Our protagonist Vincent finds himself wandering around in the forest between two warring nations.
His plan: utilize his unparalleled skills with a blade to advance his standing in the world.
After hearing screaming and shouting off in the distance, he dashes over to investigate, only to find the ground littered with corpses clad in Katushan livery.
A group of bandits is advancing upon none other than the Princess Roxana of Katusha.
Realizing that this is the chance of a life time, Vincent draws his sword, cuts down the ruffians, and escorts the princess back to her castle.
Now, Vincent will not hesitate to destroy anyone in his path as he quests for power, glory, and the beautiful members of the royal family of Katusha…
If we talk about actual sex scenes this game is pretty bad. Not only has 90% of scenes being rape (only near to the end there’s a bit of consensual) but just use ver few images for being a visual novel and actually the drawing (specially penises) are pretty bad. Add to that that the scenes are pretty damn long with just that, and you get the worse sex scenes I’ve seen.
Also there’s a lot of groupal, and for me that I hate Netorare or other man that is not the MC fucking “the mc girls” (unless is justified, as for example would be the Queen fucking the King) is another thing to add.
On the other hand, the narrative, plot and voicing where awesome. In fact I’m jumping most of the sex scenes and just reading the whole thing that doesn’t involve stupid talking about “how hard”, “Im raping you”, etc… If you want something about fantasy (kingdoms, etc…) and sexual stuff as mental break, making a “strong” female fall for her desires and other then this is your game.
is there CTQ 2 or 3. I try to but I didn’t find anything. Please upload it here if you know or have same similar story & visual novel like this. Thanks
Japanese(real) name of the game is Mashou no Nie. The series has 3 titles so far and this one is Mashou no Nie 2. You can do the rest of the work by yourself, right?
Correction. It’s Mashou no Nie 1
For me the game work, the only problem is with the text font, sometimes the letters are united too much or, on the contrary, there is too much space between them.
Maybe if you losers upgraded your potato pc’s you wouldn’t have these NOOB problems.
Later virgins.
having same problem as fafkulec, but it says webpage not available for me for the 3rd part
When trying to download 3rd part i get “could not find file”
First two download without problems.
So I can’t play this game because it keeps saying “Direct Input “.
Any solutions?
When I am trying to save the game, or options, and when clicking load the game is an error. What I need to do?
Also I don’t understand, the files in 2nd and 3rd parts are the same?
is there any normal gal game ?
>>still newbie , and to much eroge here . . . . . >,<
define “normal”…
Story was just getting good during the first half, but then sinks to bad story write during second half.
I like the idea of having sex with the Queen, but when the story the shift to gang rape was just downright awful…
If I were Vincent, I would not share the girls with a lowlife scum.
Really disappointing story…
you’re the same as me… that’s the same reason why I hate this too… save the kingdom and rape the girls… but share the girls and let them be plaything for the others… NO, THANK YOU!!!
Curiosity. I’d never really played a rape-heavy eroge before, and I’ve always been fond of fantasy settings. Figured this would be a good way for me to take a look at this subgenre. Mainly I was interested in the plot; I’ve always been fascinated by villain protagonists, and I wanted to see how they would create characters that the player would want to see raped. Unfortunately the protagonist is too perfect to be interesting and the heroines all too likeable to find enjoyment in seeing them raped (yes, I realize that nobody should be raped at all, but I’ve seen other porn games take at least interesting stabs at doing). It’s not the rape in of itself that bothers me, its the context, if that makes any sense. That said, I absolutely don’t regret playing this, even if I wasn’t really able to get my rocks off from it. I got to analyze a plot type that I hadn’t been exposed to before, I learned a bit more about a previously unfamiliar subgenre as I’d hoped, and I got to write a long and rambling response. Besides, this game is fascinating its own way. Why write the female characters so likeably if you intend to do them harm? How would I have written it differently? Would it have been better had all the women been completely hostile and evil? Why have multiple endings, and which is the true one? I love pondering that kind of stuff. Besides, it really has me pumped for EROGE! Sex and Games Make Sexy Games, since it seems like a story about how a game like this is made (only with a lot more sex). Would I have played it at all knowing what I know now? Probably not, but I still think it was worth the experience I gained from it.
