The hero of this story is Takashiro Shugo. An ex-police officer that is now unemployed and freeloading at a brothel. From time to time he takes on detective work from his former superior. As the story starts off, a missing persons case is dumped onto him. The person he is supposed to find is Kohzuki Yura. A girl he had an intimate relationship with before being sent off to war. While all this is being played out, a series of brutal killings occur in the background. As they strike closer to home, Shugo is no longer able to turn a blind eye and is dragged into the spiraling web of events.
I’m having problems with the voices, they don’t seem to be working at all. Any idea as to why? What can I do to fix it?
Hello, i want ask what is the serial number?
Unable to load mono library? How do I get through this?
Where’s the serial number? Anyone please tell me
A great game nobody should miss.
I bought a new mac and am trying to move Cartagra from the old mac to the new mac. Where do I find the saved game data for Cartagra on the old Mac and can I just copy it to the new mac?
Thank you so very much <3!!!
I am also getting a black screen when I load up the game (it didnt used to do this when i first ran the game)
any fix for this?
Contacted Mangagamer and they fixed my problem
this is what they said;
We’re sorry to hear you’re having issues running your copy of Cartagra. We had our programmer look at your output log, and he believes the game may have failed to save the game correctly at some point, and one of the thumbnail images for a particular save is causing the issue. Could you please navigate to the game’s save data location at \appdata\roaming\mangagamer\cartagra, and see if any of the saveXX.png files appear corrupted? (An inability to preview the image in Windows, or a file size of 0 bytes would be a good indicator of this.) If so, could you please try deleting the thumbnail and associated save file for that thumbnail and see if you are able to start the game successfully after doing do? (You may want to make a backup of this folder before attempting this.)
so if you get a black screen when the game starts up, it is probably this
Thank you so much! Innocent Grey games are one of best games I ever had the chance to play. It’s high art. Thank you 1000times!!!!
Does it have any H-scenes?
So, how is this game? I see a lot of people thanking the uploader, thanks by the way, mate, but no reviews.
What’s the game like, and how does it compare with say, Kira Kira?
Thank ADMIN because of you I get to enjoy this game. Hope in near future more Innocent Grey production game will uploaded. Peace out 🙂
y no Rin route?!?! Q_Q
Hmm… I am kinda new to eroge :/ this is like my 3rd eroge. After I download all of the parts and this crack thing, there is a box that says: \ charge identification number\. What is that? :O Am I the only one who has this problem?
Thank you innocent grey, mangagamer, erogedownload and anon cracker for being so based.
Anyone else getting the voiceovers in slow motion?
Wtf is that all about?
IS this eroge english or japanese??
Otsukare.. Thanks for your hard work and tank you again for uploading all this wonderful games.
Otsukare.. Thanks for your hard work.
Even after i finish the game, the extra won’t be unlocked. Can anyone help me fix this problem? Or maybe you need to get good end to unlock it? Since i only get bad end till now.
You need to get a proper ending to unlock the extras section – by proper I mean either a normal ending or the true ending, bad endings result in game overs so they don’t count.
hey i got an error,when i startup the game become black nothing comes up help
Here’s convenient English guide for Cartagra that I made based on the Japanese one posted earlier!
While the other English guide works, this one has everything all nice and neat and makes it easier to follow.
Anyone played this game yet? I was wondering how it is? Is it at least a bit comparable to g-senjou no maou? I totally loved that one 🙂
does anyone have english walkthrough?
