Takes place approximately 50 years after the original D.C. ~Da Capo~ game.
The story revolves around Sakurai Yoshiyuki and Otome & Yume, sibling granddaughters of the original D.C. ~Da Capo~ protagonists Jun’ichi and Nemu.
DaCapo2.part02.rar – 199.3 MB
DaCapo2.part03.rar – 199.3 MB
DaCapo2.part04.rar – 199.3 MB
DaCapo2.part05.rar – 199.3 MB
DaCapo2.part06.rar – 199.3 MB
DaCapo2.part07.rar – 199.3 MB
DaCapo2.part08.rar – 199.3 MB
DaCapo2.part09.rar – 199.3 MB
DaCapo2.part10.rar – 199.3 MB
DaCapo2.part11.rar – 141.0 MB
when there will be da Capo 3 ,everyone?
I’d wish someone out there would go and translate DCPS (Da Capo Plus Communication) into English…Also I’d like to see Da Capo III on here as well
Why is the application not showing up, I downloaded everything fine and it doesn’t show up need help please!!!!
— A little useful information —
if any of you have this error “指定されたファイル[ system.arc : ipl._bp ] は存在しません” which pretty much says that [ system.arc : ipl._bp ] doesn’t exist I resolved changing the locale (control panel / Region and Language) to English (United States).
i need help, because when i extract the files it writes :data02000.arc is damaged in part01.rar………when i open the game the intro works but after that black screen and i can`t close the game(only with taskmanager, would be nice if somone could help me
I just started Download it… And I just asking, is this in English or Japanese?
Every game posted on this site is in English ( or comes with English patch )
is there any of Da Capo II soundtrack?
that’s nice soundtrack, i want to hear all over again~
are the links still works ?
Just played through 4 out of 6 routes
Koko decent story 6.5 out of 10
Minatsu hated her at first but its was worth playing through in the end ^^ 6.8 out of 10
Nanaka i rocommend you play this after Koko route. 7 out of 10
Anzu best one so far very sad story. i recommend you go through bad/alternate end first then play normal end. 8.5 out of 10
Now time for the Amakase sisters!! ^^
played through the Amakaze routes
Yume deep story was really good 9.5 out of 10
Otome saved this for last but Yume was better. still good though. 8.5 or 9 out of 10
The Game over all 8.5 out of 10. It didn’t get the 1.5 point cause i was sad that its over >.<
Well i recommend anyone to play this it is a must!!!
Now off to play the next novel on my list Clannad
Hey guys I’m sorry for asking but I just don’t get how to use Daemon Tools Lite. I read all the instructions in the website, but I don’t see any images in the Da Capo 2 files for me to mount. Could someone please give some instructions? I would really appreciate it.
well English translation of DC.III seems to be at 20% so maybe 2013 or the worst scenario 2014 xD
Waiting for Da Capo 3… Looks like it’s going to take another year huh ?
Do you have any plans to acquire Da Capo 3 when it is possible? And i want to thank Admin for this site and all the work that get´s done 😀
is this in english?..just wondering
Yep, it’s in english. no worries pal. Everything here’s all in english.
Will we soon have D.C. III here?
does anyone know how to go through the game reading all the story lines again? i mean after you’ve completed all the routes
the game just gives summaries of all the events that happen, so is there some way to turn that off? because in the original da capo it gave a choice to read it again but i don’t see anything
like that in this one. so anybody know anything so i can go back and play it again? admin?
This looks so much better than the first Da Capo.
Could somone tell me how to downlod the parts, i’m kind of new at this.
Download all the parts, copy them into a folder (doesnt matter what you call it) Using winrar, hightlight all the files in the folder (ctrl+a) right click and press extract here.
Its been ages since i downloaded this, but once the extract is done, you should see some sort of large image file.
download and install daemon tools pro and use it to mount the image file and the rest is simple.
I downloaded them all, have the folder ready, opened them all and highlighted everything with ctrl+a. But when I try extracting it only extracts the one i’m on and not all at once. I’m sry if this a simple process and i’m just over complicating it.
Nevermind I figured it out, sry about that.
Never-mind I got it to work after repeated tries.
I’m getting “This webpage is not found” every time I try to download part 3
I just played the game for one hour saved the game and quit but when i went on coupple hours latter my saves were gone:( why
Check the quicksaves section below the normal saves one.
For whatever reason I can’t play past a certain section. It always goes black and returns me to the main menu. I redownloaded it a couple times and even downloaded another version, but even on the other version it cuts off at the same part. Is there any way to fix this?
Probably one of the most memorable VNs I’ve seen, in fact it was so good I immediately bought it from mangagamer after finishing one route.
My only complaint(s) would be how messy one route is with that dramatic love triangle and how the Sakura angle is left unclear. The first is probably because of my preferences and the other could be some sort of preamble for the third D.C so they are very small complaints all things considered.
please reupload part10. The link is not downloading properly
Please repost the link for part 10. It is not working
I download it for 20-30 minutes.
