I am Tachibana Eiji, a regular transfer student. Everything was going fine at my new school, but I was in for a shock one day when I discovered the class president Rumi and my classmate Natsuki having sex in the school infirmary! Not only that, it turned out that Rumi was a futanari – a hermaphrodite with something between her legs I wasn’t expecting to see. That evening when I got home and got a call from Rumi to come and meet her, I knew it couldn’t be good – but the first thing she said was, “won’t you join us?”
According to her story she’d been a futanari from birth, and because of this had an unquenchable curiosity regarding the ways of sex. She’d gotten to the point where having Natsuki as a sex partner wasn’t enough… she told me she was planning to train our classmate Shizuko as a sex slave! Shizuko, a neat freak famous for her disike of her male classmates, had let it slip to Rumi that she was secretly very curious about sex as well…
Faced with no other options, I had no choice but to accept Rumi’s request to join her and her comrades in their erotic schemes… and from that moment I was bound to these cute and “ecchi” kitties in their catgirl alliance!
Can anyone explain what the note in the omake folder means by “less masayoshi”? Google says masayoshi means justice/righteousness but I dont know what the switch will entail from that.
Also, funny how they reuse some background from their former games like come see me tonight.
Sound Wise there are only 4 songs that play, which will loop quite often but you can get used to it or play your own quite easily, and there is this odd whistle that plays when the actors say an inappropriate word, which comes off comical next to the oft poorly (or if you are like me, completely not) censored text and scenes.
Sadly basing the entire story around sex makes room for little character development, and alongside the blatant use of the short story bits as filler much in the same way CoD games are padded leaves the story feeling thinly spread.
but they are contrasted wildly by the central character and guide of the story, Rumi. Rumi takes a sort of Dominating and active stance between the 4 characters, in control of the action from start to finish often showing that catty attitude with much aplomb, which can be a bit comedic at times.
But if you aren’t the kind that can be turned off by a nearly non-existent story, some silliness, or bland stereotypes then I can wholeheartedly recommend you pick up a copy of Cat Girl Alliance, the art is well drawn, the voice acting is spot on, the H-Scenes are often, and the tropes that bind Shizuko and Eiji together play fairly well together, my only regret lies with the cat-like leader Rumi, Her(hir?) hermaphrodite status is only used a hand-full of times, which is disappointing considering she is one of the more unique characters I’ve come across in Eroge VNs.
TL:DR Edition: if you aren’t turned off by a nearly non-existent story, silliness, or bland stereotypes its not a bad pickup for its genre.
The 1-Click link has expired
Is there anyway I can fix the screen size? I click to go fullscreen and it just that tiny window when in window mode with just black space around it.
i cant extract these files it says there “SPLIT ARCHIVE IS NOT SUPPORTED”
can anyone here know how to extract bgm soung from this game cat girl alliance….
for those of you who came here looking for a good game with a nice story unless you’re new you should know this is a eroge a sex game a porno what ever and most eroges don’t have good story lines only sex scenes if your looking for a game with alot of sex and great story line im gonna have to say monster girl quest part 1 and part 2 (part 3 is being translated) so dont go looking for a eroge expecting something with a great story
While it’s mainly true, you can’t really say that no eroge has good story…
Cat Girl Alliance? Might as well call it the dick girl alliance, since I have yet to see any cats in this
Looks good. I’ll have to try it next. Also, is there any chance that I could get Neko No Hime? Thanks!
it says i need a pass to extract it, where can i find it? Thanks
I’m having a problem with the files being corrupted as well. Mainly the ISF and GGD in part 2 and ISF in part 3. Any solutions?
im using winrar to download this i have no idead what im doing please help
after u extract and create thye file folder. open it and open KonekoUS application file. u may have to clicki the set up first it depends on your computer
Anyone know if this is already translated and have an uncensored version?
Is anybody else’s antivirus software telling them that konekous.exe is malware and is a threat to their computer? Because mine is saying that. Even though I initially downloaded it weeks ago and it didn’t say it then…
it says “please insert dics”, what is d problem?
