Sarah is a most terrible pirate knight who dances her way around the galaxy empire that has been ravaged by war. In the galaxy ruled by a number of power-hungry rival warlords, an evil sadistic web is woven around Sarah, who is slowly guided down to her destruction. When the silver knight Sylia comes across the evil aristocrats who have run the gamut of corruption in the galaxy and the slave traders of darkness, the demonic twins, a desperate predicament is visited upon Sarah!!
It keeps asking for an activation key?
i have the same issue. did you get it solved yet?
Ok something about the voice files isn’t working and I wanted to know if anyone knew how to fix it or what I need to download to play the the game.
Someone twist the dildo up your ass the wrong way or are you the president of the itty bitty titty committee?
I got the good ending on my first try. I just followed my gut instinct when it came to riddles. I felt that I choose the wrong answer even if the doors unlocked.
It was so satisfying to get back at those demon sisters, and then leaving the planet with Sylia and Hans.
I hope there will be a sequel to this good ending.
Get ready for the futanari! (and tentacles… and over shit)
OMG! Thanks a lot ErogeDownload, I WAS waiting for this a decades! I love love this fxcking genre =D And Sarah Tooo *¬*
I’m probably dumb but this game messes up my mouse and makes it unplayable.
Like, the mouse goes haywire
So anyone know how to get the bonus scenes I’m missing two and have been trying to get it for a while now.
I’ve seen all the selectable scenes and went through the game selecting the same punishment type four times, but still don’t see extra ending scene. Does it just happen as an extended ending or do you unlock a button to see it somewhere?
Can we get in the tag Black Lilith. The other black lilith games have that tag and I personal can’t stand any of their stuff.
It’s not that it’s badly made, oh now I will give them props on always making very rich worlds in their Visual Novels and their are options, and even good drawings.
I can’t stand the darkness of them though. To me it takes the fun out of the submission as they all tend to have that theme.
Thanks admin, remember watching the OVAs of this game way back in the day, and it’s been a steadfast favourite ever since. Insta-get!
ok i know im the dumbest guy around the internet so please help me cant play the damn game a blue screen appears saying something about addfont.dll missing could some1 really nice explain how it works the game?
Place the crack into the actual folder, not outside of the folder. Also, there should already be a .exe file in the game’s folder. That’s how I fixed it when it didn’t work. (I know this is kinda late but I feel it can still help)
Its werid when I open crack it says a bunch of ? marks and says addfont.dll and then another set of ? marks. Am I doing something wrong?
You’re supposed to place crack in installed game’s folder, not with installer files themselves.
Thanks mate
This is weird. I tried with the newer crack with the old saves, and every time I choose transfiguration on the second night and onward, I get a weird message and then the game’s text just doesn’t continue and I’m stuck at that point.
I’ll try a fresh game, but is anyone else having this issue?
I know its late, and I’m not sure if you resolved the issue or not, but I had the same issue when I downloaded the game and the first crack that was uploaded. What I did was delete my game, making a copy of the save files, and downloaded the game again, with the current crack. Then just place the save files back into the games folder. I was able to get beyond the error screen.
It says for me that the image file is corrupted. The rest of the files work correctly and I can even get the start up window to work but I can’t get the image file to extract for some reason. Anyone have any suggestions?
One of parts probably didn’t download completely. Open the folder where the parts are downloaded and check the filesizes – they all (except last one) should have the same size – around 200MB.
Went into part 1 and 2’s properties and they both say 200MB, in the folder they say 204,800KB.
This is the error I keep getting when I go to extract it.
! C:\Users\Alexandar\Downloads\Games\SpacePirateSara\SpacePirateSara.part3.rar: Checksum error in SpacePirateSara\image.xp3. The file is corrupt
I’m having trouble with the crack, my antivirus detects it as malware (HEU_AEGIS_HttpDownloadChecker) when I open it it tries to reach some server, don’t know what this is about, false positive maybe? but i don’t think it needs to reach a server for anything.
Cracks usually show up as false positives with most antiviruses. Avast and Norton is especially know for being oversensitive. I wouldn’t worry.
If this is Mangagamer’s version, then why do I have to change the Applocale?
I have no idea myself. I’m playing with the crack without changing it to japanese locale. I’m about 30 minutes in and the game is working perfectly.
Thank you admin for your work.
Will you upload ‘Planetarian’?
http://erogedownload.com/downloads/planetarian/ ,duh?
many thanks for crack
0. Install from the original game archives that admin posted a few posts up. If you have a pre-patched copy with that early workaround, delete sara.exe, data.xp3 and patch.xp3 before installing the crack.
1. Crack can be used by renaming it to a different file name, or by overwriting the sara.exe that came with the game.
2. Optional: UCOpgDlgRes.dll is part of the DRM and can be safely deleted.
Tested enough to get 100% CGs/scenes.
thanks for the fast work
i extract all files including the crack but it doesnt start why? i see only 3 windows with control and syntax error please help!
I do agree to some point and while I own a large amount of VN’s both digitally and Hard Copy from sites like J-list I find that for the shorter Nukige games like Secret Sorrow of Siblings I am starting to get over buying them and normally wait for a sale to pick them up.
