To counter the declining number of childbirths, government decides to activate a plan. All schools across the country will enter contests against each other. The losing school will be shut down and its students will enter the service of the winners. Thus re-igniting the spirits of the lost young generation and hopefully producing healthy couples capable of childbirth again.
The protagonist realizes that this is his chance to realize his dreams and makes a grand plan. First he “acquires” the help of the goddess of fertility, allowing his children to grow up in weeks instead of years. Then he starts leading the fight against other schools and “collecting” girls to grant him superior children on the battles to come…
Gameplay is divided into two modes:
Global mode plays like an adventure game where you talk, date and have sex with your followers. There is a minigame to make babies and also the simulation part is here as well in which you configure your troops and select which school to attack next.
Arcade mode is where you lead the contests and fighting against rival schools. Leading your hero, who doesn’t have any special powers at the start and making yourself a team with the mothers and children, who actually grant bonuses to mothers and special powers to you.
MinnaDaisukiKozukuriBanchou.part02.rar – 200.0 MB
MinnaDaisukiKozukuriBanchou.part03.rar – 200.0 MB
MinnaDaisukiKozukuriBanchou.part04.rar – 200.0 MB
MinnaDaisukiKozukuriBanchou.part05.rar – 200.0 MB
MinnaDaisukiKozukuriBanchou.part06.rar – 200.0 MB
MinnaDaisukiKozukuriBanchou.part07.rar – 107.6 MB
During the sweltering summer months, this jug is the perfect option for serving your favourite drinks including water, mixed drinks, or fresh juice. It has endearing hand-painted chequered-weave patterns that will undoubtedly win your loved ones over. The blue textured textures give the design a little of depth and complexity.
To enjoy your favourite drinks with everyone at the dinner table, pair it with saan ceramic tumblers from the same line.
Great gameplay.
Nice art.
Ridiculously long and boring h-scenes (‘cept maybe for Roboko’s).
Here’s my pointer list, enjoy:
Use Banchou pts for love and, once love meter is at least almost full, for baby making (beating the fertilizing stage w/low love is a huge pain so don’t even try).
Push 4 button on your gamepad to use special move. Best moves are those of Sayaka and Ouka. Best girl for me is Airin <3 (cute + Nerine voice).
Impregnate girls as early as possible. Stat raising is unnecesary. Get all endings in one run. Grind for B.Pts before final boss.
There's h-scenes for loli and grown up Ishtar and your imouto as you make more kids.I think.
So I was still having the yes/no error after following the crossed out lines.
I changed my PC non-unicode language to Japanese and the error went away. Hope this helps.
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do the instructions but I says on the window that pops up that it can’t find the BIN file. I am following the steps.
anyone help me im always crashing whenever im executing the application
Um.. the batch file is a of a tractor. Is it supposed to be that?
After downloading the game (on Windows8.1) and extracting it started up perfectly but suffered multiple problems like pop-up window that appears every 2 min, and then not starting after the first time… well, tried to do the ‘new method’ (the one that doesn’t have a line going through it) mentioned in the “Minna Daisuki Kozukuri Banchou installation help/problem solving” link posted above, BUT, the new file to download is replaced by some .pdf file that’s a manual for heavy machinery, obviously it didn’t work.
Read on this page somewhere that on the “…installation help/problem solving” link even though the first method has a line going through it it’s still possible to download the “Remove DRM” file and to follow those instructions anyways even though there are new instructions. Don’t follow the new method, follow the method with the line going through it.
As mentioned I had more than one problem affecting me. After following the first set of instructions, under the set of instructions without the line going through them there will be a line that starts, “Issue #2: Missing text/lines…” ALL THOSE, everything that starts with “Issue #…” AND “Not an issue #…” STILL APPLY. In other words those are good info in case you are having minor problems (after doing the ‘Remove DRM’ thing) which more than likely you will.
A little bit of a hassle to get this game up and running in good condition but as far as I’ve played, well worth it.
