Evil ninja have invaded Japan to try and conquer it with their devant ideals and revive the ancient creature that grants them power! And the only way to stop them–is to get it on with your own group of ninja!
Takamaru was living an ordinary life, looking for love. Despite the valliant efforts of his landlord’s daughter, Narika, to get in the way, one day Takamaru falls for a girl named Haruka at first sight.
That very evening, Takamaru and Narika are attacked by a mysterious group of ninja only to be saved by none other than Haruka clad in kunoichi gear. In an even more shocking turn of events, Haruka declares Takamaru her master and asks him to have sex with her!
It turns out that Takamaru is the heir to a clan of heroic ninja known as the Crescent Moons and as such he has the ability to provide a supernatural energy called Sex Power (SP) through sexual activity.
Thanks to Takamaru’s generous “assistance”, Haruka manages to fight off the ninja, but this is only the beginning of their long and arduous battle…
I’ve had my fair share of fun with this game, the characters were great, the whole Shinobi fighting evil setting was fine. What I did hate was the daunting sex scenes (too long and music didn’t help) as well as the rape to these cute characters. I mean fine, I get it, you can skip them which I did, but then you get a message “(Blank) got gangraped by a brunch of gennin” I Don’t need to know That 😑.
Anyway after “mastering” this game, i decided to leave some tips for new players:
*If you can decide which girl you’re going for early in the game, focus on increasing your Barrier, Stats and Sp pool, by training or doing Ryurinko as often as you can.
*Choose a subsidiary character and get moonlight skill as well as concealment technique IF you find the game rather easy. This way, castle raiding becomes a piece of cake. (Don’t bother with the other 2).
* To avoid losing (and thus the rape scenes) hover your mouse cursor to the top just as you die and click Restart.
This is simply 10/10 Nailed it
How do i instal the game?
The other game of the series will be localized by mangagamer
Does anyone know a game that’s similar to this in gameplay. This game’s battle system may have been pretty simple, but it was still fun.
Man the character you play takes being stupid to the next level….. Story wise this game is a 2/10.
Anyone having problems getting an sys42vm error and how to solve it?
running on win7 64
To fix the opening movie error download the patch here http://blog.mangagamer.org/2016/03/01/beat-blades-haruka-now-on-sale/ and drag it to your game directory and it has no viruses even though your computer will say otherwise.
I found the problem of the DLL ShellExecute.dll error.
It has to do with Norton, or whatever program your running.
My Norton isolated and erasted whatever execute that was needed a few times already. All I did was transfer all my saves, and re extract Beat Blades. But this time, I made sure not to let Norton mess with any files.
Done, simple as that.
I’m surprised the dialog box is in the middle of the screen instead of the bottom. Is that normal?
the movies/Opening video wont play. It will only show black screen with the music for the opening song. I’m just afraid that all movies relating to the game will only show black screen. I had the same problem with Gahkthun. Can somebody help me how to resolve this?
Note: I already enabled the Movies in-game
I also already downloaded CCCP(32 and 64bit) and it still doesn’t work. Do I need to fiddle with my CCCP settings and how should I edit it if necessary?
just a bit tip, when u’re reaching the 4th castle raid, the choosen heroine should have at least 50 at all of her stats. see ya
hey admin, could you pls tell how to fix system42VMI? It keeps popping up and makes the game stuck
Full save for full unlock:
Hi everyone ! i need some help because my game stop working after i get subaru, when she want to go fight a genin. She scream her ninja transformation and then i just have a blackscreen, no error message.
Did it happen to any one else ?
does problem still persists?
MangaGamer already patched BBH 4 times. You can go buy their trouble-free version if you still have problems 😉
yeah i have same problem 2
need help
hey admin, could you pls tell how to fix system42VMI stopped working?
i can’t play the game coz that error always appear.
How to unlock the h scene with Akira?
To get the H scene with Akira you just have to not fight any enemy for a few days. She’ll call you in the infirmary midday and you’ll get that scene. Stick around a few more days doing nothing and it’s a Bad End scene too.
Thanks for this upload. I really didn’t want to have to do evil route just for the cg.
Hey admin, i saw something about a patch fixing stuff, does this game contain the patch? Thanks!!!
Here the save from sagaoz http://sagaoz.net/savedata/ta/haruka_death.LZH. Beware though, since some scene was a little too extreme.