It just stop. I didnt know what happen.
but the other parts were fine. ( It didnt stop )
Sorry for my bad Grammar
It not finished
what is with part 10
I couldnt download part10
(But the other part is OK)
redownload I guess sigil , it worked fine for me. I hope you get to play the game cause its awesome
uhhm… part 8 seems to be corrupted what will i do then?
uhm guys I have an error everytime I play. I can play it but a part of it would not continue due to missing dialog. I downloaded it 3 times already and still the same problem. need help
Yume route was just wow , she was really great, seriously great! The route gets atleast a 9 , might even be close to a 9.5 the only thing keeping me from giving it a 10 is that the route ended and that is always a sad thing 🙁 but letting it go on forever might have been boring.
Still…. Yume deserves her own games that continue with the story like kotori has from dc 1.
<3 Now i'd like to go into a wintersleep till da capo 3 comes out but I doubt they can make a route as good as the one from yume.
I know you made this comment a while ago, but is there some kind of progression you’re meant to plau in? I just tried to do Otome’s route but it cut out after the first “Chapter” (Puppet show).
Otome / Yume routes are locked until you finish at least 2 of the 4 main routes. Those routes being 1 of Anzu or Minatsu and 1 of Nanaka or Koko’s. Yes, I realize your comment was from 4 years ago, this is just for anyone new coming to download the game.
Just now finished the Otome route , the only route left for me is Yume <3
Koko route was decent : 6
Minatsu route was fun but awkward : 6.5
nanaka route had good drama and a nice story : 7
anzu story made me sad but I really love anzu : 7.5
Otome really is a perfect girl : 8
Now hoping Yume is as good as I think it is to give it the 8.5 or higher I'm hoping for.
What Kervin said:
First Comment
“No Da Capo Spring Celebration yet? Da Capo Fall In Love and Da Capo III ? Need RUSH RUSH !!!!”
Second Comment
“On the Otome Route Story, it was hard to finish and there was a Q AND A Portion sh*t it was hard.”
btw: about Da Capo 2 Plus Communication, I can’t find a single download link to that game
does anyone have it??? :3
I want to play it even though I don’t have any knowledge about japanese(a few maybe but still…)
Kervin talk english please, i have no idea what you are talking about xD
Dun sa Otome Route Story, Dun Ang Hirap Tapusin may Q AND A Portion pa tae ang hirap.
wala pang Da Capo Spring Celebration? Da Capo Fall In Love At Da Capo III ? Need RUSH RUSH !!!!
Matmax I really hope it is as good as you say it is. It’s 3:19 am where I live now so a bit late to start with a new route but im going to play my heart out tommorow!
Oh, it is.
In my Opinion at least.
It just needs some time at first, to really get into it, so don’t stop reading, in case you don’t think it is that awesome at the beginning :p
This happens to be my favourite Visual Novel up till now.
I just love everything about it 🙂
Can someone recommend me VN’s wich give you a similar feeling?
maybe “Little Busters!” if you still not play it, this game can make me cry.
it’s all ages version though,if you want 18+ version grab “Little Busters! EX”(EX is only partial english).
Hi thare Unfortunastly MG Only Licenced Sirten Da Capo Games The Thing With Licenceing is The Ip Holders Only Alow Western Companys to Licence a Sirten amount
Yes the creators of kirakira and its squal along with elderwise are one of the same creator who happens to be hesad honchoi of MG so thows gamews and FD got translatyed into english easaly But its not nesasarly the same for other games
Exsampel Suikoden 3 Never got a Pal Release Like wise with its Gardsern Serires
and Most Western Companys Only Follow Jsapanise Sales ie if a Game is a hot pupuler Seller in japan than the companys would take the risk and licence a gaME FOR ENGLISH RELEASE AND hOPE THAT IT BECOMES A bEST sELLER HERE IN THE WEST
But Thare are so Many populer Best seller Games of Japan that Donot see the light of day here in the west becvose licenceing Costs are exspensive
exsampel a Tipcialt VN would cost about 10.000 Usd To Licence
Minsd you thats just an exsampel
god your english is a fucking mess
Rather read his broken english because he is trying unlike your horrible attitude towards others that give constructive information.
I really want to like your comment if I can lol
Dammit!! no torrent huh?
do ya know. most download type torrent lead error files
Oh really?
i didn’t know that..
oh well.. gonna download something else then.
Hey admin, can u provide torrent for this?
ADMIN are this VN 18+ ???
And are this game need daemon toll to play it ???
Sorry for my Poor English…
Hey how much is the game and anime alike if they are a lot alike then I will love this game.
Hmm guess that means Im going to have to learn Japanese then.
Any News about Plus Communication??