For the longer story VN’s I will buy and buy a limited edition version if its announced like ef I have the digital copy but also brought the Limited Edition hard copy which comes out soon and for longer VN’s I even donate to the fansub groups that patch them. It is not that I do not mind reading the Nukige games but I rather the longer ones if that is the case. But I ended up buying Space Pirate Sara could not wait for the patch 😀
Also getting the limited edition hard copy version of Neko Para. Also if you do work for MangaGamer in any way I say release more Hard Copies or at least announce them at the same time as the digital release you will always get my money that way instead of waiting for everyone to buy the digital version and they say guess what here pay full price again for the hard copy…. That is all 😀
Thanks for understanding my points. No, I don’t work for mangagamer,but I understand they worked hard to bring these to English speakers so the least we can do is to buy some of their games back if possible. I am not a Saint who will say don’t leech it otherwise I wouldn’t be here. But at least support them by buying the games that you like. Also, I don;t like how the other guy assumed I work for mangagmer just because I told him to support them by buying the game. No, I don’t work for them!
take your points back to mangagamer and shove em deep
anon cracker if you please make working crack today please
best regards happy new year!
space pirate sara need jap locate the game need proper crack that is why anon cacker make proper crack
How can any cracker make a proper crack if you repack the game, replacing the original files with an incomplete workaround? It’s impossible to make a crack when the original is missing.
If you want a proper crack for this game, please revert the links to point to the original files and direct viewers to the workaround until a proper crack appears. If you revert the links, I might make a crack in 1 to 3 days starting from the time the links are reverted, otherwise do not expect me to make a crack as I don’t have the files.
Good day.
Original files are still up at:
SpacePirateSara.part1.rar – 200.0 MB
SpacePirateSara.part2.rar – 200.0 MB
SpacePirateSara.part3.rar – 70.8 MB
I updated the post with repacked ones since many people don’t know how to use cracks and end up either putting crack in wrong spot or not putting it at all, and they fill up comments asking for “product id” afterwards.
Its not a surprise. They had it on the project status page for months now. If you dont know , they have a project status page.
What’s this? They’ve started translating the good Lilith games? Am I mad? Is this all just a dream?
Here’s a walkthrough
Good ending:
Any combination of tortures (does not affect good ending)
Answer quiz questions correctly
1) T
2) 20%
3) 2
4) Red
Bad endings (3 in total):
Get at least one quiz answer incorrect
Choose one type of torture more frequently than the other.
100% CG:
Get the good ending, plus choose each of the torture types 4 times in the same game
Congratulations! You have won at Space Pirate Sara!
100% CG:
Get the good ending, plus choose one of the torture types 4 times in the same game. Do for each torture method.
There, now you really won.
Does this require walkthrough? If so can anyone point to one?
someone has a good guide of the game to get the good ending because they do not have to choose whether torture by order or have resolved well riddles?
Yeah, testing this SPS Workaround, extract the file from SPS Workaround archive (patch.xp3, data.xp3 and sara.exe), and.. It Doesn’t work..
Oh maaaaan~
It worked for me. The only problem is don’t do “Transfiguration” on any other day than the first. If you do the game will crash. Just got a 100% on it using the work around.
*yawn* another vn with a girl with ugly cow tits. I don’t get what other guys like about such huge tits anyway. Nice upload though 🙂 Thanks, even though its not my thing.
Sounds like someone has a case of the shut the fuck ups
So shut the fuck up, then.
Is this the same as the 4 eps ? I mean where the story actually exist in the off screen?
Crack: http://sukebei.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=1094812
Is there a direct download for the crack.
And has anyone tested this workaround?
Thanks admin. Two new VNs in such a short time. Christmas is good.
Thank you admin for this game happy new year
Thank you admin, but what about secret sorrow of the sibling?
Been waiting for that one for a while.
Or you can just create an account and buy it. It’s only $15. Eden Plus Mosaic is also on discount now for $15.
Piss off, mangagamer devs.
You do realize that without mangagamer, this game might never see the daylight in the US, right? The admin specifically post the link to the site so people can actually support the game by buying it. I don’t mean to tell you to buy every single games their store has, but at least give some back like buying some cheap games to keep some money rolling into mangagamer so they can keep localizing even more games.
Also, the guy I replied to ask for Secret Sorrow of Siblings which has no cracks nor download links yet. I just suggest him to buy it in the store for only $15. You do realize that these games ain’t really free, right? It’s only free because there are people who bought it in the first place then upload their own copy to torrent and there are those who work hard to make cracks for it. No need to get overexcited.
I do agree to some point and while I own a large amount of VN’s both digitally and Hard Copy from sites like J-list I find that for the shorter Nukige games like Secret Sorrow of Siblings I am starting to get over buying them and normally wait for a sale to pick them up.
For the longer story VN’s I will buy and buy a limited edition version if its announced like ef I have the digital copy but also brought the Limited Edition hard copy which comes out soon and for longer VN’s I even donate to the fansub groups that patch them. It is not that I do not mind reading the Nukige games but I rather the longer ones if that is the case. But I ended up buying Space Pirate Sara could not wait for the patch 😀
Also getting the limited edition hard copy version of Neko Para. Also if you do work for MangaGamer in any way I say release more Hard Copies or at least announce them at the same time as the digital release you will always get my money that way instead of waiting for everyone to buy the digital version and they say guess what here pay full price again for the hard copy…. That is all 😀
Get a life and get a wash mangacreep
Finally, thanks a lot!
THX ADMIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you are great, i love you 😀