Christina was the third princess of Armenian, and born in the era of war against the Demons. Having the status of a “Champion”, Christina had countless battle victories upon her shoulders and was feared by the Demon race.
Being the most successful of her three sisters, her mother the queen sent her on a secret mission to assassinate the Demon Lord Gardis in return for his ruthless annihilation of the Kingdom of Crofts.
Obeying her mother’s orders for the sake of her kingdom, Christina set out alongside with her most loyal knight Lezette to take the Devil Lord’s head, and to bring peace to the land.
I’ve downloaded this now and the choices are not there. It seems to play like a movie, automatically set on the Gardis path – you just press on the arrows to reveal the text but that’s it.
I know it’s been a while but could anyone help me fix this?
I’m so grateful that these old links still work. What a nostalgia bomb.
This is the first Visual Novel/Otome I ever played. Loved it then, and love it still. Thank you for getting me into this genre Admin, if not for you I would never have even known that it existed…
Hello, I downloaded all the files and the first three end in .rar but when I right click to extract it doesn’t give me the option to extract…but the last one does extract? Does anyone have a better place to download it?…
To anyone receiving SOUND INIT FAILED
I was browsing through this website and saw a comment from Ariolle who kindly suggested the solution to this, “Kindly update your direct X with the latest version *Direct X 10* It should work afterwards with Windows 7.” xo
When I tried downloading the 3rd part, it wouldnt work. A message only came up saying the page doesnt exist or to try again later, something like that. 🙁
any idea who performed the opening im really interested in it…it’s too cool!
Is this actually safe to download?
Does it work on Mac?
I’ve played this game before and it worked perfectly fine about half a year ago, but now when I’m trying to finish my other routes, once i go to start, it’ll show “would you like to skip the prologue?” i would click on the screen and a notice would pop up and say “can’t open gloval.sav for writing”. PLEASE HELP.
I finally did it! I’m so happy i’m crying, it took me hours T.T When I download something I usually make it a \save as\ so you can find it easily. So once you extract the files, leave your newly extracted English patch aside and find your \Second reproduction\ in your WinRAR and double click on it. Then get your English patch and WinRAR \second reproduction’ screens side by side so you can drag your WinRAR \second reproductions\ file next to your English patch. Now all you have to do is place your English patch into \second reproduction\ file you just transferred over from WinRAR. You play he game on the English patch and not the original game.
If you still cant get it, make sure you extracted both the \the second reproduction\ file and the English patch,(if your confused about having to download three separate files for one game, don’t worry cause it automatically goes into the first part of the \the second reproduction\ once all three are downloaded) and when you were transferring the \second reproduction\ file over make sure it was the file, not the .rar, you have to double click it once you found it, an take that file located inside the .rar
Hope this helps!
How is the game
Can someone help me?, I completed all the steps, though I still only get a black window screen. Any help, please? Thank you.
Can someone please tell me how to save the game? 🙁 There’s no option to save during the game play. only for back, skip, erase and auto.
I’m having trouble with playing the second part of the opening song/scene??? And the voices for the characters aren’t working at all. PLEASE HELP!!! I’ve re-downloaded the files multiple times…
I can download the parts no problem, but what program do I need to be able to open them? I tried using WinZip and WinRAR but I can’t figure those out.
Alternatively, anyone know if there’s another place to download the game from?
hello, please can someone help me part 3 (from DA-free: game download) and (DA: english patch download) does not work 🙁
Can only download 2 parts at once as a free user. Wait for those to finish before starting third.
This game is so coool 🙂 Are you planning to make the English version of Queen of darkness too? The place of the games are similar.
After I finish the intro chapter,the characters seems like losing their voice after the intro song play.What I mean is it the game supposed to be like that or what??I already check the voice setting also,I put on the highest volume for every each of the characters..Seems like the voice still missing
This happened to me too! Is this happening to everyone?
Yes. All the voices are lost after the intro song. Admin, do you have any solution to this problem?
When I’m trying to play..its in Japanese…how can I play in English 🙁 ..anyone advice ??
Use the English Patch (provided below the game download links).
Can somebody help me with the download/install? I completed all the steps, though I still only get a black window screen. Any help, please? Thank you.
As it says in the readme, \Any folders between the original game directory and the patch will cause an error.\
When you extract the patch, it will probably automatically create a new folder. That’s where the problem is.
Like, you’ll have your SR game folder, then you’ll have a patch folder, and inside you’ll have another folder.
Cut that second folder and paste it into the original game folder. Then delete the old folder.
Then run it and everything should be fine now 🙂
I did that, but the screen is still blank,, Please help!!
just try it again.. it work for me! ^_^
So im having a problem even while looking at those steps ^^ *sorry*
So, I downloaded it and I opened the file and clicked it to extract. Then, it made another file. I took the first file i downloaded and dragged it into the second one. I tried to open the game, but it would only pop up a black screen. Cn someone help??? TT^TT
it’s the same as mine.. T_T..
So do I need to get a premium account with http://downloadani.me in order to download the files? Or is there a way around it?
Each bigger file is posted in two variants – “1click” that requires premium and “free” that is split in 200mb parts and can be downloaded as free user. If you don’t have premium account, you can just get games in 200mb parts and end result is the same after unpacking.
this novel had me stuck to my seat the entire day. I got the bad ending with Gardis and I felt like it ripped my heart out. That doll thing… how creppy and sad.