I really wanna play this and its out for a few years already so there schould be a Translation or atleast someone working on one. If anyone knows something, please tell me!!!
There isn’t a fan translation for all the side games because the Da Capo series is licensed by Mangagamer. They likely wont translate the side games due to costs involved, at least not until the Western Visual Novel market starts to grow some.
For reference, MG’s best selling most blockbuster games barely breach 1000 sales.
You’re better off learning Japanese unfortunately.
Well, that was EXACTLI the thing id did NOT want to hear ;p
Well then, its time for some Japanese Lessons xD
But still….never give up Hope, maybe a little miracle will happen ^^
But still, thanks for the Info, at least its something i can work with 😉
MangaGamer have translated the Kotori spin off’s of the original Da Capo so I don’t see why they wouldn’t do the same with the 2nd ones fan-disks since they also translated KiraKira – Curtain Call and Edelweiss Eiden Fantasia
KiraKira and Edelweiss fandiscs were easier to get, as president of company that made them and president of Mangagamers is the same person – they didn’t have to pay licensing fees.
As far as i know sales of Da Capo fandiscs sucked, so they might have problems convicing Circus ( Da Capo maker) to hand over rights to next titles.
I have a problem when I try to extract the game with winrar, I have an error message saying that in the 04, the file data0200 is corrupted. I’ve tried twice to re-download the part 04 but I still have the same error message. Would it be possible to reupload the part 04, please ? (Sorry if my English is not very good, I’m French ^^)
Does anyone have the save file for this? Need it for archive purposes because I played the original japanese one through AGTH a long time back and just now downloaded this to replace my old non-english copy. unfortunately the save save data system seems different so I cant use the japanese save data.
Hmm… part 9 seems to be down for me. 🙁 I love your site, though! Thanks so much! 😀
I installed it and I can play in English and everything, the only thing that I have a problem is that there seems to be lines between every letter like it will look like this:
H|I,| I| a|m| P|e|t|e|y|.
Anyone else have this problem and know how to solve it?
Can u also mirror in mediafire .Please
ohh please Da capo: Spring celebration… please have the english version by now… :S
damn…i was downloading this till part 8 and then poof!!!
my server banned fileserve which i don’t know why??
i really wanted to know the story after 50 years…
please admin…upload it to filesonic or mediafire…
Sorry to bother you Mr Administrator sir however.
Link 9 and 3 are not working for me.
Can anyone verify that the links are down? or perhaps a reupload? if it’s not to much trouble I wanna see how this gammme enddss. DX!
Just checked both links and they are working fine.
hi guys i am new here and i have a really big problem..
I don’t know how to install the full game can some one help me please……….
Hey, good job uploading all the VNs, but I do have a question.
I get a “random japanese character” [ system.arc :ipl._bp ]”random japanese characters” error whenever I try to start up the game. I tried changing the locale and everything, and I’m on windows XP SP2. Any ideas?
Same problem here
slt I can’t play erreur de correspondance CRC dans le fichier “DaCapo2\data02000.arc”
Are there any news about D.C II Plus Situation/Plus Communication? I really want to play these 3 new Routes. I´ve gotten totaly Addicted to Da Capo II and need something new.
admin…could u please put the download link for this at the hot files?? that would really help me out….
No hotfile links anymore. They delete files really quickly and ban uploaders. not worth the effort.
Recently replayed this, forgot how much i liked the Da Capo characters :p
Anyhow, is there some more info released about Da Capo 3? Even when released in japan i guess it will take a couple of years before released in the west.
Any reason that Mirror 1 is a net total of 2,140MB and Mirror 2 is only 427MB?
It was just a typo – both mirrors contain 2,1 GB downloads.
for me the best would be Amakase Minatsu’s Arc!!
why?? coz i love tsunderes!!
nxt would be Yukimura Anzu’s Arc. .i agree with Shiki; its very heartwarming and tear jerking. .
well im still trying to conquer Koko currently but Shiki’s comment abt Koko-chan’s route gave me chills. . .T_T i hate netorare (^^)
Yeah, I actually saved hers for last just because I heard about it being kinda netorare. But it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be 🙂
Anyone got the save data for this?
Admin, can you please upload this VN to Filesonic? I don’t have the premium member for Fileserve. The internet in my area is kinda sulky so whenever the internet down I can’t resume the download. Thank before.
I’m sorry, but the link seems to be broken. Can you upload the new one? Thanks beforehand.
admin can u upload spring celebration and D.c P.K please thanks you
hello can someone help me where can i donwload the 1 mirror or the 2 mirror?
Hey, admins and such. Posted this on the Da Capo page but I figured I’d ask here for this game to, are any of the add-ons for this game being translated currently or is it mostly the first games add-ons being worked on? Haven’t seen anything on the add-ons, so my curiosity compells me.