Ok, i solved it. It was just that i had to run the exe as admin.
Hi and thanks for the game. I’m having an error when saving. It appears a window saying
this game failed to save commondata, this game failed to open a savefile in Save(), and something about not being able to write a thumbnail. I would really appreciate it if you could give me some advice.
holy shit there were a lot more rapes than I expected! This is probably one of the best when it come to it’s genre, it is so dark it give me chills.
hey i get to the part with vince and remmy and about half way through it stops and this pops up
“this game failed to load voice-files in MessageFlowReady().”
how do i correct this
Hi I tried to download the third part and when I type the captcha it wont start downloading just loads on and on. Any suggestions?
it works like a charm, and i love it.
Finally a whole kingdom conquered…
conquering the queen(mashou no nie) is a great game,
is there mashou no nie 2?, i can find the CG but can’t find the download link for the game. You can PM me the link if you have it
Strike the above message I had problems with jDownloader, cause too many concurrent downloads
Well, apparently part2 of this download is not available. jDownloader says Fatal Error, before I ring them alarm bells tho, I’ll try manually download from the file share.
Hey admin just want to say I’ve browsed this site for quite some time and even downloaded from it.
You are doing a great job.
In all my time of using this site I personally have never run into any problems, it is to my great regret that I inform you that the link to part 3 of conquering the queen is missing and requires a reupload.
I know you will be right on top of this and I thank you in advance
Great site, Good work with the upkeep, Please continue to take care of the site and yourself.
This has still no english patch..?
No need for patch, lol. This is English release – uncensored and stuff.
I think the links are down..
Am I the only one who was hoping that there would be an after-the-credits scene once you unlock all of the endings in which Ed somehow managed to regain his mind and kill Vincent and all his cronies? That would have been awesome!
Also, while the entire story was filled with plot holes (I lost track of how many times I asked myself “why don’t they just kill Vincent now?”), I thought that the good harem ending was a particularly egregious example. How did Vincent convince Sarah and Sana to service him simultaneously? I could maybe buy that he could manipulate Sarah into it, but the pure Sana? For that matter, why do neither of them have any objections to Vincent making two of their good friends and most loyal retainers into playthings for the state ministers? For that matter, why are the state ministers willing to rape people that they probably know and like after they made such a fuss about the ex-king raping the mastermind behind the invasion of their country? Keep in mind that in the dark ending Vincent had to brainwash them with magic to get them to rape two Eclipse women they knew barely anything about, so it’s not like they’re easily tempted. I know that I’m not supposed to think about this too much, but after the game made it such a big deal about how difficult it was to turn someone into a sex slave, these are glaring omissions.
Frankly, even if you like rape stories, this game suffers from a major case of the lead being basically a Gary Stu. He is incapable of making mistakes, even accidentally, and is perfect in every way, so there never is any sense of tension or even accomplishment. When the world’s rigged in your favor, everything you manage to do becomes meaningless. Furthermore, raping a woman who just earlier in that day was flirting with you? That’s not just evil, that’s stupid. Keep in mind that at that point Vincent had literally no leverage to use against the commander if she decided to get rid of him. He hadn’t proven himself to be a tactical genius, or become a major officer, or gained the support of the soldiers, or anything. With the exception of saving the princess, he was nothing more than a common mercenary. Had Remmy gone to the commander, who she was good friends with, and told her what had had happened, Vincent would have woken up the next day with a blade to his throat and been executed by sundown. But Remmy doesn’t. Nor does the commander immediately court-marshal him the day after he rapes her the first time (war hero or not, the men’s allegiance was still probably greater to her at that point than to him). Nor do the ex-Eclipse soldiers take advantage of being in a very small room with only Vincent and one of their former commanders to overwhelm Vincent while he’s preening (they’ve already raped the woman he offered to them; he has no further leverage over them, nor do they have any real reason to like him more than their ex-commander). Why? Because Vincent is perfect, and if he does something stupid, the world will shift to accommodate.
