The primary setting for the story is on the campus of a private all-girl school with Christian undertones, such as a large cross visible on the front of the school’s main building. Seio was founded in 1886 by Mizuho’s ancestor; the school’s motto is “mercy and forgiveness”.
There is an old tradition at Seio Girls School every June where one of the students is elected by her peers to be the “Elder”, who is seen as the number-one “Elder Sister” in the entire school. Until her graduation, she is referred to by her peers as Onee-sama.
To become an Elder, a candidate in the election must gain at least 75% of the votes. If none of the candidates get at least 75% in the first round of voting, one of the candidates hand over her votes to the other candidate, and the candidate who finally obtained the votes of 75% or more becomes the Elder. If there is no one else in the election, the current year’s student council president becomes the Elder.
Wow, just Wow. I’m actually speechless as I didn’t expect such a wonderful experience with this game.
Characters are lovely and the setting is right up my alley, tho getting all endings are a damn hassle – my 2nd run I went for Mariya but since I’d skipped ep1 it defaulted to Takako, wtf? This wouldve been better suited as a single common route with later branching (w/o slightly changing scenes).
My favorite character was Kei-san (lol) who btw is the voice for Hisako-sensei too, voice which incidentally is none other than Tanaka Ryouko’s (Rin from Edelweiss)
Other noteworthy VAs include Inokuchi Yuka (Nagamori from One) playing Kana, and Nakata Yunko (Sana from Succubus Soon) as Ichiko.
My girl from the game roaster has to be Kana-chan (cutest thing ever °~°). Best arc was Takako (default) and Yukari (surprisingly good) – least interesting was Ichiko route… wait what Ichiko route?
I’m 99% sure this is a false positive
i downloaded all the files and extracted the files and everything into the folder and was ready to play until windows told me there was a trojan in the file of the game… so i decided to delete all the files. i guess i’ll just buy the game from mangagamer.
hey, got some problem here. I’m a long time user of this sites, and have installed this game a few years back. The game work fine back then. But now, it just keep crashing just before the op song. Got any idea to fix it?
The installation screen is magical.
i cant start the game idk why … i downloaded all parts, unzip them but when i press the otoboku.exe “Game isnt installed yet” … what im missing??
Good game… great story IMO… wish they’d translate the sequel too…
Chihaya-chan… <3
Any kind of patch to put the font back into Mincho (mincho-like) after MangaGamer has fucked it up?
‘DA-1click: Game Download’ is basically downloading all the files in one go. However, it requires a premium membership(must pay) to exceed the 200MB limit. Whereas the ‘DA-free: Game Download’ has a limit of 200MB and also requires you to wait for a good 2 mins before you’re able to download it which is completely free.
Hi! I’m new here wats the different between “DA-1click: Game Download” and “DA-free: Game Download” I click the Da-1click but it say about storage memory and something,is this really free?
The exe was identified as a malware.packer.gen Just letting you know.
the otoboku.exe file that is.
Recently finished watching the anime of this… i didnt fcking expected it to have a hentai game LOL xD
HEEEELLLPPP it was working for me but all of a sudden I keep getting a message saying “cannot stream lz”
Um…. There hasn’t been any english translation for it’s sequel yet right…?
Are you guys gonna be posting it here when or if one is made…?
I have the same problem. When I want to use the crack it says: “Game hasn’t been istalled” but I think it is! What should I do?
You have to download and install all otoboku parts 1 to 9, then install it in its main menu then use the crack owo
At least that’s how mine worked~
I’m not sure if you’ve already solved this but I’ll say it anyways for any few others in the future. After you’ve downloaded all the files from 1 to 9, you’ll have to extract it to a new folder preferably. I use WinRAR. After that, you’ll have to select all the extracted files and add it to otoboku.rar. After that,click on the otoboku.rar file andopen it with WinRar. Find the setup.exe and open it. You should be able to reach the menu to Install the game. Click Install and there you go. I’ve tried several times but it seems as though it can only be installed in your C drive. Don’t change anything and just install it.
I can do that and install it… but every time I want to play the game I have to reinstall it because I still get the message for “has not been installed” when I click on the icon
When I want to start this it says that I need the product ID, does anyone know it?
