.
Man… The only flaw in this game? The ending’s all open ended including Himawari no Shoujo 🙁 .
So curious about Miina. Most probably died though… But Ima lie to myself, She met Ken in the end XD
Anyways, Thank You admin for this wonderful Upload. The story touched me 🙂
The download for the pathc is not complet: He has patch xp3, but it don’t have yukyu_patch.xp3
SO you can edit that
It is complete. You don’t need that file. patch.xp3 already contains all translated scripts.
Has anyone been able to find a walk-through for this game?
The original Sharin No Kuni is pretty good(8/10) , love the development and of course Onee-chan xD . now i am gonna continue to play the fandisc of himawari no shoujo
damn i thought it is possible to bang ari….this game betrayed me *snif
If you have the file yukyu_patch.xp3 in your directory and can’t see all the routes, delete that file.
Only translate Hozuki’s route all others aren’t translated.
Did you even bother downloading this patch and game from here?
I don’t care if other places have only Hozuki’s route translated – I personaly complied patch that translates whole game, using most recent TLwiki scripts and made sure everything works – played all routes from start to finish.
hey admin, im really grateful for you, but unfortunately, it does seem like the eng patch you made isnt working, my specs are in jap locale, and thanks to the FAQ you made in was able to play lots of other games through daemon and everything, but for some reason this time the patch didn’t work, sorry
you know i take that back, ppl even if it looks like its not translated once you play a story it will be in ENG! sorry to have doubted you admin!
i don’t see any of the girls in scenario select.. anyone can help?
You sure you’re using translation patch downloaded here?
yes i did, but it didn’t work
for some reason part 4 always stop downloading at 4 mb 🙁
is this a sequel?
It’s fandisc to original game. It contains bot sequel – continuation of girls’ routes and prequel – Hozuki’s route taking place years before events of first game.
is there Onee-chan’s (Ririko’s route) ?
Hello!! Very good game here!!! Can I ask a question?? Why wen i finish atsuki route it does not appair any other route?? I have my pc impostated on applocale jananese but i do not know what to do i have even himawari no shojo installated with the eng patch…. Please answer me ok??
okok so for evryone that have my problem download the eng patch from tlwiki and rename yuku patch in patch2 and tadaaaaa
Is there a way for me to edit the patch so I could make some changes with the translation? I’m pretty confident with my English so I’m planning on making a few changes here and there…
I meant are the settings menu and route menu not translated?
Is the main menu not translated?
I downloaded all the part 6. What do I do now? I ahve google chrome and windows vista if thats neccessary to know. o.o
You need to change locale to Japanese. Extract the archives. Mount game image. Install the game. Put patch file in installed game directory.
Instructions about changing locale and mounting game images can be found in “F.A.Q.” section of website.
I just finished Houzuki’s chapter and the three other routes but I haven’t express my gratitude yet
thank you very much
I don’t know what i’m doing wrong, the game downloaded fine starts perfect but the patch wont work i put it in the install directory where the game is installed but it still comes ouyt in japanese ? help please
Wow, to think that someone would translate the other 3 routes, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
hello, sorry to ask this question again, but i already try to use both this patch and the one from tlwiki, but i can,t start the other chapter except houzuki chapter, can someone tell me what should i do?
You’re not supposed to use tlwiki’s patch – just install game, then put the one posted here, to have all routes translated.
um yea that doesnt work only one that shows up with both patches is houziki and if you remove the second patch it shows japanese and an error pops up, tried the suggestion from an earlier post and tried putting it as patch2.xp3 but that didnt do anything either!
How do i unlock Eri Cg? 🙁 I’ve been through her route but no Cg was unlocked.
You have to play through everything in the game, then go to the “Start” menu. You’ll see a gear in the upper lefthand corner that says “omake”. Click on that and you will get Eri’s sex scene and final two CGs.
Admin, may I ask if this chapter only revolves on many years before Himawari Shoujo? I mean, I saw some CG’s on getchu and got to see some Natsumi, Touka, and Sachi event? Does this also tell the stories after Himawari Shoujo?
*Sorry for some spoilers to what I say if it has some.*
Forgot another Question: *Sorry for this selfish questions of mine >.<*
Does this have Branching Choices for me to access every story of the Girls like Himawari Shoujo?
No, the only choice in game is on main menu – you choose which story you want to read, then it’s linear.
Oh, OK! Thanks admin. As expected, you always give a fast replies. 😀 Anyway thanks again.
This has two parts – hozuki’s route takes place before events of himawari shoujo, while girl’s routes are continuation of it.
But the girls routes can’t be started even after completing the main route. is there anything i should do to be able to start the girls routes?