For the people having difficulty with this game, try what other commentators have said, put the whole english folder inside the game folder and launch the game from the .exe in the english folder. Good luck
Nice novel.
English version crash on Win98SE. It’s not the case of original game.
I wanted to download this so I did .. Everything’s fine, the problem is the english patch I downloaded can’t be used ._. So what’s this ? I tried every single way to use it, but nothing came to it
Can you gimme some solution ?
Hmm…The Japanese version doesn’t work. Like, I was just playing not even half of the game, and then there was an announcement which wasn’t in Japanese but like “Error” or something, I clicked “OK” or Close yet the game closed too!
so cute and amazing. i love the ost and the art. Give it a go ! thanks admin
Wow there really isnt a lot of cute games for girls! I think I found 3 in total anyone have a suggestion for a game that isn’t to rapish and kind of fluff material? Like Yo-jin-bo?
Ah, I would recommend Boku no Shokora if you haven’t checked it out already. ouo/
could somebody explain me how to download and install it?
can someone explain to me what I must to do to these rar files ? from first step until last step. Sorry for asking you to do this, but I want to play this game so much until I can’t handle it. Please….
Normal steps
1. download them all
2. extract them (with WinRAR or winZip. Get those from google in their official site)
3.a. If the the extracted files in the form of ISO. download DaemonTool (install it and click mount ISO)
3.b. If the extracted in the form of files, find setup.exe and install
4. don’t forget to download the english patch and put it in the game folder
Super Lazy steps :
Dowload them all, and get someone who can use PC to help you
hi i love the game and want to thank admin for sharing it with us! thank you!
I cant download the first package. Can someone help me?
Wow!! I better try this!!!
is there a download for mac 🙁 i weeeellllyyyy wanna play but whenever i download stuff like this, it shows in codes…CURSE YOU STUPID DIFFERENT BRANDS OF COMPUTERS!! D:<
Well worse than that they aren’t truly even different brands, just different os (Operating system) you could get yourself a virtual machine program or a windows translator but it can be pricy and difficult to set up if your new to computer tinkering. :/
GOD THIS GAME IS GREAT!!! <3 yes, it has a couple of things that could be better, but really, the story is reaaally engaging and interesting! music is cool too. I haven't finished yet, im about to end ONE route, but it reaaally makes me nervous. PLEASE, more like this! Thanks for your hard work! 🙂
There is a problem when unzipping part 2
This game is addictive. e.e
okay nevermind >.< the english patch folder is suppose to be INSIDE the second reproduction folder which is the folder that you extracted.
please mind my stupidness (is that even a word? idk lol)
whatever i did, the english subtitle won’t work…it’s all in japanese. Can you please tell me how to make the english subtitle work? thanks in advance
this is a really late reply but hopefully it can help anyone who’s stuck. You have to extract the english patch folder, move the ENTIRE folder into the original Second Reproduction folder. and from within the Second Reproduction folder, open up English patch folder then double click on the icon titled [English] Second Reproduction.
i did it many times, but the window screen is just pure black.. >.<
your instructions for the english subtitles were perfect, everything works with them. I have a problem with the soundtrack though!! there is literally no sound what so ever!! what do I do?
that’s happened to me before but in a different download, simply re downloading everything or re-extracting it can fix it
I’ve downloaded the game and the patch correctly, extract them, but when I opened the [english]the second reproduction it goes like white to black fade, then left blank with the writing :
-/- -o’clock-mins
then there’s this two buttons. load and back
I pressed load but then nothing happen.
hey, please help me..
for some reason after the opening I can’t hear anymore their voices? What should I do?
All of the volume are on but I can’t hear anything but the background music… I would love to hear their voices..
ahh~ thank you for the upload~!
I just finished Dramatical Murder (super good, a little weird in the true ending, lol) so I’m excited to see another game with the female audience in mind. I like all kinds of VN’s so its nice to see the variety here (cuz yeah, male protagonist with female harem is the most commonly found). thanks for sharing!~ 😀
>w< the art looks so pretty…
Hi I was wondering how do I save my data?
ahh the cv isn’t working,it was working a while ago but now its not (the bgm and sount effects are working)..what to do? o-o; (btw i checked the setting its normal)
i have the same problem,when i open the english patch the screen turns blak gives a flash and then close…help Q~Q
I really love this game ! Do you guys know an other game like this ? If yes, please tell me !
txs a lot for the upload i hope u will upload more otome game
txs again ^^
i downloaded the game and the patch it works fine its in english except when i have the options show up there in japenese what should i do?
It’s normal. Only the game scripts ( ie. the story itself. everything apart from menus ) is translated.
Why can’t I download part 3 and the eng patch????
I heard this is a follow up to ‘the Queen of Darkness’, about Risty, Gardis’ grandmother. Is there an English version of that? And would I be able to download it for free? That’d be awesome 😀 I loved this game, so playing through Risty’s story could only make this experience even more awesome 😀
I love this so much, thank you for uploading! GARDIS IS SO HAWT. XD Brb, fangirling.
