The 200 year long war between Lushiera and Injiera continues. This is the story of a hero who changes the course of this neverending war and the lives of people around him.
In Castle Fantasia 2 you play as Hewie, commander of the seventh holy knight corps. He has a keen mind for strategy and tactics, seeing through and predicting enemy plans. However, his laid-back attitude causes him to be kept in a low regard by his commanding officers, friends and even his subordinates.
Oh man, I was gonna play this, but people here are reporting every problem in the book… Is there anything that WON’T go wrong with this game? Sheesh.
Now that you mention it, it’s happening to me too. I’ve played this on another computer before, and this didn’t happen back then. Also, Hewie’s picture when he talks is gone now.
Anyone got a 100% save file for this? I’ve finished this game before, but my previous computer crashed and lost all data. I don’t want to fight all battles again…
Why are people’s dialogues overlapping with one another? I can get around it by right-clicking a couple of times to make the old text disappear, but it’s kind of annoying. It’s also worrying me that this might just be a sign of problems to come.
I was able to to solve the problem about saving and it seems you need to create a file in the SAVE folder “Save00.dat” but now I’m having trouble in loading my saves. Whenever I try to load the save file the application always closes for some reason.
It seems that the game doesn’t even opening for me.
I found out that i cannot start the game without mounting the CD. Is there any other way?
The original and the renewal is very different there are a lot of cg’s that has been remove on renewal.
Bugfix triggers as virus… anyone else with that problem? Is there any other source for these patches? Thanks
This is false positive. Game is clean.
I cant skip battles even after completing the game once, if anyone knows what I am doing wrong please let me know,
I have done aria’s path once and now trying to skip 1st battle on cecil’s path
For anyone with voice problems, you have to set your speakers to stereo type, NOT surround. (copy/pasted from RE6 voice problem too.)
1. Go to control panel
2. Go down to “Sound”
3. Select your active Playback device (mine is Realtek High Definiation Audio)
4: Select “Configure
5. Change the audio channel to “Stereo” and then click Next
6 Once you have done that click ok test cf2r
If this game was any better I would cry. Sure the sex scenes that I’ve found are short, but the comedy is fantastic!
My problem is that in battle, the facing positions are all screwed up, and when the people move around that is ALSO screwed up. Without the ability to tell which way a person is actually facing, this game is pretty much impossible to win since you can’t properly pick out a strategy of attack/defense.
To fix the character screwed facing in combat turn on the Software emulaiton , fixed for me . . .
But i’m stuck with the saving . . .
Can’t save nor load the autosave . . .
Any Possible fix for this ?
for those who are struggling with disk 3 installation. Don’t mount. Just open and copy and paste the music into the game folder’s directory.
Cheers ^_^
I can’t figure out how to install disk 3… Help? );
help i have problems with my save i cant seem to save please give me a solution i want to play this but without save i cant
I decided to play this again so I downloaded it here. Unfortunately I can’t save. It always says “failed to save the game”. The autosave works but I can’t load it, and everytime I quit the game, the autosave also disappear. It’s really frustrating because I can’t play it like this. Any help and solutions?
same problem, help please
IS there ANY way to skip the battles without finishing the game once? A save file perhaps? I had a really bad crash and lost all of my data on this game. The battles are annoying and I really don’t want to go through those again
Maybe that’s the only way…but say, you don’t have to clear the game yourself only to be able to skip battles(it would be pointless anyway).
Battles are skkippable if you have already beat them, so maybe you can download a fullsave somewhere and then start a new game, skip all the dialogue (Ctrl key) and every battle gives you the option to skip it (if you’ve already cleared it, as i said, and it would be that way with the full savefile)
I tried every method stated in the above comments, none of them work for me. Whenever I try to execute the exe file, a window pop up says \CF2R.exe has stopped working.\
And yes, I did changed the system locale to Japanese and run in compability mode for \Windows 98/Windows ME\.
I’m using windows 7 32-bit. I did apply the bugfix and english patch.
Anyone can help me with this issue?
if u still having that problem try using software emulation
Game’s pretty good. I’m a fan of SRPG and the battle system da game surprised me. It’s hard find a VN with a good story or a good battle system. But is hardest find one with both.
Don’t expect play a Valkyrie Profile, Final Fantasy, Agarest, though… It’s not the same genre after all.
Try it. It’s at least worth of your time.
Ya can find any song of the game at \Music\ in the main menu.