OK, so… This has at it’s core an actual game, just think something like bayblades only you battle people. The game is the thing you will spend most of the time on, the VN takes a back seat. It’s not bad, I found it fun as a good little time waster, but honestly I find Bunny Black a much better RPG/eroge game to spend my time on. I haven’t beaten Bunny Black but it’s damn addictive so far, there’s been many a night I told myself “I’ll hit the sack at 2am tonight, no excuses” and every one of those nights I look out my window to see the sun peaking out the horizon as I silently curse myself under my breath.
If you get a DirectX sound error forcing you to disable the sound, open C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Anastasia\みんな大好き子づくりばんちょう\SYS3REG.INI and change “Sound=0” to “Sound=1” then run the game again. Seems the game has issues detecting DirectX, but it only tries to detect it when the game is first run, and can utilize DirectSound just fine. The detection software can’t, but the game can. This occured/works on Windows 10 64-bit.
I recently transfer this game from one PC to another am Having problems getting my old saves. When I search for it at the virtual folder it is not there. Can Anyone help me retrieve my save files for this game as I have an ongoing playlist for this.
For any who still come across the pop-up window with yes/no every couple of minutes, I found the 1st option (crossed out at the top) on the problem/installation link still viable. Simply follow the steps as instructed up to number 4. Download the Remove DRM.bat but make sure NOT to store it in your game data folder (TickTack). I kept mine just outside the data folder and executed it with no problem. It may work from your download folder or wherever (I didn’t test other locations) so long as the .bat reports that \1 file moved\ you should be fine like the instructions state.
The second or recommended option on the problems link is dead, possibly available in the later posts (I didn’t check) but the option above should suffice.
For some…
I followed you instructions but on step #2 I copied and paste the name “TT_Remove_DRM.exe” to the crack, followed through the instructions and the “Remove DRM.bat” when ran gave me a ‘file path not found’ message, did it 3 times, same thing. Then I deleted the crack name that I copy and pasted and this time TYPED IT IN MY SELF. This seemed to do the trick cause it worked and NOTHING else had been changed but now I got the message about ‘1 file being moved’. So, thanks!
Hey guys,i want to askevery time i play this game it’s always popo up and very annyoing and i already see problem fix and the web already expired so i need new advice from u guys!!! please help me
can anyone help me fix this error please.keeps pooping up every 2 minutes or so.really annoying during battle.I have the crack and remove.bat in my folder.but its not doing a damn thing.and also @slippie the link for remove.bat from forum is dead.when I apply remove.bat its saying crack.exe/TT_remove_drm.exe/ isnt recognised as internal or external command.move sys3rk.bin
system cannot find the file specified.admin please help.
Please, I heard that Sylphietta, Roboko and Moeko are DLC characters. Are they included in this download? Thanks.
Bruhz. It works just fine. As do every game I download off here. All I did was extract and run the app. I occasionally get some pop up in Japanese, but I just click it away and continue to play
hey i already download it but i cant play it, when i click resume or begin show it crash, how i supposed to be do
i download but when i extract part 5 and 6 some part error crc i can still open exe but theres always pop up and i cant go to setting. i already follow every instruction but no use
crc error = part didn’t download properly. Check the filesizes of files and re-download the broken ones.
anyone can help me?
i’m already download the file n extract it.
but after extract, i’m didn’t fine file named SYS3RK.BIN.
so, after i’m run remove DRM.bat
cmd say \The system cannot find the file spesific\
sorry for the bad english :'(
same here i cant find that too
If anyone still needs the remove.bat, go to the link to the forum at the top of the comments here. Go to the last page of the thread there. Someone posted the file, and if you can’t get the fix to work, follow that person’s instructions, it worked for me when nothing else did.
this game can be play on windows 8 ?
