Tsukihime is a doujin visual novel, released in December 2001 by TYPE-MOON. It tells the story of Tohno Shiki, who since a life-threatening accident in his youth is cursed with the ability to see “lines” on everything around him. Lines along which objects can easily be cut.
Having lived with foster parents for seven years, Shiki is recalled to the household of his family. He had lost all contact with his family over this entire period, making it difficult for him to get used to the new situation. As he gradually learns more about his past, the situation becomes more and more unfamiliar and dangerous.
you cant even download these the hosting site has you finish a captcha and theres a button to create download link but the button doesnt work in chrome or firefox. host it somewhere less useless plz, ffs google drive is fine
worked fine for me, man. just gave me like a two-minute timer first before the button worked
When I first got this game, being aware of its popularity, I had huge expectations – only to see them quickly crushed.
Here’s a Summary of Tsukihime for you:
Head about to explode, Thump, thump, thump, Vampires, Rinse and repeat like 17 times, H-scene, The End.
Only worthwhile characters are Hisui and maybe Arihiko (tho they butcher him in the anime). Dude, I had more fun playing Monmusu Quest and that game was bad!!!
Stupid plot. Hateful characters. Boring af neverending routes. No voice. No Music (Yeah, believe or not this crappy game doesn’t even have bgm, the most basic think you’d expect – how mediocre). Oh and Fuck! not even Fullscreen mode (Are you fucking serious?)
Edit: there actually is a Fullscreen toggle, and just guess what it is, Alt+Enter… no… it’s the F key!!! (Sigh) Also there’s some key, dunno which, to make text appear instantly, unless you like torturing yourself with the slowest text in vn history.
Fuck this game. Fuck Typemoon. And Fuck Akiha. I fucking hated that mood-swing bitch.
3/10. Don’t play this. You’ve been warned!
I dont remember it being that bad it was my one of first Visual Novels I played long time ago.
A useful tip in older VNs to fullscreen usually you need to press “Alt + Enter” or “F”
(edit : I read your edit only after I finished typing lol)
BGM is not present most of the times and I dont mind it either cuz its unnecessary. Whenever I play plot/suspense based VNs I turn bgm down or just mute it anyways I dont like annoying music when Im reading suspense filled lines
yes there is a lack of bgm but its not that bad simple clock ticking sound is good enough at times
I would complaint on art though its not well done, routes can be just too long and sometimes boring
the plot is kinda rough but its enjoyable, Its more of a beginner VN if you are playing VNs for years it might look lacklustre
and its kinda mean Akiha is fucking hot ok?
LOL, it has bgm. You are just stupid and lazy to search for solutions. Do you even open readme.txt? Btw, this game is popular in its own way, you are just unfortunate or maybe Dumb, lololololol.
You lost all credibility when you said Monmusu Quest, one of the best eroge, was bad.
what a hater lmao
@Igotitworked Thank you so much!
Image is broken.
Just realized this is the Ever After – Music from Tsukime Reproduction, thanks!
Windows 10 does not read the ccd or img file, saying it’s corrupt. Virtual CloneDrive also reads the img as corrupt, ccd as an audio file. Any solutions?
Surely a way too late reply, but if it can help anyone with this similar issue :
The image file is indeed weird. But you can open it with IsoBuster (a data recovery tool) and from here, you’ll be able to extract the data required for the install.
You’ll see 2 Tsukihime folder, one with japanese file name, and one with no japanese character in the files. The one without japanese character works, didn’t test the other. Extract the entire folder somewhere and you’ll then be able to access the arc.sar file required for the english install, located in the TSUKIH~1 folder.
Can you explain that in more detail ? I tried to open with with the ISOBuster and the file just becomes more corrupt.
Anyone has a solution for the text problems in the game? It’s blurred and doesn’t load properly.
i was able to make it work but,,,, how can i fullscreen this game? it doesn’t have any fullscreen option so,,, it will be pretty good if someone will tell me how to fullscreen this game! :—))))
I can’t download the file. Every time go to the link and press download it says “this site can’t be reached”…..
I have been facing the blur text issue with the english patch on my windows 10 pc, The only way I finally managed to fix this issue was by running windows xp(32bit) through virtual box and downloading and installing the game in windows XP.
Hope all you future gamers will find this useful.
Anyone know how to fix the blur text problem with the eng patch?
Thank You.
I have been facing the blur text issue with the english patch on my windows 10 pc, The only way I finally managed to fix this issue was by running windows xp(32bit) through virtual box and downloading and installing the game in windows XP.
