There is a big race event in space called Cannonball!
People living in the harsh space environment enter this huge interstellar event with big dreams and excitement in their hearts. The winner gets a huge reward, or at least that’s what has been promised…
Fifteen riders are qualified to enter this race that will take on various courses…
Cannonball.part02.rar – 200.0 MB
Cannonball.part03.rar – 200.0 MB
Cannonball.part04.rar – 200.0 MB
Cannonball.part05.rar – 200.0 MB
Cannonball.part06.rar – 200.0 MB
Cannonball.part07.rar – 200.0 MB
Cannonball.part08.rar – 200.0 MB
Cannonball.part09.rar – 200.0 MB
Cannonball.part10.rar – 200.0 MB
Cannonball.part11.rar – 200.0 MB
Cannonball.part12.rar – 200.0 MB
Cannonball.part13.rar – 200.0 MB
Cannonball.part14.rar – 107.8 MB
For those wondering about save file location, I found them at
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Liar\Cannonball
I also found a complete save file at http://sagaoz.net/savedata/ka/07ki.htm
Just ctrl F Cannonball, and it’s the top link (2KB). You can open that file in 7zip and put the file in there in the location I listed above.
The text looks goofy, the kerning is weird. It’s not consistent, sometimes large spaces sometimes small. Is there a fix for that? It’s rather distracting.
Can someone PLEASE tell me where the save data is located.. I can usually find them but this one’s a b!tch for some reason
Part 3 download not working.
Nvm, the host site doesn’t grant more than 2 simultaneous downloads on the same network.
Why the setup file Cannonball_Installer_Patch_1_0 keep asking me to insert of disk one into any drive. I don’t know what to do, someone please help me
Sooo I didn’t dl the walkthrough and now I regret it.
Anyone mind uploading the walkthrough or something?
I got a problem with the game, I already installed it with the installer and all. The problem lies with the start up of the game, shows black screen and mouse cursor then it stops working. Any answers you guys can give me?
Can anyone answer me what the heck is this “tail play” and how the fuck i get these?
This is censored. Genitals are pixel blurred.
i already get first place so many time in qualifier but nvr get toto H scene anyone know why?
Cuz you didnt actually get in first place. I thought the same, after i pass up the Regina chick,cuz they even say you do, but no you have to pass her up and THEN pass up the two guys after her. your only first place in the second group. -_- as to how people can actually do tht i dunno, ive tried like 5 times and i never even make it into the first group
this game doesnt have auto read button??
Hello i wanted to ask for some help regarding the replacing of the save file.
After some work i found the directory where the cbsave.dat are put.
Then i go check on sagaoz to see if they have a cleared save of the game which they indeed have.
Problem is, on my computer the save files are cbsave.dat cbsave00.dat and so on but the save file i found on sagaoz is cannonball_schwert.LZH
Can someone help me here? I tried playing it but the races are not my cup of tea and boring( won the first one just clicking like a moron )and i don’t want to clear the game with the 2 routes for the epilogue and the tail play
Hi Wrandal,
the .LZH extension indicates a compressed file (similar to .zip). You can unpack it using some freeware compression tools (Either LHA or 7zip should do the job). Or – if you don’t mind missing the tailplay pictures – you can use the link I provided some posts above, which should give you a zipped cbsave.dat (which any current Windows OS can open without needing additional tools).
Why would you mention it was hard to find the save file location, and then not say where you found it?
Random question to folks, because I’m a completionist I’m trying to get all scenes, but cannot for the life of me get aya to come first place for the Intruder in pain scene. Anyone got a strategy?
Can someone translate the installation options? Both only go up to CD2 and 1.38GB.
I uploaded a screenshot here:
Don’t use JP setup (from game discs) – English patch is setup itself. run it and mount images in order prompted.
I didn’t realize that I never actually responded to this, but thanks so much for everything you do, Admin.
So the installer is asking me for a fifth disk, any idea about this?
There’s a disk5.cdi in the archive. Try looking again. Discs 1,3, and 5 are cdi format, 2 and 4 are bin/cue.
Even though it works whenever i go to the first page of scenes in the extras the game crashes. How can I fix this?
Even though my region is set to Japan, I get a problem with the text not displaying certain characters like “You[]re” instead of the the ‘ I get some kanji instead. Which font do I need to fix this?
fault -milestone one-, supposedly DRM free, is out.
Koume Keito
Is there images at all in the first bits, because I’m not getting anything other than a black screen, text works fine and so do the voices, and after a while it just freezes and stops working. anyone have any idea on how to fix this?
Text is not displaying properly. I’m playing it using Japan as my actual region. How do I fix this?
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU SO MUCH!
I’ve been wanting to see this game translated for AGES!