Oh, and where the hell is Ed in the “good” endings?
why did you even play this?
Curiosity. I’d never really played a rape-heavy eroge before, and I’ve always been fond of fantasy settings. Figured this would be a good way for me to take a look at this subgenre. Mainly I was interested in the plot; I’ve always been fascinated by villain protagonists, and I wanted to see how they would create characters that the player would want to see raped. Unfortunately the protagonist is too perfect to be interesting and the heroines all too likeable to find enjoyment in seeing them raped (yes, I realize that nobody should be raped at all, but I’ve seen other porn games take at least interesting stabs at doing). It’s not the rape in of itself that bothers me, its the context, if that makes any sense. That said, I absolutely don’t regret playing this, even if I wasn’t really able to get my rocks off from it. I got to analyze a plot type that I hadn’t been exposed to before, I learned a bit more about a previously unfamiliar subgenre as I’d hoped, and I got to write a long and rambling response. Besides, this game is fascinating its own way. Why write the female characters so likeably if you intend to do them harm? How would I have written it differently? Would it have been better had all the women been completely hostile and evil? Why have multiple endings, and which is the true one? I love pondering that kind of stuff. Besides, it really has me pumped for EROGE! Sex and Games Make Sexy Games, since it seems like a story about how a game like this is made (only with a lot more sex). Would I have played it at all knowing what I know now? Probably not, but I still think it was worth the experience I gained from it.
Also, sorry about the double post.
This VN is a horrible waste of time.
The writing is pathetically bad, the CG is way below subpar and the protagonist is scum defined. Not only is he an arrogant SOB, he is of course the best swordsman in the world and also has the magical ability to render women helpless just by looking at them. His only goal in life happens to be to rape and break women, so that works out fine for him.
End of story.
so what happened to the third file, i write in the captcha then wait the time limit, hit the download and brings me to a page where it says the file could not be found.
some one help me out?
Hey Admin, first off Love the website and all the hard work you put into to it. Secondly, part three is no longer there so if you could (when you get a free chance, no rush) get it back up. THANKS
“I hate these types of games. Makes me wanna kill the protagonist. What a douche. He’s blackmailing the women and forcing them to do things against their wills too much for me to find it sexy. It’s just depressing. Kind of like SMDoD except the protagonist is the villain.
I’ll try something else.”
one of the two protagonists in SMDoD WAS the villian >_>.
Part 3 doesn’t work, please reupload? 🙂
Hi, is anyone getting a “break operation” error when extracting the game whenever the process reaches BGM03.ogg in ConqueringTheQueen.part3.rar?
Not sure if I can play it without completing the extraction but will see.
Wasn’t there a box cover image with this game? I don’t personally care one way or the other, but as this is one of the titles you have updated to the new file hosts, the disappearance of the picture could be accidental, occurring when you updated the page, so I wrote this post to draw your attention to it.
Yes, there was one.
Currently I’m working to make the website safe to browse in work, so “explicit” covers are hidden. You will be able to see them after clicking on image when i make a code necessary for it. Maybe I’ll use cookie-based option to display them by default?…
This is just my personal opinion, but anyone who looks at this site or any site with adult content at the place of work, especially during business hours, and gets caught deserves what they get.
maybe because admin might be working on this site from his work as well, when he has finished his work and has nothing else meaningful to do? -_- sheesh…
I appreciate how the admin is considerate to others.
Working fine. I do like the games with these kind of dark hero. O loved this one
I hate these types of games. Makes me wanna kill the protagonist. What a douche. He’s blackmailing the women and forcing them to do things against their wills too much for me to find it sexy. It’s just depressing. Kind of like SMDoD except the protagonist is the villain.
I’ll try something else.
this is probibly one of the best rape VN’s I’ve seen..if you don’t like rape and your not a sadist than just don’t DL it, everyone out there isn’t a masochist, and this is a GREAT game if you don’t have a problem with rape
Female masochists :p
Heya. I’m sorry for being a noob but I’m new to eroge.
Is this game in English (coz the last time I downloaded a game from here, it had an English patch. I don’t see it here)
Thank you ^__^
edit: Its under downloads so it is translated, right?