Do the exact same thing. After you’re done. Go to your game directory, or the folder that you’ve decided to download the actual game in. You will sees that there’s no sound.
So here’s a way to have music in your game. Tho no VA coz, meh.
download this. Extract “CD” only. After doing that, copy and place those CD into the tsukihime folder that has “CD” folder as well. Replace it with those track1.ogg or some shit into the folder of Tsukihime with the application to access into the game. And there’s sound now.
(https://www.daemon-tools.cc/products/dtLite) download this “free with ad” after finished downloading patch 1.1 and 1.2. And the game itself.
After finished installing daemon tool. Open that shit up.
Go to “Add drive” within Daemon tool.
Virtual Drive: DT
DVD Region: not set
Mount to : Folder “for this one, create a new folder that’s empty, then click that … thing and choose the folder”
click “Add drive”
And then click that rectangle looking drive, just below, or bottom left the overall interface of daemon tool. CLick dat, go to the folder, open the tsuki hime.ccd one. Then you will see a music note on it. Click dat, if this open up a folder with stuff in it. Then you succeed. Now quit that shit.
Open “Tsukihime_English_v1.1”, basically the patch of the game that you’ve downloaded. It will asks for “arc.sar”. Then just simply go to that folder that you have just created. You will see that the folder of the new folder turns out to be a disk shape. Click into that folder, then go to “tsukihime” folder. Then double click, or just choose “arc.sar”. Then you downloaded the first patch.
After you’re done with that, you then download the “Tsukihime_English_v1.2_update”
Do the exact same thing. After you’re done. Go to your game directory, or the folder that you’ve decided to download the actual game in. You will sees that there’s no sound. Go to the read me notepad to figure it out by yourself 😉
So quick question, I properly managed to install Tsukihime on my computer, but now the icon wont launch. Is it a problem on my end?
I’m only seeing audio files in the image, and because of this, the installer can’t find the arc file.
i have downloaded the game, mounted it with Daemon tools, change the file location when asked and i have the 1.2 patch but the file does not contain the game. Help plz
Alright guys. here’s the step.
1. Download those shits (Tsukihime and Tsukihime_English)
2. Extract Tsukihime.rar
3. Just mount Tsukihime.cdd(using Daemon Tools etc) and do not run inst.exe.
4. Run English patch and it will ask u to locate a certain file. Just change the Disk Letter to your mounted image earlier.
5. Finish. Have fun.
yes, thank you. it’s been awhile since I’ve used daemon tools, and have forgotten so much. the game is running just from following this. (using Windows 7)
the english patch v 1.1 download is broken
i somehow managed to download the game but it’s in japanese, how to I get it in english?
hey guys,i got a minor prb, game works fine and all but i cant switch to full screen…somethin i missed? (usin windows7 if that helps somehow)
nevermind…just read the readme file…
Well, gents, I figured out what the arc.sar problem was.
Pay attention to what drive you are mounting the game on, and when you start up the 1.1 patch and get to the arc.sar part, make sure you change the letter of the driver to the same as the mounted driver.
Patch: \E:tsukihimearc.sar\ -> change the \E:\ to the mounted driver’s (mine was Q) -> now it should look like this \Q:tsukihimearc.sar\
Can someone help me with the music? I’ve installed the game (and English patch) perfectly. But even though I read and tried to follow the steps about the music in readme (chapter 7), I still don’t understand at all.
because windows 8 can mount disc image files by default, I tried mounting it, but it displays an error message saying “The Disc Image File is Corrupted”.
Is win8 ust not capabale of mounting this particular image file for some reason? do I need to use daemontools or similar software?
I think I did read someone saying the files are corrupted in the comment.
Is the game only play in Windows 98/Me/2000/XP? And Cant play in Windows 7?
Actually i know how to install it with daemon tools and such as thing other. But when i opened inst.exe インスタル (install) at program file, it said “because copy file is failure, it cant install” in japanesse.
Can anybody help me with this problem?
Install it in different directory (this advice is good for many other games as well) – “Program Files” is kind of privileged directory and requires administrative permissions to write anything into.
Okay. Thank you, Admin. And somehow finally i have fixed the problem.
Any Idea on how to fix the blur text issue with the eng patch Admin sir?
ok the entirety of the issue is that it is saying I have Tsuki Hime, the disk file corupted. I have downloaded the game 6 times now and it keeps giving me the same bs. If you guys could message me back that would be great.
it also says installation does not install backround music for t… Please read ch.7 of the readme for info.