Which file do I replace it with?
Nvm. Figured it out.
Mind sharing which one you replace it with?
harukaSF.asd in savedata folder
I try that but then when I start up the game, it resets itself as though I did not unlock anything at all. Completely clears all the cgs/scenes that I did have, as though I’d never touched it despite having saves after the prologue.
You’re supposed to rename haruka_death.LZH to harukaSF.asd, correct? Or do you delete the original SF and then replace it?
yes, rename the file in the zip to “harukaSF.asd” and replace the original one in the savedata folder.
The LZD file is actually a zip file, use something like 7Zip in order to extract the -actual- SF save file, then change it to ‘harukaSF’ and stick it in the save folder as anon mentioned above.
I couldn’t hear any voices during their conversation after the prologue like when they are conversing normally as well as their interactions. Is there a bug or there’s always no voice? Help me please.
The voice is inconsistent. It will play during H scenes, and most story scenes. It never plays for fluff repeat scenes, and it does skip a few scenes I thought should have been voiced.
I stopped hearing voices after having sex with Haruka for the first time. BGM and sound effect played normally though, only there isn’t any character voices being played. Is this normal?
I couldn’t hear any voices during their conversation after the prologue like when they are conversing normally as well as their interactions. Is there a bug or there’s always no voice?
How do you get 2nd scene with Akira Sensei
Isn’t this game based on hentai entitled Choukou Sennin Haruka? It look similar somehow..
Actually, it’s the other way around – that hentai anime is based on this game.
Is there a English walkthrough of this game and stat guide (during the free-time) for the characters?
Just go to alicesoft . wikia . com and search for Beat Blades Haruka Walkthrough
So, has anyone figured out the system40 crash yet?
what’s your OS? it seems to work fine on windows10,
i have the same issue with my Windows 8.1, even after installing cccp 64 and 32 bit and the patches (2 from mangagamer)
Yeah I’m running 8.1. Running it on compatibility for 8 or 7 doesnt work either though.
I can’t see the reply button on the other conversation so I’ll reply here.
Apparently, BBH hates windows 8.1,
as darkmega926, suggested., I tried running it on a FRESH INSTALLATION of windows 10 and windows 7 + CCCP(32+64bit) via hyper-v and guess what, it fucking ran.
I’ll try installing a fresh W8.1 and see if it works, but im not expecting much.
Anyway, I want to play this that i’ll be forced to upgrade to windows 10.. T_T
Tried it on W8.1 (fresh installed). it also worked
good someone has the guide for end game?
My mail:
I’m overjoyed to have an Alicesoft title avaliable in mangagamer, and even thou I know Haruka has to be a good game, i wanted to ask you guys if you have plans for other Alicesoft games. Not next week, month or even year, but all the comunity of this kind of games is hoping that supporting Haruka, they may see in the future how mangagamer brings Rances saga.
Just a word of advice guys, I hope Haruka becames succesful on sales, but Rance is all we want, you have a guaranteed succes there. Here are some coments from some fórums that explains better tan me my point:
“I only would like to remeber you guys that if Mangagamer don’t earn money on this title there wont be any other titles from Alicesoft. BTW I already brough my copy today. Have a nice day.”
“If you guys want to see more AliceSoft games, then please go buy this on Mangagamer
if it sells, we will see more of their games (even Rance games!!!)”
And the last one is the longest but the more complete:
“You realize that Maria has been a Mangagamer employee for at least 3 years now, right? Probably not the most unbiased source of information on the subject, considering their livelihood is pretty much dependent on BBH doing well.
No, Alicesoft is not “testing the waters”. That’s not how these things work. Alicesoft has already been paid in full, aside from some standard royalties at best.
You’re getting BBH because Mangagamer doesn’t want to pour the time, effort, or money into Alicesoft’s better titles. Which is probably smart, because Alicesoft will not sell the rights for a popular series like Rance at a price that Mangagamer could pull profits on.
BBH on the other hand, is one of Alicesofts least popular series, required very little programming/localization work, and appeals to the mangagamer crowd since it’s basically just a nukige at its root. This is likely the kinds of games MG will stick to, if it chooses to pursue any more IPs from Alicesoft – no doubt while continuing to wave the metaphorical rance carrot in front of your face.