I can’t find an audio cd of the game. \Castle Fantasia: Erencia Senki Soundtrack\ is the third version of the game. The songs probably aren’t the same, not sure though.
Also if ya wanna have the song right away, ya can access the folder \Music\ in the installation’s folder. Copy/paste it. Don’t just remove it or else the song will not play in the game anymore -.-
honestly i find this game awesome it actually has a fairly good story and i find that it actually makes the game seem to have actual romance instead of some games where it’s just sex for no reason…also i actually like the battle system and the music is awesome but im curious of something anyone know what the name of the song that plays during your fight with gayak called and if your not sure what i mean i mean the song that plays during the stage when everything’s on fire….
It took about 20 tries but I got em
i have problems with this game i cant seem to save my games and when i try to load autosaves the screen turns black can anyone help me?
For those who can´t install the second CD. Simply copy the two files (not autorun, though it won´t do anything bad too) into the game folder. Worked for me. (I am not sure about the need to copy the exe file, but just to be sure…)
Solved problem by turning of “Smooth Edges” in Effects. Those who are having trouble try it! 3: For a loss in image quality it no longer stacks…
The text is stacking and the character images that should be showing are blackened. I can still their outlines and if I turn off opacity I cannot see them at all. And the chat still stacks.
I think disk 2 (voice) is corrupted…
and I tried to re-download it but the result is still the same… can you fix this please
is there anyone can’t play char voice?.. i already install char voice but there is no char voice when i play the game.. they say i must install mp3 codec.. but i already try several codec and still the same…
What about the second branch after “don’t make love to Somia”? It’s lost…
How to install with everything
1. use japanese locale or applocale to run setups (cd1 and cd2), important !
2. install from cd1
3. install voice from cd2
4. copy music from cd3
5. aplly english patch
6. apply bugfix
7. play, now you can run it without applocale
does anyone has a problem with stacking text box??
yeah got the same prob
disk 2 “voiceIns.exe” gives an error no matter what circumstances its run in. H1111s method does not help this. could anyone offer any insight? or even tell me what the error message says, since its in japanese. If i knew what it said, I could surely fix it.
it say preety simpel tah tshomfing not worked no info what 2 do so no point knwoing it raely but do ctr + c and u coppy thins liek that 🙂
Yes, now on my fourth attempt at downloading file 6. All the others downloaded smoothly but there seems to be a problem with this one.
Anyone else having trouble downloading file six? D;
might just be me but part5 seems to be the only one I couldn’t download. the webpage and download button come up fine (not removed file error), but when I click on the download button, it just tells me the link is broken.
got everything to work except the music for some reason. when i try to mount and run the third disk to install the music files i get “the application failed to initialize properly (0x0000142).” error. i dont know how to get around this. thx for all your help and thx for another great game ^^
wane trade my voci dont work but my music duss if u tell me how 2 get teh voices 2 work il teh ntell u how 2 get music 2 work 🙂
the filesonic links are not working help?
I noticed the “Bug Fix” download. Did that show before or after August 17, 2011 at 3:01 am (The second of the two posts that I made regarding the random crashing)?
If it showed up before, I’m going to be vary embarrassed with myself given I tend to squawk at people who ask questions like “How do I fix XYZ” and there is a download link already there labeled as “Fix for problem XYZ”.
Yes, i’m updating various posts from time to time, adding bugfixes, or replacing uploads with easier-to-run versions (prepatched,precracked etc.)
Thank you for the fix/patch file. I’m grateful for your efforts, but was that: “Yes, it was there before August 17, 2011 at 3:01 am and you should be embarrassed”, or “Yes, it showed up after August 17, 2011 at 3:01 am, and you don’t have to feel like an idiot”?
I’m not keeping a track about when posts get updated, so i can’t answer this one 🙂
Then with no evidence to contradict me, I declare that the patch file showed up AFTER my post on August 17, 2011 at 3:01 am.
And just how the heck did you manage to get an actual smiley image in your post and not just and ASCII face?
Okay, okay <pats Omega>.
Wordpress engine automatically parses “standard” smileys like 🙂 😀 turning them into images.
admin, are the links interchangeable?
Please note that the game often crashes, especially if the music and dialogues are on. This seems to
happen often during some scenes and never during others.
If it does, you can either disable the sound temporarily (simply set all the sound bars to 0) or try again.
One thing, save often!. The saved game will not start exactly form the point where you saved it, but from
a “save point”.
I recommend the game, it has a good story that touched me.