That’s strange…
For me (and it seems everyone else, since you’re the first reporting this problem) all girl routes are available.
probably using the tlwiki patch and not the patch listed on here
Yes. I also had problems. I finished the main stories but I am still not able to read the girl’s roots. They just simply don’t show up when I press start.
I’ve completed Huzuki’s route but i can’t start any other route, what should i do?
soo how do you use the english patch?
Just put patch.xp3 file inside game folder after installation.
thank you!
admin, i tried doing what you said on an earlier post about the steps in the installation. I followed them correctly but after i tried opening the .exe file, it won’t start, instead an error shows up about:
???????????(syntax error, unexpected T_SYMBOL, expecting “)”)
do you know how to fix this problem?
You need to have japanese locale (check “F.A.Q” sections for instructions) both during game installation and when you play it.
I already did those things but i still get an error. I can give you a screenshot of the error if you want. I just want to know/read Hozuki’s arc
i don’t know how to make these downloads work can anyone help?
Have you ever played Hanachirasu? TLwiki says it is translated except for the minigame. Curious if you had any plans for it
Thanks for uploading this Admin.
oh man!! Touka’s route is super funny, that’s for me though. and i’m still playing, don’t know about other routes
Hozhokis route is epic, but the ending is a bit confusing, just saying
@ bob: agreed
@watever: Touka’s & Natsumi’s route are (personally :p) the best ones (just because they are so moe).Sacchhi’s and Riroko’s routes weren’t that bad either, just didn’t care that much for them.
Walkthrough please
There’s no walkthrough – story is linear.
Hey just wondering houzuki’s ending is confusing? what happen after that?
I became much more curious to learn there is sequel
of Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo
called “Kourin no Machi, Lavender no Shoujo”
would be miracle to have English version of that too
I don’t think You will see it anytime soon.
In Fate Stay night there a file missing (sound.xp3) could you uploaded it please?
Hi , is there any with video scenes?
Fileserve is such shit.
is it possible to upload to other sites like mediafire or megaupload? cause I’ve never been able to dl things from fileserve
Hey admin, is there any chance for hotfile link?
my patch is not working.
game still is in japanese
Only thing translated is the text itself, all the rest (config screen & layout) is still in japanese.
Here is the v2 patch which solve the problem with the text font : http://www.mediafire.com/?465fl0fk53da53z.
Thanks for the patch man it has everything translated even the menus and the text are even
how do u install these? there are two file, which one to use?
Just to clarify, you (the site admin and team) are more of a release group than a translation group, correct? Either way, your work is appreciated.
We just gather all downloads in one place, making visual novels more accessible to beginners. From time to time we make some stuff, like this patch – game is fully translated, but it needs to go thru editing hell now, so you’d have to wait a few months to get official patch, but this is minority.
is this censored or not?
Since it’s english patch on the japanese game -> censored
Thank you admin for your hard work as always. Your site is definitely sacred ground for VN lovers.
admin please giv me an instruction to install this im a noob
2)Change applocale to japanese (see F.A.Q)
3)Mount iso with Deamon tools or another dvd-mounting software
4)Install the game (yes installer is in japanese), but it shouldn’t be so hard to figure out, it’s a regular installer after all, just keep pressing the continue button until installation has finished.
5)Locate installation folder (default location -> c/program files/” folder i can’t read, it’s in japanese 🙂 “/…)
6)In here copy paste patch.xp3
7)Now run the exe file and enjoy playing it.
Installation folder should be called
アカベイソfトツ Or something like that
Potentially あかべいそfとつ
Then the Inside folder will be
車輪の国 with something else on the side
good luck~
how do you download this? change locale???
Thx for this admin, i thought it wouldn’t get translated so I was looking forward to when it’ll be 😀
Thanks admin, keep the good work.
everytime I try to install it it would say ‘syntax error, unexpected T_SYMBOL, expecting “)”)’
anyone can help me?
can your computer use the japanese language? lol
Thanks admin, really appreciate the effort you pull through
Btw admin, will the erogedownload forum come back online? Or is it to much of a hassle…
Finished all routes, damn Natsumi & Touka are so Moe, to damn cute 🙂
Sachhi’s route was my least favorite, when they put in the whole mana-s..-scenes i was like… damn… so wrong :p
Thanks i had no idea there was a full patch for this 🙂
you could download imouto paradise
Holy Crap. Admin saves the day once again!
Thanks admin. You rock!
Oh ye,nevermind,if You’re an idiot just remember that 2 english patches don’t translate the game :DDDDD.