If this kind of game is your thing by all means go for it. It’s really important to support companies that produce games you enjoy. Just don’t buy into it thinking it’s going to get you better titles from Alicesoft.”
I apologice for the long mail but I hope my point came across.
The answer:
Thank you for contacting us. We would like to say that Beat Blades Haruka is definitely a title which stands on its own and is entirely worth a purchase on its own merits. We are also aware of how much fans of Alicesoft love Rance–believe us, we want to work on it too! We don’t have any other news about this at this time, but we did want to let you know we do listen to what our fans have to say (and in fact, I think our staff has seen all these comments already even before you sent them, but thank you for communicating the community’s thoughts all the same!) If we can assist you with anything else or answer any other questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Discuss. I have hope, not based on the mail but in my optimistic nature.
What the holy-crap is this “rance” everyone seems to be cow drooling about?
Character/game series. Check out Sengoku Rance which was fantranslated long time ago, to see if you like it.
How do you even save in the game
You right-click.
Um… admin, seems the captcha doesn’t appear…
I’m only downloading this for the evil route. After playing that route I don’t think I’ll play the other ones. Hope his girl’s will also go evil w/him.
idk the patch already apply on game or not, but There are two patches to install from MangaGamer:
cutscene wont play even tho i have downloaded and installed the CCCP thingy. Plz help
never mind, its fixed
Buy this game from Mangagamer too, please! It could mean we’ll get official Rance games!
Wow… thanks Alice Soft, MangaGamer, and admin… To be honest, I’m very surprised (and very glad of course) it has been translated at the end of Feb 16, ’cause I’m following the translator program development, which saying its still years to go. I’m already download the Jap ver. so now it’s time to download the english version 😀
I have a bug with the 2nd Hscene with Akira (the sensei) I have this message:
【 REF 】命令
(Page = 8, Index = 1)
要素数 = 1
(It’s the ENGLOSH vers. and the error it’s writen in jap lol)
And so I can’t pass this point… Someone has an idea? T_T
(It’s not a problem of translation, right?)
sorry for bad eng.
good thanks for this great game that I played a long time in Japanese enjoy it me and now uncensored be much better and the English for etenderlo best wanted to report the game is not very good but wimdon 7 Cadre the game runs well depues to close the game I leave for a while without playing and again I open it I do not open the game for anything I give to several times but gets stuck and does not open that could be this error?
Can you write your question in your native language (Spanish?). I only understand that you have some kind of error.
que cuando abro el juego al descomprimirlo va todo bien pero cuando cierro el juego y digamos llevo 10 minutos navegando tramquilo en internet y quiero volver a jugar el juego pues me sale ejecutando y de ahi carga pero no abre la ventana del juego y asi se queda le doy varias veces pero no quiere salir la ventana del juego que problema podria ser ese me refiero
not the game is not only freezes me I will not open the game and waits out the game window but nothing happens when I try to open it by 2 times
just wait a little bit and the game will unfreeze
not the game is not only freezes me I will not open the game and waits out the game window but nothing happens when I try to open it by 2 times
Someone else got the Problem that the movies do not play and just get a popup that the cutscene could not be played?
after downloading it, what now, i can not see the movie do i have to doo something?
besides how important are the movies?
Since I already had CCCP and it wasn’t working I fiddled a bit with it, and even though I run a 64-bit OS I had to download the 32-bit CCCP as well to get it to give me playback in game. I’d suggest trying that and see if it fixes your problem
Thats it, realy thanks a lot, now i can finaly see the movies.
I would have never thougth that downloading the 32 bit one and restarting the pc would do the trick.
Do I also have to download the 64bit one? Coz i only downloaded the 32 bit, restarted my laptop and it still didnt work. Do I need to fiddle with the CCCP settings too?
BTW i have a 64bit OS
Please help the system40.exe data is every time i extract it after a very short time removed. I have windows 10.
Anyway thanks for this game.
(sorry for my bad english)
Sorry, my bad. Norton did remove the file (and many more) but did take its time too tell me (over 30min).
Now it is workin, thanks again for this game, looks great even if there is only one good looking heroine (Yes the cute one).
I can not believe it, after my problem thanks to norton i could play the game, then after reaching the first video i had an error that it could not play. I re installed it because i was thinking something was missing and now the game crash every singel time.
I allready downloadet and deletet it. please help me.