Koyuki & Seri
1. Accept
2. Ask about it
3. I can’t let this slide
4. That’s true but…
1. Tell her the truth
2. There’s a good possibility she is
~SAVE 1~
3. Deal with it and hurry past
4. It’ll be fine if I make it fast (Return to my room, wait until the bath is free -> Peep: CG collection)
5. Read it
6. Keep reading
1. She’s like family
2. Go inside
3. She’s plenty wet enough (Bring her to climax once -> (Your choice) : CG collection)
4. (Your choice)
1. Ask somebody about it
2. Her relationship with Koyuki and Seri
3. Investigate the murders and search for Yura
1. Accept her feelings
2. Do her like this
3. Ueno Station
4. Ueno Park
5. Aoimachi
6. Downtown
7. Aoimachi
8. Ueno Station
9. Ueno Park
10. Religious fervor
11. Horse-drawn carriage
12. Where they were dismembered
1. Ask Ujaku to do it instead
2. (Your choice)
1. Of course I’ll head to another store
2. Right
Bad End
Nana (Bad End)
~LOAD 1~
3. Buy some takoyaki
4. Two days without taking a bath is fine
5. Read it
6. Keep reading
1. She’s like family
2. Sleep in another room
1. Ask somebody about it
~SAVE 2~
2. Return to the crime scene
3. Investigate the murders and search for Yura
1. Accept Rin’s feelings
2. Nail Rin from behind
3. (Your choice)
4. Ueno station
5. Ueno park
6. Aoimachi
7. Downtown
8. Aoimachi
9. Ueno Station
10. Ueno Park
11. Religious fervor
12. Horse-drawn carriage
13. Where they were dismembered
Nana End
Kaori (Bad End)
~LOAD 2~
2. I’ll investigate her trail
3. Investigate the murders and search for Yura
1. I just can’t do it
2. Ueno Station
3. Ueno Park
4. Aoimachi
5. Downtown
6. Aoimachi
7. Ueno Station
8. Ueno Park
~SAVE 3~
9. Attention whore
10. Cart
11. The method used to murder them
Bad End
~LOAD 3~
9. Religious fervor
10. Horse-drawn carriage
12. Where they were dismembered
~SAVE 4~
1. Thank her for her kindness
1. Might as well buy some takoyaki
2. …Could you get on top of me
3. Cum outside
1. Have her make me feel better (Make her feel better -> Embrace her from the front -> (Your choice): CG collection)
2. Look at her face
3. (Your choice)
Hatsune End
Takako (Bad End)
~LOAD 4~
1. Ask Ujaku to do it instead
2. Get her on top
3. (Your choice)
1. Might as well buy some takoyaki
2. …Guess I should get serious
3. (Your choice)
~SAVE 5~
1. Accept
1. A farewell kiss
2. Ask him about it
3. Do it from the back (Take it slow : CG collection)
4. (Your choice)
5. No, it was actually a different girl
1. I was sleeping
2. I have no idea
(You’re free to explore the nightmare as you want, following those steps should show you everything)
3. Go right
4. Turn left
5. Turn right
6. Turn left
7. Turn right
8. Turn left
9. Go forward
10. Go inside
11. Go to my room
12. Don’t go inside
13. Go left
Nightmare End
~LOAD 5~
1. Refuse
1. (Your choice)
~SAVE 6~
1. Have sex with Toji
2. (Your choice)
Normal End
True End
~LOAD 6~
1. Take in Kazuna (Will only appear after having completed Kazuna’s normal ending)
2. (Your choice)
True End
Does the crack work with the 1.02 patch just released?
Update 1.02
Fixes a crash on start issue (The problem the above user has?) and a scripting issue in the game.
Since it’s not used with the modified files I don’t think Cartagragame.exe is necessary and the assembly .dll file might just be DRM related so that just leaves the Cartagra game files but I don’t know.
(The non-Unity files.)
Cartagra 1.02 Patch Notes:
Update fixes one grammar mistake in a script named 0207-02-01.txt.
Obfuscator was not applied on Assembly-CSharp.dll and some parent process checks were removed. The crashes some people encountered earlier may have been related to the obfuscator, I would recommend using this clean version instead.
Integrity checks and the command line checks are still there, however since you can provide any command line directly, there is no need to modify this file any more.
It checks for Cartagragame.exe presence and signature, so it cannot be deleted without modifying Assembly-CSharp.dll.
If the game doesn’t crash for you, you can simply replace script.pac with the one from the patch, to have one line’s grammar fixed.
Installing 1.02 patch with the crack:
1. Install or extract game. Do not delete anything, including Cartagragame.exe.
2. Extract MG116_patch102.zip where you installed the game.
3. Extract main.exe from the crack zip where you installed the game. Do not replace anything else, such as Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Do either 4a or 4b:
4a. Make a bat file, named like “play.bat”, where you installed the game containing this line:
start “” main.exe playgame
4b. If you don’t like running the game from a bat file, make a shortcut of main.exe, right click it, click properties, find a “Target:” edit box line where you have the path to the game, and append ‘playgame’ without quotes after the path, such as: “C:\Program Files\MangaGamer\Cartagra\main.exe” playgame
5. Start the game by either running the bat file or clicking on the shortcut.
If following 4a or 4b is too difficult, I could make a modified Assembly-CSharp.dll with integrity and command line checks removed.