So…I just finished this game…and I loved it so much….I would really love if the story could continue on from this….I remember that there is a media form out of there that follows school life after Takako’s ending…and there is another sequel to this game…Anyone know a place where I could atleast buy them….I really so much want more of this series.
Haven’t seen this game in years. Playing it definitely brings back good memories.
Quick question. I’ve tried extracting it with different programs and even making my own .cue files for the .bin files but nothing works.
I really liked the music so is it actually possible to extract them or am I wasting my time trying? If so, can someone direct me to somewhere where I can get the music files? Thanks.
Why the girl has a dick?
It’s a boy that’s forced to crossdress.
I installed it… but everytime i’m playing it after awhile it crashes….anyone have this issue?
Where Can I Download The Crack For This Game??…..
Whoa,I remember watching this anime and I really loved it.
Can’t believe there’s an eroge of this I bet it’s awesome.
Woaah, I dunno if this eroge also has an anime series, gonna check it out!
just playing for 20 mins, I asked about nerine. The first thing that I thought of was \ask not for whom the bell tolls\
Anyway, great game so far, thanks Admin!
When I extracted the Crack and tried to play it said the game hadn’t been installed and when I try opening it the other way it asks for the product ID, which I do not know. Please help I’ve been dieing to play the game but I don’t know how to get it to work.
I managed to fix the problem that sayed stream is not ize
If you have that problem go to where the game has his saves
in my case
E/Users/Vlad(your name)/AppData/Local/Caramel-Box/OTOBOKU
Cut the folder (if you want your saves) (delete it if you dont) to another destination then enter the game the game will create another OTOBOKU folder to the destination that i mention before
after the game maked that folder go copy you SAVES from you old OTOBOKU (only your saves without system)to the new one and the game should work now
I have have a problem every time i start the game im getting a error and says “stream is not Ize” the game worked just fine until a couple days but now only that error when i try to start the game
It was working for a while now, but all of a sudden i’m getting “stream is not Ize” as an error as soon as I start the game up. Is there a way to fix this? I’ve already uninstalled and reinstalled the game, unfortunately it did not fix the problem.
why isn’t this vn (and many other vns) listed in downloads list?
I didn’t realize otoboku can be downloaded from here.
when I realized this, I already downloaded it from another site.
Download index ( http://erogedownload.com/downloads/ ) is manually edited page. From time to time i forgot to add titles to that index, or when i have spare time and go on “upload spree” ( ie. adding 10+ older games that were still missing in span of 2 days ) i just add all titles to list at once.
You can use the “search” function box at top-right corner to find a game you’re looking for if it’s not listed on list.
Does someone know where the patch is ? because before, i already download the game but in japanese version
When i try to extract the files, i get an CRC-error in the 4th part, concerning system.bin.
Re-downloaded it already several times, didn’t help.
Since i also see no crack, i guess you re-uploaded it, Ivan?
Maybe a little error in the file itself?
Or anybody any idea what i could do..?
When I launch the crack nothing happen.
I’ve launched the setup and install the game, when I use Otoboku.exe, it ask the ID, and when I unpack and launch 070B01C6.exe, absolutely nothing happen, no window and no task.
Am I doing something wrong?
I’m having the “stream is not Ize” error, what do i do?
The game stutters right from the very start on windows 8 64 bit.
Both the game exe and the crack says the game is not installed, even when it is. running setup off the cd and clicking play game makes it run just fine though..
Wish there was a Kei or Kimie path, love those two. A Hisako path would be nice too.
But Kimie is the path I want the most, soooo cute.
Hello, can anyone help me? I’ve downloaded the whole parts from the Free Download section, but I can’t seem to extract the game. I used WinRar to extract it, but nothing happens when I clicked ‘extract’…and nothing happens too when I extract it the manual way…
I’ve tried with other files and the WinRar works just fine, but not with this game…
By the way, I used Windows 7.
Put a warning on all games(DISABLE ATI-VIRUS ON PC) this will solve one problem (>__<) (-_-)
Or advise adding the folder to the Exclude list in AV’s.