While playing it I got to the part after the demon banquet the sound stopped working completely no matter how much I close and open the game. :/ is there anyway i can get it to work again? (i played around with the configuration and still no sound)
I really enjoyed the game x3
There is no way to install the original game file. Without it I can’t even attempt to use the patch. Anyone who can help me?
i cant find the original folder 🙁 i followed the instruction in the *read me* but there is no SR and TSR folder 🙁
I remember playing this VN. I simply loved it and remember getting the knight as my 1st choice! *.* It’s a beautiful VN and even though it’s not an eroge, I’d recommend people play it
Hello, I’m trying to download turkey, but part1 part2 part 3 of the olrmusunuz help can not download. windows 7 installed on my computer, but I can not download the 3rd party
also, when i extract part 2 and 3, it says the file is ‘corrupt or an unknown format’
I’m having some trouble with the english patch. Everyone keeps saying to put the files in the “main game folder”, but since it’s 3 downloads, i had to extract all 3 and there’s 3 folders, and then there’s folders inside those folders, so just, basically.. i don’t know what the ‘main game folder’ is. :S
If you guys are having a problem of running the English patch, try clearing the save folder ( C:\ProgramData\Second Reproduction\ ) and run it again.
It worked for me, so.
Do you know how to save the game? There doesn’t seem to be a save button….thx in advance! 🙂
Just right click on the screen.
I download to game and it appear but why did it appear to be black
This is my first VN ever and it really was nice~ I give my thanks to the one who uploaded this~! ^_^
I cant extract the files. it says that a file in not found ._.’
I’m having trouble downloading the game. Does you have a walkthrough to show you how to download it? >.<
i Can’t Open the game ;A; … someone help me
when i try to open it, it was showed a weird warning text
Mai-chi, it’s simple. You unzip the main game, then double click on the “.exe” file in that folder to install it.
Next, unzip the English patch. It will turn out to be another file folder. Take this file folder and place it inside the file folder with the original Japanese game (the one you unzipped first).
but there is no .exe file :”'((
What a great game! I love the characters, and the voice actors do a fantastic job as well. The plot is very unique — I was freaking out halfway through the game when that event happened. I thought I did something wrong,lol. Brilliantly done. I recommend this to anyone. 🙂
Mai-chi, it’s simple. You unzip the main game, then double click on the “.exe” file in that folder to install it.
Next, unzip the English patch. It will turn out to be another file folder. Take this file folder and place it inside the file folder with the original Japanese game (the one you unzipped first).
PS. Sorry for posting twice, I forgot to reply to Mai-chi’s post the first time around.
After you do that, go into the English patch folder that you placed inside the folder with the Japanese file, and double-click on the “.exe” file inside the English patch folder.
The game won’t play if the patch folder is not inside the main game folder.
this looks like a good game, but I don’t really understand the downloading and patches…….could someone explain for me?
No voice after the opening? ;_;
it’s only partially voiced. usually, only the important events are voiced.
i cant get the patch to work with the game, can someone help me
Thank you for distributing this game for free. 🙂
I have only found out about this site today while I was searching for otome visual novels and I have happened to come here.
I’m enjoying the game as it is now, the atmosphere of a Japanese otome game is truly different from the outside.
Thank you yet again! 😀
ugh, part 3 download of the game is unavailable…
It works great! Downloaded it some months ago and almost finished it. The only route that i haven’t done is the Knight.
Your site should put more games that have Female heroine and with her male harem 😛
I love otome kind game but not when the protagonist is Male there are soo many games like that T_T
Anyway Thanks for the game!!!!
yes i think now it’s not meant to have voices all the time but after i end with gradis there is NO SOUND in the game even the music TTwTT i think it’s problem from the patch in the patch english it does not make any sound or music but in japanese it is make sound … strange ~_~”
Awesome story for a otome. Good game ~
i loved this, i wanted to ask if someone have the other game of heterodoxy called queen of darkness, i think that’s a prequel
Someone can help me.I run english translation and sound doesn’t have any sound.But in SR(original game app) can be heard by me.
(Sorry bad english i’m indonesian)
Viagra Power? Tears of the moon goddess? I need to find a walkthrough for this.
this doesnt have any tags… is it an eroge or just a regular non adult visual novel
it’s not an eroge, it’s a bit of a softcore otome tho.
It’s not eroge. Softcore otome is like it, but don’t let that stop you from playing. It’s a good game.
Is the protagonist a female? So is this an H Otome game? Been looking for one for ages. I like Eroge and I also like Otome games but sadly there aren’t any H Otome games being translated. I’ll give this one a try after Yo Jin Bo.
just done with gardis’ good end. I guess it’ll be good to label this as an otome game 🙂 even tho there aren’t any H scenes, it’s still good.
thank you veeeeeery much this game is what i want and also veery interesting( ^_^ ) but i have a problem the volume of characters is playing very good in the prologue but after that the characters doesn’t make sound ( TTwTT ) …. can you please tell me how can i slove this problem ????
i think it’s not meant to have voices all the time, but i’ll check on the parts where I usually get voice/not get voice on my 2nd playthru.
i have a issues with the start of the patch .. when the pacth starts i have a screen black in the game and it doesnt run.. please help me !
Then read “readme” again, it’s clearly said how to get game running.
1. Extract patch.
2 Extracted PATCH FOLDER put in game installation directory (DON’T replace, just put folder in there)
3. Run [English] The Second Reproduction.exe!
I had the same problem, now it’s fixed, it’s just another unusual way of patching 😀
Uhh.. I’m still young so I can’t actually understand it at all and besides I’m not good at understanding english that much.. So.. Can you help me to do it..? TT^TT
Wait what i’m suppose do now again? cause i’ve done this already like 5 times i’m still messing up. So are you suppose to go to da-free:game download first or are you suppose to the torrent thing because da-free:gamething not working like it should and it might cause I mess it up real badly already so what i’m suppose to do cause there are no institutions as far as I can see unless there hiding or whatever.