The link for the file Remove.bat is no longer active. Can someone be kind to upload again? I’ll be giving just one more try on this one.
this eroge just made me JEALOUS…FTW…
Hi, well i come for the same thing than the guy before, can you reload remove.bat, is not available, please!
the remove.bat is unavailable, can reupload it please?
Does this version have the characters from the Tech Gian Edition?
The game is working great for me and is very fun but i can’t find a save option anywhere in it could someone please tell me where to find it this is driving me nuts
My game won’t start…
I’ve already add both exe and crack to DEP list but message sys3ini.bin followed by kanji keep pop out…
What should I do?
It looks like folder c/user/…/appdata/local/anastasia is not there???
What should I do???
Thanks a lot…
can someone tell me why the text is all messed up and why can’t i save/load the game?
and there is a pop-up message every time does anyone have any solutoins on this?
i can’t play it well.
Hi! For those who gets nothing everytime they press the exes, all you have to do is add them to the list in DEP ..
To get to DEP (Data Execution Prevention), press the windows icon in your taskbar, right click on \Computer\ then press properties .. An alternative route would be going to the Control Panel then clicking System ..
To know that you’re where I want you to be the window needs to have the \basic information\ of your computer (i.e Windows Version, System, Rating, etc. etc.) .. Look for \Advanced System Settings on the LEFT side, then click it ..
A small window will come out with the title \System Properties\ .. Under the Advanced tab, clicking on the settings of \Performance\ will bring out another smaller window with the title \Performance Options\ .. Choose \Data Execution Prevention\ on the far right and select the second circle which has \Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select\ on it .. After you do that press \Add…\ and find the .exe of the crack and the game .. If it works then either you messed up following or I messed up instructing ..
P.S. You need to do this again everytime you move the game to a new location ..
For mine…..text didn’t show property and even I cannot save…too
nice game.. thanks for the game admin
I can’t get the game to work. I click on the running file, and nothing happens. The \Uninstall\ file doesn’t work either.
I’ve tried running as Administrator, I’ve set my locale to Japan (it’s been that way for a while), I’ve deleted all the files and re-unzipped them (It keeps saying that it can’t create an output file by the name of the game). I have no idea how to fix this.
Is there a fix, or should I just scrap it?
the text don’t show properly well.
it makes me guess the conversation all the time.
my guess: i will live there in the next two months
the real text : iwi lllive ther ein then extt wom onths.
thanks in advance for your help
cant download part 6
How do you unlock all the goddess’s scenes?
Used Jap Locale from HF. Worked like a charm. Np whatsoever.
Used JapLocale from HF. Worked liked a charm. Np at all.
I tried all the ways to fix the random pop up box but none of them work.
I did beat the game with the box popping up at random times it is possible to do but kinda annoying lol.
And for some reason the link to the forum posted leads me to a way to fix what is suppose to be this game but it mention Tick Tack is that right or is it sending me to the wrong section of the forum?
Also thanks for the games i love this site.
there is a new method posted on that page however the first step is to DL some file but when I do it I open the file because it’s a .pdf file and it’s some manual for heavy machinery, complete with schematics. I think the admin’s have finally had it with the same questions being asked and are fucking with us.
uh hello,while i’m extracting the file
i got a message that say
MinnaDaisukiKozukuriBanchou.part05.rar: CRC failed in MinnaDaisukiKozukuriBanchou\DATA4.ALF. The file is corrupt
is it normal or no?
can you do a walkthrough for this? :3
Is anastasia the only character you get in NG+ ?
thank you for the game admin.
the characters are all crooked and shit, plus i cant save without the game lagging out
does anybody know how to get the baby/love meter access for roboko, sylphietta, and otohime? everytime i beat their school and go to the home menu it’s not letting me access their love meter but it says its at 0%. I just don’t get it.
i think they doesn’t have one, only baby making.
it’s already english, otherwise admin won’t upload it here,,
THe game still asked me of those japanesse text box every second even after I did the fix listed on the forum
is there a reason why ? fix ?
hi, anyone knows how to save in this game? i cant seem to find the option to do it
the textbox is asking if u want to keep playing LOL
Hey can I get some help pls? I keep trying to play the game but when I click start or anything else a box appears and when I click yes the game freezes and when I click no it closes the game. The box is in Japanese so I dont know what it is saying.