I can go to the menu of the game, after chosing an option (load, new game, etc) the entire monitor goes black even if i start windowed.
It is even more frustrating because it worked in the beginning and allready played a bit.
besides i would realy love to buy this game, but i do not want to get a credit card for one game.
Video problems in any game posted on this site are usually caused by lack of codecs – install CCCP codec pack, restart PC and try again.
it works now (besides seeing the movies) thanks a lot for the help
I already patched the game with the one they provided from mangagamer website (the 2 of them) opened it several times and it still keeps on crashing. anyone have a solution to this
i have the same problem not sure what to do but wait i guess
Did you get to make yours work?
I tried it on my laptop and other computer, and weirdly enough, it works fine. Got 2 PC and 1 laptop and all three are windows 10 by the way.
System40 crashes immediately after opening it for my one specific computer.
guess ill try some other things and post it here if i found any solution to this.
Couldn’t view the movie (had sound just no video) even after installing the 32-bit CCCP (had 64 bit) so I tinkered around and managed to view the video after playing around with my graphic card settings. So if anyone has problems with the vid, you might want to take a look there.
Thanks, Mine crashes immediately with no sounds whatsoever.
I’ll try fiddling with my gfx config and see if it would help
for reference what graphics card you have and OS version?
Mangagamer got a partnership with AliceSoft what a time to be alive!
I can’t load the movies. Please help.
Same here, not exactly amused but at least not that inconveniencing for since those can be opened with the VLC player without a problem (dunno about other players, except the standard Windows 10 one which can’t)
Install CCCP Codec Pack (http://www.cccp-project.net)
lol,same problem.
can anyone provide a 100% save file? so that i can view all scenes. already finished the game though…..
How do you get the evil route?
Check this wikia. It has all the stuff about the game including the requirements for all the endings. I think that it has how to get all the scenes too, but parts of it are still in japanese so i am not entirely sure.
1.) be mean to girls
2.) lose a lot of fights
3.) lose some really important fights
i cant launch the game
failed to read DLL ShellExecute.dll
someone can help me ???
i cant even run the game and thats after the patch they release :p still unable to run T..T
have you tried patching the game? the patch is in the mangagamer website
i cant play it 🙁
system40 always stopped working 🙁
and really this game no patch?
sorry bad english 🙁
I tried it on my laptop and other computer, and weirdly enough, it works fine. all three are windows 10 by the way.
System40 crashes immediately after opening it for my one specific computer.
guess ill try some other things and post it here if i found any solution to this.
so did you find out the problem 😡
nope, been trying a lot of stuff and still same error, (installed cccp 32 and 64bit and some among changes in config for the pc etc.). might as well give up and play this on my laptop T_T
You cant give up. I need you to fix my game. 🙁
I managed to find a way to play the game with the “System40” error.
It requires you to install Virtual Box and running Vista OS through it to play.
What sort of problem would that even indicate if a virtual vista os works but compatibility mode vista doesnt?
Honestly I don’t know. I only tried this because of another fighting game eroge I loved to play was “Duel Savior” that had a similar problem. It was not at all compatible with windows 8 even if I used compatibility mode on the game. I found out through googling for solutions that it could run on a older OS through Virtual Box. That’s why I tried “Beat Blades Haruka” with the same method.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS GAME!!!! OMG!! I have literally been waiting for this eroge to come out ever since i read the ero-manga and hentai………THIS IS GONNA BE FUN! ^_^
I only would like to remeber you guys that if Mangagamer don’t earn money on this title there wont be any other titles from Alicesoft. BTW I already brough my copy today. Have a nice day.
This isn’t how business works. This product would actually be more damaging than good for anybody interested in alicesoft’s more unique gameplay oriented titles.
Except that Maria already mentioned that Alicesoft is testing the Western market with this game. If this title does not sell well then they can decide to stop publishing their titles
yes, exactly.
If you guys want to see more AliceSoft games, then please go buy this on Mangagamer
if it sells, we will see more of their games (even Rance games!!!)
I tried to buy it, unfortunatly i can’t without a credit card, and those are pretty rare where i live. So thats a no go.
You realize that Maria has been a Mangagamer employee for at least 3 years now, right? Probably not the most unbiased source of information on the subject, considering their livelihood is pretty much dependent on BBH doing well.
