Kakeru lost his older sister five years ago. He tries to get back to normal life, but he still lives a vacant life. He has a childhood friend, Yuka, who goes to the same high school. She always tries to cheer him up and he gradually gets better.
One day all of a sudden, the sky turns red and the moon becomes black. Everyone besides Kakeru and Yuka disappears and monsters start roaming the streets. All they can do is just to run away and hide. A while later, it all gets back to normal. But when they start to think its all passed the Red Night happens again. They find out that there are four more humans who get involved in this mysterious phenomenon. They get together and try to survive, but six shadows appear in front of them…
11eyes.part02.rar – 200.0 MB
11eyes.part03.rar – 200.0 MB
11eyes.part04.rar – 200.0 MB
11eyes.part05.rar – 200.0 MB
11eyes.part06.rar – 200.0 MB
11eyes.part07.rar – 200.0 MB
11eyes.part08.rar – 200.0 MB
11eyes.part09.rar – 200.0 MB
11eyes.part10.rar – 200.0 MB
11eyes.part11.rar – 200.0 MB
11eyes.part12.rar – 200.0 MB
11eyes.part13.rar – 200.0 MB
11eyes.part14.rar – 200.0 MB
11eyes.part15.rar – 178.8 MB
Just in case someone read this, see people struggling to play this game and dont want to try… Its 2019, i am on Win10 and i had no problems.
Just use Locale Emulator & maybe install optional Windows 10 componant “Japanese Fonts” (i have them installed for other vn so i dont know if its necessary).
Story decent, graphism decent, music is great.
It works I only downloaded the locale emulator and install it next I right click the exe for the the 11eyes and there it is thanks for the tips sam
Hello! I think I may need some help here.
I’m trying to download this game but I can’t seem to do so. The link it sends me to doesn’t somehow work? I can’t click on the buttons labeled “paddle” and “free”, but I am able to click on other things.
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
(Minor spoiler)
When yukio is fighting gula its seems to get stuck loading, does anyone know a fix for this? Ive been waiting about 2 hours but the next dialogue has still not cane up
I keep getting a syntax error everytime I try running the application, i’ve downloaded and extracted everything and have not had a problem like this previously with other downloads. Could someone please respond to this and help me? I would really appreciate it.
Will there be the Resona Forma edition?
Second time trying to download and run this one without any success.
All my computer’s settings are set to JP, and I have over a dozen VN and eroge that work perfectly, even those requiring JP localization. Time-and-date formats are as they would display in Japan, i.e. 23:52 2018年02月13日。 All this seems to mean is that fonts display properly (which they do).
However, I have tried every option I could find regarding permissions, compatibility, and file placement (save use of a cd-rom).
Executing the game file only causes my screen to flash momentarily like it is starting the program, but nothing happens and it only appears for a split second on my Task Manager before vanishing. The “support.exe” launches properly and displays properly, but has no functionality. The bottom button (閉じる) closes the “support” interface, but the other buttons (エソシソ設定 and ファイル藪換チェック) do nothing at all.
Am I missing something? I’ll get this game somewhere else if need be, but it seems other people are getting it to work, so maybe the problem is something on my end.
I am running Win7 and have already tried using the compatibility modes to no avail. Could you please help?
Thanks a ton (in advance!)… you do a great job with this site and I appreciate it.
Never mind… Without making any changes, tried it one more time and the game .exe worked (go figure).
I got a syntax error when trying to run the game. Not sure what went wrong in the programming.
I’m so happy! I tried to play 11eyes in Japanese a few times having given up on anyone translating it, but I was way in over my head with the vocabulary.
Thank you for translating this wonderful VN! Honestly, it’s one of the best I’ve played.
i’m not sure if i’m doing something wrong but i got the gula glitch too…tried to change my system locale to japanese but it didn’t fix it i still got the “i couldn’t—–kus” glitch that i can’t do anything afterwards. if anybody could help
me too. The game is broken i think.
Can anyone help me. the game stuck when playing. already play until before the route branch. sorry for the bad english. using win 7 64bit and run in japanese.