If you do not do 4a or 4b, you will get the 5 second unskippable message once you get an ending.
if its not too hard or inconvenient can you please make a modified Assembly-CSharp.dll or new crack for new patch?
I am not really good with computer and creating bat file etc seemed to be quite complicated.
thank you and sorry if I asked too much
Could somebody upload the linux binary please?
I am having issues with the patch I think. I extracted it into the game folder, replaced the file and then when it launched it crashes and asks me to send an error report to developers. Te error report mentions that main.exe caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
Well gee, ain’t that a bitch? Sucks to be you I guess.
Delete main_Data\output_log.txt, run the game, if it crashes, paste your main_Data\output_log.txt somewhere, and we can try and figure out what’s wrong. You can remove any personally identifying information like your GPU or resolution from the output log.
Oh damn… I have problem with every game maked in unity engine – i can’t launch them, they make “This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down” error. Are there any troublecheck for generic unity engine game errors?
100 save anyone?
I’m on a computer without admin privaleges, and I don’t really want to use ‘installing a hentai game’as an excuse to get them. So, out of hope that this didn’t need installation, like some others here that come out with exe ready to go, I tried downloading. But there’s an installer…T_T
I used 7-zip to extract the files from the installer; is it possible to just make a cartagra folder, and move the extracted files there in a arrangement that would let me play the game?
Fucking hell yes! I’m awesome. I got it to work through pure trial and error.
So is this a prequel or sequel Kara no Shoujo and where does Kara no Shoujo – The Second Episode fit in? is the chronological order or the publication order better to read them in (if different)?
id do the research myself but i dont want to risk spoilers cause this looks really interesting
Cartagra->KNS->KNS2, the same as the publication order.
Some characters from this reappear/are mentioned in Kara no Shoujo, so you could consider this a prequel.
You might remember Shugo, the main character here, as a supporting cast member in Kara no Shoujo.
also there are PP -Pianissimo- Ayatsuri Ningyou no Rinbu which seems to be prequel to cartagra as story happens on 1936.
Read instructions in the zip for installation information or just install the game and extract the zip where you installed the game.
1. Extract the zip where you installed the game, extracting main.exe and replacing Assembly-CSharp.dll. Files in “optional” are not needed to run the game, they’re provided for informational purposes only, see patch.txt for more.
1. Start game from main.exe.
2. (Optional) Cartagragame.exe won’t be used, it can be safely deleted.
Tested lightly. If more testing reveals any problems with the crack, I’ll update it.
The game contained a lot of checks, one which only activates after 7 November 2014 when you reach an ending in the game, read patch.txt for more information and consider MangaGamer’s request to support them in “optional\archive_files\cg_bmp”.
Try and support visual novel localization companies if you can!
love you full homo
Is this legit?
Thanks! Works fine here.
Finished testing, you can get 100% CGs/scenes with this crack, it took a long time to test, because there were many choices, many bad ends and hard to find flags.
Everything seems to work. The game has a few tiny glitches with the CG room display and save/load timing, but they are neither critical, nor will impede you from playing the game.
MangaGamer may provide an update to fix those bugs. If they do, let me know and I’ll make an updated crack.
Thank you dude \o/
Thank you Good Sir, much appreciated.
urm can u crack Really? Really! EXE v1.06 some of fixed required the exe file.
Crack should work with 1.06 patch, just copy ReallyReally.exe to where you installed the game and run it.
Seems you’ve impressed doddler.
Oh I bet he’s the same guy all along. His day job doing his thing for Mangagamer and after all is taken care of officially he’s also making sure his work is available DRM free here as Anon Cracker.
Most likely cooperating together with Admin, being downloadani affilates to get some dosh from premium downloads.
I read your patch.txt and I’m impressed. Very nice work!
Thanks for this. I bought the vn, and I consider it completely worth buying, but I have no love for DRM. This should make both MG and I happy.