I do trust all of the ideas you’ve introduced on your post. They are very convincing and will certainly work. Nonetheless, the posts are too short for beginners. May just you please lengthen them a little from next time? Thank you for the post.
I try to run the English patch, but it won’t work…
It just opens, does a little flash at the beginning, but the black screen is all I see. :((
Thank you so much for the post!! Is so difficult to find otome games (in a language I can understand) ^^
The English patch I installed doesn’t have any sound. Does anyone know what the problem is?
I can’t istall de game, what should I do? >.<
(Sorry, I'm Brazilian)
Hi Neko! Have you downloaded the torrent? If so, you should install the game by unzipping part 1, part 2, part 3 into the game folder. Then you have to unzip the English patch folder in the same folder as the parts you’ve unzipped into, but don’t merge them, leave the English patch folder as is. 🙂
I hope I helped you! May you enjoy the game as much as I did! 😀
Thank you so much!! i got also the same problem but i read this and it worked THANKS!!!!! 😀
Very good. Much better than most of the recent tripe. Game could definitely have been longer though. Still waiting for another MuvLuv\Ever 17 (one can hope…)
OK simple instructions for downloading with Windows 7:
1. Download all three rar. files
3.Create a folder on your desktop labeled “Second reproduction”
2. Use Winrar program to extract files to the “Second reproduction” folder
4.Download the English patch
5.extract to the “second reproduction” folder
6. go into the folder and double click the English Patch. exe file
7. The game should play in English from there!
thank u. your tips help me a lot. ^^
Ah, I’ve downloaded part1 twice and it never works!
It says there’s an error and I can’t extract 🙁
What should I do?
Hi, I don’t know what to do. I already unzipped the game thingy and the Japanese version loaded just fine. But after I downloaded the english patch and unzipped it, it became white,black, white and then to black. the game did not load. I am not sure what to do can someone help me?
Hello, I downloaded this game and applied the english patch. Everything worked out fine (everything is in english).
HOWEVER, the choices are in japanese! can someone please tell me how to fix this. Thanks in advance 🙂
There’s no more voice playing in my game after the introduction movie. Did I install wrongly of what?
I downloaded the torrent and placed the patch in the game file, there is still voice before though o.O
hey, uh, the game is (or rather was) working great and all but then it turned mute… O_O
i didnt really notice until later, since i wasnt payin that much attention to the music -_-
anyways i was wonderin if anyone could help me???
SAAAADDD!!! T-T im an idiot who chased after gardis throughout the game and only managed to get his bad endings i couldnt stop crying on the first day of gameplay(i finally figured it out though)
I can’t get the game to install what am i doing wrong?
Hai. c:
I REALLLLLLLY wanted to play this game, but I have no idea how to put the english patch on and all that crap… :c Can someone give me a step by step (simple and easy) instruction on how to do it? Please respond ASAP if possible. <3<3<3<3<3
I just downloaded the torrent for this game I’m so excited to play. How do you apply the patch to the torrent? Thanks ^^
Do you happen to know if there are still copies of Queen of Darkness (First Moon and White Butterfly) around? I just can’t get enough of this game! O_O
Hi! I was wondering if anyone can assist me in installing the game?
I have all the files, and had downloaded the game through torrents in the link provided up there. LOL.
But now I’m completely at loss on how to install/extract blah blah the three files, since I’m completely noob at this stuff. Help, anyone? D:
Thanks for the links! I really appreciate having access to an english patch for this game, it has become hard to find the english patch.
well i have a problem with the download after i try the program says i dont have a program associated with the files where would i get this program to download???(i have this problem with every site i try to download this from)
Hmm, I’m assuming you need 7-zip. Just do a search for it, download, install…
If you have problems beyond that, like mounting the ISO/image files, then check out Daemon tools or Virtual Clone Drive. Just go to the FAQ on this site for additional help.
I was wondering if anybody could assist me in getting all CG’s?
I used the walkthrough and have received all five endings. However, I am still missing two CG’s. Does anybody know how to get them?
The ones I’m missing are the third one from the beginning, after the CG where Lezette gets his collar, and the second to last one – after the CG of Chris and Jin being ‘all tied up’. Thanks in advance!
How to get Lezette’s Good Ending:
-Drink wine and chat
Could you stay with me?
-Drink wine and chat
Ask someone out to play
Just talk
-I put all my feelings into it
Grocery Shop
-Buy the following:
Viagra Power
Silver Hair Ornament
Holy Water
Tears of the Sun God
Tears of the Moon Goddess
Demon Killer
–Keep fighting until your final breath!
–Your eyes portray kindness
A kind person after all
Just talk
You’re fine the way you are now
Just talk
-What kind of clothes do you like?
Ask someone out to play
Toy Shop
-Buy two Christina Dolls
Give him a present —> Christina Doll
-Because you’d have to spend less time with your wife?
Ask someone out to play
Give him a present —> Christina Doll
-That I’m feminine after all?