It’s a tad annoying that they pick up on false positives like that.
Also, excuse me for my English.
Hello! I’ve been playing this game for a couple of routes, and now I’m close to unlocking every single CG and replay scene, but yesterday my computer crashed and ever since I can’t open the game, it only displays an error message that says “stream is not lze”, how can I fix it without losing my game?
Check Normal install it will install properly
Tried that, didn’t work for me :(. Any other suggestions? I even tried changing the compatibility modes to see if i can get it working but no effect.
can i play the game without installing? cuz i dont want my friends and family say “what is that new app let me try this” and then when they open it “what the fuck is this” and i dont want them freak out esp. my family 🙁
You need to install it, but you can change default location to something like “C:\Documents and Settings\Ricky\My Documents\faxes\sent faxes” and disable creation of start menu and desktop icons.
Alright, i downloaded the torrent but it doesn’t seem to work. Yes i’ve blocked my antivirus and yes my locale is Japanese. Still doesn’t work.
Also i should probably mention that i use windows 7.
I also tried downloading the crack but no dice. To tell you the exact problem, i run the setup and it installs properly but when i double click the .exe icon nothing happens. Same response from the crack(not sure if this is relevant here though).
is this an H game? or just a novel with no H scene? I mean.. there is no boy mentioned in the description or any other H thingy haha
When I try to start the game after it’s been installed, an error message says “Game hasn’t been installed.” Help?!
Part 1 extracted from rar okay, but all of the rest of the parts failed to extract with an error message.
Admin, does this game needs to be installed first or is this game just uses a folder (Portable) ?
Trying to get an harem ending. Second play XD
For safety block the otoboku.exe in your firewall, he tried to call home in my desktop.
Ops, my mistake.
It was a igmp connection.
What does the ‘crack’ exe link in the old downloads do? i intend to buy the game but I want to strip the DRM off it afterwards so my antivirus program won’t complain every time it launches, will that do that?
does anyone know where I can find the location of my save games on disk?
Thank you
Not sure if you still looking for it, but the saves are located at
Is it translated ?
why does the it say on the top of the game when it’s in the non-full screen version, ‘maidens are failing for me’?
What an idiot…
of course, it’s considered a trojan by an ANTI-VIRUS…
disable your anti-virus while installing it you NOOB!!!
This one has the ugliest chibis ever
anyone know of any other vn’s like this i mean good story
Moero Downhill Night Blaze!!!!!!!!!
Takako route was great.
The rest were so and so with the exception of Shion’s which was quite moving and Ichico’s which was simply boring.
Generally I wasn’t very impressed, I was expecting better storyline elements, it felt a bit too loose.
Admin, Can you put Aiyoku no Eustia on the partially translated section?
Yandere just released Fione’s route.
What exactly is the file UnSETUP.exe? I’m currently torrenting this and Norton pegged it as a Trojan. I’ve downloaded enough from this site to know that whoever is in charge of this site keeps it virus free and I have run across game cracks setting off the spyware filter before since they change the base program, but I just want to make sure everything’s above board here before I add it to the quarantine exemption list.
It’s “uninstaller” mangagamer made. It’s 100% clean, since it’s exactly the same one paying customers get – if in doubt, send the file to your AV vendor ( in case of Norton, the url will be https://submit.symantec.com/false_positive/ )
There’s your problem. Norton. Norton is RIDICULOUS. I’m in IT and we had to remove it THREE TIMES. Then the computer blue-screened. So we had to use Malwarebytes to search for all of the files to crush them.
Norton also has a way of creating viruses on your computer for them to “catch”. They also leave viruses whenever you remove the application.
It’s disgusting.
whats this about the last part of some routes crashing? if it’s true, how to fix this. I don’t want to let my download be in vain
thanks for this game..
wait for so long..
i love this story
downhill night blaze was just released
28 Nov 2012 An updated version of Otoboku: Maidens Are Falling For Me is released that fixes a few CGs that were supposed to be uncensored.
For those of you who have already downloaded the game can just acquire the updataed file from your My Account page.
