Welcome, one and all, to our little Agency. I’m sure that at one time or another, you’ve felt frustrated by the actions of a certain troublesome individual, who always seems to make your life more difficult. You know the feeling — through no fault of your own, your every step is hindered by the actions of someone who’s been born onto this Earth just to trip you up?
That’s where our Agency comes in. With just one word from you, our special volunteer staff will happily lay a complex trap for the individual who causes you so much frustration, and exact sweet revenge on the troublemaker for you, turning their life into exactly the kind of living hell you want. We’ll make them surrender totally to our will, force them into perfect obedience while we punish them for the crime of tormenting you. Of course, we use the word “volunteer” loosely. Payment is always required for our services, but don’t worry — we’ll never ask you for money.
Hello, I would like to address to a little problem that has been happening with me, while launching the game.
~Everything has gone well and the downloading process was fine, the thing is, when I try to launch the game, it doesn’t work and a pop-up saying “Application Formatting Error” or so appears. I have followed one of the comments. that have said to change the compatibility settings and so on. Yet it still doesn’t work.
~I am on windows 10. Can anyone help?
Thank you, all
Hello there !
Thanks for the links, i just have one problem, my disc 2 doesn’t work, i need a passeword. Can someone just tell me which one is it ?
thank you in advance for the answer 🙂
Downloaded with no problems! I also bought this game off of amazon to since it also came with Enzai(Falsely Accused)!! I can’t recommend this amazing game enough!! (This game is yaoi just for those who dislike it)
i was able to get the game to work but the only thing i cant get to work is saving my game it just won’t save or qsave. is there anything i can do to fix this?
nevermind i found a solution 🙂
Blank white screen issue solved: It’s the graphics, essentially. They need to be turned way down. Make it use integrated graphics instead of dedicated, and, as it’s usually intel in that case, here’s what the settings should be: balanced mode, CMAA turned off, use application settings &application optimal.
Second thing you need to do is (if you’re on windows, this will likely already be as it should if you’re using wine) set the game’s exe file to run in compatibility mode for winxp service pack 3.
Most importantly, in the compatibility settings, check the box that says “Run in 640×480 screen resolution” if this is not selected it goes right back to the white-out menu.
I’m having the same issue as Ren from 2014. Everything goes fine, but when I try to start the game it’s just a blank white screen. The music works, though. I’ve tried reinstalling it to somewhere other than the x86 folder, running as admin and with various compatibility modes, but to no avail. It is also impossible to close without going through the task manager, but that is not an issue unless both are caused by the same problem.
How do you burn/mount the files? I’m having a bit of trouble with that
You have to download Daemon tools for free, which is available via a link on this site however even after you do that I wouldn’t recommend this game, since it still cannot be downloaded even after downloading it because of the second disc you’re required to download which cannot be downloaded.
The complete silence from the admins about this problem is a little annoying and the solutions on this page make no sense.
“Just open Daemon tools” whatever that’s supposed to mean.
follow Proximal’s instructions and you’ll be able to download it just fine
it seems to be asking for disc 2? 0.0 I cannot run it at all. How to get that disc 2? I’ve downloaded all so what went wrong?
When it asked you to mounted the cd cue2, you open Daemon Tools Lite, Delete the previous Cd1 cue and mount the 2nd one, kay ?
wow, thnx i got it! 😉
I’ve been trying to download a file but on the website that the file links me to I have to enter these captchas and it won’t let me download. ;^;
Yep, you have to enter the indicated captcha on the picture(it may be a phrase or word). And there should be a timer (120sec) before you’re able to download the file.
I know but even when I enter it correctly it doesn’t let me download and it says wrong captchas.
I know the captchas usually contain low resolution images of numbers or street signs and even when I enter the correct digits or words it thinks I’m entering it incorrectly.
Uhm, excuse me.
•I’ve extracted all 6 files, and received 4 discs.
•After that I used Daemon Tools Lite to mount the first cd. I tried installing it after that.
•Then I was required to insert the 2nd cd on the same place as the 1st cd was placed at. So I did that, and… nothing happened.