Only Houzuki’s route seems to be translated,unless i’m doing something wrong.
you are doing something wrong.
like Proface said two posts above yours, if you had the original patch installed you need to delete it’s files.
that is, unless you renamed something, yukyu_patch.xp3
hi admin listen got a a cool game for u guys to translate if ur interested really great game called devils devil concept understand if ur busy with others but think this would be a game fans of ur site would enjoy on a side note outstanding work on ur site think u and ur team is really a pioneer for fans of jap games well any way thanks for ur time and let me know if u want me to send u the copy of this game once again grat job and keep,em comeing
How do I play the other scenarios? I can only play houzuki’s chapter. I’ve already completed it from the other patch. There’s no option for the other arcs. :/
nevermind. I figured it out. I was using the original patch that didn’t translate the other scenarios and there was a yukyu_patch.xp3 file that i needed to get rid of. yay! Thanks for the translation btw 🙂
Great translated games from this site thus far, fantastic work from admin.
Is it okay to request for VN translations/uploads? Would be nice to see dead/inactive games like Gore Screaming Show, for one, translated…
hmm, link fileserve??another mirror please admin….
like hotfile….
Lol hell no wtf, hotfile sucks, don’t want to go back to that crap. Keep posting fileserve links admin.
LOL that your problem, not mine…if don’t want got problem download with hotfile, just buy the premium acc,
maybe another mirror except fileserve or depositfiles.
maybe mediafire good to you know, easy upload & always get great speed for all who wanted to download…..
reconsider using another mirror,
i vote for megaupload or filesonic, u have to wait too much between downloads at hotfile, and fileserve is just pure shit. downloading just simply stops after half minute in some countries (for me at least…)
Megaupload is fine but filesonic sucks. I don’t know where the hell you live but fileserve is great. NO waiting periods at all and fast downloads. I think you are the exception here.
Everything will be uploaded to fileserve, deal with it.
yes, fileserve does have problems quite often, still it’s better then hotfile.
have anyone tried using zomgupload? it is used often for anime but for some reasons no one uploads games there.
My god man, you and this site are awesome. Where is the donate button when I need it?
Is This A Sequel Or A Prequel Of Something?
This is kinda tricky question. Main part of the story ( Hozuki’s arc ) takes place years before events from original Sharin no Kuni. On the other hand girls arcs are continuation of ogrinal story.
As a result this fandisc is both prequel and sequel 🙂
Ohh But Does That Mean I Have To Play The Other Game(s) Before Fully Understanding This?
yes, you should play the original Sharin no Kuni.
ok nevermind looks like trying downloading this patch from opera was my bad i tried with mozila and it was good
maybe i ask something stupid but how can i download english patch because when i try to download something strange is showing up can someone help me?
once again i’m sorry if this question was stupid
THANK YOU SO MUCH, I’ve been waiting for this after i completed the original sharin no kuni…
Damn keep up the good work. THIS RULES.
could you find “kotori love exp” of Mangagamer? i really coundn’d find it on google. thank you for uploading.
im sure admin will post it after it comes out. it hasnt came out in us yet, it soon will
admin you are the best!
admin when i tried to extract the files it says part 2 is corrupted
nevermind i just need it re download it sorry
thnx admin for another game to play on my free time
thnx alot
school days probably take two years because it’s been licensed by jast and they are SLOW
Arghhh… It’s censored. I would like it if more of those eroges weren’t censored.
Any eroge from Japan (that isn’t officially released somewhere else with more lax censorship laws) will be censored. It’s the law there… all genitalia in media must be censored.
…Not only Houzukis chapter, but the girls as well?
Yay, thanks guy. I only played Houzukis until now.
@Keita: School Days isn’t completely translated yet, and the last time I looked for YnS I only found a partial patch >.>
What eroge will u upload next ? well I want to request either Yosuga no Sora and School days 😀 , I realy want to play both hehe ..
sadly the team that was working on making a eng patch for yosuga no sora had to quit from a email from sphere/cuff ( a company/sister company of yosuga no sora)
school days is being worked on too…they are currently on chapter 4/6 for all chars and chapter 5 should be out soon
Unfortunately, Sekai Project stopped their translation of School Days. Instead, they’re working alongside overflow to release and English Localization of the game in the future. So, in other words, no more english patch.
Ohh ! .. thanks for the info, still i wonder why sphere company stop the making of eng patch fot YnS 🙁
is it the translation from TLwiki?
if so note that it isn’t complete.
Houzuki’s chapter is translated but the other parts isn’t.
No, this is complete patch.
I pulled all scripts from tlwiki and compiled patch myself – it translates both Hozuki’s chapter and girls’ ones.
wow, thanks.
you are great.
Yeah, thought there was never going to be a full patch. Official or not, all heil hypnoadmin!
I love this game, thanks so much for your hard work!
thanks have been waiting so long but nothing, and now again thank you
thank you admin for uploading this!