No, Alicesoft is not “testing the waters”. That’s not how these things work. Alicesoft has already been paid in full, aside from some standard royalties at best.
You’re getting BBH because Mangagamer doesn’t want to pour the time, effort, or money into Alicesoft’s better titles. Which is probably smart, because Alicesoft will not sell the rights for a popular series like Rance at a price that Mangagamer could pull profits on.
BBH on the other hand, is one of Alicesofts least popular series, required very little programming/localization work, and appeals to the mangagamer crowd since it’s basically just a nukige at its root. This is likely the kinds of games MG will stick to, if it chooses to pursue any more IPs from Alicesoft – no doubt while continuing to wave the metaphorical rance carrot in front of your face.
If this kind of game is your thing by all means go for it. It’s really important to support companies that produce games you enjoy. Just don’t buy into it thinking it’s going to get you better titles from Alicesoft.
I dont think you are right person to judge. Only time can tell.
If MG doesnt start translating another AliceSoft stuff within a year, then your speculation was true.
But if they start doing some serious work, then you were deeply wrong…
I am waiting 12 months and until then I am giving them benefit of doubt (I will support them by buying good games)
I wouldn’t get too excited or pessimistic. Yes MG and Alicesoft have partnered which was unthinkable a few years ago. However, there are quite a few finished and in progress fan translations, apart from Rance, that depending on quality and price for the translations we would see first.
I don’t recall MG saying Rance, just Alicesoft, so be careful of assumptions because those positive vibes can some undone.
Won’t be just better to ask them directly? Not answering is as good as a no so…it save us a year of wondering and speculating.
Assuming there are no plans for rance, do you really trust MG to give an honest straight forward answer when the rance series is currently being used to push BBH sales?
You would most likely get a lot of circular talk. Rance is old. It has many main titles and offshoots. Where do they start? How should it be sold? What are the expectations of Alicesoft? A strong showing here helps MG immensely, but we can only speculate at the future.
Sure, I could be wrong. I rather hope I am since I’ve heavily enjoyed all of the Alicesoft games I’ve played (aside from BBH). I’m only human and am not privy to the talks going on behind closed doors.
But I think an educated guess is a little safer than blind optimism pulled straight from an American company’s publicity machine.
true that.
but like I have said: I am giving them benefit of doubt.
I am not going out of my way to buy bad games, but I am willing to pay money for the games that are worth it (eg. BBH)
Not all licensing deal is pure upfront cost, most licensing deal is a combination of both upfront and royalties(percentage of sales, either revenue or unit sold).
Unless you have some inside information on how exactly the deal went, there is a very high likelihood that Alicesoft is testing the western marketing by lowering the upfront cost to something that MG can afford and try to return the investment from future royalties. Either way Alicesoft has nothing to lose (as long as the upfront cost covers stuff like voice actors), but one method has a much better long-term prospect.
Also, BBH is the closest thing to something in-between Alicesoft’s real game titles and their nukige titles. If they really want to just dingle a carrot, they should’ve started with the pure Nukige first. Otherwise, it becomes extremely clear that they are just lying if their next game is a nukige. The only other game that they may get away with is BAE. Everything else is either Nukige or has significant amount of gameplay.
That is not to say they will release Rance. But there is a huge slew of other RPG games that alicesoft have, Rance isn’t their only IP.
Can anyone confirm whether or not it is possible to avoid all rape for the two main girls if you stay off the evil route(s)?
I think absolute majority of rape happens ONLY when you lose fights (so if you dont lose, no rape ^^ )
and if you failed somehow, the game still asks you if you want to SKIP the rape scene.
(read MG translator blog posts for more info. He promises 170 H-scenes, heh)
if you dont want to see any rape, then you wont see it. Simple.
Cool. Thank you very much!
sorta spoilers. 2 Heroines you have to lose to see rape, is skippable.
I am going to buy this tommorow on Mangagamer, they deserve the money for translating this piece of art, hehe
I made a point of grabbing this from MangaGamer too. It’s the first Alicesoft title officially released in English and they need to know there’s a market for their stuff.
Dammit, I want uncensored Rance games, this is the only way. 🙁
is sad that i really want to support mangagamer and because of my shitty government (Venezuela) i can’t buy this game from them.
Thank god for that. Been waitin’.
kiitaaaaa!! ^o^
many thx ero-senin
sounds nice thx admin