Half rape-on-lose and half rape-on-win, Desire Dungeon has some nice monster girl scenes, despite the lack of voice acting and mediocre art. The game is a dungeon crawler, except not really because you can only walk forward and backwards. It’s kind of a joke gameplay-wise and also requires a lot of grinding.
I always make a point to see games thru to the end, but this turd of a dungeon crawler was just too much to digest. It’s hard to progress, you lose a level when dying, and damn even the stupid fairies can kill you, how fucking stupid is that! Believe me, I really wanted to like this game but no, it’s frustrating even with the best weapons and items, I mean I couldn’t even beat the first floor how ridiculously strong are foes gonna be in second and third floor? Got to level 10 and deleted this garbage. Good riddance.
How do you download this game, when I launch it it just gives me weird texts
i cant find the back button so i get stuck in menus
Great time consuming game… or not XD cuz grinding.
Use winrar to extract the files, then put the files from the patch in the game folder. Run the game with the desiredungeonwrap.exe file. I believe you have to have your computer in Japanese locale for it to run properly.
it looks fun
you have to open DA: Game Download and DA: English Patch Download tabs, will open you a link, select free download option, put down captcha, wait 120 seconds and your download is ready…
All you have to do is bring all the stuff from the non translated version to the translated version, and you are done.
just to be sure do not replace the files of the english translated version.
Is there a way to play it on Android?
SO when i go to download this its sending me to a super virusy feeling place (with annoying pop-up/ WARNING YOU HAVE A CRITICAL ERROR!!!) messages e.e normally i trust things here with a few grains of salt but whats up? is this just a me issue?
When I start playing the game the text glitches over itself making it hard to read. Anyone know how to fix it?
Example: Equipment Encyclopedia
How It looks in game
Ecuiprert Ercyclopedcia
Got my locale set to japanese, tried running as admin but every time I try to run it all I get is this
0.txt line:55481
|erasetextwindow 0
>Isph SP_CURSOL,\:|/2,400,2;cgcursor1.bmp\,388,580
and the first time I tried 2 files appeared called envdata and gloval.sav thanks to anyone who can help
The game could really use a manual on the interface it has.
Here are some interface tips…
1.To change equipment/config game system: Right click at town
2.To earn skill: Keep Ero attack a monster till she give in,basically depletes her MP.
3.To have full view of the screen during battle: Right click the screen
Here are some game tip:
1. Try not to buy any equipment in town, farm from chest is an better option.
2. Load up Potions when you have money,or else donate to church for experience point
3. Rest at the inn to level up(if you have enough experience to level up)
4. When you want to advance to the next level, it will be wise to farm item from the current level of step 90 to 99.
guys….. how do you gain skill?
I keep using ero attack ,but the monster just didn’t attack me.
This is a great game! It’s a shame there isn’t any voice acting, though. Only other things i can complain about are there’s no auto-play option and that some of the monsters like lilim or the fairy will call you “Big bro” instead of Onii-chan.
there aren’t any tags for this one
For those interested, there is a 1.12 version translation patch on Dargoth’s site, which included some crash fixes and credits.
…It’s fullscreen.
Go to the 0 text document and at the top change 600 to 500
Oh, you need to rest
I don’t level up even though I have the required XP (it says 50/10 on the XP thing) why is this?
you need to go to the Inn and choose the “Rest” option to use your exp to level up
Got all the endings
Here’s the trick
1. Be level 30 (the highest) ASAP
2. BondBreaking in the temple
3. WIN by Ero attacks-Finish off MP and LOSE by Surrender skill ONE TIME with all of the monsters)
4. WIN by Ero attacks-Finish off MP and LOSE by Surrender skill ONE TIME with the monsters you WANT)
5.If there’s another monster popping out, never use ero attacks or surrender, defeat by normal Attack-FInish the HP
6. Got all the endings.
to get the ending, you must sex win twice and lose twice to the monster you want minimum.
to get the ending you want, just have more sex scene with the monster you want.
no need to bond break, but if you keep on ero everyone until you lost track, perhaps you should.
Where does the option to leave the town show up? And where are the stats (hp,mp) for the monster girls shown when you’re fighting them?
I found the skill to reveal hp and mp, but i still kind find the leave town option.
You need to bwhen battling with monsters: normal win(Zero HP), Ero Win (Zero MP), and then surrender to let your MP become zero.
I understand what to do for endings, the problem is I CAN’T FIND THE ‘LEAVE TOWN’ OPTION.