-Pass the time doing nothing
This is courtesy of the walkthrough that is included in the downloaded English patch. If you’re playing the game in English then the walkthrough is included in the Patch’s folder.
same as me. I can’t get ” Good Ending ” with lezette. Always bad ending, or A war’s beginning.
could some one tell me how to get a good ending with lezette ?
A walkthrough is included with the English patch. Click on the folder TSR Patch – English, then click the icon that says ‘walkthrough’ – it was the last icon in the folder for me. I used it and got all five endings. Hopefully it helps you 🙂
Hum, I think I’m a little stupid, but…I’ve got a problem!
I downloaded the game and the patch, but, when I place the folder inside the original game’s directory, the application in english don’t work (I can see just a black screen) or the application in english is in japonese.
What I have to do?
Please, help me!
Finally, I found the solution of my problem…
Who is the solution I am having thje same problem
To get the Good ending you have to help both the kings in Lezette and Gardis good ending.
Each late at night after the first chapter (Where you lose them no matter what) pay attention to the PUB and the COURTYARD. You will run into a scientist in the pub who needs some items and in the courtyard you will hear a cloaked man complain about a powder that he came all the way to Dethydre to get only for it to be sold out.
To help the scientist, complete a quest at the theater. PAY ATTENTION to the script and get all the right options to get the FOUR COLORED COR
To help the guy at the COURTYARD (won’t say who is is because of spoilers) you just need to go to the item shop.
Viagra Powder,
Demon Killer,
Tears of the Sun GOD
Tears of the Moon Goddess
Holy Water
Then make sure you return to the pub and the courtyard again when you see the RED (!) over them, normally at night.
THEN, after you receive the cure from the scientist keep paying attention cause eventually you will see a (!) either in the market or something (Not sure, but NOT the grocery store) and give the cure that you will get from helping the scientist to him.
GOOD ENDING LOCKED. It dosen’t even matter how much Lezette or Gardis “Love” you.
JIN Ending,
Just go to the item store and buy
and carry them around and watch out for markers on the map with a red or blue (!). As long as you have those things you should be fine
And that’s exacly what I’m doing :/
This way I got Gardis good ending, but no matter how many times I done it with Lezette there is alway bad ending – war begining – or something like this.
I even tried helping king’s son with his love affairs.
It should’t be a bug if you saw this ending (and I get Gardis good ending). I’m lost here. I tried so many times v_v
same as me. i can’t get ” good ending ” with lezette. always get war ending ” End 2 : A war’s beginning ”
anyone can tell me how to get good ending with lezette ? o3o
Really good game! I enjoyed it soo much but I can’t seem to fully clear Lezzete or Gardis! Is there a walkthrough or something I can look at?
how come the game doesnt? can somebody help me
This game is awsome<3 Thank you very much for sharing!:D
And maybe I'm a noob, but I can't get to the good ending on Lezette path o_o I finished all route instead of this one, tried many things, I should be doing right things but it always is a bad end^^" Anyone out there can help?
I believe that Lezette’s ending is just a bad ending. The other endings seem good so that would explain why Lezette’s always seems to end poorly. I don’t think it’s your choices.
Also if you want to get to Gardis bad ending just ignor all red (!).
This looks promising~! I can’t wait to finish downloading it! ♥
THANK YOU SO MUCH ADMIN!! This game was one of the best otome games I have EVER played!! The game was so much fun and it even gave you a little epilogue after you finished all the characters paths!!! I bow before your awesomeness!! Keep the WONDERFUL games coming!!!
ty for sharing! 🙂
Hope for more otome games here in the future!
typos: Save by pressing Esc
Thank youuuuuuuu!!! <3
Love the game but…ugh…how do I save it???!
Oh, and, is there any walkthroughs??
Save by pressing <> from your keyboard, there should ba quicksave and save option at the upper right vorner.
Thanks for sharing this!
Best otome I’ve ever played *thumbs*
how will I run this after I download the file? I tried everything but it doesn’t work :O
Can somebody tell me how to save?
Oh my… maybe I am blind but I just can’t find SAVE button.
Sorry for that
Press Esc and you should get several options on the right, one of which will be a save button.
Thank you so much! Seriously, literally thanks! :))
good otome game after a while. can’t wait to try it *~*
I was so happy to find this otome game, thank you so much!
NOOB’s Question Time!!!
Starring: SuikoRyos as NOOB!
Question: What’s an Otome Game? My dictionary says that Otome means “young lady, maiden, virgin” so… It’s a game where the protagonist isa female? Only that?
An otome is a video game that is targeted towards a female market, where one of the main goals, besides the plot goal, is to develop a romantic relationship between the female player character and one of several male characters.
So, as I though it’s only an eroge with female protagonist, yeah? Anyhow, thanks for the reply. 😉
I need some help, I’ve read trough the comments and tried the different solutions, but it just won’t work. When I start the English patch (from the right place), It starts black, turn white and then kind of blink before it stays black. When I went into the Part1 folder with the game and started from there it went perfectly fine, I can see the kanjis etc. Any tips?
Hmm .. This is from the readme.txt . Do it as it says, and answer back did it work or not?
You will need Japanese locale for this game. Please don’t use Applocale. If you don’t know how to put your computer into Japanese locale, then please see this handy guide: http://sumika.bunbunmaru.com/HOW_DO_I_READ_VNS.txt
1) Unzip the patch. You should get a folder called ‘TSR Patch – English v0.99b’ with the files inside.