I’ve always thought the heroines from this game were well-designed, especially Tykho Figurine, the Dual twins, Patty, etc., and now I can play this game in English!
To the people who translated this game, you guys are awesome!
I wish I could edit previous comments; turns out it’s romanized as THYKO now; I was using the official website’s “caption” spelling of the name. That’s who I meant.
No completed savegame avalaible? :_(
Not yet, looks like.
Great game, thanks for all the work Admin.
For all those who asked, I did a little editing with my good ol’ Hex Editor, so here’s a clear save:
The only thing I didn’t get into were the Tail Play pictures. Didn’t have one of those yet unlocked playing normally, and without one to start with, it’s rather hard to find the right bytes to switch over 🙂
The “no backlog” tag is untrue! You can use the mousewheel to scroll up and read previous lines like in many other VNs. Just because there’s no backlog button on the interface doesn’t mean there’s no backlog.
That being said, thanks for feeding my loli catgirl fetish with this game, Ivan.
You can’t backlog during the races.
Anyone completed the game and can upload 100% save plz??
admin you will upload “Obscene Medical Records of a Married Nurse” and “Secret Sorrow of the Siblings”? I try seek obscene medical but not i found =/.
I’m thinking the worst, it’s not and will not be never uploaded.
Seconded Secret Sorrow of the Siblings.
I know the crack is probably not out yet, but I want to pre-download it.
you know something of Obscene Medical Records?
Well, I will be honest and admit that I am not really sad that Obscene Medical Records have been deleted from erogedownload. It is not really my kind of game. However, I am quite worried that other titles could follow. How dire the situation is, Admin? Did your site caught the attention of authorities and we are in trouble for copyright violation?
Nah, it’s cool. It’s still on Obscene Medical Records of a Married Nurse – i just pushed it down a bit from frontpage, since I wasn’t happy how it looked. It has nothing to do with laws and everything to do with aesthetics.
Can you post a tutorial of this, sry but im new to cheat engine and dont know what im doing.
if looking for the opponent health cheat engine values:
1. open CE
2. launch cannonball
3. click on the computer magnifying glass on the top left corner
4. select cannonball.exe
5. now go through the cannonball (or whatever game) steps until you get to a fight
6. as SOON as you see the health bars at the top, switch to CE and do a first scan for exact value 100 under value type All
7. you’ll get a bunch of results, that’s fine – go through one phase of the fight and hopefully you damage the opponent some
8. right after their hp bar goes down some, switch to CE, change scan type to “Decreased Value”, and hit next scan button
9. rinse and repeat steps 7/8 until you narrow it down to anywhere from 4-16 values (it seems to be random for me) – 3-4 rounds should be enough
10. add those to your roster, and remember to change ALL their values to your desired number (1 or 0 works a treat)
you can follow the above for any of the values in Cannonball (almost everything starts at 100). Keep in mind the memory addresses change when you close/reopen the game, so you may have to re-find and add the memory addresses.
What disk is the installer program? When i extracted it it only had 5 disks. Pls reply cant install the game.
Download the english patch, run it and follow its comment. no need to install disk 1-5 first
Use the English patch setup to install the game, don’t install JP version.
thank you so much for uploading the game!
unfortunately ive been trying to figure out what im doing wrong with the installer program. its not reading the disk 1 when the cue for insert disk 1 pops up. its in the same folder as the installer, and i dont know what else to try. I am not very computer savvy either. i already looked at the steps provided above. please help?
You need to actually “mount” disc images when asked for it (refer to site’s FAQ for instructions). Having them in the same folder as installer won’t work.
thanks sorry for the inconvenience
Ok thanks! Sorry my bad, didnt saw that one i only noticed now.
What disk should you open first? What disk is the translation patcher?
Help please. I downloaded all the parts but, for some reason part 7 always seems to be corrupted. It says cannot access file for it is being used by another process. I tried re downloading that part several times too. 🙁
Can someone tell the address I should put in the cheat engine that controls enemy clowns hp? The fights are really annoying.
I use the following (remember, you have to change values of ALL entries in order for it to actually take effect in the game):
“Opponent Health”
“Opponent Health”
2 Bytes
“Opponent Health”
4 Bytes
“Opponent Health”
8 Bytes
“Fihlo Energy”
“Fihlo Energy”
2 Bytes
“Fihlo Energy”
“Fihlo Energy”
2 Bytes
“Opponent Health”
“Opponent Health”
2 Bytes
“Opponent Health”
4 Bytes
“Opponent Health”
8 Bytes
“Opponent Health”
“Opponent Health”
2 Bytes
“Opponent Health”
4 Bytes
“Opponent Health”
“Opponent Health”
2 Bytes
“Opponent Health”
4 Bytes
“Opponent Health”
8 Bytes
“Opponent Health”
“Opponent Health”
2 Bytes
“Opponent Health”
“Opponent Health”
2 Bytes
“Opponent Health”
4 Bytes
“Opponent Health”
8 Bytes
“Detonator Health”
“Detonator Health”
2 Bytes
“Detonator Health”
“Detonator Health”
2 Bytes
“Foxy Energy”
“Foxy Energy”
2 Bytes
“Foxy Energy”
“Foxy Energy”
2 Bytes
sorry looks like it took out all the xml formatting… that looks really ugly. but the values are correct.