I keep getting this box that comes up in teh middle of game play, if I say yes it dissapears but comes back, if I say no it closes the game. Anyone know how to fix?
Anyone got the walkthrough of this game? 😉 I was wondering how do you get the remaining CG for “Angelina Ishtar” adult version.
there’s no need for walkthrough, it’s easy to get 100% of all CGs, for angelina ishtar, there’s one CG for little ishtar, and one CG for adult ishtar, and there’s one cg she sitting with whole family,,
I have the adult and little and family but I and still missing two of Ishtar’s cg
Hello guys!!! I would like to ask for some advice. I can play the game normally but after playing for a while, a text box pops up that is in japanese language. there are yes and no choices and when i select yes, game continues and if no, it closes.
Also, I am having problems in saving because the same thing happens- when i try to save, some partially in japanese text box pops up and then the game won’t load any further. I cannot save the game.
Anyone knows how to fix this problem?
Same problem I encountered, if I click yes the game keeps running but if I click no (i think thats what it says) it closes. what’s going on?
V.english plz
This game is awesome but pretty short. fun it is. thanks admin.
keep the good work.
I swear to god, the lengths to which I go to get my erogames to work…
Those still plagued by the error message, and crack not doing a dang thing heres my method: (modified from earlier post)
first get the Remove.bat from here http://erogegames.com/eroge-visual-novels/eroge-tech-support/2668-minna-daisuki-kozukuri-banchou-problems/
then follow these instructions:
In most cases you will see an Yen sign instead of “\” Backslash without marks.
But don’t worry it doesn’t matter, just use Backslash or Yen. Important you mustn’t mistake a Backslash for a Slash and the second thing is you can’t copy and paste the text bellow.
1. push the windows button
2. type in cmd and click on it or simply push enter
3. Now you see C:”\”Users”\”YourUserName>
(if you game is in a different folder from C: like say D:, just type D: and hit enter on the command line. This will open the D directory. After that follow the next step)
4. type in
cd C:”\”Users”\”YourUserName”\” [the file path your game is in]“\”MinnaDaisukiKozukuriBanchou (Easiest way: the file location and click once on the address bar. You can can copy and paste it to command line, just remember to add the “cd” before the address. )
(example: C:”\”Users”\”ExxE”\”Downloads”\”MinnaDaisukiKozukuriBanchou)
use your Enter-button.
5. type in Remove MinnaDaisukiKozukuriBanchou.exe -> enter
This will prompt the windows to use the remove tool and it is FINALLY FIXED PRAISE THA LORD!
Agh, forgot to add:
After you get the Remove.bat from the address I provided, you naturally need to put it inside the game folder you are using.
(because otherwise the command line has no file to use for the command 😛 )
admin, thanks for all the awesome games¡
but, could you please find Kyonyuu Fantasy in english
I take that before you can see it clearly now, but I get English subtitles pure scribbles
:'( :'(
thanks for the game but I came a little problem, how do I want to play only the audio of the game I have ….. help!! :'( :'(
I mean I have only the sound but not the images of the game, I mean I can not see anything, only heard but not seen :'( :'(
works fine… as always 😀
works fine… as always
Does anyone know here the solution for the problem in not having sounds?
when i try to download it it become wrong IP what does this mean?
this kind of interesting. maybe I try…..
I’ve got he same problem.
My game crashes every time i try to save even tho I’m in window mode. I can save once but every time after that it crashes, i can load after going trough a few error messeges so i guess that a plus.
yeah pleas help i have the same problem…. -_-
I solved my problem by changing some language options.
GOTY 2013!!!
Seriously whoever came up with this games idea….mindblown.