2) Place the folder inside the original game’s directory.
3) Double-click ‘[English] The Second Reproduction.exe’ to play.
It’s basically the same as Umineko’s patch before they made an installer, if that helps.
Make sure you don’t overwrite the original game’s files with the patch files.
Your file path should look like this: ‘C:\Program Files\SR\TSR Patch – English v0.99b\[English] The Second Reproduction.exe’. Any folders between the original game directory and the patch will cause an error.
I installed the game completely fine without Japanese locale. In fact, I’ve gotten to one of the endings without any problem.
where did you place the english patch folder?
I placed the unpacked English patch in the SR map, with Part1, Part2 and Part3 in .rar-file in the same map.
Eehhh~ @_@
was the SR map the one you extracted from the 3 .rar files?
+Extract only the part1 and it will automatically do something with part2 and part3 then you will now have the extracted file.
+Then extract the patch and you’ll have the patch folder.
+place the patch folder to the file you have extracted.
+then open the patch folder and click the application.
—This is what I did, and it works just fine ^^—
I don’t really know what to do… I have downloaded the three parts of the game and the patch. I don’t really know what to do next because I am a failure at being a noob. I don’t suppose someone could give me the next steps dumbed down?
See? Gamers Help each Other….
Noya was posting links in comments which caused them to be held for moderation/anti-spam check, that’s why they didn’t appear instantly.
Well, sorry for that .. Didn’t notice that .. ;/
yeah… that is true… ’cause it’s also happened for some of my comment too :3 and I don’t think I want to take this ’cause it’s kinda cliche to me…
How do i install the english patch for this?
I would tell you, however, it seems that ADMIN doesn’t want to see other people than ADMIN himself helping someone …..
Really?? but if i check out, the other game page… Gamers are helping each other… and as for admin, he would gladly help anyone in need and i don’t think that admin Minds if Anyone post an answer or solution for a question posted here, right Sir Admin??
For example; your game is in “C:\Downloads\The Second Reproduction”. When you put the patch in, it should look like this “C:\Downloads\The Second Reproduction\TSR Patch – English v0.99″, and you should run the gram through “C:\Downloads\The Second Reproduction\TSR Patch – English v0.99\[English] The Second Reproduction.exe”.
I think you understood?
Yup, thank you rof you explaination Noya^^
On the subject of otome games, can you also upload X-note and Hatoful Boyfriend?
Seconded on Hatoful Boyfriend.
Only the first 10mins of the game is voiced? That’s a really big turn off.
Only some parts of the game are voiced, not just the first 10 mins.
Can someone offer me some more otome games?
Or maybe, something like this game?
It was really interesting, and I like these kinds of games (very long in the past/where there are kingdoms, knights and such)
Check out Utawarerumono.
Didn’t like it ..
I should have tried utawarerumono for a long time ago… wow the story is great, funny and dramatic, gameplay is good….
Still playing it, thanx for Upload it Sir ADMIN….
Yes can any recommend some otome games? >< translated ones of course.
Girlish Love Revoulation DS ver. It has an English patch.
I LOVE this game :’D the story is interesting, especially the plot twist.. and i cried on some part of the game.
manage to get all CGS (except 1..and kinda lazy to hunt for it since i already go for all the 3 guys route) 😀
this is really worth playing if u love Otome and whatnot. Again, story is very interesting
tried the newest patch and still having problems with the sound D: everything else is fine orz
This sounds good. xD Hopefully it’s fun. I’ve been bored like hell.
Thanks. 🙂
Do you accept advertisements? What might the rates be? X3
@name-o thanks
@eroge site >www<
Abouth the Theater in the inglish patch it got error something like it lacks TXT file TT_TT I can’t finish the 2nd part of the play. After Hilaris Treated Vades
Skip the play for that day if it keeps giving you errors. I got the error as well. Try the play next time (because then the script will be different). ;o
i want to have it
this game should be labeled (otome)
just want to point that out.
the game looks really nice. gonna try it out 😀 TYVM!!
thank you- thank you very much (hearts) ~!!
Thank you very much! I’m downloading it <3 <3
i want to know if there a walkthrought for this game, because no matter how many time i play i only can get ending 2
How could you say bad things about it?
I already hooked even though I just played it less than one hour.
I take back allllll of the bad things I’ve ever said about otome games.
This visual novel is surprisingly good. O_O …and addictive like crack.
I hope there’s going to be a walkthrough sometime… because I can’t tell if my first ending is a good or a bad one. XD
Tips for getting the good endings:
– Go to the places on the map that have the pink exclamation mark. (Save when you’re at the map to make sure you don’t miss any exclamation marks or want to re-do something)
– Complete the hints (One is for the guy at the bar who needs items at the bar, and the other is for the man who needs Viagra at the courtyard. lol). This applies to the knight and demon lord only.
– Go to the bar to have a chat with whoever you were going for (not sure if this is necessary, but it raises love). If you want to give a present, you can find a random item to give. (The knight likes the doll of Christina, the demon lord likes the wine)
You’ll know you got the bad ending if one of the main guys dies in the end.
…Yep. Nothing but bad endings so far, then. ^^;;
I did all of those except for helping the man in the bar.
Trying to get the game not to crash when I go to the theater.
