The beautiful busty girl you defended becomes your slave?
She lives with you and has all the sex you could desire!
You saved a girl classmate and she devoted herself to you.
Not just at school but at home too, she’s always there. A life of two.
Master and servant. Your wish is her command.
Enjoy the lewd life with a girlfriend who makes you her only priority.
this is an uncomfortable time to chat in, but when I extracted the nekura.exe file, after entering, it keeps disappearing, even after switching regions to japan, it just disappears, I am doing this on a windows 10
someone pls reply
Your virus scanner is probably blocking it, you have to exclude the .exe file from your virus scans.
This is just my type girl, just have to Download, thank you for all the great available games
This game is great!
I want to have a wife like this, she’s super duper cutie!!
Sadly is hard to find girls like this…
Also… Small boobs are better than those… Erh… I don’t even know how to call that tits!! Too huge to my taste… Not that this matter…
Just a warning that the menus aren’t translated so it might be confusing to put it to full screen or change sound options.
I’ve been running this game with AppLocale for a while and everything was fine, but today it just doesn’t work. Syntax error after I’ve tried everything I can think of and restarted my pc twice.
Shows syntax error!?
these comments are frickin hilarious!!!!……..DOWNLOAD
how to download all..not buy ha2
is it uncensored ?
How To Save ??
Use Spaces Asshole
It does not work ! :/
You have to run it with Applocale in japanese or change your computers location to Japan.
Idk if I may like it…… download
i downloaded this but it won’t let me open the exe some crazy letters come up then it says syntax error, can anyone help me out with this?
Sounds like you need to set your applocale to Japanese. The details sometimes vary from OS to OS* but typically on Windows you go to Control Panel, something about Clock/Language/Region, go to the region and look for a choice that brings up a new window where you can find an administrative tab.
Once you’ve got that, look for something that talks about language for non-Unicode programs. It should say English at start for us English-speakers. Choose to change the system locale (you need to be able to do this as an admin) and go down the list to Japanese. Click on that, restart the computer when prompted.
Remember that in the future you may need to reset it to US English if you’re going to have someone doing remote access on your PC or something, otherwise they could look at a load of kanji gibberish they can’t understand.
*my bet’s that Windows changes the names and exact details to make it harder for you to find what to disable in a new computer. Not joking, I mean it.
Instructions (with pictures!) on how to change locale are also available on FAQ section (I guess, I should remove XP and Vista and add Win10 to list, but oh, well….)
i am a girl, and i am here for… research……. download.
May amai yuri wash away your inner fujoshi.
are there any other games from these guys Miel on this site?
anyone what to do when it says syntax error and does not launch from the start ? thanks
Control scheme for visual novel cannot read japanese.
How to save?
For those of you who don’t know how to save, it is at the bottom of the screen so go into full screen (just tinker around till ya find it, i believe it is a sub option under the second option with w and f)
What do+I need to open this game?
I mean I downloaded the game, extracted it, but when I looked into it I have no idea what I have to do to open the game. is there supposed to be an .exe file here that I’m not seeing or is it something else entirely?
Damn it, it won’t work,the game crashes with a “syntax error”
Does anyone knows how to correct this ??
I can’t do my research like this … ^^
btw I am on windows 10
thx to anyone who can help me
have a nice day (^-^)
not my type of VN . . . she might come cheap to me as a girl . . .
i do not want to be her kind but i want her kind of girls so……download -_-
I freaking love the comments here….. download
Having the same problem bro 😛
So… This is the all-ages version, right?
Yeah, you should play it in the living room, in front of your family..
hey how dou save in this thing? cant seem to find the save button
I take back my words…finally found it. AND i would just like to say………….
Unlike other vn’s this company produces, it gives off a really refreshing and cute way of the heroine.
Like Miyako from Majikoi but better!
Thanks admin
dude, could u tell me how u save?? everything but the script and main menu are in japanese….
God this comment section….. download
hmm… download
yay, more fun and addition to my folder……download
well this is maybe too simple ….. download
“Download” is the new “desu” …… download.