•So I just created another virtual device for the 2nd cd.
•I repeated what I did but that didn’t do anything at all.
Am I doing something wrong? After the third step, am I supposed to press something? After mounting the 2nd cd on the 1st cd, it does nothing at all. I don’t know what to do. Please help. :’|
after installing the 1st cd there will be a box (something like that) that will ask you to insert cd 2.
well don’t close this box & directly replace cd 1 w/ cd2 using daemon tools then go over the box again (the box that ask u to replace cd 1 w/ cd 2) & press retry button so it will automatically continue the download for u
if it still does not work then my diagnosis is incorrect, forgive me
Gd noon! 🙂
IT WORKED,THANK YOU SO MUCH! ^^ I was so confused of what to do but now,i can play it! Again.thank you!
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I’ve been trying to install this since last night and it finally worked!! I knew It was something simple but I kept failing bc I ejected the first disc and then inserted the second one, it did not work bc It closed the installator, after doing it like you explained it really worked! You beautiful human, you saved my life.
i click on game start but nothing happens >_<
i need help
Hello and thank you very much for uploading! Unfortunately I have a little (actually fatal) problem with it. I had the game mounted and installed correctly, I even got to the first scenario where Gallacher (the butler?) introduced his masters’ adventure and got shut up by the masters. But then the music starts (assuming introduction video plays/ change of scenario) and the game just dies there, not responding!!! I tried everything, I turned off the effect option in the game, changed system locale to japanese, flicked between full screen and window option, but nothing happened! My processor is an i5 4200 so I don’t think that is the problem 🙁 I tried reinstalling the game so many times but nothing changed! Do you happen to know what the problem is?
Most likely your computer doesn’t have correct codecs for video playback. Try installing CCCP codec pack ( http://www.cccp-project.net/) and play again after restaring PC.
arigatou its works!!! and its in english!
I installed the game but when I click to start the game, the window will open but it’s all white? What do I do?
I couldn’t play it I had problems with the installing ‘cuz the parts cant be mounted something about cd 2 I dunno ;_____; I tried everything I could
I have a little problem when mounting the second disk.
I first:
1) extracted the 6 “free” files since I’m not a registered user. Got like 4 discs. 2 for Daemon and 2 for ISO. I used the ones for Daemon.
2) mounted the first disc as a visual drive on Daemon tools
3) clicked setup for it
4) when it was downloading it asked for the second disc
So I assumed I must mount again on that same drive with the second disc thing, I did that. Pretty much deleted all the data from the first disc. (like deleting disc 1 completely by over mounting with disc 2)
installation was completed…
5) i remounted the first CD and started the game, (which pretty much deleted everyone on the second disc)
Game works fine just no sound, and can’t save, and can’t load.
I’m assuming all this is from the missing, deleted, overlapped second disc.
Can someone tell me how to mount the 2nd disc properly without overlapping and deleting the other disc? Thanks!
My bad. I only have problems with sound…I don’t think I have any problems…I’m going to go to a computer technician some time later because my sound practically doesn’t work in any downloadable games.
The first link (DA-1click) says the file is not found… Just thought you should know.
I don’t know what to do after downloading the file…O_O
Is my computer just retarded or something
I tried following the steps put there but nothing works…*sigh*
When I click start game then nothing happens
may I ask? is it in English or Japanese? Thankyou 😀
Every game on this website is in English.
I was finally able to download deamon tools and get all the parts mounted but now my computer won’t open the location says its unformatted what do I do?
I have a file opener for this format but when I try to use it for this game it says it is a password protected file… what would the password be?
Hi, when I click on \ Game Start\, the window closes and the game don’t start =/ nothing happend.. (sorry for my english ^^’)
Question! Is this the JAST version or a fan-translated version of the game? 😀
There was no fantranslated version of this one, at least to my knowledge.
it says “Please insert disk 2 into optical disc drive [G:]
What did I do wrong? D:
and in addition – I do not see any setup.exe
You need a psp simulator in order to make the game work. I´m using the ppssp, that works really well so try donwloading it :3
Hey there, I tired to download the game (DA-free dl)- but when I tried to extract, the programm sais: data on cd1.bin is damaged.
can nearly open nothing. Isnt it possible, that u can make a video how to run that game?