If you have problems instaling game just follow what H1111 said in his post. Solusion for crashing problems are:
1) go to properties of CF2R, than in Compatibility tab tick “Run this program in compatibility mode for:” – choose Windows 98 / Windows ME – as is said in the Readme file going with the crack
2) if game repeatedly crashes at some point of the game just go to sound options in the game and pull the sliders to the zero – that will allow you to pass that critical point and then you can turn on sound again. This advice I found in the Install instructions going with the game trough torrent.
I’ve just finished one path (ended up with Judy)and was pretty touched how the story developed at the end. Reminded me of Private Nurse and Nocturnal Illusions, the games that unlike other h-games I played were not deprived of humanity. Playing games cannot substitute for life, but at least these few games, and there must be others I do not know about, can inspire you to be more understanding, gentle emotions driven, to give you hope, even for a moment, use that moment wisely, don’t let it diminish use it as a spark.
Sorry for this emotional outburst. Thanks very much to those guys that translated it and bothered to share the solutions for technical problems.
I have try it, but the only change is that I can see the opening… no voice, like always !!!
I cannot install this game, when I’m in “autorun”, I have 6 buttons but only 4 are availible (the exit button, the “go to site” button, the reinstall directx button and the middle left button.. What can I do ???
Thanks !!!
The installer seems to be broken, however you can still install the game the following way:
Use any virtual drives(daemon tool, A-soft 120%) to open CD1,2 and 3 inside the downloaded .rar folder.
Copy and paste all the content of CD1 into a new folder.
Do the same for CD2 and then CD3, each time press yes to over write any files.
Finally, copy and paste the patch into the folder, then start the game with CF2R.exe.
Perfect, thank you !!!
But I cannot install the voice (I have just the battle effect). What can I do for it ??? Thanks (if someone know the solution) !!!
I’ve heard there is a second version for this game, you know something about it?(forgive my english).
I think this is the second version. Its a remake from what I have heard.
Make sure you’re in japanese locale when installing & running.
If any of the autorun programs for installation aren’t working for you, right click the .exe, go to properties, & make sure you change the compatibility to Windows 98. That fixed it all for me.
The crashes aren’t totally random. I’ve experienced them in many places but the last 10 times in a row that they’ve occurred it’s been in chapter 5, right after Hewie says “I can’t eat that much.” I’ve seen the game not crash there and made it to the start of Chapter 6 once but the game crashed at the chapter start and the autosave file for the chapter start is unloadable.
I’d really like to play this game, I just finished Utawarerumono (which was great) and I read a comment that this game was along a similar vein but it’s unplayable with all these crashes.
I’m experiencing random crashes, much like Outpost Omega J. They don’t seem to be fixed to any particular point in the game. Message skip seems to exacerbate them, which given that you can only save at certain points makes it extra frustrating.
I’m running Windows XP on a Pentium 4 system. I’ve tried compatibility mode, but Win2k compatibility doesn’t seem to alter the behavior one way or the other and Win 95/98/ME/NT compatibility modes don’t work at all.
I’ve tried all permutations of the display settings in the radio buttons in the launcher but they don’t seem to have any effect on the crashes either.
Has anyone else encountered this problem and found a solution?
i want complete save file for this game
im stuck….
the battle is so hard…
i want to skip the battle ….
You can have save but you will have to edit it to replace the name of the directory of the save to your directory.
You can use notepad ++ for it.
the end of the game the credit show ‘cr2 demo’
is this a demo game?
hello admin-san , any other game like this ? i’m really enjoy this game!! thanks a lot!!
in battle mode , the character face the same direction while moving . is it normal?
what the total size when u completely installed the game?
mine was 1.1gb
Does this game work on Win7? Had a trouble before with some games that does not work on Win7..
I would appreciate it if anybody would let me know if they are having program instability in the form of apparently random crashes, and if so, did they mange to find a solution? (This question is aimed at everybody, not just Admin)
I’ve currently run the game in English Regional settings as well as using AppLocale to simulate Japanese Regional, settings. I haven’t actually tried to switching my computer to Japanese regional settings yet as of yet, though the next time I get back to it, I will try so.
Solutions for crashing problem are:
1) go to properties of CF2R, than in Compatibility tab tick “Run this program in compatibility mode for:” – choose Windows 98 / Windows ME – as is said in the Readme file going with the crack
2) if game repeatedly crashes at some point of the game just go to sound options in the game and pull the sliders to the zero – that will allow you to pass that critical point and then you can turn on sound again.
Is anyone else having issues with the game being highly unstable?