Admin=God. Many thanks.
the game always error when i try to save, why??
help please!!!
Thank you very much for this game 😉 It looks interesting. I will try it right away XD
the game doenst run for me in full screen , when i switch window to full screen i get black screeen… any solution?
I don’t know if this happened for anyone else, but something really wierd happened to me. When I started the game, the NG+ extra characters were already unlocked for me straight from the start without having me beat the game already. Did anyone else experience this?
Thanks very good game. I really like the \visual novels\ that are not read-only
This game is god damn awesome i had so much fun playing it
Thank you very much admin
Very fun and humorous game, my only problem was the lack of “storymoments” and “endings” for the “extra/dlc?” characters.
Can’t get this to run, both the game exe and remove drm exe just crash before loading. Surprisingly this will run on wine when I switch to linux.
I’m using Windows 7, what could be messing this up.
Admins had done it again thanks for sharing !
you guys ROCK!
The game is wrong in many levels but that what makes it interesting, nice animations with a unique game play ~
over all its a VN worth while
Great Job guys~
oh about the errors in this game here are some tips about them:
*Your PC must be in Japanese Locale
*From time to time there is always an error message that pops out(probably because of the appends), don’t bother it just click Yes and you’re good to go
*If the game freezes (rarely happens) just minimize the window,(if you play on a window mode just switch it to full screen,sometimes that fixes it).
hope it helps
Oh I’ve seen the forum. It’s fixed now. It’s a bit laggy in fullscreen but it might just be because of my PC
Well this game is short, finished it in a single day. Good game though.
Alright. Found here’s to remove the DRM for this. Not sure if I’m allowed or not to, but I’ll post the link to 2 files you’ll need to be nag-free of the DRM. (and with instructions :D)
1: Download the two things. There isn’t a virus, but feel free to check them anyways like I know you will.
2: Rename the game’s folder to: TickTack
3: Put both files in the ‘ticktack’ folder.
4: Use the .bat file.
5: Re-rename your game folder and play.
If you still get the nag DRM, you screwed up and do it again.
And yeah, the ‘forums’ has the same stuff, but I didn’t look at it until afterwards.
So consider this sort of the lazy road instead of going to the forums to look for it. (easier instructions too)
For anyone with the popup problem: go to the eroge forums (linked on this site) and look into the tech support forum. Someone has uploaded a .bat file that will apply the crack correctly.
Any cheat engine tables for this one? It seems that the addresses are encrypted.
i got the pop up with yes or no freezeing the comp but to my surprise my ne laptop on win 8 seems to working for it until it crashes tried running admin and maxing the speed stil not worken plz help
Beat the game again on new game +(there’s a new battle too). When you get to the end, there will be a new option of ending. The Home option. Choose it.
i am missing three cg/one scene (the last one) from the godness …. anyone know how to get?
Thanks for this.
Shame it only lasted about 6 hours (with some text skipping) for 100% CG, since you can easily get all endings in one playthrough.
I’m having the pop-up problem too. I tried with increasing the text speed to MAX but it doesn’t work. Even running as admin doesn’t work.
Any ideas?
thanks as always admin.
question: does anyone know when mangagame is going to release “EROGE!” ? thx
Set read speed to MAX and run as Admin (win7). that fixes the bugged text breaking/overlapping and the error window with the yes/no.
also try to not skip too much or it may crash
no japanese local needed
is there any gameplay in this one?
why crack not working?
The crack doesn’t work for me.
The text is full of artefacts and a pop up appears often.
Some one could help me?
Why there is pooping in the game japanese word and you can answer yes or no?
Lol, I click on the first download link and what’s the captcha?
“uaediti fertilizing”
It must be a sign 😛
Whoa, this got translated?
Admin, I fucking love you.
If I was homosexual I would propose to you.