These patch was available for download here???????
is there something wrong with the torrent when I reach the Last part in the Shion route the part in the Hospital crashes it is the same with Takako route it crashes when they are at the dorm?
Shion route was so awesome, I really loved the Takako route but Shion route really made me feel love for this game. 😀
The game crash at the last part of the game I tried both Shion and Takako route both crashes at the last part
By the way I am using Vista
there is your problem
naww i keep geting takkos route instead of ghosty hahaha
arghh!! moe-moe suddenly inside me!! (((*m*)))
thank you admin ^_^ i love your vn thanks rest now XD
There is a virus in the 9 parts and i can’t download them.. even in Torrent there is one.
Please help !!!
its a false positive so turn it off till you have the files some where it can’t touch
Thank you very much !!!
It works now 😀
I can download it.
your welcome now enjoy this game its very good
Admin please fix the 9 part rar..
I think there is a virus or something cuz i can’t download the game.. it gives me ERROR ç_ç
Please do something !
Why i cannot download torrent?
when i click to download torrent and go to Adfly and show this
Please enable Cookies in your browser.
i enable cookies but no result.
its okay now..BANG!! 2.84GB
Have I ever told you the definition of insanity?
Look you don’t have to be non-religious to have sexual needs,every fucking human has them,
I’m religious by the way & a strong believer too (lmao) I find these games better than having out-of-marriage sex & the sexual stimulation nowdays is too damn high…I visit youtube I find titties..google same thing,facebook same story twitter no need to repeat it…every fucking thing makes my imagination go wild,I turn off my computer and go outside I see live shows right in front of me..big shapes bouncing..I mean like seriously? I’m a healthy young man what do you want me to do? explode? that’s not gonna happen 🙂 also hentai is better than normal porn;it has fictional characters so it depends a lot on using your own imagination..
Have a nice fap fap everyone.
Thanks for your work as always, admin!
Also I must say that the game itself is a bit disappointing. Dialogues are so dull I can’t stand to read for more than half an hour before stopping to do something else. It’s astonishing to see how many sentences these girls can use without ever saying anything.
Can you fix the 9 parts please?
It gives me ERROR when i try to download them..
Well, this eroge looks interesting! 😀 Now, I wonder what I’ll be seeing…
>Trap Protagonist
Heh, first time ever playing as a-
>Anal Sex
..I hope to God I’m wrong in what I’m assuming.
use IDM google it!
i keep getting stream is not lze anyone want to help me out here?
I have finished takako route an started kana, for those having problems with shion route chose to not say anything to Hisako during the part of the music room ghost, its a requisit of her route
sorry my bad english I´m brazilian
There’s a problem with the walkthrough:
Mariya’s route is wrong:
– chapter 3, 2nd choice: you have to apologize
– chapter 4, 3rd choice: say yes
The Takako route is so awesome, god I love her so much now ! In the anime she was great but in the VN shes the best ever! WAAA
is there a way to change save location ?
Does anyone have an idea where the saves are kept? I usually delete a VN as to make space for others when I finish it; but keep the saves. I can’t seem to find these. I don’t see any .sav or other similar extensions in any part of the actual game’s directory, in any of the folders. Likewise, I don’t see anything in the program files. I’m stumped. Maybe I’m just overlooking something obvious. If anyone knows, please let me know. Thanks in advance.
telus is being a real asshole with the exe’s for manga gamer stuff
So wait … is this yuri?
Goddammit i thought it was a “normal” highschool kinda eroge.
man character is a guy that is forced to dress and act like a girl (in the anime its due to his grandfathers will, not sure how he ends up there in the game, havent played it yet) but its kinda a mix of both, hes a trap, and there are some yuri times as well
okay, my locale is already Japanese and I’ve downloaded lots of games from here before. After I install the game, when I try to open it I get an error message saying: “stream is not Ize”. How can I fix this?
Is it only me that my anti-virus tell me the otoboku.exe is a trojan virus???
I’m having the same problem too, is it just a mistake on the anti virus?
i don’t know its doing it for all of them damn telus is being stupid and way to connect them
i got the game from mangagamer themselves so this is retarded
Report the file to your AV maker as a false positive, after 6 months they will exclude it.