Finished Anzu-san and Koko-san’s route
Mini spoiler:
Anzu-san’s route = Tearjerker Heartwarming XD
Koko-san’s route= gave me a Netorareish feeling =.=
Yes..YOU doing the netorare
Ohh and you’ll get sad at what happens to one,and its your fault >___<
I would die if i was Sakurai
I just wanted to express my sincere gratitude for all your hard work, admin! Thank you so much for this wonderful collection of visual novels! I was so happy that I could finally play Fate/Stay Night, been wanting to play that ever since I finished Tsukihime a year or two ago. And now I am enjoying the Da Capo series thanks to you. Rock on, admin. \m/
Good News for all Da Capo Fans. Circus has Officially Confirmed Da Capo 3. There is still no release Date but I thinks it´s great News^^
You can keep updated (kind of. Google translate is helpful >.>) at http://circus.nandemo.gr.jp/sakuhin/dc3/index.html
Still have a ways to go by the look of things. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s at least a year away from English release.
thx so much
How will you know that mangagamer is translating Da Capo II Add ons? . . Im craving for the Spring Celebration . . =((
excuse me but i have a little problem. when i try to install the game it appears something about a serial number. so i wonder where can i found that serial or at least how can i install the game. thanks a lot for the game i too love de DC games
The version posted here is pre-cracked and it shouldn’t require any serials…
If you downloaded it from somewhere else then download this file http://download.erogedownload.com/Cracks/dacapo2.exe and place in main game folder – if you start the game with it, you won’t need a crack.
oh thanks a lot admin-sama. it worked and i can play now ^^ all thanks to you. thanks for the game too even if i didnt downloaded it here. thats because thanks to you i can play it. again thanks and i wait for new DC games. thanks for your hard work.
what about other games?
DC 2 is the worst anime in 2007 but DC game’s in top 10 eroge
The second season wasn’t too bad, but the first season was just… awful.
Mangagamer is going to release Kotori Love Ex P tomorrow.
I hope it will be upload here also soon. I would buy the gam by myself but I can`t. I love Da Capo
Yes it will.
I really hope Da Capo 2 Plus Situation/Plus Communication is going to be translated soon. I Absolutely have to play the new Routes and I cant wait to see Rie Kugimiyas Part in this Game^^
don’t be so silly da capo x’mas dream still in japanese. can’t you guys wait ?
thank you very much admin! =D
by the way can you also upload plus comunication and plus situation please???
WTF????? I JUST FOUND OUT HTAT THERE IS ANOTHER GAME FOR DA CAPO2 DA CAPO 2 FALL IN LOVE PLIZ ADMIN UPLOAD IT TRansalate please i beg you wahhhhh i just finisshed and then i found this wahh please
Chill… stop acting like a little brat… unless you are one ofcourse.
Unfortunatly, all the newer Da Capo stuff, after Da Capo 2 hasn’t been translated in English yet.
I’m looking at you Da Capo 2: Spring Celabration. Can’t wait to continue Da Capo 2’s story with all the characters.
OMFG, that’s exactly what I’m waiting for! Sadly, there translating all the addons (I guess that what you would call them) for the first Da Capo before they even start Da Capo 2…
hey admin i hear about d.c x mas dream and d.c day dream bielive if you have those then post for us those are the lastest of the d.c games
I would like to thank Admin for the new links, thank you very much ^^
And to people that dont know about it (like me) i discovered that exist a anime of this Eroge, its not SO good as the game, but still a good anime.
Usualy it’s other way around – many people had no idea that their favourite animes are based on games.
Honestly, I play half these games, THEN find out that they are animes as well. 🙂
Ahhh whatsup. I downloaded this game with utorrent, came is a Winrar archive ISO. Installed eveything works fine etc. But no subtitles. Anyone know where to get them ?
I have already downloaded part 1 until 5 in hotfile, but now there are only 5 parts, must I download it again???
Yes. Fileserve allows bigger files so i put the game into fewer parts so that it’ll be easier to download. I also already updated game .exe with cracked one. You will have to download files again tho, sorry for the trouble.
Ok then, no problem, thanks for the info
Why is the third file is error, i tried to download it twice but it was failed
Where is the part 6 and 7 and the crack link?
admin is da winz
New, working links will be available in few minutes.
Hey, what’s the username and password?
Admin can u help me?
now cannot download….where can free download this game?
says needs user name and password wtf
Can anyone suggest other games like this one? I really enjoy how sweet and even how sad this games is.
ironically, I just downloaded that after I posted this message 😀
looks like I made a good choice!
Hell ya! I loved the series! I love the game!! And we all love ASA-SEMPAI!!
Lol not all, I hate her not love her. I prefer Sia, Nerine, Kaede and even Kareha-senpai over that green haired slump
@lol you probably dont like her because shes the girl he chooses in the show and every1 likes asa i personaly favor her over the other girls but i dont hate any of the girls so yeah
Always thank you.
I love this site.