I dont know if its just me, but part 10 wont download for some reason (been using this site for years, I promise im not just being retarded with timers or something)
never mind eventually the download request went through >.> lol
Story was decent, however there really is no need for routes in this game…. theres like 97% common and 2% is fucking the girl and then 1% is special iteractions with her on her route.
in my opinion the thing about having 4 routes seems stupid and should’ve probally just focused on a single main heroine (My opinion)
You can always just aim for Kukuri’s route since hers has an extended ending. Anyone outside Kukuri and Yuka are actually superflous as “routes”. Now if they had actually adapted the last few weeks events according to whomever you were aiming to, then the “four heroine endings” would have been more normal.
Minor Spoilers:
Kukuri: I have amnesia.
Me: wtf? and despite having 2 people show up that say they know you, you go “Nope, I’m someone else.”
Mizusu: Previously, Kukuri told me she has had amnesia since she was 13.
Me: You KNEW this, and didn’t put 2 and 2 together…Okay great well, Kakeru this confirms that she’s your sist–
Kakeru: What in the world could’ve possibly happened to her?
Me: WTF!? how is no one questioning this! Yuka! surely you underst–
Yuka: I’m hungry.
Me: ARRRGGGGHH (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
Keep playing, it wasn’t as simple as it originally appeared. There IS a reason why Kukuri is an actual viable heroine choice. The game just kinda dumps some game-changing revelations at ya at the end of the game.
And for people asking, neither Momono Shiori nor Akamine Saiko are viable heroine choices, but they do have optional H-scenes. Apparently Shiori has a route in the fandisc.
Shiori end:
Must go to libary at the begining
She is reaaaaally hungry
So, I use Windows 10 and I changed both the location and Format to Japanese, this error showed up:
And if I try to use ”SupportTools” this happens:
Anyone knows how to solve it?
Sorry for posting the same comment twice, but the original one glitched.
I found a solution, putting the game on the C: folder seemed to solve it.
Ah by the way may I request 11eyes crossover, or the 11eyes PSP (which also includes the new one in crossover?) if it’s out? And 11eyes Resona Forma as well…(sweats)
The game suddenly stops at the date 9/30. HELP
same as me. the game stop playing
Kukuri route Dont work with me.
There are very few rare eroge’s that may also require you to change the Format or/and Location as well. I want to say games like Irotoridori but memory is fuzzy about it since haven’t played it in a long time but anyways try changing those to Japanese.
And the award for “Best Facial Expressions” goes to… TADASHI!
holy shit its TRANSLATED!!!! been waiting for this since i finished the anime
is it 100% traslated?
It indeed is. However it’s rather obvious it hasn’t been properly corrected and QC’ed as there are several typos and mistakes that are fairly easy to spot. It’s readable though.
Hey, does anyone else have problems with the voices not working?
May you have to choose “All on” in options
Well so far I am seeing a lot of mistakes in the spelling… But oh well gotta use what you have, complaining won’t change anything as long as you can play.
It is really unfortunate, it honestly feels like they rushed it and didn’t bother putting it through proper a proper QA cycle. Maybe I’m just being unnecessarily picky, but it’s difficult to overlook the kind of errors, much less their frequency. Normally I would just write it off as amateurs polishing their craft, but the general attitude they seem to give off on their website is just… Well, I hope they’re not being serious about it if this is the quality of translation we can expect.
i keep getting the Syntax error every time i try and open the game.
my local is set to japanese and using windows 10
Windows 10 that is your problem, more then half of the VNs dont work on it.
No. I’ve been using Win10 since before the official released and never had a problem despite running hundreds of VNs both new and as old as from the 80s.
Really? How? I just want play yosuga no sora in my win10, or maybe it won’t work?
No Shiori Ending FeelsBadMan :<
Holy crap, I waited for this ages ago! I never thought it would see the light of day. This is a great VN, and people anime is pretty crappy, the visual novel is far superior. ˇˇ
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I always wanted to play this, good work, admin!
Got also the Syntax error, but I am using windows 10. Any suggestions how to solve it on this platform?
Aaaaaand nevermind … found it. It is nearlz the same as in the link few posting before mine. Just searched wrong. 😛
Do this game have a true ending?
Hi all,
Is it just me or when they fight Gula the game just wont progress? It says that “I couldnt seeing her Kus” and then whatever I try just no text or anything. Do I have to use that cross vision to progress?