The crack isn’t working. Help!
Thank you so much! you make my life happier 🙂 will be waiting patiently for the crack <3
Just an update, the crack is pretty much finished and just going to test it a little more before I upload it.
Thanks in advance.
Thank you very much for your effort. 🙂
Thanks in advance! I want to play it so badly, but I want to buy the hard copy only.
Thanks. I bought KnS hard copy and cant wait for this to be sold HC. Innocent grey is the bomb
Yep Innocent Grey is a nice change from Nukiges and Harem VNs, id like to get their other games translated as well.
I know its an 18+ title but does it have h-scenes or is it just because of the violence?
It has H-Scenes
thanks, admin
Ain’t this nice, thanks and happy Halloween
BTW, here in my country is also the coat of arms day. So, happy coat of arms day…
Thanks for uploading this ^-^
Thanks, i really wanted to play this, i hope they finish KnS2 soon too. Maybe they will translate Cartagra, a man can hope.
Sounds pretty neat. Thanks for uploading this~
Oh My God. I dont usualy comment in here, but today… THANK YO SO MUCH FOR THIS ADMIN> REALLY REALLY APPRECIATE IT.
Hi, when can we expect crack? Just so I know is it gonna be hours or days or more?
Feb. 5th, 2017. Not a day sooner.
By the way, a walkthrough would be handy, anyone got one?
I have original game and original walkthrough, but in japanese (btw – japanese game engine is not compatibile with mangagamer version), maybe can be handy with googletranslator…
2ヤツ6ネユ スモハワ
2ヤツ7ネユ ヒオハオサー
2ヤツ7ネユ マエソ・羞トサーモヲクテイササ瞠ミハイテエホハフ箏ト
2ヤツ8ネユ セヘマメネヒメサム・
2ヤツ8ネユ ユ篥エハェオトサーテサホハフ箏トーノ」。
2ヤツ9ネユ ユメヒュホハホハ
2ヤツ10ネユ サリモヲチン
2ヤツ13ネユ ヘヤミサセ・
2ヤツ15ネユ オアネサ」ャヤレニ萢遧トオ・・
ミ。ムゥ」ヲヌロ END
2ヤツ7ネユ ツツモ翹ユーノ
2ヤツ8ネユ セヘマメネヒメサム・
2ヤツ9ネユ ユメヒュホハホハ
2ヤツ10ネユ サリモヲチン
ニ゚ニ゚ END
2ヤツ9ネユ オ鰓メモトミミカッ
2ヤツ10ネユ イササリモヲ
ヒ` END
2ヤツ10ネユ ラレスフオトサミ羈
2ヤツ13ネユ 。セSave6。ソ
2ヤツ15ネユ モイラナヘキニ、」ャツツモ翹ユ
2ヤツ16ネユ 。セSave7。ソ
2ヤツ16ネユ ネテヒクミオスハ豺
2ヤツ13ネユ ヘヤミサセ・
2ヤツ15ネユ モイラナヘキニ、」ャツツモ翹ユ
2ヤツ16ネユ 。セSave8。ソ
2ヤツ17ネユ ウナヌーオトホヌア・
2ヤツ17ネユ エモコ豐衒・テチヒ。」
2ヤツ20ネユ ヒッセ・
ツ・ラモ END
2ヤツ16ネユ セワセ・
2ヤツ17ネユ ノ蕚レタ・譽ッノ蕚レヘ篥・
2ヤツ20ネユ 。セSave10。ソ」ィオス20ネユツ栁マSave」ゥ
コヘイヒ END
2ヤツ20ネユ スモトノコヘイヒ
It would help if you had the right unicode settings so you actually pasted Japanese and not unicode gibberish…
Heres a Japanese walkthrough http://www.foolmaker.net/game/k/cartagra.html
Status: complete (CG · recollection 100%)
★ Please choose also reverse of choice for CG difference recovered at the.