The “Leave Town” option pops up after you’ve defeated the final boss (Oroboros).
Is there any walkthrough of this?
not that i have found, but you REALLY dont need one since everything needed is pretty much said in game. the dungeons are uni-directional and only a few monsters have anything special that is needed to beat them (hints can be found occasionally for these monsters anyway). If you want a rundown of basic mechanics or help with a specific monster feel free to ask though.
Thanks for the reply. Yeah, no need walkthrough. Finished the game in 1 sitting lol. Vampire’s ending was a little sad that he died, but to compensate her loneliness, he left her with kids 🙂 I did a little experiment: 2 Sex wins and 2 Sex loses of EVERY heroines hoping to get a HAREM route, but failed 😛 Anyways, the game was fun 🙂
Dear god mimic is sooooo hard, won with moebious ring
seriously half hp and half mp, troll..
Chat log start.
mimic end
I see something strange in front of me.
… It’s a chest.
It has to be one… It looks so strange out here.
Such an obvious trap…
It has to be Mimic.
I’ll just walk past it.
*switch sound*
Mimic: Nononono! Wait
:Do not ignore me!
What kind of Mimic pops out on their own?
: Don’t change the subject!
: Do you know how ard it is to drag a treasure chest this far out of a dungeon?
: I had to ask those guys to drag me all the way out here, where I knew you would walk by.
: And it was so terribly cold for them, too.
:Sheesh.. Just what kind of selfish man did I fall in love with?
I guess I feel sorry for the people who had to carry her.
: T…That’s the response I’d expect from you…
: But you know, that was an indirect confession.
:… Well, whatever.
:Anyway I’ll be traveling with you.
: A god’s order. No denying it.
Traveling with me?
… What about the chest?
: You’ll carry it, of course
: It would be awfully inconvenient without it.
… I wonder if I should just throw Mimic out of the chest.
:I’ll curse your descendants forever if you do that!
:Rather, I’ll make them never exist to begin with!
Ahh… What a spoiled princess.
Traveling with a boxed God, huh?
*pick up sound*
With a sigh, I lift the chest up onto my shoulder.
If she can fall in love, I guess we’re equals…
:Hrm… I’m sorry for hindering you.
:Please take good care of me.
I continue walking, now carrying Mimic.
She’s actually saying something nice for once.
:Nnn… Oh, yes… About the next destination…
———- Black———
…After that. A man carrying a box has been spotted in dungeons all over the world. At first he was just called a bizarre adventurer. But after being sighted, the quality of items in the dungeon drastically increased. Soon after, he started being referred to as the God of Treasure Chests. As if to prove it, it was said a girl in priestess’s clothing is always following him.
Mimic: I’m the god! You’re still so naive…
… Is what she would say, but the rumors persist. Everywhere they went, humans and monsters would come together too. As they come to understand each other, idle conflict slowly ceases. Again today, the man is carrying his box. With the girl in priestess clothing beside him..
But that’s a story for another time…
you needed the mobius ring? back when I played this I beat mimic both ways before getting past the second floor at least.
though I probably lost a lot first but only one I remember needing the ring for is succubus.
lilim’s ending quote.
they defeat assasins andNinjas with one hand, while eating sushi and takoyaki with the other.
watching them would make you think they were on some bizarre action-themed vacation.
werewolf – they go on an adventure together, becoming warriors, they save humans and monsters alike
fairy- they become legendary adventurers, closing the relationship gap between monsters and humans
lizard girl- she turns out to be the dragon princess, and the hero becomes the dragon king after defeating her father.
But the power of the new dragon queen was incredible.\n
i liked these three the best :#
dear god this captcha is terrible
when you’re in town or in the dungeon[not in battle] right click the mouse and you’ll see what you wanna see… click on your shortsword, armor … etc to change them if you have better ones. hope I helped =)
JUST FOR INFO – when you’re lvl 30 and you have good wepon and armor for mele combat go chalange the Fighter [boss at lvl1 Dungeon] and defeat her in pure mele combat[you can defeat her even if you’re not lvl30] and she gives you armor with defence 500+
thank you for pointing that thing with the fighter out (btw i think only the finishing blow has to be physical, so you can do it much earlier than 30 if you weaken her with magic)
you pointing out the fighter thing and then me hearing Lilim’s star wish made me realize there is something similar with the second floor’s boss. finish her off with a magic attack and she gives you a staff with no stats that occasionally casts a guaranteed sleep spell at the start of combat
can someone please tell me how to open your inventory to use and equip items? i just can’t seem to get it to work and no one is saying anything about items so i can’t get this game to progress.