Anyway, thanks for all of your help. ^-^
hello admin I was wondering if you could post an eroge called Zanjibaru. I cant find an english version anywhere
Thank u very much.It helped a lot
sorry for the last two comment keep up the great work 0////0
can someone plz plz tell me how to fix my problem 0///0 please
This is how I played the patch:
(1) Extract the patch; it will be inside a folder.
(2) Drag the patch’s folder into the game’s folder
(3) Play the .exe file from the patch folder (not the .exe file in the game folder)
– That’s it.
Awesome another otome game!!! <3
But I have a small problem, every time I load the English patch, the screen is black then flashes white and then black and nothing else happens..how exactly can I play the patch version?? Help please?
I love this site and thank u for your hard work. Can someone please tell me how to work this game I just couldn´t figure it out.I dowlanded everything but couldnt work the english patch.Thank u
How can you get the jin ending and in scene 2 of the play the sentence `I’ve found myself thirsty for blood,])
makes the game crash and i cant continue please help admin…
This is the only error ONLY the rest of the game works fine and is a great otome game
Hello there ! Thanks for your work, it’s a great game ! but…
…I’m having the same problem as “Help!!”
(How can you get the jin ending and in scene 2 of the play the sentence `I’ve found myself thirsty for blood,])
makes the game crash and i cant continue please help admin…
This is the only error ONLY the rest of the game works fine and is a great otome game)
It’s with Jin’s ending so obviously it wasn’t just something wrong with the way either of us installed the game or such..
Could you please give us a way to contact the people who made the english patch ? It says the error is a “missing comma” around line 52500something so it might not take long to fix if they had a moment (…)
Since this play in the theatre is the only way to get Jin’s end, it would really be too bad to leave it as it is..
Or we’ll just have to play Jin’s end without the patch but I wouldn’t understand as much as I do in English, and it would take me much longer to get what I read.. >_>
Thank you very much !
is it iso or just dload n play?
Whoa… an otome. Being a girl I have mixed feelings about this. These games usually have awful plots and the guys are usually gag-worthy. Going to give it a try, though. Thanks again, admin!
Guys, I have a problem.
First everything worked fine, but then my PC crashed and a blue screen appeared…etc.
And now when I start the patched .exe, I don’t get any sound. The japanese .exe works just fine, it’s the patched one that won’t give me sound. Do you guys have any idea what the problem might be? 🙁
I’m getting the same thing D:
Where I can save this game? There’s no option save in the game . =(
yes there is sexual content in this game, but more so in text than images, and most of it so far is this girl being submissive
1- This is a game targeted at females, so of course the female has to be submissive.
2- what were you expecting? the woman forcing herself on the guy?
3- aren’t most eroge’s liek that? women being submissive i mean, it’s only natural dude, it’s always been like that in real life too.
4- are you expecting femdom in an otome game? femdom is uncommon in normal eroge’s let alone otome games who are also not that common.
5- You’re dumb, trust me, you’re dumb.
1. – 4.: Seriously? Tell me, have you ever even MET a girl that’s not a character in a visual novel? Bob, meet reality.
Also, you’re dumb. Trust me, you’re dumb.
Then again, I’m just gonna assume that you’re a troll. Otherwise I’ll just further lose my faith in humanity.
Yes, just because you haven’t met one doesn’t mean no one here haven’t either.
Your point?
Oh and one more thing before i leave.
What faith bro? You’re a disgrace to humanity, you’re an error of nature, aite?
(Btw GG admin, i see whut you did there <_<)
My point is that you’re either a troll or a misogynistic asshole. Or both.
And I’m a girl myself, thank you very much.
I’m a troll for pointing out the obvious? What was your point of your comment anyway? I’m not saying ALL the girls are submissive and will do whatever guys say, i’m just saying USUALLY that’s how it is. and i do understand that you’re a bitch and don’t like being ordered around so you might aswell keep your pointless invalid remarks to yourself. thank you very much.
EEEEE otome game, awesome! Don’t get me wrong, I love bishoujo games, H-games, etc. But I’m a female, and I do love games where I can play as my gender and be with cute guys as well. (though I do like cute girls too lol)
not to mention, TORRENT heck yeah. Don’t worry everyone, I’ll leave it in my list to seed once my download is done. Torrents are so much better for my situation. I have sucky internet, so if I try and download those 200MB parts from MF, sometimes me internet disconnects in the middle of the download and i have to start over again (and at speeds of 15kb/s, that is not fun).with a torrent, I can pick right back up where I left off if I get disconnected. so thanks admin, you rock.
Hmm, I’m not usually a fan of otome games. I’m a girl, but I’m more of a boy pursues girl/yuri fan than anything else.
Then again, I really liked Yojinbo.
And I’m hoping you can have the Devil Lord. I ~love the bad guys. 😉
yeah, games are definitely more fun when you can get the bad guys as well. Though I don’t tend to see many like that. Sure, I do see “bad boy types”, but I want to go after true villains as well haha.
all mf links are dead
nah, still works fine for me..(even tho I’m not downloading it)
*sigh* is there any sexual content in it?
Yeah the sound thing I was wondering about too. Did they really not provide voice acting after the prologue or is this a glitch? Admin, when you tried it out, or if you did, did you get this issue? Anyone else other than the guy who mention this earlier get any voicing issues? Is there a way to fix this?
its only partially voiced. its normal.
I was curious about older Eroge on the site, when all links are gone or down for some reason do you reupload them, or hae backups of everything? i was curious because alot of mediafire links cease to work and some do not have torrents.