I’m having no trouble mounting the first disc, but then when it sayd I have to insert disc 2, and I mount that one, it does nothing. Help? -.-“
I’m so confused – I downloaded the different parts separately and DTlite, the program tells me to insert a disk2, but it seems that there’s not enough place to save it. Please help..
I need help please. I clicked on the link and it lead me to downloadani.me and it says pending approval. How do I download this game ?
ok unless you are a paid member of the site you have to do the free download and enter the captcha at the bottom of the page and wait for the download link to appear. But with being a free downloader you can only download files up to 200mb hope this helps.
please help me,I’ve installed until step three, but I can not play,the option game start won’t run ,also i’ve mounted cd2.cue
well >< i dont know how to install it correctly,
can someone help me please….
sorry if my englih bad,help me
I’m new to downloading games. May I know how to extract? (step 1)
If you have WinRar, what you can do is highlight what you need to extract and right click. If I am correct, there should be an option that says ‘extract to’. If I am wrong, someone please tell me. There also should be an extract button up at the top. Again, if I’m wrong, someone please correct me.
Anyone know if these links are still running, because they’re refusing to work for me? If they aren’t, anywhere else to download this?
Why is Kia’s second mission not available?
Is that requires something so it can be played?
Please help! >.<
m(_ _)m
thank you for uploading this ({})
Ive heard so many times there are two secret missions that reveal the main characters’ pasts.
But i’ve never seen a single post about what actually happens. Can someone tell me?? D:
Only Girls,Gays and Idiots would like to download this.
I’m feeling furious after downloading this crap of 1GB AT 15-20 kbps. hey, Admin please mention these kind of things in intro.
If by idiots you mean people who can’t read the tags, and can’t see there are two men in the picture
I’m having a similar problem to Makkenji and Djd however the problem extends to any of the games I try to download. I click the download button and it just opens a link to a tab that says “Wrong IP” after clicking the code to go to the download. Can you guys tell me what I have to do to get to the download?
I keep getting a page with nothing but the words ‘wrong IP’ after I enter the code and click to get the download link?
It won’t let me mount it ;—;, I did all the step to download the program and the files but when I click mount the files won’t appear.What do I do ;—-;?
What program did you used to mount it?
i downloaded it i cant figurout how to install it though can i have some help here?
Extract all the 6 folders first,
Go to the files containing cd1 cue and cd2 cue.
Mount the cd1 cue first and something will pop up, giving you choices to install the game and all. Just do what it says.
After that you’ll be recieving a notice like “Please insert disk 2 into the optical disk drive” something, don’t close the warning, and just mount the cd2 cue.
You should know what to do by then. Goodluck! 😉
I donload the game and now it said ” Please insert disk 2 into the optical disc drive [E:] wjat does it mean I saw so close to play the game can any help me.
Hey I had the same problem too, but now the game is running smoothly. 😀
You recieved the notice after you’ve mounted cd1 cue right? Don’t close the warning, and just mount the cd2 cue.
After that you’ll be able to figure out what to do. Have fun!
i didnt close the warning but when i try to mount cd2 only open files to view appear! help ><
In anime, you love it…
But in real life, it can be a pretty gross thing to think about…
Let’s stick to anime.
I’ve extracted the files and stuff but I only can ever get .bin files for cds 1 and 2 and the .cue file for cd 1 any help on this and what to do I’d really appreciate thanks!
Refer to site’s FAQ for instruction on mounting disc image files.
I keep trying to download part 2 of the 6 part but every time I go to the page it says that the server is in maintenance mode and to refresh it in several minutes which I do but it continues to say the same thing and I can’t download it
Okay I have the game running via daemon tools but when I select the play game option on the main menu it just closes. Did I do something wrong or…?