right click while in town square or in the dungeon and the menu pops up. the upper-left box has options like ‘items’ and ‘skills’ while the box below it shows your equipment, click any of the equipment names and a list of alternate equipables will appear. choose something from that list.
also, to admin again, can you upload princess waltz? i can’t find a torrent of english version but i know it was translated from jastusa
duh? http://erogedownload.com/downloads/princess-waltz/
@ admin, do you have any news about someone traslating lightning warrior raidy III ?
as far as i know, that game died during development. last i checked, the official raidy III site hasn’t been updated since 2008
oh my god, how did i not notice that this actually got released? i was sure it died six years ago, this made my day!
the game is out but no one seems interested in translating it
while i was searching through forums for a download link i saw a couple of different people mention the date “October 26,” I did not look too deep into it, but they seemed to think that was when the English version was going to be released. It may warrant further investigation if you are interested, i just decided to try my luck with text hookers, translators, and my own knowledge and have gotten reasonably far in it
good news everyone! jastusa just confirmed that they will translate lightning warrior raidy 3 so we have just to wait now
Man the bad endings from Raidy 3 just sucked compared to what came before.
While i agree to an extent on that, ive found that the victory scenes quite often jumped up in quality compared to before, so i still have something nice to watch
Try pressing alt+enter to switch back between windows and full screen mode. Also how do I beat the the 3rd floor monsters? The monsters drain your mp so quickly and I can barely do any damage too them?
if you are referring to the angel draining your mp, its because she has a VERY annoying skill where she converts damage you’ve taken into mp damage in a sort of forced-heal skill. keep your hp above 60% and she will be much easier
Can someone plz tell me how to put this game into windows mode
alt+enter is the standard windows keystroke for switching between windowed and fullscreen modes and it does work here. I also think it was a bit annoying in fullscreen since you cant even alt+tab out properly
I fought 3 faeries, went back to the inn to rest and i didn’t level up anyobe know why?
every level requires more experience to surpass than the last. If you are level 3 or 4, you are too high to level up from a mere three fights with a fairy (level 2 requires 30 exp to pass, fairies give 10 exp for a victory, so you will need to fight more creatures for every successive level)
Desire Dungeon 2 make it happen I WANT MOARH!!!
whats the LvL cap?
level cap is 30
How to get ero scene for succubbus? ero attack dont work
Beat the final boss using ero attacks, then use her skill to beat succubus.
Already beat her without going through the 3rd floor boss. it might have been easier to beat the succubus after the 3rd boss though. thanks anyway
if you have the coat of black dreams, the succubus can hardly do anything since the coat itself prevents her taking off your clothes. I got that before i met her the first time and seduced her in my first encounter with her, so you dont need mobius if you have some good gear like that
oh, and if erotic attacks dont work, it means that you are too weak in that stat. you need a high level and a powerfully erotic weapon in order to do damage.
Anyone have a clue how to defeat the warrior?
Ero attack all the way, equip your highest ero weapon ang highest defensse armor. dont forget to heal
Beat the sorcerer using ero attacks, by doing so you learn a magic attack, use that to beat warrior.
How the hell do I save in this game? Right-clicking does nothing. Moving to the cursor to the edges of the screen don’t work either. Please help. :/
when in town, go to adventurer’s inn there should be the rest, save, talk and leave button, then just click on save. Good to go now!!
Thanks man. Appreciate it. 🙂
How do you defeat the second floor boss? I think her name is Lilim.
Get the mirage skill from the slime, then use it BEFORE you go into battle
how do you get an ending with them? i always just leave the town?
You have to beat them twice AND lose twice
Do I need bond-breaking first to do that?
No you don’t but if you are not sure if you qualify for it, I recommend doing the bondbreaking, otherwise you might end up with another monstergirl
I’m looking for a game kinda like this. It was a monster girl game where you had to strip the girls down and make them cum (usually using toys and stuff) before they made you come. Actually defeating a girl usually took several battles of her running away and you had to use water (i think) to keep yourself from blowing your load as she went at you, but I can’t remember what the game was called.
It is Erotical Night
Wow, the Vampire ending was surprisingly sad and happy at the same time >_> I did not expect to feel a even a twinge of sadness during this game.
And on the opposite end of the feels spectrum Fighter’s ending made me feel nothing, just go that’s it?
Yeah, only Vampire gets the bittersweet ending.