I think mediafire deleted one of Admin’s Mediafire accounts because it was taking up too much bandwidth.
hmm i always crash during the second theater scene when vades and the princess speak of child names during the first decision line after vades talks about pirates, it says theres a missing comma
Hmm for some reason this reminds me of Shikkoku no Sharnoth.
hmm i like the design. almost trinity blood anime style XD. anyone here went to london’s hyper japan?
After playing it a bit, nice game I must say!
But I don’t get voices after the prologue, is it normal ? That seems somehow cheap to voice only the first part…
Thanks admin!
Please post if there are any new otome games~!
This game has nice music and art. Its not really my style i prefer stuff like Prison Battleship but this game is actually pretty decent.
aww…I was Overjoyed at first…and then I read the description…a few of ‘her’ words is enough to bring me to the reality..*sigh*
Awesome game. Thanks a lot!
Admin is the best.
Oh, Otome game, that’s a change. Can’t wait to give it a try, thanks !
Hello admin. Can you please add Walkthroughs for this game to?
Thank you admin for continuing to post new games! I’m very happy I found this site. Love otome games! <3
not a bad otome game, thxs admin!!! gonna w8 for deardrops
is this a gay game? i can tell in the logo.
Gay game? Otome games are made for female players, it focuses on relationship between the female player character and one of male characters. This is not yaoi….
I laughted at panthera’s comment… They do look like yaoi, but it doesn’t mean they are. As Crim just said, Otomes are games for girls, and many girls like yaoi and people who look like that, in japan the most. The same way many of boys like yuri.
The liking of these from the opposite sex are based on that you liked more than one, and psychologically, you wanted having them together as lover.
Also, they say scientists are investigating about our preferences, and most probably, up to 50% of our liking comes from our DNA! (The 50% left would be how you were taught)
Males who like yaoi and are not, usually dislike yuri.
Females who like yuri and are not, usually dislike yaoi.
Well… back to the original comment. As Crim explained, it’s for girls, that’s why they look like yaoi.
Lolol, your comment doesn’t make sense despite teh effort you put in it.
to answer panthera’s comment, No, this isn’t a gay game, this isn’t Yaoi, it’s an Otome game, the reason you might think it’s yaoi is because of the bishounens, since yaoi is sorta as subgenre of shoujo.
It really has sense… but I explained too much so I got every reader tired… Sorry…
Oh nope, no it doesn’t.
15 +
Is this all ages? I know it doesn’t say it but have the games on here dont have tags.
Finally, there are otome games being posted here! XD
Thank you very much for this! I will try this one! 😀
Gaa… Not my type so I`ll go for something else:
– Deardrops : 2012-03-02
– Hoshizora no Memoria -Wish upon a Shooting Star: 2012-03-18
Hope that admin will get these ASA they`re released
I`ll be patient and wait for it
will all the game here got the torrent? i prefer that one and mediafire but, MF is a bit troublesome if the links is down…
thanks admin
Yes, the plan is to have Mediafire + torrent links for every release. I just need time…
on a side note, you girls must be happy eh?
Torrents? Since when? Well I’ll be downloading and helping in seeding for every upcoming release, since I happen to have a seedbox.
The game works and it looks amazing 😀 but its in japanese.. is there an English patch for it?. thanks.
Right under the download file, there is an English patch. Kudos!
what are u retarded we are on the internet theres always a release of that game or a game within 2months of the release date.
hmmm sounds interesting, might give it a shot. Thanks admin for your continued uploading of games!
Dangit, this is the same version of the game I had before. Unless I’m doing/understanding this wrong, this game comes up on it’s own without needing to install it whatsoever. But the patch requires you to install the game before you install the patch? Or do you just put the game folder that you extract from the rars into your program files and put the patch folder in there?
This patch is a bit tricky, i’ll make instructions for it once i upload the torrent.
Basically: you extract the patch directly into the game folder, without overwriting the files (patch will be located in separate folder), then run the game with patched .exe from inside the special directory.
If you still have problems, you can wait till i post installation instructions bit later today.
I actually figured it out, thanks! Its actually really easy and you don’t need to install the game. I just had to do what my last question asked; I just took the original game folder from my desktop, renamed it “SR” (no idea if that made any real difference though), put it into my program files and then put the extracted english patch folder into the game folder. Works perfectly.
How can you get the jin ending and in scene 2 of the play the sentence `I’ve found myself thirsty for blood,])
makes the game crash and i cant continue please help admin…
This is the only error ONLY the rest of the game works fine and is a great otome game
The Title might be a forshadowing I’d better brace myself.
P.s Other then that, YAY! another otome game.
There’s nothing to “brace” for. Most explict image is naked nipple i think.
Torrent will be posted in about 15mins.
well the most daring thing you often see in an otome game is a kiss
An Otome game? Hmm…..
I dunno. If the story’s any good I *might* snatch it to try it out. Even so, I dunno…
It’d be too much like trying to read a Josei manga to me.
Ah lol 😀
at first i thought: Awesome!
As i read your post i took a more sincere look at the cover… aww… to bad. Well at least something for the girls out there 🙂
and why would it be only for the girls? i played only on otome game so far but it was awesome ( Yo-Jin-Bo FTW!!!!)
at first i was like, “whoa, you play an armenian?”
Thank you so much admin for add this game,