You are Kensuke Tsukikage, the son of a family that runs the famous Tsukigake Shinto Shrine. One day your grandfather, chief priest of the shrine, introduces you to a beautiful girl: Koruri Hanayashiki, a young shrine-maiden-in-training who will be studying here. It’s quite an honor to be able to train at such an ancient and famous religeous site as your shrine. A party is held withyour childhood friends Nanao and Shiina to welcome Koruri-chan.
At the party, your grandfather makes an announcement: the upcoming harvest festival will be broadcast live on television, including the climax of the festival, the beautiful “dance of the shrine maidens.” There’s just one complication: it’s the custom at this shrine that the shrine maidens have sex as part of their graceful festival dance. To make the special event a success, it’s vital that you train all the girls in the erotic act of the dance in time for the festival, and choose your true love in the process. Because the girl who you take as your wife will help save the honor and tradition of the Tsukikage Shrine.
For those interested in problem about voices. This is a general problem related to ADPCM codec and it occurs in many other games released by G-Collections. To fix this problem you need ADPCM codec files (imaadp32.acm and msadp32.acm) from original English version of Windows 2000. WinXP versions of those are already invalid. You may either change those in Windows\System32 (in older Windows versions) or just copy those two files to game folder (in Windows 7 and next).
But I got another problem with this download that occurred in the past with different G-Collection releases too. When the game starts running, my CPU becomes 100% busy. I know that the problem is with something in OS, not the game itself, but I don’t know what exactly.
Everytime I try to open up the exe file it gives me an error that it has not been installed. How can I install it when there’s no disc file, can anyone help me out? I’m running this on windows 10 also.
If you are getting “registration information is incorrect. please install again”, double click the registry file to get the registry in place, and use the setup file to install. This worked for me, I’m using Windows 10.
Doesn’t work on Windows 8, 8.1 and 10
Tks for this game!
Best site in years to download !
Minami’s Route was Best?
I jst luv mature women
Get in relatoinship With
One & ur life will be without
Worries.Anyway thnks for
The game story was good
just as the first one i can’t have any voice in the game i have the sound of the game but no voice at all. can someone help me?
fullscreen ?
Admin can you fix the download links pls. I’m interested in this one
i have windows 7 but do you need windows xp or something else to play this.
dunno why but every time i go to sheena in there first sex part…it says can not go back to this sub scenario and the game closes…any ideas why?
I have no idea. I had the same thing happen to me on Sheena path, and that caused me to quit the game. If anybody has a fix for that one (other than restarting the game 3 or 4 times) then I’m willing to listen.
Same thing happened to me except with Nanao.
Hey, to reiterate my previous comment. I fixed this issue by restarting the route of the girl that you want. For some reason the game will skip a choice which causes the error to occur.(Most likely because it registers that you’re further in the code then you actually are because you skipped a choice)
How do I save the game (nub question never played games like these before).
Link part 2 error
i just recently dwl the game, one of my favorite years ago. but every time i click on the game they say:
there will be no voice or sound effects because the system does not support ADPCM files.
and in fact theres only music, no voice at all. can someone help me?
I don’t have voices But there’s a voice file. Is there really voices?
DA Mirror for part 2 is broken (I may add: riddiculous. probably smallest rar DOESNT EXCIST)
Just downloaded from mediafire.
It starts up by giving me two error prompts while loading. (Formatting Movie Has Failed, and Playing A:\Sekira64.avi has failed).
It lets me get into the game but every few seconds while progressing it comes up with another error prompt. (Failed to open MNM0046)
My default player is VLC and the Sekira64 icon in the file is executed by VLC. What should I do? Any help at all please.
thanks man the best thing ever happened to me
a lot of thanks and good wishes for uploader to upload such a thing.
keep up the good work!!!!
Admin, as I stated earlier in my response to Jay, I have a one part download for this title. My .rar file is listed as 296 MB or 303,197 KB. When I extracted the .rar, the resulting folder contained 15 files consisting of 296 MB. Does this sound about right, or do I need to redownload this one?
(For those who are only semi-computer literate and scratching you head, going from bytes to KB, or KB to MB and so on is NOT 1000 to 1. It is actually 1024 to 1.)