I’ve installed all three discs, I can start up the game, but it tends to experience errors quite a bit. I managed to get through my first battle, but i can’t reach my second because the game keeps crashing at random points before I can get to a point where I can make save that won’t put me back to start of the current scene.
ive finsished this game entirely and unlocked all the cgs and h scenes but at the credits it always says: “Castle Fantasia II (Demo)” is this the complete game because i think ive seen some cgs that belonged to cf2r that werent in this game.
The setup does not work already in jap locale
Ok so i have the game running and the voices work, but there is no music playing, and i cant find a way to get it to work…any ideas?
never mind figured it out, just copied the files direct from the disks and put them in game folder
Download seems to be down. (Or I am absolutly too stupid.) Admin, can you have a look?
I had another version of the game and I liked it very much, but unfortunally it had a bug creating a ctd at some scenes, hindering me to access or ending. So I would love to try this version.
Anyway, great work with this page. Thanks for it. 🙂
Thanks for reuploading. 🙂
PS: Ugggh, I really am bad at skiming.. I didn’t see the sono hanabira ni kuchizuke games on te list T_T Another mistake… I should abstain of posting so rushly T_T
I didn’t know where to write this but I thought of several english translate visual novels/dating games/RPG H-games that I have playeed and aren’t into this website.
Nocturnal Illusion and 3 sister’s story are old visual novel classics. Men at work 2 is an RPG H-game. Hanabira ni kuchiz uke wo 1,2 and 3 are short yuri visual novels that are translated (the rest of te series are in progress). There’s one dating game I wanted to add about a student who during 3 months had to gain the love of the girls but I can’t remember the name and that description is pretty generic T_T
Also, there’s one OEVL RPG H game about bleach that is not half bad called Bleach battle ignition.
I hope this helps. Have a nice day!
Downloaded all part with no problem..
But when it comes to extracting, my 7Zip says that there’s CRC error in disc (image) no 2 and 3, so it’s unreadable by Daemon Tool.
It’s true, that you don’t really need CD 2 and 3 to play the game, but it’s kinda curious to hear the voice and the music ..
Is there anyone experiencing the same problem ?
Sorry for my bad english..
does this game have any type of “play” value (some kind of game like in Princess Waltz, Tears to Tiara, Uwatarerumono, Koihime Musou, etc.)? or is it just a normal visual novel, like Shuffle, Soul Link, Snow Sakura, etc.?
Yes, it’s very similar to Utawarerumono – tactical rpg fights.
I downloaded all parts and I have the three iso files. I can install the first disc easy, but it won’t let me install the second or third. Any idea? I love this site, by the way!
Hey I have the same problem with the voices. I can hear effects just fine but no voices. I tried what the other guy said about loading the second disk, but after I mount it and click it nothing happens.
Any ideas?
admin is this game is uncensored or not?
As far i remember it’s censored.
does this have sexual content?
actually, you don’t need to install it at all. here is what i do
1.mount disc 1, copy everything and paste it in a folder.
2.mount disc 2, copy everything and paste it in a folder, overwrite when ask.
3.mount disc 3, copy everything and paste it in a folder, overwrite when ask.
4.extract eng patch and overwrite everything and run the game
Hey um i downloaded everything and extracted the files from the english patch but for some reason though i moved the english patch files to the folder where i downloaded the game its untranslated for some reason.. is it because japanese locale is still set up or something?
scratch that nooby mistake i forgot to move the game data file as well as the application to the file where i installed the game, im very sorry for this stupid mistake
Easy way to install this game:
1) Mount CD1 and install
–installs game
2) Mount CD2 and run the application file
–installs voice files
3) Mount CD3 and copy the folder named “music” into the game directory
–adds music
4) Extract the files from the english patch into game directory
For some reason the CD3 autorun does not work for me, maybe its because my antivirus is blocking it, but I’m guessing that is either the game cd (so to play the game) or the setup for music installation
Is there a trainer for this game the battles that are only slightly different has gotten me down. I need something to motivate me to get the rest of the endings.
Good thing that this game lets you skip battles you’ve already won in previous gameplays, so it’s much easier to try other routes.
THANKS i will try
oh i forgot to mention when you mount cd 2 & 3 open My Computer>Devices with removable storage , then click right button on the game and click Explore to see the files on the disk .. so good luck and have fuv 🙂
1) MOunt cd 1 and install the game. You should not need to install directx…
2) Mount cd 2 and copy the game03.dat file from the cd to the folder where you installed, replaced the
already existing 44kb file.