Or exclude it yourself.
The “trojan” is a false positive due to the DRM that mangagamer uses.
The thing you must know Admin NEVER upload viruses. Blame mangagamer for his DRM
if possible please stop talk about viruses~
i blame the idiots who update those thing for not knowing there asshole from a hole in the ground not mangagamer
hm, I keep getting Ghost girl’s route instead of Shion.
Is there any requirement for Shion’s route?
There’s a walkthrough up there, but the upshot of Shion’s route is to follow Kana’s route EXACTLY, while making sure to also get Shion hearts where ever possible, up until the music room ghost. Then say nothing to Hisako-sensei. After that there’s two places where getting Kana and Shion hearts are mutually exclusive; obviously you want to get Shion’s.
So is the main char in this VN a boy or a girl im still confused on that point -_-
Thank you for bringing these VNs to us! I’m just wondering if all of these VNs have adult content? Or just most of them?
Thank you ADMIN!
More power! 🙂
What’s the crack for? I downloaded the torrent and I’m playing the game so what’s it’s purpose?
Its for the ones that did not use the torret.
Best installer ever!!
i think theres a bug or something in the separate files
i downloaded both the torrent and the game parts but the game parts didnt work sait there was missing files it might just be me but just wanted to give ya a heads up
Since this is the most recent and more likely to be seen, I would like to say this: Admin, Thank you for taking the time to give us all these wonderful games.
Well, its me again. Well i have a problem. At the end of the first chapter afte Mizuho is apointed the elder and the chapter ends the game crashes on me. Does anybody else has this problem and if so has someone found a way to fix it?
“unSETUP.exe”…I chuckled. And OMG that install screen.
Also anyone have a walkthrough? I haven’t really looked yet but I like having one and figured I’d ask here first
to buy or not to buy that is the question
some reason everytime i use a torrent it only downloads at 30kbps but if i do it in parts then its my normal download speed anybody know the reason and how i can fix this?
Ooh. The crack’s here.
Now I have something to take up some disk space.
(-Finally gets rid of G-Senjou no Maou after playing through it several times-)
Crap, each time I launch Setup.exe and click on Install the program crash. Anybody has an idea ? ._.
Wow! Thank you, Admin!
Ever since i watched the anime i wanted to play the game itself. And now i can finally do that! Horray!!!
For those who download using torrent, please seed once ur done. Help others.
walkthrough of these please 🙂
walkthrough of these please, thanks. :3
Sweet thanks admin! Can’t wait to finish download and start playing XD
Is that crack fully working already? 🙂
Is this 18+? As in H-scenes included in the game?
nvm… just notice “anal sex” in the tags….
Trap Protag?
So…The MC is a guy dressing like a girl?
Dude looks like a lady.
Im having troble with the download, it says wrong captcha but i didnt see a place to introduce a code.
I wish this was on mediafire. Well im glad you uploaded this
when do u think some1 will make an english walkthrough for otoboku and majikoi as well as majikoi S?
plenty of time to sleep when your dead ^_^ hurry up with the torrent lol jk
Noproblem, admin. 🙂 Get all the sleep you need.
Oh cool. I liked the anime of this, Traps are always one of my favorite types of males, There funny. 😛 And now that i have time to finish Boob Wars I’ll play this afterwords. When the crack is here ofc. 😮
sleep my sweet prince
hey..boobs wars was a little short..but i thought it was fun..sometimes it’s nice to play a vn thats not 25 hours long…and admin works very hard for us..i’m working on a crack myself but someone will prob beat me to it
God bless you admin, thx 😀
thx for the crack admin u can sleep for 2 days or so
Admin i love ja just to let you know you made my day crack fast tnx zero the 0
Boob Wars was total crap… there is lots of better stuff out there. Even with otoboku iam not sure. I kinda like the anime for its lovleyness, but still… eroge? Dont know.
well to tell ya the truth..
Visual Novel =/= Eroge..
got that?
they aren’t the same? please explain?
