Watch the female executive of an evil syndicate be taken to the limits of shame!
This is the story of the revenge by a man this former executive once stole everything from.
This story is told from the eyes of Yuu Saito, a space investigation detective with a mysterious past and a grudge against Misleet. Behind closed doors he tries to break and demoralize her after she is captured by a rookie chief space detective named Fio and imprisoned in a space investigations HQ.
He has to break her in before the space police escort reaches earth. His plan is to destroy her pride and turn her into a sexual “commodity” before that happens. Complete domination and torture will be the evidence of his revenge! He won’t give her to the police until she’s totally dominated!!
Misleet isn’t the only one being defiled. If she gets in the way then you can also choose to give the new space police detective Fio a taste of sexual ecstasy!!
is there any other eroge besides this or Rance… where we rape people who is more evil than the mc
after a long time I’ve played this game… I still kinda hope it got sequel continued from one it’s good ending, a revenge against the other boss… but well, the other boss is a dude so there’s no way it gonna have sequel… *sigh*
After extracting the files and clicking on the exe file I get an error message with some Japanese text at the end similar to the previous post made on March 13 2016. The weird thing is that when I open the rar files in winrar and run the exe file directly from there, it runs fine but I am unable to save since I can’t modify the rar file.
So I found a weird workaround to the problem.
1: I extracted the files from part 1 and 2 and got a file called “MissLeetPrison” which contains the .exe
2: I zipped up the “MissLeetPrison” file again and created 1 new .rar file, I called it “MissLeetPrisonZipped”. This new .rar is separate from the original part 1 and 2 .rar files.
3: Open the new .rar file in winrar and tun the .exe file directly through winrar, do not extract them into a folder, simply double click on the .exe and it should play.
Whenever you exit out of the game you will get a message saying if you would like to update the .rar file always click yes as this will keep all your progress and saves.
Hopefully this helps
I hope I can get some help too my problem, so I have extracted the files but every time I click on the exe file to play, I get this message http://imgur.com/0cD0VOF can anyone help me?
i successfully downloaded the game and it can run, but the english text when shown, it always cut a bit of the below portion of each line. i can’t fully read the text this way, does anybody knows how to solve it?
For some reason I can get everything to launch and work fine, but after a minute or so this game always crashes.
Any fixes for this or am I just doing something wrong??
Any help would be appreciated.
For some reason I can get everything to launch and work fine, but after a minute or so this game always crashes.
Any fixes for this or am I just doing something wrong??
Any help would be appreciated.
Could someone upload save file ? 🙂 would be great
>Part2 is corrupted!!!!! UWWWOOO, please change it, admin! QAQ
Double that!
Part2 is corrupted!!!!! UWWWOOO, please change it, admin! QAQ
File 2 is corrupt sadly
PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! UPDATE THE FILES!!!!!!! X__X THE SECOND ONE IS CORRUPT!!!!!!….let me explain it better….every time I try to unzip the files….I get the same error as every one else!! @-@
(Ohh By the way, could you recomend me some good titles from this company?)
Well, can someone please reupload part 2, it is corrupted. You guys could add recovery to prevent this right ?
I’m having the same issue, when unraring the files, one of the files is currupt. the process finishes, but when i try to run the program, a japanese error message shows up. i think the problem is with part 2, is there a fix for this?
MissLeetPrison/Misleet/program files/lilith/LBK-30041/data.xp3 – CRC failed
That is what I keep getting…everything else is FINE, like seriously fine. I made it so the program would unrar files that were broken hoping that that would work but it didn’t… When I open the actual Miss Leet in Prison game, it pops up saying something in japanese that I cannot copy and paste here and a big red X. Halp pls
part 2 is corrupt
Something wrong with the file?
I was ziping at 60+% it say file is broken.
I tried redownloading but it’s still the same.
I followed the instructions in the comments and I still can’t run this damn game. Can somebody help me out?
please reupload this, everyones complaining about part2 is corrupted (data.xp3) thing, reupload the whole thing again
Google is your friend.