Could you please tell me how you managed to get the game running via Daemon Tools? I’ve installed them but when I try to mount the .cue files it always says “invalid image file”. Do I have to proceed in a different way? Or it is because I’m use the “lite” version of Daemon tools that doesn’t support .cue files? Thanks in advance.
I pretty much just extracted the files and mounted the AO image to a virtual drive and ran setup from there. If it helps any, I’m using the first download link, not the six part one, and I’m using the standard version of Daemon tools.
No no no no no, sorry I just realized I’m using a different download alltogether! I’m sorry about that :c
I really love this game and everything is working well for me until I reach the very end. I finish up the ending and then the game stops responding and I have to close out of it. When I reopen the game the mission I had finished last is like I’ve never finished it. So I can never get anything under the ‘last result’ thing and my top secret mission is never marked as complete even though I’ve gone though them, the game just stops responding pretty much right when it’s done. Is there a way to fix that?
Thanks a lot *__* !
I just finished installing the game >w<
Thank you soooo much for uploading this game. I downloaded all files and followed the installation instructions, and the game went on fine. Thank you !!!
I have a problem downloading the game 🙁 when I press download that go to a new tab n there is a white page with two words on it wrong IP’ I do not know what to do HELP a thank you in advance:-)
I know you have a lot of requiest(?), but can you upload Lucky Dog too?
Excuse me, but playing it is my dream of ever T_____T Pleaaaase!
Hmm..strangely enough, all of the parts can’t be downloaded right now! They all give me an error saying that the file or directory can’t be found. That’s really really too bad, because I’ve downloaded every part except for 5 and 6. I’ll try again later/tomorrow..
For some reason, Part 5 seems to be missing or something. Keeps giving me an error when I try to download it. Please fix it? :3
It keeps saying that the file can’t be found..
Please 🙂
I don’t want to repeat so I say just like Mio 🙂
Thx <3
i would like to dl this game but i cant but iiiii reeeeeeeally want
when i click on the link they told me i need to pay because the file is too heavy could u help me and i read for Daemon Tools they include the spyware on this log so do u know another log to mount the game
txs for ur help !!!
i downloaded all six parts and extracted them with winrar. there were a few errors in the files but cd1 cue and cd2 cue were available. i had extracted all six files at once so they were put into one folder – oh, and extracting every rar one by one still resulted in the same error. i tried mounting them and it says file is not accessible. i read through the comments and some say they were able to mount cd1 and not cd2 but for me both are unable to be mounted. i really want to play this game. i did not have trouble mounting other visual novels.
i would really appreciate it if anyone had any tips on getting it to mount and work.
Omg i love this so much!!!!!!!! xDD Have been playing it allll of today hehe, and Kai is def my fav – he’s sooo sexy!! ^_^ But i love how different him and Louise are and how different of paths they have, makes it’s interesting hehe thank you so much to the people that uploaded this, you really are too kind *hugs* =D
The part3 is corrupt and don´t let me extract the file, what do I do? Ó.Ò
Good morning!
I think this is a lame question but how do i mount/burn the separate files from part1 – part6? Could someone help me out? thank you so much for your kind answer(s). 😀
You need to download all 6 parts. Then when you do this, open and extract part one…it will extract the rest for you if you have the zips/rars. In the same place.
Next you’ll need Daemon tools or something similar to burn the cue’s, then try to install the game. I just did this a few days back, and am now halfway through the game.
I hope this helps.
Thanks, Just finished Enzai in one night and wanted to try this one, i look forward to this 😉
What program do I need to join the part files.
Thanks ^^
i begin for this kind of game, but i don’t now i can instal this game or not, i’m love yaoi but if ican’t instal this game, i need you’re help,….
yoroshiku onegaishimasu 😀
and thanks for you who upload this game in this site ^^d
thank you,….
what sort of thing(kinks) can i expect from this game?
I’ve finally mounted CD1 but when it comes to CD2 the CUE file, it says unable to mount image file not accessible. how do I do this? thanks
I’m facing the same problem. I was able to mount the first CD but I could not mount the second CD. Someone tell me what to do now!
why is it that the games I’m mounting always “fail to copy”? what could be the problem. I’m sort of a non-technical comp user so please go easy on the instructions. thanks.