I rebooted my pc, and i cant download this game anymore, its saying that all the files are offline, anyone having the same problem?
Same here dude
I hope admin can help us cause’ I really want to play this game
Part 7 of 7 is deleted too
Please help me
I want to play this game!!!!!
Reaaaallllyyyy wanttttt!!!!
I tried to download the part 6 of 7
But in the hotfile it seems that the data was deleted
I reaaaalllly want to play this game
So please help me
having serious issues with the .rar files. 6 out of 7 refused to be unpacked some made part way but then stopped. Perhaps they are corrupted? Anyways im going to redownload and try again. But i was wondering if they were damaged during download or if they are just broken or if my unzipping software sucks?
they are definatly not corrupted in anyway. I’ve downloaded them and everything works fine. There are some times though, that while downloading a minor thing, sometimes you dont even notice, somehow ruins the downloading. The best thing to do is redownload and try again. If it still happens, I don’t know what to tell you and hopefully Admin will be able to help you 😛
hmm well thats what ill do. all that i have downloaded but part1 have been corrupt. I think it must be my internet connection. Anyways im sloooowly compiling all the parts through multiple redownloads. Got part 1 and 2 so far, not sure if it’ll work since im basically just combining 2 corrupt files to get a (not?) corrupt one. But im hopefull 🙂 (and determined to play this game lol)
well i wish you the best of luck. If you haven’t played the first one, then here’s a fair warning: be prepared for playing up to a couple of hours per story Each story is looooong and the endings get REAL tear jerky towards the end. Especially Anzu’s story T_T
Yo . This is my fisrt eroge . i play to date 26 in Anzu’s story and end the game . I don’t thing it just stop there. Help
Crack keeps having an error
has anybody got a clue which girl Sakura meets in London (that’s the Big Ben isn’t it?) in the final scene?
I tried to compare voices, but I won’t state my theory here in order not to influence your opinion 🙂
I’ve wondered the same thing. I personally think it’s (somehow) the grandma from the first one. but that doesn’t make any sense, with a 50 or so year difference between games so, IDK 😀
Well, my theories sorted acendingly by likeliness:
First theory: It’s happening at the moment and there is only one female character known in the proper age – the nurse. Doesn’t make sense imho.
Second theory: It’s happening in the future. Only one female character in the current game knows enough of magic to pull off something like this. Also her voice fits the best of these three theories.
Third theory and my best guess: It’s happening in the past and either she is the grandmother to begin with or she is picked up by her now. What doesn’t the bill is, that she’s speaking Japanese although I don’t know a reason why she’s learned it before her moving to Japan (perhaps because of her Japanese husband or whatever).
Does somebody know if Da Capo 1 agrees or disagrees with one of these theories?
put the crack in the game folder..then run the crack
Help! It keeps asking for a serial code number and I followed all your instruction but it won’t work, help!!!
And of course, I enjoyed the games I downloaded, yet I didn’t even thank you.
I AM a bitch.
Thank you so much for the links.
Managed to be able to download again. But it’s not very fair not being able to download for a freaking hour because your computer hates you XD.
I don’t know how to say this without being rude, so… Could you please upload the files in a server other than hotfiles? Because not only I had to wait thirty minutes after each download to download, but I ‘m not able to download ever since my computer rebooted during a transfer.
I was wondering if I could get some help with installation. I’ve never downloaded partition .rar files before so I’m not exactly sure what to do, but every time I try to run the BGI.exe it keeps asking for an “Alpha Activation” code. Is there anywhere I can get step-by-step instructions on how to install this game, and other broken up .rar file games?
You need to download crack (link is just below game download), place it in game folder and start the game with it.
Ah thank you so much! I downloaded all 7 partitions as well as the crack but didn’t know to put the crack into the game folder 😛
To start off, I hope you’re all enjoying some DCIF or DCII. They’re both great games and Da Capo II is just perfect for the winter season. I’m sure many have forgotten about the post, while others think it’s already over now that both of these games are out, but remember, the Season of Da Capo isn’t over until the last snow falls!
i wonder which da capo is next
I would hope its spring celebrations, which is kinda like a continuation to each girls story, but since it says “last snow falls”, which obviously points to winter I, sadly, doubt this. *tear*
is this in english now?
Man I loved this game. does anybody noes if da capo 2: Spring Celebration or Da capo 2: Plus communication are being translated?
This is my first Eroge.
Just finished the Anzu’s Story…
man what a wonderful story *–*
just She some tears now D:
Awesooome !
So glad i found this site, i’ve been looking for this for 3 days now.