I’m just wondering how many people miss this ending.
(Good Ending)
Use someone else
Physical humiliation
Accept her cooperation
Sexual slave
Pls fix part 2 pls
part is 2 corrupt please fix it
Part two is corrupted, please fix.
MissLeetPrison\MissLeetPrison.part2.rar: CRC failed in MissLeetPrison\Misleet\program files\lilith\LBK-30041\data.xp3. The file is corrupt
part2 fails CRC- check, can you please reupload admin?
yes please
part2 error in extraction
please upload the part 2!!!
i really want to play these..
the second part is coorupted please repost thx
It tells me that the file is corrupt.
And when I follow the set of instructions provided in the comments, it still didn’t work, netting me messages that say “????????????????????”.
What should I do to fix this?
I already tried this day, Part two is still corrupted. Cannot be extract
Download both of them off RS instead of Ani.me, no CRC.
And what does “RS” stand for?
Just to let you know, Part2.rar file has a corrupted data file in it. You might want to fix that.
Please reupload part 2 as it is corrupt.
Part2 is corrupted. Reupload, please.
part2.rar is currupt for me ill try downloading again but admin please reupload for me just so if this doesnt work
Yup, it seems like part two is corrupted, I followed the instructions provided by other people and it stills does not work. it gives me a “??????????????????????????????????”
Hey I’m having trouble saving, every time i click on the save slot my mouse changes to a curser and i can’t do anything but go back with the escape button.
Can anyone help? XD
Awesome share. Its not available almost anywhere else…
This is censored one?
stupid question here.. but what is the game directory? xD
i can install in jap but even when i put the pacht at the right place LBK-30041 folder i still run in jap plz tell what i am doing worng
I am using windows 7 64 bit home premium
Well i did install it using setup
Then i just copied what inside the Missleet eng patch
to the folder inside Miss leet installed programs
And it works
i hope this advice help some people
(install it then copy paste the patch file inside it)
It looks like mediafire part2 is removed.
I think i have found the 5th ending for this game. albeit *spoiler* it is CGless, have credits at end(the other is commodity) and it is most probably the best possible ending outcome in this game.
choices to take
2. Use Someone Else
1. Physical Humiliation
1. Accept Her Cooperation.
2. Sexual Slave.
this should net you the 5th ending.
This ending also nets you addditional merits. The True Name of Our Main Character
Can anyone help me i cant to find a way to get the third ending.
Civtor posted how to get it
Loved. This. Game. Justifiable rape, if you ask me… except for the unfortunate detective.
Anymore like it? I tried Gang Rape Club but the translation was so terrible I felt like lobotomizing myself with a rusty spoon, so I deleted it 3 minutes into the game. Also played Prison Battleship. So… yeah, basically, any other dark games like this?
Eroges like this? Try any Lilith game.
@Seven Points On Ten
If you’re talking about Eroges with high sexual content, then there’s plenty, try one of Lilith’s or softhouse seal games
Also one of Black package try’s games if they translated any…
You might aswell play Cat girl alliance, hot shit.
Oh, I know there’s plenty of nukige here, I just meant more rape themed games. And preferably where the rape feels justified.
2. Use someone else
1. Physical humiliation
2. I’m all right by myself
1. Fertilisation slave
after the cg event in the street you now get a new choice
1. Somebody was here?
You have to get the other 2 endings first tho.
It worked. O_o I always thought that the “Someone was here\It was my imagination” choise should appear _instead_ of normal forth choise, so when I got that choise I thought that I’ve failed and immediately started new game to try out another combination. I should have guessed thet after getting that ending where Yuu-san runs away (which is by the way the true ending of this game in my opinion). Thanks a lot for the tip, I can finally finish this game.
yes… it really works… but I didn’t go all the way to the end ’cause… Fio is nice and a good person… I got a feeling of righteousness inside me 😛 and the reason why I played this eroge is because I want to release my anger with wht happened to Yu in Soul link… the evil person in this is almost the same as the one in soul link though that one is more lewd and “BREAK” my favorite character so much… and Yu is almost as same as Fio soo~~~ NO WAY MEN… X3~~ Lolz but it’s the truth though so… good bye this game so that I would never would try at a later time just to see wht happened to her… T_T
I can’t get this third ending too.
