Rising Judo Star, Gushiken Takahiro, was about to have the match that would make or break his career in two weeks. A championship match where the winner is then signed up to be a young national athlete for Japan. He was very determined to win, in order to fulfill his dreams of finally representing his country for a sport he loves so much.
He was prepared and ready, but that doesn’t stop him from being nervous for his upcoming battle. With the suggestion of his friends and classmates, he goes to a shrine that was rumoured to grant any wish or prayer. He poured all the coins from his already full coin bank into the offering box and made his prayer. After praying, he becomes dizzy and nauseous and eventually faints. When he woke up, he was already in an ancient place he didn’t recognize.
While searching for a way back to his village, he stumbles upon two girl wielding swords chasing after two… foxgirls? He questions his brain at first, but then follows them, only to be caught in on their shenanigans as well.
Who are these girls and are they involved on Takahiro’s arrival to this new world? Will he ever get back to his home place and timeline just in time for his match? Or will he be stuck there forever?
Wasn’t this like Winged clouds’ first game? I remember first seeing it on Steam Train…
does this game have voice acting?
I’m new to this, is the site you download from safe? It was opening up new pages and I hate that crap. Does anyone know if Playeme.org is safe (it as one of the sites that opened up).
hmmm is not better than \my girlfriend is president\ little bit dissapointed at story :/
the lack of sexual content in this one makes me extremly unhappy. still many thanks admin-sama.
Oh man, I remember when I saw this in an Indie Bundle and was at first interested until I saw the art style. I’m fine with Visual Novels that don’t have H-Scenes, but what turns me off super fast is if all the women have huge breasts.
Can’t stand super boobs, they’re unrealistic and often gross. I don’t have a problem with boobs but if the proportions are all wrong it just looks stupid.
If the artwork had been more tasteful I’d have totally gotten it, though.
i played the game and well to be honest if feels rushed and story kind of dose not make sense in most parts and the relationships that get build up also feels rushed so would i recommend the game the anser is NO! it not really worth the time in my opinion but if u want to try it out go ahead but bewere it some what short so eeeeeeee also some parts will get u saying wtf anyway yaaaa
Well thanks for the heads up on the no H-scenes, now I won’t have to download it
Now I havent played this yet but from all the comments around I can tell it isnt living up to what it looks like-literally,because when you have characters drawn like this,when you have characters dressed like this in a visual novel AN EROGE.YOU EXPECT.HOT GIRLS BEINGS STUFFED ROUGHLY.What essentially happened here was that people got rickrolled by the game lol. heard the story line is bad,so I heard usually the porn helps to raise the general appreciation of the game if you can’t deliver a good story making people fap is a good way to make the appreciate the purchase and not have post purchase depression.
However…if you can combine fapping AND good story you can become a legend such as Monster Girl Quest,that was brilliant.
O_o No H scenes? With oppai of that size?! BLASPHEMY I TELL YOU! BLASPHEMY!
Hey.. someone knew about the last gallery section?… where u get that images ingame?.. i mean, the Miyo with a egg in the head
I’ll pass on this. It’s great that it’s on steam, but it honestly isn’t worth the price or the download. Why people make VNs like this, is beyond me. It has no gameplay mechanics, no branching story/multiple endings, and isn’t voiced. So it’s basically just a story with pictures. And if a VN is just pure story, that story better be Clannad levels of awesome…or I don’t care. There are tons of fantasy-based light novels out there, that I would get equal or better levels of enjoyment out of.
Love the how the female characters are drawn but, as many others said, no ‘H’ contents defeats the point of an ‘eroge’. It generally becomes a visual novel at this point where it involves purely reading.
im kinda pity for the people who bought it in Steam….pfttt..BUAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
Just keep in mind this game was put out by Winged Cloud, an English-speaking amateur VN circle.
For what it’s worth, Steam’s description says:
“This game includes nudity and explicit sexual dialogue.”
…yeah, maybe by Steam’s standards, but this game’s got a way to go before making this crowd blush.
was planning to download this but when i read all the comments and inspected the file, kinda lost interest.
reason 1: no H-scenes, the character drawing is enticing but no h-scenes is a big downer, esp that pink haired looks just like yagyuu jubie from hyakka rouran.
2:file size too small, was wondering why its too small but no voice? come-on. the plot could be good but without voice is kinda like reading manga, no difference for me.
we all entitled to our opinion so please no trash talking about my post, but admin great job being updated on your site. still come here for any recommendations like majikoi series
Weak plot. Unsatisfying.. Would’ve passed if there were H-scenes at least.
Dame why does all protagonist want to go back to boring all the time
I wonder about that myself. I mean, it’s not like they had such an amazing life that nothing else could ever compare.
it’s simple, modern age convenient and peaceful world(at least where they live)
Holy!… you working so fast to upload it… XD
VN games don’t have to have porn to be good. Little Busters is a fine example of quality atmosphere and interesting characters. Even Muv-Luv Alternative didn’t need one. This would have been fine with just ecchi. Problem is that this is like some bad- fanfiction. Plus the romance isn’t even good. I had more fun with butchered “If my heart had wings” then this game…
That’s the entire point though. VN’s don’t need porn to be good 7th expansion alone makes that clear. The thing is though that porn can help hide or at least deflect attention when the game/VN does not have high quality. So when you have a game that is not of high quality that does not have the protective shield of porn it becomes an issue.