Thus, I must settle with honouring you through…
But yeah, thanks for upping this.
but… if you were homosexual i think you wouldn’t be interested in playing this game
well he wont be playing THIS game but he will surely play the yaoi games on this site
the game is isn’t working for me .. crashes before it even starts .. using windows xp + jap locale .. just extracted and playing it, its doesn’t need anything more right ? any ideas ..
Seems like AVG is detecting it as some sort of virus, unknown classified as identiy protection. Will run then exit out and AVG will delete the exe.
Kyaa~! finished downloading dengeki strykers,.
Haven’t fix the problem with kamidori though :'(
Well Thanks for a new one Admin 😀 even though i’m new haha..!
Ok I’m going to need some help on this one.
First off, the Menu bar at the top of the screen is Japanese. How do you save?
Secondly I’m getting graphical artifacts. With applocale set to English there are black lines inbetween all the text. In Japanese mode, text in parentheses and narration look fine, but text that I’m assuming should have quotation marks has garbage on either end.
I have the same problems.
Any help would be great.
as I can’t get rid of the annoying pop-up, I kinda gave up on this game until a fix for it happened. but to answer your question, the save/menu for those options is on the bottom, move your mouse to the bottom of the screen to make it appear. (can’t do it in battle) as for your other error, I am not sure, I didn’t encounter that problem. Just the stupid pop-up
wait a fix for it came out? cuz the message keeps coming up with yes and no option 🙁
and it freezes the game sometimes
one does not simply play a jap VN without jap locale…
I play without AppLocale just fine .. All you need is Japanese settings in your computer and you’re all set ..
Keep getting these error messages that has me either press Yes or No when I play… is that normal? not really a big problem but its annoying T_T… it shows up every minute or two! how do I fix?
i got the same problem its really annoying
thnx…been waiting for this game
well it got fixed increasing text read speed to MAX and running as Administrator, no japanese locale needed.
need help, cant seem to get to the endings since the game freezes after the fight with the mayor, any ideas?
Am I the only one having problems with downloading the 2nd part?
never mind. Sorry for the trouble
This looks quite interesting, thanks as always Admin.
admin… do have any tips or walkthrough to complete the game
and save some time from playing it :DD
it’s a big help if you give us walkthrough
THIS SITE IS SUPER AWESOME!!! thanks a lot if you have any walkthrough
I’m not an admin but I can tell you this… you don’t need a walkthrough on this one its so easy that you could finish this in half a day…
100% in 6 hours. Yeah, no walkthrough needed for this.
This plot.. My god, it’s amazing. I MUST PLAY THIS NOW.
what font pack does this use?
Thx for help Richard Delancy, but your explanation is quite undetailed, so many guys don’t get it. I try to explain it as simple as I can.
In most cases you will see an Yen sign instead of . But don’t worry it doesn’t matter, just use Backslash or Yen. Important you mustn’t mistake a Backslash for a Slash and the second thing is you can’t copy and paste the text bellow.
1. push the windows button
2. type in cmd and click on it or simply push enter
3. Now you see C:UsersYourUserName>
4. type in
cd C:UsersYourUserName [the file path your game is in]MinnaDaisukiKozukuriBanchou
(example: C:UsersExxEDownloadsMinnaDaisukiKozukuriBanchou)
use your Enter-button.
5. type in crack MinnaDaisukiKozukuriBanchou.exe
now you did and its working fine. Just say thx if it solved your problem.
Thx for help Richard Delancy, but your explanation is quite undetailed, so many guys don’t get it. I try to explain it as simple as I can.
(can’t post Backslash without the marks so forget the marks everywhere in this post).
In most cases you will see an Yen sign instead of “\” Backslash without marks.
But don’t worry it doesn’t matter, just use Backslash or Yen. Important you mustn’t mistake a Backslash for a Slash and the second thing is you can’t copy and paste the text bellow.
1. push the windows button
2. type in cmd and click on it or simply push enter
3. Now you see C:”\”Users”\”YourUserName>
4. type in
cd C:”\”Users”\”YourUserName”\” [the file path your game is in]”\”MinnaDaisukiKozukuriBanchou
(example: C:”\”Users”\”ExxE”\”Downloads”\”MinnaDaisukiKozukuriBanchou)
use your Enter-button.
