It’s been a few months since Seiji last visited the beach. After enduring the chaos of his new daily life, another holiday with his childhood friends is just what he needs. However, the appearance of another girl whose love of space rivals his own ensures that his trip will be anything but peaceful.
Does anyone have a walkthrough for this? All the choices the so vague that I don’t know what to choose.
beste seite i love this game
Does anyone know where to download Hatsuyuki Sakura? I had been searching it for so long
I wanna play it
sup dooooo
Only bought it because it was 25% less than the other Sakura games at the time of my purchase. Heavily disappointed in my first visual novel, definitely should’ve done more research. Anyone have suggestions on what I should try next?
Yes, Katawa Shoujo, Fate/Stay Night, Chou Dengeki Stryker and of course Ayakishibito. All 4 of those contain good fight scenes, tons of feels, and very good characters. Theres a ton more to read, but I’d put those on a list and read them. Just look up a list of VNs that have been translated to english. Some of them are eroge(intended for naughty use) and some are meant for telling an incredibly well developed story.
Hope you enjoy your first read of those four though. They are beautiful stories.
Try Little Busters, Koisuru Natsu no Last Resort, Steins Gate, Katawa Shoujo, Clannad, Sharin no Kuni, Kono Oozora ni Tsubasa wo Hirogete, Grisaia no Kajitsu. Stay away from Sakura series.
Narcissu 1st and 2nd is a really good visual novel and free on steam
Does this game contains nudity, or will a nudity version released some day.. ? xD
Anyone know when Sakura Spirit 2 is coming out? I’m curious if it will continue
It’s good to see that they are making sequels now. hopefull next we’ll see sakura spirit 2.
they shouldn’t have made this sequel tbh
can someone pls tell me how to download the game? i click the given link and there was 2 options free and paddle and afterawhile the page freeze =.= what should i do
Click the “free” button
Thank you. saved my life.
The only one that was worth playing was Sakura Swim Club and that’s because it had hentai in it.
Oh my god I love you for saying that. I agree completely. I was hoping for nudity.
The most recent patch available for Sakura Fantasy adds sex as well. IMO, it is now the best Sakura game available.
No sex, just removed the swimsuits if I am not mistaken. I only played the patched version.
Green was right.
Sakura Fantasy (Chapter 1) received new patch, that adds “sexy time”
(that means there are 2 patch: 1st uncensors game, 2nd adds hentai)
there are only 2 games worth the money from Winged Cloud: Sakura Swim Club and Sakura Fantasy (both have hentai patch)
Only 89Mb? Winged Cloud should pay us for playing crap like these. Not worth the 10$ on Steam. Thank you admin.
yup most of the sakura games are not worth paying for.
Seriously? Making a game even this short is time consuming as hell, and takes lots of effort. Artists, programmers, etc all came together and made this. And just because it isnt exactly what you want, and doesnt satisfy your perverted needs, it isnt worth anything? should be free? Idiot. you try making something you like, and are proud of and put a lot of effort into, and then maybe you could insult someone else who is obviously better than you
Setheasy, I’m sure Winged Cloud is absolutely moved by your defense of their honor and reverence for their work for all to see on this, the page you clicked on to steal their game.
Wow someone woke up with a dick in his bum.
I never said it should be free. I said it wasn’t worth the money.
Not all their games, just most. I quite enjoyed one of them.
Did I consider it worth paying for? no
Did I consider the time spent on it worth? Yes.
Personally I don’t like buying games before testing them out.
I have downloaded many games in the past and bought them afterwards because I liked them.
Also you don’t know anything about me. Who says I haven’t?
To answer your question. No my skillset doesn’t include the skills needed to make a game. Only how to judge them when they are done.
If it continues the trend of the original Sakura Beach, it will give cancer to anyone playing it. Come on. There are bad videogames out there. If we keep buying them, the makers will keep delivering trash on the assumption that they’re doing something people like. Save the bucks for something better.
So because somebody puts effort into something, it should be worth money? I put a lot of effort into pooping after eating blocks of cheese all day. Should I sell those turds for $10 on steam?
This analogy is very accurate since my turds tend to have at least as much elaborated story elements and thoughtful dialog as most or all winged cloud games.
Sakura Dungeon’s pretty good
It’s alright your just SJW trash its plain as day
they should add tag “vanilla” (no sexual content)
TBH I am not really fan of these tease games…
Couldn’t agree more. There needs to be a Non-H ‘warning’ so people don’t waste time downloading these things.
Wow, its absolutely fast, Well Thanks
That was fast. Thanks