Due to the declining birth rate in Japan, the “Government-Sponsored Marriage Program” was created, pairing men with their perfect mate. Kouta is chosen as one of the lucky candidates, and when he goes to meet his future bride, he meets Hazuki, a beautiful young girl. They are married the same night, and Kouta’s new wife makes a request of him:
“Please… Please do lewd things to me.”
Nothing to write home about here really, I mean this is Natsuiro mikan all over again, with same VA, but less plot.
Can’t recommend. Sure it sounds like a great game but I have a few gripes with it. The girl sounds like she has throat cancer. It has mosaics. Within the first few minutes, youve already got an H-scene. Even though this was released like a month ago by mangagamer it looks really old. I mean were talking early 2000’s.
hello admin. i may need some help over here. i cant seem to download this game. when i try to download part 1, it keeps telling me the server cant be reached. i would appreciate some help thanks
Pity it’s censored. Oh well.
We Must Get This!
Due to the declining birth rate in Japan, the “Government-Sponsored Marriage Program” was created, pairing men with their perfect mate.
– Koi to Uso????
that’s also what I thought when I read it hahaha
“Please do lewd things to me” she said “it will be fine she said”
Thanks, im waiting for this game.
BTW, is compatible with kirikiroid2, no patch needed
Officer i swear she was the one
imo the biggest problem with this title is the voice acting. it’s like she’s trying to sound like a loli, only that she fails at it. nevermind the generic H-scene dialogs and being there just for the sake of it.
the H-CG themselves are what I’d expect from a loli nukige. showcasing the girl at the right spots, being DFC and all, and the arousal factor is just right.
Just gonna lurk here…
Don’t mind me.
Don’t Stand So Close To Me that I can see Every Breath You Take, Roxanne.
Thank you Ivan
Thanks again admin…really love all your works..:3
Thank you! Thank you!
“Please… Please do lewd things to me.”
… Well, if you *insist*…
Loli only? Guess I’ll pass on this game
Thanks a lot admin, love u <3 Can you upload neko para vol 3 next time ^^
To whoever is downloading this game:
Please have a seat over there…
I was just coming over to talk and stuff, I swear sir.
I know this is a joke but roasties sure gets easily triggered
Raviolli Raviolli gimme the loli pussy~
those tags… superb. thanks!
Thanks for this game
1st~ tnx admin
Second – Cheers Admin