Damn, I don’t like the erogames about rape.
I hope the next post be of a different gender!
I haven’t had this issue with this game (not yet anyway), but it’s something I’d like to resolve and this seems like the most likely place for someone to see it.
In a fair number of games, whenever I try to start the game, all that happens is I get a black screen in the new screen resolution and the process dies, forcing me to kill it and then I have to reset the screen resolution. Does anyone have any ideas for how I can go about fixing this? OS is Vista 32-bit.
I apologize for placing this on a game to which it’s not specifically related, I was just hoping that it would get seen here.
List of games with issue (not exhaustive):
I’m Gonna Nurse You 1/2
Target Pheromone
Secret Wives’ Club
Any help would be much appreciated.
You might be missing the ADPCM Codec to playback the audio files of older games (I did and it caused the same issue you’ve mentioned). It’s easy to add to WinXP but I don’t know if it’s available for Vista…
When i played those games i had only sharks codek for vista didnt have any problem
Hi. Do you think you could post a similar installation/trouble shooting guide for “my girlfriend is the president”? In my case, I’m not actually having trouble as of yet, I’m more interested on getting translations of the Japanese in specific parts of the installation process. I just got done reposting my questions that I asked a few months ago and never got an answer, possibly due to the fact no one can provide the requested translation, on the games page.
On a side note, do you, as the admin for this site, get notified when an old, apparently extinct, thread suddenly gets new life, or do you have to manually check each and every one. If you do get alerts about new life in old threads, I’ll quit posting about games out of their own thread. I only posted this here because it is the newest game and, by logical (to me if no one else :-p )extension, the one you are mostly like to check regularly.
Yes, i’d like to post similar instructions for every game posted. it just takes time and i’m very busy recently.
I get e-mail everytime non-spam comment is posted in any thread – i’m reading all of them, but don’t always reply.
Cool, another Liquid game. Thx.
Finally, it working… thanks man, admin for the crack…
Ya know admin, with you now putting the link to where you can purchase a VN, it may be wise to have a separate download for just the DRM crack.
Err… Anyone know where is the crack ? Couldn’t find it anywhere…
Seems like there is none. The installation guide (right there below the download links) says that you should just extract the game and run icsebody.exe, so…
Admin changed this page recently. (I think it was in the last 24 hours, being that is when I last visited this page, but I have a TERRIBLE sense of time. It could be as many 72 hours.)
There WAS a link for a crack file.
Admin, are the the links to the two files listed above the links to the same files that were listed there 24 (72) hours ago, or are they new files that have the crack file already installed or packaged or etc. I successfully downloaded the two earlier links plus the crack file. I haven’t gotten around to trying to install any of it yet, as I’m still playing another game of this site.
Thanks in advance for the clarification.
Yes, i updated the links – current ones are already precracked – just extract and play (as per installation instructions).
If you downloaded the game earlier and need only a crack, you can still download it from http://download.erogedownload.com/Cracks/lcsebody.exe
Can somebody give me a complete save file for the game?
The protagonist in this game is kind of sadist and a jerk. He destroyed the knight lady.
hay you got any eroge in here that has Masochist/SM theme in it?
really want to know if got any?trying new type of eroge……hrm…
I second this
Try ‘Tsuki – Possession’
The guy gets possessed by somekind of evil, and rapes every female acquaintance. He also beats and drugs them, uses enema and forces public urination and exabitionism on them, etc.
Or ‘Virgin Roster’ is a fine choice in this genre. The new substitute teacher rapes his students and fellow female teachers alike – no SM though, just rough sex.
and ‘Kotori Love ExP’ has a bit of SM-play at the very end 😛
Catgirl alliance has a bit of S&M, nothing to hardcore though.
As Always thks a lot for the great games admin ^0^.
The only reason that i dislike this game is that it has rape and no morals whatsoever. Other than that, it is perfect especially the graphics. The storyline is good but very sad so i really felt bad when playing this game.
The game makes it perfectly clear what it’s about, right on the box art. You don’t order a box of chocolates and complain they’re too chocolatey; why would you download a rape-centric nukige and complain about the sex?