So before I decide whether or not to download this, can someone tell me if the Futanari girl does anything to your character
Rumi does a couple things to you. I’ve played about 2 1/2 hours, and she’s given me a blowjob two seperate times. I don’t know if she’ll use her penis on me, but the chances are pretty slim. She used her penis only twice so far, both times on Natsuki’s ass. It seems that there is no sex, other than anal, at least for now. She mentions that her and Natsuki are virgins, and that they’ll work hard to protect Shizuko’s pussy as well. A little dissapointing, but oh well, I’m still gonna play it, just hope there’s no yaoi with Rumi’s little brother, that would really ruin the game for me…
is link to part 3 broken?
never mind i tried the download link again and it worked
nice game btw
It says i have to insert the disc? why is that?
Thank you ^^
hey the last part can’t be downloaded
maybe it’s broken ??
can u check it if it’s broken or not
does it work on psp?
Hi all i have a problem TT
When i click on the link, that open a white page and….nothing happens.
If anyone got a solution,for starting the download i take any help^^
try using Internet Download Manager
I’m getting a “Wrong IP” message when I download, can any body tell me how to fix this?
I loved this game! I played it for like….4 days straight XD….and finally finished it..I loved it so much! Some of the art made me mad, because the figures were not anatomically correct (I.E. the stomachs, bust to hips ratio—ect) But over all, I loved this game! Thank you for putting this up! :3….I’m also VERY determined to cosplay either Masoyoshi or Rumi XD///Natsuki’s hair would be too much of a bitch to do..(Does not have the large tits…so Shizuko is out XD…) But uh….Thank you so much, again! C:
im not getting any voices saids it doesnt support it could some one help me
Ok… so the downloads themselves are not extracting. What?
when i load it up it says: game cannot start
any idea whats wrong with it plus when i try the setup it goes through every file saying it does not exist
anyone able to help?
How do I play in actual fullscreen? It just gives me the same tiny window when I pick that option…
So, when I try to run KonekoUS I cant an error that I cant use the connected ISF file, and if i try to use the setup, it tells me that the KonekoUs.exe doesn’t exist. Any help would be much appreciated
when i try to extract part 2&3 it says they’re damaged
anyone know why?
if the size is not 204,102 kb then your download failed. redownload. all parts is working for me.
Is anyone else having trouble making this full screen? Every time i choose the option it stays the same size and just puts a black border around the edges of the window. Any help is appreciated.
im having trouble, when i download it, it just opens two pictures with adobe reader. is there some software im missing or am i doing it completely wrong
any help will be much appriciated
Where can you find the soundtrack to this game I’ve looked but could not find it
hmm think i will try this one even though futanari freaks me out a little o well try new things that what mama always said
im missing 1 scene and 1 cg its th 60th cg fom left to right and the 44th scene any idea how you get them ive tried following a guide under the assumption its from rumis route as her cgs are around that area any idea how to get them
its trigger if you do ending 7 in the walkthrough
Mmm It Says Thg System Does Not Support ADCM Files So There’ll Be No Voices I’m UYsing Window Seven Does Anyone Know How To Fix This??
are there anyother futanari eroge on the website please
try koihime musou the game its self dosent concentrait on the girls that are futanari but they have a fair amount of hcgs if i remember corectly ther is about 7 hcgs with futanari also heres a walkthrough for the game also i should mention its a battle game and by that i mean at parts in the game u have to fight aganst an army with yours but the battles are easy so u shoud be able to get by quicly and when u play the game agin for all endings and cgs u can skip the battles.