Been playing Da Capo (VN game) and watching all 4 seasons ( Da capo, Da Capo S.S, Da Capo 2, Da Capo 2 S.S) for the last 2 weeks, and i’m totally hooked. Only thing left is to play Da Capo 2 game :p
good thing you mention that one..
i have it for ages but forgot to finish it…
i have many vn waiting in my hdd back when i download it
I like to make a request.I looked through all your Mangagamer titles but can’t seem to find “My sex slave is my Classmate”. I don’t know how hardcore this game is but can u upload it when u hv time? Thks in advance.
thx for the info darkwing u been a gd help dude
dmm=smith (*_-)
2 more route and the refrain left and its done and the good part is the translation is active
never mind admin im wrong its not in english (-_-) but thx
admin its in english i look it up in the database …. but u dont have to if u dont want to just saying (^-^)
Any chance of Little Busters at some point?
admin can u get maji de watashi ni koishinasai
if not its cool
For now i’m only posting translated games.
Would love to see Little Busters at some point.
I wish this game is easy
beacuse I ended DaCapo I with nothing
This one is easier, since during map choices there are chibi-figures showing where is each character. Just stick to one and you’ll complete route with no problem.
Moving… It’s so moving!
I thank thee for sharing this gem of a VN!
great game mr.admin!! thanks a lot!
OMG I love you!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!
i have window xp home edition can i get the applocale for my computer…. i thought i had it but it was the instill for the applocale…. when i instill it i cant find it ??? any help plz
Probably one of the greatest Christmas gift I have ever received via internet.
And I have to say… Its awesome! Except there’s two things that’s been bothering me:
1) Music Mode (Repeat 1): doesn’t work
2) Scene Replay: Some of it doesn’t work
Is it a game error or is there some wrong with laptop?
soo it works on windows 7 or xp right?? right?? i hope i dont encounter errors or sumthing that will make my world shatter xDD
admin is right, i just finished dling it and it plays fine on my laptop
Side note on game, can’t believe I forgot to mention this:
It surprised me how tear jerking each story was. I mean, I always expected there to be something sad for each person, and even though I was ready for it, each story brought me to the brink of tears. Quite amazing when a game is able to do that.
No, they are not corrupt – i downloaded them and they installed fine.
sorry admin but it semms that part 3,4,5 are corrupt. and i can’t repair it ( recovery record not fond ). could you re-upload it please !!
MARCH? haha AWESOME D: Cant wait “:D
hmm…that’s interesting. I’m hoping that the game does get here in March, or sooner if better. Thank’s for the tip =D
only Otome’s route is left, but I’m still thinking that I wish there had been an Akane route though…
hmmm admin,i can’t download it too….
when it’s reach 99% stuck at there…..
i try 10 times same….how to solve this problem???
i use premium acc hotfile….
is that file error ???stuck from part 2 to part 6.
please give a reply…thank’s
Is it just me or I can’t find it in the “download” main page. I had to search around on google to find this page cuz’ I didn’t see it the the download section. Admin, please check it again.
according to some hint i found in thier post in facebook i’m guessing they will have it in spring
so start expecting whne MARCH come
This is the translated to engrish version right?
Excellent game. I hope mangagamer can be more careful with the typos though 🙁 it is the only factor drawing me back from investing in the real product.
Great game, had a blast playing it. Are there any rumors about the possibility of Plus Communication being translated in the near future?
Nice game. played through each person’s story and I think Anzu’s, even though it was the saddest, was my favorite.
But if I can get the admin’s attention for a sec, I think alot of people would enjoy having D.C. Da Capo 2 Sping Celebration. It’s basically a continued story for each girl. Hope it gets put up here soon =D
yeah i was really devastated with Anzu`s ending :S i never expected something so sad can happen!
I think most people agree in saying that her story is the sadest. Even after replaying it it almost makes me shed manly tears
Anzu’s storyline made me shed manly tears D: THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL
hello there just wanted to ask if anyone knows how to get the scene for yukimura anzu dated 23/12 between scenes named ‘what is the person next to me doing?’ and ‘cant leave her alone’. i just cant get this last scene.
i wish code geass was here
*asian language
*east asian language
thx man u help me out big time going to find the download for the asian my computer is window xp home edition dell …thx dude
shirakawa’s are the best..downloading da capo 2 SC ^^
hmmm…i think games that mangagamer releases doesnt need japanese locale but its highly recomended if your going to play fan translated or japanese visual novel.. and if you dont have the cd, there’s a downloadable east asian language file. you just need to find the proper one for your os (windows xp sp2 for me)
try visiting the faq sectiong for instalation
salt post download link of the files
o and do i need to change my language to east asian.. or i just dont have to… if i do then im going to need a cd called window xp professional cd-rom ?
ok i will try and thx dude
ok i just try what i thought your problem is and i did get some japanese character and that [system.arc:ipl._bp]
here’s the solution dude…
copy then paste or just move that cat icon with the name dacapo(crack) in the same folder as the game
-_- i wish i can play the first 1 ..i need help i click on the crack 1 then a picture with a cat come up with the name da capo then i click on it …. then i get an error [system.arc:ipl._bp] plz sum1 help me and thx
Thx alot for the walkthrough! XD And Happy New Year!