Didn’t know about the rape and stuff. I usually download something if the graphic looks good. It is the story that makes me sad.
Oh, I see, so you need to installed it first, I think You just need to paste the crack without installed it first, my bad
Where should I put the crack?
After I download it, then extract it, I put the crack in the same folder where the contents of the game are extracted, but I got “NECEMEM.SNI is not found”
Can anyone help me?
Admin may be?
Admin can i request….can you upload fate hollow ataraxia.
This wasn’t bad for a nukige, but the main character is trash compared to Rance.
Every main character is trash compared to Rance.
I have instal the game, but when I try to open it (click on the crack) my computer syas “NECEMEM.SNI is not found” and “This game will failed to set NECEMEM.SNI”…what should I do ???
You put the crack in wrong place.
Perfect, thank you
hey admin, got problem, when I scan these file :
YU-NO Patch
Flyable Heart Patch
Hanachirasu Patch
those 3 got virus, is there OK to run? or can you upload the one without virus??
thank you ^^
All uploads posted on this site are clean. Those are false positives, send the files to your AV vendor so that they can fix it.
well then thank’s ^^
I just check the type of the virus detected, it’s not harmful though…
found 2 trogen viruses after downloading and a scan
Can anyone pls upload a complete save file.
Admin, the game is wicked cool all the way till the end except the start though cuz it was a little t=dull till the time when vince approached remmy, I have to ask if there is a tag for brother x sister games if so please can you name them?
so far of what I did manage to find are kana little sister, gibo stepmother, any other?
Tags are very missing for now and many games are completely untagged – i’m going to work on them once i finish installing instructions/ faq sections – many people still have troubles getting the game to run and i want to write detailed “step by step” instructions for more troublesome games.
Right out of head i remember “Imouto Ijime” as brotherxsister oriented one, there are also many other games where there’re “sister route”s.
I see, well I await for until you are done with it then, thank you and I will try “Imouto Ijimi” in the mean time, I hope its worth it.
Hola gente…!!! it’s been a while since i last was here…
Tnx a bunch admin as allways..keep good work =)
thanks for the upload ^.^ just finished axing 43GB of eroge off my computer (all from this site, but I kept the best ones!)
Out of curiosity, does anyone know of some decent/good games featuring nekomimi (cat girls) or any other half-breed girls? I used to think it the whole concept was retarded and I hated such things, but now I find myself so addicted to them and I can’t get enough XD. I don’t even like cats!
So far I’ve tried… Utawarerumono, Brave Soul, Cat Girl Alliance, Lets Meow Meow, Do You Like Bunnies?,and maybe some others I can’t rememer right now.
you could try wanko to kurasou which is alrite an you can get the translation from yandere website
Wanko and it’s translation are here o.O
glad mangagamer back on their A game next his harem party my personal favorite genre
Thanks admin!!! Always working hard for us pervs.
i agree anal is great
– not enough queen
– protag was a bit too much of an asshole
– not enough queen
– quite pleased with the story/sex ratio
– not enough queen
I keep getting the necemenm.sni not found. I tried what mark said to do but it doesn’t work. Help please!
When ever i use run the crack i get a message saying “this program is illegal. program terminated”. any ideas on how to fix this?
for anyone having issues with that pesky message NECEMEM.SNI not found, what you do is download crack, go to folder the game was installed in (the destination folder chosen at beginning of installation, mine was found in program folders, then liquid, then the game folder) and replace the exe file with the crack there. the files are similar but just replace one with the other and it will work fine I promise. I had the same issue and this is how I fixed it.
Very thx ^^
Highly interesting premise…..
Is anyone else running into
‘NECEMEM.SNI not found’,
when they try to use the crack?
any suggestions?
Another eroge to fap for.
Thank you from my cock to you admin! AwA
Shut up you shittyshaggy -.-
Actually it looks like three of them if you include the crack as well.
Correction the game and crack each have one to themselves
Uh Admin the copy has a trojan on it, just wanted to let ya know.
No, it’s just the usual overreacting of the antivirus program. Many of them always see the “lcsebody.exe” as a trojan 😉
Do not pay any attention to it, the upload is clean.
