After defeating the demons, Orion Sun thought she could finally live in peace, enjoying her everyday life and love for Osamu, but she was wrong! The demons were still alive, and worse, their leader, Gildart, has now possessed the boy she loves, using his body to have their way with her! Who else will suffer as the demons run amok while she tries to save her beloved?!
say, is it possible to upload this game on a site with resume support? my connection is not stable so i find it hard to download a file that does not resume
the first time
anyone got a complete save file?
do you control the girl or boy in this game?
i keep getting SNX Error : -1
can anyone help? tried Dakula’s crack and Anon cracker’s still doesnt work..
How do I download this? e.e
To install this game you just need to run Setup install and substitute the icebody from icebody(crack)
when is the next game coming out its been almost a month
very good this game, would like to make a suggestion, could translate erogame otomini infinity.
crack where is it at…
A game called Yandere was Just finished Translated a few days ago
Thought you might not know
Was it intentional that the crack for the game is inside the “purchase the game” drop-box?
Nope. Fixed.
2 simplfy it wat program does any1 always use
I use winrar to unpack any multi-part packages i get from this site. simply select all the files at once, right click them and choose to extract somewhere. the program is smart enough to be able to combine files that get split over multiple archives. If the archive contains something like a .iso file or some other disc image (this game does not seem to use such a file), Daemon tools lite is good enough to create a virtual disc drive to simulate it.
I also use winrar, but I only open part1 then extract then the rest will follow through.
what kinda of program does any1 always use 2 open a game on this site I used B1 Achiver 4 1 and it worked but with this 1 it said it was broken olz help
Yo! any idea on when Monster Girl Quest 3 will get fully translated? i know its been only around 1 week since release but am kinda anxious XD
In a few months.
admin can you find this game
The Greatest Inventions of the Sexy Era!
thank you
Well, at least was a little bit fun to play…Btw, Monster girl quest 3 have been released, FUCK YEAH
Dungeons & Dolls in eng has been released take it admin!!!!!!!!!
well Downloaded this before being post here…… I’m just here for a walkthrough but…….. (Sigh’s)
Fuck you you mother fucker _|_
Fuck you, too.
well i did the harem party one and it worked with the min of fuzz.
i also tired the slave witch apirl one, did not work for me either got illegal message or it just flickers on and off real fast.
Okay someone needs to explain something to me:
These eroges and lots of hentai animes as well go through great lengths to establish what a well functioning penis the main character has. Then why-o-why is it that so many VNs and Hentais are about girls being gangraped and mindbroken?
I get that a cuckold fetish exists, but it is rare. The gangrape and mindbreak in japanese anime/vn however isnt.
What is going on in Japan that this happens? You’d think with the declining birthrates due to men being unable to perform they’d actually lean more towards harem material where girls tend to their every need?
The answer to your stupid question is that simply because there are more males than females who play these eroge and you have no right or to ask how their country works because that’s their country. Those who enter this type of business is trying to sell the product that sells most, which apparently happens to be this type of eroge and plus it’s just fantasy, so long as you keep that imprinted to your tiny brain then you don’t really have to worry.
Would a straight guy buy an eroge that only has females getting the guy gangbanged/mindbroken? Maybe but there are only a few who really wants the dominatrix of women over men. It ‘wouldn’t’ really give you the desired income if you really want to have few net losses.
Thank you!
Azzz another nukige
why Mangagamer doesnt translate some good eroge like
eushully stuff or baldr series
eushully stuff is nukige
Am I the only one who noticed that this game’s story is exactly the same as Taimanin Asagi’s?
Demon Hunter wants to retire with her beloved, but said guy gets possessed by Chief Demon that wants revenge on the heroine.
Then rape happens.
pretty much the plot of most rape games
hostage taken, heroine/hero gets rapped
Heya All,
Tried this out and it works just as advertised.
Thanks a bunch! 🙂
Proper crack made from the original game exe:
DRM removed, no modifications: downloadani.me/65xfojg094w0/orion_heart_lcsebody.exe
DRM removed, 100% CPU usage bug fixed (present in original game): downloadani.me/2nqbelqlr2p3/orion_heart_lcsebody_cpu_usage_fix.exe
Please ask MangaGamer to fix the bugs in their game, don’t make me, a cracker, fix them!