Im sorry, I have it saying it’s installed, and I’ve mounted the ccd thing, downloaded everything, but all I get it a note and no game. It doesn’t actually open. It sas v.1 installed but nothing else aside from the icon. Please help
it keeps saying please specify location of arc.sar data achive from the Tuskihime cd. I have no idea wht to do, its unzipped, i got all downloads please help me
Finally got this to work!! For everyone having problems understanding how to install the game, understand that kiryu-kun is being literal when he says to mount the CD image then run the english patch installer. As in mount the CCD file in daemon tools then run the patch from the tsukihime folder with the CCD file in your virtual drive. Then when it asks you for arc.sar the file location will be displayed in the window and you just hit next. After that it’s simple. So simple I can’t believe it’s taken me 3 years to figure this out.
Instead of doing all the hard work, why not go out, spend 5 dollars or less on CD-R/RWs and do it this way?
Use whatever image burning software you have (i use ImgBurn) and burn the .ccd file to a disc. Then, open the first patch file and install the game, using the disc in your drive rather than the extracted .ccd files. Install 1.2 afterwards. Then use CDex to convert the files on the CD (go to track 11, then the Tsukihime with the red ISO icon) to OGG format by going into options > encoder and changing your encoder to OGG Vorbis. Convert the CD tracks to compressed audio files and put them in the CD folder of the game and named them track01, track02, etc…. the rest is in chapter 7 of the ReadMe. Actually all of it is.
I had a hard time using CDex because it wouldn’t recognize either of the virtual drive software i have, so it made it way easier to just buy a few blank CDs and install everything from the disc.
I decided to just make a straightforward tutorial for anyone having my issue in which a virtual drive was not recognized in CDex. I followed other tutorials above but only came to failure. Plus, I had an issue after installation from using the extracted files of the .ccd, in which no image files would load during gameplay because they were not found (says the stderr.txt file that appears once you start the game for the first time). However, putting the image on a disc and installing from there fixed my issue. It must be my OS because I don’t see this issue anywhere else in the comments and I’m sure the majority of commenters are on Windows 7…. I’m running Windows 8.1 64-bit. I honestly hope this helps in the future, and I really hope too that I’m not the only one with the issue…
because windows 8 can mount disc image files by default, I tried mounting it, but it displays an error message saying “The Disc Image File is Corrupted”.
Is win8 ust not capabale of mounting this particular image file for some reason? do I need to use daemontools or similar software?
I think I did read someone saying the files are corrupted in the comment.
Mount the disc image (Run Tshikihime.ccd)
Then, run the patch 1.1 (this is the installer for the game, so you get to install the original game and the patch at the same time)
Anything else is just next – next…
I keep getting the same issue as everyone else. Daemon Tools will only recognize the .ccd as a mountable file, and when I right click on the other files and open them with Daemon Tools, it returns an “Error in command line” error. You sure there isn’t an issue with the files you’ve uploaded? Has anyone succeeded? I’ve been successful with several other VNs on this site, so I don’t think the issue is me.
I have no idea what I’m supposed to do. I can’t burn it onto a disk, I got DAEMON but after mounting it all I get is music on my media player, the .sub still doesnt do anything. I just want to get the game but I have no idea what I’m supposed to do with what programs, it’s just made more complex and I’m getting nowhere.
Mount the disc image (Run Tshikihime.ccd)
Then, run the patch 1.1 (this is the installer for the game, so you get to install the original game and the patch at the same time)
Anything else is just next – next…
I’ve tried using PowerIso and Daemon tools to mount the sub and img file. The ccd is just a soundtrack. PowerIso says “The file format is invalid or unsupported” even though img is supported. Daemon tools returns a command line error for some reason. I stumped.
Mount the disc image (Run Tshikihime.ccd)
Then, run the patch 1.1 (this is the installer for the game, so you get to install the original game and the patch at the same time)
Anything else is just next – next….
How do you fix the blur text problem for the english patch?
Is downloading both english patches needed or will 1.2 suffice?
You need both. 1.2 is kind of “patch for a patch”.
Soo… Umm… Forgive my stupidity, but the patch asks for an arc.sar file and when I extract the files, I only get a .ccd, an .img and a .sub file. Am I doing something wrong ? Am I missing something ?
.ccd/.sub files are disc images – you need to “mount” them, as if you inserted game’s disc into PC (refer to site’s FAQ section for instructions), install the game, then patch it.
the 1st link, the 1click download link is dead
thank you very much
i have a problem, after i finish it says something about needing to burn a cd
I don’t know what’s wrong here, is it on my side or your side?
The only thing that works is the .CCD file but it is solely filled with the VN’s soundtrack. The .IMG file does not even loud, gives off an error message.