Koyuki & Seri
February 6 undertake
heard try
Do not not go to translation leave
so as to say ……
February 7 Tell the truth of that
possibility is high Na [save 1] be patient dare, to rush ahead [save 2] back to the room, and wait until the bath is free peek
Scene recovery
From the save 2
February 7 Na no problem If the ball lands immediately
to try to read
Read More
February 8 Family something like
entering into the [save 3] Nevertheless, once to lead you to climax Rin ★ and put in the mouth
Scene recovery
From the save 3
February 8 It just would be nice if Nurere ★ Put in
February 9 Ask someone
in relation to light snow and Seri
Yura also search
February 10 To respond to the feelings of Rin
this while pushing up
Ueno Station
Ueno Park
Ueno Station
Ueno Park
religious ecstasy
use a horse-drawn carriage
with respect to dismantling location
February 13 To ask Ujaku
to attack from behind
February 15 Of course, buy in other stores
and proceeds to the right
Koyuki & Seri END
From the save 1
February 7 Buy the octopus grilled
Well, …… without entering about the 2nd
I read
Read More
February 8 Something like family
I sleep in the other room
February 9 Listening to someone [save 4] to return to the site search Yura also
February 10 Respond to the feelings of Rin
from behind and interpolation is ★ out in Ueno Station Ueno Park Aoi-machi downtown Aoi-machi Ueno Station Ueno Park religious ecstasy use a horse-drawn carriage with respect to dismantling location
Seventy-seven END
From the save 4
February 9 To investigate the gait of Otowa
Yura also search
February 10 Response is not
Ueno Station
Ueno Park
Ueno Station
Ueno Park [save 5] self exhibitionist greed use the carts with respect to killing method
Kaoru END
From the save 5
February 10 Religious ecstasy
use a horse-drawn carriage
with respect to dismantling location
February 13 [Save 6]
I say thanks
February 15 Dare, buy octopus grilled
… So, please across
and put out
February 16 [7] save
more pleasant is to
I’ll hugging from the front ★ Put in
Scene recovery
From the save 7
February 16 And ask them to comfortably
face to face while watching the face ★ Put in
Hatsune END
From the save 6
February 13 To ask Ujaku
to get riding on ★ Put in
February 15 Dare, buy octopus grilled
or issue … soon seriously
and put in
February 16 [Save 8]
February 17 Kiss of going out
and I asked [save 9] blame carefully
Scene recovery
From the save 9
February 17 I’ll be inserted from behind ★ and put in I’m actually a another child
February 20 I was asleep
and do not know
to go in the room
not enter
Roko END
From the save 8
February 16 Reject
February 17 ★ I put in
February 20 (Soon to become 20 days) [10] save
to entertain the Fuyu-shi ★ to get across to Fuyu-shi
Angkor END
From the save 10
February 20 Accept the Angkor ★ is on the Angkor
Think this one must not be cracked for a while out of respect to MG. Its good game and its deserve to be buying.
I asked about a hard copy; they seem to want to do one in 2015. I got the KnS hard copy so I’ll buy Cartagra when it releases in physical.
been waiting a long time for this. thanks admin
Can this VN be installed on Windows 8.1? and generally, can all the VN be installed? thx before
It mostly depends on when the game originally came out. This one is ported by western publisher to modern engine and should work wine on Windows8.1.
Thanks admin for a new VN gonna try this sometime
Thank you based uploader.
Seems interesting, thx for uploading this^^
pls upload D2B Vs. Deardrops too
its also from MangaGamer
instead of saying thank you, unfuckingrateful basterd bitchin for another title
Funny words coming from what’s likely an entire thread of people trying to steal it the day it comes out, lol
Nope, you don’t get to call others hypocrites when you yourself is doing the exact same thing.
Annoying. So ungrateful.
yep, fuck off
Hm, to lash out so strongly – unhappy RL maybe? Cheer up; life will get better!
Hm, to lash out so strongly – unhappy RL maybe? Cheer up; life will get better for sure!
If it’s not up fast enough for you, you could just go buy it and donate it to the cause, whiner.
Quickest solution: Buy it
Maybe it’s time someone made a thread on /jp/ for D2B Vs. Deardrops and Hitozuma Nurse. Before Ivan was uploading these games, people kept a thread alive until someone uploaded the game. I haven’t seen a game upload take as long as D2B has, its been longer than a month. I read it sold poorly, but a whole month without an upload?
If someone uploads it, please post in the comments here, so that a cracker would see it, if they don’t check /jp/.