The anti-government guerrillas were fighting against the government in the country which was politically unrest. There was an incident that a little girl was raped and murdered by the guerrillas in a small village. Mr. Prosper, who is the commander of the military, advanced his men to this small village to hunt the guerrillas. But the incident was all planned out by him, so that he could have a raping party for himself. The girls, who were suspicious as guerrillas, were arrested. That was the beginning of the insane raping party.
omg I need this; the storyline sounds super good. I so need this one for my collection
I know one thing about this game. And that is that it is banned on Twitch… I wonder why…?
I’ve streamed this. On an adult live stream site. xD
Not to complain but this game is way to messed up.
Also main character is a big a*****e
dude that’s the kind of stuff you should be looking for. the kind of stuff that’s totally out of this world.
…..I agree with this statement…..and I don’t agree with this statement….But I not the one to talk since I into wayyy too much kinky shit.
Mental healthcare is what you need, this isn’t kinky. Kinky like eating corpses.
“Insane Raping Party” is what sold it for me lol downloading this asap
For a game called “Suck my dick or die!” with “insane raping party” in the description I expected more rape. I’m not even joking.
anyone has an .ico file for this game? windows 7’s standard exe file icon looks pretty shitty as a shortcut for this
game ask for serial, someone can help me?
how in the world do i download the games here … all i get is wrong IP
some1 help cant download games… rather i cant find the DOWNLOAD BUTTON wtf………..s
I wonder if this game got H-scenes ??
I am not sure if I am ever gonna play this one but I had to mention the fact that I ALWAYS keep reading the title as ‘Suck my Dick and Die!’ Just had to let it out.
Is this an H-Game? Trololol
I don’t know if it’s just me, but I can’t seem to download anything from here in general. I keep getting the error “Wrong IP”
Please upload on MF plz thanks
what a creepy title for a game.
I assume you haven’t seen Maiden Rape Assault – Violent Semen Inferno…
I can’t tell if this game or Maiden Rape Assault has a better title
This is my second favorite game, right after Backyard Monsters. In fact I usually play both at the same time >:3
Hey admin, anyway you can give a link to the cover? I kinda wanna see it. You shared the link for the Maiden Rape Assault, just wondering if you could do it here. Thanks either way 🙂
Ahh, marvelous, thanks a bunch admin! 🙂
i lol’d by seeing these comments
Lol I love the title…..
i dunno why but once i get to the first hentai pic the game freezs
HAHA, what a funny title ^_^ 🙂
wahahah i really like this kind of plot.. im going to DL this!!
anyone else got the can’t find directinputmanager error?
i can get to the files and ive already extracted it but how do i get it to launch?
lol… funny title…
Only get better and better
this eroge isnt really for most people lol,
i tried this game till the servant girl came back from being ‘suspected’ and it kinda made me feel pissed off with this kind of storyline.
can this be played on mac?
This is PC game. You might try using some emulator tho.
Is this a H game? If yes, could somebodi tell what game isn’t H game? i am tired of it. thx
higurashi no naku koro ni and umineko no naku koro ni.
1st one is kind of horror and sad.
2nd one is a mystery.
Its made by one company
They have it here so lucky for u.
Black Moon Wars
try them…
I definitely second Clannad if you’re looking for an All-Ages (non-hentai) game. It’s a pain to setup, but worth the effort.
After i download and extract how do i play the game? i can go to the folder and everything but im not sure how to get it to run
when I run the exe. I got error
“NECEMEN.SNI is not found”
help please
Some how read that as NICESEMEN
2 years old, but still funny
5 years later but still funny, lol.
I will give it a try.
This game has an absolutely terrible storyline that only serves to set up the not so hardcore rape scenes that take place. If your looking for interesting characters and plot turn back now. The background art isnt very good, and the characters look very simple, but the CG animations are good. The voice actors are good and can really moan and scream and at times act lovingly. The game consists of mostly rape scenes and a few love scenes. The rape scenes arent that hardcore, even though it leads to mind break somehow. There are many gangbang scenes, but what makes it come together is the erotic voice acting.
Well… all that is to be expected with title like that…
yes i understand that the story would suck with a title like that, but that doesnt mean ill give it a better score does it? this is an honest review not a wishy washy one, and honestly its not hardcore enough despite the title if were going to base the game off of its title
Maaannn, the voice acting as u describe sounds so tempting but I’m really not a fan of gangbangs and rapes, sooo… I’m not dl-ing this one =( well not like we lack of eroges here
the harem ending was pretty unexpected o.o
why is there an malware in this thing?
when i started it my avg quickly erase the program
This is false positive. Mangagamers DRM is sometimes detected by certain AVs as trojan.
wow nice title hahaha……
Yea, first mangagamers’ releases had really stupid, “descriptive” titles for their translations, instead of normal ones. luckily they dropped this practice and are releasing with proper titles now.
what are the hardware requirements for this? SOrry if the question is lame but this is going to be the first time i try a eroge
Those games usualy don’t requie high-end hardware – most of games on this site can run fine on PC with 1 GHz procesor an 1 GB of RAM.
This game in question has following requirements:
Required CPU: Pentium III 600MHz
Recommended CPU: Pentium III 800MHz
Required Memory: 128MB
Recommended Memory: 256MB
Required Resolution: 640×480
Required Colors: 65536 colors
Required HDD Free Space: 400MB
DirectX: DirectX 8.0
I noticed there are some cg’s floating around that don’t seem to be in the game, anyone know what’s up with that?
^ nevermind, forget what i asked. found my answer 😛
i have a question, is this game hardcore? not really a fan of hardcore+rape
The game name is called “Suck my dick or die”. In the game’s description: “There was an incident that a little girl was raped and murdered by the guerrillas in a small village.” And: “But the incident was all planned out by him, so that he could have a raping party for himself.” Also: “That was the beginning of the insane raping party.”
Do you really have to ask if the game “Suck My Dick or Die” has rape in it?
wow…i just dragged and dropped… i never thought of that…i really appreciate your help admin, thank you
Right click on game executable and select “Send to:” -> “Desktop(create shortcut)”.
i see …thanks my laptop is only 2 days old so some of the stuff i was used to were changed.i had to extract each file and save it to a new folder and now i can save and load …thanks alot!!! btw is it possible to make a shortcut for it?
i tried but the game wont play from it.
You should extract archive to non-priveleged directory ( Vista and Windows7 block some operations made on files inside “Program Files” directory for example creating files (saving game) requires administrator priveleges. )
Also – don’t run games straight from winrar – extract all files to some folder first, and run it from there.
thanks for letting me know about winrar btw
ok so i extracted the file but if i save then close i have to open the game thru winrar again and my save is not there..how come?
this is my first time downloading a game so i was wondering what i need id order to play…i tried downloading applocale but it says my computer can’t install it.. is there anything besudes apllocale that i can use?
this game doesn’t need anything special – just download and extract it, then play.
Thanks for all the great downloads! 😀
there is one at gamefaqs under the original title of Ryoujoku Guerrilla Gari.
Hi, does anyone have a walkthrough for this game? I can’t seem to get Riru’s ending in Haresu’s scenario.
oh boy what an description ^_^
yeah I agree. but honestly this ain’t a game.
its just Visual Novel. its same as reading a hentai Magazine.
but it sure has good story and art Id rated it 7/10 for that.