I changed to Japanese locale from applocale and that fixed this glitch.
im using HF pApploc version 1.0. Same stuck at there. Help pls
Sorry solve it. i just change my pc location. dont use the applocal application.
please may someone correct me but doesnt this one has an anime i remember watching an anime with the same title and cover a long time ago and if it is does this mean that this is a tragedy genre novel cause the anime was pretty much a tragedy
There are multiple endings and endings with girls. Visual Novel is much much better then anime. ˇˇ
I keep getting syntax error when i’m trying to launch the game. So could someone please help?
I have win 10 and my region is set to japan, but i still keep getting syntax error. Any other suggestions?
There are very few rare eroge’s that may also require you to change the Format or/and Location as well. I want to say games like Irotoridori but memory is fuzzy about it since haven’t played it in a long time but anyways try changing those to Japanese.
sorry admin double post meant to reply to Simon.
You have to go into the control panel > clock, language, and region then hit location, where you go to administrative, and hit change system locale…, that is where you want to change the region settings, and restart. Every other area you change the locale to Japan, it won’t work for VN’s.
Thank you! Are these all the possible endings?
Christmas came early this year I’ve been waiting for this day for years god bless the translation team and the admin 😀
Minase Yuka
1 Ran towards the school
1 Saved them
1 Take Tadashi to the nurse’s office
1 Made use of her pillow
1 I went with her
2 Heeded her warning
2 Try to make a detour
1 Accept
2 Pick Yuka up and run
2 Watch for now
2 Shield Yuka
1 Talk to Kusakabe-senpai(Save 1 )
1 Believe in her
2 Warn him
2 Take up the sword
1 Thrust the sword all the way in
2 Stop by the library
1 Glance over at Yuka(Save 2 )
2 Just watch while protecting Yuka
2 Run to where Acedia was falling
1 Ask her about it
2 Let her
2 Run towards Raikiri
2 Try to get a grip on the situation first
1 Tell her I do
2 Buy my own lunch
2 Put it from your mind and keep filling
2 Refuse to strike him down
1 Watch for a chance to strike
1 Yell at her to stop
1 Hold off
2 After the Red Night started
2 We had never met before the Red Night
1 It did
1 Misuzu
1 Kukuri
1 Shiori
1 Keep going towards New Ayame
2 Keep blocking and analyzing the situation
2 Believe in the power of the eye
Yuka END
Kusakabe Misuzu
(Load 2 )
2 Glance over at Misuzu-senpai
2 Just watch while protecting Yuka
2 Run to where Acedia was falling
2 Leave it alone
2 Run towards Raikiri
2 Try to get a grip on the situation first
2 Don’t answer
1 Accept her offer
2 Buy my own lunch
2 Put it from your mind and keep filling
2 Refuse to strike him down
1 Watch for a chance to strike
1 Yell at her to stop
1 Hold off
2 After the Red Night started
2 We had never met before the Red Night
1 It did
1 Misuzu
2 Don’t(Save 3)
1 Kukuri
2 Don’t
1 Keep going towards New Ayame
2 Keep blocking and analyzing the situation
2 Believe in the power of the eye
Misuzu END
CG Collection
(Load 3)
1 Embrace her
Tachibana Kukuri
(Load 1 )
2 Talk to Tachibana-senpai
1 Believe in her
2 Warn him
2 Take up the sword
1 Thrust the sword all the way in
2 Stop by the library
3 Glance over at Tachibana-senpai
2 Just watch while protecting Yuka
2 Run to where Acedia was falling
2 Leave it alone
2 Run towards Raikiri
2 Try to get a grip on the situation first
2 Don’t answer
2 Buy my own lunch
2 Put it from your mind and keep filling
2 Refuse to strike him down
1 Watch for a chance to strike
1 Yell at her to stop
1 Hold off
2 After the Red Night started
2 We had never met before the Red Night
1 It did
1 Misuzu
1 Kukuri
2 There’s no way I could
2 Shiori
2 Don’t
1 Keep going towards New Ayame
2 Keep blocking and analyzing the situation
2 Believe in the power of the eye
Kukuri END
Hirohara Yukiko
(Load 2 )
4 Glance over at Yukiko
2 Just watch while protecting Yuka
2 Run to where Acedia was falling
2 Leave it alone
2 Run towards Raikiri
2 Try to get a grip on the situation first
2 Don’t answer
2 Buy my own lunch
2 Put it from your mind and keep filling
2 Refuse to strike him down
1 Watch for a chance to strike
1 Yell at her to stop
1 Hold off
2 After the Red Night started
2 We had never met before the Red Night
1 It did
1 Misuzu
1 Kukuri
2 Don’t
1 Keep going towards New Ayame
2 Keep blocking and analyzing the situation
2 Believe in the power of the eye
Yukiko END
Sorry! I wanted to leave a reply to you. Thanks again! So, are there no more endings?