* Harem End obtained after all other routes are cleared
* In Base Phases characters can be chosen in any order as long as you stick to the guide
* Should giveall CG’s and scenes
Rinrin/Chouhi Ending
1st Base Phase
Base Phase exit
2nd Base Phase
Base Phase exit
3rd Base Phase
Base Phase exit
4th Base Phase
Base Phase exit
5th Base Phase
Base Phase exit
6th Base Phase
Base Phase exit
7th Base Phase
Base Phase exit
8th Base Phase
Base Phase exit
9th Base Phase
Base Phase exit
10th Base Phase
Base Phase exit
11th Base Phase
Base Phase exit
12th Base Phase
Base Phase exit
13th Base Phase
Base Phase exit
14th Base Phase
– Select any option
Base Phase exit
15th Base Phase
Base Phase exit
16th Base Phase
Base Phase exit
17th Base Phase
Base Phase exit
18th Base Phase
Base Phase exit
19th Base Phase
Base Phase exit
Shuri/Shokatsuryou Route
From SAVE2
Think of Shuri/Shokatsuryou
Aisha/Kan’u Route
From SAVE1
12th Base Phase
Base Phase exit
13th Base Phase
Daikyou & Shoukyou
Base Phase exit
14th Base Phase
Daikyou & Shoukyou
Base Phase exit
15th Base Phase
Daikyou & Shoukyou
Base Phase exit
16th Base Phase
Base Phase exit
17th Base Phase
Base Phase exit
18th Base Phase
Base Phase exit
19th Base Phase
Base Phase exit
Think of Aisha/Kan’u
Harem Ending
From SAVE3
13th Base Phase
Base Phase exit
14th Base Phase
Base Phase exit
15th Base Phase
Base Phase exit
16th Base Phase
Base Phase exit
17th Base Phase
Base Phase exit
18th Base Phase
Base Phase exit
19th Base Phase
Base Phase exit
Think of everyone?
1st battle (yt):
General: Chouhi, Strategist: Kan’u, take as much “light” as you can, use
spearhead formation – charge, and use Ougi when you can.
2nd battle (yt):
Everything as in 1st battle.
3rd battle (yt):
Stay alive for x (15?) days, general: Chouchi, strategist: Shokatsuryou,
take as much “heavy” as you can and use the Double Eclipse formation –
intercept, use Ougi from time to time.
3rd battle – continuation (yt):
Do what you want, you can use tactics from earlier.
4th battle (ata):
General: Chouchi, strategist: Shokatsuryou, take as much “heavy” as you can
and use the Double Eclipse formation – intercept, use Ougi from time to time.
Try not to take much damage, you’ll need troops later.
5th battle (ata):
Survive for 10 days, general: Shokatsuryou, strategist: Kan’u, enemy uses Ougi
every 3 days, cancel it with yours. Take as much “heavy” as you can, use
Double Eclipse formation – intercept.
6th battle (En):
Reduce number of enemy’s troops to 15000 in 15 days, general: Chouchi
(or Bachou), strategist: Shokatsuryou, take as much “heavy” as you can, use
Double Echelon formation and intercept. Enemy’s ougi is reducing damage to
half and inflicts (very) small damage to your troops, charging time: 5 days.
7th battle (En):
General: Chouchi, strategist: Shokatsuryou, take as much “heavy” as you can,
use Double Echelon formation and intercept. Enemy’s ougi is reducing damage
to half and inflicts (very) small damage to your troops, charging time: 5 days.
8th battle (En):
General: anyone, strategist: Shokatsuryou, take as much “heavy” as you can, use
Double Echelon formation and intercept. Enemy’s ougi is adding some troops to
her army, charging time: 4 days.
9th battle (Gi):
You can’t choose general nor strategist. Take as much “heavy” as you can, use
Double Echelon formation and intercept. Enemy’s ougi incrases attack for 1 day.
10th battle (Gi):
General: Chouchi, strategist: Shokatsuryou, take as much “heavy” as you can,
use Double Echelon formation and intercept. Enemy’s ougi increases attack
for 1 day.
10th battle – continuation (Gi);
General: Chouchi, strategist: Shokatsuryou, take as much “heavy” as you can,
use Double Echelon formation and intercept. Enemy’s ougi stops our waiting for
Ougi time for 1 day.
11th battle (Gi):
Reduce number of enemy’s troops to 5000 in 5 days, general: Kan’u,
strategist: Chounn. Take as much “light” as you can, use “spearhead formation
and charge, use Ougi at the beginning of the battle.
12th battle (Gi):
General: Chouchi, strategist: Shokatsuryou, take as much “heavy” as you can,
use Double Echelon formation and intercept. Your ally will help you every
several days.
13th battle (Gi):
General: Chouchi, strategist: Shokatsuryou, take as much “heavy” as you can,
use Double Echelon formation and intercept. Your ally will help you every
several days.
14th battle (Gi):
You can’t choose general nor strategist. Take as much “light” as you can, use
Feint and Ambush formation and charge. Enemy’s ougi stops our waiting for Ougi
time for 1 day and increases enemy’s attack. Your ally will help you every
several days.