If it at all matters my system is set to Jap locale. I’ll report back after trying other downloads.. =|
Thank you so much for the help. Just quick question. I didn’t use at all the .img files at all in part two of the downloads. Is the part two download useless? Do I need the part two file? Tsukihime seems to open fine with no problems. I just want to make sure that I’m not missing anything by not using the part two download.
I have the same question, so is Tsukihime.part 2 needed?
for no reason the ccd file wont mount image on daemon tools is there something i am missing?
As a great fan of the manga, I thank you a lot for the game, the patch and all your explanations, I couldn’t do it without you, but it’s now installed (on linux!) and the music is working. Perrrrrfection !
Here is how i get it to work
#not sure if this is required but my system has been set Japanese Locale. OS is win7 x64
#extract Tsukihime.part1.rar, will see 3 files
#mount ‘Tsuki Hime.ccd’ (mine using daemontool)
#dont launch installer from mounted iso. Directly run patch 1.1 exe
#patch will ask to locate arc.sar which is in the mounted iso in ‘tsukihime’ directory
#run patch 1.2 exe
Rip music
#i use this http://www.fairstars.com/cd_ripper/download.html free, easy to use, low footprint (3mb+)
#rip from cd-da, output as .ogg. Should get 10 files
#rename file e.g. ’01 – Track01.ogg’ => ‘track01.ogg’
#note that after install patch 1.1 there will be a directory named ‘CD’ on game directory. Copy the .ogg files ripped/renamed earlier into this ‘CD’ directory
#launch game tsukihime.exe. If successful should already able to hear music playing at main menu before even start game
This game is not as good as Truelove, is there anyone as good as or better?
part 2 isnt workig help !!!!!
I only have the free version of IsoBuster, can anyone tell another program to use; you can’t extract with the free version. Could you also include a step by step download method?
for some reason i still can’t get the music to work.I converted the music files into .ogg and moved them to the appropriate folder in the C:Program FilesTsukihimeCD. When it wasn’t working at first i noticed that some ppl deleted the space in Track 01.ogg so i also changed them all to Track01.ogg but still no luck. Any ideas?
Just about finished all the routes…and now I really wanna play kagetsu tohya…really hope that also ends up here!~ Thanks admin!
After I extracted it and installed the english patch, it try to install it and get an error. Help?
Um nvm got it. but its in japanese even though i installed the english patch… help
when you go to screen title and want to load the game as it says save memory and as i click on it, it doesn’t work can someone help me?
when i try to extract the file using isobuster it tells me that it needs to allocate a different amount of space than usual(?) then it says that cant read the file. it probably doesnt help that all the files have strange symbols instead of letters.
I can’t play the game on full screen. Is this a bug with Seven ?
Ah, found it. You must click on f to play in full screen.
why is it that i get wrong IP address when i attempt to make a download from downloadani
i did everything with the music, as it is said in the readme. but even with the .ogg files in the CD folder, i don’t get music. or is it the fact that im only in the prologue? isn’t there any music in there?
problem solved. i called them track1.ogg etc. but it turns out i needed to call them just track1 etc
Is this version censored?
the lag problem solved. although I want to play this game in japanese and not english, meaning I run the game from the orginial tsukihime folder i downloaded. the problem is that I don’t know how to get the music to work in this folder. tried placing the cd folder pretty much everywhere but the BGM won’t play. if anyone could help I would be glad :p thank you.
The game lags like crazy, freezes for like 3 seconds frequently. If anyone knows how to fix this I’d be glad 🙂 although it’s still somehow playable. playing on windows 7 64bit.
I followed all of Raito’s instructions up to after installing the english patches. Could someone help me with the rest because I have no idea what to do now. If I’m doing this right,
I’ve been trying to open the INST file. However, I cannot make any sense out of it. I tried to open the TSUKIH 1 folder, but I keep getting something that I can’t understand.
and if u can, please upload “kagetsu tohya”
its sequel from tsukihime 😀
sorry for bad english
Sir, can u reupload the game with simpler way to instal it?
i am newbie at technology 😀
so i really appreciate it if u read my comment and grant my wish 😀
thanks you sir 😀
To get the game music WITHOUT having to burn a CD
In ISOBuster, click on Session 1, highlight all the tracks, right-click and select ‘Extract Objects’ & select an output folder. This will extract the game music as .wav files. You can then use CDex or some other program to convert them to the ogg files the translation README recommends.
is there any hope for kagetsu tohya?