Shouldn’t there be a Shiori Route as well?
I don’t find it anywhere in the walkthrough…
dont know..i just speedplay and translate the jap walkthrough..but i think u can choose to got shiori scene in all route.. at least the jap ver only listed these choice
You can get both Shiori and Yuka’s H-scenes no matter which route you do.
Edit: my bad it’s Shiori and Saiko.
do you know how to get the second saiko scene?
wow I didn’t even know this was being translated, so excited to play! Thanks for being great and posting like always <3
Anyone have an idea how to get the second Saiko replay scene? I can’t seem to get it.
i would also like to know how to get it
i figured it out. you have to do takahisa & yukiko’s crossvision scenarios
Well that took forever… now… DA CAPO 3~! Come to me!
ahhhh i always wanted to play this game! hopefully the dumb yandere girl will be avoidable in the game
Any walkthrough for this?
This was one of my favorite anime when i watched it. The story in anime was full of action and complexity to make u stay and watch till ur out of episodes. Im curious what they did in VN version of it. Whoever didnt watch the anime version, i recomend doing so.
Thanks admin I wanted to play this for a long time.
Oh thank god, I’m not the only one in the comments catching on to the Persona 3 similarities here XD
any news about the fandisc translation ?
Waiting for an english walkthrough.
By the way, there is no route for Akamine Saiko (the nurse), right?
Wow is it a complete translation ??
I Wanted this for ages!
I’m so glad and excited!
Ty so much for all your job until now admins, really love your site
Oh my god…
My god. I thought it was a mistake or something when I saw the post on the main page.
Years waiting for someone to translate this particular game and now here it is.
Thank you so much to Denwatls!
Damn… never thought i`d see this ever completed xD
shame i had to delete the partial guess i have to redownload it x.x
thanks for uploading it here admin
That will be my wish to but unlikely… hmm..
I only knew that the demo was translated, But i thought no one was going to continue. I’m so glad. Thanks admin, you are the best
Admin 18+ or all age?
Do you like watermelon?
Persona 3 rip off 😛
The character design and basic story-concept tell me this is going to be a rather shallow/hollow game. But hey, been dead wrong on that presumption before, will check it out.
Thanks a lot admin!
Why, because the sky is red and they are transported to another dimension? It’s not like Persona started that trend. This is a very good VN with good story. Characters are hit or miss, depending on the reader. But overall setting is atmospheric, you should try it.
Yeah the “:P” was meant to imply that i wasn’t all that serious about the persona comparison (like anything could ever be compared to persona 3 :P).
The description seems to imply generic trash one has already seen done a thousand times over, character design seems to imply that as well to me, but as said games seems to have a fanbase, i will check it out, have been wrong about this before (i assumed noble works to be total trash for example and found that one to be quite good).
Just read it–it’s good. My advice, though, would be to stick with it until the end. It will get hard to read in places but it’s worth it.
You might want to make a note that official translation team states you should install the official 1.01 patch from Lass’s website…. Or you could add the patch… Unless this version already has it?
Already included. Just extract and play.
Wanted to know as well, thank you admin.
Well this is some good news, saves me having to go get it 🙂 – Thanks for the upload.
WAIT WHAT. I didnt know ANYONE was translating this. Completely under the radar. First Majikoi A2 translations released today and now this? Looks like Christmas came early
But to read first is the hard question.
I know right? when I saw this here I was like, did I accidentally click on partially translated downloads?
whoa whoa whoa… Majikoi A-2 released today? i thought it would be the end of this month xD
damn thanks for mentioning that dude!
I was part of the translation project years ago, but when the original TLer disappeared, I thought the project was dead for good and left as well. Had I known the project started again I would have come back…..
First! Sound interesting, thanks admin! 🙂