Thanks for the help
Yep, this was before I realized that the values can get randomized. Follow instructions i posted further down to get the correct values.
i cannot installed this game.. its always pop up insert cannonball disk 1 into any driver.. how can i fixed this?
I did convert it since the typical methods of mounting didn’t work. I used a freebie software called AnyToISO, but you should be able to do it via a variety of tools/products.
So I’m having the same issue as several other people and I’ve tried multiple different things an redownloaded an extracted but no matter what the installer patch always asks for disc 1 which is there but clearly isn’t being read by the installer patch do I need to convert the file from a cdi to an iso somehow if so not quite sure where and How I can do that anyone mind helping perhaps the Admin even?
Anyone got first place in the qualifiers? I’ve tried everything I can think of and it looks like it’s rigged to only get to third or fourth place (the battle with Regina decides which one). I tried accelerating throughout the entire race and winning the fight against regina, following Foxy’s orders, even slowing down during the entire race, but it seems like third or fourth are the only possibilities. Am i missing anything? no matter what I do, also, the announcer says the Detonator came in first, but dialogue follows as coming in third/fourth.
Also, is it just me or are the fights against clowns completely random? Foxy’s \recommendations\ don’t work 80% of the time, and there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to how the outcome is decided.
All in all good game though, entertaining. Thanks for the upload.
shoot for some reason my spoiler tag didn’t show up in previous post, sorry
I experienced that too, the battle system sare eems to have no rhyme or reason, you never know what you supposed to do and what will happen. I battled against that Matros guy and ended up with bigger health bar than him, but he got second place and i still ended up with that musician bitch. I can’t wrap my head around it.
Screw that, i used cheat engine to reduce my opponent’s health to 0 every time a battle happened.
that’s what I ended up trying but I can’t seem to get a hold of the right values… what value type are you using? i tried 4 bit, 2 bit, and binary.
Never mind, got it – had to scan through all values.
so i playd like halfthrough or so i think, but i find myself
skipping much text. most storys aren´t interesting, simple
cos u dont care about the random characters. some girls are
cute so i play this mostly cos of the hentai content.
also the maindude looks 2 goofy, and is much too soft.
when there is the option where u can chose not to help someone,
but it doesn´t matter at all cos he ends up helping him anyway,
just frustrating 🙁
Can someone give me a link to or post the walkthrough? I think it’s supposed to be included with the DL but I can’t find it or I downloaded it wrong. Please and thanks.
can anyone show a complete install guild. I manage to install disk 1 and 2. Then how? cant find any .exe file to run the game. Is disk 3-5 useless? Thank ya
Use the English patch setup to install the game. Don’t install JP game first.
there should be a censored/uncensored tagg
Game is censored, but to be honest, its the best ero scenes ive ever scene in an eroge, so didnt care too much myself ^^
The store and the voices are also nice 😀 Only negative thing is the gameplay … by the time you understand it, you will have finished a route and opened up the walkthrough a couple of times, only to realize “there is no gameplay” 😛
Anyone have a complete save yet?
So I got all 14 pieces DLed and the patch/installer and run it and get a pop up asking for disc one but the only thing i’m finding is a .cdi which i can’t seem to mount.
What I recommend you doing is converting that cdi file into a iso or a cue/bin files. I simply use UltraISO to convert it and almost 95% it works. playing the file is up to you, whether you use Damion Tools or another type of running program. but really, you would use the english patch which has the auto -install program into it and just follow the steps. Easy.
The included installer patch and the pop up asks for disc 1, even moved it into the folder w/ the extracted info.
how the heck do you save in this game?
I just see a bunch of arrows near the textbox, but none bring up a save/load screen
After the race 2 I have no more voices. Is this normal?
hmm, anyone know how i get to route “?” ?? Ive gotten route I and II, but a few of the cgs etc. is in route-? if i follow the walkthrough.
Also, while im on it, i have finished the game, still haven’t unlocked any tail play .. anyone know why?
Thanks forany answers 🙂
hi,this is a spoiler
to your first question, if you get the 4th place ind the qualli you get route 1, if you get 1-3th place route 2.
to get tailplay you have to get the true ending and both routes clear, then aktivate it in the menu, i did allready post a link for more details.