Hey. I have tsukihime all set for playing, but when i launch the game and try to play it on full screen, i can’t move the mouse, and for some reason, ciel pops up out of nowhere just to converse about the game, but that happened only once when I try to launch tsukihime full screen again, ciel didn’t pop out, but the problem is still there, I can’t move the mouse. Why is that?
Hmmmm I am not sure if you had the same problem I have, but when I played tsukihime my mouse seemed frozen but it was somewhat invisible. Like I would move it there would be lag and it would appear in a different place. I eventually found out that I could guess the position of the mouse without seeing it and I played through a route like that. So ya try moving the mouse slowly to see if options pop up and you might be able to play.
I mounted it with ISOBuster, extracted TSUKIHIME like directed, tried installing without English patch and I get “Title image does not exist”. I don’t want to install with English patch… Can someone tell me what’s wrong?
Does this include the plus pack (kind of an expansion) with the idk… side finals?…
Got a problem, when i played the novel the intro appeared but when i tried the actual game the screen went black, only the letters were appearing, anyone know what i can do?
Why can’t I use fullscreen or is it that I missed doing something?
This instructions posted above mine are right…the below is what I did to run it on my MAC OSX Lion…
a)used ISOBUSTER (on a pc or mac running VMWARE/Parallels/VirtualBox and WinXP or Win7, since ISOBUSTER is pc only) to open the CCD file & to extract the “tsukihime” directory (the one that shows under the blue label in ISOBUSTER).
b) Installed the game from the resulting “tsukihime” dir extracted from ISOBUSTER.
c) Also extracted the 10 wav files with ISOBUSTER.
d) Converted the WAV files to OGG, since I’m on OSX, I downloaded the free XLD app to convert sound files.
e) Rename the resulting OFF files with no black space in their names…e.g. “Track 01.ogg” to “Track01.ogg”…since we’ll be using those later…
f) Run the “Tsukihime_English_v1.1.exe”…it;ll ask you for the location of the “arc.sar” file…I used the resulting from the install in c:\Program Files\月姫\arc.sar
g) “Tsukihime_English_v1.1.exe” doesn’t overwrite, but creates a new folder called “Tsukihime” in c:\Program Files\ Apply the “Tsukihime_English_v1.2_update.exe” patch onto that directory,
h) Copy the renamed OGG files with no blank spaces in their names to the “CD” directory that was created bythe English patches in c:\Program Files\Tsukihime\CD
Aside from the ISOBUSTER part, which was faster doing it on a pc or Virtual Mach, converted the WAV to OGG at the OSX level, but installed the game, and patches within WINESKIN for OSX (I used engine WS8Wine1.4 & wineskin script 2.5.4), and game seems to work ok, with sound)…just in case, I added DirectX9 from Winetricks…
Could you please re-upload game’s second archive as the one hosted at mediafire is broken.
download link doesn’t work. T__T
Could you upload it again, if you have time for it? =)
Game files have been deleted from Mediafire.
P.S. Thanks for providing all these great games on your site. Much appreciated.
What’s the difference between the newer 1.2 english patch and the earlier one? And does ciel’s lesson’s affect anything in the game?
mostely typo error fixes and such.
Ciel’s lessons are HILARIOUS skits that play when you make a bad choice that results in your death. Such as choosing to wait to long before attacking Nrvqsr Chaos. You die and she tells you YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG.
I have the same problem with ServentSaber , 10 ogg.files ‘re ready but I can’t find “CD folder” , plz help 🙂
Im sorry but i really need help with the music file. i didnt get a file called CD in with the files i downloaded. i dont know if maybe i just dont know what im doing but i have no where to put the tracks the i have converted to ogg. sorry if the awnser is obviousi just really have no clue..
Ok im not sure whats happened here. I downloaded the 2 parts of Tsukihime VN. Now im not even at the translation yet, but ive been given 3 files.
Tsuki Hime.ccd
Tsuki Hime (IMG file) which i cant mount. Im using Power ISO and Daemon tools pro.
and finally Tsuki Hime.sub
Can someone tell me what to do? Ive installed plenty of VN’s before and never got this problem. Thanks in advance 🙂
Please ignore this. Just figured out what RaitonDemonSakura was on about. Cheers
is there Kagetsu Tohya?
Just started playing this, looks great, thanks for the help RaitoDemonSakura and Netsuki
ok im having problems, i originally thought i patched the game, i followed all of Raito’s instructions and put it in and ARC.SAR and everything but when i open the application i see the two options at the bottom of the screen both are in japanese characters… when i click on the right option it closes the game and when i click on the left option it opens up my browser? making me search for a program?? i don’t understand why those characters are japanese and i don’t know what it wants me to find. im confused so can someone help me?