5. type in crack MinnaDaisukiKozukuriBanchou.exe
now you did and its working fine. Just say thx if it solved your problem.
For the executable “crack.exe” to work, you need to give the current folder as argument.
Is crack.exe safe? Anti-virus detects it as a trojan called Virtumonde. False alarm?
thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saving game impossible, every time i try to save the
game freezes!
Anyone have some advice?
errr, the thing is…
I changed locate to japan, clicked on the game and a pop up appeared with just the “OK” option.
I then changed the location from japan, clicked on the game and i’m running it just fine, except for the overleaping text.
was it supposed to happen?
oh, and I can only play in the fullscreen mode, no idea why…
go to the erogegames forum and look at the tech support section and you’ll have the solution.
i do it like Richard Delancy said, but nothing is happening… oh well, i can live with the pop-up
A frigging pop-up keeps appearing every second. It’s unplayable.
Does anyone know a solution?
To get rid of the DRM do the following steps
1. open Command Prompt
2. Type cd What the file path your game is in
3. Type crack MinnaDaisukiKozukuriBanchou.exe
You may or may not need the .exe at end but that’s how I got it to work.
thanks for this. Game is still working the same with that pop up every minute or two though, also the crack still didn’t do anything/it just kinda pops up and shuts off immedately without doing anything. I am wondering if there really is a solution, but this was helpful at least~
disable the Data Execution Prevention for the exe doesnt work, any ohter ideas?
why is it there is all these people asking for help about the pop up issue, then they say “oh nevermind its fixed” but don’t tell anything to the others also trying to fix the problem T.T
Is it possible to get an english patch only link please?
I already have the game and I can’t use the provided download links as I have no premium account (and 2 gigs on a free account is too slow :s).
How do you save in this game? The top menu is still in japanese, i don’t understand a thing.
its on the bottom. move your mouse to the bottom of the screen.
I have that pop up error too, but none of the “fixes” work so far, nor do I understand all of them.
Garibaldo says:
March 25, 2013 at 5:51 pm
Hi disable the Data Execution Prevention for the exe it should work ^^
how do I do that?
Be In*
Just scroll your mouse to the bottom of the screen.
doenst work either… the game just turn black screen,
Hello when I press any of the executables the game just crashes… “ARCGameEngine has stopped working.” This i all I get I tried running has a admin tried using applocale and even turning my pc into japanese nothing worked. Could someone help me ?
Hi disable the Data Execution Prevention for the exe it should work ^^
much obliged
how come i havent heard of this game being translated?
Anyone has any idea of the translator?
ARCGameEngine has stopped working.
Game crashes both using japanese localte and applocale…
So yeh…
Admin ur my Hero!!! im getting bored playing WOT so tnx for this nc post!! you are our savior!
Okay, here’s the rundown:
The pack uploaded here is not working properly. The Crack.exe included simply doesn’t work, as it doesn’t turn off the DRM, which in turns makes annoying pop-ups appear at random intervals. The game is still playable, but I would hardly call it enjoyable, I’m looking into solutions right now, I’ll be back if something turns up.
having the same problem and my crack.exe doesnt seem to be working can someone upload the cracked launcher please
is this censored?
Yea it is.
Admin I must say I LOVE YOU (not in that way)
A walkthrough would be great.
So I’m trying to play the game and every few minutes there’s a popup in Japanese with yes/no options. If I hit no the game closes, but if I hit yes the game continues but the popup still keeps happening.
Anyone know what this is and how to fix it?
+1, halp!
Nvm, solved.
just execute Crack.exe using the command prompt and paste the game directory.
Same it too. But the file crack.exe doesnt seem to be working. T_T Anybody help me!!!
Thx i fixed mine just drag the crack exe
what do you mean by drag
“Data is broken. Please reinstall the game.