Eroge = VN with Hentai….
so its a category under VN
No,eroge VNs haves more history than sex u.u
The Visual novel is what the anime was based on.
does anybody have a walkthrough for this game? i can’t seem to find one anywhere D:
Hey I watched the anime of this. Looking forward to play. ^_^
Just install the game by downloading all 9 .rars and running the setup. After that copy the crack to your installation folder and execute it.
How can you run the setup? If I try, it asks for the CD even with me having the crack, and likewise, I can’t run the crack because the game isn’t installed.
Run setup.exe. Setup.exe, not otoboku.exe.
Make sure the folder name is “Otoboku”. Don’t rename it. I had same problem when I renamed the folder.
Thank you, thank you. That was exactly the problem. I had named the first folder I put everything in the full name of the game. Once I changed it to just “Otoboku” it finally let me run the setup.exe.
Glad to help.
Which ones the crack? I see no folder named that. I was able to download it and everything just fine, but after that, I can’t play it! Plz help, Thx
Its asked for the ID too,but I downloaded all the 9 parts??? zrheres the freakin CRACK!?
Calm down kid. How could you miss the ‘CRACK’ link, under the download link?
the graphic seems a little old fashioned don’t you think?
Well, the game itself is almost 8 y.o.
Yes! i never though that this game will be translated….
No wonder it looked so familiar. I’ve watched the anime version, it was a good gender bender experience lol.
I took a look at the file. at offset 0x000E0AE1 it says False. wouldn’t setting it to true and repacking it make it cracked?
What I did: requestedExecutionLevel level=”asInvoker” uiAccess=”True”>.> I usually mod 360 games but I think this should work. I don’t have the tools to repack it to test though..
wow, you’ve got some brain there..
now we just need the tools and idk anything about it.. T^T
Thanks ^.^ looked like what I said helped since it has been cracked so quickly after I posted that. I just checked today to see if it was cracked and it was. If I had the tools I would be cracking these games like I make save editors for xbox 360 games.
its a trap! lolz
awesome thanks!!
ahh ~~~ i can’t wait for this…. go trap~
thanks admin.you’re god
See as how boob wars came out before this and some ppl encountered a anti-pirate do-dab being the 1/115 chance of getting one hit. I know I did. How do we know they haven’t stuck some sort of no-progression bug into this game that activates on pirated copies? What was with that boob wars thing anyways. How would the game name it isn’t an offical copy if you’re useing a crack?
It was in the name of the .exe. It was some kind of backwater DRM protection that hits legit customers as well. Changing your .exe to 12345678.exe per example would bypass the DRM protection.
Supposedly the reason for Boob Wars to contain this kind of intrusive DRM was, I quote ‘Boob wars was an interesting case since it had simple gameplay, I did try to prevent it from being too annoying, but if I did do it again it probably wouldn’t be anything worse than a ‘please buy it’ notice. I don’t have any control over the base drm, but based on how quick Cudder wrecked it it’s not very good.’.
So, assuming the very same hacker worked on Otoboku, we will not be encountering that kind of DRM again.
ah my very 1st VN before it was translated how i miss it so much and fell in love with Sion and still my favorite
Just wanted to say that it may not be the intention of Admin but it’s kind of a cool thing, rather than the site being silent for weeks or months to put up the game without a crack as “coming soon” kind of deal.
You can also start downloading it earlier, then when the crack is out, you only need to download <1MB file. Really makes a difference for people with slower connections.
That's the main reason I'm putting them like that.
yeah i admit i saw it here first. pretty fast admin. pretty fast.
Anal Sex? Is this an 18+ game or not?
Yes, 18+
I have to note that it doesn’t say anything about sex anywhere else in the tags. I’d assumed it was a mistake.
Look it up on VNDB, it’s 18+.
Only the PS2 and PSP versions (not translated) are 15+.
Thanks so much, admin! I’ve been waiting for this game for so long!! Now I don’t have to watch the anime 8D
Finally!!! Otoboku, my all long waited wishlist is finally here~! Next after Otoboku, is Otoboku: Futari no Elder. Cant wait for it~! XD
Appreciate your effort admin! ^^
The admin’s name is Ivan? Who the hell figured that out?