Yeah it has, I’ve already played it. As they said, try to disable it (:
This game contains nudity. The English patch even mentions it! The patch contains a feature to censor/disable the nudity stuff, though.
I just wanted to ask does this game contain nudity,so that my bro can play it too…. thanx…
This game is tagged 18+, so yeah. Also, if you have questions like that, check out the vndb entry of the game. Sexual-wise the game has the following tags there: Late Sexual Content, Low Sexual Content, Anal Sex, Long Sexual Scenes. although I haven’t ever given a crap about this whole “inappropriate age” business, if it matters for you, then no, it’S not for your bro.
Actually, it’s possible to install the game without the ero-scenes through the installation, which should make it a bit more for all-ages. I’m not sure if it removes the explicit violence though.
lol what do u expect
this site is for eroge
and eroge has sex in it
hey, I don’t notice this before… but after I played it, I suddenly remembered an anime… I think this is one of the anime that I watch when I was a kid though I didn’t remember the main heroine Arcueid but I do remember the twin maid though :3 this takes me back, seriously X3 hehe, thanks again for uploading this one admin… now I just remembered one of most favorite anime though I though I only remembered the first episode…. I think its the first episode? or did I watch the second episode…? arrgghh just forget it, what important is I did watch the anime and it got an interesting storyline and I bet the VN is better…
what makes me remember:
1.the breaking line*the stitches?*
2.wear glasses to dispel it, kinda
There is no Tsukihime anime. What you saw was probably just a poor fan made thing, or something like that.
Well, actually, there is. Shingetsutan/Lunar Legend Tsukihime, it came out in 2003/2004.
Its an internet meme…some fans don’t acknowledge the existence of the anime because it fell extremely short of expectations.
so i must have dreamed it, since i saw the anime quite some time ago and last night i was talking with a friend about it(he must have dreamed it too).
Actually thats why i am here now downloading the game XDDDD.
there two english patch what the difference ?
First translates the game. second is only an update – if fixes some typos/errors in translation
How do i put the music ?? :/
If you followed RaitoDemonSakura’s advice, and have used Isobuster to install then I can help. Make sure you’ve installed in the same way as his instructions then read the Read Me file part 7. It will tell you to use CDex to extract the music off the disc. We obviously don’t have a copy, so instead of that method, open the CCD file again in Isobuster. Click “Session 1” in the sidebar menu and you should see ten music files. Extract these to a folder; they will be WAV files upon initial extraction. Use any free audio converter to convert these to Ogg format, then move them to the “CD” folder the read me talks about. Run the game and voila.
Both mirrors are not working for me, anyone mind uploading on another mirror?
admin, when will you upload kagetsu tohya? it is sort of sequel for tsukihime
just to confirm,tsukihime vn dont have any voice for the characters,do they?
On the off-chance that our wonderful admin might read this 😉
Could we hope for an upload of Kagetsu Tohya (which can be considered a sequel)? I am really curious about it, and currently just fool around with Melty Blood since I cannot find it anywhere.
P.S.: Keep up the good work, admin. I’ve got countless good novels from this site and am looking forward to everything you post~
For everyone who’s having a hard time downloading this game: Download and Install Isobuster and the English Patch. Using Isobuster, go to File>Open Image File and open the file “Tsukihime.ccd” You should get something like CD/Session 1/Session 2/Track 11, etc. Extract the file named “TSUKIHIME” (It’s after the word “ISO” in a red box) to your desktop. Install the english patch through the setup wizard. When it asks to locate “arc.sar,” browse for it in the “TSUKIHIME” folder on your desktop (It’s in the “TSUKIH~1” folder). Ta-da! Installed. As for the music, I’m working on that myself. I’ll probably post later on.
thank you soooooooooo muuuuuuuuuuuch >___<
No problem. As for the music, just read part 7 of the README that pops up, and you’ll be cool. Sucks that there is no voice acting, though. 🙁
How to you extract the music? I tried mount the Tsuki Hime.ccd and extract music files from it but no file was created. I am out of idea.
Please help.
This is the most classic game ever, u can’t demand Voice’s here… u should even be happy there is background sound althoguh =/ you really don’t know who Type-Moon is do you?
This game is what made TYPE-MOON what it is today!
go fuck yourself.
You Sir, got yourself an internet cookie right now.
I searched the interbewz in despair for WEEKS downloaded every single version and tried everything out (and got an amazing amout of viruses during that time), but no fucking person on the internetz posted in any forum i found that i actually have to open the ccd and not the img -_- i even tried to convert the img to iso (which failed miserably); therefor you are my hero. I don’t think I’d ever be able to play this game without you.