LoL MLA made very good use of the fact that is was an eroge. As someone who’s not into tentacles, I think they made very good use of them to traumatize me more, I was starting to get too used to gore…
Downloaded and extracted file, yet when i try to play it, does not load up. . . could i have some help?
Am I the only one who doesn’t like the weird shine on their breasts? It makes it looks like they’re stuffing flesh-colored balloons under their clothes.
Don’t care about H-scenes or not, but a single ending for a weak story, pass.
Not so bad for a Non-Jap VN, the game looks good I mean the optic is quiet beautiful, don’t really need H-Scenes, if only it had voices.
…and more than a single ending perhaps. Nevertheless, I liked it a lot.
See see I was okay with no hentai scenes I was still going to play buuuuuuuuut then you said no voices that just turned me off then I thought about it… lets say there were voices this is made by an American company if I understood correctly which means english voices and to be honest when it comes to visual novels we all prefer japanese voices BECAUSE THEY ARE AWESOME!
P.S Everyone is forgetting god of war for PS2 that showed full boob plus a room you could have sex in though you never actually saw the sex.. all the goddesses were topless 🙂
You really think so, stupid?
But there are some of us that it makes happy, you perverts that want porn in everything are making me sick.
Can someone tell me why is this idiot here?
He’s a closet pervert, or he wouldn’t be saying that while visiting this site named ‘eroge’download.com.
No, he’s a tsundere without ‘dere’ part
He’s always ‘dere’ with you, Akihito.
Dude…are you trying to troll, or do you just like to act stupid? THIS site is called EROGEdownload. “Eroge” means EROTIC game. I agree that not every VN needs to have sex scenes…but only an idiot would be surprised when people expect sex scenes from games on this site.
True is it, some of us love vn with or without H scene.
But those vns actually have godlike story.
thanks a lots admin 😀
ivan, its perfectly ok to show a nip as long as there is a very skimpy cloth covering part of it
So what’s this about? Good or bad?
The lack of H-scenes makes me extremely sad.
Well it’s on Steam, so of course this don’t have h-scene, duh.
Sometimes I wish Valve was European, not American company…
It’s totally okay to sell game where you torture people with car battery clamps, or different one which slows down during head shot, just to show in great detail how the bullet penetrated the skull, made a pudding out of brain and severed cervical canal in spine on it’s way out, but God forbid if your game shows a nipple.
Well that’s because gore is still more decent then porn.
You really think so, stupid?
as note isn’t there a sub genre of porn specifically relating to gore… doesn’t that mean this is just skipping the erotic part and going straight to the murder :/…
america is kind of weird but we also let everyone and there mother own a gun sooooo… kinda see where the whole bullet brain pudding thing comes into picture.
So then the Ecchi industry is for nothing? That stuff is played on TV uncen (at least Highschool DxD, anyway)
PS does anybody feel like cnn needs to give an apology.whit
You can show nipples in games and sell them in the U.S…. Witcher 2 anyone?
Its the other stuff that would get it slapped down.
looks so good but seems to be horrible ;( i was hyped
No if we could only gate Analogue a hate story and hate plus and i think it would cover all good VNs off steam
dude you make me cry ,KITSUNES GAME AND NO H SCENES noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
You perverts make me sick.
how is this sick look at the web page your on “erogedownload.com” what you expect were all here for
Yea its Called “EROGEdownload.com” not “HENTAIdownload.com”
Eroge is about “love/erotik” not “blindless sex”.
eroge is the words erotic and game put together. erotic means of, relating to, or tending to arouse sexual desire or excitement. So yes, his behavior is appropriate for the site and people who decry it don’t know the meanings of the word.
Guys, can’t we all just get along 🙁 ?
BTW I love your username XD
how the hell did this guy even end up here if he wasn’t looking for eroges?!
really then why do some ohh many eroge have H-scenes
Says the one who rapes old men, old women, and animals.
>Goes on a EROGE downloading site
>Calls other people perverts for wanting some H-scenes
But I honestly am disappointed. Wish there was h-scenes, such cute girls. T_T
>greentexting outside 4chin
git gud
>Greentexting outside of 4chons
>Greentexting at all
>Using emoticons
>Using hashtag outside of programming
toppest of keks
huh…..that means this guy is sick to himself….if yu r here in this website that is that
I know right? Such a waste…
I feel your pain, but still a kitsune in a VN is worth 2 in a RPG.
Thanks admin. Kinda surprised this doesn’t have H-scenes…
How could it? It’s on steam
Then again, so is nekopara, and that does have H-scenes in the R-18 version. Though the steam one is sfw
If you are talking about nudity and stuff, HuniePop is on steam and it has nudity and h-scenes (kinda not animated but you get it)