Weeg thanks for walktrought, is verry hopefull 😉
Anyone having issues running this on Win7 ? My text is messed up. I get weird line columns in between each letter. Its readable but quite the distraction and just generally annoying.
I would rather have torrents than 30 minutes between pieces – especially since that last one is only 1.8 Mb 😛
But thanks! I appreciate the site and the fact that I can download this.
found a walkthrough Admin can you add this to walkthrough section
you can’t get into the yume or otome
routes until you have completed 1 heroine from each branches meaning
you need to do one of koko/nanaka and one of anzu/minatsu to unlock
there paths also If you play Nanaka before Koko wait to do her common
route until you clear koko’s main route
4.1 Tsukishima Koko
01.Prefer a puppet show.
02.She’s a robot.
03.Head to the classroom
05.Head to Kazami academy
06.Head to Kazami academy
07.Head to the sakura park
08.Take Koko home
09.My usual time
10.Head to the music room
11.Head to the music room
12.Sleep in
13.Head to the cafeteria
14.Head to the music room
15.Sleep in
16.Head to the classroom
17.Head to the classroom
18.Wake up early
19.Head to the classroom
20.Head to the music room
21.Go to Sakura Park
22.Stay a little longer
24.Go home with Koko
25.I held Koko’s hand
26.Listen to his stories anyway
28.Main Campus
29.Affiliated Campus
30.In a business suit
31.Shake it normally
32.Try and fall asleep
33.There’s someone else on my mind
34.Tell Koko that she’d look good too
35.Just enjoy the moment
36.That’s a nice outfit
4.2 Shirakawa Nanaka
1.Prefer a haunted house
2.shes a robot
3.Head to the residential district
4.Head to Kazami academy
5.Head to the Yoshino household
6.Head to the residential district
7.Take Nanaka and Koko home
8.My usual time
9.Head to the classroom
10.Head to the classroom
11.Sleep in
12.Head to the hallway
13.Head to the music room
14.Sleep in
15.Head to the cafeteria
16.Head to the music room
17.Sleep in
18.Head to the hallway
19.Head to the hallway
20.Take a walk around the neighborhood
21.It looks amazing
22.Leave now
23.Go shopping with Nanaka
24.I held Nanaka’s hand
25.Listen to his stories anyway
27.Area Behind the School
28.Electives building (then select music room)
29.In a buisness suit
30.Shake it (aggressively)(gently)(normally)
31.Go get something to drink in the kitchen
*save for normal route*
32.I love Nanaka too
33.I’m her boyfriend
34.Poor thing. I’d better stop
*load save*
32.There’s someone else on my mind
33.Tell Koko that i prefer simple cloths
34.Try and laugh it off/just enjoy the momnet
35.Do you like vinegar soy sauce
36.I can’t Leave Nanaka alone
4.3 Yukimura Anzu
01.Prefer a puppet show.
02.She’s a robot.
03.Head to the student council room
04.Head to the shopping district
05.Head to Sakura Park
06.Head to the shopping district
07.Then I’ll choose Anzu
08.Take Anzu and Akane home
09.Sleep in
10.Head to the Cafeteria
11.Head to the Hallway
12.They should be united
13.Wake up early
14.Head to the classroom
15.Head to the classroom
16.My usual time
17.Im glad
18.Head to the cafeteria
19.I’m in
20.Head to the hallway
21.You’re worried about the puppet show, arn’t you
22.Sleep in
23.Head to cafeteria
24.Head to the classroom
25.We shouldn’t pry into other peopls’ affairs
26.Let’s call Anzu
27.I’ll keep an eye on the beginners
28.The left one
29.I don’t give a crap
30.Take a morning bath
31.Let’s hit the intermediate slop
32.Okay, I’ll make it now
33.Decided to wait for another chance
34.Please tell me
35.Do you want me to get something for you
36.Anzu’s birthday
*save for normal route*
37.okay, let’s find a gift together
38.I’m only doing okay
*load save*
37.I’ll pick a gift by myself some other time
38.I was feeling great until i saw you
4.4 Amakase Minatsu
01.Prefer a haunted house
02.shes a robot
03.Head to the shopping district
04.Head to the Sakura park
05.Apologize (IT’S TO LATE TO_____OMG IM SRY I HAD TO)
06.Head to the Sakura park
07.Head to the Sakura park
08.Take Amakase home
09.Wake up early
10.Head to the hallway
11.Head to the entranceway
12.Wake up early
13.Head to the cafeteria
14.I basically like to
15.Head to the classroom
16.My usual time
17.Head to the classroom
18.Head to the entranceway
19.My usual time
20.Head to the classroom
21.Eat it
22.Head to the entranceway
23.Just a little
24.There is none
25.Maybe i should call Amakase…?