I like this game but i have 2 question:
1: how do i get these tailplay pictures, read there i get them but do not know what to do, should i klik somethere in the picture or what?
2: can i slow down the text skip, i mean, i mean its not fastread like normal but it skippes all. i just want to move faster through the text.
ok, found something for my 1 question, i get tailplay after playing both routes and get the true ending.
Are the H-Scenes uncensored?
Installed and runs fine. Text is jumbled and spacing all over. Is there a font i need for this?
Fixed myself. Game has to be run in jap-local even if you can install and run in English.
Is this hentai ?
I was waiting for this one so much.
Ok, managed to redownload the parts and it extracted okay this time.
I now have these files:
Disk1.cdi, Disk2.bin, Disk2.Cue, Disk3.cdi, Disk4.bin, Disk4.cue, Disk5.cdi
Er… which one am I supposed to mount with Daemon Tools?
Oh wait, I just need to run this installer program instead, right?
Hey, I downloaded all 14 part rar files, and I keep getting \Unexpected end of Archive\ errors preventing me from extracting the files.
Any idea why that might be happening?
I Downloaded it and its fine, maybe a part is bad? try to downloaded again if dont say tha a exactly part is corrupetd you have to downloaded again, o try to extracting it whit the antivirus desactivated
It said parts 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 and 11 were messed up. I’m redownloading them now, but part 3 is redownloading painfully slow for some reason (<5Kb/s …)
Is it just me or that you can’t save in this game? I’ve been spamming the save slots and it does nothing D: Requesting help 101
I cant remeber if it was for this game or for Fs Hollow Atracia (since i both installed them the same day) but u need to make the save location urself
How do you do that? Where should I create de Save Folder?
Thanks as always admin ^_^.
Installation Guide:
1 – Download all files
2 – Extract all files
3 – Run “Cannonball_Installer_Patch_1_0”
4 – Follow pop up
– No need to use locale to run setup.
Have fun ^_^
This looks really interesting.
I’m gonna put it on my list (Which is too damn long, I don’t have enough time to play all the games I want v.v).
Eh. I’m sure the story may be good but I really can’t get into the whole “flat chested looks like a little girl thing”. It’s just a huge turnoff for me. To each his own though.
To each their own. There are 100s other games posted here, and you’ll easily find one that tickles your taste.
well, i am very happy thats mostly flat chest, i am at a point where big chest are almost disgusting, but in a lot of games there are only or at least most of the girls big chestet.
anyway thanks for this game admin.
does anyone have an installation guide, so i installed disk 1 and after prompt disk 2, but then it ends, what about disc 3-5 ?
allight, i´m a dumb dumb. I usually install the game first, then apply any translations/patches. But this translation has a built in installer. so use patcher to install game. all works fine.
How can I play this in fullscreen mode?
Now I have too little time on my hands, and too much games to play on my backlog!
Thanks again Ivan.
I can’t mount disk two, anyone can help me? It says error reading the file or something.
Same here
Would someone put up a pastebin of the walkthrough? I uh… deleted it by mistake and my googling skills fail me.
Anyone know what Tail Play is? The walkthrough you can get with it tells ya where you can get them but not how and im not seeing anything at the places it tell ya am I just blind or is a new game plus deal?
Er tailplay is usually some sort of fetish that involves using a tail for masturbation or sexual purposes.
well i can see dat but im not geting any tailplay scenes as well…. i watched the walkthrough but it only say when it dosent say how to start them so im rly wondering what u are suposed to do
I can’t get it to work, when I try to install it just says insert disc 1. Am I missing something?
assuming you are using daemon tools, just keep the window open. when the installer prompts you for disk 2, just mount the disk 2, and then click okay after its finished mounting, then proceed as you will
I feel like I’d get arrested if I download this.
That captcha for this comment is perfect for this as well “You don’t say!”.
Yeah, that -no backlog- thing is a frikin’ crime… 😛
Thanks for that. What does “No backlog” means?
it means read carefully, you can’t scroll up to check what was said.
Well actually you can scroll up
Saw that. I stand corrected, I have no idea what it means either now. *holds up a sign that says “I’m an idiot for guessing things I don’t know”*
Actually you were write. During the races you cannot scroll up. But u can during the rest of the story.
Monster heroine, that’s a auto yes.
IKR FSHA yesterday and this today…. did i die and go to heaven
Score! I was looking forward to this, thank you so much
Race driver heroin, lolicon, russian heroin…… yep gona download this thnx for the upload
All of my yes. Yeeeeeeeees. Two awesome downloads in such a short timespan.
thanks man ! 2 bad weekend is over ;(
can´t wait to try this out 🙂
Looks interesting,Thanks as always ivan.