Thank You.
I extracted the Tsukihime folder to my desktop. The only problem is there is no Tsuki-1 folder in it. Is there any easier way to install Tsukihime?
I’m not seeing the Tsukihime folder at all. Just Session 1 with 10 tracks and session 2 with track 11. No folders, or anything labeled Tsukihime. I’m not even seeing the red box… Help, please!
So how do I do this?
I’ve downloaded and extracted the file. I then used Isobuster to extract an iso file from the img file in the rar, but now what? When I mount it says it’s corrupted or something and I can’t access it
Do I have to re download?
Please disregard all of that, as is my luck I figured it out seconds after posting that message. To those having problems I recommend Isobuster and extracting the ISO file to your area of choice, then focus on running the patch properly. Once the patch is set up try the folder the patch created and look for the application itself. The game should work properly from there aside from the music, which has to be accessed through a different way that the patch explains. Hopefully this helps someone out.
Hey, so, I’m a bit late to the party but I’ve honestly been trying to get the game itself running for the better part of a week. Every time I mount the file it either gives me a error (when I use PowerIso), the install gives a grey popup box (Isobuster), or my laptop treats it as a music CD (when I use Daemon Tools lite) I’m wondering what exactly I’m doing wrong. I’ve downloaded VNs in the past and I haven’t had anywhere near as hard a time getting it to work. If someone could please explain what’s going on it’d be appreciated.
it said something about arc.sar on the japanese tsukihime
wat is a crack file
of course its unknown language
its JAPANESE game with ENGLISH patch
u need to download both english patch
run the 1.1 version first
@i dun’ understand japanese , so i click ‘ok’ all the way @
@ i also use window 7 64bit @
@the file size is around 130-170mb i think@
@N0 need to change compability@
@NEED to change ‘language for unicode program’ to japan@
im currently search for kagetsu tohya with english patch , so if anyone know its direct link ….
okay..then i click inst…right ?? but then when i klik the longest japan words…and then brows for the place i will located the game it come out the message in unknown lengague…i already use compability from windows 2000 until 7 (that i use x64) but still i cant instal..perhaps i need to download again ??
ohh..one more think..is it right when we mount it the file become around 100mb ??
oh sorry .. i mean run ccd
use daemon tool lite
run cdi
open window explorer
click bdrom drive with tsukihime icon
click install
and enjoy!!
umm…. no music
kagetsu tohya translated version ?
i want it , give me the link plz….
i cant instal it… i already use daemon and its not working…a freaking messages come out….
any one can help me ?? i want to play this game….
im using win 7 x64
i appreciate your help
there is no music
i can’t mount .img file or the .ccd file and i’m using poweriso can someone help me?
Poweriso has problems handling japanese filenames in cd images. Use deamon tools lite instead.
thanks its working now
The game was made back in 2000, but it shouldnt matter i can run in on windows 7 64bit your operating system should meet the specifications itself unless your running vista then idk what to say cause never used it and never will.
Does anyone know if this is only for certain systems? As in operating systems.
How to run subtitles? Please heeelp!
you have tsukihime,but you don’t have kagetsu tohya?(it’s translated)
Same problem, i can’t get the .sub file to run with the application.
i have the same problem as some others, i cant find the English patch, thought it says
“Download(english patch included):”
i cant find an english ptach, where is it?
Tried to install, and both Daemon and Clone drive tell me to insert the disk, although the images are already inserted. Anyone knows how to fix this problem?
Fate/Stay Night kicks Tsukihime’s ass any day.
ok i used isobuster and i extracted it now i have a japanese game in front of me how do i put in the subtitles
hey it’s my first time trying to do this and i d/ld everything but when i mount the file it opens windows media player and just plays a tune. what am i doing wrong?
Well… Its been a long time Eroge Haha.. my pc broke down so i can’t donwload a VN i miss playing VN’s Especialy G-Senjo No Maou Best Route Haru.. Oh yeah sorry… for those who knows (Jap Locale) Needed and uhmm… (Daemon Tools) and if it doesn’t work out well there’s something missing you better check what’s missing first 😀
Just wondering, is this the full version, or is it just Tsukihime original only?
umm where’s the english patch
Hey i was wondering if someone could give me a hand, i download the game mounted it i get the install going it asked me to select where i want it to install but afterwards i get an error and the install quits… ( locale is already in japanese) thank you
hey can some1 help me how 2 install this game step by step and also is this game need a daemon tools?
i thought it is in english………
hey can some1 that dl it properly upload it 2 mediafire? then post the link in this site pls?