Also, an easy way to beat the final boss is to use the Mirage skill. If she uses her tail to coil around you for an ero attack, she will hit the mirage instead and become stunned for a few turns, allowing you to get some free hits (or Drain Kisses, if you have that skill).
I also think it’s the only ending that mentions having kids?
dont forget the slime ending; enough kids to make a slime kingdom
AHAHAHA omg, there was a Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne reference on the 2nd floor.Damn I’m a big fan of the SMT games too
I have a problem; How do I go back in menus? Esc doesn’t work! When I first got into the city and entered the shop, I couldn’t get out because I don’t have money to do anything, and there is no ‘return’ button to press.
Also, is there any config menu where I can turn the music off? thanks =)
I finally found it… if anyone else is in trouble, the answer to both is to press the left mouse button, LOL
How did you turn off the sound? I right clicked and can’t find the music in Config.
i think you mean “right mouse button” but yes, that is a pretty standard cancel button on VNs so it is a good idea to remember it for future VNs as well
I knew that but I don’t know how to turn off the music and I didn’t find it in the Config when I used the right mouse button.
Thanks !!!!! =)))))
I don’t know why eroges are so so grindy, noone wants to grind that much.
or you can just edit the values so that the fairy gives you max exp when you defeat her.
Is there a way to disable fullscreen in this? Who the hell made a VN engine that is fullscreened and can’t be alt-tabbed out of?
EDIT: Alt+Enter turns fullscreen off, i’m so dumb.
Okay I play until LAST BOSS[Oroboros]and it’s kind a tough.
But I think I need [Mimic] POWER too.
So any Idea how to confront error when fighting [Mimic] admin?
Or they still under construction about that error?
the english readme states that they are aware of this issue in their translation but cant figure out a solution. Sadly, since i haven’t had this error i haven’t been working on ways to avoid it. however, the mimic seduction reward is thief skill +2. extremely nice, but useless in a fight. My advice is just to get to level 30 and fight her while making sure health stays above MP so that switches refill your MP bar for more healing, the succubus skill Drain Kiss can be a useful way of lowering her MP during one of the non-ero barriers (not sure if it counts as magical or physical so i dont know which barrier lets it through, but im pretty sure it wasn’t on ero when i was using it at least)
god, my last comment was a mess, sorry about that. Hopefully what i was trying to say did make it through despite the terrible organization
It’s alright.
Thanks anyways
You don’t need Mimic power to defeat the Last Boss (Oroboros), and yes, she is tough (she is the final boss). Remember that Oroboros have shield/barrier with weakness that changes every several turns (physical/magical/ero).
What will help you a lot fighting Oroboros is mirage (from Slime). Do this move when she coils you a lot to get several “free” turns.
I can’t help you with Mimic error since I never encounter the error. But you get thief skill +2 for defeating her (in ero battle) which is only useful to open more chest (or for summoning her again).
But one thing I can definitely say is it’s a suicide to deliberately encounter Mimic in lv.30. She will MIMIC your level so you have an equal chance of fighting her at any level. The important factor in beating her is your skill and equipment. Like wear equipment with weak magic value and beat her using magic skills.
Can someone tell me how to get the endings or what i must do for those endings
to get an ending you start by picking a monster, seduce her twice and lose to her twice, then leave town. That monster will then follow you out of town and you get a quick story about what happens in the future as you and the monster travel the world
Yes, mimic is must have, you need it to open chests and get better armor/weapon
The most recent translation on dargoth’s website has the patch for that. Look for English Patch v1.12.
I mean the Kono Oozora ni, Tsubasa wo Hirogete the second one.
Wew….i will pass on the two new VN i might flip my PC upside down
first this VN is so short
second is All Ages.
But tnx as always admin!
it may be short, but i think it is worth it, there are some nice scenes in here depending on your preferences
what do you mean by short? like how short? am lvl 14 on second dungeon lvl
There are three floors of 4 monsters each (3 normals + a boss) and the maximum level is 30 (though getting from 29 to 30 is a pain, there is a large jump in power on that level).
woops should have scroll up before ask for the lvl cap… hehe guess am close to it am only at slim and lvl 24 (ya i like grinding/farming thats why games like Kamidori Alchemy Meister types are the best for me XD)
wow, if you see a chance to seduce the mimic (ie: one shows up while you have an erotic weapon) definitely do it. The skill is so worth it.
I recommend waiting until you have the MP regain skill to defeat the Mimic, because that Miasma wave skill is OP, and almost a sure loss if used.
umm where can we/I get someone to translate a game anyway? kinda want Himegari Dungeon Meister english patch really bad after all…
heard seiha translators are doing it… any confirmation on that fact?