Hey can you tell me how to download I mean which of the mirror works and how to access it
If Admin has stuck to form, the media file links are interchangeable with the rapid share links (The first media fire link is part 1, the second link is part 2, etc.)
While I have downloaded this title, I have yet to get around to playing it, as I’m still working on another game.
NOTE: What I downloaded consists of only one part, but I think I downloaded this prior to the SOPA related issues.
Assuming my one part download is the same content as the current two part download, then there should be a file called “registry.reg”. My understanding is this updates you computers registry so the computer thinks you actually installed the game properly. (If my understanding is correct, and if you did have the CD/DVD and installed it yourself, the process of the installation would do the same thing “registry.reg” does.) At this point look for the .exe file that would seem to start the game.
FYI: If you don’t know what the computers registry is, it contains a lot of the internal settings on your computer as well as things like where did you install a program so the computer can uninstall it later. If you later want to remove what ever the “registry.reg” did, my suggestion is don’t even think about it. I don’t know much about the computer’s registry in truth, but I do know one bad click in there is only marginally less devastating than foul up your computer’s BIOS.
it was a good game i enjoyed it, it beat its prequel in my opinion
Its an interesty story, but not something I would every replay to find a differnt ending, since most of it is sitting through a long story with few choices to change it up.
but then again, due to the glitch I found, I havent actually finished the game once. Ahhh, but to restart it a third time, thats way too much talking to sit through
Wahhhh I picked Nanao everytime the girl sellection choice came up then after the group picnic by the waterfall, it picked the next girl for me, is that normal? but then the next scene gave me the option to ask grandpa wich girl i wanted or to sellect for myself. I choice to select for myself, but then it skips to me polishing a statue of anserter with a dirty rag and I end up getting kicked out of the house. I think its seriously gitching, and at any rate I attempted a restart after that, but it won’t let me get past the scene where I walk in on Nanao taking a shower.
Please please please upload this on Mediafire!
filesonic says i need an account..
Sorry to bother you guys, but, after downloading (from mirror 2) i unziped, clicked in “registry” (registry entry) but, then, when i try to play the game (clicking KONY2ML) It says:”Cant use the connected file GGD”. what do i do? thanks in advance!
I think you should be clicking the icon(the girl).
By the way, got any new news about the THIRD INSTALLMENT of the game where the two are mixed as one.
heeeeeeelp please sir. when i clicked kony2ml.exe (the girl icon) it shows ”Cant use the connected file GGD”. what do i do?
Just remove the KONY2ML.SAV file to erase all CGs and saved games. 🙂 enjoy
Please have the third installment….I’ve seen the pics and they’re so hot!!!!! Please
what do i do win it says “failed to copy file”
What did you do exactly before it said “those”?
Is there a way to delete the saved games that are already on there? Because I dont know about everybody else but i like to go thru and unlock all the CGs myself.
Usually deleting “save” folder content does the trick.
Well thats the thing… There is no Save folder and yet all the content has been unlocked and there is saved games on there… Maybe if i make my own save it will make a save folder and then i’ll be able to delete it… We’ll see.
That would be a no… It put a SAV file in there that’s the save I just did but no folder or any other SAV files are in there other than the one I just did… So I have no idea how to get rid of the content that’s already on there… So any insight on how to solve this problem would be much appreciated and if no help can be given I suppose I’ll just deal with it… Thank you in advance.
Just remove the KONY2ML.SAV file to erase all CGs and saved games. enjoy
hey im just curious but what does the registry thing do? i already registered it but im wondering if itll mess up my computer or something? and when im done with the game how do i unregister it or do i need to?
You can right-click on file and sellect “edit” to see exactly what information is added to registry.
what mirror is working?? 1 or 2??
Both are.
Mirror 1 is broken.
Thank you very much for uploading them both.:D
thanks finally got it working so im off to enjoy it. Thanks once again for helping me.
I downloaded the game but I cant play it as it say the registry is incorrect and to re-install it. I dont know how to fix it so please look into it.
Execute registry.reg
how can i exexute the registry.reg?
OK to everyone who has this problem all you have to do is go to the search program and files box type in “regedit” now click the program when it opens click file and import now go to where ever you put the registry file for the game and open it and it will be added to the registry, now your game should work
dude you’re a life savor. that said is there anyway to change the resolution on this thing? cause i just get a super tiny window when it opens…