Could you guys using the gamefaq’s guide give me a link to it? Thanks in advance.
Use someone else
Physical humiliation
I’m all right by myself
Fertilization slave
And I’d thought I’d done everything. Either I missed this the first time or it doesn’t unlock until the other 3 endings have.
In the actual files it says:
; ◆条件分岐 小◆
; ※判定は、条件分岐 と条件は同じです。
; これまでに「疑惑ポイント」と「特殊分岐スイッチフラグON」が?
; 2以上かつ「特殊分岐スイッチフラグON」 ⇒s_19b
; 1以下もしくは「特殊分岐スイッチフラグ」OFF⇒s_20a
[if exp=”f.giwaflg>=2 && f.tokuflg==1″]\
[jump target= *S019b]\
[if exp=”f.giwaflg<=1"]\
[jump target= *S020a]\
[if exp="f.tokuflg==0"]\
[jump target= *S020a]\
Where S019b is Fio's route and S020a is the normal Fertilization route.
Other 3 endings? i have tried all possible combination and even started from a new game and i only get *from the gamefaq walkthrough* the “Sex Crazed Ending” and the “Commodity Ending”
i cant seem to get the choices of “Somebody was here? > It must be my imagination” to get fio’s end and the failure ending… guess ill try writing the choices i make one by one for reference.
I am also missing those CG’s and can’t seem to get them even though i have tried all possible combination of choices. I have read the walkthrough in gamefaqs and no matter how much i try i can’t get the “Broken detective” ending that i am missing for those CG’s… If anyone could help i would appreciate it.
was anyone able to find the 5 cgs in between the pregnancy one, i tried every path and i still cant find it or trigger it
nvm finally found it
how get it ?
I’m also interested. I’ve been starting this game again over and over, tried, I think, every combination of answers possible but just can’t get into Fio’s root. Maybe there is some catch? Like what savegames you do, or how much dialogue you skip? I have the 100% save but it’s no good, becouse I don’t want to only have the H sceens, I want to read all. If anyone have a savegame made right at the beginning of Fio’s root, please zip your “savedata” folder, upload it on mediafire (for example) and post a link here.
uncensored or censored?
i bet it is the second one.
?! Hm, well, yes, CG’s are censored. I didn’t knew there were uncensored version. So this bug only shows up in censored version?
the route… but it’s not by me… 😛
1. I will personally
1. Physical humiliation
2. I’m all right by myself
2. Sexual slave
(Sex Crazed Ending)
1. Fertilization slave
(Commodity Ending) – This is a True Ending of this game as it is the only one
after which the credits play.
In order to get sex scenes you missed on the first playthrough:
2. Situational humiliation
1. Accept her cooperation
1. or 2. You will geet the same endings as above depending on the choice.
Start from the beginning:
2. Use someone else
1. Physical humiliation
2. I’m all right by myself
1. Somebody was here?
(Broken Detective Ending)
2. It must be my imagination
(Failure Ending)
I would actually say that sexual slave choice is the good ending… just watch how it end and you know what I mean… :3
mmm… just 4get wht I said XP
U missed out one ending where Fio chased the main character. It is the only good end of this game i think where misleet gets broken and wooden face escape with Fio chasing him through space.:)
not really missed it though… just different name ’cause that is the ending that I like the most too
the main menu is in eng but all the options are still in jap… =/ so i can’t tell but is there a skip button and where is save? i found auto but thats about it, but i definitely need the save button at least lol, thanks
oops sorry about that i found it… i was playing on my netbook in window mode so i guess it cut off the bottom of the screen, but after i put it in fullscreen i found them. once again sorry for that
Nvm i got it, you don’t have to even install it, after you extract it just go to program files inside it and just keep going til you reach the game application and just copy the eng patch in there