A collaboration fandisk celebrating the 5th anniversary of OVERDRIVE, featuring a crossover between Kira☆Kira and DEARDROPS. Riho watches Kirari and Shouichi’s overseas performance on TV and sees that Shouichi is enjoying it more than before. She wonders if she would be able to beat Kirari. At that moment, she never thought that she would have a chance to do just that.
Do you play as a guy or as a girl?
Thanks :3
I bought the game because I was such a huge fan of the previous OD games, but this one was a disappointment…NO Ost gallery tear*. Lolz I hope OVERDRIVE meant something more at the ending and hopefully I can see another continuation
It ain’t working it’s just crashes whenever I start the game and says like about the author of the game
Finally! I’ve been waiting to play this for so long! I would have bought the game myself, but mangagamer wouldn’t take my debit card… I loved Deardrops and Kira Kira so much that I was eager to throw my money at them this time. But they didn’t take it…
But now I can finally play it! Thank you!
why i’m not hearing voices? anyone?
that was a good one but too bad they only added 1 song…
when i play d2b vs deardrops english mode, my laptop cpu suddently overheating itself. it just my laptop or the soft was broken? tell me. thanks.
Please Upload Fault-milestone one-
cause when i read the summerary it’s look like amazing game i hope you upload it a soon as possible
thank you for reading my request
I’ve played kira kira but haven’t play deardrops yet
should I play it first before trying this game?
Yes, you should, otherwise, you will not undestand half of the story.
Admin, can you please upload this VN “Harajuku Dating Paradise” ? Because I’m looking forward to play this VN. Sorry for the Trouble and Thank you for you attentions.
I literally cried when I saw Kirari… Admin, God bless you!!!!!
I loved DearDrops, and this doesn’t seem that expensive, so I think I’ll actually buy it from Mangagamer this time around
ahaha he’s still crossdressing, poor guy.
there IS a 18+ version of this game but i dont think it will ever get translated xD
That’s incorrect. There is no 18+ version of the crossover, only of the original games. This is basically just a super long fan-disk to follow up the true route [Riho’s route] of DearDrops.
Does this game have multiple endings or what? Was not able to find info on that anywhere and no walktrough.
I think it’s a kinetic, dude.
I don’t think this is a VN with routes or anything like that. Just one ending.
I am rather interested to know where the story picks off; ie. which routes I should play on KiraKira and Deardrops for a continuous story.
I think I once heard it continues from Chies route (KiraKira) and Rihos route (DEARDROPS) but I couldn’t find any confirmation for this. This would also mean that Curtain Call is considered purely a side story and has nothing to do with this crossover, correct?
I don’t really want to spend dozens of hour going through the routes I don’t really need for a continuous story since my only objective is to play this crossover.
If anyone would be so kind as to elaborate I would be grateful.
In Deardrops, finish Riho route.. That’s the main story of DD however, I think you also need to play Kanade’s route because there are parts of the story which are only answered on her route.
In Kira Kira, I don’t know how to answer you because the story of Kira Kira’s ending is different. In this cross over Kirari and Maejima end up together and alive but in Kira Kira game, Kirari died.
Uh, pretty sure there were 2 endings for Kirari route, one where she dies, and one where she survives. It all depends if you selected all the positive choices towards her or not.
I can confirm that there were two endings for Kirai.
She doesn’t die in the true ending but leaves Japan to become a big star.
There’s also already a fan-disc for Kira Kira which among other stories continues her route.
thanks for this game admin
There isn’t though :/
I like h-scenes when they aren’t weird and out of place. For instance, the all ages version of Konosora completely botched Ageha’s route.
I just don’t think they’re necessary here, didn’t mean to sound hateful (English isn’t my first language).
Ugh, I was replying to KazukiNanaLover.
Anyone else having issues with the sound where the voices are playing in slow motion? Any ideas how to fix?
Should I play kirakira before this? I played deardrops, but my first attempt at kirakira felt kinda dry.
Why, thank you. I never thought someone would like me that much, but I’m taken already =P
Of course now I’ll have to play Kira Kira and Deardrops again. Oh, woe, such misery, etc etc, I’m sure I’ll muscle through somehow.
why the game crash? can anyone help me?
Pretty sure there’s no such thing as an 18+ version of this, but nonetheless, thanks so much for letting me finish the whole Kirakira and Deardrops saga…
There are two, 18+ versions actually.
1)Deardrops with Cross the Future release 2 released 2012-04-27
2)Deardrops with Cross the Future Overdrive Archives No.2 released 25/07/2014
Why 18+? I do not know. Though the Archive version is marked as “Fully Voiced”. What that means in comparison to the original game, again I do not know since I never played this title.
Think those releases are 18+ because they include Deardrops, which is 18+. D2B vs. Deardrops is the same version as the stand-alone release, and is always all-ages.
Am I the only one having issues with the download? It seems to crap out partway continuously and I’ve tried restarting the DL many times. Using IDM too
Thanks a lot Admin!!!
Why all ages why.
Can’t they have a threesome or something?
Better all ages than plagued with crap h-scenes completely out of character for everyone.
Wow, I can just feel the hate oozing from that sentence.
I haven’t played Deardrops, yet, but I really liked Kira Kira and the H-scenes didn’t add all that much. They almost kind of distracted from the feels, really. So I have to agree that this be all-ages is probably a plus.
Out of character for everyone? Don’t try to use the rest of us to justify your broken arguments please.
All ages =.=
Who cares, I just want to see more of Kirari!
Kirariii~ hauuuu~
I love you Admin
Thank you I was waiting on this one since some time now
keep up the good wwork and thanks for all your work
God… I love that series and FINALY i can grab this 😀
I was waiting for this! Thanks!