This game is not part of the official Rance universe timeline, forking off after the events of Rance 4.2, as a “What if” episode.
The prelude starts with Rance leading a band of bandits in rural Helman Empire. The Imperial Patrol crushed his band with overwhelming force, and captured his slave, Sill. Rance fled to the borders of Leazas where he was rescued by Kanami, personal ninja of Lia, queen of Leazas.
Eager to take revenge upon Helman and rescue his slave Sill, Rance agreed to marry Lia. As the new king of of Leazas, Rance set his first step on a path that eventually leads to world domination, or death.
thank you
the intro and every cutscene keeps on moving fast…how do i fix it please????
motherfvker, so many sex scene, yet so many death!! so many losses!! been losing a great number of commander at first try and even the HAREM girls!! (fvkin Mars The Great!!) IM FAILED TO SAVE SILL AND SOUL!! RICK AND WHOLE RED ARMY ALONG WITH ROYAL GUARD, IS EVAPORATED BY “FLASH!” > restart system, start anew, been preparing to beat creator mode, been stalling at the demon realm scenario where only kayblis left and im not attacking him, simply farming for event, and gold to reinforce troop (need later for god door) > my second game is decent, been preparing to kill the fvkin whale, but the goddess of destruction slowly melt miki down, holy crap!!
That’s a story!
Guess after I’m done beating bunny black 2 on a higher difficulty, I’ll play this, and THEN I’ll play Sengoku Rance.
ok gan, i will try to play this.. i think old game nicely too (have unique picture) thx for share this game.. it’s work!
Rich -> Mary’s House -> 3rd choice
is not working
well it works for me, Lei death along with mary, the next turn Sieg will come as reinforcement
all Temporary Levy in new walkthough is gone
because of that i can’t get event to defeat lei
Been Updating the Walkthrough in Alicesoft Kichikuou Wiki’s
only missed the Sill encased in ice CG, anyone know how to get it?
Comandeer = Temporary Levy
as for miki u don;t need to use special skill her nuke is just normal attack (with chance of decreasing max hp to 50% and destroy all troops)
no New Game + for this game so u need to get CG, let Rance Die (Game Over)to get every CG
i’m not sure, but i think i got the Sill’s CG in ice choosing the chaos option while you prepare to “fight” against the whale..
someone change the Walkthrough
is there anyone have old Walkthroughs ?
is there anyone has SpoilerAL ?
anyone know how to use miki properly? I use wait many times and i didn’t see any special attack menu.
It’s a glitch, i don’t have that issue for the japanese version.
is this game has New game + ?
This game is just. …. wow… on of the best I played, the history, the character, etc etc. This is in my opinion one of the true endings of the Rance Series.
This game is a jewel !
I’ve waited for this so long!!
The what if- ends!!
what kind action this :
Zeo -> Force
Red -> Negotiate -> Top
Red -> Cell’s Church
When you attack a place you will usually get an option to either force or negotiate. After you negotiate with Red, you can select Red once it is under your control, and Cell’s Church will be a choice along with levy and bolster defenses.
Thank you
That’s how it mean
music does not seem to work.
same here i dont what to do here
Wes >>> ; Commandeer
Zeo >>> ; Force ???
read the guild in http://alicesoft.wikia.com/ i dont get it
Red >>> ; Negotiate >>>>; Top
Red >>> ; Cell’s Church
Lazeal >>> ; Negotiate Attack *i dont find any Shangri-La in the map -___-
i dont how to Negotiate there no pup up or something like that
or what is Commandeer is the guild is so miss up >.<
Commandeer is another way to say temporary levy wich allows you to pillage a town (you get items, money and girls).
Holy shit this got translated?
what kind action this :
Leazas Castle -> Commandeer
i didn’t know how to use it
Does anyone have a full complete walkthrough without unhappy ends???
The one on alicesoft wikia is a bit messy and not based on this translation….
I get an error program can’t run because _INMM.dll is missing :<
there is a inmm.exe in the folder just run that.
admin i want to ask why mangagamer Obscene Medical Records of a Married Nurse in eroge download.com site?
So wait, did you translate this game? You are the greatest admin… ever… of all time.
I’m not the one doing the translations. I’m just picking stuff from odds and ends of the web and posting them in one place. Read readme.txt included in game archive to learn about actual translators.
And you seem to be doing pretty good. Thank you very much.
How do I save Sill in time? The walkthrough is incomplete.
you need to conquer Volgo Z before 4/01/3
Some of the soft limits are:
To rescue Soul, it must be done by 3/08/3
To rescue Sill, it must be done by 4/01/3
To rescue Fuuka, it must be done on 4/01/4
Will you be uploading d2b VS DEARDROPS -Cross the Future-?
It came out last week and no one has uploaded it yet.
Is this standalone?
Do we need to play the prequel(s) to understand the story?
Rance 1-4 will help a bit to understand some of the characters, but are not entirely necessary. Most of the characters in KR are new anyways, or at least when KR was made.
Thank you, good sir.
Stupid question, but how do I start this up? I guess I need to have the actual game? If so, too bad I guess. XD
The admin only posts full games, so you don’t need anything more than what you can download here. Unless you don’t have anything that can extract .rar files.
If you don’t, install 7-Zip (there are other programs, but this is what I use), and open the .rar with the 7-Zip file manager. Click the extract button and extract.
This one doesn’t need to be installed, but if you don’t have _inmm.dll, you need to install that. Instructions are in the readme (it’s really easy).
Derp, I recently had to reinstall everything on my laptop and I guess I forgot to reinstall something to extract rar files. Thanks, Kiriko.
anyone got a 100% cg save file?
walkthrough pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee
try alicesoft.wikia.com
Will d2b vs Deardrop be uploaded here ?
I would also like to know.
Woohoo! I heard great things about this one! Classic game!
More rance series sensei >.<
Does someone have a complete save for this game? I have tried to find one but none has worked because of different version.
GREAT man! I love Rance series. RANCE! 😛
Nvm XD ignore me, found out problem. Link works fine. Thank you admin. Lookin foward for next \stuff\