Amazing things here. I’m very glad to look your article. Thanks so much and I am looking ahead to touch you. Will you kindly drop me a e-mail?
part 4 game Absolute Obedience error
Part 3 MF link “appears to broken”.
I was able to download previously but this part seemed corrupted. Now after trying to download again, MF says it’s broken. I’ll try again tomorrow, not sure what’s wrong.
Thanks for the share, folks. 🙂
when i try to extract the cd1 and cd2 on winRAR it tells me that some files or volumes are corrupt and it won’t open .. also what do you use to burn or mount ?
is this game in english?
i only have 700mg discs, can i burn it onto 2 different discs and have it work still?
also, o have a 32gb flash drive, if that means anything.
Is this already in english?
…;n; Any way you could upload to a different hosting site?
Yeah me too,I try to download but the filesonic don’t allowed file sharing already.
Sir/Miss Eroge Download can you upload it to another hosting file.Maybe media fire is the best!
I’ve downloat it all, and installed it
but when the installation finished,windows says that “not installed properly” so i uninstall it and install it again…
no change =_=
can someone help me /w this? >.<
the same thing happened to me…but I just ignored it and I found it on my start menu…I’m currently playing it.
wait what program am i supposed to use to play it?
You don’t need a program to run the game. Just do as the “Installation” part says. And for the mounting part, you can just follow the link and use DAEMON Tools.
i cant seem to download the last part?
can anyone explain why?
thanks in advance 😉
I DL’d everything properly using Mirror 1 links. It’s prolly just your Internet connection. Mine was pretty slow so I had to DL Part5 like 3 times.
Aww. My trouble is I can’t DL it again.. T_T I give up. I just wasted money..
But all parts were downloaded perfectly..
Gosh, I don’t know how to install the game. Ah. I’m in trouble.. And the files are in .bin and in VLC mode. >.<
mount the 1st cue not the bin then mount 2nd cue when it asks for the next cd
Bokura wa Minna Koi wo Suru alsooo *A*
and lotsss and lotss of BL please ♥ nyahahahaha
will be looking forward for updates :))
You do realize there is barely any BL games, right?
and the 3 On this site are the only ones licensed, right?
Marine Heart
Kichiku Megane
Pleaseeeee?? i beg youuu T^T i’m dying to have these games on my PC xDDD HAHAHAHAHA
Thanks so much in advance :))
more power to this site :))
*currently downloading absolute obedience! thanks for this ♥
could you please get Kichiku Megane & Messiah BL game??
Hey guys, did someone recently download the game?
Does it still work, since a friend of mine got it and gets error messages at the end of the installtion saying it´s not installed correctly <_<
Help appreciated.
Sorry for all the trouble! I managed to make it work! This game seems really interesting. It’s also really hot! <3
I'm so grateful that I could get this game from here. Thank you! ^^
Okay, so I should have read the other comments first, sorry about that…
I have that Deamontools thing, but I’m not sure how to use it. -_-;
Well, I’m trying something out, if things don’t work out I’m going to come back to ask for some help again. ^^
Hi, this is my first time trying to play anything with my computer, so I’m a bit lost.
First question, just to make sure, does it matter whether I download the 5 parts of this game from what site? I mean there’s mirror1 and mirror2. It takes forever to donwload them from the same site, so I mixed it up, but is that okay?
Second question, I extracted them, or I started to, I tried to extract the second part whit the first one, but I couldn’t do it, and suddenly it’s extracting all the parts on its’ own, is that normal? They all went to the same folder, but now that I’ve extracted them, there’s only 4 files. Cd1 and Cd2 in .bin and cd1 and cd2 in .cue. What does that mean? What am I supposed to do next?
In fact you need to place all the winrar files in a same folder, and then you extract the first part. The others will automatically follow.
Normally you have now 4 files called Absolute Obedience “Cd1.bin”, “Cd1.cue”, “Cd2.bin”, “Cd2.cue”.