We stalk him.
NOPE you stalk him
No, we all do.
Erogedownload also has a forum – Erogegames where people hang out and we get to know Ivan :O
Is there a loli heroine in this game? The tags don’t say so, but there’s a pretty young-looking girl in the preview pics on mangagamer’s website, so I was wondering.
Yeah, there are six routes in the game for the main heroines, Kana is a choice.
Thanks! 😀
My god… I went to sleep full of turkey, thinking that life was great. Woke up to find the admin busted out a light speed release.
Life is even better.
Already ??? MangaGamer has realease it today !!!
w0w, a Food Discussions tag, thats new
waiting for this to come out yess i hope u get the crack fast
Your parents much be even prouder of you.
Your parents must be proud of you as well.
HAZZAH For Everyone’s Parents Being Proud *Hugs*
Mom? is that you?
Nah its me, John, your catholic priest 🙂
Nice try, but no. Catholic priests can’t use the internet, thanks to their religion.
Maybe in other countries they can’t but I assure you that in Spain the priests use internet without problems, and I don’t know one that isn’t catholic. xD
stop talking about priests, we’re here play da game not talk about religious thing
I’m a priest an I can confirm this.
Oh wait…
Catholic Priest can’t use the internet? That’s funny when you consider The Pope himself has a twitter account 🙂
Fast like a wind!
Thanks Ivan.
OMG, that was really fast!!
Thanks for all admin :3
And i’m still waiting for sequel; Futari no Elder.
I’m not really interested with Mizuho since the anime series.
I have been waiting for this game for ages, thank you!
nice , i just rewatched the anime so my motivation to play this went up by 1000% xD
….. have been waiting for this XD yahooooooooooooooooooo
Finaly, i will have the game too(since i already have the anime that i recomend too,so i think that it’s gonna be fun to see it the game version^^
Finally! T.T
Been so long ago….
I watched the anime of this a long time ago.
So happy I might be able to play it’s VN now too. Banzai!
Can Someone Please tell me how I can play this game
or could someone please tell me how I can get past that annoying product ID thing
come on give me something
Have to wait for a crack.
Why can’t people learn from past experience./facepalm
okay, nice, now I get this one to make my otoboku collection complete ^_^ LOL
thank’s Ivan, now waiting for the torrents
Christ that was fast. I’ve been dying for this one after watching the show. Wanted to pre-buy it instead of waiting for the crack. However… no money = no fun.
I also wanted to buy this one (and couple of others) aand
I have money… Unfortunately MangaGamer won’t accept my
methods of payment.
Oh My God Yes I Watched The Anime And Loved It Now I Can Play It Yay Thanks Admin *Hugs*
What! Already here, that was really fast.
Yup, having users wait almost a month for Boob Wars (still being the first website that supplied it!) left a bitter aftertaste, so i made sure that this one will be posted less than a hour of game going live.
Thanks for it, being that fast really means business.
But how you do it, upload the game so fast? Do you buy the game yourself?
vndb said this is to be released on Nov23.
you posted this on Nov22. Did you time traveled?
do you forget that the earth is sphere?
e=mc^2 what?
He meant that the game was released on the 23th, but where our admin lived in, it was still the 22th.
urm, yeah..
when this was posted, it’s already 23rd at my place..
… I liked the time travel reasoning better… Seems moar legit…
1.21 gigawatts!
1.21 gigawatts…
Wait, how do you guys know where the admin lives? o.O
We stalk him
Admin cares about us!
thanks admin as per use
omg you’re my hero! Still going to wait for the torrent + crack, but my thanks! You’re awesome!
Uwah… I can’t wait! I’ve been replaying the translated routes of Koitate to get myself into the trap protagonist zone! My body is ready! 😀
Thanks advance for the hard work, admin. ^^
I liked the anime, but this’ll be much more fun when you get a workable crack.
woah?! it’s already here?! good job admin Ivan~~
looks like a great game,can’t wait till crack.
oh god its finally here! super trap mode!
Finally, a worthwhile VN release. Can’t wait to play this. Thanks in advance, Admin.
this game looks so great thank you so much admin and happy holidays