I’ve installed, and mounted on Daemon. But.. when I tried to install the thing.. there’s some error messages. And it’s all in symbols ( I believe it’s japanese ). Any idea how to run this thing? I’m on Win 7. Thanks!
DL works for me too. Thanks for link admin.
Also, is there a voice patch for this? I have a feeling there might be. I found a weird blog talking about a project to make voices for it… featuring amateur voice actors *shudder*
But does anyone know?
the DL link is working fine.. don’t know about you guys but i can download it perfectly…
Ya guys need IsoBuster
yeah, having the same problem as runnerman and euderia…anyone have a fix? Is it the dl link? help plz
same problem as RUNNERMAN..
i’m not used in dealing this kind of things so i need your help..
You should totally have Kagetsu Tohya in the list. And maybe Melty Blood too (tho it’s not an eroge, just a visual novel and fighting game).
I tried the new links….
it said, “500 – Internal Server Error” means it’s broken =_=a
Hey, I need some help. I installed this from that one forum link, and I mounted the CD file thing… but I can’t get it to play as anything other than an audio CD. Can someone please help?
Same problem.
the download link is broken
There are new links available at http://new.erogedownload.com/tsukihime-29/
got hit by a copyright claim…no good. same with the new download.
The link seems to be dead !!
Thanks hayate, I figure as much. And, I would probably play it anyway, but I just wanted to know.
As far as Fate, no I haven’t finished it. About halfway through Heaven’s Feel and, so far, I’m not really sure what my favorite route is.
Just to let those that don’t know why there’s no voices…
There never were any voices to start with. Tsukihime was release in 2000 as a low budget VN, back in Type Moon’s humble beginning as a small, relatively unknown doujin group. Thus, they wouldn’t have had the means to hire quality voice actors back then. They do however plan on re-releasing Tsukihime (updated graphics, bgm, scenarios, etc.) in the near future, after their current project. Most likely they’ll voice the game, so hold off until then if you REALLY want to play this with voices.
Yo usasoldiern, I recognize you from vndb. Yeah the sex scenes should be unlocked, and it would’ve been noted otherwise (Check out the 18+ tag) By the way, you finished F/SN yet? Fave scenario? I personally prefer UBW =)
also when rereleased it will come western as well a least according to the VN database
This does have the sex scenes right? I was wondering because I heard that this translation has the option of turning them on or off and, yet, I didn’t get the option. I realize that the sex scene cg’s are unlocked so.. I’m guessing yes? But, I’m not sure.
I have a problem.
The game sometimes hangs then i can’t move the mouse pointer so I need to ctrl+alt+delelte and exit the game
I did download the game, but then I don’t play it because it will not respond. I mean, I can get to the menu and access the CG, but I can’t play the game, did I do something wrong again?
Actually, the key combination for fullscreen is
That’s wrong. ctrl will just skip text. The shortcut is shift + f.
ctrl + f = fullscreen
i think that you just press the f button been a while but when i played i accidentally brought up a menu that tells how and it was just 1 button for full screen just checked and it is just the f key i do believe it works for both the portable and regular versions like that i apologize if i rambled i am tired.
@OneManArmy would your name happen to be CoD refrence
How can i make it fullscreen?
Best eroge I ever played, even without voice. Actually better than all the new ones; it even beats Yume Miru by a hair. Give it a chance and take the time to read. ^_^
Play Fate/Stay Night and let’s see what you think
F/SN was the first visual novel I ever played, and it was also the only visual novel I ever bought before I realized what a silly, silly man I am (paying for something I can get for free? Although having the game on my bookshelf is pretty nice). I may just be subconsciously hyping it up since I spent like $200 on it, but I like F/SN a little better than Tsukihime, which comes in at a close 2nd. G-Senjou no Maou and Kara no Shoujo are also pretty good.
i have to agree with you on the paying thing but i still buy the games unless its only fanpatched then i dont buy it.
it’s good thing that you buy it, at least you support the developer and don’t you realize that having the original game make u can brag about it?
for me if it’s the game that i really like then i always buy it 😀
u think yume miru kusuri is good? Play G-senjou 😛
u think so, i think yume miru kusuri is not that good, maybe its dark and gloomy but its not that deep since the problem and solution are quite shallow, well no offense here, its just i played them recently and the sensation is still fresh
Why thank you kind sir
I should have suspected something was wrong when I saw the file size…
No voice acting… ;-;
However it’s easy to unrar and play ^^
Thanx again!
how do I make it play? please help me …