I used Daemontools and you have to mount the “Cd1.cue” and “Cd2.cue”.
Then a window will normally appear and choose “run setup.exe” and that’s it 🙂 !!
I had a lot of troubles understanding how to install this game, so I hope it helped you.
…. I have a little question… I wanna download the three parts again because a F****NG VIRUS infected my USB and decided to eliminate completely only the “Original” (Anime, manga,… GAMES T^T) folder, just five days after I finished this game (NOOOO!!). My question is: Why did you change the previous three parts an re-divided it into five?
Just some comments on characters for paths I’ve played through.
Hagen – OMG SEXY 9.5/10
Zhores – Sexiest. Character. In the game. infin./10 [It’s just ’cause he’s Russian XD]
Eduard – Legasp! He’s so cute! I wanna take him on the floor of the church toooo D’:
This sucks shit… for daemon admin pass is needed… someday… SOME DAY T^T.
guys to guys?
weird @@.
but i think it just a matter of prefence
tryed to mount cd1 , got some isntallation, then i mount cd2, installation continue, but i got a message with cd1, cliqued it, but then got a message from windows saying game no installed ( i cliked yes) and now nothing happen, even if i try to mount cd1 again
Everything installed beautifully for me, and I love it, hot and funny x] Thanks so much for sharing! Now the only thing left is to replay :] I’m miffed that after all my careful decisions and all the hotness, there is a higher ranking xP
Lucky.. I think I’m in trouble like everyone else..
im not into yoai as my “name” sugests
anyways Welcome, one and all, to our little Agency. I’m sure that at one time or another, you’ve felt frustrated by the actions of a certain troublesome individual, who always seems to make your life more difficult. You know the feeling — through no fault of your own, your every step is hindered by the actions of someone who’s been born onto this Earth just to trip you up? That’s where our Agency comes in. With just one word from you, our special volunteer staff will happily lay a complex trap for the individual who causes you so much frustration, and exact sweet revenge on the troublemaker for you, turning their life into exactly the kind of living hell you want. We’ll make them surrender totally to our will, force them into perfect obedience while we punish them for the crime of tormenting you. Of course, we use the word “volunteer” loosely
but i like this idea and the plot seems good from this text
wow! this site is amazing! full of eroge game! 😀
I have a problem where whenever the speach ends and I click to go to the next text, a window pops up that says, ‘File Trui300 could not be found’ or something similar to that. HELP!?!?!?!
admin, when i try to download the game part 2 & 3 i get this message:
Your browser doesn’t seem to accept cookies.
Your connection may be behind a proxy or your browser doesn’t accept cookies.
Please check your connection or upgrade your account to a Premium account now
but im sure i allow the cookies to pass
aah what should i do
part 1 downloads ok though
Hello, I installed the game without any issue but the game stops responding after the introduction and thus I cannot play the game. I would greatly apreciate some help in the matter and thank you very much for your time in advance.
Wow. That description was such awesome sauce.
“Payment is always required for our services, but don’t worry — we’ll never ask you for money.”
I loled.
GAME WORKS FINE! 😀 just mount with Daemon tools pro with the :E empty slot and when it says retry, double click the /:E where you put the last one and put part 2. The when its done installing, click /:E again and start the game!
spoiler time!!!
LOL! When Edmound(me…?) was having his(i’m a girl D:)… fun time >///> (lol yes that kind) i was tempted to look. and i did. when everything went up… o.o the noises! >///< lol i had to stop for a bit! I thought he was so into god! XD yay Kia?
hey! i saw that you have gotten this installed , and im having some issed i have all them downloaded ,but i dont know where to go from there, i have tried winrar to extract then powerISO to burn but it burns this weird file, anyway, im trying again with daemon, and advice for a non-computer person lol
Is this in English?
Yes. All games here are translated.
This is my first time downloading something so I would aprecaite if someone can help me download this game please?
{I am no good with computer but love to play video games so I really want to play this}
But for the problem of the file .bin??
And yes, all three parts are in the exact same folder when extracting. I put them in one single folder and highlighted them all, then extracted them to that same folder. Is the file itself troublesome?