Sorry but from what I’ve read on Seiha’s website Im pretty sure thats just false information. If I remember correctly it was pretty clearly stated that that was untrue.
oh i c.. thx 🙁
Another one? Damn, I need more time to play!
Thank You.
thanks for the upload but I get this message after running either .exe :
0.txt line:55674
|spfont ” M S *****, 16,16,0,2,0,0
>bg “cg/logo.jpg”
(the * are japanese)
check “English Readme.txt” that came with the patch, it has a troubleshooting section. though the very first suggestion is to make sure your system is using Japanese locale, and people not having that set seems to make up the majority of problems on this site
I have the same problem even though my locals are set in japanese 🙁
alright, I get it, just need to execute the program with the admin’s rights =p
Yeah this is the games i like i wonder when eushully game like kamidori game will be translated the hero name is lilith where she saves the demon king!!!
I assume you me the predecessor, Himegari Dungeon Miester.
i read some where that it was being translated but since then haven’t found any info, might have died early on. shame really.
Nice summary, lol. I liked Monster Girl Quest, but I don’t like the idea of rape-on win, so I’ll stay away from this.
Summary sucks since i couldn’t find any decent review in English and I’m too busy recently to write my own. If anyone writes/finds something better – feel free to contribute and I’ll update the text.
Whoever came up with the summary is soooo BADASS!!! hahaha
“As a nameless adventurer you hear the rumor about a dungeon beyond the mountains and deserts. They say that if you can reach the bottom floor, it would grant you all your desires. On a whim you decide to look into the rumor, only to find not only the dungeon, but an entire town built upon it!
With the encouragement of the townsfolk, you decide to explore the strangely straightforward dungeon filled to the brim with lovely monster girls that would never really hurt you, considering adventurers their main source of food (read: semen). What could possibly go wrong…?”
– Description from VNDB
It’s not rape-on win as the girls are also eager to get it going. In some cases more so then your character. Don’t worry, I hate games where you rape girls but this is a bit different and lighter. Try it.
…Have you ever played Sengoku Rance?
Yes, tried a few and stopped, as I hate all the Rance series. I don’t want to play with hypocrite rapist guy who most of you call hero.
none of the girls in this game are raped when you win (use ero attacks til the blue bar bottoms out). Your main dude however gets raped when he loses at level 2 and upwards.
If you use erotic attacks to win, you can have (consensual) sex with the monster girls. Erotic attacks are usually weaker than normal attacks, so you have to be quite strong before you can subdue anyone easily.
Lol, it’s a shame. He’s not a hypocrite though, he knows very well what he is.
I hate rance series too, but sengoku is barelly passable. The gameplay is good and it has something resembling a plot. Well that changes nothing about the fact that Rance himself is total ******. I treid playing one other piece from this series, but imediatelly quit. The gemeplay was terrible as well as the rest.
to be honest i beat the game and have spent more time in the gameplay unlock. no h scenes but it is pretty fun to play since the gameplay is solid
Although Rance rape a lot of girls, lot of them fall for him, the most concrete example is Maria Custard. Since Rance 2(When Rance rape her which incidentally save her) she fall for him and she’s in all Rance series after Rance 2 (possibly in Rance IX too which still in progress) and she play a major role.
To be fair, Rance isn’t a hypocrite. Although he “rapes” girls, Rance doesn’t do it like some monster. Rance works and trains his skills so as to maximize the pleasure during the act and always studies the girl he’s raping so as to find a way to make her enjoy the sex as much as possible. The funny thing is, he’s rather gentle and caring for when it comes to women and and never harms them or lets them get unnecessarily harmed. This kinda leads to a lot of the rape victims to fall in love with him.
It should also be noted that he’s heavily against incest as shown in Rance Quest, where he meets his daughter and refuses anything to do with seducing her in any way and instead plays the role of a cool and caring Father.
Simply put, there’s a lot more to him than meets the eye.
Is this almost same as
“MGQ” and ‘Violated Hero 1/2″ ?
More like Violated Hero. But yeah, it’ll be under that category.
Speaking of MGQ, do someone know when the third part will be release ???
It’s being translated as we speak. Not sure how long it’ll take, but you may want to check the VN translation status in the erogegames forums regularly.
Thanks !!!
Try roguetranslations, he’s the one who is translating the game. The game in japanese is out; the English patch, however, is not.
rogue is actually done with 37% of the translations. Go to his site and you can get all the details there.