Whats wrong with you all…..download
Like Yume Miru Kusuri, but with less chocking.
well this seems normal, I guess….downlaod
Cant beleive that a guy would f*ck a girl who he had protected….Download
I miss the days when the Visual Novels released were telling a real story, dealing with meaningful topics such as Clannad, Sharin no Kuni, Swan Song, and Yume Miru Kusuri among other titles. Now the industry is just catering towards fulfilling people’s carnal lust. It makes me shy away so much that it makes me want to… download (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻
my eye
Well, this is nukige games, what do you expect?
just here to add extra comments, but still… yea going to do it…..download
just here to add extra comments, but still…..download
look at all these Hypocrites… download
I kinda like these types of vn, gives more space for some interesting stuff to happen besides the boring romantic stuff from anime or the tragic mess that other genre’s tend to bring in.
And at least it is not tentacles, guro or vore 😛
I actually liked this one a lot. The story was surprisingly cute and I really liked the sex scene that showed the actual sperm fertilizing her egg, since that is totally my fetish.
What’s with these comments? Yeah, it’s going to be one of those mediocre nukige but I don’t see anything in particular that would make me believe it is going to be a travesty.
Reminds me of My Classmate Is A Sex Slave… download
99% chance i won’t like it….. download
disturbing fantasy for weirdos with 100% chances for bad story telling….. download.
Well we could view this story from another perspective. A more realistic one. Nice guy with goals in life (healing cancer, bring world peace?) is seduced by a horny girl out of controle and ends up as a living sex toy. Humanity doomed. No, sorry I fail to see how the protagonist can be the sole villain in this kind of game when clearly both eventually find pleasure in beeing together but only one(the nice guy) has to sacrifice something in the end.
Found screen resolution problem when played in window mode.
Cann’t go to bottom line command.
Anyone know How to change screen resolution of this game ?
Check the upper left screen, and the second from the right.
(I have t use trial & error for this).
That really pops up with some games and I’ve never been able to figure out why, or how to fix it (besides going full screen).
oh this one….. download
Tried the game
Main Heroine’s voice is the same as Charles from Da Capo 3
I guess is time to unzip….. download
Is it XP compatibilty ?
Hmmmmmm….. looks good. Thanks you
as tempting as this is, i never play vn’s where the girls have stupidly over exaggerated breast sizes. It’s just stupid. Thanks though admin.
i’d say her breast size is normal for the plump girl she is.
Look again, they are grotesquely large.
That kinda depends on which image they show.
Some of them make the breasts look grotesquely large where-as others make it look like they are the right size for a plump girl. The worst offenders for making her boobs look that big are when she is fully clothed where-as the other pictures seemingly shrink her cup size a few cups.
Agreed. Her boobs size is just ridiculous.
Thank you admin. I had the game but in japanese so it is great to see it in english.
It kind of old fashion but i like it……download
hey, the heroine is quite cute ……download
intriguing but highly disturbing……..download(for research purpose)
This make me lol
I keep getting a blue window and a window that looks like ????????????(syntax error) and applocales not helping, what do i do to fix it?
you just had to break the chain >_> sigh…… (probably) download
Change to JP locale (http://erogedownload.com/faq/changing-to-japanese-locale-on-windows-7/)
Thank you it worked
Did this. Did not work for me. Language Bar reads “Japanese” but the moment I double-click the file, it switches to “English” for no reason i can determine and still gets the syntax error. 🙁
I’m getting this too, but on win10 and i already have my locale set to japan
do they have an installer/setup?? If there is, it needs to be installed 1st. Else try right click and run as admin with japanese locale. it might work
Its just an exe file, no installer as far as I can tell
Me too, does anyone know how to fix this?
in the same boat, win10 with Japan set for the locale and getting blue screen error.
anyone playing this on win10?
i found there is another place where you have to set the locale to Japan and that’s under the administrative tab, click on the “additional date, time, and regional settings” in the region and language tab.
Oh yeah! Another translated Miel VN!……. download
i know right, ive been waiting for another one since demoharem guild…download
sigh, another fucked up and sick nukige….download
Well….another master-slave type of vn….download
Sigh.. Another one of these…..download
sigh, this one’s story going to be fucked up …… download.
well, aren’t we only here for H-scene?……download
Can just google hentai pics if it was just for that.
It is a plus for the story and interactions.
i know this is going to be one of those rides…..download
i doubt this game will have dramatic event…….download
reminds me of a route in Yume Miru Kusuri ……download
You don’t know, it might have some vanilla scenes in it….. download
I love you… download
well thats girl is my type… download
Stories like this will probably haunt its viewers in their dreams…. download.