You should put them in the same folder, then select first one and extract. Winrar will find following parts automaticaly.
Nope…still left with the same errors and the same three files. Any other suggestions? ^^;
Although it seems like it’s still extracting…unsure if this will work.
Nope, even with all three parts in their own separate folder, I get the exact same error when I attempt to extract all of them and am left with only two .cue files, and one .bin file.
Yes me too !!
I have the same problem!!
(I have find why the files that they are corrupted so don’t search a solution of this problem!)
What? I don’t get anything. It just downloaded to my Windows Media Player and that just plays music. Am I suppose to use something to open it? I… I’m lost.
You need to put all three parts into same folder before extracting.
I will try this.
….also I just tried to extract them all simultaneously, got the same ‘you need cd 2’ error, and when I extracted everything/it closed, all I had were two .bin files and one .cue file. I am very frustrated and don’t understand why it won’t unzip properly, and any help from anyone would be greatly appreciated.
Essentially when I try to extract I get errors – it wants me to put in the 2nd archive in order for it to keep extracting – I have the 2nd archive but it’s in my downloads. Do I have to mount THAT? I didn’t think there was any mounting process in unpacking the things.
Do I need to unzip simultaneously? Do I have to burn parts 2 and 3 onto a disk just to be able to open them? Why won’t they just unzip normally?
Also I’m wondering if I need to mount the image DURING the extraction, as well as afterwards during setup.
Hi there, when I’m extracting the first file, it says that I need the part to to continue extracting. But I do have part two that needs to be extracted, it’s just not on a disk, it’s in my downloads folder. I tried breaking extraction and just continuing to extract number 2 and 3…is there a way to avoid the error message? Are they supposed to all be extracted simultaneously?
Works great, love it=) Then again, all yaoi pretty much makes my day…haha ok well thanks!
Hello!! ( Excuse me but I’m french so my english is not very Good!!)
I have a little problem. I have download the three part of the game but when I try to extract the first part (with Winrar and Alzip) they are saying that the file is corrupted !!
Please help me !!
It works. Thank you very much 😀
How do I set this up *sweatdrop*
I tried extracting the files and on the last part it said it was corrupted. What can I do?
Try downloading corrupted part again.
Hello Admin..
When i mount and install and start playing the game freeze after the introduction .. is this normal if not please help !
Please >.< , upload more yaoi games ;_; …
I loved this visual novel, kia <3!
There are only two translated ones ( this one and Enzai ) to my knowledge.
Work perfectly fine for me. Thank you very much!
is it in english ? (since i can’t understand japanes)
Yes, all games here are in english.
For some reason, when I try to mount the image, it says the file isn’t accessible. I extracted both cue images but it still doesn’t seem to be working. Would someone please help?
Thank you very much admin…i have succesfully mount and install the game..(^^)
Hopefully admin upload any yaoi game in the future…lol
Hello Admin. How can i install Absolute Obedience? When i open Absolute Obedience file and munte whit Power ISO. Is not working what can i do for Absolute Obedience to work in Power ISO?
huh? I burned the Absolute Obedience Cd1.cue
on CD but ther’s no setup.exe i can use @.@? Help?
I also need help with this….
I wanna play the game!!
But I can’t find the setup.exe file
Where did it go??O.O
Downloaded this, and got it completely installed, but when I tried to open it it gave me the error message “Application programming error.” Any idea what’s wrong?
Hello Admin. Can you try get more yaoi games please. Exs Gakuen Heaven and Sukisyo.
There aren’t that many yaoi eroge’s, very few only.
Er, me again. I’ve downloaded all the files. When I open them with Bitzippert says the archive is damaged, and if i downloaded it from the internet I should try downloading it again. I’ve done so three times, what should I do?
*sigh* Nevermind, I had a blonde moment.
Am I the only person who no matter what I do, I can’t use the download button? I press it so that I can download it but then the screen dims over a sheet of transparent black. I want to take the survey in order to download it, but it won’t bloody well let me. I also tried this with Shuffle!.