Usage instructions:
1. Delete the lcsebody.exe that came with your game
2. Rename orion_heart_lcsebody.exe (or orion_heart_lcsebody_cpu_usage_fix.exe) to lcsebody.exe. The game won’t work without renaming the file.
Make sure to run it in english system locale.
Try and support visual novel localization companies if you can!
Can anyone verify this crack?
It works fine
Is this just me, or is the autoadvance function not working. I’m using the crack in the 4shared link above, btw.
Works on mine but anything lower then under max speed it seems to take forever. To test if it works try setting to max speed and start auto. If that works just find a speed you like.
Seems like this is a sequel or some sort? Did mangagamer translated the prequel?
That was my thought, so I did a bit of research, and no, this is definitely a stand-alone, there is no prequel. Just a stand-alone with more backstory than usual I guess?
Orion Heart has light novels that was published in Nijigen Dream Magazine. The loss of Orion crystal are also explained there.
thanks! I really appreciate you uploading and maintaining this site!
I just fapped a lot. Thanks Admin.
got it to work. just copy icsebody (application) from magical teacher and replace with the one in orion game folder. then rename the other two files in the orion game folder: (lgt file and file) icsebody1 into icsebody and then run the app file. it should work. in order words you should have the icsebody app file replaced with the one from magical teacher, and change all other files (2 others)from icsebody1 to iscebody.
This works, thanks!
I keep getting an error window:
“This program is illegal. This program is terminated.”
Will attempt to resolve and update (if I can remember)
As far as I can tell:
Using the crack from “Conquering the Queen” will require you to rename “Icsebody1.lst” and “Icsbody1” to “Icsebody.lst” and “Iscebody”.
Using the crack from “Slave Witch April” will not require renaming of the Icsebody1 files.
The “NECEMEM.SNI is not found.” arises due to this renaming issue. I have yet to resolve the “This program is illegal” issue.
Failed: running as administrator.
Failed: running with win xp service pack 2 and 3.
Failed: reinstalling and attempting cracks again.
Failed: using SWA icsebody.exe
Failed: using Conquering the Queen icsebody.exe
i tried all these cracks, game starts up but soon get error msg to close the game any ideas?
Yeah it doesn’t work with those games’ exes. Magical Teacher does the tric, though.
sorry i spelt lst as lgt. but it doesnt change anything. just follow the instructions itll work
I am hereth to save your souls from not having access to fap material. Simply copy the lcsebody.exe file from Harem Party into your OrionHeart folder, then rename the lcsebody1 files to lcsebody.
Run the lcsebody.exe.
above method does work so far, using harem party exe and renaming the 2 files.
2 people have it working and im terrible at explaining, someone else take over
There’s no Icsebody1.exe in either SWA or OH, only “Icsebody.exe”, “Icsebody1” and “Icsebody1.lst”
the icebody1 crack from slave witch april currently works. Just opened it up and have not played the entire game yet
Is what i said :’-(
well I just tried with lcsebody1.lst and it doesn’t work for me, can you upload the file?
4shared link slightly above, or you can wait for admin to find it.
and you want .exe
Huh, slightly above? I don’t see anything. And yeah I don’t that lcsebody1.exe but I can run slave witch just fine, I’m getting confused here.
then, should I rename file lcsebody1 to lcsebody1.exe? or I just merge it without rename?
Uses same crack (lscebody1.exe) as slave witch april. get from there and enjoy.
Nope, it doesn’t work. It says the program is illegal
You put crack in game folder and ran lcsebody1.exe? not the old lcsebody.exe
I took lcsebody.exe from Slave Witch, put it in this game’s folder and ran it (replacing this game’s exe), doesn’t work. I don’t see any lcsebody1.exe in April’s folder.
Strange, wonder what crack im using for that then.
hope that works and admin can get it.
Not touching 4shared with a 10 foot pole. I’ve tried all the combinations of the 3 files + the CPU fix (which is also a crack) for slave witch april. No go.
It works great thxx 🙂
Actually, I tried it out, dakula’s link works fine. Although, one may need to register to download tho.
You DO realize that proper crack has been linked in main game post long time ago?..
You’re replying to comments made in first few hours after game have been uploaded when there was no crack yet.
i took the lcsebody1.exe one but is still asking for the identification code, also tried to copy one lcsebody1.lst, still the same thing
sry my bad it was not .exe
Works for you also then?
boring troll
Anyhow thank you very much for uploading admin
Nice Game! Ty
tysss wil wait for crack again
Nice, ddling right now.