Yes \ No”
If some of the text doesn’t appear, try upping the message speed. Worked for me.
admin can you give the walkthrough
Apparently you need to do a few things to get it to work. (At least for me anyway with a windows 7 home 64 bit).
1. Japanese Locale – region and language settings. Something you should do by default for every japanese VN out there.
2. On the application/exe of the game, right click – run as admin. Should give you a popup window with a few checkboxes. It’s japanese but basically tells you that you may need to change your settings due to the error of the game. It gives you the option to choose all 3 solutions that automatically adjust the game – 1. set game on 16 bit resolution. 2. set game on windows mode. 3. i couldnt understand what it was.
Press okay brings you to another popup. For the screen size pick the second check box (not the full screen option), and pick 16 bit resolution. Confirm and the game options should change to windows mode and 16 bit resolution, which lets you run it. If you need a screenshot I can try but it’s working for me 🙂
I don’t know why but I’m not getting the popup winder when I start as an admin
I can’t install it. if I try to play it directly I can’t save
My brain just wants to keep calling this “Battle Bumper cars for the sake of baby making”…sorry I just had to get that out lol. That aside runs fine on my computer I do get that repetitive error message mentioned by Urruah but thats it
Admin i love you
The game is showing a strange text format that seems to cut out letters. What’s up with that?
I take it back, what is happening is the text is overlapping for some reason. How do I fix that?
Just a tip to help others. Once you have the girl, do not bother getting love up to 100%, the first map to get her pregnant is very easy if you know what to do.
. Thats the blocker set up more or less. Ignore the upfront one, and the side ones. Go for the middle two, you can go at an angle. Get the up weight and speed at the beggining, and with very little skill you can get it in a few tries (Only spend 10 points per baby making attempt. Also once unlocked, make use of the dojo. Only main hero = 40 points per very easy win, and its repeatable, infinitely. Use the points to buff up, get ending, etc.
holy shit! it’s here..! thanks admin!.. may the ero god smile upon you!
i start it up and hit begin show and the it goes to the next screen and a message pops up. the text is all random and it has a yes and a no button at the bottom. if i hit yes the error message goes away but the game freezes and doesnt let me click on anything and stops responding. if i hit no the game closes. im at a lost on what to do.
ARCGameEngine has stopped working.
It happens immediately, just by clicking the EXE.
I am most definitely in Japanese locale so don’t bother with that ‘fix’.
But seriously someone please help, I’ve wasted two hours both downloading and trying to get it to work, don’t let it be for nothing.
Also having this issue. Any help would be appreciated.
Having the same problem. Tried running as admin, didn’t help.
…it is time to pull …..
now then …. it this to pull ALL NIGHTER AGAIN~~~~
Every couple minutes I get some sort of error message popping up. If I just hit ‘yes’ the game continues playing and if I hit ‘no’ it quits immediately. How do I make it go away?
please answer this guy same problem
and the admin said upon his children “LET THERE BE PORN”*angelic chorus* thanks admin
Wow nice update, downloading as I type, This is why i’ve been coming to this site for so long 🙂
Although I’m not too happy with the downloading site.
Thanks Ivan.
Love U ADMIN…. Damn really like this website.. but admin mind to post walkthrough for this game if got.. thanks
I looked for the H-ANIME of this and could not find it do you know the exact name of it?
I also looked an had no luck finding it does anyone have any idea on how to find it ???
It doesn’t exist guys. Loquerz probably just mistook it for something else.
I think i figured out what they mistook it for its called Honoo no Haramase Tenkousei – Flaming Impregnating Transfer Student.
Its basically about a boy who wants to take over the world by making as many kids as possible
Thanks I have already seen that one though I did really enjoy it.
Try running in japanese local then
wut why im getting garbled text? already tried running it with applocale
No.1 yay thanks admin
Admin, I just gotta say: YOU’RE AWESOME!!