15th battle (Gi):
General: Kan’u, strategist: Kouchuu, take as much “archers” as you can, use
Inverted Wedge formation and fire. Enemy’s ougi stops our waiting for Ougi time
for 2 days, but it won’t work on Kan’u :3
15th battle – continuation (Gi):
General: Kan’u, strategist: Kouchuu, take as much “archers” as you can, use
Inverted Vedge formation and fire. Enemy’s ougi stops our waiting for Ougi time
for 2 days, but it won’t work on Kan’u :3
16th battle (Go):
General: Chouchi, strategist: Kouchuu, take as much “archers” as you can, use
Inverted Vedge formation and fire. Enemy’s ougi inflicts around 1200 damage
(for 2 days), charging time: 4 days.
17th battle (Go):
General: Chouchi, strategist: Kan’u, take as much “archers” as you can, use
Inverted Wedge formation and fire. Enemy’s ougi halves their causalities and
inflicts small damage to us, charging time: 2 days.
17th battle – continuation (Go):
General: Bachou, strategist: Kouchuu, take as much “archers” as you can, use
Inverted Wedge formation and fire. Enemy’s ougi increases their damage a
little, charging time: 4 days.
17th battle – continuation (Go):
General: Chouchi, strategist: Kouchuu, take as much “archers” as you can, use
Inverted Wedge formation and fire. Enemy’s ougi halves their causalities and
inflicts small damage to us, charging time: 2 days.
18th battle (Go-reb):
General: Shokatsuryou, strategist: Kouchuu, take as much “archers” as you can,
start with Echelon formation and fire, then Double Echelon and fire, and
Echelon again – repeat. Enemy’s ougi deals us several damage, so cancel it
with your Ougi, charging time 4 days.
Last battle:
Kill as much enemies as you can and survive – that’s all. General: anyone(?),
strategist: Shokatsuryou, take as much “heavy” as you can, use Double Eclipse
and intercept.
my brain hurts
Bible Black. Nuff said C:…hope I helped >u< <3
Bible Black is not real futanari. I wish people would stop using it as the same answer to questions like that.
Mouse does not click. I have to use “Enter” key instead. Is there way around using “Enter” key and using the mouse?
can i have bazooka cafe??
wow nice!! I’ve been looking for my other source and they haven’t provided the english patch of this one, nice work!! ^^, you even have cresendo!! awesome job! 🙂
why i can’t extract the voice files
what do you mean you can’t extract the voice files? After you extract the rar file, there’s no other extracting needed? Maybe the file you downloaded has been corrupted without you knowing it. Try to download it again.
can someone explain me what the hell is de GGD-nomasa file???
I dont understand that thing the game run well but what is that??
GGD nomasa in an omake or an alternative ending, I haven’t finished the game yet so I haven’t seen it myself, but there’s a note there regarding about it, you need to rename it into “GGD” then copy or cut the file and paste it in the main folder of the game replacing the original one. I recommend you to finish first the game then you can make an experiment out of it to see if there’s any changes in the ending.
Um…will this work on Windows 7? ^-^;;
Amazing website glad it worked, any idea how to save if possible? when i do Im never able to load a previous game because it doesnt stay saved.
If you’re using Vista or Windows7 then system probably prevents you from saving if you installed game to privileged directory ( eg. program files ). Try to install game to different directory or run the game as administrator.
I’m not understating this.. there’s about 10 choices in the entire game. All of them give you a “happy” ending regardless. Somehow I ended up with my final scenes being with Natsuki, even though I ignored her most of the time (only chose her for the last decision).
I do not recommend this if you are looking for a meaningful plot.
the choices are there to get all of the cgs and diolauge also if you concentrate on 1 character u learn more backstory srry if mispell anything
wohoo! nice working admin! <3 <3 😀
how to install this game???
do i need to mount this after extracting???
You don’t need to mount anything – you just extract archive and run “KonekoUS.exe”
its says i need a password to access the archive, can i get help ASAP?
Been trying to figure that out myself..Right now I have 3 files Catgirl Alliance, Catgirl Alliance.part2.rar and Catgirlalliance.part3.rar do I drag part2 and part 3 into CatgirlAlliance?
Just extrat all of them into the same place, they’ll merge if done right.