3) Mount cd 3. The autorun might hang up the pc.. (for me it did).If this happen, do ctrl+alt+canc to
open task manager and terminate the process autorun.exe
4) copy the music folder from cd 3 to the folder where you installed the game
5) copy cfr2.exe and game00.dat from the castlefantasia2r_eng.rar file included to the game folder,
replacing the existing ones
6) Play the game
7) If you want to see the movies you have to have installed the indeo video codec. If the game says it
cannot play the movies, install it. a quick searhc on google should allow you to find it.
Try this and just in case : the games voice and subs are at times not the same so if game starts to crash try again and if it crash again in the same scene try lowing you’r “VOICE at 0” and after the scene put it back to normal if you don’t want to save after each scene just put you’r voice to 0 and evrythings fine … Good Luck
i try to run the first CD but its keep pop up something and dont let me install HELP
i wish u made vids on youtube for this but im not going to ask you bec i think u doing alot work with this thanks again
i mounted the second CD, but nothin came up when i did that…same thing also happen with the third CD.
first CD worked just fine tho…i finished installing the game and copying the english patch and the game works just fine but no voice…
troubleshooting for no voice….
1.mount second CD….
2.copy all files to game folder….
3.and the game now with voice….
troubleshooting for no BGM….
1.mount third CD
2.copy all files to game folder…..
3.run the game…..the game will play the BGM sound…
it’s work….try it
i think i know how to get the character to talk. when you finished installing the game (including the english patch), run the second cd and click the uppermost option. some kind of sound installer i think. when finished, play the game and you can hear each character’s voice. thats what i did anyway and its more of an accident. but it works.
It turns out that what I thought was true. No need to answer my above question. Unless someone could provide a fix for 16bit incompatibility?
u figured out how to deal with installin problem
What do u do?? i got the same problem, do i change compatibility mode, if so, of what? or is it impossible to install for me then, i have windows 7 64-bit.
When I attempt to install this game I have no trouble until I actually press install in the games startup window. After being pressed, both the install and the directX buttons become unavailable, but nothing other than that happens. I suspect its a problem with my computer’s 16bit support (which it doesn’t have) but I’m not completely sure. Any clues or suggestions?
Well..there is only supporting japanesse for vista and Xp isnt there for win 7?
I need help..i downloaded the 7 parts and extracted the files then used power iso to activate disk one then started installing it..but the game isnt working as only one file appeared where i downloaded it.I pasted the english patch there.But during the install the language was strange and ?? marks…what shall i do?
You need to enable support for japanese characters in your system.
Check out “F.A.Q.” section of this website for detailed instructions.
Yo Admin!
Is the first Castle Fantasia in english? if so mind sharing it?
No, only second one got translated.
Sorry if theres a section for this then i did not find it…
I would be really thankful if you could upload genrin no kishougun…. i found many torrents but none of them was seeded :-/
We don’t have separate section for requests, since i try to keep up to date with english releases and post them as soon as they become available.
Unfortunately, genrin no kishougun doesn’t have any english release, nor fan translation – on this site i post only games available in english.
Hello admin. Is this game voiced ? and whis the game is voiced how to obtain voice in that game?
You shouldn’t need the CD.
Excuse me Admin, I just want to know if you need the CD (of original copy of the game) to play this game. I have a downloaded version from a torrent file, but I try to open the CF2R.exe file and it just crashes.
hey ahm the readme says most of the game text is voiced, but i dont hear anything. is it just at the beginning without voices?
hi, admin
can I request man at work 2 and beloved kingdom as well?
You don’t have to rename everything – just mount .mds file in deamon tools next time, the same way you did .iso – those cd image formats are really similar and most virtual CD programs support both.
Thanks! But one more question, did I have to rename all the IMG files or just one(or which one)?
Added missing english patch. once you download it, you have to follow instructions from readme.txt:
How to apply this translation:
1) Install the game.
2) Copy the files “CF2R.exe” and “Game00.dat” from this archive to the directory where you installed the game. Overwrite the old ones.
3) You’re all set! Run CF2R.exe to start the game.
Thanks for report!
Hi, I just finished downloading the rapidshare ver. and extracted everthing and I have no clue what to do now cuz it’s in 3 img files and I changed them to ISO files and mounted them with daemon tools but the game is in japanese, not english… Is there something I missed???
Sorry, my bad. When I moved site from joomla to wordpress i added game, but forgot to add english patch. I’m uploading it now. It will be available in few minutes,