26.I just want to ski freely
27.The right one
28…play it safe (idk)
29.Just give an order that strikes your fancy(idk)
30.Go to the cafeteria
31.Of course I’ll hit the advanced slope!
32.Maybe I will
33.What would you do if she was?
34.I did
35.Not that much
36.Is she all right
4.5 Asakura Yume
01.Prefer a haunted house
02.shes a robot
03.Head to the shopping district
04.Head to the shopping district
05.Head to the shopping district
06.Head to the shopping district
07.Help Yume after dinner
08.Sleep in
09.Head to the cafeteria
10.Head to the hallway
11.My usual time
12.Head to the classroom
13.Head to the entranceway
14.Wake up early
15.Head to the hallway
16.Head to the classroom
17.Wake up early
18.Head to the cafeteria
19.Head to the classroom
20.Takoyaki on the left
21.Think about Yume
22.I’ll go to the bathroom, then I’ll go to sleep
23.Do the cleaning with Yume
24.Go to sleep
25.She used up all her strength to grab a snack
26.Buy some cotton candy
27.Run after Yume
28.Talk to her
4.6 Asakura Otome
01.Prefer a puppet show.
02.She’s a robot.
03.Head to the student council room
04.Head to the cherry blossom tree lined street
05.Head to the shopping district
06.Head to the Yoshino household
07.Help oto-nee clean up after dinner
08.Wake up early
09.Head to the student council room
10.I’m in
11.Head to the classroom
12.My usual time
13.Head to the student council room
14.Head to the hallway
15.Wake up early
*save for Yume/oto-hime common route*
16.Head to the hallway
16.Head to the entranceway
17.My usual time
18.Head to the hallway
19.Head to the hallway
20.Think about Oto-nee
21.Its still a bit early, I’ll read some more
22.Buy ingredients with Oto-nee
23.Take a bath
24.Buy some cotton candy
25.She’ll be fine
*load save*
16.Head to the classroom
17.Head to the hallway
18.You’re worried about the puppet show, arn’t you
19.Wake up early
20.Head to the classroom
21.Head to the classroom
22.we shouldn’t pry into other peoples’ affairs
Yea, Nanaka was good but Admin and Kotori are still the only people in my heart <3! But really awesome site man… torrents are REALLY annoying.
anyone able to figure out if there is a problem with the download as still getting error on data2000 arc
Does anyone know an english walkthrough for this? Or when will it be posted on this site?
Hi tried download several times but i get a crc error when extacting something to do with a movie file 2000 arc and 2010 arc?
Thanks for the game! i am so looking forward to K+Musou next Year on January! Hopefully a voice patch is made by someone. Thanks for these Releases, including G-Senjou. Merry X’mas to you & family!
Otome juice nom nom nom
Walkthrough should be up on gamefaqs by tuesday.
Thanks for sharing,love this web
thank you
thanks for this site…. i don’t need to dl using torrent ever again…..
thank you…
I’ll take Nanaka’s route immediately…..
damn, another Shirakawa…woohoo……
i seem to get rar corrupt when extracting Oo
wow finally…
thank’s….. i hope my words don’t hurt you before …
thank admin…
another VN translated by mangagamer….
Hope that you don`t collapse until you finish the game …
Ah never mind, pardon my (fail) apparent inability to see that the crack is a separate download ^^ Still a bit dazed from the Christmas celebrations… haven’t slept since haha
That’s odd… when I extract it none of the folders/files appear to contain the Crack. Maybe there’s something wrong with my computer?
Can anyone tell me if its censored (with mosaics) or not ? Thank you !
This is uncensored version.
Thank you so much! Anyone know of a walkthrough? 🙂
time to confront nanaka head on ^^
Sorry my bad.
Thanks, Santa!
@ einixmax
Don’t be an idiot and post links to this website, you’ll draw the wrong kind of attention to it.
Actually i don’t mind – the more people know about this kind of games, the better chance we get some good ones translated ( either officially or by fan translations).
thanks a lot man. love your christmas present
thank you very much dude
thanks a lot for the wonderfull christmas present
your the best
does this have an english patch?? thnx. 🙂
This is English release by mangagamer, so no patch is necessary.
omj thanks
that was fast admin
Nanaka =3
G-senjou no Maou eng patch was released too
Huh? This game is in english right?
So who the hell need english because there is none.
Da Capo 2 english version releases by MangaGamer on Dec 24, 2010.
For more information here: http://vndb.org/v266
(Hope you upload english version admin….)
Hello is it possible to share the links you provided elsewhere of course full credit will go to you
so I am confused admin. I am not aware that there was even a project to translate DC 2. Am I wrong, is there a eng patch coming?
Added crack provided by kind Anon from /jp/
thanks can’t wait for carck.
Awesome!! Tnx, this made my day!
Thanks for uploading it. I can’t wait for the english patch. This will be interesting.