Not bad hAHAHA
I always have things for princess stuff
Crack won’t work;
any suggestions?
b.t.w. I love your site
I was having problems at first when I installed it. Try to install the game at the default place (in my case it was C:/). This worked for me.
Thanks! i’ll try that out
what’s the serial code?
You don’t need one. Replace original game exe with the cracked one and the game will start fine.
is there any way to get the window bigger without screwing up the aspect ration on a 16:10 screen?
I am just asking because it kinda sucks, not only in this game, but in all newer releases of VN’s they never considered to make the game for other than 4:3 aspect ratios… i wouldnt mind this fact even if there would be black columns at both sides on the screens in fullscreen but i think it just sucks that in this time they dont try to make something to please the growing part of “none-4:3-ar-users”.
If you use Aero in windows 7, you can try to play with windows magnifier. Press Windows + PLUS.
Walkthrough, 100% CG
There are only four times you’ll have to make a choice, and thus get one of the four possible endings
[Save] indicates where you should make a Save Game, if you want to switch to another route later.
Harem Ending – King of Katusha, Orgy
[Save1]Chapter 3 – Accept the Challenge
[Save2]Chapter 20 – Pull out
Chapter 21 – Cum inside her
[Save3]Chapter 22 – Reject her offer
Happy Ending – King of Katusha, Marry Sana
Chapter 3 – Accept the Challenge
Chapter 20 – Cum inside her
[Save4]Chapter 21 – Cum outside
Chapter 22 – Reject her offer
Normal Ending – King of Eclipse, Keep Sexslaves (not the Queen and Daughter)
Chapter 3 – Accept the Challenge
Chapter 20 – Cum inside her/
Chapter 21 – Cum inside her
Chapter 22 – Reject her offer
(You’ll get the same Ending if you choose “Pull Out” and “Cum outside” together in Chap.20-21)
Dark Ending – King/Dictator of both countries, every girl becomes a sexslave
[Load Save3]Chapter 22 – Partner Up
(It doesn’t matter what you chose before this)
The first choice in Chapter 3 doesn’t influence the ending but you’ll get a different sex scene after it, if you go with “Decline”
Kudos to you, Sir.
Man i want to play Baldr Sky =(
Thanks admin
Thanks! 😀
good game
@ admin: just wondering do you know when Little Busters will get fully translated?
Any walkthrough on this?
Thanks for the VN and the crack, it works fine 😉
I had the kill that horrible BGM right away though ^^
A bad sountrack can seriously wound a game, if not kill it. Ww share the same name btw, *high five* XD
I am so fucking horny waiting for the fucking game, need crack !!!
Well, for the four game that the release date was pending at MangaGamer, that was the one I found the least interresting… To much Rance like game… except that the girl doesn’t fall for him… (even if sometime, that can be fun.)
I’m more wainting for Harem Party and Harukoi Otome.
I am more eager to play deardrop, but yes Mangamer has some pretty good stuff to release. And not already fan-translated games like Jast, bunch of *****…
Same as miker, bought it and it was awful. Characters absolutely boring, sex scenes coming out of nowhere and not that sexy, I didn’t even finished it once.
You can have funny and entertaining sex games, like We love Master! or Cat Girl Alliance, but this one just sucks. Wasn’t worth the price, low as it was.
Yeah, I didn’t like it ether. Actually this isn’t my type of VN in the first place but I still wanted to try as there was nothing else to play.
Thanks admin.
Yay mindless nukige! I’ve been way too in to deeper story-driven stuff recently, gun be good to turn my brain off and just fap bro
what did you expected from old trashy nukige
i bouth this game and it was dissapointemt.
at last…
Thanks admin.. waiting for crack 😉
So, just wondering, what content is in this one?
Gang or just the one dude?
only one protagonist (Vincent)..
but Liquid product usually has gangbang or gangrape scene.. 🙁
Woot, i’ve been waiting for this game. Something fun to do after i finish my other games this weekend.
Thanks a lot for the upload…now i just need to wait for my lectures to be over…
At last… Something to look forward to.